DEMG :: Volume #17

#1685: Mixes Capital City

Earth-shaking! 石破天惊! Lu Wenlong this fellow said the essence that Ling Yun this time inspected unexpectedly all of a sudden! 吕文龙这家伙竟一下子说出了凌云此番考核的本质! This possibly does not bump into running upon, looks at the Lu Wenlong confident appearance, the categorical tone, knows, this is he after thinking, already wants to understand, but has drawn the bow and not discharged the arrow. 这绝不可能是误打误撞给撞上的,看吕文龙胸有成竹的样子,斩钉截铁的语气,就知道,这是他经过深思熟虑,早就想明白了,只是一直引而不发罢了。 What a pity, Ling Yun not on the scene, moreover position of fragrant hills, surpasses ten kilometers remote from the Ling Family home, beyond Ling Yun's Spiritual Consciousness ultimate range. 可惜,凌云并不在场,而且香山的位置,也距离凌家祖宅超过十公里之遥,在凌云的神识极限范围之外。 Naturally, this time Ling Yun, in the Ling Lie yard, is using Yin-Yang Five Elements Fire, quenchings flesh body to Ling Lie and Old Cui, washes the muscle to cut down the marrow, he does not have that leisurely mood to pay attention to these. 当然,这时候的凌云,正在凌烈的小院里,利用阴阳五行火,给凌烈崔老淬炼肉身,洗筋伐髓呢,他也没有那份闲心来关注这些。 Ling Yun decided that this group of cruel disciples put, already decided that how to toss about along with them tonight, even if pierces the day, he does not care. 凌云决定把这帮如狼似虎的弟子放出来的时候,就早已打定主意,随他们今晚怎么折腾,哪怕捅破天,他也不在乎。 But, Ling Yun cannot hear, actually some people can hear. 可是,凌云听不到,却有人听得到。 My Heavens! no wonder Family Head sends us to come out to monitor this group of boys in secret, originally tonight has such big movement!” 我天!怪不得家主派我们出来暗中监视着这帮小子,原来今晚有这么大的动作!” In the middle of the darkness, fragrant hills halfway up the mountainside, in the middle of a jungle, Ling 1 wears a paint black travelling by night clothes, the hidden here, on this group of people's the dialogue the summit, did not omit a single word to give to listen. 黑暗当中,香山的半山腰处,一处密林当中,凌一穿着一身漆黑色的夜行衣,隐藏在此,把山顶上这帮人的对话,一字不漏都给听了去。 Do not ask how Ling 1 found Lu Wenlong this group of people, as Innate 6-layer peak Expert, at Heavens Killing intelligence organization secret training one month of Ling Family person ready dead, if such big goal could not find continually, that Ling 1 this Ling Family person ready dead the status of elder brother's, already could not preserve. 不要问凌一是怎么找到吕文龙这帮人的,身为一名先天六层巅峰的高手,又在天杀情报组织秘密集训了一个月的凌家死士,如果连这么大的目标都找不到,那凌一凌家死士的一哥的地位,早就保不住了。 Young fellow, this disposition temperament, this imposing manner, is really to father's appetite! Respects the young!” “好小子,这性格脾气,还有这份气势,真是对老子的胃口!后生可畏啊!” Ling 1 layer on layer/heavily nods, admires greatly very much, he approved one secretly, then passes message to behind another two people ready dead said: 55, you inform other brothers immediately, hearing situation told them, said that tonight has big living!” 凌一重重点头,很是激赏,他暗赞了一声,然后对身后另外两名死士传音说道:“55,你们立即通知其他弟兄,把听到的情况告诉他们,就说今晚有大活!” Ling 1 excited whole body each cell is trembling, he shocks very much, is very excited, their humiliation many years, have waited till this day of feeling proud and elated finally! 