DEMG :: Volume #17

#1687: Thorough cooker

Who?!” “谁?!” Your father I!” “你老子我!” The Lu Wenlong boundary is highest, therefore his speed is fastest, first broke in Longteng Villa yard, actually does not enter the room, but turned toward the Villa main entrance to throw directly. 吕文龙境界最高,因此他的速度最快,第一个冲入了龙腾山庄的大院,却不进屋,而是直接向着山庄的正门扑了过去。 Longteng Villa has certainly the gate guard who is responsible for guarding, actually non- Ancient Martial Cultivator, is not the Long Family person ready dead, but is some well-trained specialized securities, they day and night, 24 hours are responsible for here security, cannot the miscellaneous personnel intrude. 龙腾山庄当然有负责看守的门卫,却非古武修炼者,更不是龙家死士,而是一些训练有素的专业保安,他们不分昼夜,24小时负责这里的安全,不许闲杂人等闯入。 Here guard is stern, had specialist to be responsible for staring at the supervisory system, Lu Wenlong and other people of so flagrant rushing, person in the control room immediately is certainly discovering. 这里守卫森严,更有专人负责盯着监控系统,吕文龙等12人如此明目张胆的闯进来,监控室里的人当然立即就发现了。 Some people intrude!” “有人闯入!” That two are staring at the security personnel of monitoring, although the brain is dumbstruck, but is specialized, they shouted loudly immediately warn, simultaneously pressed to make a sound directly the alarm. 那两名盯着监控的安保人员虽然大脑发懵,但到底是专业的,他们立即高呼示警,同时直接摁响了警报器。 Instant time, the grating alarm has resounded through entire Longteng Villa. 时间,刺耳的警铃声响彻了整个龙腾山庄 Bang bang......” “砰砰……” However, Lu Wenlong actually mixes not to care, his two vertical leapt to rush to the gate guard room, lifted the foot to kick out of the way the door, fist, pounding to faint that two securities in the place, whatever then that alarm continued to report to the police, two trees grown into one being disinclined managed. 然而,吕文龙却混不在意,他两个纵跃就闯到了门卫室,抬脚踢开房门,一拳一个,把那两名保安给砸晕在地,然后任由那警铃声继续报警,连理都懒得理。 Branches out six people, two people one group, guarded to me from east southwest three, cannot fly to me including a fly!” “分出六个人,两人一组,从东西南三个方向给我把守好了,连一只苍蝇都不许给我飞出去!” The north does not need to defend, they from the north side, Ling 1 and other people ready dead, hide in the Villa north jungle, who to/clashes to be equal to walking into a trap. 北方不用守,他们就是从北边来的,凌一等三名死士,就躲在山庄北边的密林里呢,谁冲出去等于自投罗网。 Remaining five, enter the room with me, asks these great people to talk openly!” “剩下的五个,都跟我进屋,找那些大人物谈心去!” The Lu Wenlong moving quickly, has blocked the Villa front door directly, big Markin dao, directs with ease and competence, has one share imposing manner very much. 吕文龙飞身而出,直接堵住了山庄的大门,大马金刀,指挥若定,很有一股子气势。 Clip clop dá dá......” “哒哒哒哒……” At this moment, main room second floor and three buildings, simultaneously have flame twinkling, resounded with the sound of gunfire, the securities has occupied a commanding position, Lu Wenlong and the others who the goal did not cover. 就在这时,正屋二楼和三楼,同时有火光闪烁,响起了枪声,保安们居高临下,目标正是毫无遮挡的吕文龙等人。 shua~ shua~ shua~ brushes...... 刷刷刷刷…… Lu Wenlong displays Illusory Fish Dragon Steps to flash the show to organize, incomparably has avoided the first wave of bullet flexible, then the body soars suddenly, the next quarter, the figure fell on three buildings. 