DEMG :: Volume #18

#1783: Ling Yun is in danger

Chapter 1778 第1778章 Ling Yun is in danger 凌云遇险 Ling Yun said that although relaxed, but in fact, facing this evil spirit, changes into general cultivating true cultivator, is extremely formidabe. 凌云说的虽然轻松,但事实上,面对这种恶灵,换成一般的修真者,极难对付。 Can condense the human form, and can also discover Ling Yun's to exist, explained that these evil spirits had the consciousness and spirit wisdom of own. 能够凝聚出人形,并且还能够发现凌云的存在,说明这些恶灵已经有了自己的意识和灵智了。 But the issue is, these evil spirits cannot kill, because their bodies are spiritual energy condense, visible does not have the nature, scattered turned into one group of air currents, but quick will condense one newly came, infinite resurrecting, did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish. 但问题是,这些恶灵是杀不死的,因为它们的身体是灵气凝聚而成,有形无质,打散了就化成一团气流,但很快就会重新凝聚出一个新的来,无限复活,不死不灭。 What is more important, the fear that this evil spirit does not understand, does not fear death, after condensing the forming, only has an instinct. 更重要的是,这种恶灵不懂的恐惧,根本就不怕死,凝聚成形之后,就只有一种本能。 Swallows, swallows all things, expands own infinitely, this is the evil spirit instinct. 吞噬,吞噬一切东西,来无限壮大自己,这就是恶灵的本能。 Then, this evil spirit, is similar to Yamata no Orochi Spiritual Body that Ling Yun kills, the difference is the shape is only different. 说起来,这种恶灵,就跟凌云杀死的八岐大蛇灵体差不多,区别只在于形状不一样。 However, is looking rapidly these to these evil spirits that he flutters, visits them to stare scarlet both eyes, is opening the big mouth ominous severe appearance, Ling Yun knows depending on the intuition, their evil spirit degrees, absolutely not under that Yamata no Orochi. 但是,望着这些迅速向他飘过来的这些恶灵,看着它们瞪着赤红的双眼,张着的血盆大口的凶厉模样,凌云凭直觉就知道,它们的凶煞程度,绝对不在那头八岐大蛇之下。 The Ling Yun corners of the mouth have a smile, in both eyes is sparkling the vision of anticipation, does not draw back instead enters. 凌云嘴角含笑,双眼之中闪耀着期待的目光,不退反进。 Come! Who has a look is swallows who!” “来吧!看看到底是谁吞谁!” The threshold opens greatly, Ling Yun opens a channel directly, rushed over toward that crowd of savage evil spirits. 地门大开,凌云直接开辟出一条通道,向着那群凶残的恶灵冲了过去。 Bang! 轰! During the going through process, Ling Yun emits outside the body Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire first, covers the whole body, offered a sacrifice to Fire Spirit Phoenix! 在穿行过程当中,凌云先将阴阳五行火放出体外,笼罩住周身,紧接着就祭出了火灵凤凰 This only Fire Spirit Phoenix, after was actually Ling Yun Scarlet Emperor Fire Phoenix Transformation practice to certain boundary, using a hot phoenix that flame mountain magnanimous fire spiritual energy condensed, currently also had the thought of own, was similar to is a Ling Yun's pet is ordinary. 这只火灵凤凰,其实是凌云赤帝火凤变修炼到了一定境界之后,利用火焰山海量的火灵气凝聚出来的一只火凤,现在也已经有了自己的意念,就如同是凌云的一只宠物一般了。 After Ling Yun offers a sacrifice , the Fire Spirit Phoenix direct both wings inspire, threw toward below these evil spirits! 凌云祭出之后,火灵凤凰直接双翅一振,向着下方的那些恶灵扑了过去! Bang! 轰! Fire Spirit Phoenix does not wait for these evil spirit near bodies, they have spouted the flaming roaring flame then towards, these evil spirits are unexpected, has drilled all of a sudden into the flame. 火灵凤凰不等那些恶灵近身,就对着它们喷出了熊熊烈焰,那些恶灵猝不及防,一下子就钻入了火焰之中。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… Fire Spirit Phoenix, absolutely is these evil spirits difficult adversaries, the blazing flame spurts, these evil spirit instantaneously burnt changing beyond all recognition, quick turned into bunch of air currents. 火灵凤凰,绝对是这些恶灵的克星,炽热的火焰一喷,那些恶灵瞬间就被烧的面目全非,很快就都化成了一团团的气流了。 The Ling Yun sycophancy rushes, broke in the middle of these air currents directly, emits Yin-Yang Five Elements Flame, further refining up these air currents, then received within the body. 凌云拍马赶到,径直冲入了那些气流当中,将阴阳五行火焰放出,将那些气流进一步炼化,然后再收入体内。 Belch...... 嗝…… That dozens evil spirits, are purest spiritual energy condense, Ling Yun has absorbed these many all of a sudden, even if by the boundary of his Qi Practicing 8-layer peak, nearly gave to support, he could not bear hit sneeze/ burb unexpectedly. 