DD4 :: Volume #10

#939: She is Silver Dragon Wu Lin Gu Yuena

Good, please relax.” The Yi Zichen sinking sound said. “好,请放心。”依子尘沉声说道。 Passed through the telephone conversation of Old Yi and Great General Bai Ling confirmed that stellar detector, will soon open. 经过了依老白凌大将的通话确认,恒星探测器,即将开启。 Even if the distance star surface five kilometers, outside also has several thousand degrees high temperature. Only opens that flash, might have the destruction to detector. 要知道,哪怕是距离恒星表面五千米,外面也有数千度的高温。单是开启那一瞬间,就有可能会对探测器产生破坏。 Old Yi sinking sound said: Waits a minute opening, General Yu and Meng Fei, your two take responsibility for protect detector, my take responsibility for consolidated exit|to speak was not destroyed. Tianyu, you and Tang Miao take responsibility for strengthens the barrier defense.” 依老沉声道:“稍候开启,羽将军梦飞,你们二位负责守护探测器,我负责巩固出口不被破坏。天羽,你和唐淼负责加强护罩防御。” Said these, his vision goes to Tang Yue (Wulin). 说完这些,他的目光才投向唐乐 Tang Yue (Wulin) to his nodded, took a deep breath, must shift to the exit. 唐乐向他点了下头,深吸口气,就要转向出口处。 In this time, his hand suddenly is being held. 正在这时,他的一只手突然被抓住了。 Tang Yue (Wulin) looks back to look suddenly, what seen is Lan Xuanyu, Lan Xuanyu held his palm. 唐乐骤然回首看去,看到的是蓝轩宇,正是蓝轩宇抓住了他的手掌 Lan Xuanyu struggles is standing up from the ground, Uncle Yue, Teacher Nana to save us, but to die / fallen star. I had lost her, cannot lose you again. Therefore, if not good, you must come back safely. Promises me, is good?” This period he, unprecedented frailty. 蓝轩宇挣扎着从地上站起身,“乐叔叔,娜娜老师已经为了救我们而陨落恒星。我已经失去了她,不能再失去您。所以,如果不行,您一定要平安回来。答应我,好不好?”这时候的他,前所未有的脆弱。 Looks big eyes that Lan Xuanyu that pair gathered completely the tears, the eye pupil of Tang Yue (Wulin) was instantaneously moist, he stretched out the arms, grasped him, effort patted his shoulder. 看着蓝轩宇那双蓄满了泪水的大眼睛,唐乐的眼眸瞬间湿润了,他张开双臂,一把抱住他,用力的拍了拍他的肩膀。 Child, believes me. I will certainly come back, your Teacher Nana, will come back. My suddenly remembered her name. She called Gu Yuena, Silver Dragon Wu Lin Gu Yuena!” “孩子,相信我。我一定会回来,你的娜娜老师,也会回来的。我突然想起了她的名字。她叫古月娜,银龙舞麟古月娜!” Spoke these words, he arrives at the exit in big strides, the sinking sound said: Opening.” 说完这句话,他大踏步的走到出口处,沉声道:“开启吧。” Gu Yuena, Silver Dragon Wu Lin Gu Yuena? 古月娜,银龙舞麟古月娜 Hears these characters, why does not know, Lan Xuanyu suddenly has a familiar feeling, not only he, in the people on the scene, more or less had a trace is so familiar. Only then Old Yi seemed to have expected that complexion throughout is maintaining tranquil. 听到这几个字,不知道为什么,蓝轩宇突然有种熟悉的感觉,不只是他,在场的众人之中,或多或少都有了那么一丝熟悉。只有依老似乎早就预料到了似的,脸色始终保持着平静。 Zhang Zekai Major General is most nervous one, let alone is five kilometers, even 10,000 meters, he has never opened stellar detector in star surface outside! This was really dangerous. 张泽铠少将是最紧张的一个,别说是五千米,就算是一万米,他也从未在恒星表面之外开启过恒星探测器啊!这实在是太危险了。 The detector outer layer protection is firmest, but the interior is very easy to be destroyed by the high temperature. Let alone, is not he of God Rank powerhouse, in several thousand degrees high temperature, simply has not possibly survived. 探测器外层防护是最为坚固的,但内部却很容易被高温破坏。更何况,不是神级强者的他,在几千度的高温之中,也根本没可能生存。 „The Meng Fei brother, we come.” The Yu Muchen sinking sound said that both hands according to arm rest, his whole body almost in instantaneously on turned into incandescent color, great quantity soul power turbulently. 梦飞兄,我们来。”羽沐辰沉声说道,双手按在扶手上,他整个人几乎在瞬间就变成了白炽色,巨量魂力汹涌而出。 Meng Fei is also similarly so, two people look like the incandescent lamp that two light instantaneously to be common, incandescent color rays of light blooms outward. 梦飞也是同样如此,两人就像是两盏瞬间点燃的白炽灯一般,白炽色的光芒向外绽放。 