DEMG :: Volume #14

#1369: Ye Family auction

Ye Xingchen has swept Qin Dongxue one, actually remains unmoved, she continues saying: Qin Elder Sister, some words, Ling Yun perhaps without enough time, or he not convenient told you. But few days ago, he once lived here for several days, in this period he several times raised with me, wants me to collect the Heavenly Sword Sect material as soon as possible, said that is so long as after bending down the demon congress ended, the first matter that he must do, gets Heavenly Sword Sect, rescues the sea of bitterness mother.” 夜星辰扫了秦冬雪一眼,却不为所动,她继续说道:“秦姐姐,有些话,凌云也许来不及,或者他不方便跟您说。但前些日子,他曾在我这里住了几天,期间他好几次跟我提起,要我尽快搜集天剑宗的资料,说是只要伏魔大会结束以后,他要做的第一件事,就是打上天剑宗,把母亲救出苦海。” Speaks, Ye Xingchen cannot bear turn head, swept one also silly to stand outside Ling Yun outward, corners of the mouth cannot bear raise wipes the happy expression, then also then said: 说着话,夜星辰忍不住扭头,向外扫了一眼还傻站在外面的凌云,嘴角儿忍不住掀起一抹笑意,然后又回头说道: However the Ling Yun's matter, is my matter, he must go to Heavenly Sword Sect, I naturally can accompany him to go together. Therefore, I these words spoke that to the Elder Sister hear, is hopes that you can make the resolution early.” “而凌云的事情,就是我的事情,他要去天剑宗,我自然会陪他一起去。所以,我把这些话说给姐姐听,就是希望您能及早做出决断。” Qin Elder Sister, Stars/Xingchen then had been spoiled by the master from a young age, the speech always goes straight there and comes straight back, stops at nothing, if I have any offensive place, has affronted you, but also asked Elder Sister to punish.” “秦姐姐,星辰自小就被师傅宠坏了,说话从来都是直来直去,无所顾忌,所以如果我有什么唐突的地方,冒犯了您,还请姐姐责罚。” The Qin Dongxue hear, cannot bear size up Ye Xingchen to come earnestly, has to reexamine the opposite party, because Ye Xingchen is really too calm, is too simple, too capable-- she is only Ling Yun one person considered, in addition, she to other does not care. 秦冬雪听完,忍不住认真打量起夜星辰来,不得不重新审视对方,因为夜星辰实在是太冷静,太干脆,太干练了——她只为凌云一人考虑,除此之外,她对别的都不在乎。 Ling Yun beautiful woman are innumerable, is inferior to Ye Xingchen one person. 凌云身边佳丽无数,都不如夜星辰一人。 This is appraisal of Qin Dongxue to Ye Xingchen, she does not know that which step Ye Xingchen now and Ling Yun developed, style that but the opposite party had a managing a household big woman faintly. 这就是秦冬雪夜星辰的评价,她不知道夜星辰现在和凌云发展到了哪一步,但对方却已经隐隐有了一种当家大妇的风范。 It is not artificial, does not conceal, comes straight to the point, cuts the gordian knot, neat. 不矫情,不掩饰,单刀直入,快刀斩乱麻,干脆利落。 Really is the rare good woman!” Out of the door, acts the woodcarving as before Ling Yun, after listening to the Ye Xingchen words, immediately genuinely acclaimed: Such wife, hits the lantern unable to look!” “真是难得的好女人啊!”门外,依旧扮演木雕的凌云,听完夜星辰一席话之后,顿时从心眼里赞叹:“这样的老婆,打着灯笼都找不着!” In the room, a Qin Dongxue ponder, then said with a smile slightly: Stars/Xingchen, you are make me between expel the front gate wall me Sect and my Elder Sister make the choice, you said how I will elect?” 屋内,秦冬雪稍微一沉思,然后笑道:“星辰,你这是让我在把我逐出门墙的师门和我姐姐之间做选择,你说我会怎么选?” Ye Xingchen had not replied, but smiles, is Qin Dongxue pours tea once more, said in a soft voice: Qin Elder Sister please drink tea.” 