DD4 :: Volume #10

#931: Arrives in the star

Before that star coordinates Lan Xuanyu them, on bring back, from the coordinates position, nearest Universe Fleet, required about seven days of time to rush. Therefore, Home Planet, Lan Xuanyu and God Rank powerhouses, so long as can rush to that side the star to converge in seven days, can take the action in immediately. 那颗恒星的坐标蓝轩宇他们之前就带回来了,从坐标位置来看,距离最近的宇宙舰队,需要大约七天时间赶到。所以,母星这边,蓝轩宇神级强者们只要在七天时间内能够赶到恒星那边汇合,就可以在第一时间展开行动了。 Without a doubt, this is best situation, has almost not delayed any time best situation. 毫无疑问,这已经是最好的情况,几乎是没有耽搁任何时间的最好情况 After receiving this good news, the feelings of some Lan Xuanyu whole body face glowing with health, immediately to tell the partners this good news, told Young Master Yue. 在接到这个好消息之后,蓝轩宇整个人都有种容光焕发的感觉,第一时间将这个好消息告诉了伙伴们,也告诉了乐公子 When he arrives at period of Ying Luohong office again, Ying Luohong has waited for him here, similarly told him this news. And told him, Pavilion Master Wang has come back. 当他再次来到樱落红办公室的时候,樱落红早就在这里等他了,同样将这个消息告诉他。并且告诉他,汪阁主已经回来了。 The this time academy aspect, is accompanied him to go by Old Yi and Pavilion Master Wang together. Because Old Shu life force is weak, in addition the star environment is extremely bad, affects is too big regarding plants attribute him, is unable to accompany to go. 这次学院方面,会由依老汪阁主陪同他共同前往。树老因为生命力虚弱,再加上恒星环境太过恶劣,对于植物属性的他来说影响太大,无法随同前往。 That side Tang Sect, Lan Xuanyu also received the notice of Tang Miao, Douluo Hall Hall Master Meng Fei as well as Tang Miao oneself, will accompany him to go to save others. 唐门那边,蓝轩宇也接到了唐淼的通知,斗罗殿殿主梦飞以及唐淼本人,都将随同他前往救人。 simply does not have need Lan Xuanyu to plead one by one, Shrek Academy and Tang Sect were equivalent to he biggest support. 根本就没有需要蓝轩宇去逐一恳求,史莱克学院唐门就相当于给了他最大的支持。 The adversity sees the true feelings, really has an accident, knows that who to oneself is best. Although this time Lan Xuanyu because as before Nana thing is burning with impatience, but he actually felt similarly warm. 正所谓患难见真情,真的出了事,才会知道谁对自己是最好的。尽管此时的蓝轩宇依旧因为娜娜事情心急如焚,但他却同样感受到了温暖。 These benevolence he silently in heart. 这些恩情他都默默的记在心中。 Future he, wants become stronger, must make one to help others' person. this World is warm, then, he must for the world warm also offers own warmth. 未来的他,要变强,更要做一个能够帮助别人的人。这个世界是温暖的,那么,他就要为世界的温暖也献上自己的温暖。 Goes to star battleship, finally decides to ride the War God Temple subordinate. War God Temple Wargod No. 17 battleship will deliver them to go. One day later set off. 前往恒星的战舰,最终决定乘坐战神殿的所属。战神殿战神十七号战舰将送他们前往。一天后出发 The Stellar Battle Experimental Class students indicated to go, was actually rejected by Lan Xuanyu. Everyone complete graduation exam, was very just exhausted, needs the recuperation, waits for the final graduation exam result. Moreover, their strengths, went to also no function. Lan Xuanyu are because among the relation with Nana, has very big help in to seek out and examine, must go. 星战实验班的学生们都表示要前往,却被蓝轩宇拒绝了。大家刚刚完成毕业考试,都很疲惫,需要休整,等待最后的毕业考试成绩。而且,他们这种实力,去了也没什么作用。蓝轩宇自己都是因为和娜娜之间的联系,在探察中有很大帮助,才是必须要前往的。 Therefore, finally decided, Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu, accompany the numerous (representatives) God Rank powerhouse to go together. 所以,最终决定,蓝轩宇白秀秀,随同众位神级强者一起前往。 The God Rank powerhouse who this time goes to rescue includes, Young Master Yue, Old Yi, Yu Muchen and Meng Fei four big True God powerhouses, in addition Wang Tianyu and Wang Tianyu liangs big God Rank powerhouse. 这次前往营救的神级强者包括,乐公子依老羽沐辰梦飞四大真神强者,再加上汪天羽神级强者。 