DD5ROTS :: Volume #11

#1002: Rhinocero Great Monster King

Tang San has a look at it, has a look at the elders who other deep is so again, faintly smiled, said: You wait to look that I will not lose today.” At the same time saying, him was going out of Room rests. 唐三看看它,再看看其他深以为然的长老们,微微一笑,道:“你们等着看吧,我今天不会输的。”一边说着,他就走出了休息 Group 17 player arrives.” “第17组选手登场。” The sports field just the recuperation finished, restored reluctantly smoothly. 比赛场地刚刚休整完毕,勉强恢复了平整。 Because no one knows the opponent who ballot is, before the player enters the stage, the opponents or the audience are not clear. 因为谁也不知道抽签的对手是谁,所以在选手出场之前,无论是对手还是观众们也都不清楚。 But when this time Tang San goes out from Room rests, his bright Blue-Gold Tree Clan characteristics appear in all watching the battle eyes, immediately, various whoas on appear. 但当此时唐三休息中走出,他那鲜明的蓝金树族特征出现在所有观战者眼中的时候,顿时,各种惊叹声就出现了。 Who this is, the luck is so good, selected this weakest local tyrant unexpectedly!” “这是谁,运气这么好,竟然抽中了这位最弱土豪啊!” Yes! This luck was also too good. Selects Blue-Gold Tree Clan, this quite therefore recommends for admission to school.” “是啊!这运气也太好了。抽中蓝金树族,这相当于是保送一场。” Haha, I prepared to draw cash later. I estimated that is Blue-Gold Tree Clan this patriarch for the gambling stake that oneself buy, to let the odds is not so ugly. I bought two hundred elemental coins, although the odds are too low, can only gain two elemental coins. But after all is only day of time, was OK. Then behind then buys others.” “哈哈,我待会儿就准备去拿钱了。我估计是蓝金树族族长自己给自己买的赌注,为了让赔率不那么难看。我买了两百元素币,虽然赔率太低,只能赚两个元素币的。但毕竟只是一天时间,也还可以了。回头后面再接着买别人。” Yes, if Tang San were eliminated at the first competition , had about the plate mouth that he won the championship and so on will finish directly. This also why also some so many people buy his reason, although the odds are low, but is quick! Can Blue-Gold Tree Clan win? Isn't that the joke? 是的,如果唐三在第一场比赛就被淘汰,那么,有关于他夺冠之类的盘口就会直接结束了。这也是为什么还有那么多人买他的原因,虽然赔率低,但快啊!蓝金树族能赢?那不是笑话吗? The paying field, cannot only buy final first three luckily with the champion, otherwise, buys his person to be certainly more. 幸好没有买单场的,只能买最终的前三名和冠军,否则的话,买他的人一定会更多。 The Tang San floating body, controlling space to fly, fell in the sports field slowly. 唐三飘身而起,御空飞行,缓缓落在了比赛场地之中。 Let alone, really entered this sports field feeling is different, was a focus of public attention, the attention of several hundred thousand audience, invisible in gave people one 's blood bubbles up to the brim feeling. Let alone the audience are Monster Race and Fairy Race aristocrat, is almost expert. So many expert here, only blood energy fluctuated is intense. 别说,真的进入了这比赛场地感觉还是不一样的,万众瞩目,几十万观众的关注,无形之中就给人一种热血沸腾的感觉。更何况观众都是妖怪族精怪族的贵族,几乎都是强者。这么多强者在这里,单是气血波动就已经非常的强烈了。 The Tang San opponent also appear, is the ballot selected 34 th that at this time. 唐三的对手此时也已经出现了,就是抽签抽中了三十四号的那位。 At this time, this player is elated with success. On the face has the satisfied smile, in high spirits mounted the stage. 此时,这位选手可谓是春风得意。脸上带着满足的笑容,兴高采烈的就登台了。 This is a whole body is sending out jet black such as the participant of black ink halo. The aura of whole person somewhat is gloomy. When it mounts the stage, the atmosphere seems somewhat depressing, but the smile on its face actually somewhat destroyed own gloomy feeling. 这是一位全身都散发着漆黑如墨光晕的参赛者。整个人的气息都有些阴暗。当它上台的时候,气氛都显得有些压抑,但它脸上的笑容却有些破坏了自身的阴森感。 Tang San identified slightly, distinguishes this race, greatly black day rhinoceros monster. 