夜星辰没有回答,只是会心一笑,再次为秦冬雪斟茶,轻声说道:“秦姐姐请喝茶。” Qin Dongxue nodded gently, has drunk tea, was indifferent the teacup returns on the table, her look suddenly firm incomparable, sinking sound said: Not to mention I have been expelled the front gate wall by Divine Sword Village now, for my Elder Sister, even if my Qin Dongxue drops one to betray Sect , the reputation of treason and heresy how?” 秦冬雪轻轻点头,喝了一口茶,然后淡然把茶杯放回桌上,她的眼神忽然坚定无比,沉声道:“且不说我现在已经被神剑山庄逐出门墙,为了我姐姐,就算我秦冬雪真的落下一个背叛师门,大逆不道的名声又如何?” two people four items of relative, smile: When the time comes we together go.” 两人四目相对,同时嫣然一笑:“到时候我们一起去。” At this moment, but also is acting woodcarving same place Ling Yun, looked at this with Spiritual Consciousness, he has to admire Ye Xingchen heartfeltly. 此刻,还在原地扮演木雕的凌云,用神识看完了这一幕,他不得不由衷地佩服夜星辰 Ye Xingchen with the Qin Dongxue first exchange, directly said the Qin Dongxue heart most puzzled matter, seems like very offensive, actually only uses the few words, drew in Qin Dongxue the own trench. 夜星辰秦冬雪第一次交流,就直接说出了秦冬雪心底最纠结的事情,看起来是很唐突,却是只用寥寥数语,就把秦冬雪拉到了自己的战壕里。 Ling Yun that many women, did not have one to achieve this point successfully! 凌云身边那么多女人,至今还没有一个能成功做到这一点呢! Only listens to Qin Dongxue also to say with a smile: Stars/Xingchen, the ten days later bending down demon congress, is these martial arts world honestly opens for you, said honestly, at that time, I also really think that you are the female demon of killing without batting an eye.” 只听秦冬雪又笑道:“星辰,十天后的伏魔大会,就是那些武林正派为你而开的,坦白说,在那个时候,我还真以为你是个杀人不眨眼的女魔头呢。” two people has tied up online at this moment thoroughly, naturally told one another everything. 两人此刻已经彻底绑一条线上,自然是无话不谈了。 Ye Xingchen chuckle smiles tenderly, speaks thoughtlessly saying: Truly kills without batting an eye, kills is this person of killing, em, basically was the past years forces my master and Uncle Ling's separated these people.” 夜星辰咯咯娇笑,随口说道:“确实是杀人不眨眼,不过杀的都是该杀之人,恩,基本上都是当年逼迫我师傅和凌伯伯分开的那些人。” Qin Dongxue said with a smile: Kills well! These people should kill!” 秦冬雪笑道:“杀得好!那些人该杀!” two people said over and over again, nothing but was 20 years ago China two involved legal matters, was related to Qin Family, was related to Ling Family. 两人说来说去,无非是20年前华夏的两桩公案,一个事关秦家,一个事关凌家 As a result of circumstance, destiny entanglement, ancient so. 因缘际会,命运纠缠,亘古如此。 Two big beautiful women drink tea, chatted thoroughly, quick pot tea drank up. 两位大美女喝着茶,彻底聊开了,很快一壶茶喝完。 Hey, out of the door that wooden stake does , come in?” “喂,门外那个木桩子,到底还进不进来啦?” Ye Xingchen turns head suddenly, shouts to Ling Yun. 夜星辰忽然扭头,冲着凌云喊道。 The Ling Yun moving quickly enters the room, he hee hee said with a smile to two people: You said was wooden stake, but also moved? If moves, that hasn't become the monster?” 凌云飞身入屋,他冲两人嘻嘻笑道:“你都说了是木桩子了,还怎么动?要是动的话,那不是成了妖怪了?” Ye Xingchen white Ling Yun: In my opinion, you could not miss many with monster.” 夜星辰白了凌云一眼:“在我看来,你也跟妖怪差不了多少。” Ling Yun threw out the chest to raise the head, suspends one to think that very natural modeling, then said: „Have you seen such graceful monster?” 凌云挺胸抬头,摆了一个自认为很潇洒的造型,然后说道:“你见过这么帅的妖怪吗?” Qin Dongxue looks at two people to bicker at this moment again, really then did not have the bitter feeling, instead feels quite at home. 