DD4 :: Volume #4

#317: 1 kept a promise 1 participated

() ; (); Yuanen Huihui thinks saying: Should be will be influential. His computing mode should be, if 2 vs 2 competition, inside has a person who has participated in one-to-one competition , his strength calculates according to half of proportions, the other half is to calculate another person.” 原恩辉辉想了想道:“应该还是会有影响的。他的计算方式应该是,如果是二对二比赛,里面有一位参加过一对一比赛的人,那么,他的实力按一半比例来计算,另一半则是算另外一人。” Lan Xuanyu nodded, said: I understood, we first conduct the formula. Right, an issue, can the quantity of gamble affect the opponent strong and weak?” 蓝轩宇点了点头,道:“我明白了,那我们先进行一下计算公式。哦,对了,还有一个问题,押注的数量会不会影响到对手强弱?” Yuanen Huihui gawked staring, this I do not know.” 原恩辉辉愣了愣,“这个我就不知道了。” Lan Xuanyu looks to Lan Mengqin, Lan Mengqin said: As far as I know, should unable. But does not remove gamble quantity large amount of period to affect.” 蓝轩宇看向蓝梦琴,蓝梦琴道:“据我所知,应该是不会。但不排除押注数量巨额的时候会有所影响。” Lan Xuanyu pursues asks: How many this does large amount of refer to?” 蓝轩宇追问道:“这个巨额指的是多少?” Lan Mengqin somewhat impatiently said: Does not know. Perhaps is 100,000, perhaps is 1 million. You asked that so many everything in disorder issues do do? Hits directly and that's the end.” 蓝梦琴有些不耐烦的道:“不知道。或许是十万、或许是一百万。你问这么多乱七八糟问题干嘛?直接打就是了。” Lan Xuanyu lightly smiled, said: You think before me, wants 30% incomes with you are to waste? If we carefully calculate, perhaps in these seven days of time, can have the harvest that far exceed you imagine.” 蓝轩宇微微一笑,道:“你以为我之前跟你要百分之三十的收益是白费的吗?我们如果仔细计算一下,说不定这七天时间里,能够拥有远超你们想象的收获。” Fantastic Battle Team please prepare, Fantastic Battle Team please prepare.” The electronic sound in this time suddenly resounds, Lan Xuanyu their first Great Battle Soul Arena competition will soon start. 稀奇古怪战队请准备,稀奇古怪战队请准备。”电子音在这时突然响起,蓝轩宇他们的第一场大斗魂场比赛即将开始了。 The Lan Xuanyu eyes narrow the eyes, sinking sound said: We walk.” 蓝轩宇双眼微眯,沉声道:“我们走。” In electronic sound resounds period, the metal door that their front waited for has opened slowly, revealed to internal path. The red blanket spreads out on the floor, has not cheered and made noise, all seem very peaceful. 在电子音响起时候,他们面前等候的金属门就已经缓缓开启,露出了一条通往内部的道路。红毯铺地,没有欢呼和喧嚣,一切都显得十分安静。 In five people marches into, inside is huge plaza, at least visually, looking like whole Great Battle Soul Arena is so huge. Diameter at least over 500 meters giant location, ground lithical, in the auditorium one person does not have, looks particularly lonely. 五人大步入内,里面是一个巨大的广场,至少从视觉上来看,就像是整个大斗魂场那么巨大。直径至少超过五百米的巨大场地,地面是石质的,观众席上一个人都没有,看起来分外冷清。 But in another channel of their opposite distant place, walks five people, seeming like 17 and eight -year-old appearance, put on gaudy, somewhat laughing style. Admission of jumping. 而就在他们对面远处的另一条通道之中,也走出来五个人,看上去都是十七、八岁的样子,穿的花里胡哨的,有几分嘻哈风格。蹦蹦跳跳的就入场了。 Fantastic Battle Team, confrontation, Gaudy Battle Team. Five pairs five. side Quanmie, competition finished. After ten seconds, starts. Countdown, ten, nine and eight......” 稀奇古怪战队,对阵,花里胡哨战队。五对五。一方全灭,比赛结束。十秒后开始。倒计时,十、九、八……” Gaudy Battle Team may also good...... 花里胡哨战队可还行…… Lan Xuanyu cannot help complained in the heart, let alone, but also very rhyme. 蓝轩宇忍不住在心中吐槽,别说,还挺押韵的。 Opposite Gaudy Battle Team five people also saw them obviously, immediately revealed surprised look, was one a young fellow who has the rainbow color short hair laughed saying: One group of kids also participate in competition, you were money are many burnt? Admits defeat in a big hurry. The Elder Brother asked you to eat the ice cream. We pressed 100 soul coins.” 对面的花里胡哨战队五人显然也看到他们了,顿时露出惊讶之色,为首一名有着彩虹色短发的男青年哈哈大笑道:“一群小屁孩儿也来参加比赛,你们是钱多了烧的吗?快快认输。