DD4 :: Volume #5

#499: domain! Immeasurable Sea

In their eyes, at this moment, Lan Xuanyu, Dong Qianqiu, Lan Mengqin, Yuanen Huihui and Tang Yuge. Five people as if have melted for a body thoroughly. 在他们的眼中,此时此刻,蓝轩宇冻千秋蓝梦琴原恩辉辉唐雨格。五人仿佛已经彻底融为了一体。 Their strengths are by far are truly inferior in the opponent, but, these five people also respectively are Three Rings, two Four Rings, Five Rings and Six Rings. The strengths of five people condense in the same place, belongs to Dong Qianqiu one person unexpectedly completely. 他们的实力确实是远远逊色于对手,可是,这五人也分别是一名三环,两名四环,一名五环和一名六环。五个人的实力凝聚在一起,竟是完全归于冻千秋一人身上。 This lance punctures, is the joint efforts of five people. 这一矛刺出,是五个人的合力。 Who can think, First Grade after is defeating so many powerhouses continuously, when facing Zheng Longjiang, unexpectedly the card in hand can use. This surpassed everyone's anticipation outside simply. 谁能想到,一年级在连续战胜这么多强者之后,在面对郑龙江时,居然还有底牌可以用出。这简直是超出了所有人的意料之外 This Five-in-One Fusion Technique, made all teacher(s) shock sufficiently. 只是这个五位一体融合技,就足以让所有老师为之震撼了。 In the midair, Ying Luohong saw that this is also startled, is this Xiao Qi helps their research come out? 半空中,樱落红看到这一幕也不禁吃了一惊,这是肖启帮他们研究出来的? But at this moment, her attention was also captured by familiar figure together, the figure of that plump thinks that does not pay attention is not good, that is her disciple! 但也就在这时,她的目光被一道熟悉的身影吸引了,那圆滚滚的身形想不注意都不行,那是她的弟子啊! Qian Lei has not participated during the front fight, he instead draws back in behind, at this moment, his both hands delimits two triangles before own, one one instead, the two superpose in together, formed a six-pointed star design in the midair. 钱磊并没有参与到前面的战斗之中,他反而是退在后面,此时此刻,他的双手在自己身前划出两个三角形,一正一反,二者重合在一起,在半空中形成了一个六芒星图案。 What is strange, this six-pointed star delimits in void with his blood, does not know what period, he has broken by biting the fingertip of oneself both hands index finger. 诡异的是,这六芒星是用他的鲜血在虚空之中划出的,不知道什么时候,他已经咬破了自己双手食指的指尖。 What is more fearful, the figure of Qian Lei that originally plump, in drawing this six-pointed star process, unexpectedly rapid withered. whole body as if seemed like found time. 更可怕的是,钱磊原本圆滚滚的身形,在画出这个六芒星的过程中,竟然迅速干瘪了下去。整个人仿佛都像是被抽空了似的。 Was he insane? Is this blood essence? Did he compel oneself almost overwhelming majority blood essence to come complete such six-pointed star unexpectedly? What thing is that? 他疯了吗?这是精血?他竟然逼出了自身几乎绝大部分精血完成这么一个六芒星?那是什么东西? Ying Luohong subconsciously wants to prevent, but at this moment, invisible deterrent power suddenly falls on her, making her have whole body pore shrink intense sense of fear. 樱落红下意识的就想要去阻止,但就在这时,一股无形的威慑力突然落在她身上,令她有种全身毛孔收缩的强烈恐惧感 Near the ear also broadcasts a strange sound, makes him do, will not have the danger.” 耳边也随之传来一个陌生的声音,“让他去做,不会有危险。” Ying Luohong definitely is certain, this is not the academy any great expert sound, may at this moment, her actually clearly discover, oneself did not have motion ability unexpectedly. 