DEMG :: Volume #14

#1364: Achieves both fame and fortune

As Ling Yun issues an order, the Ling Family person ready dead wells up on, each one looks are blazing, the imposing manner is cruel, charges into the Sky Group people, dragging them outward to walk, left this courtyard quickly, directly soars the front door to go. 随着凌云一声令下,凌家死士一涌而上,个个眼神炽热,气势如狼似虎,冲向天组众人,拖着他们就往外走,很快离开了这个院落,直奔大门而去。 Ling Yun said that must throw this group of people, naturally must throw them outside the front door. 凌云说要把这帮人丢出去,当然是要把他们丢在大门外。 This called the capable general hand/subordinate not weak soldier, will Family Head to these people such, the Ling Family person ready dead possibly be polite to them? 这就叫强将手下无弱兵,家主对这些人都那样了,凌家死士怎么可能会对他们客气? Did not throw toward the courtyard wall outside directly is good. 不直接往院墙外面扔就不错了。 Ling Yun Spiritual Consciousness covers, observes these Ling Family people ready dead, discovered that washes after to them the muscle cuts down the marrow, short half a month time, their boundaries strive, natural talent worst broke through Innate 2-layer, natural talent is slightly good, has soon reached the Innate 3-layer peak. 凌云神识笼罩,观察这些凌家死士,发现给他们洗筋伐髓之后,短短半月时间,他们的境界又有精进,资质最差的都突破了先天二层,资质稍微好的,已经快要达到先天三层巅峰了。 This is certainly related with the Ling Family present practice environment, has Gathering Spirit Formation to absorb entire Capital City spiritual energy, has the Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree release to have infinite vitality wooden spiritual energy, in five 6-layer courtyards that full institute lush spirit grass. 这当然跟凌家现在的修炼环境有关,有聚灵大阵吸收整个京城灵气,有鬼神柳释放带有无限生机的木灵气,还有五六重院落里那满院茂盛的灵草 Present Ling Family, is small of being worthy of the reputation paradise, the same person, here practice, compared in other place at least quick several times, the cultivation level advancement truly be amazingly quick. 现在的凌家,已经是名副其实的小“福地”,同一个人,在这里修炼,要比在其他地方至少快十几倍,修为进境真正是神速。 Naturally, the Ling Family person ready dead advancement so is quick, the true Ling Family bloodlines were naturally quicker, because of Ling Family person practice Yellow and Black True Scripture, this Cultivation Technique most agrees with Gods and Ghosts Willow Tree spiritual energy. 当然,凌家死士进境都这么快,真正的凌家血脉自然就更快了,因为凌家人修炼玄黄真经,此功法鬼神柳灵气最为契合。 But these, were Ling Yun in the past month of time, created. 而这些,都是凌云在过去的一个月时间之内,一手造成的。 The Ling Yun secret nod, never has self-satisfaction, he is at this moment high-spirited, to the Ling Family future, has been full of confidence. 凌云暗暗点头,从未有过的志得意满,他此刻意气风发,对凌家的未来,充满了信心。 The after Sky Group members of these severe wounds dragged away, in the courtyard did not have these to shout ahem the sound miserably, extraordinarily was unexpectedly silent. 那些重伤的天组成员被拖走之后,院子里没有了那些惨呼哼唧声音,竟出奇地寂静下来。 Ling Yun felt that difference, he receives the train of thought that turns around suddenly. 凌云感觉到了异样,他收起思绪,霍然转身。 cough cough...... I said, what you do think so me to make? On my face did the long results come?” 咳咳……我说,你们都这么看着我做什么?难道我脸上长出花来了吗?” Ling Yun noted the expression of Ling Family people immediately, somewhat was immediately awkward, self-ridicules. 凌云立即注意到了凌家众人的表情,顿时有些尴尬,自嘲起来。 He understands very much, the matter that he a moment ago handled actually, looks like in other people, can only with shocking everybody to describe! 