DD4 :: Volume #10

#933: Great General Bai Ling

Yu Muchen snorted, I have opposed Federation this unspoken rule. Outstanding talented person should use on the blade. Do not worry, this time, I if wants the means to eradicate this system. Moreover on Xuanyu this boy.” 羽沐辰哼了一声,“我一直都是反对联邦这个潜规则的。优秀的人才就应该用在刀刃上。你别着急,这次,我就要想办法破除这个制度。而且就在轩宇这小子身上。” Oh? some Meng Fei surprise looks to Lan Xuanyu, the vision of several other God Rank powerhouses also fell on Lan Xuanyu. 嗯?梦飞有些诧异的向蓝轩宇看去,其他几位神级强者的目光也都落在了蓝轩宇身上。 Yu Muchen said: You do not need to look at him. this time I support him , because he will comply personal to do three matters for me in the future. I have a suggestion, before entering Shrek Inner Court studies, making him first come the army, serves for a year in the frontline. Increases in the Military's story, if he really can obtain remarkable contribution points, that show, talented person that Shrek Academy trains, places in the army also to become the mainstay. This resists that system to us, is good to his growth very much.” 羽沐辰道:“你们不用看他。这次我之所以支持他,是因为他答应未来为我私人做三件事。我有个建议,在进入史莱克内院学习之前,让他先来军队,在前线服役一年。增加在军方的阅历,如果他真的能获得卓越的功勋,那就证明,史莱克学院培养出的人才,放在军队之中也能成为中流砥柱。这对我们对抗那个制度,还有对他个人的成长都很有好处。” Old Yi sound spooky resounds, first saved others successfully says again.” 依老的声音幽幽响起,“先救人成功再说吧。” Yu Muchen expression moves slightly, nods, said: That is natural.” His proposition has certainly the selfishness, but actually puts on outwardly, because his proposition I am good to Lan Xuanyu. 羽沐辰眼神微动,点点头,道:“那是自然。”他的提议当然是有私心的,但却摆在明面上,因为他的提议对蓝轩宇本人是有好处的。 On that day Lan Xuanyu to convince him, revealed after own situation, Yu Muchen has pondered this young people situation carefully. It is not the appreciation, but somewhat is afraid. Because he saw, this at present also quiet nameless young people in Federation, in the future very possibly will become the mainstay of Shrek Academy next generation. 那天蓝轩宇为了说服他,显露出了自己的情况之后,羽沐辰是仔细思考过这个年轻人情况的。不是欣赏,而是有些感到恐惧。因为他看到了,这位现在还在联邦中寂寂无名的年轻人,未来很可能会成为史莱克学院下一代的中流砥柱。 present age Shrek Seven Monsters, which is not exceedingly high penetrating place exist(ence). Perhaps Lan Xuanyu does not know, but he actually clear. For example, at present that seems like the human and animals harmless middle-aged person, Tang Sect Douluo Hall Hall Master, one of the Tang Sect most Top Rank exist(ence), second only to Tang Sect Sect Master generation of great expert, is one of the present age Shrek Seven Monsters. Moreover, he is also not Leader of Shrek's Seven Monsters. 当代史莱克七怪,哪一位不是通天彻地的存在蓝轩宇或许不知道,但他却清楚的很。譬如,眼前那位看上去人畜无害的中年人,唐门斗罗殿殿主,唐门顶级存在之一,仅次于唐门门主一代大能,就是当代史莱克七怪之一。而且,他还不是史莱克七怪之首 Who is Leader of Shrek's Seven Monsters? present age Tang Sect Sect Master. exist(ence) of control side big influence! 史莱克七怪之首是谁?正是当代唐门门主。统御一方大势力的存在啊! But potential that Lan Xuanyu shows, in the future who dares saying that he isn't Leader of Shrek's Seven Monsters of next generation? at present before he has not grown, under normal situation, Shrek Academy will not let in his appeared Federation field of vision, but accident suddenly, is related to the Federation life or death, Lan Xuanyu appeared, in addition the Nana reason, he had entered the Yu Muchen view eventually. 蓝轩宇所展现出的潜质,未来谁敢说他不是下一代的史莱克七怪之首现在在他没有成长起来之前,正常情况下,史莱克学院是不会让他出现在联邦视野中的,但事发突然,事关联邦存亡,蓝轩宇终究还是出现了,再加上娜娜的原因,他已经进入了羽沐辰的视野。 Gathered to say no on, Tang Sect and Shrek Academy will not permit, but showed good will, even, for he was good. Allow him to enter the military, lets him in the army informed and experienced , he will treat the Military's attitude certainly to be different in the future. 招揽说不上,唐门史莱克学院不会允许,但示好,甚至是真的为了他好。