吕文龙施展幻影鱼龙步闪展腾挪,无比灵活的躲开了第一波子弹,然后身体猛然腾空,下一刻,身形已经落在了三楼。 „, They have spear/gun unexpectedly, your each and everyone gives me carefully!” “靠,他们居然有枪,你们一个个都给我小心点儿!” Lu Wenlong is very annoyed, cannot bear shout abuse, speech at the same time, the figure actually does not stop, instantaneously pounding to faint several people who three buildings open fire in the place. 吕文龙很恼火,忍不住破口大骂,说话的同时,身形却毫不停顿,瞬间就把三楼开枪的几个人给砸晕在地。 Meanwhile, second floor that security of three opening fire, three people who was also flown pound the corona completely, fell down loses consciousness. 同时,二楼的那三名开枪的保安,也被飞上来的三个人全部砸晕,倒在地上不省人事了。 The stormy sound of gunfire has only made a sound for several seconds, the thorough idle time, Longteng Villa restored silent. 密集的枪声只响了十几秒钟,就彻底停歇,龙腾山庄又恢复了寂静。 Has saying that Long Family was easy and comfortable was too long, nearly nobody dares to provoke Long Family for more than 30 years, therefore big Longteng Villa, the surrounding area more than 2000 squares, have not sent any Expert to guard unexpectedly. 不得不说,龙家实在是安逸了太久了,近三十多年来无人敢招惹龙家,因此偌大的龙腾山庄,方圆2000多平方,竟然没有派任何高手把守。 This is far from a general idea, but was the Long Family inside story was too abundant, the Long Family person, had a dream cannot think, some people dare unexpectedly under their eyes hid, moved their domains, moreover so flagrant, unscrupulous. 这绝非大意,而是龙家的底蕴实在太雄厚了,龙家的人,做梦都想不到,有人竟然敢在他们的眼皮子底下,动他们的地盘,而且是如此的明目张胆,肆无忌惮。 Bang bang bang bang bang...... 嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭…… In the yard, in a hurry several securities that to/clashes in all around, is less than a half minute, by Lu Wenlong and the others completely was knocked down, later then again also nobody ran out. 大院之内,匆忙之间在四周冲出来的十几名保安,不到半分钟,就被吕文龙等人全部打翻在地,之后便再也无人冲出了。 Brother Long, handled completely.” 龙哥,全部搞定了。” The stature thin that fellow, the nickname thin monkey, he cowers the body to take a fast look around carefully surrounding, after confirming the security, this said to Lu Wenlong. 身材精瘦的那家伙,外号瘦猴,他瑟缩着身子小心扫视周围一圈,确认安全之后,这才对吕文龙说道。 Looks at your pitiful look!” “看你那个熊样吧!” Lu Wenlong is looking at thin monkey movement cautiously, cannot bear show the whites of the eyes, scolded him, this big hand wields: Walks, enters the room, the 1-layer building 1-layer building to me searches, rushes to these people, then discussed together, gives me to act a bit faster!” 吕文龙望着瘦猴小心翼翼的动作,忍不住翻了个白眼儿,骂了他一句,这才大手一挥:“走,进屋,一层一层楼的给我搜,把那些人都赶到一处,然后一起谈,都给我动作快点儿!” Longteng Villa naturally hillside constructs, his Lord construction is a villa in 5-layer building, the semblance is very common, including the light that in the window projects is the normal white, but in actually different. 龙腾山庄自然是依山而建,他的主建筑是一栋五层楼的别墅,外表很不起眼,连窗户里投射出来的灯光都是正常白色的,可里面却别有洞天。 Villa inside each 1-layer repairs incomparable luxurious, each room is very big, inside gold and jade in glorious splendor, various decorations surpass outside five-star hotel. 别墅里面每一层都装修的无比奢华,每个房间都很大,里面金碧辉煌,各种装饰远超外面的五星级酒店。 