DD4 :: Volume #6

#502: Victory!

The distant place, the stand direction, in the fierce bellow, protective shield was penetrated unexpectedly directly, in that piece on stand that does not have the person's shadow, an instantaneous appeared 30 meters in width gap, that stand seemed like erased baseless generally. 远处,看台方向,剧烈的轰鸣声中,防护罩竟是被直接击穿,在那片没有人影的看台上,瞬间出现了一个宽达30米的缺口,那一块的看台就像是被凭空抹掉了一般。 Prestige of the striking, terrifying in this way. 一击之威,恐怖如斯。 dark-blue rewind returns, falls into the right hand thumb of Lan Xuanyu, but also in this flickers, his seven-colored scales is ordinary just like the snow and ice ablation, noiselessly submerging within the body, vanishes without the trace. 暗蓝色反卷而回,落入蓝轩宇右手拇指,而也就在这一瞬,他身上的七彩鳞片宛如冰雪消融一般,悄无声息的没入体内,消失无踪。 But this time Lan Xuanyu, such as in dream general, until this moment, genuine from dreamland sobers. 而此时的蓝轩宇,如在梦中一般,直到这一刻,才从梦境真正的清醒过来。 His subconsciously lifted wrist, looked above time, then looks up is uncertain to the distant place fright, even does not dare to continue to attack his Zheng Longjiang again, unfolds the face to smile, senior, time.” 下意识的抬起了手腕,看了一眼上面的时间,然后抬头看向远处惊魂不定,甚至都没敢再继续攻击他的郑龙江,展颜一笑,“学长,时间到了。” At this moment, the audience is completely silent. 这一刻,全场鸦雀无声。 Some Zheng Longjiang also dumbstruck visits him. 郑龙江也有些目瞪口呆的看着他。 Without doubt, after Lan Xuanyu since enters Shrek Academy, has shown astonishing natural talent, although soul power is not strong, but actually can not possibly melt is the possibility, leading First Grade small team, is creating the miracle repeatedly. 无疑,蓝轩宇自从进入史莱克学院之后,就一直展现出了惊人的天赋,虽然魂力不强,但却总能化不可能为可能,带领着自己一年级的小团队,屡屡创造奇迹。 However, from having no period like same at present at this moment, stirring. If he from Zheng Longjiang insisted full one minute, will not make one shock. The most important thing is, in behind more than 20 seconds, he almost suppressed Eight Rings cultivation base Zheng Longjiang, finally struck, even almost instead killed Zheng Longjiang. 但是,却从没有任何时候如同眼前这一刻一样,震撼人心。如果他只是从郑龙江手上坚持满一分钟,都不会如此的令人震撼。最重要的是,在后面这二十多秒的时间里,他几乎是将八环修为郑龙江压制住了,最后一击,甚至险些反杀了郑龙江 Is this what kind of strength? But on him released cultivation base, is Three Rings! 这是何等实力?可他身上释放出修为,就是三环而已啊! Suppresses Eight Rings by Three Rings, this is completely unimaginable situation. Even Self-Martial Soul Fusion Technique how? Is this really human can achieve? 三环压制八环,这完全是不可想象的情况。就算是自体武魂融合技又如何?这真的是人类能够做到的? Therefore, when Zheng Longjiang looks at the smile on Lan Xuanyu face, the back unexpectedly somewhat feels cold. His suddenly felt, oneself plans such a boy, is not the wise decision! First Grade so fearful, then, after waiting for him, grows, fearfully to what level? 所以,当郑龙江看着蓝轩宇脸上的笑容时,背后竟是有些发冷。他突然觉得,自己算计这么一个小子,并不是什么明智的决定啊!一年级就如此的可怕,那么,等他以后成长起来,又会可怕到什么程度呢? In this time Lan Xuanyu heart does not have the joy of half a point, he also completely immerses in the previously whole combat process. 此时的蓝轩宇心中却没有半分的欣喜,他还完全沉浸在先前整个战斗过程中。 Without a doubt, that magic staff enormous increase his three elemental power, but, this elemental power control actually usually understands with him has the qualitative difference. During the control of previously, all elements so obedient, obedience. Even if the element that the water and fire these two types are clearly opposite, each other repel one another, blends gently in the same place also that. To make their anything period erupt, they erupt in what period. as the arm moves the finger, without the waste of least bit. All strengths are such concentrations. 毫无疑问,那法杖极大的增幅了他的三元素之力,可是,这元素之力掌控却和他平时理解的有质的差别。在先前的控制之中,所有的元素都是如此的听话、服从。哪怕是水与火这两种截然相反、彼此相克的元素,交融在一起也是那么的柔和。想让它们什么时候爆发,它们就在什么时候爆发。如臂使指,没有半点的浪费。所有的力量都是如此的浓缩。 