DEMG :: Volume #17

#1689: So long as he happily good

Long Haoran hears the news, only thinks that a warm-blooded direct impact forehead, his surface present scowl, the figure slightly shakes, protects the body azure light to sparkle suddenly. 龙浩然听到消息,只觉一股热血直冲脑门,他面现怒容,身形微震,护体青光骤然闪耀。 But his figure of vibration slightly cannot look up, the whole body azure light also flashes passes. 但他的震动的身形微不可查,周身青光也只是一闪即逝而已。 Quick, Long Haoran then calmly as usual, slightly a thinking , the sinking sound asked: Our somewhere that accurate time, moves, which people does Ling Family have to make a move? What goal are they?” 很快,龙浩然便镇定如常,略一思索,又沉声问道:“准确时间,动的我们什么地方,凌家都有哪些人出手?他们又是什么目的?” Opens reports Family Head, accurate time that Ling Family begins is the evening's nine o''clock about moment, what the first goal attacks is Capital City western suburbs Longteng Villa, but the person of making a move is actually not the Ling Family person ready dead, but is Ling Yun brings from Clear Water City, now has trained one month of that 72 hooligan in the Ling Family martial arts school secret, this group of boys are the Azure Dragon people.” “启禀家主,凌家动手的准确时间是晚上九点一刻左右,第一个目标攻击的是京城西郊的龙腾山庄,只是出手的人却不是凌家死士,而是凌云清水市带来,如今已经在凌家武校秘密训练了一个多月的那72个小混混,这帮小子原来都是青龙的人。” Has saying that Long Family is the powerful and firmly based, the inside story is really abundant, only looked that their ordinary day gather intelligence work can achieve so carefully, has an accident later can make the so accurate rapid response, can be inferred. 不得不说,龙家真的是树大根深,底蕴雄厚,只看他们平日的情报搜集工作能做到如此细致,出事之后能做出如此准确迅速的反应,就可见一斑。 Naturally, Ling Yun has brought from Clear Water City his 72 disciples, throws carries on the militarized training in the Ling Family martial arts school the matter, from the beginning has not regarded the matter of any secret. 当然了,凌云将他的72弟子从清水市带来,扔在凌家武校里进行军事化训练的事情,从一开始也没当成什么机密之事。 The Long Haoran hear, slightly nodded , the vision flashes also asks: Is the goal that they begin what? Can't bewildered make a move to our Long Family?” 龙浩然听完,微微点了点头,目光一闪又紧接问道:“那他们动手的目的又是什么呢?总不能莫名其妙就对我们龙家出手吧?” The Long Haoran heart said that although relations of Long and Ling two families in the past month made somewhat stiffly, two key people almost completely cut off the relation, may after all this be the China common custom most peak two respected families, unless it is absolutely essential, must consider the face countenance of both sides, if made war without just cause, out of reason outrageously made war, that may really become the child's play. 龙浩然心说,虽说龙凌两家在过去的一个多月里关系闹得有些僵,两家的核心人物几乎已经彻底断绝了联系,可毕竟这是华夏世俗界最巅峰的两大家族,不到万不得已,还是要考虑一下双方的颜面的,如果师出无名,毫无理由的就悍然开战,那可就真成了儿戏了。 Let alone Ling Xiao tomorrow must celebrate a birthday, will Ling Family choose in this crucial point makes war with Long Family? 更何况凌啸明天就要过生日了,凌家又怎会选择在这个节骨眼儿上跟龙家开战? Opens reports Family Head, had the person to attack Longteng Villa that boy to say first, only then four characters, said that was the Ling Family debt collection.” “启禀家主,最先带人攻击龙腾山庄的那小子说了,只有四个字,说是凌家收账。” „......” “……” The Long Haoran expression stiffens thoroughly. 龙浩然表情彻底僵住。 Ling Family debt collection! 凌家收账! It can be said that entire China, besides Ling Family person, nobody was again clearer than these four characters to represent anything Long Haoran. 可以说,整个华夏,除了凌家人之外,再没有人比龙浩然更明白这四个字代表着什么了。 