DD4 :: Volume #11

#1051: Divine Lightning of Annihilation

Lan Xuanyu took a deep breath, yes! How oneself forgot Dragon God Transformation. If previously are under the Dragon God Transformation condition, can perhaps easier suppressed these Elemental Storm. 蓝轩宇深吸口气,是啊!自己怎么忘了龙神变了。如果先前自己是处于龙神变状态之下,说不定就能更容易的压制那些元素风暴了。 Is, if oneself previously makes Elemental Storm smaller, thunder so many, the air getting up security should not be much bigger. 还有就是,如果自己先前元素风暴更小一些,雷霆也就不会这么多,空气起来安全性也应该会大得多吧。 In heart is learning the lessons, while defers to such that Tang Wulin said that starts to adjust itself. 心中一边总结着经验,一边按照唐舞麟所说的那样,开始调整自身。 dragon nucleus rays of light blooms, seven-colored light halo spreads instantaneously the whole body. Dragon God Transformation! 龙核光芒绽放,七彩光晕瞬间蔓延全身。龙神变 Immediately, the Lan Xuanyu body surface appears seven-colored rays of light, seven-colored scales covers the whole body, he himself also feels body one light. Enhancement bloodline power dealt with might of that thunder to be as if relaxed. 顿时,蓝轩宇身体表面浮现出一层七彩光芒,七彩鳞片覆盖全身,他自己也觉得身体一轻。增强的血脉之力应对那雷霆的威能似乎轻松了一些。 This gadget looks like the time bomb to be common simply, after complete Dragon God Transformation, Lan Xuanyu controlled bloodline power to guide that group of thunder to transport the past to the right arm impatiently. 这玩意儿简直就像是定时炸弹一般,完成龙神变之后,蓝轩宇迫不及待的控制着血脉之力引导着那团雷霆向右臂输送过去。 Thunder place visited, even if there is a bloodline power protection, lets the feeling that he has to plant to blast open as before. 雷霆所过之处,哪怕有血脉之力守护,却依旧让他有种要炸裂的感觉。 The speed of among suddenly, as if transporting was faster, Lan Xuanyu suddenly one stiff, four-colored lightning gets up in his within the body suddenly fierce fluctuation. 突然间,仿佛运送的速度快了一些,蓝轩宇骤然一僵,四色雷霆在他体内突然剧烈的波动起来。 Not good......, must explode...... 不好……,要炸了…… In that flash, Lan Xuanyu controls own all strengths to suppress the explosion of four-colored lightning desperately. But, late, without enough time. When that four-colored lightning becomes manic period, as if any strength is unable to prevent its explosion. 在那一瞬间,蓝轩宇拼命的控制着自己的所有力量想要压制住四色雷霆的爆炸。可是,晚了,来不及了。当那四色雷霆变得狂躁的时候,似乎任何力量都无法阻止它的爆炸。 The Lan Xuanyu brain instantaneous blank , are oneself dying? 蓝轩宇大脑瞬间一片空白,难道,自己要死了吗? In this period, all suddenly becomes slow, time as if in this flash static. Then Lan Xuanyu on surprised discovery, wild four-colored lightning suddenly that must blast open is peaceful, is as if reversing. four-colored lightning returned to the originally position, before his body condition also returned, just must display Dragon God Transformation period. All became steady. 就在这个时候,所有的一切突然都变得迟缓下来,时间似乎在这一刹那静止了。然后蓝轩宇就吃惊的发现,已经狂暴的要炸裂的四色雷霆突然安静下来,所有的一切似乎都在倒转。四色雷霆回到了原本的位置,就连他的身体状态也回到了之前,刚刚要施展龙神变时候。一切都变得平稳了下来。 Guides this wild strength, is certainly calm. Especially before your body has not adapted. Is so. You also insufficiently are familiar with its characteristics, regardless of any period, cannot have half a point careless. Also. When you discovered period that it must erupt, you do have Time Freezing Domain spiritual ability obviously, why not use?” resounds of Tang Wulin somewhat severe sound in the Lan Xuanyu mind. “引导这种狂暴的力量,一定要沉稳。尤其是在你的身体还没有适应之前。更是如此。你还不够熟悉它的特性,无论任何时候,都不能有半分大意。还有。当你发现它要爆发的时候,你明明有时间凝固领域精神能力,为什么不用?”唐舞麟有些严厉的声音在蓝轩宇脑海中响起 Lan Xuanyu gawked staring, in the heart while relaxing several points, also shocked greatly. 蓝轩宇愣了愣,心中在放松了几分的同时,也不禁大为震撼。 Time Domain, he definitely is certain, just Tang Wulin use is also Time Domain. Different with own spiritual domain, he as if can make the time reverse. All return to the previously condition, this is what kind of formidable divine consciousness! 