Hides the person in villa, regardless of the status height, already made a mess at this moment. 躲在别墅里面的人,无论身份高低,此刻早已乱作一团。 Lu Wenlong is bringing the thin monkey and other brothers, swaggering rushes in villa 1-layer time, discovered that inside face was white, frightened, anxious, worried...... Even some people simply frightened urinate the pants, the body sent out one share ill-smelling urine show taste, must ill-smellingly ill-smelling. 吕文龙带着瘦猴等五名兄弟,大摇大摆闯进别墅一层的时候,发现里面的人脸都白了,恐惧,焦急,担忧……甚至有些人干脆吓得尿了裤子,身上散发出一股子难闻的尿骚味,要多难闻有多难闻。 But the person, in his hand is actually carrying a spear/gun, six people who towards rushes, the arm shiver slightly, is difficult to cover the color of within the eyes fear, actually hardly clenches teeth, is staring at leading Lu Wenlong stubbornly, half does not draw back. 但却有一人,他手里端着一把枪,正对着闯进来的六个人,手臂微微颤抖,难掩目中恐惧之色,却硬咬着牙,死死盯着带头的吕文龙,半步不退。 This is Longteng Villa head Zhao Chuan, here had an accident, others can draw back, he does not have the least bit escape route, can only brace oneself on. 这是龙腾山庄的负责人赵川,这里出了事,别人能退,他却没有半点儿退路,只能硬着头皮上。 Naturally, he clearly does not open fire now any significance, is ready with the rifle firing is just one type must stance, is one manner, if not die tonight, he must give a Long Family confession. 当然,他现在也明白开枪没有任何意义,端着枪只不过是一种必须的姿态,更是一种态度而已,如果今晚不死,他得给龙家一个交代。 „Below Zhao Chuan, is Longteng Villa head, does not know where everybody is sacred, does not know when our Villa has become enemies with everybody, stirs up you so to wage a war?” “在下赵川,是龙腾山庄的负责人,不知道各位是何方神圣,更不知道我们山庄什么时候跟各位结下了梁子,惹得你们如此大动干戈?” Long Family has the custom, cannot expose Longteng Villa to anybody unless it is absolutely essential is their domain, even if therefore to this kind of time, Zhao Chuan also only has been able to depend on own to solve this matter first, could not solve, can layer upon layer report, informed the Long Family person. 龙家有规矩,不到万不得已,不能对任何人暴露龙腾山庄是他们的地盘儿,因此哪怕是到了这种时候,赵川也只能先靠自己解决此事,解决不了,才能层层上报,告知龙家的人。 Zhao Chuan? Lays down the spear/gun.” 赵川是吧?把枪放下吧。” Lu Wenlong looks that the appearance of opposite party is unavoidably funny, in his hand is up and down a stone that thinks over to pick temporarily, said to the opposite party: Told you visibly, the fellow in your hand was useless to us.” 吕文龙看着对方的样子不免好笑,他手里一上一下掂量着临时捡来的一块石头,冲对方说道:“明着告诉你,你手里的家伙对我们没用。” Zhao Chuan clenches teeth, slightly after a ponder, very simple discards the spear/gun, his intention lightning flash, asked cautiously: This brothers, you may know that here is somewhere?” 赵川咬牙,略一沉思之后,很干脆的把枪丢掉,他心念电闪,小心翼翼问道:“这位兄弟,你们可知道这里是什么地方?” Longteng Villa is a money dissolver, under is Long Family receives one of the of all influence various being filial piety places in secret, common custom ordinary trillion rich and powerful people, even if has heard Long Family, wants to arrange, simply does not have the qualifications to know that this, must result in 1-layer 1-layer to spend the good money to arrange, then had the opportunity to find here, then had the initial capital to be filial piety Long Family, the qualifications of social climbing Long Family. 