20 years ago, Ling Xiao and Yin Qingxuan that involved legal matter, Long Haoran said of pleasant to hear called to hit the strength with the strength a little, said coarse murdered with a borrowed knife a little, that service Ling Family inadequate whole families destruction, but Long Family closed right up against mapping out strategic plans in an army tent of Long Haoran, not only made Ling Xiao be unable to recover successfully, expelled Demon Sect Saintess Yin Qingxuan, persuaded to quit successfully evil two, after that also step by step received to nibble the 60% industry of Ling Family! 20年前,凌啸殷青璇的那一桩公案,龙浩然说的好听一点儿叫借力打力,说的难听一点儿就是借刀杀人,那一役凌家差点儿满门覆灭,而龙家靠着龙浩然的运筹帷幄,不但成功让凌啸一蹶不振,逼走魔宗圣女殷青璇,成功劝退正邪两道,那之后还一步步接收蚕食了凌家六成产业! These industries related to the petroleum fuel gas, the electronic communication, the finance, the real estate, the non-ferrous metal wait/etc. had almost covered several professions, this is a how fat meat, simply fat sending greasy! 那些产业涉及石油燃气,电子通讯,金融,房地产,有色金属等等几乎涵盖了十几个行业,这是多么肥的一块肉啊,简直都肥的发腻! But a such fat meat, Long Haoran has not spent the soldier, in vain received . Moreover the majority is Ling Family both hands offers on own initiative! 而这么肥的一块肉,龙浩然根本没花费一兵一卒,就白白地接收了过来,而且大部分是凌家双手主动奉上的! Ling Yun scolded him to deceive people depend on the graciousness, this saying was really has not been unfair to him a little. 凌云骂他是挟恩欺人,这话真是一点儿都没冤枉他。 The so-called person has to lower the head under the eaves, Ling Family barely manages to maintain a feeble existence for 20 years, has to be at somebody's beck and call, therefore the family property clears is also speechless, this is just like present Li Family. 所谓人在屋檐下不得不低头,凌家苟延残喘20年,不得不仰人鼻息,所以家产散尽也无话可说,这就好比如今的李家 But now? Long Haoran is clearer than anybody, so long as Ling Family Ling Yun, that is the China first peak family of iron iron, no one can stir up! 可现在呢?龙浩然比任何人都清楚,凌家只要凌云在,那就是铁铁的华夏第一巅峰家族,谁也惹不起! When the age, because of Ling Xiao, his Long Haoran adds fuel to the flames in secret, finally profits from another's strife, now Ling Family rises successfully, re-enters the peak, Ling Yun this is must revenge to his father, asks him to calculate that the general ledger came! 当年事,是因凌啸而起,他龙浩然暗中推波助澜,最后坐收渔利,现在凌家成功崛起,重回巅峰,凌云这是要给他老子报仇,找他算总账来了! So thinks, Ling Xiao tomorrow celebrates a birthday, Ling Yun chooses tonight begins, all were also logical! 如此一想,凌啸明天过生日,凌云偏偏选择在今晚动手,一切也就顺理成章了! Moreover, this is also not most wonderful, what these are most wonderful, Ling Yun has not begun personally, even the Ling Family key person, the Ling Family person ready dead has not made an appearance, what begins is only one group of 17~18 years old hooligan! 而且,这还不是最妙的,这其中最妙的是,凌云并没有亲自动手,甚至凌家的核心人物,凌家死士也没有露面,动手的只是一帮十七八岁的小混混 If Long Family does not counter-attack immediately, will wait to look for the gathering place on the conference table in the future, Ling Family can definitely play dumb, coming to refuse stubbornly to acknowledge mistakes, because that group of boys will not be surnamed Ling! 如果龙家不立即进行反击,等着将来在谈判桌上找场子的话,凌家完全可以装傻充愣,来个死不认账,因为那帮小子不姓凌! But if the Long Family decision counter-attacks, these conceals in the Ling Family person ready dead in secret, including Ling Family true key person, even defers to the Ling Yun's temperament, that will directly definitely get rid, when the time comes Long Family loses is more serious! 