DD4 :: Volume #1

#73: New song «Protect Time, Protect You»

Yue Qingling complexion rises red, at present side her, encircled completely the person of organizer. Without doubt, to her important person. 乐卿灵脸色涨得通红,现在她身边,也围满了主办方的人。无疑,都在向她要人。 Manager Yue, this incorrect! 20,000 fans this is. If perhaps Young Master Yue not appear(ance), must make the community event, this is we cannot be responsible. Young Master Yue at present where, you give words actually!” 乐经纪人,这不行的啊!两万名歌迷啊这可是。乐公子要是再不出现,恐怕就要造成群体事件了,这是我们谁也负不起责的。乐公子现在在哪里,你倒是给句话啊!” Yue Qingling wants saying that the old lady does not know which he was, this bastard actually runs where? 乐卿灵很想说,老娘也不知道他在哪,这个混蛋究竟跑哪去了? But, where she can say! If the organizer also exploded, Tang Yue (Wulin) really ended. What to do, what to do to be actually good! 可是,她哪能那么说啊!要是主办方也炸了,唐乐才是真的完了。怎么办,究竟怎么办才好啊! When she dials Tang Yue (Wulin) Soul Guidance Communication Device again could not make a connection, just flew away when with him is the same. at present, she does not know how should be Okay. 她再次拨打唐乐魂导通讯器时又打不通了,和他刚刚飞走时一样。现在,她也不知道该如何是好了 We want Young Master Yue. Young Master Yue does not come, returns a ticket, ten times of compensations.” Does not know that was who shouted one. Immediately, the mood of fans started becomes hot tempered. “我们要乐公子乐公子再不来,就退票,十倍赔偿。”不知道是谁喊了一句。顿时,歌迷们的情绪开始变得更加暴躁了。 The scene is gradually losing control. 场面正在逐渐失控。 The organizer has not met such situation, under at present this condition, the fans have been at the manic condition, wanting them to be tranquil is almost impossible. Perhaps even if Young Master Yue at present came back to have the issue. Even has to start to insult his sound appear(ance). 主办方也从来都没遇到过这样的情况,现在这种状态下,歌迷们都已经处于狂躁状态,想要他们平静下来几乎是不可能的。就算乐公子现在回来恐怕都会有问题了。甚至已经有开始辱骂他的声音出现 Too not take responsibility for, no matter what, this walked is 40 minutes, what us regarded?” “太不负责任了,这一走就是四十分钟,把我们当成什么了?” Plays famous, puts on airs!” “耍大牌、耍大牌!” The all kinds unharmonious sound on the scene reverberates, Yue Qingling complexion starts becomes pale, can Tang Yue (Wulin) really end? They and companies have the length to make, appear(ance) this misdeeds, the large amount of compensation! Even if sold oneself, that cannot repay! Wants the family to act, but, family simply does not respond own. Actually must be what to do good, how can settle? 各种不和谐的声音在场中回荡,乐卿灵脸色开始变得苍白起来,唐乐真的要完了吗?他们和公司可是有长约的,出现这种劣迹,是要巨额赔偿的啊!就算把自己卖了,那也赔不起啊!难道要家族出面,可是,家族根本不搭理自己的。究竟要怎么办才好,怎么才能善后啊? Time, is the eye pupil of history, will stare at the endless future.” “时光,是历史的眼眸,凝望无尽的未来。” At this moment, delightful sound suddenly made a sound, does not have any music, is, when this singing sound resounds period, the audience noisy voice was all covered unexpectedly. 就在这时,悦耳的声音突然响了起来,没有任何音乐,可是,当这歌声响起时候,全场嘈杂的声音竟然全都被掩盖住了。 All fans all doubts looks to the direction that the sound conveys. 所有歌迷们无不疑惑的向声音传来的方向看去。 Protection time, is the protection in the future. The protection time, is lets become will no longer be at a loss in the future.” Singing sound again loud, under does not have any situation of accompaniment, is actually shocking the mind of everyone. “守护时光,就是守护未来。守护时光,就是让未来变得不再迷惘。”歌声再响,在没有任何伴奏的情况下,却震撼着每个人的心灵。 figure is also dropping from the clouds together slowly, the one after another clear blue crystal vine from the sky blooms, rich incomparable life aura drops from the clouds, complemented piece of lightly blue the whole location. 