DD4 :: Volume #3

#205: Shrek Academy sees

Lan Xuanyu finally is relaxed, after the reward, can strive, without the this time opportunity, he must wait again for a year. 蓝轩宇总算是松了口气,奖励以后还可以争取,如果没了这次机会,他就要再等一年。 But is big relaxed Qian Lei and Liu Feng, because they are very clear, even if they are allowed to participate in semi-finals, perhaps without Lan Xuanyu, they will not have the least bit opportunity to enter Shrek Academy to pursue advanced studies. 而更是大大松了口气的还是钱磊刘锋,因为他们都很清楚,哪怕是他们被允许参加复赛,但如果没有蓝轩宇的话,他们恐怕将没有半点机会进入史莱克学院深造。 Lunatic, we try. Two can Blue Silver Grass to your increase, look have the effect simultaneously.” Determined can participate in semi-finals, Lan Xuanyu thinks of this important thing immediately. 疯子,咱们去试试。两种蓝银草同时对你增幅,看看能不能有效果。”确定了能去参加复赛,蓝轩宇立刻想到了这件重要的事情 At that time if were not his suddenly increase lets Dong Qianqiu complete that special Martial Soul Fusion Technique, they possibly did escape from the Darkness Demon Tiger fingers/tiger mouth of Ten-thousand Years? That Martial Soul Fusion Technique Lan Xuanyu thinks in the heart a name, was it Dark-Blue Gaze temporarily. 当时如果不是他的突然增幅让冻千秋完成了那次特殊的武魂融合技,他们怎么可能从万年暗黑魔虎虎口之下逃生?那个武魂融合技蓝轩宇在心中想了个名字,暂时就叫它深蓝凝视 pulling Qian Lei and Liu Feng entered Simulation Cabin, but is only the time of a while, they came out. Liu Feng complexion somewhat is obviously pale, in expression even was full of the fear. 拉着钱磊刘锋进了模拟舱,可只是一会儿的时间,他们就出来了。刘锋脸色明显有些苍白,眼神中甚至充满了恐惧。 The Lan Xuanyu expression is somewhat strange. 蓝轩宇的表情则是有些古怪。 Was too miserable.” The corners of the mouth of Qian Lei somewhat tic. “太惨了。”钱磊的嘴角有些抽抽。 Yes, was really miserable, when Lan Xuanyu Golden Marked Blue Silver Grass and Silver Marked Blue Silver Grass gave the Liu Feng increase simultaneously period, Liu Feng exploded, whole body exploded, torn to pieces of exploding. whole body first looks like the inflation of balloon, then bang one blasts open. 是的,真的是太惨了,当蓝轩宇金纹蓝银草银纹蓝银草同时给刘锋增幅的时候,刘锋爆炸了,整个身体爆炸了,炸的支离破碎。整个人先是像气球似的膨胀,然后就“砰”的一下炸裂。 In Simulation Cabin, the pain is not luckily strong. But so, still made Liu Feng have the intense fear even. 幸好是在模拟舱之中,痛苦不强。可就算如此,也让刘锋产生了强烈的恐惧。 Lan Xuanyu is not very clear, why can be successful on Dong Qianqiu, was actually defeated on Liu Feng. Moreover miserable that such is defeated, Qian Lei, although will also be defeated, but shatter is Summoning Gate. 蓝轩宇也很不明白,为什么在冻千秋身上能够成功,在刘锋身上却是失败了。而且失败的这么惨,钱磊虽然也会失败,但破碎的不过是召唤之门而已。 Do not ask me to try again! Too fearful.” Saying that Liu Feng trembles. “别再找我试了啊!太可怕了。”刘锋哆哆嗦嗦的说道。 cough cough, I must again research.” Lan Xuanyu looking pensive is thinking two Blue Silver Grass fusions situation. Currently speaking, only then he himself can use this Martial Soul Fusion Technique, succeeded on Dong Qianqiu. But to her consumption also seems very big. Causes the stupor. 咳咳,我要再研究一下。”蓝轩宇若有所思的想着自己两种蓝银草融合的情况。目前来看,只有他自己能够使用这个武魂融合技,还有就是在冻千秋身上成功了。但对她的消耗似乎也是非常之大。以至于导致昏迷。 Right, but must go in one time. Qian Lei, you go in me, I must relate Dong Qianqiu.” In Simulation Cabin is safest, regardless has what accident/surprise is Virtual World. “对了,还要进去一次。钱磊,你跟我进去,我要联系一下冻千秋。”模拟舱内最安全,无论出什么意外都是虚拟世界 Returns in Douluo World, Lan Xuanyu and Qian Lei entered the training ground, Summoning Gate opened, Silver Marked Blue Silver Grass to wind around, Lan Xuanyu started to try and Dong Qianqiu summons. 重新回到斗罗世界之中,蓝轩宇钱磊进了训练场,召唤之门开启,银纹蓝银草缠绕,蓝轩宇开始尝试和冻千秋进行召唤。 Does?” Quick, Summoning Gate another side broadcasts the familiar sound. “干嘛?”很快,召唤之门另一边传来熟悉的声音。 Why does not know, when Lan Xuanyu hears this sound period, suddenly has a feeling at ease feeling. 不知道为什么,当蓝轩宇听到这个声音的时候,突然有种心安的感觉。 „Are you all right?” Lan Xuanyu concerned asking. “你没事吧?”蓝轩宇关切的问道。 