那几十只恶灵,都是最为纯粹的灵气凝聚而成的,凌云一下子吸收了这么多,哪怕是以他练气八层巅峰的境界,都差点儿给撑着了,他竟忍不住打了一个饱嗝 Can Ling Yun is joyful exceptionally, not to mention attain spiritual root, is only this harvest, makes him well satisfied. 凌云欣喜异常,且不说能不能拿到灵根,只是这一番收获,就让他心满意足。 Un?” “嗯?” However, after Ling Yun absorbed these spiritual energy, discovery one group of scarlet red air currents, as if had own consciousness, avoided beyond the Ling Yun's Yin-Yang Five Elements Flame range on own initiative, swayed, keeps on vacillating. 但是,凌云吸收完了那些灵气之后,却发现有一团赤红色的气流,仿佛拥有自己的意识似的,主动躲避到了凌云的阴阳五行火焰范围之外,飘飘摇摇,游移不定。 Good terrifying evil spirit qi!” “好恐怖的凶煞之气!” After Ling Yun sensation, immediately knew this group of air currents are any things, is it with the spiritual energy entanglement that spiritual root sends out, changed to these evil spirits eyes and mouths! 凌云感知了一番之后,立即知道了这团气流是什么东西,就是它跟灵根散发出来的灵气纠缠,化作了那些恶灵的眼睛和嘴巴! It seems like the Fire Spirit Phoenix flame, after the evil spirit physique fever has dispersed, but these spiritual energy and evil spirit qi separating, these evil spirit qi, Fire Spirit Phoenix was unable these malevolent aura to refine. 看来火灵凤凰的火焰,将恶灵的形体烧散了之后,只是将那些灵气凶煞之气给分离开来了,这些凶煞之气,就连火灵凤凰都无法将那些煞气炼化。 It seems like your cultivation level is great, understood unexpectedly became avoids disaster.” “看来你的修为不浅啊,竟然都懂得趋吉避凶了。” Ling Yun is observing this group of strange scarlet red air currents, besides feeling intense evil spirit aura, again cannot see other clue, cannot bear open the mouth the probe. 凌云观察着这团诡异的赤红色气流,除了感觉到强烈的凶煞气息之外,就再也看不出其他端倪,忍不住开口子试探。 These evil spirits, but was spiritual energy condenses the entity, reason that turned into like that the appearance, because of this group of evil spirit aura reason, it dispersed to dozens evil spirits bodies, can looking be at to Ling Yun, now changed to one group, naturally must know that Ling Yun's was fierce. 那些恶灵,只不过是灵气凝聚成了实体,之所以化成那般模样,就是因为这团凶煞气息的缘故,它分散到几十只恶灵的身上,都能够“找”到凌云所在,现在化作了一团,当然不可能不知道凌云的厉害。 But can it understand Ling Yun to say anything, that no one knows. 但它到底能不能听懂凌云在说什么,那就谁也不知道了。 Red malevolent aura, under the Fire Spirit Phoenix flame shines, is sending out infinite malevolent aura, actually throughout keeps on vacillating, is avoiding Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire of Ling Yun gain margin, does not transform the own physique. 红色煞气,在火灵凤凰的火焰照耀之下,散发着无穷的煞气,却始终游移不定,躲避着凌云放大范围的阴阳五行火,也不幻化出自己的形体。 After Ling Yun confrontation a while, red malevolent aura knows that Ling Yun these spiritual energy complete extinctions, it started to evade to draw back, the speed is extremely fast, runs away toward the place bottom deep place. 凌云对峙一会儿之后,红色煞气知道凌云已经将那些灵气全部吸光了,它开始避退,速度极快,向着地底深处逃窜。 Ling Yun without hesitation, chases down decisively, he has the premonition, with this group of ominous malevolent aura classes, he can find spiritual root to be. 凌云毫不犹豫,果断追杀,他有预感,跟着这团凶煞气流,他就能够找到灵根所在。 This all the way, Ling Yun encountered surrounding of five waves of evil spirits, moreover a Pood, the evil spirit physique was also getting bigger and bigger, from the beginning only then the baby was so big, to the fifth wave of time, these evil spirits the 12 or 13-year-old child was so big. 这一路上,凌云又遭遇到了五波恶灵的围堵,而且一波比一波多,恶灵的形体也越来越大,一开始只有婴儿那么大,到第五波的时候,那些恶灵已经十二三岁的小孩那么大了。 this time really gained in a big way.” 这一趟真是赚大了。” On the Ling Yun face blossomed happily, he chases down refining up, under help of Spiritual Body in these deliver silly, the relaxedness broke through the Qi Practicing 9-layer boundary, did not have the means that who let him exactly is these evil spirits difficult adversaries? 凌云脸上乐开了花,他是一路追杀一路炼化,在这些傻傻送上门的灵体的帮助之下,轻轻松松就突破到了练气九层境界,没办法,谁让他恰好是这些恶灵的克星呢? When refining up the fourth wave of evil spirit time, Ling Yun discovered that own also absorbed again motionless, under absolutely cancould be helped, Ling Yun has to offer a sacrifice to Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree. 