可如果龙家决定反击,那些藏在暗中的凌家死士,包括凌家真正的核心人物,甚至依照凌云的脾气,那肯定会直接出手,到时候龙家损失更惨重! Cannot think that this boy played to depend to play on my Long Family to come unexpectedly......” “想不到这小子玩儿赖竟然玩儿到我龙家头上来了啊……” Long Haoran thinks of here, the heart flood a bitterness and astringency, is very difficult to describe, he thinks very aggrievedly, is very aggrieved, actually for a while cannot find out a wee bit ways! 龙浩然想到这里,心头泛起一丝苦涩,很难描述,他觉得十分憋屈,很憋屈,却一时又想不出丁点儿的应对办法! But a little, Long Haoran dares affirm that Ling Yun such does, the true goal only then, that thoroughly scrubs the wrongful treatment of his father Ling Xiao, and frightens Capital City through this act, and even entire China! 但有一点,龙浩然是敢肯定的,凌云这么做,真正的目的只有一个,那就是彻底洗刷他父亲凌啸的冤屈,并通过此举震慑京城,乃至整个华夏 Industry of Ling Family although Long Family seized in the past, the development until now is terrifying astronomical figures, but this is only to common custom, puts Ancient Martial World and cultivation world, Ling Yun cannot have a liking , this month his sweeps away China Ancient Martial World, already fat class oil! 虽然当年龙家夺走的凌家的产业,发展到如今已经是一个恐怖的天文数字了,但这只是对世俗界而言,放到古武界修真界,凌云根本看不上,他这一个月横扫华夏古武界,早就肥的流油了! today in the evening, Ling Yun captures is family property, what report is the father enmity, what struggle is the Ling Family face and status! 今天晚上,凌云夺得是家产,报的是父仇,争的是凌家的面子和地位! shua~ shua~ shua~...... 刷刷刷…… In moment of Long Haoran calm thinking, several black clothes people ready dead dash! 就在龙浩然镇定思索的片刻,又有几名黑衣死士飞奔而来! Report, Capital City northern suburbs Longhua Hotel was captured......” “报,京城北郊的龙华大酒店被攻陷……” Report, the Capital City eastern suburbs dragon flying in circles manor was surrounded......” “报,京城东郊的龙翔庄园被包围了……” Report,......” “报,……” Several people ready dead who earliest arrives at already did not bear, they are filled with righteous indignation, start to request a combat assignment on own initiative! 最早来到的几名死士早就不耐,他们义愤填膺,开始主动请战! Opens reports Family Head, person ready dead Zhao 5, requests a combat assignment on own initiative, pledging to fight to the death is Family Head devotes life to!” “启禀家主,死士赵五,主动请战,誓死为家主效命!” Opens reports Family Head, person ready dead Zhao 9, requests a combat assignment on own initiative, pledging to fight to the death is Family Head devotes life to!” “启禀家主,死士赵九,主动请战,誓死为家主效命!” Opens reports Family Head......” “启禀家主……” The Long Family person ready dead is not surnamed Long, since the ancient times unifies to bestow surnamed Zhao. 龙家的死士并不姓龙,自古以来都统一赐姓赵。 Listens to the sound of these continuous to report requesting a combat assignment, Long Haoran only to think more and more worriedly, his suddenly at one fell swoop palm: Has sufficed, was quiet to me! What flusters?!” 听着这些接连不断的禀报请战之声,龙浩然只觉越来越烦闷,他猛然一举手掌:“够了,都给我住嘴!慌什么?!” Long Haoran asked: „Have that group of boys who begins killed people?” 龙浩然紧接问道:“动手的那帮小子杀人了没有?” Opens reports Family Head, that group of boys have not killed people, but all the people of counter-attack were injured by them! They said that does not pound, does not snatch, does not offend somebody, the people who so long as these were stopped up by them press to request to handle matters then the line.” “启禀家主,那帮小子并没有杀人,但是所有反击的人都被他们打伤了!他们说了,不砸,不抢,不伤人,只要那些被他们堵住的人都按要求办事就行。” Long Haoran was more aggrieved. 龙浩然更憋屈了。 