他心里其实明白得很,就他刚才做的事情,在其他人看来,只能用惊世骇俗来形容! Makes into the severe wound not to calculate all people who Sky Group invades one's territory, but also has hit the face of Sky Group Great Elder Xiong Biao, making him chew to swallow again character by character the words that own said that finally ruthlessly has also taken advantage of their big! 天组来犯的所有人打成重伤还不算完,还打了天组大长老熊彪的脸,让他把自己说出来的话再一个字一个字的嚼碎了吞回去,最后还狠狠敲了他们一大笔竹杠! Even if the Ling Family people already were clear the Ling Yun's style, may not think that he is so incisive, broke through the horizon that the own style shows! 哪怕凌家众人都早已清楚了凌云的风格,可也没想到他把自己的风格展现的这么淋漓尽致,都已经突破天际了! Must know the tonight's match, but Sky Group, moreover in the afternoon Zhou Wenyi had just given the Ling Family six quotas, Ling Yun has not joined, first Sky Group two Great Elder bullying this! 要知道今晚的对手可是天组啊,而且下午周文易刚给了凌家六个名额,凌云还没加入呢,就先把天组的两名大长老给欺负成这样了! At this time in Ling Family many will of the people was pondering that a very important issue, Ling Yun is because invincible fearless, because fearless is invincible? 此时凌家很多人心里都在思考一个很重要的问题,凌云到底是因为无敌才无惧,还是因为无惧才无敌? As if, fearless and invincible, does not divide the priority on Ling Yun, shares everything, the unusual conditions are ordinary. 似乎,无惧和无敌,在凌云身上不分先后,更不分彼此,浑然天成一般。 Hey, brat!” “喂,臭小子!” First what opens the mouth is eldest sister Ling Xiu, before her figure flashes arrives at the Ling Yun body, has sized first up Ling Yun, then said surprisedly: I asked you, you these 18 years, like this worked in the past?” 先开口的是大姐凌秀,她身形一闪来到凌云身前,先上上下下打量了凌云一番,然后惊奇道:“我来问你,你过去这18年,都是这样做事的吗?” em/hiccup......” some Ling Yun non- natures, touch the nose, said honestly: In the past was not, this year started practice this......” ……”凌云有些不自然,摸了摸鼻子,老实说道:“过去不是,今年开始修炼了才这样……” After all, my irresponsible master, after my eighth received that year I cross the threshold, again no matter also I, I can only be a self-made person, assiduous practice, is well-prepared until this year, marvelous ability big accomplishment......” Ling Yun there serious talking nonsense. “毕竟,我那个不负责任的师傅,在我八岁那年收我入门之后,就再也不管我了,我只能自学成才,刻苦修炼,直到今年才厚积薄发,神功大成……”凌云在那里一本正经的胡说八道。 Such remarks, had understood that the Ling Yun past Ling Family people, could not bear smile, including Ling Xiao. 此话一出,已经了解凌云过去的凌家众人,都忍不住笑了起来,包括凌啸 The people smile, the tight atmosphere melted instantaneously, vanishes without the trace, in the entire courtyard starts to be with ease happy. 众人一笑,原本紧张的气氛瞬间化解,消失无踪,整个院子里开始轻松欢乐起来。 I said that you like this work, even if were not killed 1000 times, must kill 800 times, you can live today, simply is the miracle...... Tittered!” “我就说嘛,就你这样做事,就算不被人打死1000次,也得打死800次,你能活到今天,简直就是奇迹啊……噗嗤!” Speaking of finally, Ling Xiu first could not bear laugh, the beautiful local products, she did not extend spring the scallion white hands, pinches the Ling Yun's cheek, that movement must favor to drown to favor much to drown much, beautiful pupil twinkling appearance, said: But, does well! The eldest sister likes!” 说到最后,凌秀首先忍不住噗嗤笑了起来,美艳不可方物,她伸出春葱般的玉手,去捏凌云的脸蛋儿,那动作要多宠溺有多宠溺,美眸闪烁神采,又说道:“不过,干得不错!