DD4 :: Volume #2

#138: Does not hit your face

simply does not have the time to give him to think. Feeling of Lan Xuanyu subconsciously, oneself should spell. 根本没时间给他多想。蓝轩宇下意识的觉得,自己应该拼一下。 Fierce deep inspiration, in process of falling, whole body blood energy reverse circulate, gloomy dragon's roar immediately sending out of faintly discernible from his body. golden scales on right arm spreads rapidly downward the shoulder, Lan Xuanyu turns around the figure reluctantly, a fist rumbles, Golden Dragon Ascends The Heavens! 猛的深吸气,在下坠的过程中,全身气血逆运,一声低沉龙吟声顿时从他身体之中若隐若现的散发出来。右臂上的金色鳞片迅速向下蔓延到肩膀,蓝轩宇勉强掉转身形,一拳轰出,金龙升天 When he sends out period of this fist, before mind recollection of subconsciously, in the outer space saw when that Gold Dragon charges into the battleship unprecedentedness. 当他发出这一拳的时候,脑海中下意识的回忆起了之前在太空中看到那头金龙冲向战舰时的一往无前。 A nondescriptive feeling spreads over the whole body instantaneously. On original itself is only faintly discernible dragon's roar suddenly becomes resonant, in his right fist front, one group of golden glow jumps shoots, appears intermittently the Dragon's Head appearance. 一种难以名状的感觉瞬间传遍全身。原本身上只是若隐若现龙吟声突然变得嘹亮起来,在他右拳前方,一团金芒迸射,隐现龙首模样。 That shark was opening mouth to prepare to swallow in period that his figure falls, but at this time actually already closing big mouth, but to/clashes to him. 那鲨鱼在他身形下坠的时候本来是张着嘴准备吞噬的,但此时却已经闭合大口,只是向他冲来。 How to be angry again, Dong Qianqiu also has the discretion eventually, cannot want the Lan Xuanyu life! 再怎么生气,冻千秋终究也还是有分寸的,总不能要了蓝轩宇的命啊! Bang!” “砰!” The dark-blue shark is colliding in the together instance with Lan Xuanyu, imposing manner comes under the influence of his blazing aura to weaken several points, was pounded in the water by a Lan Xuanyu fist unexpectedly. But Lan Xuanyu also hit flew. 深蓝色鲨鱼在和蓝轩宇碰撞在一起的瞬间,气势受到他身上炽热气息的影响减弱了几分,竟是被蓝轩宇一拳砸回了水中。但蓝轩宇也是被撞的飞了起来。 Dong Qianqiu both hands pressed Ice Tide downward, rely on and water surface rebound's power has leapt in in the air, pursued to trample on the buttocks of Lan Xuanyu, kicked him to the shore. 冻千秋双手向下压动冰潮,借助和水面的反弹之力早已腾起在空中,追上去就是一脚踹在蓝轩宇的屁股上,把他踢向岸边。 Aiyaya, murders the husband!” Lan Xuanyu cries out strangely. Although this foot strength is big, but his body is actually extremely tenacious, within the body gold and silver two colors vortex high speed rotating, breaking in within the body Ice-Cold Strength reduces and solves. Must fall to the ground in shortly, his fish dive forward roll reduces and solves to brunt, runs away. “哎呀呀,谋杀亲夫啦!”蓝轩宇怪叫一声。这一脚力量虽然不小,但他的身体却是极为坚韧,体内金银双色旋涡高速旋转,就把冲入体内冰冷劲力化解。眼看要摔到地面上,他一个鱼跃前滚翻化解掉冲势,撒腿就跑。 Dong Qianqiu hit his two ruthlessly, tramples a foot again, this air/Qi also leaves was similar. But this fellow before running also cries out strangely, the climate her nose was crooked. 冻千秋本来狠狠的打他两下,再踹上一脚,这气也就出的差不多了。