How there is a saying to mention, thousand li (500 km) Jiangling on the 1st. 有句话叫怎么说来着,千里江陵一日还。 Ling Yun affirmed that returned to the capital, at this moment definitely in Ling Family. 凌云肯定已经回京了,此刻肯定就在凌家 During a piece is noisy, Long Haoran has made the accurate judgment, so long as this ghost god who mixes to be liberal with is staying in Capital City, his Long Family is impossible to ask for any advantage tonight. 一片嘈杂之中,龙浩然做出了精准的判断,只要这个混不吝的煞神在京城呆着,他龙家今晚就不可能讨到任何好处。 Long Haoran lowers the head, looks is kneeling in the present several black clothes people ready dead, said lightly: „The Long Family person ready dead obeys orders.” 龙浩然低头,望着跪在眼前的十几名黑衣死士,淡淡说道:“龙家死士听令。” Yes!” “是!” Long Haoran unemotionally, said: You lead the troops, fast rushes to the Long Family also not captured these places, making these still the person who fools around there hurry to get the hell out, person who if there is Ling Family went, you cannot revolt, cannot stop, whatever they toss about are!” 龙浩然面无表情,说道:“你们带领人马,速速赶往龙家还没有被攻陷的那些地方,让那些还在那里鬼混的人赶紧滚蛋,如果有凌家的人去了,你们不许反抗,不许阻拦,任由他们折腾就是!” This......” “这……” Kneels in all people ready dead of ground, as soon as listens, was completely scared, does not revolt, does not stop, whatever they to do rush horizontally toss about? 跪在地上的所有死士一听,全部傻眼了,不反抗,不阻拦,任由他们横冲直闯折腾? Since dozens years, how could Long Family has eaten such big owing, has received this grade of shame?! 几十年以来,龙家何曾吃过这么大的亏,受过这等羞辱?! Long Haoran sees that the facial color sinks immediately: What's wrong? Doesn't you my order listen?” 龙浩然见状,面色登时一沉:“怎么?你们连我的命令都不听了吗?” Respectfully follows the Family Head order!” “谨遵家主命令!” Long Haoran waves: Goes......” 龙浩然一挥手:“去吧……” Whiz whiz whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖嗖嗖…… Suddenly, full Yuan the person ready dead moving quickly departs, in the courtyard only remaining a Long Haoran person, his alone form, slightly was also desolate. 眨眼之间,满院的死士飞身离去,院子里又只剩下了龙浩然一个人,他孤零零的身影,略显落寞。 After long time, the Long Haoran facial color breaks down, the whole face dispirited color, sends out the long deep sigh: Really is the laborious 20 years, a night returned to the pre-liberation, what a pity my Long Family 30% family properties!” 半晌后,龙浩然面色一垮,满脸颓唐之色,发出悠悠一声长叹:“真是辛辛苦苦20年,一夜回到解放前,可惜了我龙家的三成家业啊!” Tianxing, be not hiding, comes out.” 天行,别躲着了,出来吧。” Shua! 刷! Long Tianxing moves sideways from the darkness, now he was unable to maintain in the past the javelin straight physique, the figure is somewhat lax, even, he never leaves of hand the fan, does not have the belt/bring on the body. 龙天行从黑暗中闪身而出,如今他已经无法保持往常标枪般笔挺的身姿,身形有些松垮,甚至,就连他从不离手的那把扇子,都没有带在身上。 Father, our Long Family, really whatever Ling Yun is so rampant? His so procedure, simply rides in our head...... Abused power!” “父亲,我们龙家,真就任由凌云这么嚣张?他如此做法,简直就是骑在我们头上拉……作威作福了!” The depression and grief and indignation of Long Tianxing whole face, in the tone have the thick unwillingness. 龙天行满脸的郁闷和悲愤,语气里还有浓浓的不甘。 Long Haoran shot a look at son one eyes, said lightly: Stood.” 龙浩然瞥了儿子一眼,淡淡说道:“站直了。” Long Tianxing suddenly one startled, figure instantaneous javelin erectness! 龙天行倏然一惊,身形瞬间标枪般直立! Long Haoran nods, said with a smile: Child, strong has the strong hand, the person can be defeated by the enemy, but no matter when or where, must first defeat own!” 