Only the True God Rank powerhouse, this is almost entire Federation nearly half of quantities. Even if meets Dragon-Horse Galaxy that Heavenly Dragon Star chief seat Heavenly Dragon again, has strength of the war. Naturally, Young Master Yue was not in Federation God Rank powerhouse recording. 单是真神级强者,这几乎就已经是全联邦近乎一半的数量了。哪怕是再遇到龙马星系那位天龙星首座天龙,都有一战之力。当然,乐公子本来是不在联邦神级强者记录之中的。 Such lineup, made Lan Xuanyu be full of confidence, Teacher Nana is certainly also living, they can also certainly rescue Nana. 这样的阵容,也让蓝轩宇充满了信心,娜娜老师一定还活着,他们也一定能够将娜娜营救出来。 The thing that too many may not prepare, Lan Xuanyu this time rested steadfastly for day. The next day to the agreement time, in Shrek City Aerospace Center, the people mounted Wargod No. 17 battleship as before, set off! 没有太多可准备的东西,蓝轩宇这次踏踏实实的休息了一天。第二天到了约定时间,依旧还是在史莱克城宇航中心,众人登上了战神十七号战舰,出发 Wargod No. 17 battleship, is Meteor Grade Assault Ship. Well-equipped, is respective as War God Temple, can say, this battleship various aspects disposed to arm the tooth, spares nothing Federation highest science and technology of equipment. 战神十七号战舰,是一艘流星级攻击舰。装备精良,作为战神殿所属,可以说,这艘战舰的各方面配置都武装到了牙齿,更是不惜代价的配备的联邦最高科技 In battleship the space is big, has the exclusive rest area. 战舰内空间不小,有专属的休息区。 Six big God Rank powerhouses sit in front, Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu sit in behind. At this battleship flying speed, only requires four -and-a-half days of time, they can arrive in this time destination. 六大神级强者坐在前面,蓝轩宇白秀秀坐在后面。以这艘战舰的飞行速度,只需要四天半的时间,他们就能抵达此次的目的地。 In six big God Rank powerhouses, Young Master Yue sits in the peripheral zone, but the vision of other five God Rank powerhouses, fall on his number of times are most. 六大神级强者之中,乐公子坐在边缘地带,而其他五位神级强者的目光,落在他身上的次数已经是最多的。 Had the beforehand two days time, had about his material, the nature already already the appeared War God Temple table-top. 有之前这两天时间,有关于他的资料,自然早就已经出现在战神殿的案头。 When Yu Muchen sees, when Young Master Yue unexpectedly is now Federation most popular superstar, the chin almost pounds on the ground. 羽沐辰看到,乐公子竟然是当今联邦最红大明星时,下巴差点砸在地上。 What period was celebrity True God? Is this far more than inconceivable? 什么时候明星都是真神了?这何止是不可思议? Regarding this, the Tang Sect two God Rank powerhouses feel similarly. Only then Shrek Academy, has long known this situation. 对此,唐门的两位神级强者感觉也差不多。只有史莱克学院这边,是早就知道这个情况的。 Regarding the Young Master Yue origin, Yu Muchen is most curious, a True God Rank powerhouse, cannot change baseless? May regarding Tang Yue (Wulin), simply have no record. investigates Laicha goes , can only check him to be picked return home by Yue Qingling from initially. Of unknown origin. But Tang Yue (Wulin) that picks had lost memory, afterward made celebrity at the suggestion of Yue Qingling, does not want actually to have a run-away success. 对于乐公子的来历,羽沐辰是最为好奇的,一名真神级强者,总不能是凭空变化出来的吧?可对于唐乐,根本就没有任何记载。查来查去,也只能查到当初他是被乐卿灵从海里捡回家的。来历不明。而捡回来的唐乐已经失去了记忆,后来才在乐卿灵的建议下做了明星,不想却是一炮而红。 Tang Yue (Wulin) looks like does not have any feeling regarding the gazes of others, but sits there sits in repose with eyes closed. 唐乐对于其他人的注视就像是没有任何感觉似的,只是坐在那里闭目养神。 Since saw Nana after initially, he felt that oneself memory has to want the recovery trace, after experiencing several fierce headaches, his fuzzy also felt anything. 自从当初见到娜娜之后,他就感觉到自己的记忆有要复苏的痕迹,经历了几次剧烈的头疼之后,他模模糊糊的也感受到了一些什么。 On that day after having seen that mysterious female, this feeling was more intense several points. Although his some are not clear, why that black clothes female will say that loved oneself Ten-thousand Years, what meaning this is the exaggerating view has to be one of them? 那天见过那位神秘女子之后,这种感觉就更强烈了几分。虽然他有些不明白,为什么那黑衣女子会说爱了自己一万年,这是夸张的说法还是有什么含义在其中? He has a feeling, if can smooth rescues Nana, he should be able gradually to find this mystery to be, even restores memory. 