All right. Did you advance?” The slender calf takes the lead appear(ance), shortly afterward, wore a white school uniform, long dark-blue hair hangs loose behind the head Dong Qianqiu to step from internal. “没事。你出线了吗?”修长的小腿率先出现,紧接着,穿着一身白色校服,深蓝色长发披散在脑后冻千秋就从门内跨了出来。 four eyes met, two people thought that has a nondescriptive unusual feeling to raise from the bottom of the heart. Although in Simulation Cabin Virtual World, but living and dying together experience invisible Lieutenant General they pulled closer. 四目相对,两人都觉得有种难以名状的异样感从心底升起。虽然是在模拟舱虚拟世界之中,可一次同生共死的经历还是无形中将他们拉近了许多。 Sees Lan Xuanyu, in the Dong Qianqiu mind almost appears he to throw to fly instantaneously, when prepares itself to direct the Darkness Demon Tiger action. That bi-color Blue Silver Grass function is approximate when that oneself body has in summon palpitation. 看到蓝轩宇,冻千秋脑海中几乎是瞬间就浮现出他将自己抛飞出去,准备自己引走暗黑魔虎时的举动。还有那双色蓝银草作用在自己身上时所产生出的那种近似于呼唤般的悸动。 But Lan Xuanyu visits her, what thought is she draws to entrain forcefully oneself side, with that he shares hardships. 蓝轩宇看着她,想到的是她强行把自己拉拽到身边,和他患难与共的那一幕。 What is your is looking at? Has the story, to have the story.” Qian Lei has a look at this in side, has a look at that again. “你们俩这是在看什么?有故事、有故事。”钱磊在旁边看看这个,再看看那个。 Cough! Lan Xuanyu coughs, lowers the head slightly, avoids the Dong Qianqiu vision. 咳!蓝轩宇咳嗽一声,略微低下头,避开冻千秋的目光。 Dong Qianqiu has turned head, looks to Qian Lei, what spoke irresponsibly you, looking to punch is?” 冻千秋则是扭过头,看向钱磊,“乱说什么你,找揍是不是?” Qian Lei shrinks the neck, smiles, is good and good, I did not say. You then look.” 钱磊一缩脖子,嘿嘿一笑,“好、好,我不说。你们接着看。” Your assessment?” Dong Qianqiu asked. “你考核过了吗?”冻千秋问道。 Lan Xuanyu nodded, „. Was cancelled the first drawing power. You?” 蓝轩宇点了点头,“过了。只是被取消了第一名的抽奖权力。你呢?” Dong Qianqiu said: Fencing-off of unfathomable mystery, I crossed. But said that I affected your here assessment fairness, making me fence-off, ran into you. Finally was also. But I am not first, originally on the there's nothing about it prize.” 冻千秋道:“莫名其妙的加赛,本来我都过了的。但说我影响了你们这边的考核公平性,让我加赛一场,就遇到你了。最后也是过了。但我不是第一名,本来就没有什么奖品。” „Aren't you also first?” Lan Xuanyu visits her surprisedly. In his mind, Dong Qianqiu individual fighting strength is quite formidable. “你还不是第一名?”蓝轩宇惊讶的看着她。在他心目中,冻千秋个人战斗力可是相当强大的。 Dong Qianqiu some expression grim/dignified, „! I am not first. Really has the fellow like monster. You bumped into that Four Rings like before. As far as I know, that side our Heaven Dou Planet, Four Rings level has two. The strength is very strong, I am not their opponents. But that side Home Planet, seems to be stronger. Really suspected that they are the anomalies, everyone age is similar! How as strong as this situation.” 冻千秋眼神有些凝重,“是啊!我不是第一。真的有很多像怪物一样的家伙。就像之前你碰到那个四环的。据我所知,我们天斗星那边,四环级别的就有两个。实力都特别强,我也不是他们的对手。而母星那边,似乎还有更强的。真怀疑他们是不是怪胎,大家年龄都差不多啊!怎么会强到这种地步。” The Lan Xuanyu corners of the mouth twitched, do not complain. You have a look at me, my soul power 20th Rank. You have the sense of crisis, I what to do? It seems like that goes to Shrek semi-finals is not easy to do!” 蓝轩宇嘴角抽搐了一下,“你就别抱怨了。你看看我,我魂力二十级。你都有危机感,我怎么办?看来,去史莱克复赛不好办啊!” Dong Qianqiu said: Does everything possible. But to be honest, your teammate is a little weak.” 冻千秋道:“尽力而为吧。但说实话,你的队友有点弱。” Qian Lei is not dry, feeds, I still here, you said me to be weak, saves face to be good?” 钱磊不干了,“喂喂喂,我还在这儿呢,你就说我弱,留点面子行不行?” Dong Qianqiu white his eyes, worked as you saying that I behind will not speak the person malicious remarks. semi-finals returns sometime, you must become by yourselves are better. Although semi-finals takes the group as the unit, but will not be the whole group is actually enrolled final 30. Many period, must look at individual ability.” 