DEMG :: Volume #14

#1360: Acknowledges that the punishment is deserved is not good

Takes a broad view at entire Sky Group, more than 100 Magical Powers Realm Expert, dares to carry on the personal close combat with Xiong Biao, and person who can also profit from the strength, cannot discover several. 放眼整个天组,100多名神通境高手,其中敢跟熊彪进行贴身近战,并且还能够从力量上占得便宜的人,都找不出几个。 Regarding breaks through the defense of Xiong Biao unarmed, can press the person who he is hitting throughout, absolutely does not have! 至于说赤手空拳攻破熊彪的防御,能始终压着他打的人,根本就没有! Because Xiong Biao inborn supernatural power, and body and spirit is astonishing, he stresses Body Refining since childhood, with the match personal close combat that in the fight most likes, then relies on his terrifying the strength and astonishing defense, the enemy of oppression has not gasped for breath, retreats in defeat again and again. 因为熊彪天生神力,并且体魄惊人,他从小就偏重炼体,战斗中最喜欢的就是跟对手贴身近战,然后凭借他恐怖的力量和惊人的防御,压迫的敌人喘不过气来,节节败退。 Therefore Xiong Biao has a dream cannot think, at this time some people under doing two things at the same time, unarmed thoroughly hit to explode him unexpectedly, and has broken through his proud formidable defense with ease! 因此熊彪做梦都想不到,此时竟有人在一心二用之下,赤手空拳就把他给彻底打爆了,而且还轻松攻破了他引以为豪的强大防御! The breastbone was shattered, explained that Ling Yun a moment ago shaking has dispersed his protecting body True Qi, the fist of that terrifying, pounded solid in his chest! 胸骨破碎,说明凌云刚才把他的护体真气给震散了,那恐怖的一拳,结结实实砸在了他的胸口! Xiong Biao is in airborne, head shaken humming sound the sound, the mouth and nose bleeds, the body Inner Qi blood surges, cannot suppress! 熊彪身在空中,脑袋被震的嗡嗡响,口鼻淌血,体内气血翻腾,根本压不住! Severe pain that especially the chest, spreads, lets his painful penetrating heart, this feeling, he had many years not to realize. 尤其是胸口,扩散开来的剧痛,让他痛彻心扉,这种感觉,他已经有很多年没有体会过了。 Follows the severe pain to come, violent humiliation and unwillingness! 伴随剧痛而来的,还有猛烈的屈辱和不甘! „!” “啊!” Xiong Biao bellows, he is wild with rage, both eyes spraying anger, looks angrily is standing in the ground, the air/Qi calms down idle Ling Yun. 熊彪大吼,他狂怒,双目喷射怒火,怒视着站在地面上,气定神闲的凌云 Ling Yun sneers: You roar also uselessly.” 凌云冷笑:“你吼也没用。” Shua! 刷! As the Ling Yun thought moves, Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword charges into the upper air suddenly, arrived at sky over the body of Xiong Biao, from top to bottom, punctured like lightning! 随着凌云意念一动,阴阳罡气剑猛然冲向高空,来到了熊彪的身体上空,自上而下,闪电般刺了过来! This time Xiong Biao, but also under huge inertia, straight upward flies, in the observing person eye, seems towards that Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword pounds to be the same! 此时的熊彪,还在巨大的惯性之下,直直的往上飞,在观战的人眼里,就仿佛是对着那柄阴阳罡气剑砸过去一样! Xiong Biao protects body True Qi to be shaken the powder, if both contact really on, he was not gripped a hole by Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword, at least also once more will be injured. 熊彪护体真气已经被震散,如果两者真接触上,他就算不被阴阳罡气剑扎个窟窿,至少也会再次受伤。 After all, the sharpness of Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword, Xiong Biao had already asked for advice. 