秦冬雪此刻再看两人斗嘴,果然便没有了酸涩感觉,反而倍感亲切。 Three people have drunk a while tea, when time was similar, Ling Yun passes message, gave to shout Tie Xiaohu and Mo Wudao this they, five people tidied up readily, all boarded, directly soars the Ye Family auction room. 三个人又喝了一会儿茶,等时间差不多了,凌云传音,把铁小虎莫无道这俩人给喊了回来,五个人收拾停当,全部上车,直奔叶家拍卖行。 ...... …… Eastern suburbs of Capital City, Longwangzhuang. 京城东郊,龙旺庄。 The Ye Family Ancient Martial auction, here is held. 叶家古武拍卖会,就在这里举行。 In the distinguished guest written invitation on Ling Yun, time place anything clarity that very labels, which floor including has indicated that therefore was very easy to find. 凌云手上的贵宾请帖上,时间地点什么的都标注的很清楚,连哪个楼层都注明了,因此很容易找到。 Let alone currently side Ling Yun also has Ye Xingchen, she completely is familiar and easy. 何况现在凌云身边还有夜星辰,她完全是轻车熟路。 The small mountain village of Ye Xingchen housing, from Longwangzhuang ten kilometers remote, toward many said that is also ten minutes of driving distance, about 6 : 30 pm, they arrived. 夜星辰居住的小山村,距离龙旺庄不过十公里之遥,往多了说也就是十分钟的车程,傍晚六点半左右,他们就到了。 Longwangzhuang ten years ago is actually the rural area, after Capital City develops to six points, naturally turned into the suburb, but the lively degree cannot compare with five points in obviously, the difference is too far. 龙旺庄在十年以前其实就是农村,京城开发到六环之后,自然就变成了郊区,但繁华程度显然不能跟五环以内相比,差太远。 The flat land has the tall building. 平地起高楼。 Really was too conspicuous, vehicle advanced Longwangzhuang, Ling Yun notes, that building must be higher than two times to continue compared with the surrounding building of residence, brilliantly illuminated, magnificent gorgeous, only looked at the outdoor scene, was very the style, in the five-star hotels compared with Capital City four points wanted more luxurious. 实在是太显眼了,车子一开进龙旺庄,凌云就注意到了,那栋大楼比周围的居民楼要高出两倍不止,灯火通明,辉煌绚丽,只看外景,很是气派,比京城四环以内的五星级酒店都要豪华许多。 Is that building. Drove past then the line.” “就是那栋楼。开过去就行了。” Ye Xingchen lifts hand one finger/refers, then explained with a smile to everybody: This is actually an ultra five-star luxury hotel, is the industry of Ye Family, but never the opening to the outside world, usually only receives China Ancient Martial Cultivator, holds the auction time, so long as can pay hundred million auction earnest money, after going, not only the manages eats to provide lodging, the service is very thorough, but also all expenses all exempt.” 夜星辰抬手一指,然后笑着对大家解释道:“这其实是一家超五星级豪华酒店,是叶家的产业,但从不对外开放,平时只接待华夏古武修炼者,举行拍卖会的时候,只要交得起一个亿的拍卖保证金,进去之后不但管吃管住,服务十分周到,而且一切费用全免。” Big writing skill!” Ling Yun listened to say after a sigh. “好大的手笔啊!”凌云听了不禁感叹道。 What others do is the business, naturally must do everything possible to attract the customer charmingly angry......” Ye Xingchen. “人家做的是生意,当然要想尽办法吸引顾客嘛……”夜星辰娇嗔了一句。 The free time of speech, the car(riage) has arrived at the hotel entrance. 说话的工夫,车已经开到了酒店门口。 Gets out.” “下车。” Ling Yun is high-spirited, got out. 凌云意气风发,率先下了车。 Sir, you are attend the auction? Has the belt/bring invitation to come?” “先生,请问您是来参加拍卖会的吗?有没有带邀请函过来?” Ling Yun just got out, wore the husky fellow of black suit to walk, his was not old, was 25 or 26-year-old, coming out that but Ling Yun actually looked, this person was Innate initial-stage Expert, it is estimated that was the Ye Family person ready dead, was arranged to be responsible for entertaining here. 