DD4 :: Volume #14

#1307: Bloodletting

Regarding his reply, Heavenly Dragon chief seat is quite satisfied, immediately nodded, said: Good, you try. You felt relieved although, your debt, we will make up to you. The marrow can live the blood. This first uses to you.” 对于他的回答,天龙首座还是比较满意的,当下点了点头,道:“那好,你就试试。你尽管放心,你的亏空,我们会给你补足的。髓能生血。这个先给你用。” At the same time saying, his wrist shakes, a circular jade flew in front of Lan Xuanyu. The jade is all over the body pure white, but the interior is actually sending out lightly red light halo. 一边说着,他手腕一抖,一块圆形的玉石就飞到了蓝轩宇面前。玉石通体洁白,但内部却散发着淡淡的红色光晕 Lan Xuanyu discovered the jade access hand in, this unexpectedly is an exquisite jade box, only then oneself palm of the hand size. Marrow? Is inside dragon marrow? Heavenly Dragon chief seat isn't take action, perhaps also ordinary dragon marrow? 蓝轩宇将玉石接入手中才发现,这竟是一个小巧的玉盒,只有自己巴掌大小。髓?难道里面是龙髓天龙首座出手的,恐怕还不是普通龙髓吧? At that moment, he is impolite, hit the jade box directly. When he opens period of jade box, immediately body one stiff. In the jade box, one pure, at least is he has been unprecedented rich dragon force heads on. 当下,他也不客气,直接将玉盒打了开来。当他打开玉盒的时候,顿时身体一僵。玉盒内,一股精纯至极,至少是他前所未见过的浓郁龙力扑面而来。 This is not Dragon God energy, by stage definitely cannot with Dragon God's power compared to, but dragon force in this jade box, its fine is actually the Lan Xuanyu entire life only sees absolutely. 这并不是龙神能量,论层次肯定是不能和龙神之力相比的,但这玉盒内的龙力,其精纯度却绝对是蓝轩宇生平仅见。 This is one box of dragon marrow that presents is blood-red, superficial red energy flow fluctuation, faintly presents is dragon-shaped. energy flow surges at the same time, the internal energy surge is extremely rich. This is really the good thing! 这是一盒呈献为血红色龙髓,表面红色气流波动,隐隐呈现为龙形气流涌动的同时,内部能量极其彭湃而浓郁。这真的是好东西啊! Attains this box of dragon marrow, Lan Xuanyu was also in the heart calm. Actually because of precious of this box of dragon marrow itself, because Heavenly Dragon chief seat to oneself and without any malicious intent, do not sacrifice themselves to inspire the plan of this Rising Dragons Platform interior energy. 拿到这盒龙髓,蓝轩宇也是心中大定。倒不是因为这盒龙髓本身的珍贵,而是因为天龙首座对自己并没有恶意,并没有要牺牲自己来引动这升龙台内部能量的打算。 As the matter stands, that was easy to do! 这样一来,那就好办了啊! Lan Xuanyu shoulders blood-red dragon marrow with the finger from the jade box. within the body dragon force also revolves, he does not need to smudge above oneself spinal cord, but smudges in own palm place. 蓝轩宇用手指从玉盒内挑起一点血红色龙髓体内龙力随之运转,他也不需要涂抹在自己脊髓之上,只是涂抹在自己手心处。 Immediately, a blazing transmission, exciting he Dragon God's scales appears. When numerous (representatives) Dragon Knight sees on him appear(ance) seven-colored scales, the vision were many several points of scalding hot. If their bloodline evolution, are scales also meets appear(ance) such situation? 顿时,一股炽热感传来,刺激的他自身龙神鳞片浮现而出。当众位龙骑士看到他身上出现七彩鳞片时,目光都不禁多了几分灼热。如果他们的血脉进化的话,是不是鳞片也会出现这样的情况 Naturally, as the Super God Rank powerhouse, they want the evolution affirmation and Lan Xuanyu evolution different, needed energy certainly wants huge many. But at least from at present Lan Xuanyu situation, has the possibility. Does not know seven-colored dragon force that he inspires will arrive at what level, whether can inspire again. 当然,身为超神级强者,他们想要进化肯定和蓝轩宇的进化不一样,需要的能量肯定是要庞大的多的。但至少从目前蓝轩宇身上的情况来看,还是非常有可能的。就是不知道他引动出来的七彩龙力会到什么程度,是否能够再次引动。 Lan Xuanyu receives the jade box, this Top Rank dragon marrow is big to his function, but the effect on partners definitely is bigger. fire attribute is dragon marrow, Fire Dragon King? 蓝轩宇收起玉盒,这种顶级龙髓对他的作用不小,但对伙伴们的作用肯定是更大的。火属性龙髓,难道是火龙王的? However, at present did not ponder these period, receive dragon marrow, Lan Xuanyu immediately without the slightest hesitation cut oneself left hand wrist lineage/vein with the nail, making the blood drop from the wrist place. 