DD5ROTS :: Volume #1

#38: white-headed falcon monster

This is white-headed falcon monster, is quantity few races in Monster Race. The flying speed is fast, the flying ability strong grows perceptibly continually. fighting strength is not strong, what is powerful is their flying abilities and reconnaissance capabilities. Their looks can catch inside and outside ten subtle change. In Monster Race the best scout. 这是一只白头隼妖,在妖怪族之中属于数量较少的种族。以飞行速度快,持续飞行能力强而见长。本身的战斗力并没有太强,但强大的是它们的飞行能力和侦察能力。它们的眼神能够捕捉到十里外的细微变化。是妖怪族之中最好的侦察兵。 After white-headed falcon monster some high rank monster hint, enters the stage obviously, for restrains the flexibility of Tang San. 白头隼妖显然是被高阶一些的妖怪示意之后出场的,为的就是克制唐三的灵活。 If true Wind Wolf Clan, actually does not fear white-headed falcon monster, because true Wind Wolf Clan , not only can display the wind blade ability, oneself are also quite strong. But Tang San is only vassal, the frail body looks like in monsters, will make his speed quicker, but, definitely will make his defense smaller and weaker. Most excels at the speed and reconnaissance monster with white-headed falcon monster this type copes with him, was appropriate. 如果是真正的风狼族,其实并不怕白头隼妖,因为真正的风狼族不只是能够施展风刃的能力,自身也是相当强壮的。可唐三只是个附庸,单薄的身体在妖怪们看来,会让他的速度更快,但同时,也必然会让他的防御更加弱小。用白头隼妖这种最擅长速度和侦察的妖怪来对付他,再合适不过了。 Before the flashing leopard death, many monster think that is the fourth level flashing leopard general idea/careless is the result. 之前闪豹的死,更多的妖怪都会认为那是四阶闪豹自己大意所致。 Starts!” “开始!” Orders along with seventh level violent bear, the white-headed falcon monster pair of wings flaps suddenly, is almost blinks to lift off. In the double pupil, is the white light winds around, hawkeye bloodline talent starts. The look stares instantaneously on Tang San. 伴随着七阶暴熊一声令下,白头隼妖双翼猛然拍动,几乎是眨眼之间就已经升空而起。双眸之中,更是白光缭绕,鹰眼血脉天赋发动。眼神瞬间就凝视在唐三身上。 If Tang San be at its observation condition, will discover now, all that in the eye sees as if slowed down, became clear. 如果唐三现在处于它的观察状态的话,就会发现,眼中所看到的一切仿佛都变慢了,也变得清晰了。 Under the hawkeye gaze of white-headed falcon monster, this time Tang San, even if the subtle change of muscle can be caught by it clearly. Clarity that even his eyelash shivering frequency can also look. 白头隼妖鹰眼注视之下,此时的唐三,哪怕是肌肉的细微变化都能被它清晰捕捉。甚至连他的睫毛颤抖频率也能看的清楚。 During it gazes at Tang San, stands in same place has not moved, has not charged to the front, is only the both hands very natural sagging by the body, the fingertip has the azure light to beat. 而在它注视之中的唐三,站在原地没动,没有向前方冲锋,只是双手很自然的下垂在身体两侧,指尖有青光跳动。 white-headed falcon monster has been raising to hundred meters upper air at this time instantaneously. Next flickers, it is the dive under. The pair of wings restrains suddenly, but stays the condition of slightly opening, but the eagle wing that opens slightly constantly is actually actually adjusting, controls angle that it is diving. 白头隼妖此时已经在瞬间拔高到百米高空。下一瞬,它已是俯冲而下。双翼骤然收敛,只是保持略微张开的状态,而那略微张开的鹰翼却其实在不断的调整着,控制着它俯冲的角度。 The fluctuation ability of this flight, is it most excels. It has been seeking for the Tang San flaw, so long as recognizes certainly the flaw that flickers, its hawkeye can lock the flaw to be, strikes to subdue. 这份飞行的变幻能力,是它最为擅长的。它一直都在寻找着唐三的破绽,只要认准破绽的那一瞬,它的鹰眼就能锁定破绽所在,一击制胜。 In its eye, Tang San at this time is a deceased person. 在它眼中,唐三此时已经是个死人。 But at this moment, Tang San moved finally, a tip of the toe place, before being rapid to/clashes, runs in the direction of collision area, at the same time, he raised the head, looks to in the air white-headed falcon monster. 而就在这时,唐三终于动了,脚尖点地,迅速前冲,朝着碰撞区的方向跑去,与此同时,他抬起头,看向空中的白头隼妖 Looks in the eyes, he saw the white light in white-headed falcon monster eye, but also at this moment, white-headed falcon monster also saw purple aura in Tang San look. 