让他进入军方,让他在军队中历练,那么,他未来对待军方的态度一定会有所不同。 Where is the army? That is one most can grow, is easiest to infect the person, most has the collective honor feeling place. 军队是个什么地方?那是一个最能让人成长,也最容易感染人,最拥有集体荣誉感的地方。 Therefore, the Yu Muchen approach, is the thorough open intrigue. simply he has not planned to obtain anything from Lan Xuanyu, makes contribution(s) for his growth. Had to plant initially Old Shu to Lan Xuanyu that way, I was good to you, can you not have the favorable impression to me? 所以,羽沐辰的做法,是彻底的阳谋。根本他就没打算从蓝轩宇身上得到什么,就是为了他的成长而做贡献。就有种当初树老蓝轩宇那种方式,我就对你好,你能对我没好感? Really, even Old Yi has not flatly refused, this it means, the Yu Muchen goal has achieved basically. 果然,连依老都没有一口回绝,这就意味着,羽沐辰的目的已经基本达成了。 Reported the general, received the Aircraft Carrier signal, allowed to land.” “报告将军,接到母舰信号,准许登陆。” Landing.” The Yu Muchen sinking sound said. “登陆。”羽沐辰沉声说道。 Federation's Seventh Fleet had stopped gradually, all kinds rays of light in battleship surfaces starts becomes gloomy, this is to save the energy. The energy that a fleet consumes every seconds is the astronomical figures! 联邦第七舰队已经渐渐停了下来,一艘艘战舰表面上的各种光芒开始变得暗淡下来,这是为了节约能源。一支舰队每一秒钟消耗的能源都是天文数字啊! Two guidance ships had arrived at War God Temple Wargod No. 17 battleship nearby, conducted the communication and scanning. After examining, gives the instruction that the approval landed. 两艘引导舰已经来到了战神殿战神十七号战舰附近,进行了沟通和扫描。检测完毕之后,才给出了准许登陆的指令。 The battleship group makes way together the path, Wargod No. 17 under guiding battleship leading, flies to the Aircraft Carrier direction at the gentle speed. 战舰群让开一道通路,战神十七号在引导战舰带领下,以平缓的速度向母舰的方向飞去。 Lan Xuanyu has stood by the porthole, the spark in eye cannot conceal. He who that seemingly ice-cold battleship, actually looks at so one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 蓝轩宇一直都站在舷窗旁边,眼中的火花是掩饰不住的。那一艘艘看似冰冷的战舰,却看的他如此热血沸腾。 This is Universe Fleet! Universe Fleet that several hundred battleship compose. 这就是宇宙舰队啊!数百艘战舰组成的宇宙舰队 Wargod Grade battleship, the dark-blue outward appearance was really dazzled, that main cannon caliber, can install simply small-scale battleship. Will such a artillery, have terrifying might? 战神级战列舰,暗蓝色的外观真是太炫了,那主炮的口径,简直可以将小型的战舰装进去。这样的一炮,会有怎样恐怖的威能 battleship this stage battleship, first stage Meteor Grade Assault Ship big are too more. Controls it, certain and controls Meteor Grade Assault Ship different. Really good to try! 战列舰这个层次战舰,要比第一层次流星级攻击舰大的太多。操控它,一定和操控流星级攻击舰不一样吧。真的好想试试啊! To near, finally saw the fierceness of Dragon King Grade Frigate. This how many muzzles? The number cannot count. Can probably simply momentarily the big hedgehog of release sharp thorn. Muzzle that length varies, should be Soul Guidance Cannon of different category. This simply is Human World ominous qi general exist(ence). 离得近了,终于看到了龙王级护卫舰的狰狞。这是有多少个炮口?数都数不过来。简直像是一只随时能够释放尖刺的大刺猬。那长短不一的炮口,应该是不同类别的魂导炮。这简直是人间凶气一般的存在 Aircraft Carrier gives his feeling , if heavy/thick, that Dragon King Grade Frigate gives his feeling is fierce! Four Dragon King Grade Frigate, just like four Divine Beast are ordinary, protects around Aircraft Carrier. Their firepower, block around Aircraft Carrier all spaces sufficiently. 母舰给他的感觉如果是厚重,那龙王级护卫舰给他的感觉就是狰狞!四艘龙王级护卫舰,犹如四只神兽一般,守护在母舰周围。它们的火力,足以封锁母舰周围的一切空间。 rays of light faintly discernible on Aircraft Carrier, front that giant spheroid is sending out lightly white-light halo, if earnest looks at that huge light ball, the feeling of Lan Xuanyu even somewhat dizziness. Obviously in which energy fluctuation is fearful. 母舰上的光芒若隐若现,前方那个巨大的球体散发着淡淡的白色光晕,如果认真的去看那巨大光球,蓝轩宇甚至会有几分眩晕的感觉。可见其中的能量波动有多么可怕。 