Is the material enemy situation, can always before Zheng Longjiang goes to the next action, makes corresponding dealing, this can often turn danger into safety, simply any has not been close to own opportunity to Zheng Longjiang. 还有就是料敌先机,总是能够在郑龙江才去下一步行动之前,就作出相应的应对,这才能每每化险为夷,根本没给郑龙江任何接近自己的机会。 Did this surpass 100% control? Although own strength is weak, but in just that short time, actually really and a Eight Rings powerhouse resisted one! 这就是超过了百分之百的掌控么?虽然自己的实力不够强,但在刚刚那短暂的时间里,却真的和一名八环强者对抗了一阵啊! Teacher Nana with actual proved to oneself, one person strength formidable or not, is no doubt related with own soul power cultivation base, but, is closely linked with ability control. 娜娜老师用实际向自己证明了,一个人的实力强大与否,与自身魂力修为固然有关,但是,与自身能力掌控更是息息相关。 In this regard, oneself really must work hard to be good! Also, just that magic staff real properly used, with its period, the in the air element meets the convergance of naturally, moreover specially obedient, that is an unprecedented experience. 在这方面,自己真的还要下大力气才行啊!还有,刚刚那法杖真的好好用,用它的时候,空气中的元素会自然而然的会聚过来,而且还特别的听话,那是一种前所未有的体验。 On the stand, Nana sitting silently there, on her, as if never has appear(ance) anything to change. 看台上,娜娜默默的坐在那里,在她身上,似乎从来都没有出现过什么变化。 At this moment, noiselessly, were many figure in her side. 就在这时,悄无声息的,在她身边多了一道身影 You interfere with competition of our student like this, really?” “你这样干涉我们学生的比赛,真的好吗?” Nana turns head the person who looked at a side to wear the veil, I am teaching him. Moreover, your competition, were not fair. Let alone, can my disciple, why lose?” 娜娜扭头看了一眼身边戴着面纱的人,“我只是在教导他。而且,你们这比赛,本来也不怎么公平。更何况,我的弟子,为什么要输?” Good, as you like. This is also good, at least makes one believe, Silver Dragon Spear in Shrek, was really still seized by us.” “好吧,随你。这也好,至少让人认为,白银龙枪还在史莱克,是被我们真的夺回来了。” In location. Ying Luohong looks at the large shortfall of Mecha training ground outer wall, speechless. Drops from the clouds slowly, falls in the ground. 场地中。樱落红看着机甲训练场外墙的巨大缺口,不禁一阵无语。缓缓从天而降,落在地面上。 „Did one minute of commitment, keep a promise?” She looks to Zheng Longjiang. “一分钟的承诺,算数吗?”她看向郑龙江 Zheng Longjiang somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, you said that I can say that didn't keep a promise? I am not concerned about face? 郑龙江有些哭笑不得,您都这么说了,我能说不算数么?我不要脸的吗? Kept a promise and keeps a promise.” Zheng Longjiang bitter and astringent saying. “算数、算数。”郑龙江苦涩的说道。 Ying Luohong nodded, said: Very good. Then, I announced, First Grade jumps the ranks the challenge to win. Made the progress of total victory.” 樱落红点了点头,道:“很好。那么,我宣布,一年级越级挑战获胜。取得了全胜的成绩。” Such remarks, on a previously also piece of silent First Grade stand, bursts into the mountainous cry tsunami common cheers immediately. one by one First Grade student(s), insane jumps down from the stand. When first jumps down, is Xiao Qi. 此言一出,先前还一片沉默的一年级看台上,顿时爆发出山呼海啸一般的欢呼声。一个个一年级学员,已经疯了似的从看台上跳了下来。而当先跳下的,正是肖启 This First Grade Class Teacher cannot stay quiet in this moment, crazy charging into Lan Xuanyu, grasps him, then tosses into in the air. 这位一年级班主任在这一刻再也不能保持平静,疯狂的冲向蓝轩宇,一把将他抱住,然后抛入空中。 At this moment, First Grade has totally become the happy sea. 这一刻,一年级已经完全成为了欢乐的海洋。 Unprecedented, their complete at the Shrek Academy in history unprecedented magnificent feat! In Shrek Academy of any time, never has First Grade to defeat senior, has won sixth-grade such situation. 前所未有,他们完成了在史莱克学院历史上前所未有的壮举啊!在任何时代的史莱克学院,都从未有过一年级一路战胜学长,一直赢到六年级这样的情况 Even before this last starts, Xiao Qi can also keep calm, so long as because loses, they cannot puncture Outer Court eventually. 哪怕是在这最后一场开始之前,肖启都还能保持冷静,因为只要输一场,他们就终究没能打穿外院 But at present different, they won, they really won, under what kind of rule. First Grade jumps the ranks the challenge, winning streak five. This historical record will keep in the Shrek Academy history forever. But as Class Teacher he, surely in Shrek in history stay behind described in colorful language and heavy detail one. 