一道身影也在徐徐从天而降,一道道澄澈的蓝水晶般的藤蔓在空中绽放,浓郁无比的生命气息从天而降,将整个场地都映衬成了一片淡淡的蓝色 Vine ordered arrangement rotating, is looking like the giant canopy to fall slowly, under coverage of life aura, the people anxious heart is gradually tranquil. But in that are seething with excitement in blue vine, Tang Yue (Wulin) of silver splendid attire drops from the clouds. 藤蔓有序的排列旋转着,就像是巨大的伞盖徐徐而落,在生命气息的覆盖下,人们焦躁的心渐渐平静下来。而就在那一根根沸腾着的蓝色藤蔓之中,一身银色盛装的唐乐从天而降。 The vine dances in the air, is complementing his body, is guarding his aura. 藤蔓飞舞,映衬着他的身体,守卫着他的气息 Stares at the time, stares is actually own mind. The time is in a flash, said not the train of thought sorrow of parting.” “凝望时光,凝望到的却是自己的心灵。时光弹指一挥,说不尽的思绪离愁。” „The hope in time, often came from in the carelessly. Perhaps that instantaneous glance, makes one have to drag.” “时光中的希望,往往来自于不经意之中。或许那瞬间的一瞥,就让人心生摇曳。” That is familiar in time, is the inexplicable summon. It is guiding me, searches hope.” “那是时光中的熟悉,是莫名的呼唤。它引导着我,去寻觅希望。” „To approach, slightly has the fear, wants to touch, actually feared that disappears.” “希望来临,却略有恐惧,想要触摸,却怕泯灭。” „To approach, what brought will be joyfully and in the future. The twinkling of time, hoping sufficient energy.” “希望来临,带来的是欣喜与未来。时光的瞬息,会将希望充能。” Perhaps my hope, I do not need to be at a loss. But I actually do not dare to touch, annihilation that for fear that hopes.” “我的希望来了,或许我再不需要迷惘。可我却不敢去碰触,唯恐希望的破灭。” Hope in time! Please be accompanying me, do not go to me, even if will rather never go to genuine opens it.” “时光中的希望啊!请你陪伴着我,不要离我而去,哪怕宁可永不去真正的将它开启。” Hope in time! Please tell me, actually you why? Why that familiar as if stemmed from the ancient times.” “时光中的希望啊!请你告诉我,你究竟为何?为什么那份熟悉仿佛源于远古。” The sound stops slowly, without the accompaniment, that float changes into a blue light to drop from the clouds in the in the air blue vine. Brings fragrance and neat. Is smoothing moving restlessly in everyone heart. 声音缓缓收歇,没有伴奏,那一根根悬浮于空中的蓝色藤蔓化为点点蓝光从天而降。带来馨香与清爽。抚平着每个人内心之中的躁动。 Sorry, making everyone wait for a long time. Temporary touching, some time preparation. New song "Hope in Times", gives to you.” Tang Yue (Wulin) bows slowly, salutes to the fans under stage. “对不起,让大家久等了。一时的触动,一段时间的准备。新歌《时光中的希望》,送给你们。”唐乐缓缓躬身,向台下的歌迷们行礼。 Fans this time also immerses in the deluded singing sound, that seems interrogating and torturing of mind, seems like in touching of most original to their mood. 歌迷们此时还沉浸在如痴如醉的歌声中,那仿佛是心灵的拷问,又像是对他们情绪中最本源的触动。 The new song, unexpectedly is the new song. 新歌,竟然是新歌。 This seems the Tang Yue (Wulin) first time, spoke so many words at the concert! 这似乎还是唐乐第一次,在演唱会上说这么多话啊! He the new song, gave Heaven Luo. 他把新歌,给了天罗 In this flickers, the disaffection in all fans hearts are vanishing into thin air in an instant, surplus is pleasantly surprised and satisfaction beyond description with proud. 在这一瞬,所有歌迷们心中的不满都在刹那间烟消云散,剩余的只有惊喜和难以形容的满足与自豪。 Was worth, how long waited to be worth. This is the Young Master Yue new song! His second song. Moreover, with first song "Remembrance" compared to, this "Hope in Times" makes the person mood joyful. It seems telling, the protection time is to protect the hope. 值得了,等多久都值得了。这可是乐公子的新歌啊!他的第二首歌。而且,和第一首歌《念》相比,这首《时光中的希望》更让人心情愉悦。它仿佛就是在讲述着,守护时光就是守护希望。 Today arrived here, hope your energy: Protect Time, Protect You.” “今天就到这里,愿你们每个人都能:守护时光守护你。” Tang Yue (Wulin) bows, after saluting again, turns around to go to the backstage. 唐乐躬身,再次行礼之后,转身向后台而去。 