凌云刚下车,就有一名身穿黑色西装的彪形大汉走了过来,他年龄并不大,也就二十五六岁,可凌云却看的出来,此人乃是先天初期高手,估计是叶家死士,被安排在这里负责招待。 But such person, the light is the hotel entrance is standing unexpectedly 78, this person is only one of them. 而这样的人,光是酒店门口竟然站着78个,此人只是其中之一。 Ling Yun nodded, has given the opposite party the invitation conveniently, then Spiritual Thought moves, simultaneously uses Harmony of Light and Dust Secret Arts, takes a fast look around the audience. 凌云点了点头,随手把邀请函交给了对方,然后神念一动,同时使用和光同尘诀,扫视全场。 Because after auction one hour, started, therefore arrived here person to be many at this time, including the Buddhist priest, has the taoist priest, has the nun, has the swordsman, everybody has, various appearance, all forms, the good and bad people mixed up, the major part is Ancient Martial Cultivator, has Acquired Expert, has Innate Expert, even Magical Powers Realm Expert also has many. 因为拍卖会一个小时以后就开始了,因此这时候来到这里的人很多,其中有僧人,有道士,有尼姑,有剑客,男女老少都有,各种打扮,形形色色,鱼龙混杂,绝大部分都是古武修炼者,有后天高手,有先天高手,甚至神通境高手也有不少。 Moreover Ling Yun also notes, will have at all not the person in martial arts, will attend unexpectedly also the Ancient Martial auction, it is estimated that was entrusted to come, or will be certain respected families sends to bid some urgently needed thing. 而且凌云还注意到,有很多根本不会武功的人,竟然也都来参加古武拍卖会,估计是受人委托前来,或者是某些大家族派来竞拍一些急需之物的。 Ling Yun Spiritual Consciousness covers, the rough estimate, is only inside the entire building, at this moment had 500-600 people, moreover currently, the nearby also has many vehicles, from is accelerating to catch up in all directions to here. 凌云神识笼罩,粗略估计了一下,只是整栋大楼里边,此刻就已经有五六百人了,而且现在,附近还有很多车辆,正在从四面八方向这里加速赶来。 Hiss......” “嘶……” Ling Yun held breath in secret cold air, the heart said that no wonder Ye Xingchen said the Ye Family Ancient Martial auction did is largest, this estimated over a thousand people! 凌云暗中倒吸了一口凉气,心说怪不得夜星辰叶家古武拍卖会搞得规模最大,这估计得上千人啊! How many things does a that such auction auction? Auction long time? 那这么一场拍卖会得拍卖多少东西?拍卖多长时间 If the thing are not enough, some these many people bid, have't these things can lay out the sky-high price? 因为如果东西不够多的话,有这么多人竞拍,那些东西还不得都拍出天价啊? However these matters, he instantaneously thinks, has no need for him worrying completely, all look slowly are. 不过这些事情,他只是瞬间想到的而已,完全用不着他来操心,一切慢慢看就是。 In Spiritual Consciousness, Ling Yun had not discovered that the Xiao Meimei form, it seems like she has not arrived. 神识当中,凌云还没有发现萧媚媚的身影,看来她还没有到。 How?” “怎么了?” At this time, Ye Xingchen got out, stands side Ling Yun, when did not know, she has obstructed the veil, others are unable to see clearly her appearance/portrait again. 这时,夜星辰已经下车,站到了凌云身旁,不知何时,她已经重新遮上了面纱,别人再也无法看清她的真容了。 Nothing.” Ling Yun gives a calm smile: Is only has not thought that will have these many people, simply is a Ancient Martial Cultivator grand meeting!” “没什么。”凌云淡然一笑:“只是没想到会有这么多人,简直是一场古武修炼者的盛会啊!” Ye Xingchen smiles: Is a grand meeting. The Ye Family average holds three auctions every year, this is second, every year is on September 9, the Ancient Martial World top influence knows, therefore largest.” 