龙腾山庄是一座销金窟,更是龙家暗中收受下面各方势力的各种孝敬的地点之一,世俗界普通的亿万富豪,就算听说过龙家,想要进行打点,也根本没有资格知道这一处,必须得一层一层花大钱打点,然后才有机会找到这里,然后才有下血本孝敬龙家,攀附龙家的资格。 Otherwise, you can only be a rich man, does not have the background influence to support, the property in hand, but is the prey of stronger competitor, carelessly, said seizes seizes to you. 否则,你只能算个有钱人,却没有背景势力撑腰,手中的财产,不过是更强的竞争对手的猎物罢了,一个不慎,说夺走就给你夺走。 Incessantly Long Family, China Eight Big Clans, including Ling Family, is this playing law, usual all such revolve, does not leave the important matter, the key person of family, will not act. 不止龙家,华夏八大家族,包括凌家在内,都是这种玩儿法,平时的一切就是这么运转,不出大事,家族的核心人物,根本不会出面。 Zhao Chuan 39 years old, can become such a total head in key position, naturally are not mingled in vain, his eyes saw that the opposite party comes prepared, therefore does not have to beat around the bush. 赵川39岁,就能够成为这么一个关键位置的总负责人,当然不是白混的,他一眼看出对方是有备而来,因此也没有太绕弯子。 Saw that the opposite party threw the spear/gun on own initiative, the evil spirit bone-chilling cold air/Qi in Lu Wenlong eye has relaxed, he smiles lightly: Looked that you very start off, I make you clear.” 看到对方主动把枪丢了,吕文龙眼中的凶煞凛冽之气有所缓和,他淡淡一笑:“看你挺上路,我就让你明白明白。” First, we know that here is the Long Family domain \; Second, we come to here to only have a goal.” “第一,我们知道这里是龙家的地盘\;第二,我们来这里只有一个目的。” Lu Wenlong physique, the imposing manner rises suddenly instantaneously: Zhao Chuan, you listened, Ling Family debt collection!” 吕文龙身姿一挺,气势瞬间暴涨:“赵川,你听好了,凌家收账!” Ling Family debt collection! 凌家收账! passes! 噗通! After listening to the Lu Wenlong two words, Zhao Chuan fell on the ground directly, complexion deathly white, could not say a few words again! 听完了吕文龙的两句话之后,赵川直接跌坐在了地上,脸色煞白,再也说不出一句话来! He knows certainly Ling Family, Capital City and even China are impossible to have second, just swiftly and violently rose, now is of Ling Family China three big peak families! 他当然知道凌家,京城乃至华夏不可能有第二家,就是刚刚迅猛崛起,如今已经是华夏三大巅峰家族之一的凌家 Did Ling Family make a move to Long Family finally? So to be how quick? Why also will choose tonight?! 凌家终于对龙家出手了吗?怎么会这么快?又为什么会选择今晚?! In the head of Zhao Chuan rumbling makes noise, almost blasting open is ordinary, the heart said that own so will be bad luck, Long Family in Capital City has that many place like Longteng Villa, have you selected here? 赵川的脑袋里轰轰作响,几乎炸裂一般,心说自己怎么会这么倒霉,龙家京城有那么多像龙腾山庄这样的地方,你们怎么就偏偏选中了我这里? I know that you are only one effective, such big matter you said does not calculate, our goals are not you, therefore I will not feel embarrassed you.” “我知道你只是一个管事的,这么大的事你说了不算,我们的目标也不是你,所以我也不会为难你。” Lu Wenlong treads the first two steps, lowers the head to overlook is frightening the paralysis in place Zhao Chuan, bone-chilling cold said: Now is placed in front of you, only then two roads, one is the little darling coordinates us, another is such paralysis here, honest a little, until we get through the matter to leave, then you love how.” 