毕竟,阴阳罡气剑的锋锐,熊彪早就领教过了。 The Xiong Biao courage wants to crack, he cannot attend to other, clenches teeth fiercely, exhausts full power, has thrown the great axe towards back in left hand above, pounds to Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword! 熊彪肝胆欲裂,他顾不得其他,猛地一咬牙,用尽全力,把左手中的巨斧对着后背上方扔了出去,砸向阴阳罡气剑 Meanwhile, he is too busy deeply inspires, revolution Cultivation Technique, reassignment within the body Innate True Qi, protects the whole body strategic point once more first, and seizes the chance, hits in the airborne carp, has stood! 同时,他忙不迭深吸一口气,再次运转功法,调动体内先天真气,先护住周身要害,并且趁机,在空中一个鲤鱼打挺,站了起来! Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword under the Ling Yun's Spiritual Thought control, mysteriously appears and disappears, the speed was too fast, the Xiong Biao posture was too passive, must reverse as soon as possible. 阴阳罡气剑凌云的神念操控之下,神出鬼没,速度太快了,熊彪刚才的姿势太被动,必须尽快扭转。 Dāng!” “当!” Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword and Xiong Biao great axe slams into, gold/metal Tiejiao called, the great axe has left behind a gulf on after that was shaken again flies! 阴阳罡气剑熊彪的巨斧猛烈撞击,金铁交鸣,在那把巨斧上又留下了一个深坑之后,再次被震飞! After all is Magical Powers Realm 5-layer peak Expert, for maintaining life strikes full power, Ling Yun's Spiritual Thought is tyrannical, controls the Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword strength, compared with Xiong Biao goes all out strength of the throwing. 毕竟是神通境五层巅峰高手,为了保命的全力一击,凌云的神念再强横,操控阴阳罡气剑的力量,也比不过熊彪的拼命一掷之力。 Let alone Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword does not depend on the strength win, but is the speed, cunning, flexible, with sharp! 何况阴阳罡气剑并非靠力量取胜,而是速度,刁钻,灵活,和锋锐! But Ling Yun this strikes using Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword, has not thought can injure to arrive at Xiong Biao, he does not remember here, what wants is time! 凌云利用阴阳罡气剑这一击,根本就没有想过能伤到熊彪,他志不在此,要的是时间 Kills!” “杀!” Unexpectedly, on Ling Yun were many a black red long blade, his figure shoots up to the sky, towards was just straight the figure Xiong Biao, welcomed the spatial detachment! 蓦地,凌云手上多了一把黑红色长刀,他身形冲天而起,对着刚刚直起身形的熊彪,迎空劈去! Nether Blood Demon Blade! Extinguishing Heaven Blade Technique! The blade fights the universe! 冥血魔刀灭天刀法!刀战乾坤! This is Ling Yun's kills to incur truly, the Nether Blood Demon Blade blade edge blows out incomparable blade aura, the overwhelming power is peerless, is similar to a huge black red theater curtain, has covered the whole body of Xiong Biao! 这才是凌云的真正杀招,冥血魔刀的刀锋爆出无匹的刀罡,威猛绝伦,如同一块巨大的黑红色幕布,笼罩了熊彪的全身! Opens!” “开!” Xiong Biao feels Nether Blood Demon Blade that terrifying malevolent aura, his panic-stricken desire certainly, anything could not attend, in the crisis, can only both hands grip the only shaft, the towards Nether Blood Demon Blade blade edge has divided! 熊彪感受到冥血魔刀那恐怖的煞气,他惊骇欲绝,什么都顾不得了,危机之中,只能双手握住唯一的斧柄,对着冥血魔刀的刀锋劈了过去! Zheng! 