DEMG :: Volume #17

#1661: Miao-nationality region grand occasion( wished your happy spring festival!)

This may really be a good news.” “这可真是一个好消息。” When Ling Yun hears Xue Zhengqi and Miao Fenghuang two people marriage news, he satisfies nods, what is heartfelt is this they were happy. 凌云听到薛正奇苗凤凰两人婚讯的时候,他满意点头,由衷的为这俩人高兴。 Has not thought that so will be unexpectedly quick. 只是没想到竟然会这么快。 Yesterday reunited, today must hold the wedding, This is one day does not want to delay. 昨天才破镜重圆,今天就要举行婚礼,这是一天都不想耽误啊 My grandma the day and others, waited for 47 years!” “我阿婆等这一天,等了47年了呢!” As if saw that Ling Yun in the heart thinks, Miao Xiaomiao could not bear white his one eyes, argued. 似乎看出凌云心中所想,苗小苗忍不住白了他一眼,争辩道。 Ling Yun also sighed: Yes, waited for 47 years.” 凌云也跟着感叹:“是啊,等了47年了。” But his in the heart is actually laughing in one's heart, the heart said that actually does not need such to worry, their this, at least also want to spend together for over hundred years, there is greatly time can in the same place. 但他心中却在暗笑,心说其实真的不必这么着急,他们这一世,起码还要在一起共度百年以上,有大把的时间可以在一起。 Two Innate Expert, have eaten Halting Face Treasure Pill, if not encounter to kill tribulation unexpected misfortune, under normal situation, will live again 100 next year, simply with playing. 两名先天高手,吃了驻颜宝丹,如果不遭遇杀劫这种无妄之灾,正常情况下,再活个100来年,简直就跟玩儿似的。 We walk quickly, do not let grandparent they and others worry.” “我们快走吧,可别让爷爷奶奶他们等着急了。” Miao Xiaomiao looks at the Ling Yun at a moderate pace appearance, immediately cannot bear the urging. 苗小苗看着凌云不紧不慢的样子,顿时忍不住催促。 Ling Yun said with a smile: Has anything to be good to worry, we hurry back to your Miao village from here, both has more than enough including two minutes.” 凌云笑道:“有什么好着急的,我们从这里赶回你们苗寨,连两分钟都用不了。” Cannot fly!” “可不能飞过去!” Miao Xiaomiao startles greatly, she hurries saying: today is my paternal grandmother big marriage, our surrounding surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) several borders, some people will participate, if we fly from the space, but also can not scary Ah?! 苗小苗大骇,她赶忙说道:“今天是我奶奶大婚,我们周围方圆百里的十几个寨子,都会有人过来参加的,要是我们从天上飞过去,还不得吓死人啊?! But Miao Fenghuang Miao-nationality region Saintess, she wants the big marriage, regarding Miao-nationality region, absolutely is an extraordinary grand occasion, the person who comes will not be few. 苗凤凰可是苗疆圣女,她要大婚,对于苗疆来说,绝对是一件了不得的盛事,来的人不会少。 You feel relieved and that's the end.” “你放心就是了。” Ling Yun curls the lip: We the stealth flies first, finds nobody's place to come near the border, then enters your Zhaizili and that's the end.” 凌云撇嘴:“我们先隐身飞过去,在寨子附近找个没人的地方现身,然后再走进你们寨子里就是了。” This is good.” “这样还行。” Miao Xiaomiao agreed with the Ling Yun's suggestion. 苗小苗同意了凌云的建议。 Then, Ling Yun grabbed the hand of Miao Xiaomiao once more, the stealth soared, flew back to the Miao village leisurely. 接下来,凌云再次抓住了苗小苗的手,隐身腾空,慢悠悠飞回苗寨。 „Does the wedding of your Miao-nationality region, differently what have with our Han people? Or has the place that needs me to pay attention to specially?” “你们苗疆的婚礼,跟我们汉人有什么不同的?或者说,有没有需要我特别注意的地方?” Returns to the road in Miao village, some Ling Yun suspect whispers, asked Miao Xiaomiao at heart. 返回苗寨的路上,凌云心里有些犯嘀咕,问起了苗小苗 Said honestly, this is Ling Yun first time attended the wedding, has not thought unexpectedly in 100,000 mountains deep places, in most primitive Miao-nationality region Miao village. 坦白说,这还是凌云头一次参加婚礼,没想到竟是在100000大山的深处,最原始的苗疆苗寨之中。 