唐三略微辨认了一下,才辨别出这位的种族,大黑天犀牛妖 This is a very special race, the race quantity is small, even can compared with Liger Clan, even it can be said that came to the verge of death. The endangered reason is also very simple. This rhinoceros monster have but purely powerful dark attribute, own rhinoceros horn contains huge dark energy, manufactures all dark attribute demonic tool best material qualities. But their race's fighting strength is not specially powerful that what powerful dark element are more is uses in the self-defence, rather than displays the strong attack capability. Has not had Sovereign. Starting that this lets covet existence that does everything possible about their rhinoceros horns, hunts and kills his clansman. Present greatly black day rhinoceros monster quantity already less than 500. 这是一个很特殊的种族,种族数量很少,甚至可以和狮虎族相比,甚至可以说是濒临灭绝了。其濒临灭绝的原因也很简单。这种犀牛妖自身拥有着非常纯粹而强大的黑暗属性,自身的犀牛角更是蕴含着庞大的黑暗能量,乃是制作所有黑暗属性魔器最好的材质。而它们这一族本身的战斗力并不是特别强大的那种,强大的黑暗元素更多的是用在自身的防御上,而不是施展出强大的攻击能力。更是从来没有出过一位皇者。这就让对它们那犀牛角觊觎的存在想方设法的下手,猎杀其族人。以至于现在大黑天犀牛妖的数量已经不足五百。 Regarding this clan, Ancestral Court personally could not order to attack. Even dispatches Ancestral Court guard to protect, this made them exist reluctantly. Really is because, the rhinoceros horn of this clan was too precious, if exterminated, that may really not have. But the rhinoceros horn of natural death can on trade outwardly, Ancestral Court protects the corresponding commitment that this lineage/vein obtain is, after all big black day rhinoceros monster race natural deaths , the rhinoceros horn that leaves behind is controlled to trade by Ancestral Court, thus received exchange for the development of this race. 对于这一族,祖庭都亲自下令不得攻击。甚至派遣祖庭亲卫来守护,这才勉强让它们存在了下来。实在是因为,这一族的犀牛角太珍贵了,如果灭绝了,那可就真的没有了。而自然死亡的犀牛角是可以在明面上贩卖的,祖庭守护这一脉所获得的对应承诺就是,所有的大黑天犀牛妖种族自然死亡后留下的犀牛角由祖庭来掌控贩卖,从而换取这个种族的发展。 According to Blue-Gold Tree Clan Great Elder to ranking of Tang San, this ranking in this time participant, is about listed at sixty, compared with golden wolf Great Monster King and leopard Great Monster King high many. 按照蓝金树族大长老唐三的排名来看,这位的排名在本次的参赛者之中,大约排在六十几位,比黄金狼大妖王和金钱豹大妖王高不了多少。 The defense, physical strength, this is greatly black day rhinoceros monster excels. Moreover its rhinoceros horn also has the corrosion characteristics. This is also in the entire race only Great Monster King Rank expert. 防御,身体力量,这都是大黑天犀牛妖非常擅长的。而且它的犀牛角还带有腐蚀特性。这位也是整个种族之中唯一一位大妖王级别强者 This rhinocero Great Monster King has not thought obviously own luck such good, in first round will pull out Blue-Gold Tree Clan unexpectedly. Its this time comes not to think can obtain to occupy the position of sovereign, what are more participates in to gain experience. But the opponent is Blue-Gold Tree Clan, doesn't this recommend for admission to school itself to enter the next round? 这位犀牛大妖王显然也没想到自己的运气竟然会如此之好,在第一轮就抽到了蓝金树族。它这次来也没想过能获得占皇之位,更多的只是参与历练一下。而对手是蓝金树族,这不是保送自己进入下一轮么? Tang San was remarkable at the auction, pats many good things, but looked like in it, that was also useless. You have body substitution's lotus seed, I beat you twice and that's the end. As for divine tool anything, that must be useful in the expert hand! 唐三在拍卖会上大显神威,拍下了不少好东西,但在它看来,那也都没什么用。你有替身莲子,我击败你两次就是了。至于神器什么的,那要在强者手中才有用啊! The audience regarding this competition, have no too big interest. Even many audience chose solved the physiological problem while this time. Behind good to maintain the energy to watch a more splendid competition. 观众们对于这一场比赛,都没什么太大的兴趣。甚至有不少观众都选择了趁着这个时候解决一下生理问题。好保持精力观看后面更精彩的比赛。 In the audience eyes, isn't this vegetable/dish chicken pecks mutually? Moreover also similarly is the victory and defeat already has been doomed the competition. 在观众们眼中,这不就是一场菜鸡互啄吗?而且也同样是胜负已经注定了的比赛。 Manages to compete as before Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, before his race clansman goes to battle, he can manage to compete. 主持比赛的依旧还是琉璃天精皇,没有他的种族族人出战之前,他可以一直主持比赛。 