不过,现在不是思考这些的时候,收好龙髓,蓝轩宇立刻毫不犹豫的用指甲划开了自己左手的腕脉,让鲜血从手腕处滴落。 The drop by drop bright red blood falls the ground, quick drills into. Dragon Knight divine consciousness condenses immediately, surrounds above Lan Xuanyu Spirit Rising Platform under around the body as well as body. 一滴滴鲜红的血液滑落地面,很快就钻入其中。龙骑士们的神识顿时凝聚过来,环绕在蓝轩宇身体周围以及身下的升灵台之上。 Then, these days to suffering of this Eighteen Dragon Knights was really big. Blood that they put here, is the Lan Xuanyu not unimaginable huge quantity. Otherwise, will not make so many Dragon Knight seem like so dispirited. 说起来,这些日子对这十八位龙骑士的折磨着实是不小。他们在这里放的血,是蓝轩宇无法想象的庞大数量。否则的话,也不会让这么多龙骑士看上去如此的颓丧。 They do not know that many years have not felt weak, this time really felt. 他们已经不知道多少年没有感受到虚弱了,这次是真的感觉到了。 Four color dragon force are good, energy that in the blood that the point is that their released goes to contains wants huge many! period that just started, they are still attempting to improve their bloodline potential with four color dragon force. But they discovered with the lapse of time, because they cultivation base has reached the peak, wants to promote cultivation base is almost impossible. But what these four color dragon force are more is can only help them promote cultivation base. They have achieved the bloodline potential not too big change of peak. 四色龙力是不错,可问题是,他们释放出去的血液之中所蕴含的能量更要庞大的多啊!刚开始的时候,他们还在尝试着用四色龙力来改善自身的血脉潜能。可随着时间的推移他们就发现,因为他们自身修为已经达到了巅峰,想要提升修为几乎是不可能的。而这四色龙力更多的只是能帮他们提升修为。他们早已经达到自身巅峰的血脉潜能并没有太大的变化。 But prepares give up period in them, this Rising Dragons Platform suddenly moved restlessly one time, some appeared seven colors energy. This seven-colored dragon force bring to their advantage are practical. genuine made them feel own bloodline to have the possibility of evolution. Therefore, originally prepares give up Dragon Knight to trying hard supplement Heaven and Earth Treasures, supplement own blood, lets blood the attempt again. 而就在他们准备放弃时候,这升龙台突然躁动了一次,出现了些许七色能量。这种七彩龙力带给他们的好处就是切切实实的了。真正让他们感受到了自己的血脉有了进化的可能。所以,原本准备放弃龙骑士们又不得不努力的补充天材地宝、补充自身血液,再次放血尝试。 But, this Rising Dragons Platform looks like the bottomless trench to be the same, swallowed them not to know how much blood, released again came actually throughout was four color dragon force, simply not again appear(ance) seven-colored dragon force. 可是,这升龙台就像是无底深渊一般,吞噬了他们不知道多少血液,再释放出来的却始终都是四色龙力,根本没有再出现七彩龙力 This makes numerous (representatives) Dragon Knight somewhat breathless. This period some people proposed, lets initiate seven-colored dragon force is blue to try. Has a look whether can find the breach from her. 这让众位龙骑士都不禁有些气急败坏起来。这时候就有人提出,是不是让引发过七彩龙力的蓝过来试试。看看是否能够从“她”身上找到突破口。 At this time, saw that the dī dī blood drops from Lan Xuanyu wrist unceasingly, their spiritual also become nervous to get up. They most undesired are, the blood of Lan Xuanyu is unable to inspire Rising Dragons Platform fluctuation, that was really nothing significance. Before being equivalent to them, all turned into that makes not studious. 此时,眼看着滴滴血液不断从蓝轩宇手腕上滴落,他们的精神也都变得紧张起来。他们最不希望看到的就是,蓝轩宇的血液也无法引动升龙台波动,那就真的是没有任何意义了。相当于他们之前所做的一切都变成了无用功。 The blood drops unceasingly, as Lan Xuanyu spiritual power also blood quietly downward release, but actually does not want to tow dragon force in Rising Dragons Platform, but is sending out the thought of rejection. 血液不断滴落,蓝轩宇精神力也随着血液悄然向下释放,但却并不是想要牵引升龙台内的龙力,而是散发着拒绝的意念。 In front of so many Super God Rank powerhouses, he does not certainly dare to let oneself spiritual power release extremely obvious. But in the release process, he directly spiritual will integrated with own blood. This was very difficult to be discovered. 当着这么多超神级强者的面,他当然不敢让自己的精神力释放的太过明显。但在释放的过程中,他直接将精神意志融入到自己的鲜血之中。这就很难被发现了。 