可这家伙临跑前还怪叫一声,顿时气得她鼻子都要歪了。 He very well looks actually, but how such bad! 他长得倒是挺好看的,可怎么就这么坏的啊! This bastard! 这个坏蛋! Under the heart the air/Qi, the tip of the toe in the lake surface light, pursues painstakingly rapidly to Lan Xuanyu. 心下气苦之极,脚尖在湖面上轻点,飞速追向蓝轩宇 Shore student(s) have looked stupidly. Just Lan Xuanyu and Dong Qianqiu this series of confrontation in the lake surface, looked they is also dumbstruck. 岸边的学员们都已经看傻了。刚刚在湖面上蓝轩宇冻千秋这一连串的交锋,看的他们也是目瞪口呆 Lan Xuanyu dealing own hard skin and strong flesh, or domineering attack of Dong Qianqiu. Primary Academy student(s) no one thinks in any case they can be victorious Dong Qianqiu this miss. A Primary Academy elder sister, name will follow reality. 无论是蓝轩宇的应对还是自身的皮糙肉厚,又或是冻千秋的强势攻击。反正初级学院学员们没有人会认为他们能打得过冻千秋这姑娘。初级学院一姐,实至名归。 Lan Xuanyu ability to remember is very good, period that just walked, he clear remembers all backgrounds, at this time dashes about wildly to go, naturally runs quickly to the dormitory direction following the background. 蓝轩宇记忆力很好,刚刚走出来的时候,他就清楚的记得所有来路,此时狂奔而去,自然是循着来路赶快向宿舍方向跑去。 You halt to me!” Dong Qianqiu fighting strength is strong, soul power is long. But must discuss the physical ability, she is actually inferior to Lan Xuanyu. “你给我站住!”冻千秋战斗力强,魂力悠长。但要论体能,她却是不如蓝轩宇的。 Lan Xuanyu body explosive power strong, is the strength appraisals of ten in addition is not gives for nothing each semester, running of make an all-out effort is also if quickly speeding horse. Dong Qianqiu is not agility category Battle Soul Master, wants to catch up with him really somewhat to be difficult. She cannot really shell with huge might destructive soul skill. 蓝轩宇身体爆发力超强,每个学期都是十加的力量评价可不是白给的,全力以赴的奔跑也是快若奔马。冻千秋又不是敏攻系战魂师,想要追上他还真有些困难。她总不能真的用大威力杀伤性魂技去轰击吧。 Moreover this is academy, what to do if injured accidentally others? previously said in the lake surface fortunately, Ice Cone cannot injure others, this in academy, may go out of classmate anytime, was injured troubled. 而且这是学院,要是误伤了别人怎么办?先前在湖面上还好说,冰锥伤不到别人,这在学院里,随时都有可能走出同学,被伤了就麻烦了。 Lan Xuanyu with drenched chicken crashed in the dormitory, does not sit the elevator, extends the staircase to crawl rapidly upward. 蓝轩宇跟落汤鸡似的冲进了宿舍楼,也不坐电梯,飞速延着楼梯就往上爬。 Dong Qianqiu is in hot pursuit in him behind. Must catch up shortly. 冻千秋在他身后紧追不舍。眼看着就要追上了。 Teacher Nana, help!” Lan Xuanyu yelled makes noise. 娜娜老师,救命啊!”蓝轩宇大叫出声。 Dong Qianqiu silvers tooth bites tightly, element wields, big piece of ice sphere like hail directly soars the Lan Xuanyu direction to fly to shoot to go. 冻千秋牙紧咬,素手一挥,一大片冰球就像冰雹似的直奔蓝轩宇方向飞射而去。 Lan Xuanyu does not prevent, flees like a scared rat, is called by a series of pains that ice sphere pounds. 蓝轩宇也不阻挡,抱头鼠窜,被冰球砸的一连串痛叫。 In his heart is very clear, must make Dong Qianqiu punch two, does not make her vent anger, it is estimated that this miss is endless. 