铮! Saw only in Nether Blood Demon Blade not fancy dividing the axe blade of great axe, was actually similar to cuts the tofu to be ordinary, truncated, but had been hindered slightly, actually as before castrated non-stop, divided solid in Xiong Biao chest! 只见冥血魔刀毫无花俏的劈中了巨斧的斧刃,却如同切豆腐一般,一削而过,只是被稍稍阻滞了一下,却依旧去势不停,结结实实劈在了熊彪前胸 First is blade aura enters the body, breaks out protecting body True Qi that Xiong Biao gathered reluctantly instantaneously, the blade edge enters the body! 先是刀罡入体,瞬间劈开了熊彪勉强聚集起来的护体真气,紧接着刀锋入体! Em!” Xiong Biao stuffy snort/hum! “恩!”熊彪闷哼一声! The entire giant axe by hewing two halves, Xiong Biao by figure flying upside down that blade chops, is feeling a chest icy coldness, his eyeball must stare, actually does not help matters. 整个巨大斧头被削成两半,熊彪更是被那一刀劈的身形倒飞,感受着前胸一片冰凉,他的眼珠子都要瞪出来了,却无济于事。 A Ling Yun this heavens frightening blade, nearly around the middle cleaves in two Xiong Biao, Xiong Biao saw that his axe cannot block, bends the waist to bow forcefully, has hidden reluctantly, he must die an untimely death in the sky! 凌云惊天一刀,差点儿就把熊彪拦腰劈成两半,要不是熊彪看到他的斧头挡不住,强行弯腰躬身,勉强躲了一下,他就要横死当空! But so, Ling Yun this blade also opens up the stomach to him, from the left shoulder to the right rib, the chest bone all cut off, bruised and lacerated, the blood gushes out! 但就算如此,凌云这一刀也给他开膛破肚,从左肩到右肋,前胸骨头全被斩断,皮开肉绽,鲜血哗哗涌出! Bang!” “嘭!” The Xiong Biao huge figure after flies upside down a distance, layer on layer/heavily pounded in the hard ground, fell to be sprawled out, blood that the body gushed out instantaneously incarnadine surrounding ground. 熊彪庞大的身形在空中倒飞出一段距离之后,重重砸在了坚硬的地面上,摔了个四脚朝天,身上涌出的鲜血瞬间染红了周围地面。 „!” “啊!” Xiong Biao shouted one miserably, he made a move suddenly, without hesitation before towards own body, around wound big hole, fierce, as soon as possible hematischesis. 熊彪惨呼一声,他猛然出手,毫不犹豫对着自己身前伤口周围的大穴,一阵猛点,尽快止血。 He is enduring the severe pain, puts out the good knife wound medicine from hundred valuable pouches first, sprinkles in the terrifying wound, then pulled out several Talisman, the towards own wound has used, that terrifying wound, markedly changed for the better immediately. 紧接着,他忍着剧痛,从身上的百宝囊里先拿出上好的金疮药,洒在恐怖的伤口上,然后又掏出几张符箓,对着自己的伤口使用了,那恐怖伤口,顿时明显好转。 Xiong Biao caused heavy losses to by a Ling Yun blade, although cannot die, actually lost again the strength of war, at this moment his in the heart, already only remaining fear. 熊彪凌云一刀重创,虽然死不了,却已经失去了再战之力,此刻他的心中,已经只剩下了恐惧。 Worthily is one of the Sky Group elders, really has the law of maintaining life.” “不愧是天组长老之一,果然有保命之法。” The Ling Yun look is indifferent, whatever Xiong Biao helps oneself therapy, in the heart mused. 凌云眼神冷漠,任由熊彪自救疗伤,心中暗想。 Ling Yun for the purpose of the vertical prestige, does not want the human life, therefore he has not followed up a victory with hot pursuit, otherwise, when he wants while the opposite party severe wound, controls Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword to puncture Xiong Biao several again and ensure makes on his head many several holes, died ten times to suffice! 凌云旨在立威,并不想要人命,因此他并没有乘胜追击,否则的话,他只要趁着对方重伤之际,再操控阴阳罡气剑熊彪几下,保证让他脑袋上多出十几个窟窿,死十次都够了! Xiong Biao, I forgive your life, dares to make a move again, you must die!” 