DD4 :: Volume #5

#496: junior brother, hello/you good!

The day before distance last competition, First Grade is going the participating six people to add on the Liu Feng collective to ask for leave. Drilling tactic. 在距离最后一场比赛的前一天,一年级将要参赛的六人加上刘锋集体请假了。演练战术。 The Xiao Qi direct authorization, he had not planned that directs these students, can arrive this step, had stemmed from his anticipation outside completely, can win the fourth grade to surpass his judgment, let alone following fifth grade. That is Two Words Battle Armor Master and Seven Rings Soul Saint! Even if there is joining of Tang Yuge, can win is still the miracle. 肖启直接批准,他也没有打算对这些学生进行指点,能够走到这一步,已经完全出乎了他的意料之外,能赢四年级就已经超出了他的判断,更别说后面的五年级了。那可是二字斗铠师七环魂圣啊!就算有唐雨格的加入,能赢也是奇迹。 But this last, in his opinion, losing is the affirmation. Therefore whatever they display. He has received the notice of Ying Luohong, this time has therefore participated the students is allowed to go to Elven Star to watch a sports contest, but wants him to keep secret, was unable to tell Lan Xuanyu them. 而这最后一场,在他看来,输是肯定的。所以就任由他们去发挥吧。他已经接到了樱落红的通知,这次所以参赛过的学生都将被允许前往精灵星观赛,但要他保密,还不能告诉蓝轩宇他们。 In Lan Xuanyu their small team current seven people, only then Qian Lei has not entered the stage. But besides their outside, Bing Tianliang and Ding Zhuohan has also participated, this it means, altogether nine First Grade student(s) can go to Elven Star. First did not say the harvest, but this glory, suffices him to blow for a year. Class Teacher of other at present grades saw that he detours, feared that was stimulated. Therefore these days Xiao Qi mood specially good. 蓝轩宇他们这个小团队目前的七人之中,只有钱磊没有出场过。而除了他们之外,还有冰天樑丁卓涵也参赛过了,这就意味着,一共有九名一年级学员可以前往精灵星。先不说收获,但是这份荣耀,就够他吹一年的。现在其他年级的班主任看到他都绕路走,就怕受刺激。所以这些日子肖启的心情特别的好。 Morning course finished, Xiao Qi said to the student who today attended class: Tomorrow afternoon, last jumping the ranks challenge tournament. The probability that although we win is very small, but this is also we hits the last pass/test of entry. Other I was not many said that finally spelled, all of us for participating students keep it up, I and you cried out for them together. Regardless of the victory and loss, you are the pride of teacher(s).” 上午的课程结束了,肖启向今天来上课的学生道:“明天下午,最后一场越级挑战赛。我们虽然获胜的几率很小,但这也是我们打通关的最后一关。别的我不多说了,最后一拼,我们所有人都为参赛的同学们加油,我和你们一起为他们呐喊。无论输赢,你们都是老师的骄傲。” The mood of students was transferred immediately, but Ding Zhuohan actually knits the brows, cannot help said: Teacher Xiao, how listens to your meaning, tomorrow will we have no opportunity probably?” 学生们的情绪顿时被调动起来,但丁卓涵却皱了皱眉,忍不住说道:“肖老师,怎么听您的意思,明天我们好像没什么机会似的?” Xiao Qi shot a look at his one eyes, opportunity is not truly big. The sixth grade, there is strength very strong student(s). In period of third grade, he should enter Inner Court by special recruit, because of some of his special reasons, has kept Outer Court. Only if his not take action, otherwise, our opportunity is not truly big.” 肖启瞥了他一眼,“机会确实不大。六年级,有一个实力很强学员。早在三年级的时候,他就应该被特招进入内院,但因为一些他自己的特殊原因,才一直留在外院。除非是他不出手,否则的话,我们机会确实不大。” Bing Tianliang asked: How many fifth-grade senior of that day can be fiercer than?” 冰天樑问道:“能比那天的五年级学长厉害多少?” Xiao Qi said: Hua Linhan? Hua Linhan in his hand estimated that could not insist for several minutes.” 肖启道:“花霖寒花霖寒在他手上估计坚持不了几分钟吧。” Such remarks, all personnel in an uproar. 此言一出,全班哗然。 Ding Zhuohan cannot help said: Teacher Xiao, since you know that his material, why before hadn't told us?” 