哥哥请你们吃冰激凌。我们可是压了一百都魂币呢。” Three, two and one. competition starts.” “三、二、一。比赛开始。” With announcement of electronic sound, opposite Gaudy Battle Team cheers one immediately, five people actually did not have the methodicalness them to clash toward Lan Xuanyu together. At the same time running, respective released their Martial Soul. 伴随着电子音的宣布,对面的花里胡哨战队顿时欢呼一声,五个人竟然毫无章法一起朝着蓝轩宇他们这边冲了过来。一边奔跑着,也各自释放出了他们的武魂 Four Two Rings, Three Rings, is of head is Three Rings, is Yellow Rank soul ring, purple does not have. 四个两环,一个三环,为首的那个是三环,都是黄级魂环,一个紫色的都没有。 Dares to ridicule us, looks at me to tidy up them. Young how!” Yuanen Huihui is saying at the same time, wants take action, was actually lifted the hand to block by Lan Xuanyu. “敢讥讽我们,看我收拾他们。年纪小怎么了!”原恩辉辉一边说着,就要出手,却被蓝轩宇抬手拦住了。 Lunatic, on us. Your three do not begin. I suspected that this Great Battle Soul Arena computing mode is related with our itself soul ring cultivation base. But will not collect our data in registration period, on it means, will certainly be collected in competition. Many that too we try not to expose, wait for the next round period, will have a look at the opponent enhancement scope to control again.” 疯子,咱们俩上。你们三个不要动手。我怀疑这大斗魂场的计算方式和我们本身魂环修为有关。但在登记的时候不会采集我们的数据,也就意味着,在比赛中一定会被采集。我们尽可能不要暴露的太多,等下一轮的时候,再看看对手增强幅度是不是会有所控制。” At the same time saying, Lan Xuanyu right hand Golden Marked Blue Silver Grass flings, on direct to wind around the waist of Liu Feng, two people flushed together, respective released own soul ring. 一边说着,蓝轩宇右手一根金纹蓝银草甩出,直接缠绕上了刘锋的腰,两人一起冲了出去,各自释放出了自己的魂环 Although only then two people clash, but when Gaudy Battle Team saw that on Liu Feng is two purple soul ring period has a scare unexpectedly. 虽然只有两个人冲出来,但当花里胡哨战队看到刘锋身上居然是两个紫色魂环时候还是吓了一跳。 Central Three Rings Soul Master cries out strangely, the body appears suddenly scales, the eyes are prominent, the eye pupil raises up. Fierce opening mouth, the tongue unexpectedly is the ejection, directly soars Liu Feng to shoot. Meanwhile his both legs become sturdy, bounces, the speed increases suddenly. 中央的三环魂师怪叫一声,身上骤然浮现出一层鳞片,双眼突出,眼瞳竖起。猛的一张嘴,舌头竟是弹射而出,直奔刘锋射来。同时他的双腿变得粗壮,弹跳而起,速度陡增。 This is toad type Martial Soul, is actually very rare, but is not absolutely strongly. 这是蟾蜍类武魂,倒是挺少见的,但绝对算不上强。 Lan Xuanyu left hand lifts, second soul ring rays of light flashes slightly, Fireball on the lasing, next instant, the first soul ring twinkle, four Ice Cone projects, directly soars another four people to intercept to go. 蓝轩宇左手一抬,第二魂环光芒微微一闪,一枚火球就激射而出,下一瞬,第一魂环闪烁,四枚冰锥射出,直奔另外四人拦截而去。 The Fireball goal the tongue that is that toad Soul Master ejection comes out, in that Soul Master mouth sends out gua, the both legs from the sky trample suddenly, unexpectedly came two acceleration, avoided Fireball, the tongue must arrive in front of Liu Feng shortly. 火球目标是那蟾蜍魂师弹射出来的舌头,那魂师口中发出“呱”的一声,双腿猛然在空中踹出,居然来了个二次加速,避开了火球,舌头眼看就要到刘锋面前了。 White Dragon Spear springs, first soul ring sparkle, White Dragon Raises! 白龙枪弹出,第一魂环闪耀,白龙挑 The spear glow turnover, on sharp incomparable White Dragon Spear selects. Touches, exudes one with that toad tongue before. 枪芒吞吐,锋锐无比的白龙枪上挑。与那蟾蜍舌头前端碰触,发出“噗”的一声。 That tongue unexpectedly tenacious incomparable, had not been cut by spear glow, but White Dragon Raises floating effect or appeared, made that toad Soul Master tongue and person, fierce to in the air floated off, temporarily lost the control to body. 那舌头居然坚韧无比,并没有被枪芒划破,但白龙挑浮空效果还是出现了,令那蟾蜍魂师连舌头带人,猛的向空中浮起,暂时失去了对身体的控制。 But at this moment, the toad Soul Master itself/Ben thinks that avoided Fireball suddenly not far away blasts out in him behind, bunch of small Fireball invade, just like machine-gun general bombardment on body that in he loses control of temporarily. 