DD5ROTS :: Volume #2

#150: Sweeps the floor little Tang

Tang San followed Old Mao to enter the short house, in the house arrangement was crude, at the same time is piling up the broom and bucket and so on thing, in addition the table and several stool that seemed like possibly shatter momentarily. 唐三跟着毛老进了矮房子,房子里面的布置非常简陋,一边堆放着扫帚、水桶之类的东西,另边有一张桌子和几张看上去随时都可能坏掉的凳子。 Old Mao sits down on a stool, looks to Tang San, said: You should know where this is. Can go to the school to work, means that you obtain the approval of Mayor. However, here works you to obey the custom. Obeys the custom, not only for yourself, for our town/subdues in everyone. Although in the school, they also calculates the restraint to our these staff, but if really provoked them, our times of death also arrived. Not only you will die, will also implicate everyone.” 毛老在一张凳子上坐下,看向唐三,道:“你应该知道这是什么地方。能够来到学院里工作,意味着你已经得到了镇长的认可。不过,在这里工作你就必须要守规矩。守规矩不只是为了你自己,也是为了咱们镇上所有人。虽然在学院里,他们对我们这些工作人员还算克制,但如果真的招惹到了他们,我们的死期也就到了。不只是你会死,还会连累所有人。” Yes.” Tang San complies to say. “是。”唐三答应道。 Old Mao light said/tunnel: „ Remember, do not speak, work time regards itself the mute, must always lower the head, do not look. Did not look, did not listen and not say. How as for your heart is willing to think that I cannot manage. The most important point is, do not look for trouble for me, do not look for trouble for everyone. Achieves this point, you can work here, otherwise, leaves. Originally I am not willing to receive your, after all you are too young, are easy to stir up trouble, but Mayor has guaranteed, said you. Then, you display to me look. 毛老淡淡地道:“记住,不要说话,工作的时候就把自己当成哑巴,要始终低着头,不要去看。不看、不听、不说。至于你心中愿意怎么想我管不着。最重要的一点就是,不要给我找麻烦,也不要给大家找麻烦。做到这一点,你就能在这里工作下去,否则的话,就走人。本来我是不愿意收你的,毕竟你年纪太小,容易惹事,但镇长保证过,说你还可以。那么,你就表现给我看。 Yes.” Is listening to admonishing of Old Mao, in the Tang San heart some strange feelings, person who lived three lives, as once God King, was admonished like this, pouring is also a strange experience. He with the Old Mao vitality/angry, he does not certainly understand that this old person's meaning, all consider for human vassal in school small town. “是。”听着毛老的训诫,唐三心中不禁有种奇异的感觉,三世为人,作为曾经的神王,被这样训诫一番,倒也不失为一种奇异的体验。他当然不会跟毛老生气,他也明白这位老人的意思,一切都是为了学院小镇上的人类附庸着想。 In a Monster-Fairy Continent such world, Old Mao does that not wrong, or he does that is actually correct. 妖精大陆这样一个世界上,毛老这么做并没有错,或者说,他这么做其实非常正确。 Walks, I bring the place that you go to you to work. Starting today, you must work. „ Immediately, Old Mao makes Tang San take the tool, leading him to go out of the short house. “走吧,我带你去你工作的地方。从今天开始,你就要工作了。“当下,毛老唐三拿上工具,带着他走出了矮房子。 The Jiali Academy Lord classroom building is a very grand construction, highly over 50 meters, actually only then five, even if can also see that side the school small town clearly. 嘉里学院的主教学楼是一栋非常宏伟的建筑,高度超过五十米,却只有五层,哪怕是在学院小镇那边也能清晰地看到。 Jiali Academy altogether more than 1000 students, divide six grades to conduct the teaching at present. Each grade does not have the concrete time age limit, the student needs to adopt on an inspection of grade, can enter the next grade to continue to cultivate. The inspection is conducted every half year one time. In other words, your strength enough strong words, only take three years, can graduate from here. But if your ability is insufficient, then do not want to graduate for a lifetime. Therefore, not all students can graduate from Jiali Academy. 嘉里学院目前一共有一千多名学员,分六个年级进行教学。