丁卓涵忍不住道:“肖老师,既然你知道他的资料,之前为什么没有告诉我们?” Xiao Qi smiles bitterly to tell the facts: Because said that is not meaningful, tells you, instead will eliminate your enthusiasm, making you unable going of unity is strength facing front competition.” 肖启苦笑着实话实说道:“因为说不说都没什么意义,告诉你们,反而会打消你们的积极性,让你们无法众志成城的去面对前面的比赛。” Day of disappears, finally to the time of last war. 一天的时间转瞬即逝,终于到了最后一战的时刻了。 Lan Xuanyu and partners yesterday evening cultivation in Sea God Lake passed, in order to maintains best manor heaven, could not attend to luxuriously. But their this time cultivation, has not actually given Insignia. Tang Yue told them, because of their outstanding performance at the Outer Court competition, special approval let them free cultivation one time in Sea God Lake. 蓝轩宇和伙伴们昨天晚上都是在海神湖修炼度过的,为了能够保持最好的庄天,也顾不得奢侈了。而他们这次修炼,却是没给徽章的。唐月告诉他们,因为他们在外院对抗赛的优异表现,特批让他们免费在海神湖修炼一次。 This saved two Purple Rank Insignia! They have seven people fully. 这可是节约了两块紫级徽章啊!他们足有七个人呢。 But in Sea God Lake the cultivation effect is obvious, does not ask for money, Lan Xuanyu naturally was leads the partners to be many in Sea God Lake brazenly soaked the bubble, even Violent Blood Fruit he ate one to be used for cultivation. absorb life energy, it can be said that is unprecedented. 海神湖修炼的效果是显而易见的,不要钱,蓝轩宇自然是厚着脸皮带着伙伴们多在海神湖中泡了泡,连暴血果他都多吃了一枚用来修炼吸收生命能量之多,可以说是前所未有。 This morning adjusted a morning condition, self-examined has achieved best, this set off, went to the competition location. 今天上午又调整了一上午的状态,自问已经达到了最佳,这才出发,前往比赛场地。 Enters the rest area, his partners had come, Liu Feng went to the stand, other five people of vision are immediately condense on him. 走进休息区,他的伙伴们都已经来了,刘锋去了看台,其他五人的目光则是第一时间凝聚在他身上。 Lan Xuanyu goes forward several steps, stretches out right hand, palm of partners folds respectively falls, called out loudly: Must win!” 蓝轩宇上前几步,伸出右手,伙伴们的手掌分别叠落,大声叫道:“必胜!” The gate opened, the sunlight was like the past, naturally sprinkled. But in this flickers, in the hearts of these young people, has actually been flooding unprecedented aura, that is the faith that must win, is a pride from the heart. 门开了,阳光和往日一样,自然洒落。而在这一瞬,这些年轻人们的心中,却已经充斥着一种前所未有的气息,那是必胜的信念,更是一种发自内心的骄傲。 Goes to battle!” Lan Xuanyu waves, when first walks outward. Six people, the fifth time, stepped onto one after another belonged to their stages. “出战!”蓝轩宇一挥手,当先向外走去。六个人鱼贯而出,第五次,走上了属于他们的舞台。 On the open-air Mecha practice arena the sunlight is somewhat glaring, in period that Lan Xuanyu they walk, their opponents, come from represent(ative) of sixth grade, is going out from the opposite. 露天的机甲练习场上阳光有些晃眼,在蓝轩宇他们走出来的时候,他们的对手,来自于六年级的代表,也正从对面走出。 Because the location is too big, is somewhat remote, in addition the relations of sunlight, somewhat do not see clearly suddenly. 因为场地太大,又有些遥远,再加上阳光的关系,一时间有些看不清楚。 The double fist of Lan Xuanyu grips tightly, since this, very possibly has been he becomes Soul Master most difficult. Under the reminder of Nana, his currently already dropped the idea of protracted time completely, only has spells full power, regardless of the victory and defeat, must put together completely finally a trace soul power. 蓝轩宇的双拳不禁攥紧,这一场,很可能是他成为魂师以来最艰难的一场。在娜娜的提醒下,他现在已经完全打消了拖延时间的想法,唯有全力一拼,无论胜负,都要拼尽最后一丝魂力 both sides gradually approach, their opponents naturally are only then a person, under sunlight illuminate, each other both sides saw clearly appearance of opposite party gradually. 