龙浩然点点头,微笑道:“孩子,强中自有强中手,人可以被敌人打败,但无论何时何地,都一定要首先战胜自己!” Long Tianxing surface present ashamed look: Child teaches the father sincerely.” 龙天行面现惭色:“孩儿谨记父亲教诲。” Long Haoran subsequently said with a smile: 30 years of east of the river 30 years of west of the river, geomancy in turn then already.” 龙浩然继而笑道:“30年河东30年河西,风水轮流转而已。” Thinks that my China in 5000 history, starts to calculate from Ancestral Dragon First Emperor , more than 2000 years of history, how many dynasties after alternated, how many rise and fall took turn? Compared with these, the stormy times that my Long Family goes through now, calculates what?” “想我华夏5000年历史,自祖龙始皇帝开始算,也有2000多年历史了,历经多少皇朝更迭,多少兴亡交替?跟这些相比,我龙家如今经历的这点儿风雨,又算的了什么呢?” Long Haoran is not only elucidation son , was saying that with the own hear, he had not given full expression , to continue saying: He appointed he, Qingfeng strokes the hump, outstanding person changed/easy fold/break, Ling Yun, even if strong, always has the enemy who he could not conquer, but that person has not appeared before him now.” 龙浩然既是开解儿子,也是在说与自己听,他意犹未尽,继续说道:“他强任他强,清风拂山岗,佼佼者易折,凌云纵然再强,也总有他战胜不了的敌人,只是如今那人还没出现在他面前而已。” tomorrow Ling Xiao celebrates a birthday, since the Ling Yun decision must give his father a big ritual, first moved our Long Family, we might as well simply magnanimous a little, opens the front door, appointed he takes away is, so is in any case big fat, died of exhaustion him unable to finish eating.” 明天凌啸过生日,既然凌云决定要送给他父亲一份大礼,第一个动了我们龙家,我们不妨索性大度一点儿,敞开大门任他拿走就是,反正那么大一块肥肉,累死他也吃不完。” secrets legend Ling Family is Battle Clan, except for Ling Zhen Ling Hao that type few, everybody warm-blooded, dares to hit to dare to spell, the mental disposition is the translucent straightforwardness, the family member never for wicked.” 秘辛传说凌家乃是战族,除了凌震凌浩那种极少数的,人人热血,敢打敢拼,秉性更是透亮的耿直,家人从不为恶。” Therefore, such big film base industry, conversion makes Ling Family person handle, does not have anything, the best thing is governed by the strongest person, this is Heavenly Law. If Ling Family does not handle well, will not need my Long Family to act, has the person to ask them to talk openly.” “所以,这么大一片基业,换成让凌家人来打理,也没什么,最好的东西由最强的人来掌管,这是天道凌家如果打理不好,不用我龙家出面,自有人会找他们谈心。” Here, Long Haoran lifted a hand finger/refers of southeastern direction Forbidden City. 说到这里,龙浩然抬手一指东南方向的紫禁城。 Long Tianxing is understanding immediately: Child understood.” 龙天行立即会意:“孩儿懂了。” Moreover, at Ling Yun's terrifying growth, even if must make war tonight really comprehensively, our Long Family except for your great grandfather, does not have one person again is his match, suffering a loss surely is we, what a pity your great grandfather closed up to exercise martial arts the critical moment, was not the family life and death, I could not disturb.” “而且,以凌云的恐怖成长速度,就算今晚真要全面开战,咱们龙家除了你那位太爷爷,也再无一人是他的对手,吃亏的必定是咱们,可惜你那位太爷爷闭关练功正到了紧要关头,不是家族生死存亡,我也打扰不得。” Long Tianxing facial color one tight, nod name is. 龙天行面色一紧,点头称是。 Has a look at your younger brother.” “去看看你弟弟吧。” Your younger brother Tianfang had the whereabouts, he assigned the lamp sparkle golden light a moment ago, has continued for one hour, his not only life without cause for grief, but also turned misfortune into a blessing, obtained the huge chance.” “你弟弟天放有下落了,他刚才命灯闪耀金光,持续了一个多小时,他不但性命无忧,还因祸得福,得到了天大的机缘。” Long Tianxing listened to being wild with joy: Really?!” 