他心中很清楚,总要让冻千秋揍两下,不让她出出气,估计这姑娘要没完没了。 Finally rushed to the floor fast, Lan Xuanyu charges into the Nana dormitory. 终于冲到了楼层,蓝轩宇飞快的冲向娜娜的宿舍。 Dong Qianqiu also pursued. 冻千秋也追了上来。 Knocking at the door that Lan Xuanyu makes an effort, Teacher Nana saves a life.” Then holds the head on both hands, was squatting directly same place, is willing to hit the appearance that is willing to suffer. 蓝轩宇用力的拍门,“娜娜老师救命。”然后就双手抱头,直接在原地蹲了下来,一副愿打愿挨的模样。 Dong Qianqiu moved sideways to arrive at him, lifted the hand to condense Ice Spear, but looks at Lan Xuanyu that face panic-stricken appearance, that held appearance of head same place softly, the heart one. Can't really puncture him who does not revolt against with Ice Spear? 冻千秋一闪身已经到了他近前,抬手想要凝聚冰枪,但看着蓝轩宇那一脸惊恐的样子,还有那原地抱头的样子,心头一软。总不能真的用冰枪去刺不反抗的他吧? Rushed trampled his several feet bitterly, made you talk nonsense, making you talk nonsense.” 冲上去恨恨的踹了他几脚,“让你瞎说,让你瞎说。” In this time, the dormitory gate is opening. 正在这时,宿舍门开。 Nan Cheng opens the door, happen to sees at present this, immediately dumbstruck. 南澄打开门,正好看到眼前这一幕,顿时目瞪口呆 The foot of Dong Qianqiu is also lifting, turns head suddenly to see her, immediately an awkwardness of face. 冻千秋的脚还抬着,扭头突然看到她,顿时一脸的尴尬。 Your this is......” “你们这是……” Just went out period also properly! 刚刚出门时候好好的啊! Lan Xuanyu raised the head, a face suffering looks to Nan Cheng, mother, she hits me.” 蓝轩宇抬起头,一脸委屈的看向南澄,“妈妈,她打我。” Fainting of Dong Qianqiu almost air/Qi, this anything person! Is concerned about face! Almost is saying of subconsciously aunt, he kisses/intimate me.” 冻千秋差点气的背过气去,这什么人啊!要不要脸啊!几乎是下意识的说道“阿姨,他亲我。” This saying exported her to regret. charming face seasonal delicacies red. 这话才一出口她就后悔了。俏脸顿时羞得通红。 Nan Cheng listened to Lan Xuanyu saying that Dong Qianqiu hits him, looked at their appearance again, in the heart was a little just angry. Own one is a guest, how can you bully my son? When mother's where has does not stand own son? 南澄本来听蓝轩宇冻千秋打他,再看刚刚两人这样子,心中是有点生气的。自己一家原来是客,你怎么能欺负我儿子呢?当妈的哪有不站在自己儿子这边的? But Dong Qianqiu these words saying, immediately startled Nan Cheng dumbstruck. Own son pro- girls? What situation is this? Isn't their the first time met? She does not know Lan Xuanyu does not know summoned Dong Qianqiu many to return. 冻千秋这句话一说出来,顿时惊的南澄目瞪口呆。自己儿子亲了人家姑娘?这是什么情况?他们这不是第一次见面吗?她可不知道蓝轩宇都不知召唤了冻千秋多少回了。 They is a little young! This year the discipline cannot be in love! But, this little miss really quite attractive, could be joined to my family Xuanyu. Her appearance angrily such attractive. 他们有点小啊!这年纪不能谈恋爱啊!可是,这小姑娘真的好漂亮,配得上我家轩宇了。她气鼓鼓的样子都这么好看的呢。 Lan Xuanyu and Dong Qianqiu naturally do not know that changes in this moment Nan Cheng psychology. 蓝轩宇冻千秋自然不知道在这一刻南澄的心理变化。 Absolutely those who make Lan Xuanyu unable to think, the Nan Cheng next movement is......, closes. 