DD4 :: Volume #11

#1081: Black Fear Dragon Knight Luo Lan

Although decides the stay behind adventure, but he is also the process thinks. With the promotion of cultivation base, enhancement of their survival ability also significantly. Has under situation that does mental arithmetic to have no interest, does not have the opportunity. 虽然决定留下冒险,但他也是经过深思熟虑的。伴随着修为的提升,他们的生存能力大幅度的增强了。有心算无心的情况下,并不是完全没有机会。 Bai Xiuxiu nodded, pressed you to say. We are well prepared, then meet one's fate with resignation.” 白秀秀点了点头,“就按你说的吧。咱们做好充分准备,然后就是听天由命。” Lan Xuanyu said: We first practice two people to enter Emerald Demon Battleship together. The opportunity possibly only has the flash.” 蓝轩宇道:“咱们先练练两个人一起进入翠魔战舰。机会可能只有一瞬间。” Good.” “好。” Waits for some period is most suffering, regarding Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu is also so. But also luckily they are two people, if alone one person, this feeling will be more painful. 等待有的时候才是最煎熬的,对于蓝轩宇白秀秀来说也是如此。但也幸好他们是两个人,如果只是单独一个人的话,这种感觉会更加痛苦。 Two people live in seclusion, basically all time all keep dwelling cultivation. Thick life energy to their promotion is very helpful. 两人深居简出,基本上所有所有时间全都留在住处修炼。浓厚的生命能量对他们的提升还是非常有帮助的。 Lan Xuanyu is recalling change of dragon force in absorb process, while memory Magic Pattern in Dragon Force Hall draws him. 蓝轩宇一边回忆着龙力吸收过程中的变化,一边将他在龙力厅之中记忆魔纹画下来。 Dragon Force Hall Magic Pattern is complex, is only that memory, he remembered few part. Also need more multiple goes to the careful observation, can memory be all clear. 龙力厅魔纹非常复杂,只是那一次记忆,他只是记住了很少的一部分。还需要更多次的去仔细观察,才能全部记忆清楚。 Through draws up Magic Pattern, he discovered, although the mechanism of this Magic Pattern is not completely clear, but also has the wonder of equally good results from different methods with Soul Guidance Array. But that giant crystal stone top Dragon Force Hall instead was the issue. at present has not clarified the function of that crystal stone is anything. Then without a doubt, the big crystal stone, itself should be supreme treasure. very possibly will have to filter the function of energy. Condenses, the absorb energy effect. 通过重新绘制魔纹,他发现,这魔纹的作用原理虽然还不完全明白,但和魂导法阵也有异曲同工之妙。而那枚在龙力厅顶部的巨大晶石反而是问题了。现在还搞不清那晶石的作用是什么。毫无疑问,那么大一块晶石,本身应该就是至宝了。很可能会有过滤能量的作用。或者是凝聚、吸收能量的效果。 Wanted to find such together the demon stone, to them was not easy thing. 想要找到这么一块魔石,对他们来说也并不是一件容易的事情 Re-focuses on to Dragon Force Hall array research on, their moods returned to normal several points. 把注意力转移到对龙力厅法阵研究上,他们的心情才平复了几分。 The time was longer, entire three days that later in the estimate waited. Huang Yuanlang hits the communication, asking them to go to City Lord's Mansion. 时间比预想中等待的更长了一些,整整三天后。皇元朗才打来通讯,请他们去城主府 After Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu careful tidying up, inspected aura of opposite party mutually, confirmed that has no omission place, two people then had/left the dwelling, directly soars City Lord's Mansion to go. this time they have not flown, but was the walk in the past. 蓝轩宇白秀秀仔细的收拾之后,又相互检查了对方的气息,确认没有任何遗漏的地方,两人这才出了住处,直奔城主府而去。这次他们没有飞行,而是步行过去。 Under needing situation, Lan Xuanyu must Major General own condition expose before the opposite party as far as possible. But that Black Fear Dragon Knight the top powerhouse, the mistake of any detail, may be discovered the clue by the opposite party. 在没必要的情况下,蓝轩宇要尽可能少将自己的状态暴露在对方面前。那位墨恐龙骑士可是顶尖强者,任何一处细节的失误,都有可能被对方发现端倪。 When they arrive at City Lord's Mansion period, Huang Yuanlang had waited for in the front door place, sees two people, cannot help somewhat complains: „Haven't you flown? I waited to be very long here.” 当他们来到城主府时候,皇元朗已经在大门处等待了,看到二人,忍不住有些抱怨道:“你们怎么没飞过来?我在这里可是等了很久了。” Bai Xiuxiu said: Was Sir Black Fear Dragon Knight comes. We feared that flies is not respectable to him.” 白秀秀道:“是墨恐龙骑士大人来了吧。我们怕飞过来对他不尊敬。” Huang Yuanlang lightly smiled, said: „, Sir Luo Lan will not be amiable. Likes leading by the hand regarding the later generation very much. Comes with me quickly.” 