DD5ROTS :: Volume #2

#154: Mei Gongzi, peacock transformation

Tang San was almost one saw Mei Gongzi in these two groups of people. 唐三几乎是一眼就看到了在这两组人之中的美公子 Mei Gongzi in one group, both groups are seven, but seems like actually only then her one is human. Other is monster. 美公子在其中一组之中,两组都是七个,但看上去却只有她一个是人类。其他的都是妖怪 In Mei Gongzi this group, Tang San has two is the understanding, one was that had threatened his little bear, as for another, naturally was that imaginary love rival who masculine Monster Race that has golden hair. 美公子这一组里面,唐三有两个是认识的,一个是那曾经威胁过他的小熊,至于另一个,自然就是那位有着一头金发的男性妖怪族的假想情敌了。 Saw Mei Gongzi, the eye of Tang San somewhat cannot move, today's she, puts on sturdy clothes, azure sturdy clothes outlined her slender tender body. The 13-year-old young girl had grown initially, long hair behind the head combs ponytail, stands in the team final puts, what strange is her change. 看到美公子,唐三的眼睛就有些挪不开了,今天的她,穿着一身劲装,青色的劲装勾勒出她修长的娇躯。13岁的少女已经初步发育了,一头长发在脑后梳拢成马尾,站在队伍的最后放,奇异的是她的变化。 Original Mei Gongzi is a black hair, but this time she, a long hair is actually peacock's blue, this blue color very striking, the long hair flutters along with her action. But in her hands, is grasping a thin sword, behind the thin sword has the feather, this is......, peacock plume? 原本的美公子是一头黑发的,但此时的她,一头长发却是孔雀蓝色,这蓝色非常的醒目,长发伴随着她的行动而飘扬。而在她手中,则是握着一柄细剑,细剑后方有翎毛,这是……,孔雀翎 Tang San surprised looks at the weapon in Mei Gongzi hand, in an instant, in his mind the electric light flashes through together. 唐三惊讶的看着美公子手中的武器,刹那间,他脑海中一道电光闪过。 He almost recalled narration of Guan Longjiang instantaneously. 他几乎是瞬间就记起了关龙江的讲述。 In Jiali City, controls here, is a powerful race, this monster clans once that side Ancestral Court was also very powerful existence, because in the clan the sovereign died afterward , without the new sovereign born, the race strength has then reduced.. 嘉里城之中,掌控这里的,乃是一个强大的种族,这个妖怪种族曾经在祖庭那边也是非常强大的存在,只是因为后来族中之皇死去,没有新皇诞生,种族的实力这才有所降低。。 For all this, patriarch of present age as before is one generation of Monster King, is running one of the Monster Race Seven Great Main Cities. 尽管如此,当代的族长依旧是一代妖王,掌管着这妖怪族七大主城之一。 Peacock Monster Clan, present age Jiali City City Lord, is Peacock Great Monster King. 孔雀妖族,当代嘉里城城主,正是孔雀大妖王 Change from Mei Gongzi can see at this time, her Monster God Transformation, should on the King of a Hundred Birds peacock, peacock transformation! 美公子此时身上的变化就能看出,她的妖神变,应该就正是百鸟之王的孔雀,孔雀变 Her bloodline inheritance, unexpectedly is Jiali City City Lord lineage/vein. 她的血脉传承,竟是嘉里城城主一脉。 Now Tang San anything understands, why the Mei Gongzi mother can open Milk Tea Shop in Jiali Plaza, why Mei Gongzi can arrive at this Jiali City first school learn/study, why Monster Race does not dare to be malicious to this human appear even. All these because of her bloodlines origin! 现在唐三什么都明白了,为什么美公子的母亲能够在嘉里广场奶茶店,为什么美公子能够来到这嘉里城第一学院学习,为什么就算是妖怪族也不敢对她这个人类出现恶意。这一切都是因为她的血脉来历啊! She unexpectedly is peacock clan bloodline inheritance, moreover very obviously is also not ordinary Peacock Clan, should be purest Peacock Great Monster King lineage/vein, may have the possibility of entering the Jiali Academy learn/study. 她竟然是孔雀一族血脉传承,而且很显然还不是普通的孔雀族,应该是最纯正的孔雀大妖王一脉,才有可能拥有进入嘉里学院学习的可能吧。 „!” When is in the Tang San intention revolve like lightning, a back of the head pain. “啪!”正在唐三心念电转之际,后脑勺一痛。 Near the ear also transmits the low roar of Old Mao: Looks at anything to look, quickly works.” 耳边随之传来毛老的低吼:“看什么看,赶快干活。” „.” Tang San rushes to comply, to take back the vision repeatedly. “哦哦。”唐三赶忙连声答应,收回目光。 Through this short observation, he had discovered a moment ago, the Mei Gongzi strength is not quite weak! She stands in the team back row, the time that in the hand peacock plume every wields one time, will have tiny peacock plume to project, the long-distance range attack opponent, disturbs the opponent, gives own teammate to create the opportunity. 