熊彪,我饶你一命,再敢出手,你必死!” Ling Yun coldly towards Xiong Biao throws down one, the figure flashes, before arriving at the Li Zhengfeng body that supports by strenuous efforts. 凌云冷冷对着熊彪丢下一句,身形一闪,就来到了正在苦苦支撑的厉争锋身前。 At this time, Sky Group another Great Elder, Li Zhengfeng is resisting the Ning Lingyu 12 water cloud swords full power, meanwhile must go all out to resist Ling Yun's Azure Shadow Flying Sword, doing two things at the same time, although does not drop the wind temporarily, actually does not profit. 此时,天组另一名大长老,厉争锋正在全力对抗宁灵雨的12把水云剑,同时还要拼命抵挡着凌云的清影飞剑,一心二用,虽然暂时不落下风,却也丝毫不占便宜。 It can be said that this fight, is far from Ling Yun fighting the splendor that Xiong Biao comes, because both sides are the wars of Spiritual Thought, uses is spiritual martial arts, the person of observing can only see that 12 water swords grip in Li Zhengfeng defense True Qi coat, as well as together the azure glow and scarlet glow from the sky pursues the dogfight together. 可以说,这一场战斗,远远没有凌云大战熊彪来的精彩,因为双方是神念之战,用的都是精神武功,观战之人只能看到12把水剑扎在厉争锋的防御真气罩上,以及一道青芒和一道赤芒在空中追逐缠斗而已。 Has Ling Yun, Li Zhengfeng, as well as Ling Lie Qingniao wait/etc., achieved the Magical Powers Realm person to know, although here fight is not splendid, actually bad risk ten times! 但只有凌云,厉争锋,以及凌烈青鸟等,达到了神通境界的人才知道,这边的战斗虽不精彩,却凶险十倍! Especially Li Zhengfeng, he alone resists the Ning Lingyu water cloud sword and Ling Yun's Azure Shadow Flying Sword, it may be said that the feeling to the depth, in the heart already had raised the difficult situation! 尤其是厉争锋,他独自对抗宁灵雨的水云剑和凌云的清影飞剑,可谓感受至深,心中早已掀起了惊涛骇浪! Li Zhengfeng broke through Magical Powers Realm 6-layer, his boundary and strength must above Xiong Biao, depending on his vision, already see Xiong Biao at all are not the Ling Yun's matches, actually suffers from not being able to make a move to rescue. 厉争锋突破了神通境六重,他的境界和实力要在熊彪之上,凭他的眼光,早已看出熊彪根本不是凌云的对手,却苦于无法出手营救。 Especially Xiong Biao is in danger, is not without enough time, is not does not want to rescue, but is he leaps not to get rid radically! 尤其是熊彪遇险的时候,不是来不及,更不是不想救,而是他根本腾不出手来! Ning Lingyu has not listened to the Ling Yun's words, perhaps was she just broke through Qi Practicing middle-stage, when confidence bursting, or was she wants to use this not to have the opportunity, wheted own, in brief, to Li Zhengfeng this war, after she made a move, has not stopped. 宁灵雨并没有听凌云的话,也许是她刚刚突破了练气中期,正值信心爆棚,又或者是她想利用这从没有过的机会,磨砺自己,总之,对厉争锋这一战,她出手之后,就没停下来。 Ning Lingyu crosses the tribulation to be successful, has reached the Qi Practicing 4-layer peak with ease, and boundary is thorough, but also has initiated the give an exaggerated account of things phenomenon, obtained extremely rare Heavenly Law to present, Immortal Spirit Body was ancient rarely, at this time on 1-layer building, sharp qi hold, an urgently needed peak war! 