更让蓝轩宇万万想不到的是,南澄下一个动作是……,关门。 Yes, her anything had not said that that silently closed the door, closed...... 是的,她啥也没说,就那么默默的把门关上了、关上了…… Lan Xuanyu dumbstruck looks at the door, front has a look at Dong Qianqiu angrily again, this, this what situation? Then loves own mother, how this? 蓝轩宇目瞪口呆的看着房门,再看看面前气鼓鼓的冻千秋,这、这什么情况?那么疼爱自己的妈妈,怎么就这样了呢? Dong Qianqiu has recovered, looks at Lan Xuanyu to smile, then both hands pinched pinching mutually, the knuckle sends out one after another flip-flop sound. 冻千秋已经回过神来,看着蓝轩宇笑了笑,然后双手相互捏了捏,指关节发出一连串的“噼啪”声。 Aunt is really good. You could rest assured that I give the aunt the face, does not hit your face!” “阿姨真好。你放心,我给阿姨面子,不打你脸!” „! Help!” “啊!救命啊!” In room. Nan Cheng listens to outside son to call out pitifully again and again, said to Lan Xiao just matter, husband, what to do? Nana went out to go shopping, not at home.” 房间内。南澄听着外面儿子惨叫连连,把刚刚的事跟蓝潇说了一遍,“老公,咋办啊?娜娜出去买东西了,也不在家的。” Lan Xiao unperturbed, your son that brat that honest squatting makes one punch in that obviously profits. Children's matter makes them process on Okay. Also really can destroy him! This brat! Compared with his father, this meets for the first time dares the biological families. However the little miss is really attractive, can be joined to my son. Haven't you heard? Hitting is own, scolds is the love, anxious trampled. Perhaps this dozen of one times, it is estimated that they grew up also really had to request a performance.” 蓝潇老神在在的,“你儿子那臭小子那么老实的蹲在那让人揍,显然是占了便宜了。孩子们的事让他们自己处理就好了。难道还真能打坏了他啊!这臭小子可以啊!比他老爹强,这才第一次见面就敢亲人家。不过那小姑娘真好看,配得上我儿子。你没听说过吗?打是亲、骂是爱,急了一脚踹。这打一次,估计他俩说不定长大了还真有点戏呢。” Good long time, outside was peaceful. 好半晌,外面安静了。 Sitting that Dong Qianqiu pants on the ground, wicked looks that side was punched Lan Xuanyu by oneself ruthlessly. She was hits tired. 冻千秋气喘吁吁的坐在地上,恶狠狠的看着旁边被自己狠狠揍了一顿的蓝轩宇。她是打累了。 Has not naturally hit with soul power, but as Soul Master, the fists and feet is also very heavy. 自然没有用魂力去打,但身为魂师,拳脚也还是挺重的。 Lan Xuanyu was just holding the head, does not hit back and does not resist. Whatever she punched, the attitude is actually very good. The air/Qi in Dong Qianqiu heart also disappeared gradually. 蓝轩宇刚刚就是抱着头,也不还手、也不抵抗。就任由她揍了一顿,态度倒是好得很。冻千秋心中的气也就渐渐消了。 May think this fellow not only kissed himself, but also bad own reputation in academy, the air/Qi does not hit one. He that attractively, how the heart such badly? 可一想到这家伙不但亲了自己,还在学院里坏自己的名声,气就不打一处来。他长得那么好看,怎么心就这么坏的呢? Lan Xuanyu raised the head to steal a glance to her to look. 蓝轩宇抬头偷眼向她看去。 Was just hit was very long, hurting is very sore, but must say injures him, had no possibility. His body intensity does not know many compared with ordinary person. simply is not quite sore. 刚刚是被打了挺久的,疼是挺疼的,可要说打伤他,却没啥可能。他的身体强度普通人不知道好多少。根本就不太疼的。 .
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