Dragon Knight undesired situation exactly is Lan Xuanyu at present most desired. 龙骑士们不希望看到的情况恰恰是蓝轩宇现在最希望看到的。 Time one minute/share one second of past, the Lan Xuanyu blood of Rising Dragons Platform absorb also started becomes more and more, actually does not have any sound. 时间一分一秒的过去,升龙台吸收蓝轩宇血液也开始变得越来越多,却没有任何动静。 The expression on Dragon Knight face also starts becomes getting more and more disappointed. 龙骑士们脸上的表情也开始变得越来越失望起来。 dragon marrow in Lan Xuanyu palm spreads to energy to enter his within the body unceasingly, stimulates his marrow to make more blood. 蓝轩宇掌心中的龙髓不断传入能量进入他体内,刺激这他的骨髓能够制造更多的血液。 Feels periphery is starting some unstable divine consciousness, in the Lan Xuanyu suddenly heart moves, if seven-colored dragon force is not really able to inspire. Then, will want Rising Dragons Platform to break through in the future, definitely is also impossible. at that time meets the sound to be enormous surely, certainly will cause the suspicion of Dragon Knight. If inspires seven-colored dragon force on certain level, moreover can only by own absorb, that should be a better sign. 感受着周围开始有些不稳定神识,蓝轩宇突然心中一动,如果真的一点七彩龙力都无法引动出来的话。那么,未来自己想要来升龙台进行突破,肯定也是不可能的。那时候必定会动静极大,一定会引起龙骑士们的怀疑。如果在一定程度上引动七彩龙力,而且只能是被自己吸收的话,那应该才是更好的迹象吧。 Thinks of here, he starts cautiously after own spiritual thought changes, through the blood continues to transmit the past. 想到这里,他开始小心翼翼的将自己的精神意念改变之后再通过血液继续传递过去。 From present situation, Rising Dragons Platform seems like can understand the thought that therefore does not have seven-colored dragon force appear(ance). 从眼前的情况来看,升龙台似乎是能够读懂自己意念的,所以才始终都没有七彩龙力出现 Approximately several minutes later, Lan Xuanyu complexion has started becomes somewhat pale. 大约又过了几分钟,蓝轩宇脸色已经开始变得有些苍白了。 Among suddenly, on Rising Dragons Platform as if slight trembled. Eighteen Dragon Knights what kind of cultivation base, although this trembles is slight, but they felt in immediately. Immediately, the consciousness of one by one condenses, everyone's attention concentrated. 突然之间,升龙台上似乎轻微的震颤了一下。十八位龙骑士何等修为,虽然这震颤非常轻微,但他们还是在第一时间就感觉到了。顿时,一个个的意识凝聚,所有人的注意力都集中了起来。 silk threads seven-colored light halo starts from the ground ripple, is not intense, but actually practical exist(ence). When this seven colors dragon force appear(ance), surrounding four color dragon force slowly closes up to be swallowed absorb by that seven-colored dragon force unexpectedly, thus is strong. 丝丝缕缕七彩光晕开始从地面上荡漾而起,并不强烈,但却切实的存在着。当这七彩色龙力出现时,周围的四彩龙力缓缓的靠拢过来竟是被那七彩龙力所吞噬吸收,从而壮大。 Sees this, Dragon Knight is overjoyed immediately. Heavenly Dragon chief seat honest impolite right hand directs, courses own direction that seven-colored dragon force. 看到这一幕,龙骑士们顿时大喜过望。天龙首座老实不客气的右手一引,将那七彩龙力引向自己的方向。 All Dragon Knight vision also centralized on him, is observing his change. 所有龙骑士的目光也都随之集中在他身上,观察着他身上的变化。 However, quick Heavenly Dragon chief seat complexion changed. 但是,很快天龙首座脸色就变了。 , seven-colored dragon force blooms from him, converges again in the Lan Xuanyu direction. “噗”的一声,七彩龙力从他身上绽放而出,再次朝着蓝轩宇的方向会聚过来。 Heavenly Dragon chief seat complexion ugly say/way: „It is not good, my absorb not. This dragon qi repels my bloodline. With different that previous time tows.” 天龙首座脸色难看的道:“不行,我吸收不了。这种龙气排斥我的血脉。和上次牵引出来的不一样。” Lan Xuanyu looks at Heavenly Dragon chief seat, on the face brings surprisedly, all appear the nature. 蓝轩宇看着天龙首座,脸上带着惊讶,一切都显得十分自然。 Heavenly Dragon chief seat sinking sound said: Your absorb tries.” 天龙首座沉声道:“你吸收试试。” Good.” Lan Xuanyu complies with one, simply not to need deliberately to inspire, these seven-colored dragon force have come to his body convergance, quick on integrated with in his body. “好的。”蓝轩宇答应一声,根本不用刻意去引动,那些七彩龙力就已经向他的身体会聚而来,很快就融入到身体之中。
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