樱落红完全可以肯定,这绝不是学院任何一位大能的声音,可在此时此刻,她却分明发现,自己居然连移动的能力都没有了。 But, has started appeared to change, when that blood-color six-pointed star complete instantly, Qian Lei suddenly spouts a blood, immediately is exaggerating golden that blood-color six-pointed star in an instant. 而下面,已经开始出现了变化,当那个血色六芒星完成的刹那,钱磊突然喷出一口鲜血,顿时将那血色六芒星在刹那间渲染成了金色 Fluttering of golden six-pointed star naturally to his under the foot, but also at this moment, Qian Lei lit own third soul ring. 金色六芒星自然而然的飘荡到了他脚下,而也就在这时,钱磊点燃了自己的第三魂环 He is making these in behind, the front collision yellow actually also comprehensively launches. 他在后面做着这些,前面的碰撞黄却也是全面展开。 Ding a brittle cry, Ice Lance rebounds, Dong Qianqiu body, is retroceding three steps. “叮”的一声脆鸣,冰矛反弹而起,连带着冻千秋身体,后退三步。 Well!” In the Zheng Longjiang mouth exudes one lightly, in fact, in his opinion, even if does not use under battle armor situation, disparity of both sides was also too big. First Grade simply has no means to block itself any one to strike is right. “咦!”郑龙江口中发出一声轻咦,事实上,在他看来,哪怕是自己不使用斗铠情况下,双方的差距也是太大了。一年级根本没有任何办法能挡住自己任何一击才对。 But, under this situation, Dong Qianqiu blocked his attack unexpectedly. 可是,就是在这种情况下,冻千秋居然挡住了他的攻击。 Has not stopped, one step steps forward, Zheng Longjiang expression concentrates slightly, surrounding air suddenly was restrained, as if invisible big hands held Dong Qianqiu. His right hand wields, in the midair, is condensed the giant palm flying high racket that becomes to fall by dark-gold together. 没有停顿,一步跨出,郑龙江眼神微微一凝,周围的空气突然被约束,仿佛有一只无形的大手抓住了冻千秋似的。他右手挥出,半空之中,一道由暗金色凝聚而成的巨大手掌凌空拍落。 At this moment, Dong Qianqiu suddenly begins slightly supinely, in pair of eyes, dark-blue halo blooms, is centered on her body, ripple expand outward, the back, huge phantom presents in the dark-blue ripple. 就在这时,冻千秋突然微微仰起头,双眸之中,深蓝色光晕绽放,以她的身体为中心,一圈圈波纹向外扩张开来,背后,庞大的虚影深蓝色的波纹中呈现。 The Zheng Longjiang arrange huge air/Qi field gets up in instantaneous fierce vibration unexpectedly, shortly afterward, one after another crack appear(ance), rapid disintegration. 郑龙江布下的庞大气场竟是在瞬间剧烈的震荡起来,紧接着,一道道裂纹出现,迅速崩解。 Dong Qianqiu lightly shouted, in the hand on Ice Lance selects, punctures dark-gold palm, the body walks along with the lance, drills from that dark-gold unexpectedly, before the lance punctures, directly soars the Zheng Longjiang throat to select. 冻千秋轻喝一声,手中冰矛上挑,刺破暗金色手掌,身随矛走,竟是从那暗金色之中钻出,长矛前刺,直奔郑龙江咽喉挑去。 This a series of movement very rapidness, Zheng Longjiang is startled. 这一系列的动作发生的非常之快,以至于郑龙江都吃了一惊。 domain?” Zheng Longjiang expression stagnates, finally started to face up to front opponent. 领域?”郑龙江眼神凝滞,终于开始正视面前的对手了。 Lifts the hand to grasp to Ice Lance, in the meantime, one step steps forward, the body dark-gold rays of light surge, follows these outrageously in Dong Qianqiu around the body shakes the powder to the ripple that his covering comes. 