他有种感觉,如果能够顺利的将娜娜救回来,他应该就能逐渐找到这份奥秘所在,甚至是恢复记忆 Regarding memory, he too many ideas, the life of at present is not good. But since has seen Nana, he really a little wants to restore memory. Especially memory with her. 对于记忆,他本来并没有太多的想法,现在的生活挺好的。可自从见过娜娜之后,他就真的有点想要恢复记忆了。尤其是和她之间的记忆 Six big God Rank powerhouse to be very tedious are silent, to their cultivation base, a meditation several days of that was normal thing. 六大神级强者都很沉默,对他们这种修为来说,一次冥想个几天那是再正常不过的事情了。 Wang Tianyu facial expression some are not quite good, although the injury basically restored, but on that day to his attack was quite big. Naturally, he happen to welcomed full-power attack of opposite party at that time. But since achievement God Rank, even if faces the True God Rank powerhouse, not so distressed. This makes his effort somewhat unable to bear. originally only prepared safe cultivation, at present actually starts to have the radical heart. 汪天羽的气色有些不太好,虽然伤势基本恢复了,但那天对他的打击还是相当不小的。当然,他当时正好迎上了对方的全力一击。可自从成就神级之后,哪怕是面对真神级强者,也没有如此狼狈过。这让他的好胜心有些受不了。原本只准备稳妥的修炼,现在却开始重新有了激进之心。 But he also holds in high esteem to the Nana strength, oneself strike cannot block, not only Nana blocked the opponent, even also saved the 33 Sky Wings member and whole Stellar Battle Experimental Class. Even if in the True God Rank powerhouse, this should also be the upstream. 而他也对娜娜的实力刮目相看,自己一击都挡不住,娜娜不只是挡住了对手,甚至还救下了三十三天翼全体成员、整个星战实验班。哪怕是在真神级强者之中,这应该也是上游了吧。 Bai Xiuxiu snuggles side Lan Xuanyu, is shaking his hand on own initiative. this time thing, no doubt to them is the huge blow. But also because just under sharing hardships situation, among them the sentiment also elevates temperature. 白秀秀依偎在蓝轩宇身边,主动握着他的手。这次事情,固然对他们来说是巨大的打击。但也正因为是在共患难的情况下,他们之间的感情也随之升温。 At least is in front of others, Bai Xiuxiu facing Lan Xuanyu approached on own initiative will not be shy. 至少当着别人的面,白秀秀面对蓝轩宇的主动靠近不会那么羞涩了。 She actually also wants to ask Lan Xuanyu, the words that on that day Teacher Nana spoke were what meaning, why Teacher Nana said that may be his mother, she has seen the Lan Xuanyu parents! But before Nana had not been rescued, how can she ask? 她其实也很想问问蓝轩宇,那天娜娜老师说的话是什么意思,为什么娜娜老师说有可能是他妈妈,她是见过蓝轩宇父母的啊!但在娜娜没有被救援回来之前,她又怎么能问出来呢? Some Bai Xiuxiu in side, Lan Xuanyu mentality on stable many. How in the mind also starts to calculate the this time relief operations to launch. 白秀秀在身边,蓝轩宇的心态就稳定的多。脑海中也开始盘算着这次救援行动应该如何展开。 The time passed in the relatively silent process, after four -and-a-half days, by far, that star already appeared in Lan Xuanyu their fields of vision. 时间就在相对沉默的过程中度过,四天半之后,远远的,那颗恒星就已经又出现在蓝轩宇他们的视野之中。 When Lan Xuanyu by the porthole, sees this star period again, immediately stands up, the double fist grips tight. 蓝轩宇透过舷窗,再次看到这颗恒星的时候,立刻就站起身来,双拳攥的紧紧的。 Bai Xiuxiu side him, subconsciously gripped on oneself neck that to have the silver scales together necklace. That is Nana gives her faith token. 白秀秀在他身边,下意识的握住了自己脖子上那有着一块银色鳞片的项链。那是娜娜给她的信物。 Before paid so many trying hard, finally won the nowadays aspect step by step, after regardless of, is going to pay many. Lan Xuanyu is willing. On the road, in his heart was full of the hope, is, really to this star nearby, genuine saw that float huge Fireball period in the outer space, his heartbeat actually unconscious speeding up. 之前付出了那么多努力,终于一步步的争得了现今的局面,也无论之后将要付出多少。蓝轩宇都心甘情愿。在来的路上,他心中充满了期盼,可是,真到了这颗恒星附近,真正看到那悬浮于太空中巨大火球时候,他的心跳却不知不觉的加快。 In his heart is continuously the baseless conjecture an issue, Teacher Nana, is really living? 他心中又何尝不是一直都虚悬着一个问题,娜娜老师,真的还活着吗?
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