凌一激动的浑身每一个细胞都在颤栗,他很震撼,也很兴奋,他们屈辱多年,终于等到了扬眉吐气的这一天! Eldest child, we, if such does, didn't give the pit the above that boy?” “老大,咱们要是那样做,不是把上面那小子给坑了吗?” Ling 15 is very similarly excited, but actually in hesitant, knits the brows the reminder saying: I heard a moment ago, this is Family Head is inspecting them obviously, even must guess including the topic, above boy definitely guessed, if we such gave to say the Family Head intention...... As if not big art?” 凌十五同样很激动,但却在犹豫,皱着眉提醒说道:“我刚才可是听到了,这明显是家主在考核他们,甚至连题目都要猜,上面这小子肯定是猜中了,咱们要是把家主的意图就这么给说出去……似乎不大讲究吧?” Could not attend to many!” “顾不得许多了!” Ling 1 lifts the hand suddenly, has prevented Ling 15, he said excitedly: Tonight is our brothers mixes Capital City, the day of feeling proud and elated, the goal has that many, where also has the free time to consider whom first after?!” 凌一猛然抬手,阻止了凌十五,他激动说道:“今晚就是咱们众兄弟搅动京城,扬眉吐气的日子,目标有那么多,哪里还有工夫去考虑谁先谁后?!” Ling 1 understood after Ling Yun's real intention, performance is more excited than the inspected that group of disciples! 得嘞,凌一了解到凌云的真正意图之后,表现的比被考核的那帮弟子还要激动! He lifts a hand finger/refers of above summit, suddenly asked: Whose disciple are that group of boys?” 他抬手一指上面山顶,突然问道:“那帮小子是谁的弟子?” Family Head.” 家主的。” Ling 14, Ling 15 returns to say with one voice. 凌十四,凌十五异口同声回道。 Ling 1 asked again: Our Ling Family person ready dead, worked oneself to death to whom before, now who gives loyalty to?!” 凌一再问:“那咱们凌家死士,以前是给谁卖命,现在又是给谁效忠?!” Originally naturally is three masters, now naturally is Family Head.” “原来当然是三爷,现在自然是家主。” Three masters are Ling Xiao, Family Head are Ling Yun. 三爷是凌啸,家主凌云 Ling 1 showed the whites of the eyes, the whisper said: „Can't that?!” 凌一翻了个白眼儿,嘀咕说道:“那不就得了?!” „Our skill/kung fu, before Family Head comes home, the original background is three masters calls us, the present boundary ability is Family Head gives!” “咱们这身功夫,在家主来家之前,原来的底子是三爷给我们打的,现在的境界本领又都是家主给的!” All that we have now, derives Family Head fathers and sons two people.” “我们现在拥有的一切,都是得自家主父子两人。” During the Ling 1 speeches, does not forget the towards Ling Family home direction to hold the fist in the other hand, does obeisance seriously, then continues saying: We in name are the Ling Family people ready dead, but actually is also the Family Head disciple, said, we are above the Senior Brother of that group of boys!” 凌一说话间,不忘对着凌家祖宅方向抱拳,郑重一拜,然后才继续说道:“我们名义上是凌家死士,但本质上却也是家主的弟子,说起来,咱们是上边那帮小子的师兄!” Family Head sends us to come out tonight, said that must monitor them not to annoy in secret troublesome, hehe......” 家主今晚派咱们出来,说是要暗中监视他们不惹麻烦,嘿嘿……” Ling 1 downward did not say suddenly. 凌一突然不往下说了。 But his following meaning, Ling 14 Ling 15 is very clear. 但他后面的意思,凌十四凌十五都很明白。 20 years of years self-torture, waits is the day of! 20年岁月苦修,等的就是这一天! Has saying that the eldest child of Ling 1 this Ling Family person ready dead, is not white Dang, his brief several words, other two people exciting warm-blooded upwelling, completely that son worry at heart, threw into beyond the highest heavens. 