抬手抓向冰矛,同时,一步跨出,身上暗金色光芒彭湃而出,悍然将那些跟随在冻千秋身体周围向他包覆过来的波纹震散。 In the "Dang" loud sound sound, Dong Qianqiu just like receiving an electric shock general flying upside down, was dislodged about more than ten meters directly, connected in Silver Marked Blue Silver Grass in this flickers shatter. In the hand Ice Lance is also same. “当”巨响声中,冻千秋宛如触电一般倒飞而出,直接被撞出十几米开外,就连连接在身上的银纹蓝银草都在这一瞬破碎了。手中冰矛也是一样。 But she falls to the ground, has actually rebounded again, the back, the second Snow Woman light shadow integrates , to promote again imposing manner that she was just suppressed, at the same time, is ice-blue arrow shoots side her together, lifts the hand to grasp, grasps into control, melts Ice Lance again. 但她才一落地,却已经再次反弹而起,背后,第二道雪女光影融入,将她刚刚被打压下去的气势再次提升起来,与此同时,又是一道冰蓝色箭矢射到她身边,抬手一抓,抓入掌控,再化冰矛 Silver Marked Blue Silver Grass to wind around on, again increase. Promoted the strongest condition her once again instantaneously. 银纹蓝银草缠绕而上,再次增幅。瞬间就把她又一次提升到了最强状态。 A five body! Fusion combat. 五位一体!融合作战。 Dong Qianqiu is everyone 's central point, she excels at the close combat, has taken Ice God Union Stems Lotus with Lan Mengqin simultaneously, under the direction of Nana, the Lan Mengqin strength is very easy to fuse with her together. 冻千秋是所有人的一个中心点,她擅长近战,与蓝梦琴同时服用过冰神并蒂莲,在娜娜的指点下,蓝梦琴的力量就很容易与她融合在一起。 In Tang Yuge Great Five Elements Divine Light also wraps the strength of watery, oneself take Great Five Elements Divine Light as foundation, the incarnation for the strongest water, passes Yuanen Huihui Elven King bloodline blessing again, this achievement that formidable Ice Lance. 唐雨格大五行神光之中也包含水的力量,自身以大五行神光基础,化身为最强之水,再通过原恩辉辉精灵王血脉加持,这才成就那强大冰矛 First Ice Lance was shattered, Zheng Longjiang cannot pursue in immediately, is the chill in the air of because from that Ice Lance transmitting is extremely intense. 第一根冰矛破碎,郑龙江都没能在第一时间追击,就是因为从那冰矛之中传来的寒意太过强烈。 Ripple spreads a layer upon layer unceasingly from Dong Qianqiu, covers to Zheng Longjiang body, right, is domain. Under multiple blessing, Dong Qianqiu comprehension formidable ability. 一层层波纹不断从冻千秋身上蔓延开来,覆盖向郑龙江身体,没错,就是领域。在多重加持下,冻千秋领悟的强大能力 domain name: Immeasurable Sea! 领域命名:大海无量 Seven seconds. The fight conducts at present, had passed for seven seconds. 七秒。战斗进行到现在,已经过去了七秒时间。 Saw that Dong Qianqiu plunges itself again, Zheng Longjiang somewhat praise nodded, but next instant, he has not welcomed again to Dong Qianqiu. 眼看冻千秋再次扑向自己,郑龙江有些赞美的点了点头,但下一瞬,他却并没有再迎向冻千秋 He steps forward suddenly one step to the left side, stamps, a loud sound, the distant place, Lan Mengqin body has soared loudly. 他猛然向左侧跨出一步,一脚跺地,轰然一声巨响,远处,蓝梦琴身体已经腾飞而起。 In midair. Ying Luohong moves sideways, will break in in the air Lan Mengqin to catch, the figure flashes again, had arrived at the distant place. 半空之中。樱落红一闪身,将被冲入空中的蓝梦琴接住,身形再闪,已经到了远处。 