DEMG :: Volume #18

#1785: The destiny should tribulation, the border encountered difficulty to ask

Chapter 1780 第1780章 The destiny should tribulation, the border encountered difficulty to ask 天命应劫,际遇难求 Ling Yun earnestly has crammed ferociously China the person of antiquity legend, therefore, Earth Emperor's Book Item Spirit said that to roll the evil spirit qi essence, he understood immediately. 凌云可是认真恶补过华夏的上古神话传说的人,因此,地皇书器灵一说出那团凶煞之气的本质,他立即就明白了。 In the China antiquity legend, Water God Gong Gong, the person the surface snake body, the full red hair, the personality was very rogue, handles matters arbitrarily, blood-thirsty! 华夏的上古神话传说中,水神共工,人面蛇身,满头红发,性情十分凶恶,处事蛮横,嗜杀成性! To put it bluntly is that lawlessness, does not attend to others life completely, acting in a self-serving manner Demon God, he when being prompted by a sudden impulse, displays the supernatural power frequently, controls the forces of nature, starts the flood recklessly, greatly becomes China the vast expanse of water. 说白了就是那种无法无天,完全不顾别人死活,为所欲为的魔神,他经常在心血来潮之时,就施展神力,呼风唤雨,肆意发动洪水,把华夏大地变得一片汪洋。 Afterward, Gong Gong to compete for the imperial throne with Zhuanxu, wished with the fire god melts had a shaking the heavens and earth war, finally Gong Gong suffered defeat finally, the anger touched Buzhou Mountain. 后来,共工为了和颛顼争夺帝位,跟火神祝融发生了一场惊天动地的大战,结果共工最终败北,怒触不周山 This is the basic understanding of Ling Yun this Antiquity Demon God. 这就是凌云对这位上古魔神的基本了解。 He ten thousand has not thought, today in this bottom deep place, meets Yuan Spirit that the blood of this Antiquity Demon God has bred unexpectedly, not only asked for advice the opposite party fierce ruthless spicy, has experienced his sinister deceitfully, nearly planning of opposite party. 只是他万没想到,今天在这地底深处,竟然遇上了这尊上古魔神的血液孕育出来的一丝元灵,不但领教了对方的凶恶狠辣,更是见识了他的阴险狡诈,差点儿就着了对方的算计。 Depending on Yuan Spirit that your drop of blood breeds, but also wants to seize my flesh body? Has your century big dream to go! 就凭你一滴鲜血孕育出来的一丝元灵,还想夺我的肉身?做你的千秋大梦去吧! Let alone there is Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book protection, even if no them, Ling Yun own causes all cards in a hand, even if cannot win the opposite party, at least can run away calmly. 别说有人皇笔地皇书保护,就算没有他们,凌云自己把所有的底牌使出来,纵然打不赢对方,至少可以从容逃走。 Reason that Ling Yun a moment ago suffered a loss, that was because this Demon God Yuan Spirit had to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, hit his one to be caught off guard, in addition the Ling Yun thoroughly bottom, Underworld Earth Emperor Cultivation all of a sudden cannot use, caused to be passive for a while. 凌云刚才之所以吃亏,那是因为这魔神元灵有心算无心,打了他一个措手不及,再加上凌云深入地底,黄泉土皇功一下子不能用了,才导致一时被动罢了。 Thinks of here, Ling Yun stared at yellow light outside that group wild evil spirit qi, the heart is ascending to murder the anger, his sinking sound asked: Senior, what to do should we now?” 想到这里,凌云盯着黄光外面那团狂暴的凶煞之气,心头升腾起了杀伐怒火,他沉声问道:“前辈,那我们现在应该怎么办?” Gong Gong the Yuan Spirit, cannot keep it absolutely, otherwise, after a period of time, has the world big change again particularly by some chance the words, ran away by him, seized the person, when the time comes, that may be the terrible disaster!” 共工的这一丝元灵,绝对不能留着它,否则的话,再过一段时间,尤其是万一发生天地大变的话,被他逃了出去,夺了人身,到时候,那可就是滔天大祸了!” Earth Emperor's Book Item Spirit's tone bone-chilling cold, is passing one share decidedly. 地皇书器灵的语气凛冽,透着一股子决然。 Ling Yun naturally also thinks that he also asked: How can we obliterate this Yuan Spirit?” 凌云自然也是这么想的,他又问道:“那我们怎么才能磨灭掉这丝元灵呢?” Is very simple.” “很简单。” Earth Emperor's Book Item Spirit shows a faint smile, said confidently: „A character, fever!” 地皇书器灵微微一笑,胸有成竹说道:“一个字,烧!” He turns the head to look to Ling Yun: But, by me is incorrect, this matter must you come.” 