不得不说,凌一这位凌家死士的老大,不是白当的,他简短几句话,就把另外两人刺激的热血上涌,全部都把心里的那点儿顾虑,抛到九霄云外去了。 Moreover, you have a look at the above that group of boys, what boundary each and everyone is, what natural talent?!” “而且,你们看看上边那帮小子,一个个都是什么境界,什么资质?!” As far as I know, they short practice was less than three months, completely has become above the Acquired 8-layer boundary, although their practice environment far superegos initial time, but if own natural talent incorrect words, you soak them in the spiritual energy vat, is white reckless.” “据我所知,他们才短短修炼了不到三个月,就全部都成了后天八层境界以上了,虽说他们的修炼环境远超我们当初的时候,可如果自身资质不行的话,你就算把他们泡在灵气缸里,也是白瞎。” Ling 1 sighed: Family Head chooses the vision of disciple , was too sharp originally......” 凌一感叹:“家主挑选弟子的眼光,实在也太犀利独到了……” My meaning is, since this Lu Wenlong can think of these, then outstanding characters in other that 60 disciples, definitely can also think.” “我的意思是,既然这吕文龙能够想到这些,那么其他那60名弟子中的优秀人物,肯定也能想到。” Therefore, the old 15 that son worries, are nothing to speak of radically! You hurry to pass on a message, I listen to that fellows to add anything again.” “所以,老15那点儿顾虑,根本不值一提!你们赶紧传讯,我再听听那帮家伙还说些什么。” On the summit, another 11 disciples, after listening to the Lu Wenlong brave words, each one complete silence, after long time, in abundance gets strength back. 山顶上,另外11名弟子,听了吕文龙的豪言壮语之后,个个鸦雀无声,半晌之后,才纷纷缓过劲来。 The people talked at once, all sorts of comments. 众人七嘴八舌,议论纷纷 Can't? Brother Long, I acknowledged that your this idea is bold enough, may say easily, does difficultly!” “不能吧?龙哥,我承认您这想法够大胆,可说起来容易,做起来难啊!” In this Capital City too many Innate Expert, particularly Long Family and Ye Family, I heard that their two respected families, the Ling Family benefit that in the past carved up were most, did our negligible abilities, how go to take with the person?” “这京城里太多先天高手了,尤其是龙家叶家,我听说他们两大家族,当年瓜分的凌家利益最多,就我们这点儿微末本领,怎么去跟人拿?” The youngster advantage, has warm-blooded, has the fervor, has the young bull not to fear that the impulse of tiger, is only two months of time, their boundary strengths, the vision pattern, already was not initially took these goons who the chopper club was snatching the domain no steady job in Azure Dragon. 年轻人的好处,是有热血,有激情,有初生牛犊不怕虎的冲劲儿,只是两个多月的时间,他们的境界实力,眼光格局,早已不是当初在青龙拿着砍刀棍棒抢地盘瞎混的那些打手了。 But their masters, are Ling Yun \; The everyday direction teaches their martial arts, is Ling Xiao and Ling Yong. 但他们的师傅,是凌云\;每天指点传授他们武功的,是凌啸凌勇 Is together a month, they possibly do not exercise flesh body, the promotion boundary, they very systematically have also studied Ling Family passing and present situation, as well as present Capital City common custom, China Ancient Martial World detailed situation, knows that outside the person has the person, one should always strive for better. 相处一个来月,他们不可能只是锻炼肉身,提升境界,他们还十分系统的学习和了解了凌家的过往和现状,以及现在的京城世俗界,华夏古武界的详细情况,知道人外有人,天外有天。 Therefore this group of boys not blind arrogant, each and everyone knows that own has several jin (0.5 kg) several two. 所以这帮小子并不盲目自大,一个个都知道自己有几斤几两。 