现在不一样了,他们赢了,他们真的赢了,无论是在怎样的规则下。一年级越级挑战,连胜五场。这个历史纪录将永远留在史莱克学院的历史之中。而身为班主任的他,也必定会在史莱克历史上留下浓墨重彩的一笔。 This is the First Grade glory, is each student(s) glory, is the Xiao Qi glory. Although he also felt oneself have not made anything, but, these cute children are actually his disciple! 这是属于一年级的荣耀,属于每一名学员的荣耀,也是属于肖启的荣耀。虽然他也觉得自己没做什么,可是,这些可爱的孩子们却都是他的弟子啊! this point is who is unable to change. 这一点是谁也无法改变的。 First Grade won, it means, they really realized went together the magnificent feat that Elven Star attended the ceremony. In this moment, everyone excited was somewhat crazy. Also never has any period, a class is such unity. 一年级赢了,也意味着,他们真的实现了同去精灵星观礼的壮举。在这一刻,每个人都兴奋的有些疯狂了。也从未有任何时候,一个班级是如此的团结。 Always calm Tang Yuge at this moment also similarly excited jumps and jumps, the tears uncontrolled flow from the face, won, they won. They put together completely all, finally defeated the sixth grade. 一向冷静的唐雨格此时此刻也同样兴奋的又蹦又跳,泪水不受控制的从面庞上流淌而下,赢了,他们赢了。他们拼尽了一切,终于战胜了六年级。 This is the unprecedented glory, this is a team glory. Is the First Grade glory. In period of third grade, she has never felt such exciting time, at present she, only thought that all were worth, that all before are wronged was also not anything. 这是前所未有的荣耀,这是一个团队的荣耀。是一年级的荣耀。在三年级的时候,她从未感受过这样兴奋的时刻,现在的她,只觉得一切都值得了,所有之前受过的委屈也都不算什么了。 Loses Zheng Longjiang to there's nothing about it, this he and Hua Linhan different, he actually does not regard as important to the victory and loss. What are more is startled, is startled in the performance of Lan Xuanyu final time, this where is the Three Rings level strength can represent(ative)! In beforehand competition, Lan Xuanyu also never shows so powerful side, at present junior brother is really extraordinary! 郑龙江没有什么失落的,这点他和花霖寒不一样,他对输赢其实并不怎么看重。更多的是吃惊,吃惊于蓝轩宇最后时刻的表现,这哪里是三环级别的实力所能代表的啊!在之前的比赛中,蓝轩宇也从未展现出如此强悍的一面,现在学弟真是了不得啊! Luckily, oneself before gained from him, 30 Purple Rank Insignia, calculates that comforted the immature mind. 幸好,自己之前还是从他身上赚了一些的,三十枚紫级徽章,也算安慰了自己幼小的心灵吧。 But at this moment, near his ear broadcasts the Ying Luohong sound again, in competition destroys the public property, this your both parties concerned are responsible, sentences you to compensate together. On price 50 Purple Rank Insignia, your half.” 可就在这时,他耳边再次传来樱落红的声音,“比赛中破坏公物,这个你们当事双方都有责任,判你们共同赔偿。就作价五十枚紫级徽章,你们一人一半。” What? Dean, you cannot like this! I am the Outer Court student under your leadership! Our is the accidental injury, academy makes us compensate, wasn't this cold the heart of general Outer Court student(s)? Moreover, such does have more than enough 50 Purple Rank Insignia?” Zheng Longjiang was really then panic-stricken, immediately panic saying. “啥?院长,您不能这样啊!我可是您领导下的外院学生啊!我们这算是误伤,学院让我们赔偿,这不是寒了广大外院学员的心么?而且,这么一段也用不了五十枚紫级徽章吧?”这下郑龙江是真的惊恐了,顿时惊慌失措的说道。 ...... …… Has a good news, is " Douluo Ten Year » hand roaming that the chief producer produces by me, will welcome last time test on August 29, high return to original state in game really makes me exclaim in surprise. Especially must say the growth pattern of this game, making me recall from Douluo Continent to Legend of Dragon King, until now Final Douluo, this Ten Year came your following. Everyone can pay attention to my prestigious public number Tang Jia San Shao, additional V authentication is, welcome everyone August 29 to experience. 有个好消息,由我担任总制作人出品的《斗罗十年》手游,在8月29日会迎来最后一次测试,游戏里的高还原度真的让我惊叹。尤其要说一下这部游戏的成长模式,让我回忆起了从斗罗大陆龙王传说、再到如今的终极斗罗,这十年来你们的一路相随。大家可以关注我的威信公众号“唐家三少”,加v认证的就是,欢迎大家8月29日来体验。 :.: :。:
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