DD4 :: Volume #10

#945: Happiest matter

battleship steady stopping in Shrek City Aerospace Center. Outside not grand welcome team, only then came from Shrek Academy, Tang Sect and War God Temple vehicles. 战舰稳稳的停在史莱克城宇航中心。外面并没有盛大的迎接队伍,只有来自于史莱克学院唐门战神殿的车辆。 We bid good-bye here. Xuanyu, anticipates your news.” General Yu Muchen be with smile on the face saying. “我们就在这里分手吧。轩宇,期待你的消息。”羽沐辰上将面带微笑的说道。 Lan Xuanyu bows a ritual to him, earnestly said: I meet the properly consideration. General Yu, thanked your help again.” 蓝轩宇向他躬身一礼,认真的道:“我一定会好好考虑。羽将军,再次感谢您的帮助。” The Yu Muchen racket his shoulder, in the eye reveals the smile containing profound meaning, your praises, should also want.” 羽沐辰拍拍他的肩膀,眼中流露出含有深意的微笑,“你们的嘉奖,应该也要下来了。” Then, this General (military) said goodbye to others, boarded the vehicles to walk. 说完,这位上将向其他众人告辞,登上车辆走了。 The War God Temple person walked, surplus only has Shrek Academy and Tang Sect person. 战神殿的人走了,剩余的就只有史莱克学院唐门的人。 Meng Fei stands side Old Yi, looks at right hand to hold Silver Dragon Egg Tang Wulin, is probing asking: You return to Tang Sect with us, returns to Shrek?” 梦飞站在依老身边,看着右手托着银龙蛋唐舞麟,试探着问道:“您是跟我们返回唐门,还是回史莱克?” Tang Wulin said: Returns to Shrek. She restores need many life force. Zichen, gives me to find a place on Eternal Tree. I need to lead her to close up some time.” 唐舞麟道:“还是回史莱克吧。她恢复需要更多的生命力子尘,给我在永恒之树上找个地方。我需要带着她闭关一段时间。” Yes.” Old Yi respectful complies with one. “是。”依老恭敬的答应一声。 Uncle Yue.” Lan Xuanyu screamed, expression somewhat complex looks at Tang Wulin, at this moment, he can also guess correctly anything. But he also needs to confirm. 乐叔叔。”蓝轩宇叫了一声,眼神有些复杂的看着唐舞麟,此时此刻,他也能猜到一些什么。但他还需要去确认。 Tang Wulin touches his head gently, my memory restored, but has not fully restored. this time closes up many , wants to be clear about all thing that makes every effort to restore. memory seal of originally, what are more is to evade. But I think, at present as if no longer needs to evade. We in Shrek, relax. this World is to me strange, it more should belong your. To make anything to do, even made the mistake, I.” 唐舞麟轻轻的摸摸他的头,“我的记忆恢复了一些,但还没有完全恢复。这次闭关,力求恢复的更多一点,把所有的事情想清楚。原本记忆封闭,更多的是为了逃避。但我想,现在似乎不再需要逃避了。我们就在史莱克,放心吧。这个世界对我来说已经是陌生的,它更多应该是属于你们的。想做什么就去做,就算做错了,还有我。” Then, he opens the left arm, embraces into Lan Xuanyu the bosom, effort hugged him. 说完,他张开左臂,将蓝轩宇揽入怀中,用力的抱了抱他。 Lan Xuanyu eye socket slightly red, but the heart has an unexplained mood to spread, opens mouth, wants to say anything, has not said again. 蓝轩宇眼圈微红,但心头却有种说不清道不明的情绪在蔓延,张了张嘴,想要说什么,却没有再说出来。 Tang Wulin holds Silver Dragon Egg to take the lead to board, others also board in abundance. 唐舞麟手托银龙蛋率先上了车,其他人也纷纷上车。 Meng Fei and Tang Miao look at each other one, Tang Miao said: We inform Boss quickly. This fact was too important.” 梦飞唐淼对视一眼,唐淼道:“我们赶快通知老大吧。这件事实在是太重要了。” Un, that is natural. Let Boss decide. However, I looked that the senior seems like has not participated in academy again or is during the management of Tang Sect. His mood a little is not quite probably right.” “嗯,那是自然。让老大定夺吧。不过,我看前辈似乎是没有再参与到学院或者是唐门的管理之中。他的情绪好像有点不太对。” Was peacefully more static? Yes! Has his real age crossed Ten-thousand Years? Must be remote than Old Yi. His idea is not we can estimate, is in any case whatever, was our were many a backer? 120th Rank, has not thought that really can achieve.” “太平静了一些么?是啊!他的真实年龄已经过万年了吧?比依老都要更久远。他老人家的想法不是我们能测度的,反正无论怎样,我们这算是多了个靠山吗?