他转头看向凌云:“不过,靠我是不行的,这事儿还得你来。” Shua! 刷! The voice has not fallen, Earth Emperor's Book Item Spirit suddenly vanishes, rushes to outside that the yellow light has covered instantaneously, without delay, the hand plain big book towards that rolls above evil spirit qi one to throw in! 话音未落,地皇书器灵倏然消失,瞬间就冲到了黄色光罩的外面,二话不说,将手中古朴大书对着那团凶煞之气上方一抛! Town!” “镇!” A black ancient seal character departs from Earth Emperor's Book, in airborne increases instantaneously, according to the radical, sprinkles black color rays of light, covered that group scarlet red rays of light thoroughly, has formed a giant shackles, Demon God Yuan Spirit surrounding. 一个黑色的古篆字从地皇书中飞出,在空中瞬间变大,按照笔画,洒落出一道道乌黑色光芒,将那团赤红色光芒彻底笼罩,形成了一个巨大的牢笼,将魔神元灵给困住了。 Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰轰! Water God Yuan Spirit is angry instantaneously, this group of evil spirit qi erupt the flaming dazzling red light suddenly, after a fierce distortion, transformed a monster of person surface snake body, was really the full red hair, both eyes like the lantern, the iron arm dragon muscle, towards surrounds own these black color rays of light violently struggled to tear, is ferocious! 水神元灵瞬间大怒,这团凶煞之气骤然间爆发出炽盛的耀眼红光,一阵剧烈的扭曲之后,幻化成了一个人面蛇身的怪物,果然是满头红发,双目如灯笼,铁臂虬筋,对着困住自己的那些乌黑色光芒猛烈的挣扎撕扯,凶相毕露! It seems like, this should be the Water God Gong Gong main body appearance, is really fierce enough!” “看来,这应该就是水神共工的本体模样了,果然够凶猛!” The Ling Yun moving quickly arrived at the near, is looking in the shackles incomparably wild Gong Gong Yuan Spirit, nitpicking of pretending to be serious. 凌云飞身来到了近前,望着牢笼中无比狂暴的共工元灵,煞有介事的品头论足。 Ling Yun, Water God Gong Gong is the body of Yin, your Fire Spirit Phoenix magical skill is too low, burns radically is motionless it, can obliterate it with Pure Yang Cultivation Technique thoroughly, begins!” 凌云,水神共工乃是至阴之体,你的火灵凤凰道行太低,根本烧不动它,得用纯阳功法才能将它彻底磨灭,动手!” Earth Emperor's Book directs Ling Yun to make a move in the one side. 地皇书在一旁指点凌云出手。 Good!” “好嘞!” Ling Yun complies with one, displayed Divine Martial Pure Yang Immortal Secret Arts directly, the body as if turned into the rays of light flaming Sun, bright incomparable, then he who the entire space shone stimulated to movement magic art violently, covered Water God Yuan Spirit the flaming white light completely! 凌云答应一声,直接施展神武纯阳仙诀,身体仿佛化成了光芒炽盛的太阳,将整个空间照耀的明亮无比,然后他猛烈催动法诀,将炽盛白光全部笼罩住了水神元灵 Yin-Yang promotes and constrains mutually, as incompatible as fire and water, is the world highest good. 阴阳相生相克,水火不容,乃是天地至理。 Divine Martial Pure Yang Immortal Secret Arts, this Water God Yuan Spirit really cannot withstand, in his both eyes has shown the angry and frightened look, struggles in the shackles violently the tumbling, hits these black light vanishes erratically, creakies! 神武纯阳仙诀一出,这水神元灵果然承受不住,他双目之中露出了愤怒和恐惧的神色,在牢笼之中猛烈挣扎翻滚,将那些乌光撞击的幻灭不定,摇摇欲坠! Really fierce!” “真猛!” Do not look at Ling Yun to occupy the absolute winning side, has to acclaim one at heart heartfeltly, the heart said that Water God Gong Gong worthily is Antiquity Demon God, can knock down the Buzhou Mountain expert, this is only Yuan Spirit that others drop of blood breeds, already such overbearing, if the main body...... 别看凌云占着绝对的上风,心里也不得不由衷赞叹一声,心说水神共工不愧是上古魔神,能够撞倒不周山的牛人,这只是人家的一滴血孕育出来的一丝元灵,就已经这么霸道了,如果是本尊的话…… Good, main body...... Should probably be perhaps similar, already killed? 好吧,本尊……应该也许大概差不多,早就撞死了吧? Refining up Antiquity Demon God Yuan Spirit, even if only such one, to present Ling Yun is also a heavy work. 炼化上古魔神元灵,哪怕只是那么一丝,对现在的凌云来说也是个力气活。 Luckily, Ling Yun's Divine Martial Pure Yang Immortal Secret Arts, already already practice to the peak of first big boundary, after few days ago he broke through the Qi Practicing late-stage boundary, has made a connection with Yang Arteries of whole body, draws support from Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art Cultivation Technique to reverse Yin-Yang again, within the body pure Yang Energy continuously, this has supported. 