时间领域,他完全可以肯定,刚刚唐舞麟使用的也是一种时间领域。和自己的精神领域不同,他似乎能够让时间倒转。一切都回到先前的状态,这是何等强大神识啊! He guesses right, Tang Wulin uses, is Time Reversal Domain, belongs to his spiritual domain specially. 他猜的没错,唐舞麟所使用的,正是时间回溯领域,专属于他的精神领域 Lan Xuanyu spiritual domain in some sense is the heredity from him, but slightly has the change. Time Freezing and Time Reversing, were very difficult saying that which was stronger, had different excelling respectively. 蓝轩宇精神领域从某种意义上来说就是遗传自他,只不过略有变化而已。时间凝固时间回溯,很难说哪个更强,各有不同的擅长。 Lan Xuanyu at present cannot speak, but the direction of Tang Wulin he is completely clear. Lives in own mind stably, starts to attempt again. 蓝轩宇现在不能说话,但唐舞麟的指点他已经完全明白了。稳定住自己的心神,再一次开始尝试。 This time, he is controlling oneself bloodline power, covering four-colored lightning slowly in within the body circulation, very steady. When he felt when four-colored lightning has unstable situation, immediately is stopped by own all with Time Freezing Domain. 这一次,他控制着自己的血脉之力,包覆四色雷霆缓缓在体内运行,非常的稳健。当他感觉到四色雷霆不稳定情况时,立刻用时间凝固领域让自己的一切都停下来。 He discovered with amazement, although four-colored lightning formidable, but as if is very sensitive to control in time. When oneself used Time Freezing Domain to adjust its period, it quick will return to normal in the Time Freezing condition, moved restlessly to vanish. 他惊讶的发现,四色雷霆虽然强大,但对于时间方面的掌控却似乎特别敏感。当自己使用了时间凝固领域来调整它的时候,它很快就会在时间凝固的状态下平复下来,躁动消失。 Moves the four-colored lightning process without doubt is very painful, is trembling and cautious. Finally, four-colored lightning arrived in right hand. Lan Xuanyu lifts own right hand slowly. But even if under lifting the movement of hand, four-colored lightning appeared fierce fluctuation. He rushes to control with Time Freezing Domain. But this time the appeared issue, his spiritual power exhausted...... 移动四色雷霆的过程无疑是非常痛苦的,战战兢兢、如履薄冰。终于,四色雷霆来到了右手之中。蓝轩宇缓缓抬起自己的右手。而哪怕在抬手的这个动作之下,四色雷霆出现了剧烈的波动。他赶忙用时间凝固领域去控制。可这次出现了问题了,他的精神力耗尽了…… Space-Time Reversal once again appeared on him, returned to at first Dragon God Transformation period condition the time. 时空回溯又一次出现在他身上,将时间回到了最初龙神变时候的状态。 The Lan Xuanyu heart somewhat tics, the condition came back, the pain that may just experience wasted, but must start over from the beginning. 蓝轩宇心有些抽抽,状态是回来了,可刚刚经历的痛苦都白费了,还要从头再来。 You have adventurous spiritual in cultivation and conduct very much. But steady insufficiency. Comes again.” Tang Wulin sound again resounds. “你在修炼、行事上都很有冒险精神。但稳健不足。重来。”唐舞麟的声音再次响起 Lan Xuanyu has understood at this time, Tang Wulin by oneself with this way of cultivation, not only to enhance own strength, is disciplining own disposition. 蓝轩宇此时已经明白,唐舞麟之所以让自己用这种方式修炼,不只是为了提升自己的实力,同时也是在磨练自己的心性。 Thereupon, he started once again control again. Had the beforehand experience, these time slightly smooth a point. Moreover Lan Xuanyu records the steady two characters that Tang Wulin said sincerely. Cautious control, because the experience were many, the number of times that four-colored lightning moves restlessly also reduces. Time Freezing uses was short, the spiritual power consumption are also less. 于是乎,他开始了又一次的重新掌控。有了之前的经验,这一次稍微顺利了一点。而且蓝轩宇谨记唐舞麟所说的稳健二字。小心翼翼的控制,因为经验多了,四色雷霆躁动的次数随之减少。时间凝固用的少了,精神力消耗也就更少。 Finally, the thunder was condensed by him in palm, extremely slow uphold hand. 终于,雷霆被他凝聚在手掌之中,极为缓慢的抬起手。 At this moment, in Lan Xuanyu right hand in the palm center, four-colored lightning condenses the formation together slowly. 此时此刻,在蓝轩宇右手掌心之中,一道四色雷霆缓缓凝聚成型。 Come!” The Tang Wulin sound conveys, Lan Xuanyu opens pair of eyes, discovers him already in the front distant place. “来!”唐舞麟声音传来,蓝轩宇睁开双眸,发现他已在前方远处。 The thunder spurts thinly. period when Lan Xuanyu goes to this four-colored lightning released, some whole body weak feelings, sit fall to the ground. 