一百二十级,没想到真的可以做得到。” All seem very tranquil, Shrek Academy Soul Guidance Car drives into the campus, at present Shrek Academy, during having a vacation, in the campus is peaceful. Rich life aura lingers, the green and luxuriant vegetation finds at everywhere. 一切都显得很平静,史莱克学院魂导汽车驶入校园,现在史莱克学院,正是放假期间,校园内非常安静。浓郁的生命气息萦绕,郁郁葱葱的植被随处可见。 Soul Guidance Car delivered to the dormitory area to stop Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu. 魂导汽车蓝轩宇白秀秀送到宿舍区停了下来。 Two people get out, the glass opens, Tang Wulin to Lan Xuanyu nodded, suddenly he lifted the hand, together golden light sparkle, Lan Xuanyu subconsciously gawked, shortly afterward, he felt that own held as if were many anything. 两人下了车,车窗开启,唐舞麟蓝轩宇点了点头,突然他抬了抬手,一道金光闪耀,蓝轩宇下意识的愣了一下,紧接着,他就感觉到自己掌中似乎多了什么。 When lowers the head looked, in Tang Wulin beforehand hand that slender golden two-prong long spear already, in he holds. 低头看时,唐舞麟之前手中那柄修长的金色双尖长枪已经在他掌中。 This formerly is my elder sister gives my gift, at present I passes it to you. Its name is, Golden Dragon Spear. Uses with right hand, will be very suitable you.” Tang Wulin smiles is beckoning with the hand to Lan Xuanyu. “这曾经是我姐姐送给我的礼物,现在我把它转送给你。它的名字叫做,黄金龙枪。用右手使用,会很适合你。”唐舞麟微笑着向蓝轩宇摆摆手。 Lowers the head is looking at Golden Dragon Spear in hand, Lan Xuanyu subconsciously goes forward two steps, Soul Guidance Car has actually approached the Sea God Lake direction to expunge. 低头看着手中的黄金龙枪,蓝轩宇下意识的上前两步,魂导汽车却已经向海神湖的方向开去。 Lan Xuanyu stops the step, the mood surges, he and are he my father?” 蓝轩宇停住步伐,心情激荡,“他、他是我爸爸吗?” Has about Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena story, he has certainly listened! If Teacher Nana is his mother, that without a doubt, this is his father. 有关于唐舞麟古月娜的故事,他当然听过啊!如果娜娜老师是他妈妈,那毫无疑问,这就是他的亲生父亲。 All seem to have revealed the truth, oneself within the body Golden Dragon King bloodline and Silver Dragon King aren't bloodline, coming from the parents? 一切似乎都已经真相大白,自己体内金龙王血脉银龙王血脉,可不正是来自于父母? How should oneself inquire to the father and mother? 只是,自己该怎样向爸爸、妈妈去询问呢? originally he thinks, if can retrieve Nana, he asked Nan Cheng, but, Nana really rescued, he actually discovered, oneself is unable to open this mouth as before. Inquired that parents are they one's own, this really a little extremely offends somebody. 原本他是想,如果能够救回娜娜,他就去问南澄,可是,娜娜真的救回来了,他却发现,自己依旧无法开这个口。去询问父母自己是不是他们亲生的,这实在是有点太过伤人。 But, all evidence are appearing, Lan Xiao and Nan Cheng, are not his birth parents. 可是,所有的证据都在显现着,蓝翔南澄,并不是他的亲生父母。 Do not feel embarrassed. You have two fathers and mother, isn't good? They are your family member! Lives also kisses/intimate, raises kisses/intimate.” Bai Xiuxiu sound in him behind resounds. “别为难了。你有两个爸爸、妈妈,还不好吗?他们都是你的亲人啊!生也是亲,养更是亲。”白秀秀的声音在他身后响起 The Lan Xuanyu heart shakes slightly, turns around to look suddenly to her. 蓝轩宇心头微微一震,猛然转身看向她。 Bai Xiuxiu supple sound said: You are so intelligent, what this also has unable to completely understand? You and Teacher Nana, with the relations of Uncle Yue already without a doubt. What also needs to verify? Does not use. Uncle Lan and Aunt Nan forever are also your father mothers! Has more people to love you, you should think that the happiness is right, how can also be puzzled?” 白秀秀柔声道:“你那么聪明,这还有什么看不透的呢?你和娜娜老师,和乐叔叔的关系已经毋庸置疑。还需要什么印证呢?不用的。蓝叔叔南阿姨永远也都是你的爸爸妈妈啊!有更多的人爱你,你应该觉得幸福才对,又怎么会是困惑呢?” Listened to her these words, Lan Xuanyu in an instant, only to feel to suddenly see the light. Yes! Right pair of parents, to oneself, should be happy thing. How to feel puzzled? 