冻千秋白了他一眼,“就是当着你才说,我才不会背后说人坏话。复赛还有一段时间,你们必须让自己变得更强才行。复赛虽然还是以小组为单位,但却并不是整个小组都会被录取到最终的三十名。很多时候,也要看个人的能力。” Qian Lei somewhat broke down the face immediately, his own individual ability anything standard are clear very much, can say, without Lan Xuanyu, he has almost no opportunity rise above others, only prospect can only be the Martial Soul particularity. 钱磊顿时有些垮了脸,他自己的个人能力什么水平自己清楚得很,可以说,如果没有蓝轩宇,他几乎就没什么机会脱颖而出,唯一指望的就只能是自己武魂的特殊性。 Lan Xuanyu said: What do you know the following semi-finals area-wide student examination?” 蓝轩宇道:“你知道后面的复赛会考什么吗?” Dong Qianqiu shakes the head, concrete does not know, but our academy teacher(s) said that Shrek Academy semi-finals frequently some area-wide student examination strange things. Moreover must report the future to want the major(s) direction and minor(s) direction in assessment period. This is also very important. Some period, major(s) and minor(s) that direction if you reported compares the side door, instead was easier to be enrolled. Therefore you must think beforehand.” 冻千秋摇摇头,“具体的不知道,但我们学院老师说,史莱克学院复赛经常会考一些稀奇古怪的东西。而且还要在考核时候就报自己未来想要主修的方向和辅修的方向。这个也很重要。有的时候,如果你报的主修辅修方向是比较偏门的,反而更容易被录取。所以你们要事先想好。” Lan Xuanyu eye one bright, many thanks. This news is very important.” 蓝轩宇眼睛一亮,“多谢。这个消息很重要。” Dong Qianqiu said: Your major(s) what? minor(s) what?” 冻千秋道:“你主修什么?辅修什么?” Lan Xuanyu said: This does classify to be the same with our at present academy? My at present except for Soul Master cultivation outside, will want to add Mecha Dual Armored Class as well as Interstellar Command Department these two aspects toward battle armor in the future develops.” 蓝轩宇道:“这个和我们现在学院分类一样么?我现在除了魂师修炼之外,未来希望是朝着斗铠机甲双甲流以及星际指挥系这两方面发展。” Interstellar Command Department?” Dong Qianqiu somewhat visits him surprisedly. 星际指挥系?”冻千秋有些惊讶的看着他。 Qian Lei immediately secondary attack in side, „! Our Xuanyu will open Interstellar Fighter. I also studied Interstellar Command Department foundation course.” 钱磊在旁边立刻助攻一把,“是啊!我们轩宇可是会开星际战机的。我也学了星际指挥系基础课程。” Lan Xuanyu said: I like the Boundless universe. But relies on individual strength, has no way to roam through in in the Universe. Therefore I like Interstellar Battleship, hopes that in the future can become Battleship Commander.” 蓝轩宇道:“我喜欢浩瀚的宇宙。但只是凭借个人的实力,是没法在宇宙之中遨游的。所以我喜欢星际战舰,希望未来能够成为一名战舰指挥官。” Dong Qianqiu nodded: I understood. I suggested that you can major(s) choose Dual Armored Class, minor(s) Interstellar Command Department. As far as I know, in Shrek Academy, Interstellar Command Department is the unexpected winner. Dual Armored Class is actually the absolute mainstream. individual fighting strength and small Team Battle strength of Shrek main training are lord.” 冻千秋点了点头:“我明白了。那我建议你可以主修双甲流,辅修星际指挥系。据我所知,在史莱克学院,星际指挥系算是冷门。双甲流却是绝对的主流。史莱克主要培养的还是个人战斗力和小团队战斗力为主。” Lan Xuanyu nodded, I should elect. Does not know that the energy is sufficient.” 蓝轩宇点了点头,“我应该会这么选的。只是不知道精力够不够用。” Dong Qianqiu said: Everything depends on human effort. Shrek, should be completely different place. dozens of thousands of years First Academy! Trained too many outstanding talented person.” At this point, in her expression has several points to recall, seems like recalling anything. 冻千秋道:“事在人为。史莱克,应该是个完全不一样的地方。几万年第一学院啊!培养出过太多优秀的人才了。”说到这里,她的眼神之中带着几分回忆,似乎是在回想着些什么。 Time was up.” The Qian Lei reminder said. “时间差不多了。”钱磊提醒道。 Dong Qianqiu looks to Lan Xuanyu, that sees on Shrek.” 冻千秋看向蓝轩宇,“那就史莱克见吧。” Good, Shrek Academy sees.” “好,史莱克学院见。” Is also owing me you three conditions.” “记着你还欠我三个条件。” „? I think that you forgot. You looked that I also saved you......” “啊?我以为你忘了。你看我也救了你……” Is owing my three conditions you.” “记着你欠我的三个条件。” „......” “……”
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