吕文龙踏前两步,低头俯视着吓瘫在地的赵川,凛冽说道:“现在摆在你面前只有两条路,一条是乖乖配合我们,另一条就是这么瘫在这里,老实一点儿,直到我们办完事儿离开,然后你爱咋咋地。” Before Lu Wenlong, is the Azure Dragon Dragon Hall person, specially manages the debt collection, to this matter simply is familiar and easy, but has traded the goal, how therefore then should do, that is confident, has words at fingertips and writes with facility. 吕文龙以前是青龙龙堂的人,专管收账的,对这种事简直是轻车熟路,只是换了目标罢了,因此接下来该怎么做,那是胸有成竹,信手拈来。 The Zhao Chuan tooth trembles, has straightened up the upper part reluctantly, asked grieved: „Do you, how plan to receive?” 赵川牙齿打颤,勉强挺直了上半身,惨然问道:“你们,打算怎么收?” Lu Wenlong hehe said with a smile: Relax, we do not pound do not snatch, will not offend somebody, the benefit that but took away from Ling Family past Long Family, both capital and interest received, like this said, you have satisfied?” 吕文龙嘿嘿笑道:“放心,我们不砸不抢,更不会伤人,只是把当年龙家凌家手上拿走的利益,连本带利收回来而已,这样说,你满意了没有?” His sound is very high, resounds through the villa 5-layer building, said incessantly to the Zhao Chuan hear, said Villa each great person on the scene listens to Longteng. 他的声音很高,响彻别墅五层楼,不止是说给赵川听,同时也是说给龙腾山庄的每个在场的大人物听。 Does not evade! 毫不避讳! What is called to back on the big tree to be good to enjoy the cool air, Lu Wenlong thoroughly realizes now, the back has Ling Yun, they collect debts for the master, without any is good to fear. 什么叫做背靠大树好乘凉,吕文龙现在是彻底体会到了,背后有凌云在,他们是代师收账,没有任何好怕的。 You......” “你……” The Zhao Chuan hear, mind severely trembles, is similar to likes a sudden thunderclap, only said a character, then straight but actually, the human affairs did not know. 赵川听完,心神剧震,如同五雷轰顶,只说出一个字,然后便直挺挺的倒了下去,人事不知了。 The initiative is impossible, he has chosen the second road. 主动配合是不可能的,他选择了第二条路。 Calculates that you are intelligent!” “算你聪明!” Lu Wenlong was happy, then does not delay, the direct big hand wields: You go upstairs, rushes to me all people this hall, verifies their status, then talked openly with them one by one!” 吕文龙乐了,然后毫不耽误,直接大手一挥:“你们上楼,把所有人都给我赶到这大厅里来,查明他们的身份,然后挨个跟他们谈心!” As he issues an order, already impatient five people, has chosen the 1-layer building respectively, was cruel to find the person. 随着他一声令下,身后早就迫不及待的五个人,各自选择了一层楼,如狼似虎上去找人去了。 This is also only Lu Wenlong this group of troops. 这还只是吕文龙这一组人马。 Meanwhile, Ling Yun's another five groups of disciples, already turned out in full strength from the Ling Family martial arts school at this moment, under the Ling Family person ready dead 's leadership, assumed the fan to crash in Capital City from the north side, was similar to six sharp swords is ordinary, a Lu Jinfa, to rushed from north to south horizontally. 与此同时,凌云的另外五组弟子,此刻早已从凌家武校里倾巢而出,在凌家死士的带领下,呈扇面形从北边冲进了京城,如同六把利剑一般,从北往南一路进发,横冲直闯。 That night, to many people, being doomed is a sleepless night. 这一夜,对很多人来说,注定是个不眠之夜。 However, the Capital City influence is complicate, pulls one round to move the whole body, does not wait for Ling Family six groups of troops to harvest the first goal, Ling Yun has not received the victory report at home, entire Capital City then thorough cooker! 然而,京城势力盘根错节,牵一发而动全身,不等凌家的六组人马收割完第一个目标,凌云在家里还没收到捷报呢,整个京城就彻底炸锅了! Bears the brunt, naturally is Long Family and Ye Family! 首当其冲的,当然是龙家叶家
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