四目相对,他看到了白头隼妖眼中的白光,但也就在这时,白头隼妖也看到了唐三眼神之中的紫意 That wipes the light purple, although flashes to pass, but also in that flickers, white-headed falcon monster only felt own brain suddenly appear short blank, seemed in spiritual world is hit one by anything. Made it one fall into the short confusedness. 那一抹淡淡的紫色,虽然只是一闪而逝,但也就在那一瞬,白头隼妖只觉得自己大脑突然出现了短暂的空白,仿佛是精神世界中被什么东西撞击了一下似的。令它一下就陷入了短暂的迷茫。 Tang San is almost breaking in the collision area next one flickers the body, has hung the both arms by body to wield suddenly upwardly. Both hands fling two wind blade respectively, directly soars in the air white-headed falcon monster to go. 唐三几乎是在冲入碰撞区的下一瞬弹身而起的,一直垂在身体两侧的双臂猛然向上挥动。双手各自甩出两道风刃,直奔空中的白头隼妖而去。 white-headed falcon monster absent-minded, although was only appear very short time, but mark in its mind was actually that purple look. 白头隼妖的恍惚虽然只是出现了很短暂的时间,但在它的脑海中烙印着的却是那紫色的眼神。 When it sobers slightly, the before sharpness of wind blade brought the silent azure light to arrive at its body . 当它略微清醒过来的时候,风刃的锋锐带着无声的青光就已经到了它身前。 Monster Race that white-headed falcon monster most is good at dodging worthily, even if in this case, its body deflects as before rapidly, almost when does not allow to send in the middle avoided front two wind blade. Pair of sharp claws spring, the pair of wings opens the control speed of table suddenly, the sharp claws try to grasp another two wind blade. 白头隼妖不愧是最擅长闪避的妖怪族,哪怕是在这种情况下,它的身体依旧迅速偏转,几乎是在间不容发之际就避开了前面的两道风刃。一双利爪弹出,双翼猛然张开控制下落速度,利爪试图去抓另外两道风刃 Absent-minded that flickered a moment ago has made it lose the advantageous position, it while surprised, the preparation lifted off, attacked again. 刚才那一瞬的恍惚已经让它失去了有利的位置,它在吃惊的同时,准备重新升空,再次攻击。 But since, Tang San had started Purple Demon Eyes to it, which will also give it again such opportunity? 可是,唐三既然已经对它发动了紫极魔瞳,哪还会再给它这样的机会呢? Two wind blade that in the air fails circled quietly, has pursued from the rear area, but must be grasped two wind blade actually to blast out by the eagle claw shortly suddenly. 空中落空的两道风刃悄然绕了一圈,已经从后方追来,而眼看就要被鹰爪抓中的两道风刃却突然炸开。 Two wind blade turned into four wind blade, accelerates instantaneously, all cut to strike on the white-headed falcon monster slender body, although the impulse was blocked by its feather most, but everyone was fourth level. The wind blade intensity is not good to resist, at once blood light collapse present. 两道风刃变成了四道风刃,瞬间加速,全都斩击在了白头隼妖纤细的身体上,虽然冲击力被它的羽毛挡住大半,但大家都是四阶风刃的强度也不是那么好抵抗的,一时之间血光崩现。 But two wind blade that the rear area circles, is cutting ruthlessly back of white-headed falcon monster. Made it call out pitifully, crashed toward the ground directly. 而后方绕回来的两道风刃,也已是狠狠的斩在了白头隼妖背部。令它惨叫一声,直接朝着地面坠落而来。 Jumps but Tang San, both hands find out, a hand held the white-headed falcon monster slender neck, another hand grasped in the position of its chest, the body from the sky revolves for a week, white-headed falcon monster is flung to fly by him. 腾身而起的唐三,双手探出,一只手抓住了白头隼妖纤细的脖子,另一只手则是抓在它胸口的位置,身体在空中旋转一周,白头隼妖就被他甩飞了出去。 Bang, white-headed falcon monster drops in the place, the body blood flows, fallen stupor in the past. “砰”的一声,白头隼妖跌落在地,身上鲜血流淌,被摔的昏迷了过去。 Three victories in a row! 三连胜! Tang San deeply inspires, steady falling in collision area. 唐三深吸口气,平稳的落在了碰撞区之中。 If first is lucky, second round found the weakness, then, for successive three times? 如果说第一场是侥幸,第二场是找到了弱点,那么,连续三场呢? To this human vassal, Monster Race on the scene are gazing at the look starts becomes different. When, can human vassal actually have such combat experience and ability? 对这名人类附庸,在场的妖怪族们注视着的眼神都开始变得不一样了。什么时候,人类附庸竟然能够拥有这样的战斗经验和能力了? white-headed falcon monster specifically aims at him to choose, actually dehydrates greatly, throws in the process that strikes unable to dodge wind blade unexpectedly. 要知道,白头隼妖可是专门针对他挑选出来的,却是大失水准,扑击的过程中居然没能闪避开风刃 All monster see, is the mistake of white-headed falcon monster, but they do not know why this mistake is. 