DD4 :: Volume #12

#1139: Terrifying vibration

His body withstands ability, is not the fighter aircraft can compare favorably by far. 他的身体承受能力,更远远不是战斗机所能媲美的。 Speed? With the support of pure strength, his speed similarly, very! Quickly! 速度吗?在纯粹力量的支持下,他的速度同样可以,很!快! Puts on the besieging region of opposite party, Lan Xuanyu face upwards to send out resonant dragon roar. Huge golden light shadow blooms immediately. Golden Dragon's Roar! 穿出对方的围攻区域,蓝轩宇仰天发出一声嘹亮龙吟。巨大的金色光影顿时绽放开来。黄金龙吼 This move of Lan Xuanyu has used in the beforehand fight, has also used in Rising Dragons period. Lin Zexuan naturally knows. 这一招蓝轩宇在之前的战斗中用过,在升龙时候也用过。林泽炫自然是知道的。 But, knows that is matter, genuine faces, that may be different matter. 可是,知道是一回事儿,真正面对,那可就又是另一回事儿了。 In an instant, Lin Zexuan only thought that own bloodline as if solidified, the around the body distortion space breaks in an instant. Appears the main body, body in instantaneous was also stiff. 刹那间,林泽炫只觉得自己的血脉仿佛凝固了似的,身体周围的扭曲空间刹那间破碎。显现出本体,身体也在瞬间僵硬了。 His that tenacious fighting will, formidable combat skill, in bloodline suppressed instantly, as if already turned into not studious. 他那坚韧的战斗意志,强大战斗技巧,在血脉被压制的刹那,似乎都已经变成了无用功。 When this was Lan Xuanyu confronts the Dragon Clan powerhouse advantage, the suppression in bloodline aspect, often can make opposite party simply unable to display the genuine strength. Especially opponent who he faces, itself or Mid-rank Dragon Clan, disparity that in bloodline was bigger. 这就是蓝轩宇对阵龙族强者时的优势了,血脉方面的压制,往往能让对方根本发挥不出真正的实力。尤其是他所面对的对手,本身还是中位龙族,血统上的差距那就更大了。 But stagnates in opposite party body, instantly, Lan Xuanyu that appears has come back. 而就在对方身体凝滞,显现出来的刹那,蓝轩宇已经又回来了。 golden dragon wings flaps suddenly. Air appeared fierce thundering that strikes against unexpectedly, shortly afterward, he is together common just like the golden meteor, almost arrived in front of the opposite party instantaneously. 金色龙翼猛然拍动。竟然拍击的空气都出现了剧烈的轰鸣,紧接着,他已经宛如一道金色流星一般,瞬间几乎就到了对方面前。 The stiffness of Lin Zexuan is only the flash, period when but he restores, Lan Xuanyu is close at hand. 林泽炫的僵硬只是一刹那,但当他恢复过来的时候,蓝轩宇都已经是近在眼前了。 But his combat experience is truly rich, even if under such situation, he also rapidly made dealing. The surrounding space twists again, making his figure become illusory. Meanwhile, the pair of wings flaps, clever turns around, in a small area makes own teleportation simplest is also most rapid. 但他的战斗经验确实丰富,哪怕是在这样的情况下,他也是迅速做出了应对。周围的空间再次扭曲起来,令他的身影变得虚幻。与此同时,双翼拍动,灵巧的一个转身,在小范围内让自己的挪移最简单又最迅疾。 20 meters body twists and moves sideways, simultaneously right side dragon wings wields suddenly upwardly. body actually because of the reason of weight, without dragon wings maintains naturally drops. The ingenious defense, dodges and counter-attacks. 二十米长的身体扭曲、闪身,同时右侧龙翼猛然向上挥动。身体却因为重量的原因,没有龙翼维持自然下降。巧妙的防守、闪避、反击。 What a pity, opponent and beforehand opponent real different of he runs into. 可惜,他遇到的对手和以前的对手真的不一样 Lan Xuanyu from coming, Lan Xuanyu had not dodged. body was almost a booklet approached on complete instantaneously. Completely violates the mechanics principle the booklet to approach. 蓝轩宇从过来了,蓝轩宇没有闪躲。身体几乎是瞬间就完成了一个折向。完全违背力学原理的折向。 If decomposes the Lan Xuanyu movement carefully, is when he rushes to Lin Zexuan near period, pair of wings suddenly raises up, first pats suddenly, before by own originally aggressive incomparable, flushed the speed to stop suddenly. Own body withstood that impulse completely. Then figure rotating, dragon wings sweeps away. 如果仔细分解蓝轩宇的动作,就是当他冲到林泽炫近前的时候,双翼突然竖起,猛然前拍,让自己原本凶悍无比的前冲速度骤然停了下来。自己的身体完全承受了那份冲击力。然后身形旋转,龙翼横扫。 His golden scales in this flickers suddenly becomes bright, on swept away dragon wings, scales is reflecting rays of light just like the mirror surface generally. 