Our Miao Clan marriage custom, is on the whole similar to Han Chinese, however in the detail, these differences may too be many.” “我们苗族的婚嫁习俗,大体上跟汉族也差不多,但是在细节上,那些差别可就太多了。” Miao Xiaomiao knows that Ling Yun attaches great importance to very much, gives him to explain very much earnestly, but spoke several after simply, she was disinclined saying that simply smiled saying: These matters, you did not need to consider, today you were an honored guest, no one dares to press your.” 苗小苗知道凌云很重视,也很认真的给他讲解,不过简单讲了几句之后,她就懒得讲了,干脆一笑说道:“不过这些事情,你就不用考虑了,今天你可是上宾,谁都不敢难为你的。” This I know.” “这我知道。” Ling Yun listened to showing a faint smile, yesterday's time, could not feel embarrassed him Miao Fenghuang, let alone was today? 凌云听了微微一笑,昨天的时候,连苗凤凰都为难不了他,何况是今天了? My meaning was, do I need to prepare a little gift, so as to avoid when the time comes grasped blindly.” “我刚才的意思是,我需不需要准备一点儿礼物,免得到时候抓瞎。” Miao Xiaomiao tittered smiles: Does not use.” 苗小苗噗嗤一笑:“不用呢。” ............ ………… Hou, this scene may suffice really in a big way, came these many people now?” “嚯,这场面可真够大的啊,现在就来了这么多人了?” After three minutes, Ling Yun and Miao Xiaomiao arrived at south sky over a border hill, he does not fall to the ground to come eagerly, but lets loose formidable Spiritual Consciousness, covers the entire borders as well as the surrounding surrounding area several kilometers completely. 三分钟后,凌云苗小苗来到了寨子南边的一座丘陵上空,他并不急于落地现身,而是放开强大神识,把整个寨子以及周围方圆几公里全部笼罩在内。 Then 8 : 30 am, in the entire Miao village, is the sea of people, moreover to lead to the several mountain roads in border on, many people are still hurrying along, wells up toward here. 这才上午八点半,整个苗寨之内,已经是人山人海了,而且通向寨子的几条山路上,依然有很多人在赶路,向着这里涌来。 Only looks at the present stance, Ling Yun is supposing, today at least must have 1000 people to attend this wedding. 只看眼前的架势,凌云估摸着,今天起码得有1000人来参加这场婚礼。 Regardless of everybody, everybody wears the Miao Clan bright bright and beautiful Miao Clan splendid attire, on the face is brimming with the happy smiling face, inside and outside the border, singing sound continuously, lingering on faintly. 无论男女老少,人人穿着苗族鲜艳亮丽的苗族盛装,脸上洋溢着欢乐幸福的笑容,寨子内外,歌声此起彼伏,不绝于耳。 This is your Miao Clan to song?” “这就是你们苗族的对歌了吧?” The Ling Yun's historical geography and history are the perfect score, regarding the manners and customs of some minorities, naturally impossible not to know. 凌云的历史地理都是满分,对于一些少数民族的风俗习惯,当然不可能一点儿都不知道。 Miao Xiaomiao smiles: Yes.” 苗小苗嫣然一笑:“是。” „Will you sing?” “那你会唱吗?” Meeting.” “会。” Miao Xiaomiao inexplicable shy smiles, unexpectedly is the simple and beautiful not local products. 苗小苗莫名害羞一笑,竟是清丽不可方物。 Is appreciating the Miao Xiaomiao facial expression movement, Ling Yun is slightly excited, wants saying that very much makes Miao Xiaomiao also sing several, may bear finally. 欣赏着苗小苗的神情动作,凌云略微心动,很想说让苗小苗也唱上几句,可最终忍住了。 At this time, he is the mood is excellent, does not want by the resentment. 这个时候,他是心情大好,可不想被怼。 What that two stand outside border meets the person is who?” “那两个站在寨子外面接人的是谁啊?” Ling Yun lifts hand finger/refers of , there has a quite straight broad mountain road, can see this is the only right way to border, outside all the person who from catches up in all directions, without exception first arrives on on this road from the branch road, then enters the border. 凌云抬手一指下方,那里有一条较为平直宽阔的山路,一眼就能看出这是通往寨子的唯一正路,外面所有从四面八方赶来的人,都无一例外先从岔路来到这条路上,然后进入寨子。 