所有妖怪看到的,都是白头隼妖的失误,可它们并不知道这失误是为什么。 The seventh level violent bear brow wrinkles, looks steadily is walking toward the location silently, preparation next Tang San. 七阶暴熊眉头皱起,盯视着默默向场地一侧走去,准备下一场的唐三 Next.” The custom is the custom, Monster Race, although is the jungle principle, law of the jungle, strength is revered above all else. May have own order and rule. Especially in main city. “下一个。”规矩就是规矩,妖怪族虽然是丛林法则,弱肉强食,实力为尊。可也有着属于自己的秩序和规则。尤其是在主城之中。 Therefore, even if Tang San is only vassal, on this collision competition, Monster Race wants to tidy up him , can only according to the custom, unable to close, also cannot high rank bully low rank. 所以,哪怕唐三只是附庸,在这碰撞大赛上,妖怪族想要收拾他,也只能是按照规矩来,不能一拥而上,也不能高阶欺负低阶。 Ordinary wind wolf transformation, can actually have such combat skills, luck? 只是普通的风狼变,竟然能够有如此战斗技巧,还有运气? The Tang San fourth opponent had entered the location, this is the opponent who on Tang San should face. After white-headed falcon monster failure, deferred to the order to come as before. 唐三的第四个对手已经走进了场地,这位才是原本上一场唐三应该面对的对手。白头隼妖失败之后,就依旧还是按照顺序来了。 This opponent, is deer monster. The head has big horn of furcation. The stature is majestic. In the look does not have that vicious of great majority monster, instead brings several points of gentle. 这个对手,是一头鹿妖。头上有着分叉的大角。身材雄壮。眼神中也没有大多数妖怪的那种凶狠,反而带着几分平和。 It gazes at Tang San, the eyeground deep place has the ray twinkle faintly, its hair is unusual, that is a hair of light-blue, is embellishing bunches of white on light-blue. 它注视着唐三,眼底深处隐隐有光芒闪烁,它身上的毛发非常奇特,那是一种淡蓝色的毛发,在淡蓝色上点缀着一簇簇白色。 This is...... 这是…… spirit-horned deer monster? 灵犀鹿妖 Tang San a thought flashed through the mind. 唐三心中一动 Has about this deer monster, he listens to Wang Yanfeng to tell in detail. They are special, the blue hair, in Monster Race is very rare, let alone appear in deer monster. 有关于这种鹿妖,他是听王延丰详细讲述过的。它们非常特殊,蓝色的毛发,在妖怪族之中都是非常罕见的,更何况还是出现鹿妖之中。 The deer monster quantity is quite big, in Monster Race is the race of middle-grade level. spirit-horned deer monster is not royal family in deer monster, the itself strength is not very strong. But spirit-horned deer monster innate ability is actually very unusual. 鹿妖的数量较为庞大,在妖怪族之中是中等水平的种族。灵犀鹿妖并不是鹿妖中的王族,本身实力也不是很强。但灵犀鹿妖天赋能力却是非常奇特的。 Their innate ability were called eye of heart consonance. This bloodline ability strongest ability is the sensation. 它们的天赋能力被称之为灵犀心眼。这种血脉能力最强大的能力就是感知。 Used to manufacture consonance coins consonance metal, by Spirit-horned Deer Monster Clan was discovered, the consonance coins biggest advantage conducts the body, can make carrier maintain mental focusing, even there is to stimulate the function that the awaking brain promotion cultivates. But after spirit-horned deer monster discovered consonance metal, this metal manufactured money afterward, named with their names. 用来制作灵犀币灵犀金属,就是被灵犀鹿妖一族发现的,灵犀币最大的好处就是携带在身上,能让携带者自身保持精神集中,甚至有提神醒脑促进修炼的作用。而灵犀鹿妖发现了灵犀金属之后,这种金属后来制作成钱币,就以它们的名字来命名了。 The spirit-horned deer monster quantity is small, but the position in Monster Race actually even must surpass their deer monster's lineage royal family. eye of heart consonance can see thing that many other races cannot see. Accurate is the strong sensation strength. They can the sensation good and bad fortune, can the sensation to existence of treasure, this is lineage/vein mental force very powerful monster. 灵犀鹿妖的数量很少,但在妖怪族之中的地位却甚至还要超过它们鹿妖一脉王族灵犀心眼能够看到很多其他种族所看不到的东西。准确来说就是强大的感知力。它们能够感知吉凶,也能感知到宝物的存在,这是一脉精神力非常强大的妖怪 Therefore, spirit-horned deer monster fighting strength, although is not good, but in any Monster Race, welcome them to join. Some monster large clans, has the spirit-horned deer monster form. 因此,灵犀鹿妖本身战斗力虽然不行,但在任何妖怪族,都是非常欢迎它们加入的。一些妖怪大族,也都有灵犀鹿妖的身影。
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