宁灵雨渡劫成功,轻松达到了练气四层巅峰,并且境界彻底稳固,还引发了天花乱坠的异象,获得了极其罕见的天道馈赠,仙灵之体本就亘古罕见,此时又更上一层楼,锐气正盛,急需巅峰一战! The boundary of Qi Practicing 4-layer peak, more than 4000 meters Spiritual Consciousness scopes, tyrannical of her Spiritual Thought, almost could compare favorably with Ling Yun, the difference is her fight experience are too few, regarding the Spiritual Thought control and utilization, must miss many compared with Ling Yun. 练气四层巅峰的境界,4000多米的神识范围,她的神念之强横,几乎已经可以跟凌云相媲美了,区别只是在于她的战斗经验太少,对于神念操控和运用上,比凌云要差很多而已。 But she now is actually all-out attack, does not need to defend, pressure that therefore, that 12 water swords create to Li Zhengfeng, made the opposite party feel the tremendous pressure. 可她现在却是全力攻击,根本不需要防守,因此,那12把水剑给厉争锋带来的压力,也让对方感觉到了巨大压力。 The Li Zhengfeng body defensive power may be inferior to Xiong Biao, if the Ning Lingyu water cloud sword broke through his defense cover, Li Zhengfeng will be gripped the hedgehog by these water swords instantaneously! 厉争锋的身体防御力可不如熊彪,如果宁灵雨的水云剑突破了他的防御罩,厉争锋瞬间就会被那些水剑扎成刺猬! Let alone Ling Yun's Azure Shadow Flying Sword, at this moment behind him, the place that the eye cannot look, high and low fluttering, with his Flying Sword fierce fight, so long as Li Zhengfeng carelessly, Azure Shadow Flying Sword will break through the entanglement, thorn to his body! 何况凌云的清影飞剑,此刻就在他背后,眼睛看不着的地方,上下翻飞,跟他的飞剑激烈缠斗,只要厉争锋一个不慎,清影飞剑就会突破纠缠,刺向他的身体! Therefore Li Zhengfeng is surrounded by perils similarly, can he whole-heartedly, where have the ample force to rescue Xiong Biao? 所以厉争锋这边同样是险象环生,他必须全力以赴,哪里还有余力去营救熊彪 However at this moment, after Ling Yun caused heavy losses to Xiong Biao, rushed to him to come. 然而就在这时,凌云重创了熊彪之后,奔他来了。 Li Zhengfeng has a big shock immediately! 厉争锋顿时大惊失色! Ling Yun is calm and composed even in press of work, looks at Li Zhengfeng to smile lightly: Now was one's turn you.” 凌云好整以暇,望着厉争锋淡淡一笑:“现在轮到你了。” A few words said, sees only airborne Azure Shadow Flying Sword, the flying speed speeds up one time suddenly! 一句话说完,只见空中的清影飞剑,飞行速度骤然加快一倍! But Ling Yun a moment ago doing two things at the same time was controlling Azure Shadow, now only remaining Li Zhengfeng enemies, he full power control Azure Shadow Flying Sword, how can that speed not be fast?! 凌云刚才可是一心二用在操控清影,现在只剩下厉争锋一个敌人了,他全力操控清影飞剑,那速度怎能不快?! The Azure Shadow Flying Sword speed doubles, this makes the Li Zhengfeng instantaneous pressure increase, at this time, Li Zhengfeng is the forehead sees the perspiration, Azure Shadow Flying Sword bypassed his scarlet glow several times, charged into his body! 清影飞剑速度加倍,这让厉争锋瞬间压力大增,此时,厉争锋已是额头见汗,清影飞剑已经数次绕过他的赤芒,冲向他的身体了! Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu joint effort, has occupied completely the winning side, he does not worry at this moment, the air/Qi calms down idly, said to Li Zhengfeng: Depends on your goods, dares to come my Ling Family to bluff and bluster?” 凌云宁灵雨合力,已经占尽上风,他此刻并不着急,气定神闲,对厉争锋说道:“就凭你们这些货色,也敢来我凌家耀武扬威?” Then his corners of the mouth curls upwards, the vision disdained to sweep Li Zhengfeng one, turned head saying: 12 swords, are inferior to a sword.” 然后他嘴角儿微翘,目光不屑扫了厉争锋一眼,又扭头道:“12剑,不如一剑。” These words, said certainly to the Ning Lingyu hear. 这句话,当然是说给宁灵雨听的。 „The fight experience of Lingyu was too few.” Ling Yun in the heart sighed. 灵雨的战斗经验还是太少了啊。”凌云心中叹道。 Many strength differences. 多则力分。 Shua! 刷! After the Ling Yun words exit|to speak, Li Zhengfeng felt immediately the defense covers the pressure suddenly changes light, sees only Ning Lingyu 12 Flying Sword, evacuates unexpectedly! 凌云话语出口之后,厉争锋顿时感觉防御罩压力骤然变轻,只见宁灵雨的12把飞剑,竟同时撤离! ......” “呼……” Just about to long shouts one breath in Li Zhengfeng, carries on the air change time, actually suddenly sees, before that 12 Flying Sword all arrive at his body unexpectedly, synthesizes a great flood sword instantaneously, and quickly, punctures at present toward him! 就在厉争锋刚要长呼一口气,进行换气的时候,却猛然看见,那12把飞剑竟然全部来到他身前,瞬间合成一把巨大水剑,并且以迅雷不及掩耳之势,向着他眼前刺来! Zheng! 铮! The great flood sword punctured suddenly in outside the body defense of Li Zhengfeng has coated, defends energy cover to cave in immediately inward, was similar to an awl, drilling the point must pierce the rags! 巨大水剑猛然刺在了厉争锋的体外防御罩上,防御气罩立即向内塌陷,如同一把锥子,锥尖要刺穿破布! Thus it can be seen, Ning Lingyu perception! Ling Yun has only prompted a few words! 由此可见,宁灵雨的悟性!凌云只提示了一句话而已! Li Zhengfeng immediately greatly incomparable, he lifts the palm without hesitation, towards defends the energy cover collapse the place, suddenly a racket! 厉争锋顿时头大无比,他毫不犹豫抬掌,对着防御气罩塌陷的地方,猛然一拍! Great flood sword severely trembles, was flown by his palm racket unexpectedly! 巨大水剑剧震,竟被他一掌拍飞! Snort!” “哼!” Ning Lingyu tender, contains the frost grimly, her moving quickly, two fingers gather, inspire the sword Secret Art, brushes, after the great flood sword flies upside down one zhang (3.33 m), flushed once more! 宁灵雨一声娇哧,冷面含霜,她飞身而出,两指并拢,引动剑诀,刷,巨大水剑倒飞一丈之后,再次冲了过来! Li Zhengfeng is helpless, can only take control of once more, in the meantime, he felt that behind the pressure reduces slightly, because Ling Yun weakened the Azure Shadow Flying Sword offensive unexpectedly, but entangles Li Zhengfeng Flying Sword to keep him from attacking Ning Lingyu. 厉争锋无奈,只能再次出掌,同时,他感觉到后面压力稍减,因为凌云竟然减弱了清影飞剑的攻势,只是缠着厉争锋飞剑让他无法攻击宁灵雨 If Ling Yun takes back Azure Shadow, whatever Li Zhengfeng wholly-absorbed with the Ning Lingyu fight, may attack to defend-- present Ning Lingyu naturally does not beat. 如果凌云收回清影,任由厉争锋专心和宁灵雨战斗,可攻可守——现在的宁灵雨自然不敌。 Therefore he can only entangle Li Zhengfeng Flying Sword, lets the Ning Lingyu all-out attack, whets own strength and boundary by this. 因此他只能缠着厉争锋飞剑,让宁灵雨全力攻击,以此来磨砺自身战力和境界。 Only remaining Li Zhengfeng people, Ling Family must in any case win the bureau at this moment, early a while late a while. 反正此刻只剩下厉争锋一个人了,凌家这边已经是必胜之局,早一会儿晚一会儿罢了。 Therefore, Ning Lingyu and Li Zhengfeng, an all-out attack, defends vigorously, two people spars. 于是,宁灵雨厉争锋,一个全力攻击,一个极力防守,两人进行斗法。 But Li Zhengfeng after all is Sky Group Great Elder, has achieved Magical Powers Realm 6-layer, fight is experienced, Spiritual Thought is tyrannical, within the body Innate True Qi is such as the rivers and streams is more torrential. 厉争锋毕竟是天组大长老,已经达到了神通境六重,战斗经验丰富,神念强横,体内先天真气更是如江河滔滔。 