Immediately, the stellar detector surface, white light flows outward, supports barrier instantaneously in a big way. 顿时,恒星探测器表面,一层白光向外奔涌而出,瞬间将护罩撑大。 Wang Tianyu and Tang Miao are also pour into soul power respectively, is directly connected with barrier, at this moment, stellar detector barrier, really concentrates just like entity. 汪天羽唐淼也是各自将魂力注入,直接和护罩相连,此时此刻,恒星探测器护罩,凝实的宛如实体。 Opening!” “开启!” Yu Muchen loudly shouts. 羽沐辰大喝一声。 Zhang Zekai clenches teeth, presses the button, opened the stellar detector cabin door instantaneously, the cabin door opened slowly, even if there is such strong protective shield, the blazing heat wave swept across as before. 张泽铠一咬牙,按动按钮,瞬间开启了恒星探测器的舱门,舱门缓缓打开,哪怕有这么强的防护罩,炽热的热浪依旧席卷而来。 golden misty light halo bursts out from Tang Yue (Wulin), has the dragon's roar reverberation faintly. 金蒙蒙光晕唐乐身上迸发而出,隐隐有龙吟声回荡。 Old Yi goes forward one step, yellow light halo flows, runs out from Tang Yue (Wulin) body, withstood/top the heat wave that flushed actually, and protected the detector gateway. 依老上前一步,黄色光晕奔涌而出,从唐乐身体两侧向外冲出,硬是将那冲来的热浪顶了出去,并且护住了探测器的门户。 Tang Yue (Wulin) has not turned round again, is gazing at Lan Xuanyu of his back closely, next instant that the lip sips, together golden light twinkle, Tang Yue (Wulin) already without hesitation flushed. 唐乐没有再回身,注视着他背影的蓝轩宇更是将嘴唇抿的紧紧的,下一瞬,一道金光闪烁,唐乐已经毅然决然的冲了出去。 In his rush out process, one by one golden luminous spot on him sparking, the complicated and magnificent golden armor drill rapidly, cover the whole body. The giant golden wing opens behind him, two-prong long spear falls starts. 在他冲出去的过程中,一个个金色光点在他身上闪亮,一块块繁复而华丽的金色铠甲迅速钻出,覆盖全身。巨大的金色翅膀在他背后张开,一柄双尖长枪落入手中。 This, seemingly made everyone feel familiar, two-prong long spear, golden armor, that handsome face. 这一幕,看上去让所有人都感觉到了熟悉,双尖长枪,金色铠甲,还有那英俊的面庞。 Yu Muchen as if held anything, opens mouth. The pupil is also fierce shrink gets up. 羽沐辰仿佛抓住了什么,张了张嘴。瞳孔也是剧烈的收缩起来。 Closes the cabin door.” He loudly shouts. “关闭舱门。”他大喝一声。 The stellar detector cabin door is closed rapidly, under the soul power protection of Old Yi, has not received any destruction, snaps, high-temperature again isolate. 恒星探测器的舱门迅速关闭,在依老魂力守护之下,没有受到任何破坏,迅速闭合,将外界的高温重新隔绝 At this time, above the large screen, the Tang Yue (Wulin) figure appears. 此时,大屏幕之上,唐乐的身形显现出来。 He had run out of the protective shield range, whole body a golden light violently shoots, shines void, that float in detector outside, above star surface five kilometers upper air. 他已经冲出了防护罩的范围,全身金光暴射,映照虚空,就那么悬浮在探测器之外,恒星表面五千米高空之上。 Does not have gravity chain on Tang Yue (Wulin), he is relying on cultivation base completely, that float in outer space. 要知道,在唐乐身上可是没有引力链的,他完全是凭借着自身修为,就那么悬浮于太空。 This, not only stellar detector can see, above Aircraft Carrier of seventh fleet, everyone can also be able to see similarly. 这一幕,不只是恒星探测器这边能看到,第七舰队的母舰之上,所有人也同样能看得到。 Aircraft Carrier general headquarters, on biggest Soul Guidance Screen, already this enlargement. Great General Bai Ling stands the midpoint in front of screen, side him, is the high level of seventh fleet, even is four Dragon King Grade Frigate captains. 母舰总指挥部,最大的魂导屏幕上,已经将这一幕放大。白凌大将就站在屏幕前的正中央,在他身边,全都是第七舰队的高层,甚至是四艘龙王级护卫舰的舰长都在。 At this moment, in their hearts has the similar thought that human, really can formidable to resistance star gravity and level of star high temperature? 此时此刻,他们心中都有着同样的念头,人类,真的能强大到对抗恒星引力、恒星高温的程度吗? This bring to their shocks, making these until now self-confident in Universe Fleet are the military big shot of Federation most battle strength, in innermost feelings some appeared vacillations. 这一幕带给他们的震撼,让这些一直以来都自信于宇宙舰队才是联邦战力的军方大佬们,内心之中都出现了些许的动摇。 