The audience were silent for over ten seconds, does not know that is where first resounds applause, next instant, applause like surging tides racing wells up, Young Master Yue, Young Master Yue and Young Master Yue!” 全场足足静默了超过十秒,不知道是哪里最先响起的掌声,下一瞬,掌声如潮水般奔涌,“乐公子乐公子乐公子!” Protect Time, Protect You!” 守护时光守护你!” Young Master Yue, protects stone light to protect you!” 乐公子,守护石光守护你!” Protect Time, Protect You!” 守护时光守护你!” Suddenly, ten thousand numerous cheer, the sound is uniform, the whole scene, had arrived at unprecedented warm. The Young Master Yue two words, a new song, reverses the originally as if irreversible aspect instantaneously thoroughly, was lets the scene to unprecedented earnest. 一时间,万众欢呼,声音整齐划一,整个场面,已经到了前所未有的热烈。乐公子的两句话,一首新歌,瞬间将原本似乎不可逆的局面彻底逆转,更是让场面到了前所未有的热切。 A fan pulling fan, you said a moment ago can return a ticket? You draw back to me. Your check stub, my initial cost gives you, what kind of? ” 一名歌迷拉着身边的歌迷,刚才你说要退票来着?你退给我吧。你那张票根,我原价给你,怎么样?” „To result in beautiful, you want to result in beautiful. I must remain, waits for Young Master Yue to release the recording period, I must take am looking for him, making him inscribe to me, protects stone light to protect you. Too beautiful, was really moving! Protect Time, Protect You, Young Master Yue, I will certainly protect you for a lifetime.” “想得美,你想得美。我要留着,等乐公子出唱片的时候,我要拿着去找他,让他给我写上,守护石光守护你。太美了,真是太动人了啊!守护时光守护你,乐公子,我一定会守护你一辈子的。” Stands in the backstage, staff member of organizer thorough are scared, originally they despair, a concert, the actor left for nearly one hour, this is several tens of thousands people of locations! Once loses control, the consequence is dreadful. Their simply has not thought can also the circle come back under this situation, the organizer has been thrown into confusion completely, but at this moment, Young Master Yue returns, he only used a song to reverse the whole aspect completely. In fact, this concert he altogether also sang one -and-a-half! This rarely seen concert in Federation in history perhaps is the first time. But others succeeded, instantaneous to pull strongly against a crazy tide, not only solved the tumult of fan, even also makes the fans be grateful, organizer at present headed by Zhuang Zijian only wants to say one: What ghost? 站在后台,主办方的工作人员们都已经彻底傻眼了,原本他们都已经绝望了,一场演唱会,演员离开了近一个小时的时间,这可是数万人的场地啊!一旦失控,后果不堪设想。他们根本就没想过在这种情况下还能圆回来,主办方已经完全乱了阵脚,可就在这时,乐公子归来,他只用了一首歌就把整个局面完全扭转。事实上,这场演唱会他一共也就唱了一首半啊!这种奇葩演唱会在联邦有史以来恐怕都是第一次。但人家就是成功了,瞬间力挽狂澜,不但解决了歌迷的骚动,甚至还让歌迷们感激涕零,以庄子建为首的主办方现在只想说一句:什么鬼? Let alone organizer, Yue Qingling at this time unequalled of shock. 别说主办方了,就连乐卿灵此时都震惊的无与伦比。 The new song, he had/left the new song unexpectedly. Did just missing, for write the new song? If so, that all could convince! 新歌,他竟然出新歌了。刚刚的失踪,是为了去写新歌吗?如果是这样的话,那一切就说得通了啊! Too of pleasant to hear, was really of pleasant to hear, this was a new song that was full of the hope. Moreover, as if after the conclusion, the new song gave back to the fans to bring a slogan, was only the Young Master Yue slogan. 太好听了,真的是太好听了,这是一首充满了希望的新歌。而且,似乎在结束之后,新歌还给歌迷们带来了一句口号,一句只属于乐公子的口号。 Protect Time, Protect You, is beautiful! So many fans must protect Young Master Yue? 守护时光守护你,多美啊!这么多歌迷都要守护乐公子的吗? ( Commemorates my new book «Protect Time, Protect You» of the same name by this song, this is «Hug Rumor Hugs Your» sequel.) (以此歌来纪念我的同名新书《守护时光守护你》,这本是《拥抱谎言拥抱你》的续集。)
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