But was shaken the place that flies in previously Lan Mengqin, underground terrifying energy flow runs out, just like giant dragon(s) general to sweep past. If Lan Mengqin there, will still be swallowed without doubt instantaneously. 而就在先前蓝梦琴被震飞的地方,地下一股恐怖气流冲出,宛如巨龙一般掠过。如果蓝梦琴还在那里,无疑将会瞬间被吞噬。 The figure flashes, right hand strikes, pats crookedly Dong Qianqiu Ice Lance, Zheng Longjiang, the body soul ring twinkle, suddenly approaches to rumble simultaneously in all directions eight fists. 身形一闪,右手拍击,把冻千秋冰矛拍歪,郑龙江,身上魂环闪烁,突然同时向四面八方轰出八拳。 whole space as if fierce vibration gets up, Immeasurable Sea domain is instantaneous, Dong Qianqiu groaned, falls to draw back. 整个空间仿佛都剧烈的震荡起来,大海无量领域瞬间破碎,冻千秋闷哼一声,跌退而出。 The Zheng Longjiang figure flashes again, grasps void, a dark-gold big hand will just appear Tang Yuge of figure to grasp into the palm. 郑龙江身形再闪,虚空一抓,一只暗金色大手将刚刚重新显现出身形的唐雨格抓入掌中。 dark-gold rays of light twinkle, Tang Yuge Great Five Elements Divine Light unceasing adduction of suppression, if there is One Word Battle Armor, perhaps Tang Yuge can also resist a while, but at present she, erupted after for successive two times, does not have battle armor to protect, must resist shortly continuously. 暗金色光芒闪烁,压制的唐雨格大五行神光不断内收,如果有一字斗铠,唐雨格说不定还能抵挡一会儿,可现在的她,连续两次爆发之后又没有斗铠守护,眼看就要抵抗不住了。 Yuanen Huihui shouted angrily, a giant thunder shot to that dark-gold big hand. 原恩辉辉怒喝一声,一道巨大的雷霆向那暗金色大手射去。 But who knows that Zheng Longjiang suddenly raised the head, two purple electricity rays of light spray from the eye, Yuanen Huihui groaned, Eye of Samsara cannot even send out, whole body already faint in the past. 可谁知道郑龙江突然一抬头,两道紫电般的光芒从眼中喷射而出,原恩辉辉闷哼一声,连轮回之眼都没能发出,整个人就已经昏厥了过去。 Zheng Longjiang that dark-gold big hand flings, threw Tang Yuge directly to Ying Luohong. 郑龙江暗金色大手一甩,直接将唐雨格抛向了樱落红 Among the moment, he routed the First Grade three teammates. Also is Five-in-One Fusion Technique three simply battle strength. 须臾之间,他就击溃了一年级三名队友。也是五位一体融合技的三个根本战力 The Dong Qianqiu formidable condition, needs partners unceasingly blessing, Zheng Longjiang naturally can also rout her directly, but he always does not want spending many hands and feet. 冻千秋强大状态,需要伙伴们不断的加持,郑龙江自然也可以正面击溃她,但他从来都不愿意多费手脚。 11 seconds! 十一秒! A Zheng Longjiang body bow, both hands strikes suddenly in the ground. The giant bellow along with the land crack, copious powerful terrifying soul power shakes rushed over Dong Qianqiu forcefully flies. 郑龙江身体一弓,双手猛然拍击在地面上。巨大的轰鸣声伴随着大地龟裂,一股沛然强盛的恐怖魂力硬生生将冲过来冻千秋震飞。 Zheng Longjiang own body is ordinary just like artillery shell, follows that formidable vibration strength to run out, a fist directly soars the Lan Xuanyu bombardment. 郑龙江自己的身体则是宛如炮弹一般,跟随着那强大震荡力冲出,一拳直奔蓝轩宇轰击而来。 ...... …… The new week, starting today, every day will renew three chapters this week, thank everyone's support. 新的一周,从今天开始,本周每天都会更新三章,感谢大家的支持。
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