龙天行听了欣喜若狂:“真的?!” Long Haoran smile: Naturally, since this has been recent time, our Long Family only good news! Only waits for your younger brother practice big accomplishment to return, our Long Family definitely is another aspect!” 龙浩然微笑:“当然,这是最近一段时间以来,咱们龙家唯一的好消息了!只等你弟弟修炼大成归来,咱们龙家肯定又是另一番局面!” Long Tianxing one hear, impatient must crash in the west room to watch younger brother's life lamp, but he just took a step immediately to stop. 龙天行一听,迫不及待就要冲进西屋观看弟弟的命灯,可他刚一迈步就又立即停下。 Father, I have nearly forgotten, Ling Yun begins to our Long Family incessantly, he altogether has sent out six teams of troops, two teams of troops went to the Ye Family domain.” “父亲,我差点儿忘了,凌云不止对我们龙家动手,他一共派出了六队人马,还有两队人马去了叶家的地盘。” „?!” “哦?!” Long Haoran shocked very much, uses for ten seconds will to digest this news, but still with amazement asked back: Your previous time came back not saying that bent down at the demon congress, didn't the Ye Family three people help Ling Yun's be busy? Doesn't his Ye Family face give unexpectedly?” 龙浩然很震撼,用了十秒多钟才堪堪消化了这个消息,但依然还是惊讶反问道:“你上次回来不是说,伏魔大会上,叶家三人不是帮了凌云的大忙吗?他竟然连叶家的面子都不给?” Long Tianxing rare smiles: Yes, that helps little bastard batter radically, any good lies not to listen, by all means debt collection.” 龙天行难得的嘿嘿一笑:“是,那帮混小子根本就是横冲直撞,什么好赖话都不听,只管收账。” Although Long Haoran a moment ago elucidated the own son, that mostly was worried that he noticed Ling Yun was too strong, was worried his state of mind was damaged, but actually at heart was aggrieved, was similar to has pressed a big stone, but heard this news, Long Haoran felt suddenly is at heart happier, obtained some subtle balance. 龙浩然刚才虽然开解自己的儿子,那主要是担心他看到凌云太强,担心他心境受损,但其实心里还是憋屈的很,如同压了一块大石,不过听到了这个消息,龙浩然忽然感觉心里舒畅多了,得到了某种微妙的平衡。 It seems like today in the evening, Ling Yun to strive for honor to his father, is really whose face does not give!” “看来今天晚上,凌云为了给他父亲争面子,真是谁的面子也不给啊!” Long Haoran also sighed, the heart said that what is rampant? 龙浩然又感叹了一句,心说什么叫嚣张? Ling Yun this is true rampant! 凌云这才是真正的嚣张啊! Father, that side that tomorrow Ling Family...... You?” “父亲,那明天凌家那边……您?” Before Long Tianxing enters the west room, asked that question that has most wanted to ask. 龙天行进西屋之前,问出了最想问的那个问题。 Goes! I must certainly go!” “去!我当然得去!” Long Haoran did not wait for him saying that immediately replied with a smile: Tonight my Long Family makes the birthday present with 30% family properties to Ling Xiao, if the cup liquor does not drink, that is true not being able to lose!” 龙浩然不等他说完,立即笑着答道:“今晚我龙家用三成家业给凌啸做寿礼,要是连杯酒都不去喝,那才是真正的输不起!” Long Tianxing worries saying: But, if Ling Yun that boy must be unreasonable with you really......” 龙天行担忧道:“可是,如果凌云那小子真要跟您耍起横来……” Long Haoran sprinkles however beckons with the hand: You could rest assured that has not hit tonight, two truly have not had no consideration for face. Even if that boy must shame me really in the presence of everyone, I have the countermeasure.” 龙浩然洒然一摆手:“你放心,绝不会的,今晚没打,两家就还没有真正撕破脸。就算那小子真要当众羞辱我,我也自有应对之策。” In brief, from now on, before your younger brother returns, our Long Family to the Ling Yun's strategy is to bear patiently to give way to traffic, so long as he happily good.” “总之,从现在开始,到你弟弟归来之前,咱们龙家凌云的策略就是隐忍避让,只要他高兴就好。” Long Haoran forces oneself to look cheerful, gives the final word. 龙浩然强颜欢笑,一锤定音。
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