听了她这番话,蓝轩宇刹那间,只觉得心头豁然开朗。是啊!对了一对爸爸妈妈,对自己来说,应该是再幸福不过的事情。怎么会感到困惑? What also has to inquire? simply does not need! Regardless of what period, that is also the same is own parents. 还有什么要询问的?根本不需要啊!无论什么时候,那也一样是自己的父母。 He smiled, the beautiful smile floats on the at present face, a bear hugs suddenly, into oneself bosom hugging that Bai Xiuxiu makes an effort. 他笑了,明媚的笑容浮现在面庞上,猛然一个熊抱,将白秀秀用力的搂入自己怀中。 Not only I have two pairs of parents, you are also the same! Aren't my parents, later your father mothers?” “不只是我有两对爸爸妈妈,你也一样啊!我的爸爸妈妈,以后不就是你的爸爸妈妈吗?” Repugnant you!” “讨厌呢你!” At this moment, Soul Guidance Communication Device suddenly on Lan Xuanyu wrist vibrated. 就在这时,蓝轩宇手腕上的魂导通讯器突然震动了起来。 He has not looked. 他没看。 Is hugging the big beautiful woman, Teacher Nana also rescued, in his opinion, at present had no ratio to continue to hold big beautiful woman more important thing. 抱着大美女呢,娜娜老师也救回来了,在他看来,现在没什么比继续抱着大美女更重要的事情 You meet quickly.” Bai Xiuxiu beat his. “你快接呀。”白秀秀捶了他一下。 Does not meet.” Lan Xuanyu continues to hug her. “不接。”蓝轩宇继续搂着她。 What important thing if there is? If the academy leader looks for you?” Bai Xiuxiu charming face slightly red, pushed him. “万一有什么重要的事情呢?万一是学院领导找你呢?”白秀秀俏脸微红,推了推他。 The Lan Xuanyu somewhat helpless loosening bosom, looks to own Soul Guidance Communication Device, this looked, his expression was stiff immediately. 蓝轩宇有些无奈的松开怀抱,向自己的魂导通讯器看去,这一看,他的表情顿时僵硬了一下。 What's wrong?” Bai Xiuxiu collects, looks to the Soul Guidance Communication Device screen on his wrist. “怎么了?”白秀秀凑过来,看向他手腕上的魂导通讯器屏幕。 On the screen has two characters: Mom. 屏幕上有两个字:妈妈。 The Lan Xuanyu note is a mother, obviously possibly is not Gu Yuena. 蓝轩宇备注是妈妈的,显然不可能是古月娜 Bai Xiuxiu looks up to him, suddenly, expression somewhat is also complex. 白秀秀抬头看向他,一时间,眼神也有些复杂。 Lan Xuanyu took a deep breath, gives her one not expression that uses to be worried about, this connect communication. 蓝轩宇深吸口气,递给她一个不用担心的眼神,这才接通了通讯。 Mother. We look like are really heart consanance! I just now return to academy, your communication hit.” Lan Xuanyu is saying with a laugh, before is no different. “妈。我们看来真的是心有灵犀啊!我才刚回学院,您的通讯就打过来了。”蓝轩宇笑呵呵的说着,和以前没有任何不同。 But another side is silent. Mom, how? ” Asking of Lan Xuanyu doubts. 可另一边却是沉默的。妈妈,怎么了?”蓝轩宇疑惑的问道。 Xuanyu.” The Nan Cheng sound somewhat was slightly hoarse, seems like has cried. 轩宇。”南澄的声音略微有些沙哑,似乎是哭过了。 Mom, are you all right? Did the father bully you? Me happen to must have a vacation, several days later I will go back to look at you. Supports to you.” “妈妈,您没事吧?是不是爸爸欺负你了?我这边正好要放假了,过几天我就回去看你们。给您撑腰。” Xuanyu,......” communication another side Nan Cheng has cried. 轩宇,哇……”通讯另一边的南澄已经哭了出来。 Mom, do not cry! Mom, I love you, loves the father. Regardless of what period, regardless had anything, I forever am your sons. Like this, I bring Xiuxiu, this goes back to look at you, is good? This return home.” The Lan Xuanyu gentle voice said. “妈妈,您别哭啊!妈妈,我爱你,也爱爸爸。无论什么时候,无论发生了什么,我永远都是你们的儿子。这样吧,我带着秀秀,这就回去看你们,好不好?这就回家。”蓝轩宇柔声说道。 Un .” Another side, the weeping sound that only then Nan Cheng sobbed. “嗯、嗯。”另一边,只有南澄哽咽的哭声。 Listens to her weeping sound, Lan Xuanyu to think immediately clutches tightly, in this moment, he affirmed own idea. Mom, you forever is a my mother. 听着她的哭声,蓝轩宇顿时觉得心头一阵揪紧,在这一刻,他更加肯定了自己的想法。妈妈,您永远都是我的妈妈。 Our quick turned into flying trapeze.” Bai Xiuxiu looks to hang up Lan Xuanyu of communication. “我们快变成空中飞人了。”白秀秀看着挂断了通讯的蓝轩宇
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