每个年级都没有具体的时间年限,学员需要通过上一个年级的考核,才能进入下一个年级继续修炼。考核是每半年进行一次。也就是说,你实力足够强的话,只需要三年的时间,就能够从这里毕业。但如果你能力不足,那么就一辈子也别想毕业。因此,并不是所有学员都能够从嘉里学院毕业的。 The stretch of open area before Lord classroom building is big and spacious, ground with stone material construction, smooth bright and clean, the stone material puts together all kinds of designs, the main design is the Monster Race ten big strong clans. Here is not possible to see the Fairy Race trace. 主教学楼前的这片空地大而空旷,地面用石材建造而成,平整光洁,石材拼成各种各样的图案,最主要的图案就是妖怪族的十大强族。在这里是不可能看到精怪族的痕迹的。 Old Mao pointed out to Tang San needs the clean region: „, Here the work do not act smart. No matter your Monster God Transformation is anything, do not use in the work, maintains the shape cleaning of human, does steadfastly on the spot. At noon, returns to our that side to eat meal, in the afternoon continues to work again, overall, the cleaning is every day twice, but besides these two times, if saw that the dirty place must sweep clear promptly cleanly.” 毛老唐三指出了需要清洁的区域:“记着,在这里工作不要耍小聪明。不管你的妖神变是什么,不要在工作的时候使用,就保持人类的形态清扫,踏实实地干。中午的时候,回咱们那边去吃饭,下午再继续工作,整体来说,清扫是每天两次,但除了这两次之外,如果看到脏的地方也要及时清扫干净。” After confessing, Old Mao hinted Tang San to start to clean. 交代完毕之后,毛老示意唐三可以开始打扫了。 Edge of Tang San along square starts to sweep clear, Old Mao looks in side, Tang San knows certainly his is must supervise itself, having a look at oneself to complete the work very well. 唐三沿着广场的边缘开始清扫,毛老就在旁看着,唐三当然知道他这是要监督自己,看看自己能不能很好地完成工作。 Tang San comes to here to work to not certainly work to make money, but is in order to sees Mei Gongzi, he is sweeping clear confident, consistently is keeping the stable frequency. 唐三来这里工作当然不是为了干活儿赚钱,而是为了能够见到美公子,他不徐不疾地清扫着,始终保持着稳定的频率。 Old Mao looked at a while in side, to Tang San such performance, he is quite satisfied, at least can see from the behavior, this is not an irritable child. 毛老在旁边看了一会儿,对唐三这样的表现,他还是比较满意的,至少从行为上就能看出,这不是个急躁的孩子。 After a half hour, Old Mao walked. Tang San sweep clear here slowly. 半个小时后,毛老走了。唐三自己在这儿慢慢清扫。 In fact, here works somewhat aridly, may regarding Tang San, arid at all not be anything. Those who made him somewhat pleasantly surprised was, here world's spiritual energy was rich, should be in Jiali Academy has what formation to increase world's spiritual energy. He sweeps the floor, while revolution Mysterious Heaven Skill, absorbs these spiritual energy silently, nourishes own body, pours can also be a cultivation way. 事实上,在这里工作有些枯燥,可对于唐三来说,枯燥根本不算什么。令他有些惊喜的是,这里的天地灵气非常浓郁,应该是嘉里学院内有什么法阵来增加天地灵气。他一边扫地,一边默默地运转玄天功,吸收这些灵气,滋养自己的身体,倒也算得上是一种修炼方式。 Tang San does not worry, sweeps the floor slowly, slowly absorbs in the air rich world's spiritual energy, is revolving Mysterious Heaven Skill. 唐三一点都不着急,就这么慢慢扫地,慢慢地吸收空气中浓郁的天地灵气,运转着玄天功 Since taking dragon tendon fruit, his body had the obvious change, starts deliberately to quenching the body with Mysterious Heaven Skill, but not like before to cover oneself intentionally becomes by oneself emaciated. 自从服用了龙筋果之后,他的身体有了明显变化,也开始刻意用玄天功淬炼身体,而不像以前那样为了掩盖自身故意让自己变得瘦弱。 Passed in such cleaning in the morning, when Old Mao looks again, what seen is pure nearly spotless square, but trash cleaning up that at this time Tang San will be sweeping clear is clean. 一个上午就在这样的清扫中度过,当毛老再次找来的时候,看到的是洁净得近乎一尘不染的广场,而此时唐三正在将清扫的垃圾清理干净。 Should eat meal, cleaned with such a long time?” Old Mao somewhat sees front this child surprisedly. “该吃饭了,打扫用了这么长时间吗?”毛老有些惊讶地看着面前这个孩子。 Tang San wiped the above the forehead sweat, is saying with a smile: I some fallen leaves and weeds in grove also cleaned up, must always do.” 