This moment there roadside is standing a troop person, wears the splendid attire, is headed by two middle-aged men and women, is welcoming guest in all directions with a smile, is very the enthusiasm. 此刻那里路边站着一大群人,均是身穿盛装,其中以两名中年男女为首,正在笑着迎接四面八方的客人,很是热情。 „Are you ask something already known?” “你是明知故问吧?” Miao Xiaomiao ill-humored white Ling Yun, then the elegant face is one red, said in a low voice: That is my dad and mom.” 苗小苗没好气的白了凌云一眼,然后俏脸又是一红,低声说道:“那就是我的阿爹阿姆。” Miao Qing, Ren Hong. 苗清,任红 The Ling Yun smile, he truly asked something already known, because border outside these people did not stand there are motionless, they there were for welcome outside guest, inside many some old, will call their names directly, congratulated to them, these dialogues, not omitting a single word entered in the Ling Yun's ear eye, he guesses that also guessed. 凌云微笑,他确实是明知故问,因为寨子外面那些人可不是站在那里不动的,他们在那里是为了迎接外面的客人,里面不乏一些年长的,都会直接称呼他们的名字,给他们道喜,那些对话,一字不漏的都进了凌云的耳朵眼里,他猜也猜出来了。 „After I meet a while, how should call them to be appropriate?” “那我等会儿见面之后,应该怎么称呼他们才合适呢?” As you like!” “随你!” Miao Xiaomiao blushes saying: My dad and mom also has to see the world, you according to shouting the Ning'er parents such shouted then the line, if according to our name...... Shouted......” 苗小苗红着脸道:“我阿爹阿姆又不是没见过世面,你按照喊凝儿的父母那样喊就行,要是按照我们这里的称呼……就喊……” That is considers as finished, is too incoherent, defers to my custom to come, shouted the uncle, Aunt.” “那还是算了,太拗口,还是按照我的习惯来吧,就喊叔叔,婶婶。” After Ling Yun listens Miao Xiaomiao told his two names, feels the headache, decides to defer to his oral to be familiar with. 凌云听了苗小苗告诉他的两个称呼之后,顿感头疼,决定还是按照他的口头习惯来。 Under, Miao Qing and Ren Hong, while receives all guests warmly, often raised the head to look around, looks to the distant place, in the foreheads is faintly anxious. 下方,苗清任红,在热情接待各方客人的同时,也不时的抬头张望,看向远处,眉宇间隐隐焦急。 We pass, evidently, your parents should worry to think you.” “我们过去吧,看样子,你父母应该是着急想你了。” The voice has not fallen, Ling Yun brings Miao Xiaomiao to invest near a mountain road jungle like lightning, comes, then while surroundings nobody, two people quietly appeared on the road, turned toward the border to walk shoulder to shoulder. 话音未落,凌云带着苗小苗闪电般投入山路边的一处密林,现身出来,然后趁着周围没人,两人悄然出现在了路上,并肩向着寨子走去。 Quick that two people walks, has only turned curved, their forms, entered Miao Qing and in the field of vision of Ren Hong that group of people. 两人走的很快,只拐了一个弯,他们的身影,就进入了苗清任红那群人的视野之中。 dad, mom......” 阿爹,阿姆……” Leaves border a half year, Miao Xiaomiao sees her parents once more, the sentiment of missing surges, the eye socket was already red, she starts to run, rushed over toward front that group of people. 离开寨子半年,苗小苗再次见到她父母,思念之情涌动,眼圈早已红了,她开始奔跑起来,向着前方那群人冲了过去。 „! Xiaomiao came back!” “呀!小苗回来了!” Is Xiaomiao!” “是小苗!” A Miao Xiaomiao appearance, has not waited for her parents to start talking, that group of people of their side, shout immediately in abundance. 苗小苗一出现,还没等她父母开口说话,他们身旁的那群人,立即纷纷呼喊起来。 „, Who is Xiaomiao that person? His long pretty!” “哇,小苗旁边的那个人是谁啊?他长的好俊啊!” Real yeah, outside really also has such handsome elder brother!” “真的哎,外面竟然还有这么俊的阿哥!” ............ ………… Celebrated the new year! 过年了! The step drafts wishes your happy spring festival here, the health, the good luck in everything, wish the entire family happy! ! 步征在这里祝您新春愉快,身体健康,万事如意,阖家幸福!么么哒!
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