幸好,凌云的神武纯阳仙诀,早就已经修炼到了第一大境界的巅峰,前些日子他突破了练气后期境界之后,又打通了全身的阳脉,再借助一气阴阳诀功法可以逆转阴阳,体内纯阳气源源不断,这才支撑了下来。 Under shining of flaming white light, incomparably incomparably wild Water God Yuan Spirit, the body starts to reduce gradually aggressively, revolts gradually weak, frightened meaning in both eyes, is getting more and more obvious. 在炽盛白光的照耀之下,渐渐地,无比凶悍无比狂暴的水神元灵,身躯开始缩小,也逐渐无力反抗,双目之中的恐惧之意,也越来越明显。 What a pity he eventually is only Yuan Spirit consciousness, only then the instinct, will not speak, otherwise, already opened the mouth to beg for mercy. 可惜他终究只是一丝元灵意识,只有本能,却不会说话,否则的话,早就开口求饶了。 The Ling Yun heart not gets off one's main subject, displays Cultivation Technique with single-hearted devotion, has not known long time, finally, the ear bank has broadcast the Earth Emperor's Book sound: Good.” 凌云心无旁骛,专心施展功法,也不知道过了多长时间,终于,耳畔传来了地皇书的声音:“好了。” Since Earth Emperor's Book has reached an agreement, that definitely did not have the issue, Ling Yun received Cultivation Technique immediately. 既然地皇书说好了,那就肯定没问题了,凌云立即收了功法 Looks in that shackles again, the Water God Gong Gong body vanished to disappear thoroughly, that share lawless evil spirit qi did not have, only one group of blood of remaining table tennis ball sizes, float in shackles, is blooming scarlet red monster different rays of light. 再看那牢笼之中,水神共工的身躯已经彻底消失不见了,那股子无法无天的凶煞之气也没有了,只剩下乒乓球大小的一团鲜血,悬浮在牢笼之中,绽放着赤红色的妖异光芒 Ling Yun with amazement: Senior, this...... Is this drop of blood of Gong Gong?” 凌云骇然:“前辈,这……这是共工的一滴血啊?” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Earth Emperor's Book Item Spirit could not bear smile: Gong Gong is one of the Antiquity Great Demon God, his main body can knock down Buzhou Mountain, you think that body big, this blood, said that is one drop, toward many said.” 地皇书器灵忍不住笑了:“共工上古大魔神之一,他的本体可以撞倒不周山,你想想那身躯得有多大,这点儿鲜血,说是一滴,都是往多了说的。” Ling Yun: „......” 凌云:“……” Good, when I had not asked. 好吧,就当我没问。 Receives!” “收!” Earth Emperor's Book Item Spirit lifts the hand to grasp, that group of blood together with that town character, has taken in the hand directly completely, then also said to Ling Yun: Little fellow, do not look down on the blood of Gong Gong, will have the huge use to you in the future, I am receiving for you first, refining up it thoroughly is clean, when you serve a need, I give you again.” 地皇书器灵抬手一抓,直接将那团鲜血连同那个镇字,全部摄入了手中,然后又对凌云说道:“小家伙,别小瞧共工的这点儿鲜血,对你将来有天大的用处,我先替你收着,彻底将它炼化干净,等你用得着的时候,我再给你。” Hehe, many thanks senior.” “嘿嘿,多谢前辈。” Actually, was needless saying that Ling Yun also knows the drop of blood of Gong Gong, was the whole world the rare treasure that was difficult to ask, Earth Emperor's Book said that was receiving for him, mostly was worried that the Ling Yun boundary was insufficient, cannot obliterate Water God Yuan Spirit thoroughly cleanly, therefore said that must continue to help him refine days. 其实,根本不用说,凌云也知道共工的这滴鲜血,乃是举世难求的异宝,地皇书说替他收着,主要还是担心凌云境界不够,不能彻底将水神元灵磨灭干净,所以才说要继续帮他炼化一段日子。 Earth Emperor's Book with a laugh, towards Ling Yun stretches out palm: Brings.” 地皇书笑呵呵,对着凌云伸出手掌:“拿来吧。” Ling Yun is stunned: What?” 凌云愕然:“什么?” Blood Yuan Bead.” 血元珠啊。” In the Earth Emperor's Book eye shows unbelievable look: Although you are the destiny should tribulation the person, is your spell of good or bad fortune, is the whole world is truly difficult to ask, Melting Blood Divine Blade, Shennong Cauldron, Blood Yuan Bead, was obtained by you, said that you are not destiny also nobody believe.” 