唐三擦了擦额头上的汗水,微笑着道:“我把树丛中的些落叶和杂草也清理了一下,总是要做的。” Un, eats meal.” Old Mao said. “嗯,去吃饭吧。”毛老道。 The meal of school is unified, at least to their these staff is this, the plain food, Tang San was used to it, definitely Redemption Academy was much worse. Before coming, Zhang Haoxuan reminded him to bring the food, but Tang San has not brought, such was too conspicuous, how making also the person who worked here see? 学院的饭菜都是统一的,至少对他们这些工作人员来说是这样的,粗茶淡饭,唐三都习惯了,肯定比救赎学院的差得多。在来之前,张浩轩就提醒过他可以自己带饭,但唐三没有带,那样太显眼了,让同样在这儿工作的人怎么看? The process that entire eats meal, Old Mao has not spoken, Tang San has not spoken. 整个吃饭的过程,毛老都没有说话,唐三也没有说话. Finished eating the food, Tang San first tidied up the tableware silently, then looked for a corner to sit, started to sit cross-legged meditation. 吃完饭,唐三先默默地收拾了餐具,然后找个角落坐下来,开始盘膝冥想 After rests about two hours, Tang San took up the broom and cleaning tool again went to that side the Lord classroom building square, continued to sweep clear. 休息了大约两个小时后,唐三就再次拿起扫帚和清洁工具去了主教学楼广场那边,继续清扫。 The custom that Old Mao does not like speaking about Tang San this seems like quite approves, in the afternoon looked that the Tang San vision obviously became gentle. Before this work naturally also some people did, is only the cleaning words, two hours were completed sufficiently, in the afternoon only took one hour to sweep clear to be similar simply. Therefore, this work is not very tired. 毛老唐三这个不爱说话的习惯似乎是比较认可的,下午看唐三的目光明显变得柔和了许多。以前这份工作自然也是有人做的,只是清扫的话,两个小时就足以完成了,下午更是只需要一个小时简单地清扫一下就差不多了。所以,这份工作并不算很累。 But Tang San swept clear in the morning for nearly four hours, at noon also only rests two hours went, this makes Old Mao feel that this child is very diligent. 唐三上午足足清扫了近四个小时,中午也只休息了两个小时就去了,这让毛老感觉这个孩子还是挺勤快的。 Where he knows, Tang San to treat in square, attractively to somebody! 他哪里知道,唐三只是为了多待在广场上,好看到某人啊! Today one in the morning, Tang San has not seen Mei Gongzi. The Lord classroom building square, rarely has Monster Race student appear, occasionally can see several Monster Race students, passed by. Tang San is not anxious, so long as he knows that Mei Gongzi learned/studied here was enough, can always bump into. The school is big, is such range of encircling. 今天一上午,唐三是没有见到美公子的。主教学楼广场这边,很少有妖怪族的学员出现,偶尔能够看到几名妖怪族学员,也只是路过而已。唐三并不急,他只要知道美公子在这里学习就足够了,总能碰到的。学院再大,也就是圈起来的这么一个范围而已。 A day of sanitation engineer is artificial, when Old Mao inspects in the evening again, immediately has the entire square changed beyond recognition feeling. 一天的清扫工作做下来,当毛老晚上再来检查的时候,顿时有种整个广场都焕然一新的感觉。 Even if in the ground were a small contamination did not have, extremely clean neat. Especially around the square green plants, but also conducted the simple trim, seems like a harmonious feeling. 地面上哪怕是一个小的污秽都没有了,极为干净整洁。尤其是广场周围的绿植,还进行了简单的修剪,看上去给人一种和谐的感觉。 Most main martial soul of Tang San previous life use is blue-silver grass, afterward the blue-silver grass evolution was Blue-Silver Emperor, that was king of plants. Regarding plant(s), he has the inborn affinity feeling. This is also why he must choose sapphire vine to place in oneself sixth mark position, he is hopes after sapphire vine becomes stronger gradually, can make itself utilize previous life some abilities. These abilities are he most familiar! 唐三前世使用的最主要的武魂蓝银草,后来蓝银草进化为蓝银皇,那是植物之王。对于植物,他有着天生的亲和感。这也是为什么他要选择青玉藤放在自己第六个烙印的位置上,他就是希望青玉藤逐渐变强后,能让自己运用前世的一些能力。这些能力才是他最熟悉的啊!
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