通过刚才这短暂的观察,他就已经发现,美公子的实力相当不弱啊!她站在队伍后排,手中孔雀翎每一次挥出的时候,都会有许多细小的孔雀翎射出,中远距离攻击对手,干扰对手,给自己的队友制造机会。 When there is an opponent wants near body to attack her, her here teammate full power defends, does not give the opposite party the opportunity. It seems like, core of her actually team. 当有对手想要近身攻击她的时候,她这边的队友都是全力防御,根本不给对方机会。看上去,她倒是团队的核心似的。 But in their here teams, that Monster Race youth figure that has golden hair has become very grandiose, but is actually maintaining the human form as before, looks is a bit like human vassal. A golden long hair is sending out the eye-catching golden light, a pair of palm becomes very gigantic, each palm lays out, will bring the enormous threat to the opposite party. 而他们这边的团队之中,那名有着一头金发的妖怪族青年身形已经变得十分壮硕,但却依旧保持着人形,看上去有点像人类附庸。一头金色长发散发着夺目金光,一双手掌变得十分硕大,每一掌拍出,都会给对方带来极大的威胁。 Golden Lion Clan. 黄金狮子族 This is the direct line inheritance of lion clan golden bloodline. Truly is fierce. 这是狮族黄金血脉的直系传承。确实是厉害。 This Golden Lion Clan youth, at least also has eighth level cultivation base. But Mei Gongzi in the feeling of Tang San, should enters seventh level. Really worthily is the powerful bloodlines! 这名黄金狮子族的青年,至少也有八阶修为。而美公子唐三的感觉中,应该是进入七阶了。真不愧是强大的血脉啊! To both sides of war, strength also in seventh level about, only then both sides are two leading of head are eighth level. 对战的双方,实力也都在七阶左右,只有双方为首的两个带队者是八阶 Because gazed at very short time, Tang San can see is also these, he cannot look again, looked again Old Mao must act crazy. But today can see Mei Gongzi here, Tang San is also suitable satisfaction, the luck the luck! heavenly fox's eye is really a good thing! 因为只是注视了很短的时间,唐三能够看到的也就是这些,他已经不能再看了,再看毛老要发飙了。但今天能够在这里见到美公子,唐三也已经是相当的满足,运气啊运气!天狐之眼真是个好东西! Mei Gongzi has not naturally noticed one to sweep the floor little Tang, fight of both sides has been continuing. 美公子自然没有注意到一个扫地小唐,双方的战斗一直都在持续。 Tang San when cleaning, occasional shooting a look, as far as possible remembers this feeling. 唐三只有在清扫之余,偶尔的瞥上一眼,尽可能的记住这一眼的感觉。 Observed him to discover several times, Mei Gongzi Monster God Transformation, the body changed is not big, only then the hair and eye turned into peacock's blue, very attractive peacock's blue, increased several points of heroic spirit and gorgeous for her, in addition, other body not changes. This is very higher Monster God Transformation has the characteristics that. 观察了几次他就发现,美公子妖神变,身体变化并不大,只有头发和眼睛变成了孔雀蓝色,非常漂亮的孔雀蓝色,更为她增添了几分英气和艳丽,除此之外,身上并没有其他变化。这是非常高等的妖神变才有的特征。 If she inherits is really the bloodlines of Peacock Great Monster King, then, peacock transformation should be first hierarchy Monster God Transformation! With the heavenly fox transformation same rank. That she can have such position in Monster Race no wonder. 如果她传承的真的是孔雀大妖王的血脉,那么,孔雀变应该是第一层级妖神变啊!和天狐变同一个级别的。那就难怪她能够在妖怪族之中有这样的身份地位了。 It can be said that Mei Gongzi is Tang San has seen in human first has the high position in Monster Race. 可以说美公子唐三所见过的人类之中第一个在妖怪族之中拥有较高地位的。 The fight is intense, Tang San can only observe occasionally, therefore also can only roughly see both sides some fragments in combat process. Mei Gongzi this team of obvious strengths are stronger, peacock plume that she projects seems like situated in between real and illusory, the might is very big, can always appear in the essential place. But her Golden Lion Clan youth, the strength is also extremely strong, the eighth level powerful strength made him undertake the the greater part attack of opposite party team, created more victory opportunities to one's own side. 战斗激烈,唐三只能是偶尔观察,所以也只能大体看到双方在战斗过程中的一些片段。美公子这一队明显实力更强,她射出的孔雀翎似乎是介于真实与虚无之间,威力很大,总能出现在关键的地方。而她这边那个黄金狮子族的青年,实力也是极强,八阶的强大实力让他承担了对方团队的大部分攻击,给己方制造更多的制胜机会。 The disparity in both sides strength is quite obvious, therefore this compared notes not to conduct too finished for a long time, won to come to an end by Mei Gongzi this team. 