等到炼化第四波恶灵的时候,凌云就发现自己再也吸收不动了,万般无奈之下,凌云只好祭出了鬼神柳 Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree was evil spirit difficult adversary, after Ling Yun emitted it came, even continually refining up saves, the innumerable branches flung gently tie down them, did not divide any spiritual energy or evil spirit qi, entirely suction. 鬼神柳就更是恶灵的克星了,凌云放出它来之后,甚至连炼化都省了,无数枝条轻轻一甩就将它们缠住,也不分什么灵气还是凶煞之气,统统吸走。 Looking awful evil spirit qi that this makes that group expanded, it turned into true ominous spirit, seems somewhat breathless, finally transformed two eyes in the air current, it was staring at Ling Yun stubbornly, then continued and runs away. 这让那团已经壮大的不成样子凶煞之气,它已经变成真正的凶灵了,仿佛有些气急败坏,终于在气流中幻化出了两只眼睛,它死死地盯着凌云,然后继续又逃。 After pursuing to here, spiritual energy is richer, malevolent aura also similar when production costs rise, prices rise too, according to the spiritual energy rich degree, Ling Yun knows, spiritual root that he must look, should not be far in neighbor. 追到这里之后,灵气更加浓郁,煞气也同样水涨船高,根据灵气的浓郁程度,凌云知道,他要找的灵根,应该就在附近不远。 Ling Yun just about to leaves to pursue, may he discover suddenly, own the technique of threshold greatly opening, is not easy-to-use. 凌云刚要动身追击,可突然间他就发现,自己的地门大开之术,不好使了。 Not only opening channel, even his own space, is withstanding the surrounding extrusion, his space is reducing fiercely! 不但开辟不出通道,甚至就连他自己所处的空间,都在承受着周围的挤压,他的空间在剧烈缩小! Rumble! 轰隆隆! The earth trembles, suddenly fiercely vibrated, Ling Yun all around dike such as the water extrudes generally to him, quick extruded his body! 大地震颤,突然就剧烈抖动了起来,凌云四周的岩壁如水一般向他挤压过来,很快就挤压到他的身体了! Awful!” “糟糕!” The Ling Yun shock, this ominous spirit unexpectedly so was deceitful, attracted him to come here, at this time had used the trump card, must bury Ling Yun while still alive here! 凌云震惊,原来这凶灵竟如此狡诈,一路吸引他来到了这里,这时才使出了杀手锏,要把凌云活活埋葬在此处! Bang bang bang bang bang...... 嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭…… Ling Yun all around rock break disintegration, the soil mud, these crushed stone soil mixes in together, turned into the innumerable only palms suddenly, these palms are sparkling the monster different red light, toward Ling Yun right in the face grasps. 凌云所处的四周岩石断裂崩碎,土壤化泥,那些碎石土壤混合在一块儿,突然化成了无数只手掌,这些手掌闪耀着妖异的红光,向着凌云劈头盖脸的抓来。 I cut!” “我斩!” The Ling Yun place changes, but not startled, knows that at this time Underworld Earth Emperor Cultivation did not have an effect completely, his first time took out Melting Blood Divine Blade, strikes off toward these monster different palms. 凌云处变而不惊,知道这时候黄泉土皇功完全不起作用了,他第一时间取出了化血神刀,向着那些妖异的手掌砍去。 The blade edge place visited, these palm breaks are in abundance stave, is absolutely useless, because they are not the air current condense, but is the crushed stone soil turns into, after they are stave, immediately also has to integrate the surroundings, transforms the new palm once more , to continue to grasp to Ling Yun. 刀锋所过之处,那些手掌纷纷断裂破碎,可是完全没有用,因为它们不是气流凝聚,而是碎石土壤化成,它们破碎之后,立即又有融入周围,再次幻化成新的手掌,继续抓向凌云 Be surrounded by perils! 险象环生! Decides.” “定。” At this moment, the Ling Yun's Dantian spot, yellow light flashes. 就在这时,凌云的丹田部位,黄光一闪。 Earth Emperor's Book suddenly, sends out one group of pale yellow rays of light, covered the Ling Yun's whole body. 地皇书倏然而出,发出一团淡黄色光芒,笼罩住了凌云的周身。 Ten thousand laws do not invade! 万法不侵! Shua! 刷! Human Emperor's Writing Brush Item Spirit also flushed from the Ling Yun forehead, he turned into the human form, somewhere takes a look toward the front. 人皇笔器灵也从凌云眉心冲出来了,他化成人形,向着前方某处瞅了瞅。 Our enemies finally started to appear, this boy gave you, I asked oneself to do accounts.” “咱们的敌人终于开始露头了,这小子交给你了,我去找本人算账去。” Human Emperor's Writing Brush has not paid attention to Ling Yun, flashes not to have, goes through from the place bottom directly, directly soars the Miao-nationality region 100,000 mountains! 人皇笔没有理会凌云,一闪而没,直接从地底穿行,直奔苗疆100000大山! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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