他身上的金色鳞片在这一瞬突然变得明亮起来,横扫的龙翼上,鳞片更是宛如镜面一般反射着光芒 Bang-” “砰-” Two dragon wings collisions ruthlessly in one. Aspect that Lin Zexuan most does not want to face, is appeared. The collision of strength! 两只龙翼狠狠的碰撞在了一起。林泽炫最不想要面对的局面,还是出现了。力量的碰撞! In an instant, Lin Zexuan only thought that own right side dragon wings transmits slight vibration. Yes, as if slight vibration. But next instant, starts from scales, that vibration rapid enlargement, directly soars the main body. Place visited, scales, skeleton, meridians and flesh, cuns (2.5 cm) disruption. 刹那间,林泽炫只觉得自己的右侧龙翼传来一股轻微的震荡。是的,似乎只有轻微的震荡。可下一瞬,从鳞片开始,那份震荡迅速放大,直奔本体而来。所过之处,鳞片、骨骼、经络、血肉,寸寸碎裂。 Lan Xuanyu body, that passes through dragon force tempering the body, meanwhile passed through Divine Lightning of Annihilation quenched, intensity what kind of terrifying. What is more important, during this strikes, he also supplemented Golden Dragon Tyrant Body ability. Instantaneous complete unloaded the strength and borrow force, to hit the strength the process. Therefore quite uses itself and strength of opposite party, the union together. Opposite party of attack. 蓝轩宇身体,那可是经过龙力淬体,同时还经过了寂灭神雷淬炼而成的,强度何等恐怖。更重要的是,在这一击之中,他还附带了金龙霸体能力。瞬间完成了卸力、借力、打力的过程。相当于是用自己和对方的力量,联合在一起。攻击的对方。 That vibration, is he is using in Divine Lightning of Annihilation quenched own process to comprehend to come unceasingly. 那份震荡,更是他在不断使用寂灭神雷淬炼自身的过程中领悟而来的。 Divine Lightning of Annihilation cannot easily use, in order to avoid being seen the clue. Then, he will definitely run into the formidable opponent on Rising Dragons Great Competition, how should also face? 寂灭神雷不能轻易使用,以免被看出端倪。那么,在升龙大赛上他必然会遇到强大的对手,又该如何面对呢? Lan Xuanyu after unceasingly attempts, he develops a Divine Lightning of Annihilation another usage-style. Even is released externally compared with the originally thunder, but also wants the terrifying the way. 蓝轩宇经过不断的尝试之后,他开发出了寂灭神雷的另一种使用方式。甚至比原本的雷霆外放,还要恐怖的方式。 similar to derringer. Divine Lightning of Annihilation might, contains in in his bloodline. When looks like with Divine Lightning of Annihilation quenched body such. When Lan Xuanyu of Divine Lightning of Annihilation under this situation to by the quenched place be initiated the attack. Divine Lightning of Annihilation will blast out in his interior. 类似于掌心雷。将寂灭神雷威能,蕴含在他的血脉之中。就像是用寂灭神雷淬炼身体时那样。当寂灭神雷在这种情况蓝轩宇以被淬炼的地方发起攻击时。寂灭神雷在他内部就会炸开。 Terrifying divine thunder might, will promote the pinnacle the quenched effect instantaneously, thus has the formidable explosive force. This explosion, will conduct Divine Lightning of Annihilation might, but does not have the attribute property. Only then pure explosive power. in other words, Lan Xuanyu quite by own originally very terrifying strength, was therefore attached on the Divine Lightning of Annihilation explosive force again. 恐怖的神雷威力,就会瞬间将淬炼的效果提升到极致,从而产生强大的爆炸力。这份爆炸,会传导出寂灭神雷威能,但却没有属性特征。只有纯粹的爆发力也就是说,蓝轩宇相当于是让自己原本就十分恐怖的力量,再附加上寂灭神雷的爆炸力。 This battle style, has no difference regarding normal creature and suicide, first explodes itself, then explodes others. 这种战斗方式,对于正常生物来说和自杀没什么区别,先炸自己,再炸别人。 But Lan Xuanyu body intensity different! His body intensity, withstands the destruction of Divine Lightning of Annihilation sufficiently. Because is such cultivation. Although will also be affected, but the restore of dragon qi comes immediately. So long as there is enough dragon qi to restore, he can fight with this way. 蓝轩宇身体强度不一样啊!他的身体强度,足以承受寂灭神雷的破坏。因为一直就是这么修炼的。虽然也会受到影响,可龙气的修复立刻就来了。只要有足够的龙气进行修复,他就可以用这种方式去战斗。 Are dragon qi few? In dantian just made one pile of liquid. 龙气少吗?丹田里刚刚就弄了一堆液态的呢。 Today this is first attempt of Lan Xuanyu after developing this battle style, used on Lin Zexuan this unlucky dragon. 今天这还是蓝轩宇在开发出这个战斗方式之后第一次尝试,就用在了林泽炫这倒霉龙身上了。 