夜星辰嫣然一笑:“本来就是一场盛会。叶家平均每年举行三场拍卖会,这是第二场,每年都是九月九号这一天,古武界的顶级势力都知道,所以规模最大。” Ye Xingchen already knows that now Ling Yun was first time attended the auction, she gave him to explain patiently. 夜星辰现在早已知道凌云是头一次参加拍卖会了,她耐心给他解释。 Mister hello, your invitation has done has registered, please come along with me.” “先生您好,您的邀请函已经做过登记了,请随我来。” That took away the guy of registration to come the Ling Yun's invitation, he handed over to give back to Ling Yun the invitation carefully, the expression on face was obviously more respectful than a moment ago. 那个把凌云的邀请函拿去登记的大汉又过来了,他把邀请函小心递还给了凌云,脸上的表情明显比刚才恭敬多了。 After all is the Ancient Martial auction, in invitation does not have the name, only then number. 毕竟是古武拍卖会,邀请函上没有姓名,只有号码。 Ling Yun received the invitation, looks at the person who these had gotten to pay the earnest money, the heart said that the distinguished guest is really different, at least has saved troublesome many. 凌云接过邀请函,又看了看那些被领着去交保证金的人,心说贵宾果然不一样,起码省了许多麻烦。 At this time Tie Xiaohu also stopped the car(riage), walked, therefore Ling Yun greeted one, five people entered the hotel lobby with that husky fellow. 这时铁小虎也已经停好了车,走回来了,于是凌云招呼一声,五个人跟着那名彪形大汉进了酒店大厅。 Sir, present range auction starts also about one hour, you go to the own room to rest first, is direct the auction hall?” “先生,现在距离拍卖会开始还有一个小时左右,请问你们是先去自己房间休息一下,还是直接去拍卖会大厅?” own room? The Ling Yun heart said that is really the manages eats to provide lodging, but he asked: What meaning?” 自己的房间?凌云心说果然是管吃管住,不过他还是问道:“什么意思?” That person replied: Mister is this, each has the guest of distinguished guest invitation, our auction free provides three rooms to adjourn for the guest, the room is the standard of ultra five-star presidential suite.” 那人回答道:“先生是这样的,每一个拥有贵宾邀请函的客人,我们拍卖会都免费提供三个房间供客人休息,房间都是超五星级总统套房的标准。” Damn! 我勒个去 Was Ling Yun listens very much to feel shocks very much, but he wants not to need to reject: Does not use, our direct auction hall.” 就是凌云听了都很感觉很震撼,不过他想都不用想就拒绝了:“不用了,我们直接去拍卖会大厅。” If there is Ye Xingchen, the Ling Yun percentage hundred will choose goes to the room to rest first, but does Qin Dongxue also, why go to the room to go? Looks for trouble? 如果只有夜星辰,凌云百分百会选择先去房间休息,可秦冬雪也在,去房间干嘛去?找不自在啊? Another more important reason is, Ling Yun wants early to arrive at the auction hall, before exempting obtains the auction to start, went, noticeable. 另一个更重要的原因是,凌云想早到拍卖会大厅,免得到拍卖会开始之前去了,引人注目。 First impressions are most lasting, observes others, sits quietly fishing stage. 先入为主,观察别人,稳坐钓鱼台 That please come along with me.” “那请随我来。” That person is having the Ling Yun five people, directly soars the elevator, rode the elevator to arrive at 30 sixth floor directly. 那人带着凌云五人,直奔电梯,乘坐电梯直接来到了30六楼。 Sir, after you left elevator, so long as reported your invitation number, will have the specialist at your service.” “先生,你们出了电梯之后,只要报一下您的邀请函号码,会有专人为您服务的。” Many thanks.” “多谢。” After the elevator door opens once more, Ling Yun expressed gratitude to that person, then the people went out of the elevator, arrived at the auction scene. 电梯门再次打开之后,凌云对那人道谢,然后众人走出了电梯,来到了拍卖会现场。
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