The brilliance encirclement of golden misty in Tang Yue (Wulin) around the body, the back giant golden wing opens, is resisting that huge gravity. 金蒙蒙的光辉环绕在唐乐身体周围,背后巨大的金色翅膀张开,对抗着那庞大的引力 The blazing high temperature made his golden battle armor seem like glittering and translucent. His pair of eyes is still fiery, has not affected itself because of the high temperature slightly. 炽热的高温令他那一身金色斗铠看上去更加晶莹剔透。他的双眸依旧炯炯有神,丝毫没有因为高温而影响自身。 Áng-” facing the star, Tang Yue (Wulin) face upwards dragon roar. “昂-”面对恒星,唐乐仰天一声龙吟 Immediately, huge golden dragon head runs out from his chest place suddenly, next instant that huge dragon head flows, has changed into Giant Golden Dragon, surrounds in his around the body, is preventing the attack of high-temperature and gravity. 顿时,巨大的金色龙头骤然从他胸口处冲出,那巨大龙头奔涌而出的下一瞬,已经化为金色巨龙,环绕在他身体周围,阻挡着高温和引力的侵袭。 He raises hand high long spear, resounding dragon's roar resounds, are issuing the summon to the star direction unceasingly. 他高举手中长枪,一声声高亢的龙吟声不断响起,向恒星方向发出着呼唤。 Yes, does not have again to seek out and examine, he is seeking for Nana with oneself way, seeks for her aura, waits for her response. 是的,没有再探察,他是在用自己的方式寻找娜娜,寻找她的气息,等待她的回应。 Tang Yue (Wulin) do not know that does this is meaningful, but when in the mind appears period of Silver Dragon Wu Lin Gu Yuena that name, his suddenly felt, oneself should this. Should summon her like this. 就连唐乐自己都不知道这样做是不是有意义,但当脑海中浮现出银龙舞麟古月娜那个名字的时候,他就突然觉得,自己应该这样做。应该这样去呼唤她。 Áng-” is huge dragon's roar resounds, is centered on Tang Yue (Wulin) body, golden vortex surrounds, regarding in his around the body fierce rotating. “昂-”又是一声巨大的龙吟声响起,以唐乐身体为中心,金色旋涡环绕而出,围绕在他身体周围剧烈的旋转着。 In stellar detector, Lan Xuanyu only felt own within the body golden bloodline in that dragon's roar starts fiercely moves restlessly, extremely unstable fluctuation. As if looks like Uncle Yue to summon to resemble. 身在恒星探测器内部,蓝轩宇只觉得自己体内金色血脉在那龙吟声中开始剧烈的躁动起来,极为不稳定波动着。仿佛就像是乐叔叔在呼唤着自己似的。 This time Tang Yue (Wulin), seems like talking with the whole star, is waiting for the response of star. 此时的唐乐,就像是在和整个恒星交谈,等待着恒星的回应。 Can this find? 这样能找到? In all person hearts has the similar doubts, but Tang Yue (Wulin) that dragon roar becomes getting more and more resounding. 所有人心中都有着同样的疑惑,但唐乐的那一声声龙吟却变得越来越高亢起来。 The feeling of ordinary person feels his formidable, can resist star gravity and temperature, but is in the three True God Rank powerhouses in stellar detector, actually looks amazed look all. 普通人的感觉只是觉得他强大,能够对抗恒星引力和温度,而身在恒星探测器中的三位真神级强者,却无不面露骇然之色 blood energy fluctuation and soul power fluctuation that they clearest feeling on Tang Yue (Wulin) is increasing unceasingly. With is True God Rank, they actually felt that Tang Yue (Wulin) aura just like the blowout to erupt generally continually, each eruption, aura will be powerful a point, is not they can compare by far. 他们最清晰的感受着唐乐身上不断攀升的气血波动魂力波动。同为真神级,他们却感觉到唐乐气息犹如井喷一般持续爆发,每一次爆发,气息都会强盛一分,已经远远不是他们所能比拟。 If Yu Muchen cultivation base in 111th Rank about, then, Meng Fei probably in 113th Rank high and low. According to Boss approximately can achieve 115th Rank this bottleneck. 如果说羽沐辰修为是在一百一十一级左右,那么,梦飞大概就是在一百一十三级上下。依老大约能达到一百一十五级这个瓶颈 aura that then, at this time, Tang Yue (Wulin) shows, has surpassed above 117th Rank. This is what kind of terrifying cultivation base! 那么,此时,唐乐所展现出的气息,就已经超过了一百一十七级以上。这是何等恐怖的修为啊! Do not look is only several levels of disparities, to 110th Rank above level, the difference of 1st Rank is the differents. 别看只是几级的差距,到了一百一十级以上的程度,一级之差都是天差地远。 Old Yi adds on Meng Fei, in addition Yu Muchen. Facing this time Tang Yue (Wulin), is not necessarily able to win he. This is the disparity is. 依老加上梦飞,再加上羽沐辰。面对此时的唐乐,都未必能够赢的了他。这就是差距所在。
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