The effect is better than the imagination, Lan Xuanyu own dragon wings fierce vibration gets up, he of backlash is a little also uncomfortable. Then he clear seeing, dragon wings of opposite party, the position that collides from and starts, rapid is becoming soft. Resembles, conditioning. Looked like internal dissolved. Moreover rapidly to the opposite party whole body spread in the past. 效果比想象中更好,蓝轩宇自己的龙翼都剧烈的震荡起来,反噬的他也有点难受。然后他就清楚的看到,对方的龙翼,从和自己碰撞的位置开始,迅速就在变软。似的,软化了。就像是内部溶解了似的。而且迅速向对方全身蔓延过去。 But in this period, Lin Zexuan showed him to enter the formidable quality of round robin competition. He is almost nothing hesitant, while body falls. left Qianzhao covered itself right side like lightning the root of dragon wings, then make every effort, tears suddenly. 而在这个时候,林泽炫展现出了他能够进入循环赛的强大素质。他几乎是没有任何犹豫的,在身体下坠的同时。左前爪闪电般就扣住了自己右侧龙翼的根部,然后拼尽全力,猛然撕扯。 Hiss in a grating sound, blood light collapse present, spraying. He unexpectedly is forcefully entrained to own right wing. “嘶啦”一声刺耳的声响中,血光崩现,喷射而出。他竟是硬生生的将自己的右翼给拉拽了下来。 Simultaneously loosens dragon claw rapidly. Whatever that dragon wings falls. 同时迅速松开龙爪。任由那龙翼下坠。 But, that terrifying vibration has a trace to conduct to him on even. The blood that strange appeared, that gushes out, gets up in in the air instantaneous vibration, changes into the blood-color ripple, just like the tide from the sky to shiver generally. 可就算如此,那股恐怖的震荡还是有一丝传导到他身上。诡异的一幕出现了,那喷薄而出的鲜血,在空中瞬间震荡起来,化为血色波纹,犹如浪潮一般在空中颤抖。 The wound increases instantaneously, inside skeleton some shatter. 伤口更是瞬间变大,里面的骨骼都有一些破碎。 In groaning sound, Lin Zexuan has fallen instantaneously to the ground. 闷哼声中,林泽炫已是瞬间落向地面。 Lan Xuanyu sends out this to strike, does not feel better, controls reluctantly is trembling dragon wings to maintain own body, controls reluctantly balanced. 蓝轩宇发出这一击,也不好受,勉强控制着震颤中的龙翼维持着自己的身体,勉强控制住平衡。 Too was a little fierce! Fierce have no way to attack continually. This gadget cannot easily use! Also wanted the readjustment just that Divine Lightning of Annihilation he not to keep the strength slightly. Huang Yuanlang plan Lan Xuanyu is the support. After being Xiuxiu , the opponent who is going to face hit said remnantly again. 有点太猛了啊!猛的自己都没法持续进攻。这玩意儿还是不能轻易用啊!还要再调整刚刚那一下寂灭神雷他没有丝毫留力。皇元朗的计划蓝轩宇是支持的。就是要将秀秀之后将要面对的对手打残了再说。 Has not actually thought, this Divine Lightning of Annihilation blasts out in within the body, vibration that then brings unexpectedly is the terrifying in this way. body under his Golden Dragon King condition, withstood somewhat is difficult. Golden Dragon King bloodline fierce vibration, massive dragon qi drill into, bloodline vortex fierce rotating, makes that vibration return to normal gradually. 却没想到,这寂灭神雷体内炸开,然后带来的震荡竟是恐怖如斯。就连他金龙王状态下的身体,承受的都有些困难。金龙王血脉剧烈的震荡,大量龙气钻入,血脉漩涡剧烈旋转,才渐渐让那震荡平复下来。 After such full-power attack, the Lan Xuanyu right wing also used for nearly ten seconds, fully restores. The flight restored the nature. 这样的全力一击之后,蓝轩宇的右翼也足足用了近十秒钟,才完全恢复。飞行恢复了自然。 However, did not need another. If not the Lin Zexuan response is quick enough. Was just this, his very possibly must perish. 不过,也不需要另一下了。如果不是林泽炫反应足够快。就是刚刚这一下,他很可能就要殒命。 One know from the family affairs, Lan Xuanyu was clear that this is what kind of full-power attack. But, observing actually cannot see so many details! Even Dragon Knight, can still look he used a special attack method to control oneself strength. Cannot see the origin of this vibration is anything, only considers the pure strength to display. 自家知自家事,蓝轩宇清楚自己这是何等的全力一击。可是,观战者们却看不到这么多细节啊!就算是龙骑士,也只是能看的出他用了一种特殊的攻击手段驾驭自己的力量。看不出这震荡的来源是什么,只当是纯粹的力量施展的。 In these participating Dragon Clan eyes, this fight can only describe with a character that is quick! 在那些参赛的龙族们眼中,这场战斗只能用一个字来形容,那就是快!
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