雷霆喷薄。当蓝轩宇将这道四色雷霆释放出去的时候,整个人都有种瘫软的感觉,一屁股坐倒在地。 The thunder erupts the dazzling glare, almost before arrived at the Tang Wulin body, in an instant. 雷霆爆发出刺目强光,几乎是刹那间就到了唐舞麟身前。 Tang Wulin lifts the hand to delimit the circle, the circular that but this time, he delimits no matter as if used. The thunder has not disappeared, but blasts out in that circular. 唐舞麟抬手划圆,但这一次,他所划出的圆形似乎不管用了。雷霆并没有泯灭,而是在那圆形之中炸开。 Fierce thundering crack swallows Tang Wulin body along with the thunder. Lan Xuanyu surprised dumbstruck, this...... 剧烈的轰鸣伴随着雷霆炸响将唐舞麟身体吞噬。蓝轩宇吃惊的目瞪口呆,这…… But next instant, he felt relieved. Tang Wulin stands there as before, four-colored lightning changes into lightning glow to dissipate slowly on him, has not obviously become any injury to other party. 下一瞬,他就放下心来。唐舞麟依旧站在那里,四色雷霆化为电芒正在他身上缓缓消散开来,明显没有给他造成任何伤害。 Tang Wulin nodded, good. Had the thunder tribulation effect. Even your mother cannot use such ability, I am not good. This is your strength specially. properly control it, it is one of your future most powerful methods. Unites fighting skill again, unusual formidable. You can give it the giving a name character.” 唐舞麟点了点头,“不错。有雷劫的效果了。就算是你妈妈也用不出来这样的能力,我也不行。这是专属于你的力量。好好掌控它,它将是你未来最强大的手段之一。再联合战技,会非常强大。你可以给它起个名字。” Lan Xuanyu is almost blurts out: Divine Lightning of Annihilation?” Just in that flash that the thunder exploded, he felt that under the explosive force function of that terrifying, as if all are destroying. energy and object are spiritual power and divine consciousness are even affected. The divine consciousness space that this is formed by Tang Wulin, as if had the shatter sign. But Tang Wulin divine consciousness is too strong, his thunder is also not enough to destroy here. 蓝轩宇几乎是脱口而出道:“寂灭神雷?”刚刚在雷霆爆炸的那一瞬间,他感觉到在那恐怖的爆炸力作用下,似乎一切都在毁灭。无论是能量、物体甚至是精神力神识都受到影响。以至于这个由唐舞麟形成的神识空间,似乎都有了破碎的迹象。只不过唐舞麟神识太强,他的雷霆还不足以摧毁这里。 Ok, called this. The name is only a code name. Your at present meditation restores, then comes. The next time, your Elemental Storm must enhance 10% total quantity.” “可以,就叫这个吧。名字只是个代号。你现在冥想恢复,然后再来。下一次,你的元素风暴要提高百分之十的总量。” The Lan Xuanyu corners of the mouth twitched, he regarding cultivation the fear of difficulties, in this has not but flickered, he had such a feeling. Was the whole process was too painful, was not good, will cause itself to collapse! Even if he simultaneously has Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King bloodline. Without Uncle Yue that Time Reversal Domain, simply is impossible to attempt. Only if his cultivation base can more powerful. 蓝轩宇嘴角抽搐了一下,他对于修炼从来没有过畏难情绪,但在这一瞬,他却有了点这样的感觉。实在是整个过程太痛苦了,一个不好,就会导致自身崩溃啊!哪怕他同时具备金龙王银龙王血脉。但如果没有乐叔叔那个时间回溯领域,也根本不可能尝试。除非他的修为能够更强大 Tang Wulin had not taught that other Lan Xuanyu things, accompanies him to practice Divine Lightning of Annihilation. The whole process without doubt is extremely painful. cultivation, the total quantity of enhancement thunder, almost Lan Xuanyu must each time each time faced with the killed risk, comes back by Time Reversal Domain rescuing. 唐舞麟没有教导蓝轩宇其他东西,就是陪着他练习寂灭神雷整个过程无疑是极其痛苦的。一次次修炼,每次增强雷霆的总量,几乎每次蓝轩宇都要面临自身被炸死的风险,被时间回溯领域一次次的救回来。 This cultivation process can say he who tosses about wants to live to want. What if not the front is standing is Tang Wulin, has to want the give up thought with his will. 这种修炼过程可以说折腾的他欲生欲死。如果不是面前站着的是唐舞麟,以他的心志都有想要放弃的念头。 He a little wants to ask own this biological father, when oneself cultivation base promotes stage again, after controlling power is stronger, practices this is not good? 他都有点想问问自己这亲爹,等自己修为再提升一个层次,掌控力更强之后再练这个不行吗?
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