大姐喜欢!” Dāng that many people, Ling Family Family Head Ling Yun is pinched the cheek by Ling Xiu, although is not sore, he is very awkward, but, has to send greetings begs for mercy saying: Eldest sister, saving a face is good?” 当着那么多人,凌家家主凌云凌秀捏着脸蛋儿,虽然不疼,他却很尴尬,无奈之下,只好传音求饶道:“大姐,给留点儿面子行不行啊?” Brother Yun, I now just like the torrential river water to your admiring, continuous \; Also such as the Yellow River is in flood, but a round beyond redemption......” 云哥,我现在对你的佩服犹如滔滔江水,连绵不绝\;又如黄河泛滥,一发而不可收拾……” Mo Wudao also came, towards Ling Yun flatters crazily. 莫无道也过来了,对着凌云狂拍马屁。 Gets the hell out!” “滚蛋!” A Ling Yun foot gave to kick out of the way him. 凌云一脚就把他给踢开了。 Xiu'er, do not deliberately create trouble.” The Ling Lie stride walks, he stopped the junior to deliberately create trouble first, then asked that excitedly Ling Yun said: Yun'er, you look at these things, how do you plan to process?” 秀儿,不要胡闹了。”凌烈大步走来,他先制止了小辈胡闹,然后激动问凌云道:“云儿,你看这些东西,你打算怎么处理?” Thing that Ling Lie said that naturally is the weapon that the Sky Group personnel discard, as well as spoils of war that plunders from them. 凌烈说的东西,自然是天组人员丢弃的兵器,以及从他们身上搜刮出来的战利品。 The weapons of 13 Sky Group members gather one pile, moreover is 14 hundred valuable pouches, personal hidden weapon that as well as these Sky Group Expert carry respectively and so on small thing, all kinds, grotesque. 13名天组成员的兵器聚拢一堆,另外就是14个百宝囊,以及那些天组高手各自携带的贴身暗器之类的小物件,五花八门,奇形怪状。 As for Li Zhengfeng, weapon that he uses is own Life's Flying Sword, received in the severe wound, therefore only has 13 weapons. 至于厉争锋,他用的兵器乃是自己本命飞剑,在重伤的时候已经收回去了,所以只有13把兵器。 Ling Yun fled the Ling Xiu evil clutches finally, he said with a smile with ease: Grandfather, these weapons, even if in the Innate late-stage Expert eye is the god soldier sharp blade, you select casually, everybody selects remaining returns to me, I have the use.” 凌云总算逃离了凌秀的魔掌,他轻松笑道:“爷爷,这些兵器呢,就算是在先天后期高手的眼里都是神兵利刃,您们大家随便挑,大家挑剩下的都归我,我自有用处。” As for these hundred valuable pouches, basically is Medicine Pill and Talisman that inside installs, as well as good knife wound medicine anything, these things, I want to receive first, after waiting to study, makes the decision again.” “至于那些百宝囊,里面装的基本上都是丹药符箓,以及上好的金疮药什么的,这些东西,我想先收起来,等研究一番之后再做决定。” Ling Lie listened to laughing, he nods: Em, by rights ought to so!” 凌烈听了哈哈大笑,他点点头:“恩,理当如此!” „......” A Ling Lie thread of conversation revolution: As for these weapons, truly is the god soldier sharp blade, but our Ling Family does not lack these now, everybody did not need to select, you received, later thought that used appropriately to whom, gave to anyone.” “不过……”凌烈话锋一转:“至于那些兵器,确实都是神兵利刃,不过现在咱们凌家也不缺这些,大家也都不用挑了,你就都收起来吧,以后觉得给谁用合适,就送给谁。” The Ling Lie words said was very clear, the tonight's spoils of war, hand over by Ling Yun completely handle. 凌烈的话语说的很明白了,今晚的战利品,全部交由凌云处置。 It is not he is at this moment artificial, but is present Ling Lie deep understanding, Ling Family all resources, only then gives Ling Yun to process, can display the biggest effectiveness! 不是他此刻矫情,而是现在的凌烈深深的明白,凌家的所有资源,只有交给凌云来处理,才能发挥出最大的效用! Because the Ling Yun boundary is strongest, vision is highest, others no matter who took, will use unavoidably to sell at a discount, causing the pearl to flee the capital, the thing non- will use. 因为凌云境界最强,眼光最高,别人不管谁拿了,利用起来都难免会打折扣,导致明珠蒙尘,物非所用。 