皇元朗微微一笑,道:“不会的,罗镧大人非常随和。对于后辈更是很爱提携。快跟我来吧。” At the same time saying, him is turning around to walk inward. 一边说着,他转身向内走去。 Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu look at each other one, follows in him behind. Without doubt, the Huang Yuanlang words have proven, truly was that Black Fear Dragon Knight comes. 蓝轩宇白秀秀对视一眼,跟在他身后。无疑,皇元朗的话已经证明了,确实是那位墨恐龙骑士来了。 Three people enter the City Lord's Mansion main living room together. In the main living room, sits two people. Huang Daoqi sits in the times position, the seat of honor place actually gave another person. 三人一起走进城主府主客厅。主客厅内,坐着两人。皇道奇坐在次位上,主位处却让给了另外一人。 This person seems like the picture scroll in also wants to be younger, he on picture scroll, the face reveals under surface armor, is not obvious, moreover wears the mail-armor and helmet, rides in giant dragon(s) conducts the back, appears the ominous prestige illustrious. 此人看上去比画卷中还要年轻一些,画卷上的他,面庞只是在面甲之下露出一点,并不明显,而且身穿甲胄,又骑乘在巨龙背上,显得凶威赫赫。 But at present this, seeming like is actually one about 30 -year-old middle-aged person, slender, tall and straight, the look is handsome. But expression abnormal is profound, cannot see his physical age from semblance simply big. 而眼前这位,看上去却不过是一位三十岁左右的中年人,身材修长、挺拔,相貌英俊。但眼神异常深邃,从外表根本看不出他的实际年龄有多大。 A pair of dark green eye pupil has the characteristics, the pupil will raise up occasionally slightly, is appearing his Dragon Clan identity. But from him, Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu actually cannot feel the half a point energy fluctuation. It looks like ordinary person. 一双墨绿色的眼瞳非常有特点,瞳孔偶尔会略微竖起,显现着他龙族身份。但从他身上,蓝轩宇白秀秀却都感受不到半分的能量波动。就像是普通人似的。 Before him, Huang Daoqi seems very respectful, sits there, even the lower back is stiff. 在他面前,皇道奇显得非常恭敬,坐在那里,连腰背都是挺直的。 Sir Luo Lan, Xiuxiu and blue.” Huang Yuanlang respectful salutes to that middle-aged person. Without a doubt, this was Black Fear Dragon Knight Luo Lan. 罗镧大人,秀秀和蓝到了。”皇元朗恭敬的向那中年人行礼。毫无疑问,这位就是墨恐龙骑士罗镧了。 Luo Lan vision gentle looks to Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu, in an instant, two people have the whole body looked insightful feeling. within the body bloodline becomes moves restlessly instantaneously. 罗镧目光平和的看向蓝轩宇白秀秀,刹那间,两人都有种全身被看的通透的感觉。体内血脉瞬间变得躁动起来。 Lan Xuanyu has made the Okay preparation, in bloodline vortex, under the Silver Dragon King bloodline in his suppression is at the silent status full power, Golden Dragon King bloodline release arrives at biggest level, covering outside. seven colors Dragon God's bloodline as the central impediment, keeps off between two bloodline, Golden Dragon King bloodline outside, Silver Dragon King bloodline. It looks like three ring-like general. 蓝轩宇早就已经做好了准备,血脉漩涡中,银龙王血脉在他的全力压制下处于静默状态,金龙王血脉释放到最大程度,包覆在外。七彩色龙神血脉作为中央的阻隔,挡在两种血脉之间,金龙王血脉在外,银龙王血脉在内。就像是三圈环形一般。 Treasure-Hunting Beast told Lan Xuanyu, even if were the Super God Rank powerhouse, but relied on divine consciousness to seek out and examine, was impossible to prick to the Golden Dragon King bloodline interior. 寻宝兽告诉蓝轩宇,哪怕是超神级强者,只是凭借神识探察,也不可能刺入到金龙王血脉内部来。 gloomy dragon's roar, is almost sends out simultaneously from two people. Two people eye pupils also in instantaneous turned into vertical pupil. Lan Xuanyu dragon roar suddenly becomes resonant, golden scales appears from within the body, proliferates the whole body. Domineering incomparable vicious aura gushes out from his within the body. 低沉龙吟声,几乎是同时从两人身上散发出来。两人的眼眸也都在瞬间变成竖瞳蓝轩宇身上的龙吟骤然变得嘹亮起来,金色鳞片体内浮现而出,遍布全身。一股强势无比的凶厉气息从他体内喷薄而出。 Stands is drawn back several steps in Huang Yuanlang of his side not far away by falling of being startled, obviously felt own bloodline seemed like came under the influence. 站在他身边不远处的皇元朗都被惊的跌退几步,明显感觉到自身血脉似乎是受到了影响。 Well. Interesting.” The Luo Lan vision falls on Lan Xuanyu, eyeground rays of light suddenly becomes bright. next instant, his suddenly lifts the hand, makes the movement that empty stresses to Lan Xuanyu. “咦。有意思。”罗镧的目光落在蓝轩宇身上,眼底光芒突然变得明亮起来。下一瞬,他突然抬起手,向蓝轩宇作出一个虚抓的动作。 