Moreover, the key is also not the issue of strength, but is we have the idea spatially, actually does not know the goal.” “而且,关键还不是实力的问题,而是咱们空有想法,却根本不知道目标啊。” By Lu Wenlong, is the long thin that fellow, spoke of the most basic issue, he rubs the tartar saying: Brother Long, you said, which we do go to take, ask whom to take?” 吕文龙旁边,还是长的精瘦的那个家伙,说到了最根本的问题,他搓着牙花子说道:“龙哥,你说,咱们去哪儿拿,找谁拿?” Did not say that Long Family and Ye Family, in this Capital City the assorted family has dozens over a hundred every large or small, our others who is, lives in which does not know......” “不说龙家叶家,这京城里杂七杂八的家族大大小小有几十上百个,我们连人家谁是谁,住在哪都不知道……” Yeah, Brother Long, blames worry that too you come out, if before we go out, asks 37 masters to ask that several goals were good.” “哎,龙哥,都怪你出来的太着急,要是我们出门之前,找37爷问几个目标就好了。” Some people sighed, strange Lu Wenlong ran was too anxious. 有人叹息,怪吕文龙跑出来的太急了。 This 37, is certainly responsible for the Ling Family martial arts school logistics support that referred to Ling 37. 这个37,当然就是指的负责凌家武校后勤保障的凌三七了。 Ahem.” “哼哼。” Lu Wenlong sneers, looked fool looks to sigh that fellow who: Said that you are silly you also to refuse to accept, if we ask 37 masters to ask, moreover didn't that five fellows guess correctly? Ma, their essence ghost.” 吕文龙冷笑,看傻子似的看着叹气的那家伙:“说你傻你还不服,如果我们找37爷去问,另外那五个家伙不就都猜到了?玛德,他们都精似鬼。” This goal...... Truly is a big difficult problem......” “不过这目标嘛……确实是个大难题……” A Lu Wenlong eyeball revolution, flexure scratching the head, made the pondering diligently shape, then suddenly sat cross-legged to sit: Here environment is good, you sit practice, allowing me to blow off the brain, thinks well!” 吕文龙眼珠一转,挠了挠头,做冥思苦想状,然后忽然盘膝坐地:“这里环境不错,你们都坐下来修炼吧,容我放空大脑,好好想想!” The surrounding people a face compel immediately ignorant. 周围众人顿时一脸懵逼。 Then they really saw, Lu Wenlong sits cross-legged to sit in meditation unexpectedly, five heart to heaven, seemed like has pondered diligently. 然后他们就真的看到,吕文龙竟真的盘膝入定,五心向天,看似冥思苦想了起来。 After another 11 people are stunned , can only with following the example, each and everyone sat, as for in practice, then knew then nobody. 另外11人愕然之后,也只能跟着有样学样,一个个坐了下来,至于到底是不是在修炼,那就无人知晓了。 Ma, this scoundrel boy, was too simply clever!” “玛德,这混账小子,简直太鬼了!” In the jungle of halfway up the mountainside, Ling 1 sees that to stamp with rage immediately, shouts abuse: This fellow is compelling me to come!” 半山腰的密林中,凌一见状顿时气得跳脚,破口大骂道:“这家伙在逼着我现身!” After spitting the trough, Ling 1 moves sideways to depart the jungle, Yan Zi three copies the water, several vertical leapt arrived at the summit. 吐槽之后,凌一闪身飞出密林,燕子三抄水,几个纵跃就来到了山顶。 Lu Wenlong, you especially don't there attire!” 吕文龙,你特么的别在那里装了!” Ling 1 appears before the body of Lu Wenlong directly, comes up is a foot: Hurries to roll, old innertube you confiscate family's property!” 凌一直接出现在吕文龙的身前,上来就是一脚:“赶紧滚起来,老子带你们抄家去!” today in the evening, the Ling Family person ready dead and Ling Yun disciple synthesis, fans out in six groups, must mix Capital City! 今天晚上,凌家死士和凌云弟子合体,兵分六路,要搅动京城
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