The Ling Yun hear, Spiritual Consciousness sweeps, discovered that Ling Xiao and Ling Yue are flushing him to nod, obviously supports the decision of Ling Lie, therefore he no longer declines. 凌云听完,神识一扫,发现凌啸凌岳都在冲他点头,显然都支持凌烈的决定,于是他不再推辞。 Good, is processed by me.” “那好吧,就由我来处理。” Speaks, a Ling Yun big hand move, various weapons of ground, as well as 14 hundred valuable pouches, these all kinds of small thing, turn toward his palm to fly completely, and was received Universe Ring by Ling Yun instantaneously, vanishes does not see. 说着话,凌云大手一招,地上的各种兵器,以及14个百宝囊,还有那些五花八门的小物件儿,全部向着他掌心飞来,并且瞬间被凌云收入太虚戒指,消失不见。 The Ling Lie thoughts, Ling Yun is certainly clear, these thing that plunders from Magical Powers Realm Expert, is the true treasure, only then he can achieve to make the best use of things, plays they most major role. 凌烈的心思,凌云当然明白,这些都是从神通境高手身上搜刮来的东西,都是真正的宝贝,也只有他才能做到物尽其用,发挥出他们最大的作用。 Ling Lie saw Ling Yun to receive all spoils of war, this felt relieved the nod, then his big hand wielded: Was good, tonight's matter stops, you should practice then practice, this rest rest, other issues, will say another day again.” 凌烈凌云把所有战利品都收了起来,这才放心点头,然后他大手一挥:“好了,今晚的事情到此为止,你们该修炼修炼,该休息就去休息,其他问题,改天再说。” To Ling Family, the biggest harvest it can be said that has two tonight, one naturally is the Sky Group people came Ling Family to cause trouble, finally actually the disastrous defeat returns, they were equal to that Ling Family announced the formidable stepping-stone, starting from tonight, Ling Family in the China prestige will certainly at the height of power! 凌家来说,今晚最大的收获可以说是有两个,其中一个自然是天组众人来凌家闹事,结果却惨败而回,他们等于成了凌家宣告强大的垫脚石,从今夜开始,凌家华夏的声望必将如日中天! Another huge harvest, naturally is Sky Group member that 14 practice resources that Ling Yun puts the bite on to knock, these resources will certainly promote the Ling Family hard strength rapidly, making Ling Family person progress by leaps and bounds within next one year, cultivation level advancement ten thousand li in a day! 另一个巨大收获,当然是凌云敲竹杠敲来的天组成员那14份修炼资源,这些资源必将会迅速提升凌家的硬实力,让凌家人在未来一年之内突飞猛进,修为进境一日千里! This was true in each and every aspect all obtained, it may be said that achieved both fame and fortune! 这是真正的面子里子全得到了,可谓是名利双收! Compared with these, that 2 billion, at most is a good luck that Ling Yun knocks finally. 跟这些相比,凌云最后敲来的那2000000000,顶多就算是个彩头罢了。 But more was at this time, more cannot forget oneself, but should double discretely, dealt with attacking overtly and covertly that followed closely to come carefully is, therefore Ling Lie has dispersed the people immediately, making them go to the busy own matter respectively. 但越是这种时候,越不能忘乎所以,而是应该加倍谨慎,小心应对紧随而来的明枪暗箭才是,所以凌烈立即驱散了众人,让他们各自去忙自己的事情。 Especially that 14 practice resources, that is the Ling Family paramount interest, only needs and other Ling Family to take, distributes by Ling Yun to the people takes away practice is, does not need excessively to discuss. 尤其是那14份修炼资源,那是凌家的核心利益,只需等凌家拿到手,由凌云分发给众人拿去修炼便是,不需要过多议论。 The Ling Family people on the scene are all extremely intelligent, they basically can understand the idea of Ling Lie, therefore were not many said, granted one respectfully, then respectively diverged. 凌家在场众人个个聪明绝顶,他们基本上都能理解凌烈的想法,因此并不多说,恭敬允诺了一声,便各自散去了。 Ling Li comes back.” 