Ling Yun relaxes, even if Ning Lingyu displays full power, in the same old way cannot break through the defense of Li Zhengfeng, after several minutes, on the Ning Lingyu bright and clean forehead has seeped out the slight beads of sweat. 凌云一放松,宁灵雨哪怕施展出全力,都照样攻不破厉争锋的防御,几分钟之后,宁灵雨光洁的额头上就渗出了细微的汗珠了。 Was similar, should finish!” “差不多了,该结束了!” Ling Yun opens the mouth suddenly, his Spiritual Thought stimulates to movement suddenly, Azure Shadow Flying Sword accelerates suddenly, turns toward the Li Zhengfeng fly upon once more! 凌云忽然开口,紧接着,他神念猛然催动,清影飞剑骤然加速,再次向着厉争锋猛烈攻击! Meanwhile, Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword also flew, the lightning is common, direct attack Li Zhengfeng defense energy cover! 同时,阴阳罡气剑也飞了出来,闪电一般,直接攻击厉争锋的防御气罩 „!” “嗤嗤!” Li Zhengfeng defense energy cover, was nearly punctured by Ling Yun's Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword! 厉争锋的防御气罩,差点儿就被凌云的阴阳罡气剑刺破! Li Zhengfeng is panic-stricken, at this moment, his oneself is resisting the Ning Lingyu great flood sword, Spiritual Thought is stimulating to movement the scarlet glow to stop Azure Shadow, where also has the ample force to prevent Yin-Yang Astral Qi Sword? 厉争锋惊骇无比,此刻,他自身正在抵御宁灵雨的巨大水剑,神念在催动赤芒阻拦清影,哪里还有余力阻挡阴阳罡气剑 Shua! 刷! Li Zhengfeng flies to draw back, simultaneously he said loudly: Stops! Ling Yun, my Sky Group acknowledges that the punishment is deserved tonight!” 厉争锋飞退,同时他大声说道:“停!凌云,今晚我天组认栽!” Is beyond control he not to acknowledge that the punishment is deserved, hits again, his fate will be only more miserable than that side Xiong Biao! 由不得他不认栽,再打下去,他的下场只会比那边的熊彪更惨! „It is not good!” “不行!” The Ling Yun direct rejection, he leads the way slowly, in the mouth said: I have said that today in the evening, your Sky Group 14 people, must set upright coming, horizontally exiting!” 凌云直接拒绝,他缓缓前行,口中说道:“我说过,今天晚上,你们天组14个人,都要竖着进来,横着出去!” The voice has not fallen, the Ling Yun moving quickly, Shape-Change Shadow, arrived at the Li Zhengfeng body , before suddenly! 话音未落,凌云飞身而起,移形换影,眨眼来到了厉争锋身前! Bang!” “轰!” A fist, pounded suddenly on Li Zhengfeng defense energy cover! 猛然一拳,砸在了厉争锋的防御气罩上! This, the earth vibrates, the astral wind rises from all directions, only one fist, broke to the bang Li Zhengfeng defense energy cover! 这一下,大地震动,罡风四起,只一拳,就把厉争锋的防御气罩给轰破了! Meets to incur!” “接招!” Ling Yun is very calm, towards Li Zhengfeng knocks out the fist continuously, a fist has smashed to break the right arm of Li Zhengfeng, another fist pounded in his chest! 凌云很淡定,对着厉争锋连续出拳,一拳砸断了厉争锋的右臂,又一拳砸在了他的胸口! Only depending on the defensive power of body, Li Zhengfeng is inferior to Xiong Biao, he spits blood by the big mouth that Ling Yun pounds, the breastbone is completely broken, the body has flown upside down! 只凭身体的防御力,厉争锋远不如熊彪,他被凌云砸的大口吐血,胸骨尽碎,身体倒飞了出去! Bang!” “轰!” The body of Li Zhengfeng layer on layer/heavily pounded on the wall, pounded human form large hole, threw down in the Ling Family 7th-layer courtyard! 厉争锋的身体重重砸在了墙上,砸出一个人形大洞,摔倒在了凌家第七重院落! The life and death does not know! 生死不知!
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