而就在这时,蟾蜍魂师本以为已经避开的火球突然在他身后不远处炸开,一团团小火球蜂拥而上,宛如连珠炮一般轰击在他暂时失控的身体上。 How long Lan Xuanyu and Liu Feng coordinated, absolutely is tacit very much, these combines, might is extraordinary. Let alone under the Liu Feng in his Golden Marked Blue Silver Grass increase, fighting strength is not inferior in Three Rings. 蓝轩宇刘锋配合了多长时间了,绝对是默契的很,这一下组合,威力非凡。更别说刘锋在他的金纹蓝银草增幅之下,战斗力决不逊色于三环 Another four Gaudy Battle Team various Soul Master show/unfolds its energies, respective release own Martial Soul intercepts Lan Xuanyu to fly to shoot, but Ice Cone. 另外四名花里胡哨战队魂师各展其能,各自释放自己的武魂去拦截蓝轩宇飞射而出的冰锥 But is strange, that Ice Cone to was away from their body first three meters period, suddenly falls, changes to the thorn to the ground. With the Ice Cone explosive sounds, in the ground had/left an ice layer immediately, the attack of that four Two Rings Soul Grandmaster falls on the vacancy, body before because actually, rushed to the ice layer, under the foot respective one slides, immediately different level lost the control, which can also support toad Soul Master. 可诡异的是,那冰锥到了距离他们身前三米的时候,突然下坠,改为刺向地面。伴随着一声声冰锥的爆炸声,地面上顿时多出了一层冰层,那四名二环大魂师的攻击落在空处,身体却因为前冲到了冰层上,脚下各自一滑,顿时不同程度的失去了控制,哪还能支援的了蟾蜍魂师 The Liu Feng body walks along with the spear/gun, in an instant own speed has erupted the pinnacle, in the hand White Dragon Spear resounds dragon roar, has foot odd/surplus Chang Silver Moon Spear Glow to emit fully. 刘锋身随枪走,刹那间自己的速度已经爆发到了极致,手中白龙枪响起一声龙吟,足有尺余长的银月枪芒喷吐而出。 Which also with enough time take action that was exploded toad Soul Master the pitiful yell practices by Fireball, does not have released to come including second, third soul skill, was put on the chest by White Dragon Spear, changes into rays of light to vanish on Great Battle Soul Arena together. 火球炸得惨叫练练的蟾蜍魂师哪还来得及出手,连第二、第三魂技都没释放出来,就被白龙枪穿胸而过,化为一道光芒消失在大斗魂场上。 The surplus fights had nothing, a Liu Feng person goes forward, is relying on speed ultra-fast, is almost during more than ten breath, ended the fight. Struck to kill all opponents. 剩余的战斗就没什么了,刘锋一人上前,凭借着超快的速度,几乎是十几次呼吸之间,就解决了战斗。击杀了所有对手。 Fantastic Battle Team wins. competition finished, without the audience, has not naturally cheered. 稀奇古怪战队获胜。比赛结束,没有观众,自然也没有喝彩。 Regarding fighting strength that Lan Xuanyu and Liu Feng show, Yuanen Huihui, Lan Mengqin and Dong Qianqiu have no feeling, they come from Shrek, can have such fighting strength, that is normal thing, and there's nothing about it is proud. The most important thing is, thousand douluo coins turned into 2000. 对于蓝轩宇刘锋展现出的战斗力,原恩辉辉蓝梦琴冻千秋也没什么感觉,他们可是来自于史莱克的,能够拥有这样的战斗力,那是一件再正常不过的事情而已,并没有什么值得骄傲的。最重要的是,一千斗罗币变成两千了。 Continue? I thought that we can also the seven victories in a row have no issue.” Some Liu Feng eagerly said. “继续?我觉得我们也可以七连胜没什么问题吧。”刘锋有些跃跃欲试的道 Lan Xuanyu actually beckons with the hand, said: This is only the attempt, did not need to continue again. Then you listen my. Liu Feng, your first, you meet one-to-one competition.” 蓝轩宇却摆了摆手,道:“这一场只是尝试,不用再继续了。接下来你们听我的。刘锋,你第一个来,你接一场一对一的比赛。” Liu Feng stares, I?” 刘锋一愣,“我自己?” Lan Xuanyu nodded, said: Right, yourself. Can see from previously competition, below 20 years old, quite primary Soul Master mostly about standard in Two Rings. As your first -to-one competition, the opponent who you must face almost can definitely be Two Rings, because your own itself is also Two Rings. Therefore, this, you are win certainly steadily.” 蓝轩宇点了点头,道:“对,你自己。从先前比赛能看出,二十岁以下,比较初级的魂师大多在二环左右水平。作为你的第一场一对一比赛,你所要面对的对手几乎可以肯定是二环的,因为你自己本身也是二环。所以,这一场,你一定是稳赢的。”
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