凌利回来。” When everybody leaves the courtyard, Ling Lie opens the mouth suddenly, was shouting in Ling Li that stealthy ran outward. 就在大家都离开院子的时候,凌烈突然开口,把正在鬼鬼祟祟向外跑的凌利喊了回来。 Grandfather......” “爷爷……” Ling Li both hands closely grab the own cell phone, before rubbing the Ling Lie body, step by step. 凌利双手紧紧抓着自己的手机,一步步蹭到了凌烈身前。 „The video recording that you record tonight, cannot arbitrarily the to divulge to an outsider.” The Ling Lie sinking sound said: Particularly in Sky Group makes the next movement before our Ling Family.” “你今晚录的录像,不能擅自外传。”凌烈沉声说道:“尤其是在天组对我们凌家做出下一步动作之前。” This video recording, the grandfather gives you to take care first, how as to process, when I and your father they have discussed that then makes the decision.” “这个录像,爷爷先给你保管着,至于如何处理,等我和你父亲他们商量过了,再做决定。” Ling Lie knows, Ling Li records tonight, cannot do well to take to show off with his same age friends, the child does not know the weight, once is noisy the matter, that also? 凌烈知道,凌利今晚录像,搞不好就会拿出去跟他那些同龄朋友炫耀,小孩子不知轻重,一旦把事情闹大,那还了得? Grandfather, I again looked that one isn't good? My Third Brother a moment ago hit was really too splendid, I was patronizing the video recording, had not looked that sufficed......” Ling Li to beg. “爷爷,我就再看一遍不行吗?刚才我三哥打的实在是太精彩了,我光顾着录像,还没看够呢……”凌利央求道。 If wants to look, comes to see tomorrow to the grandfather room.” “如果想看的话,明天到爷爷屋里来看。” Speaks, Ling Lie rashly, gives to bring the Ling Li cell phone, then ridicules saying: Rolls to return to the room to sleep.” 说着话,凌烈不由分说,就把凌利的手机给拿了过来,然后笑骂道:“滚回屋去睡觉去。” Is own wants to look that obviously......” Ling Li whispered low voice, but he also has no alternative, can only the little darling say one: Grandfather good night.” Then was resentful however left the courtyard. “明明是自己想看……”凌利小声嘀咕了一句,不过他却也无可奈何,只能乖乖道了一声:“爷爷晚安。”然后悻悻然离开了院子。 Grandfather, actually Ling Li this doing right of , moreover tonight our Ling Family occupies the principle, even if this video recording passes on, does not matter.” “爷爷,其实凌利这次做的很对,而且今晚咱凌家占理,就算这录像传出去,也无所谓。” After waiting for Ling Li to leave, Ling Yun said to Ling Lie with a smile. 凌利离开之后,凌云笑着对凌烈说道。 Brat, the grandfather knows certainly!” Ling Lie stares, then beams with joy saying: But, this inside some contents, were too truly irritable, which we must pass on exit, but must discuss carefully one is. Otherwise, I feared that the Sky Group face cannot hang, Zhou Wenyi must ask me to drink.” “臭小子,爷爷当然知道!”凌烈一瞪眼,然后眉开眼笑道:“不过,这里面有些内容,确实太火爆了点儿,我们要传哪一些出去,还得细细商议一番才是。不然的话,我怕天组的面子挂不住,周文易又要来找我喝酒了。” Ling Yun has smiled shameless: Hehe...... The grandfather thinks thorough.” 凌云无耻的笑了起来:“嘿嘿……还是爷爷想的周到啊。” Ling Lie also laughs, but, is quick his smiling face to receive, passes message to Ling Yun said: Yun'er, we do not pass on actually this video recording, so long as throws toward the entrance that 14 people, the matter that tonight our Ling Family has, will spread immediately over entire Capital City!” 凌烈也是哈哈大笑,不过,很快他就笑容一收,对凌云传音说道:“云儿,其实我们就算不把这个录像传出去,只要把那14个人往大门口一丢,今晚咱们凌家发生的事情,立即就会传遍整个京城!” Ling Yun nods, simultaneously his Spiritual Thought moves, the vision looks to the Ling Family front door direction, corners of the mouth raises, said: Came!” 凌云点头,同时他神念一动,目光看向凌家大门方向,嘴角儿一掀,道:“来了!”
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