双方逐渐走近,他们的对手自然是只有一人,在阳光的照耀下,彼此双方渐渐看清了对方的样子 On the stand, came from the First Grade cheers resounds through the audience unexpectedly. Everyone is Soul Master, Soul Master naturally cannot be small by the sound that soul power stimulates. 看台上,来自于一年级的欢呼声竟是响彻全场。大家都是魂师,魂师魂力激发的声音自然不会小。 At this moment, in the stand of Mecha practice arena, almost gathered whole Outer Court all teachers and students, they a war that waits to look at this to be the center of attention. 此时此刻,在机甲练习场的看台,几乎聚集了整个外院所有师生,他们都等着看这众所瞩目的一战。 Hua Linhan complexion some are still unattractive, side him, sits that previously and honest youth impressively in together attractive senior sister. 花霖寒脸色依旧有些不好看,在他身边,赫然坐着那先前和老实青年在一起的漂亮学姐 Shan Wei, you said that you are so attractive, how to have a liking for that fellow?” Hua Linhan said in a low voice. 杉蔚,你说你这么好看,怎么就看上了那家伙呢?”花霖寒低声说道。 Attractive senior sister Shan Wei shot a look at his one eyes, said: Has the skill, you were in front of his to say.” 漂亮学姐杉蔚瞥了他一眼,道:“有本事,你当着他面说。” Hua Linhan suddenly anger sound said: Even is in front of his, I still dare to say. I painstakingly! I was harmed by this fellow miserably.” 花霖寒突然怒声道:“就算是当着他面,我也敢这么说。我苦啊!我被这家伙害惨了。” Shan Wei doubfully said: Fellow, although is far-fetched, but is also insufficient to injure someone?” 杉蔚疑惑的道:“那家伙虽然不靠谱,但还不至于害人吧?” Hua Linhan was about to cry, you do not know, previous time he promised me, so long as I gave him Black Rank Insignia, finally he let my! I have given. But, but...... ” 花霖寒都快哭了,你是不知道,上次他答应我,只要我给他一枚黑级徽章,最后他就让我的呀!我早就给了。可是、可是……” Shan Wei surprisedly said: Black Rank Insignia? You were insane. Where do you come so much money?” 杉蔚惊讶的道:“一枚黑级徽章?你是不是疯了。你哪来这么多钱?” Say/Way that Hua Linhan does not know whether to laugh or cry: I borrow! Oneself collect again. Then gave him, who knows, I was actually in the sewers capsize. There is no way to fighting with him......” 花霖寒哭笑不得的道:“我借的啊!自己再凑凑。然后就给他了,可谁知道,我却是阴沟里翻船了。这都没法和他对战……” Shan Wei said: in other words, was not his pit you, was you do not make every effort to succeed! What did you say to me?” 杉蔚道:“也就是说,不是他坑了你,是你自己不争气啊!那你跟我说什么?” „......, Can a little sympathy, dear senior sister.” The corners of the mouth of Hua Linhan shook quickly are mouth-watering. “……,能不能有点同情心,亲爱的学姐。”花霖寒的嘴角都抖得快流口水了。 No. You are not the good person.” Shan Wei shows the whites of the eyes. “没有。你们都不是什么好人。”杉蔚翻了个白眼。 You also with him?” Hua Linhan does not forget to instigate. “那你还跟他?”花霖寒不忘挑拨。 I want, can you manage? Looks at competition. Black Rank Insignia, you are really rich. Then makes him turn over to the authorities.” Shan Wei suddenly feels very good at this time. She was not always actually worried ability that own family/home that fellow makes money. This aspect is very outstanding, he does not have possibly in enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that Outer Court mixes, becomes in the Outer Court genuine significance, the first person! “我愿意,你管得着么?看比赛。一枚黑级徽章,你真有钱。回头让他交公。”杉蔚此时突然觉得心情很好。她其实从来都不担心自己家那个家伙赚钱的能力。要不是这方面特别出众,他也没可能在外院混的风生水起,成为外院真正意义上的,第一人! Lan Xuanyu suddenly stopped the footsteps, his expression stagnates gradually, even is some delay. Because, at this moment, he had seen clearly the last opponent. 蓝轩宇突然停下了脚步,他的眼神渐渐凝滞,甚至是有些呆滞的。因为,此时此刻,他已经看清了自己最后一场的对手。 Opposite not far away, has the simple and honest genial smile, the honest youth waves to him, junior brother, hello/you good!” 对面不远处,带着憨厚和煦的微笑,老实青年向他挥了挥手,“学弟,你好呀!” :.: :。:
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