Immediately, Lan Xuanyu felt that air stagnates suddenly, the terrifying strength as if from approaches itself to compress in all directions. 顿时,蓝轩宇感觉到身边的空气骤然凝滞起来,恐怖的力量似乎从四面八方向自己压缩而来。 In his Bai Xiuxiu already nervous also prepared to stimulate Wrath of Dragon. Because they are not clear, this is the probe, this Black Fear Dragon Knight has discovered anything. 在他身边的白秀秀已经紧张的随之都准备激发龙之怒了。因为他们都不清楚,这是试探,还是这位墨恐龙骑士已经发现了什么。 In the Lan Xuanyu eye the golden light blooms, right hand lifts, grasps instantaneously, Golden Dragon Claw enlarges suddenly, the appear(ance) of one after another jet black fissure in void, exudes the grating tearing sound. That imprisonment was ripped open the one after another crack to his strength immediately. Immediately, energy flow in whole living room suddenly becomes fierce. 蓝轩宇眼中金光绽放,右手抬起,瞬间抓出,金龙爪骤然放大,一道道漆黑的裂痕在虚空中出现,发出刺耳的撕裂声。那禁锢向他的力量顿时被撕开一道道裂缝。顿时,整个客厅内的气流骤然变得剧烈起来。 The Luo Lan big hand wields, all belongs to tranquilly, is also closed in an instant by space cracks that Lan Xuanyu grasps. 罗镧大手一挥,所有的一切都重新归于平静,被蓝轩宇抓出的空间裂痕也在刹那间弥合起来。 He looks at Lan Xuanyu, somewhat satisfied nodded, good, has not made me run a fruitless errand. Dodge, you discovered a treasure! This child the power of bloodline power, is my entire life only sees. And contains, although is only the strength, but is actually the pinnacle of strength, brings fearless vicious aura. Has the potential very much.” 他看着蓝轩宇,有些满意的点了点头,“不错,没让我白跑一趟。道奇啊,你可是发现了个宝啊!这孩子的血脉之力之强盛,乃是我生平仅见。其中蕴含着的虽然只是力量,但却是力量的极致,更带着一种无所畏惧的凶厉气息。很有潜能。” Lan Xuanyu golden scales removes, in the eye reveals the surprised uncertain color. He knows, just attack was the probe, otherwise easily will not finish, although this Black Fear Dragon Knight very simple take action, but released might made his heart shock as before. Because he could not feel actually as before the opposite party is what level exist(ence). 蓝轩宇身上金色鳞片褪去,眼中流露出惊疑不定之色。他知道,刚刚的攻击是试探,否则就不会这么轻易结束了,这位墨恐龙骑士虽然只是很简单的出手,但释放出威能却依旧令他心头震撼。因为他依旧感觉不到对方究竟是什么级别存在 In just his take action that flickers, he can the clear feeling, whole of divine consciousness of opposite party from himself scan. 就在刚刚他出手的那一瞬,他能清晰的感受到,对方的神识从自己身上整体扫描了一遍。 The suppression that own Golden Dragon King bloodline has seen dragon-type Soul Beast and dragon-type Martial Soul owner has regarding him, simply on this has not played any role. The opposite party look like a bottomless trench to be common, simply to seek out and examine does not have/leave the genuine strength. 自己的金龙王血脉对于他所见过的龙类魂兽以及龙类武魂拥有者所产生的压制,在这位身上根本没有起到任何作用。对方就像是一个无底深渊一般,根本探察不出真正实力。 Unknown is most fearful. After breaking through Six Rings, Lan Xuanyu strengthened to own confidence. But facing this, he can actually obviously feel the terrifying of opposite party at present. It is not can contend by far. But this in Dragon Knight, is only ranking seventh, moreover in without using under mount dragon situation had by oneself feels like this. 未知的才是最可怕的。突破了六环之后,蓝轩宇对自己的信心增强了许多。但面对眼前这位,他却能明显感觉到对方的恐怖。远远不是自己所能抗衡的。而这位在龙骑士之中,只是排名第七,而且还是在没有使用座龙情况下就让自己有这样的感觉了。 Huang Daoqi at this time said with a small smile: It seems like, you judge right. Blue bloodline is purer.” 皇道奇此时微笑道:“看来,您判断的没错。没想到,蓝的血脉更加纯正。” Luo Lan nodded, very pure Dragon Clan bloodline, she already, not only High-rank Dragon Clan was so simple. From her, I could not have felt any belong to original race aura, only then purest Dragon Clan aura. Such situation is quite rare. I have only seen on the elder brother. Has not thought that can also see second. Very good. In the future, may have her space. Another little miss is also very good, double attribute. Ice and dark union unusual is good. But after the potential also needs to further develop, clarity that can look.” 罗镧点了点头,“非常纯净的龙族血脉,她已经不只是上位龙族那么简单了。从她身上,我已经感受不到任何属于原本种族气息,只有最为纯粹的龙族气息。这样的情况极为罕见。我只在兄长身上见到过。没想到还能见到第二位。很不错。未来,或许会有她一席之地。另外一个小姑娘也很好,双属性。冰与暗结合的非常好。但潜能还需要进一步开发之后,才能看的清楚。”
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