both sides enter the stadium, air at the same time directly became dark, rhinocero Great Monster King own dark attribute thrived, has not exuded deafeningly stuffy. 双方入场,一边的空气直接就变得黑暗了下来,犀牛大妖王自身的黑暗属性勃发,还不是发出一声声震耳欲聋的闷哼。 It prepares to play a game of steamroll, the steamroll opponent, to show own power and influence. It has even been thinking, is own next competition, the luck can also be so good, selects in first round injured again the heavy opponent, that was the most ideal condition. 它准备打出一场碾压的比赛,碾压对手,以彰显自己的威势。它甚至都已经在想着,自己的下一场比赛,是不是运气还能这么好,再抽中个在第一轮受伤较重的对手,那就是最理想的状态了。 Tang San does not certainly know how the opponent thinks, he has not released any powerful imposing manner from the body. Waves toward the auditorium, then turns the hand, in the palm were many a thing. 唐三当然不知道对手是怎么想的,他也没有从身上释放出什么强大的气势。朝着观众席挥了挥手,然后翻手之间,掌中就多了一个东西。 Looks at the goods in palm, Tang San is actually some does not give up, but to maintain the Blue-Gold Tree Clan person supposes, as scheduled continues to participate , can only give up reluctantly. 看着掌中的物品,唐三其实是有些不舍得的,但为了维持住自己蓝金树族的人设,按照既定计划继续参赛,也只能是忍痛割爱了。 Rich life aura releases from Tang San, the blue-golden brilliance blooms, the back, phantom of great tree also appears slowly. This sends out the great tree of blue-golden brilliance to have more than 30 meters high fully. The sturdy tree trunk jumps is shooting resplendent golden brilliance, golden branches stretch, rich life aura, instantaneous full in oneself this half-court. Even if is responsible for isolating Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign of both sides at this time the slight nod. Must say Blue-Gold Tree Clan on life aura! 浓郁的生命气息唐三身上释放而出,蓝金色光彩绽放,背后,巨树的虚影也徐徐浮现而出。这散发着蓝金色光彩的巨树足有三十多米高。粗壮的树干迸射着灿金色的光彩,一根根金色枝条舒展开来,浓郁的生命气息,瞬间充盈在自己这半场之中。哪怕是负责隔绝双方的琉璃天精皇此时都不禁微微点头。论生命气息还是要说蓝金树族啊! On that golden branches, hung all over the blue leaf. gold/metal Zhilan, this is the symbol of Blue-Gold Tree Clan. Rich blue golden halo is ascending around the Tang San body. On the appearance, that did not know compared with rhinocero Great Monster King many of opponent. Absolutely brilliant. Moreover, against protective cover does not isolate this life aura, the audience on the scene can feel that to be fresh and warm, comfortable that the whole body could not say. 在那一根根金色枝条上,挂满了蓝色的树叶。金枝蓝叶,这是蓝金树族的象征。浓郁的蓝金色光晕唐三身体周围升腾着。论卖相,那不知道要比对手的犀牛大妖王强多少了。绝对绚烂。而且,防护罩并不隔绝这种生命气息,在场的观众们都能感受到那份清新与温暖,全身说不出的舒服。 in the Ancestral Court, rich life force starts from gather toward here in all directions. The Ancestral Court surrounding hills, life energy that life energy that at this time, on these vegetation that the vegetation covers has, the Ancestral Court huge destiny condenses, like all rivers run into sea found source generally to Tang San direction to rush forth. Made his life aura even more rich, the appearance were also more several points of sacred flavor. 祖庭之中,浓郁的生命力开始从四面八方朝着这边汇聚而来。祖庭周围的群山都是被植被所覆盖的,此时,这些植被上所拥有的生命能量,祖庭庞大气运凝聚的生命能量,都如同海纳百川一般找到了源头似的向唐三的方向奔涌而来。令他身上的生命气息越发的浓郁,卖相也更是多了几分神圣的味道。 Prepared?” Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign looks that the Tang San direction asked one. “准备好了吗?”琉璃天精皇看着唐三的方向问了一句。 Tang San said: Your Excellency waits a bit, I immediately good.” 唐三道:“冕下稍等,我马上就好。” Wait a bit? This is the competition starts to delay the preparation to the present's first request. However, in view of the fact that on him that makes everyone feel that very comfortable life aura, Glazed Heavenly Fairy Sovereign also endured. Meaning that the audience have not urged. 稍等?这还是比赛开始到现在第一个要求延迟准备的。不过,鉴于他身上那让所有人都感觉到十分舒服的生命气息,琉璃天精皇也就忍了。就连观众们都没有催促的意思。
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