地皇书眼中露出难以置信的神色:“虽说你是天命应劫之人,可是你的际遇,确实也是举世难求,化血神刀,神农鼎,血元珠,都被你得到,说你不是天命也没人信。” em/hiccup......” ……” Ling Yun knows that the place of Blood Yuan Bead gods and ghosts, has not actually thought Earth Emperor's Book it with Melting Blood Divine Blade, Shennong Cauldron this Rank Magic Treasure will place on a par unexpectedly, has not thought of this Blood Yuan Bead, can refine the blood of this Antiquity Demon God unexpectedly, immediately is pleasantly surprised exceptionally! 凌云知道血元珠神异之处,却也从没想到地皇书竟然会将它跟化血神刀,神农鼎这种品阶法宝相提并论,更没想到这血元珠,竟还能炼化这上古魔神的血液,顿时惊喜异常! He is concealing wild with joy of in the heart vigorously, wonders to ask: Senior, I discovers Shennong Cauldron, is not you directs intentionally, leads me to that mountain valley in?” 他极力掩饰着心中的狂喜,纳闷问道:“前辈,难道我发现神农鼎,不是您故意指引,把我带到那处山谷之中的吗?” Where do I have that skill?” “我哪里有那个本事?” Earth Emperor's Book said with a smile: „Before that is the master just before leaving the arrangement.” 地皇书笑道:“那都是主人临走前的布置罢了。” , He also said: Little fellow, you do not need to smile, wants to smile smiles is.” 顿了顿,他又说道:“小家伙,你也不用偷着乐,想笑就笑便是。” Earth Emperor's Book Item Spirit had already seen through the Ling Yun's thoughts, his cheerful saying: Blood Yuan Bead, good then is good when this Yuan character, the life have the blood to positive, the blood is the foundation of life, the Yuan is the initial meaning, this Blood Yuan Bead, the itself is the chaos have not opened, initial blood that breeds, is the thing of true Innate, therefore he can live the blood, sucking blood, melts the blood......” 地皇书器灵早就看穿了凌云的心思,他乐呵呵的说道:“血元珠,好就好在这个元字上,生灵有血为阳,血乃生命之本,元乃初始之意,这血元珠,本就是混沌未开之时,在其中孕育出来的初始之血,乃是真正的先天之物,所以他才可以生血,吸血,化血……” You actually raise that several alien race Zombie with it, is really the careless and wasteful use of nature's products......” “你却只是用它来养那几个异族僵尸,真是暴殄天物……” Initial blood that in the chaos breeds, Innate magical things...... Ling Yun listened thoroughly silly! 混沌中孕育出来的初始之血,先天灵物……凌云彻底听傻了! What senior said is...... In the legend Creation of the world the blood of that big god?” Ling Yun soon excitedly covered the eye of own, for fear that heard the negative answer. “前辈说的是……是传说中开天辟地的那位大神的血吗?”凌云都快要激动地捂住自己的眼睛了,生怕听到否定的答案。 Almost.” “差不多吧。” Earth Emperor's Book Item Spirit really had anything to say anything, was prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements: You must seek for the Pangu Axe words with it in any case in the future, perhaps really can look.” 地皇书器灵真是有什么就说什么,语不惊人死不休:“反正将来你要用它去寻找盘古斧的话,说不定真能找的着。” Ling Yun blood boiling, felt that own must unable to bear fly! 凌云热血沸腾,感觉自己都要忍不住飞起来了! Do not patronize were being happy, hurries to give me, our a while receives spiritual root time, but must use it.” “你别光顾着高兴了,赶紧给我啊,咱们一会儿去收灵根的时候,还得用它呢。” „!” “给!” Ling Yun Spiritual Thought moves, Blood Yuan Bead suddenly, submerged in the Earth Emperor's Book Item Spirit's palm directly. 凌云神念一动,血元珠倏然而出,直接没入了地皇书器灵的手掌之中。 We walk!” “我们走!” Earth Emperor's Book goes ahead, but Ling Yun actually felt that the own gearing has not moved, all of a sudden arrived at another huge space. 地皇书说走就走,但凌云却感觉自己连动都没有动,就一下子来到了另一个巨大的空间。 Ling Yun is very sigh with emotion, heart said that really worthily is Earth Emperor's Book, this bottom deep place, is really others domains, which wants to go to go, simply is but as one desires toward, flickers to move arrived. 凌云真的很感慨,心说真不愧是地皇书啊,这地底深处,真的是人家的地盘,想去哪就去哪,简直是随心而往,瞬移就到了。 However at this time, he also without enough time said anything, because his vision in another thing by this space attracting. 不过这时候,他也来不及多说什么了,因为他的目光已经被这个空间里的另一件东西给吸引住了。 spiritual root! 灵根 Also was in the Earth Emperor's Book Item Spirit mouth said that Buzhou Mountain shatter mountain root! 也就是地皇书器灵口中说的,不周山的破碎山根 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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