In the Aircraft Carrier deck, seeming like compared with Dragon King Grade Frigate gentle many, but that vast dense/woods quiet rays of light, is actually appearing its danger. 母舰的甲板上,看上去要比龙王级护卫舰平和的多,但那一望无际的森幽光芒,却显现着它的危险。 Under leading of guidance ship, they entered the Aircraft Carrier range finally, to near, felt own tiny. Aircraft Carrier was really big. Over ten thousand meters huge battleship, to near had the feeling of not being able to look at the boundary. Width over four kilometers. Under, a metal deck opens, reveals the entrance. battleship enters slowly. 在引导舰的带领下,他们终于进入到了母舰范围,离得近了,才更觉得自身的渺小。母舰实在是太大了。超过万米长的巨大战舰,离得近了都有一眼望不到边际的感觉。宽度都超过四千米。下方,一个金属甲板开启,露出入口。战舰缓缓进入其中。 Extinguishes the propeller, naturally attractive power guides battleship to enter the interior, after sliding for several minutes, battleship stopped steadily. 熄灭推进器,自然有一股吸力引导着战舰进入内部,足足滑行了几分钟之后,战舰才平稳的停了下来。 Lan Xuanyu some heart nervous, but somewhat is also stimulated. When he sees this scale so huge Universe Fleet, his confidence to the this time rescue remarkably strengthened. 蓝轩宇的心头有些紧张,但也有些亢奋。当他看到这支规模如此庞大的宇宙舰队时,他对这次营救的信心明显增强了许多。 First time sees Universe Fleet, not only he, Young Master Yue. The Young Master Yue innermost feelings shock similarly, in to sweep past that battleship period, the feeling of greatly somewhat finding it hard to cope with. 第一次见到宇宙舰队的不只是他,还有乐公子乐公子的内心同样震撼,在掠过那一艘艘战舰时候,大有几分应接不暇的感觉。 His formerly bare-handed has wrecked battleship in the outer space, his sensation also not know formidable many times compared with Lan Xuanyu. May be so, he more can feel this Aircraft Carrier terrifying. That is a fatal sense of crisis. Has to plant feeling that so long as hostile can die with it. Individual strength, in front of so terrifying war machine, seems so tiny. 曾经徒手在太空中击毁过战舰,他的感知也要比蓝轩宇不知道强大多少倍。可越是如此,他越能感受到这艘母舰的恐怖。那是一种致命的危机感。有种只要与它敌对就一定会死的感觉。个人的力量,在如此恐怖的战争机器面前,都显得如此渺小。 But such fleet Douluo Federation has seven fully. It is precisely for this reason, Douluo Federation expands and gains in recent several Hundred Year the Resources Star speed outward to be able such rapidness. Has Dragon-Horse Galaxy to obstruct, at present Douluo Federation control star territory at least can also big one time. 而这样的舰队斗罗联邦足有七个。也正因如此,斗罗联邦在最近几百年向外扩张和获取资源星的速度才能如此之快。要不是有龙马星系作梗,现在斗罗联邦掌控星域至少还能大一倍。 battleship stop, outside has Soul Guidance Car to wait. Or is the battleship internal shuttle. Yes, Aircraft Carrier is really big, for the efficiency, the shuttle is here important transportation vehicle. 战舰停稳,外面已经有魂导汽车在等候了。或者说是战舰内部的穿梭车。是的,母舰实在是太大,为了效率,穿梭车是这里重要的交通工具。 When they go down battleship period, the outside altogether more than ten people are waiting. general's star sparkle. All is general above military rank. 当他们走下战舰时候,外面一共有十几个人在等候。将星闪耀。全都是将军以上的军衔 And, stands in forefront one man who has a headdress flower white short hair, on the shoulder carries four general's star. This is Federation highest military rank, Great General! 其中,站在最前面的一位有着一头花白色短发的男子,肩膀上扛着四颗将星。这已经是联邦最高军衔,大将 Does not need to ask, the people also know, this is the commander-in-chief of seventh fleet, the admiral, Great General Bai Ling. One of military peak several big shot. 不用问,众人也知道,这位就是第七舰队的总指挥官,舰队司令,白凌大将。军方最顶尖的几位大佬之一。 Federation Seven Great Fleets, the commander-in-chief of each fleet is Great General, in addition military headquarters minister, Chief of the general staff. Altogether only then these nine Great General. 联邦七大舰队,每一支舰队的总指挥官都是大将,再加上军部部长,总参谋长。一共就只有这九位大将 At present this Great General Bai Ling, in nine Great General, belongs younger, this year 75 years old. But seems like facial features 50-year-old appearance. 眼前这位白凌大将,在九位大将之中,属于年龄较小的,今年七十五岁。但看上去面容不过50多岁的样子
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