双方实力上的差距比较明显,所以这场切磋并没有进行太长时间就结束了,以美公子这一队获胜告终。 both sides that the fight finished stand seems like discussing anything, on the side of Tang San cleans fast, occasionally shoots a look at one taking the opportunity of turning around, the attention all in Mei Gongzi and on that Golden Lion Clan fellow. 战斗结束的双方站在一起似乎是在讨论着什么,唐三一边快速打扫,偶尔借着转身的机会瞥上一眼,注意力全都在美公子和那黄金狮子族的家伙身上。 He did not worry among actually them has anything, after all the Mei Gongzi present age does not permit! But does not hope after all saw she is close to other male, particularly the opposite party seems like that outstanding. 他倒是不担心他们之间有什么,毕竟美公子现在的年纪也不允许啊!但总归是不希望看到她和别的男性太接近,尤其是对方看起来还是那么出色。 From the age, that Golden Lion Clan youth should be almost big with Wu Bingji, is actually the eighth level strength. Moreover, as golden clan, its talent and potential are naturally without a doubt. 从年纪上来看,那个黄金狮子族的青年应该跟武冰纪差不多大,却已经是八阶实力。而且,身为黄金种族,其天赋和潜能自然是毋庸置疑的。 Luckily, Mei Gongzi seems like, regardless to anyone is a lonely appearance, is obviously maintaining the distance, but her teammate also respects about her , the Golden Lion Clan youth in this time deliberately does not have is close to Mei Gongzi. This is also makes Tang San relax. 幸好,美公子看上去无论对谁都是一副冷冷清清的样子,都明显保持着距离,而她的队友对她也是十分尊重,黄金狮子族青年在这个时候也没有刻意的去接近美公子。这也算是让唐三松了口气。 The strengthen, oneself really must a quicker strengthen be good! 变强,自己真的要更快变强才行啊! The envy is really the original sin, looks at them to be able with the team in the together appearance, Tang San to acknowledge, oneself envied. The envy even makes him want a quicker strengthen, works hard for the prosperity of the country that type. Otherwise, if the fellow is really a love rival, can't oneself be victorious the love rivals? 嫉妒果然是原罪,看着他们能够同队在一起的样子,唐三承认,自己嫉妒了。嫉妒甚至让他想要更快的变强,奋发图强那种。否则的话,如果那家伙真的是情敌,自己岂不是连情敌都打不过? Mei Gongzi one group of discussed a while also left, in monsters battling area becomes peaceful immediately, the hands and feet of Tang San is very deft, within the given time completed cleaned cleanly, after cleaning, followed reckless to leave quietly, returns to the short house. 美公子一行人讨论了一会儿也就离开了,妖战区内顿时变得安静下来,唐三的手脚很麻利,在规定时间内完成了打扫清洁,打扫完毕后,跟随着胡老悄悄离开,返回矮房子。 His afternoon cleaning work not mission that because temporarily increases cancels, in the afternoon before continuing the square to Lord classroom building to sweep clear. 他下午的清扫工作并不会因为临时增加的任务而取消,下午继续到主教学楼前的广场进行清扫。 At the same time sweeping clear, when the brain actually is Mei Gongzi displays the peacock transformation graceful bearing, that wipes peacock's blue, is really beautiful certainly this world. She is more than ten years old! When she grew up, has not known that must be beautiful. 一边清扫着,脑子里却全都是美公子施展孔雀变时的风姿,那一抹孔雀蓝色,真的是美绝人寰。她这才十几岁啊!等她成年了,还不知道要多美。 Can see that she is really good, the luck that heavenly fox's eye brings played very major role, un, after going back, but must look for Du Bai to continue to cultivate, wins over morning point also to enter fourth level, many exerts several luck to oneself. Although will cause weakly, but swept the floor the little Tang weak point? Let alone, he has powerful liquid mental force, the weak degree certainly be much lighter than Du Bai. 能够见到她真好,天狐之眼带来的运气起了很大的作用,嗯,回去以后,还要找读白继续修炼,争取早一点自己也能进入到四阶,多给自己施加几次运气。虽然会导致虚弱,但扫地小唐虚弱一点怎么了?更何况,他自身有强大的液态精神力,虚弱的程度肯定要比读白轻得多了。 Afternoon cleaning work is quite relaxed, while Tang San prepares to stop work for the day, suddenly, his heart trembles slightly, subconscious raising the head looks in a direction. 下午的清扫工作是比较轻松的,正当唐三准备收工的时候,突然间,他心头微微一颤,下意识的抬起头朝着一个方向看去。 Has restored a black hair Mei Gongzi half step to walk outward, moves toward the direction of school front door. 已经恢复了一头黑发的美公子正快步向外走去,走向学校大门的方向。 Can she go out? 她要出去?
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