DD3DKL :: Volume #20

#1981: Ever-frost frozen!( Big result is appended below)

But, can I do really? I cannot. Soul Beast has bordered on to exterminate, if did not have me again, then, they really no longer exist(ence). Sky Blue Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape these two your father's good friends, why even Once makes an exception becoming a God Soul Beast to stand me, because they saw and my same worry. Soul Beast does not save, forever will wither away. I cannot look helplessly my clansmen like this disappear!” “可是,我真的能那么做么?我不能。魂兽已经濒临灭绝,如果再没有了我,那么,他们就真的将不复存在了。天青牛蟒泰坦巨猿这两位你父亲的挚友,甚至曾经破格成神魂兽为什么都会站在我这边,也正是因为他们看到了和我同样的担忧。魂兽再不拯救,就将永远消亡。我不能眼睁睁的看着我的族人们就这样泯灭啊!” My Once has also attempted escape, that time loses recalled that was actually I vibrated the brain of oneself intentionally, making oneself lose remembers. At that time I think that you have certainly protected side me, but I who lost the memory, am unable to make anything for the tribal group again, can perhaps with you continuously in the same place. But, you actually looked for Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum for me, cured the brain wound that did not go to therapy desirably for me.” “我也曾经试图过逃避,那次失忆,其实是我故意震动了自己的大脑,让自己失去记忆。那时候我就想,你一定会一直守护在我身边的,而已经失去记忆的我,就无法再为族群做什么了,说不定就能和你一直在一起。可是,你却为我找来了奇茸通天菊,为我治好了刻意不去自我疗伤的脑伤。” Gu Yuena some smiling face anguished, for all this, I in diligently thinks of oneself to lose as before recalls the condition that even is the hope cheats oneself by this. But, facing Abyss Sacred Monarch act, you had the Life and Death life or death crisis, can I look on? Only has act, displays Dragon God Transformation with you, saves you.” 古月娜的笑容有些苦涩,“尽管如此,我都在努力的装着自己依旧失忆的状态,甚至是希望以此来蒙骗自己。可是,面对深渊圣君出手,你已经有了生死存亡的危机,我又怎能坐视?唯有出手,与你施展龙神变,将你救下。” „After again, I Once have thought the innumerable means that in struggling pace back and forth with the pain. But, I do not have any means as before, is unable to achieve as before. Finally, my Despair.” “再之后,我又曾经想过无数种办法,一直都在挣扎与痛苦中徘徊。可是,我却依旧没有任何办法,依旧无法做到。最终,我绝望了。” Here, her pain has closed eyes. 说到这里,她痛苦的闭上了双眸 Despair I, quiet was very long. I try to forget you, in Martial Arts Selecting Husband General Meeting, even has thought really must marry Qiangu Zhangting, marries man who I do not like, thus makes me be able genuine forgets you, or injures you, making you be far away from me. But, you came. But my oneself , can never be able to forget you? Besides you, even if finger, I am not willing to make others move, possibly really marries other people? Only has your ring, can wear in my hand.” 绝望的我,沉寂了很久。我又试图忘掉你,在比武招亲大会的时候,甚至真的想过要嫁给千古丈亭,嫁给一个我不喜欢的男人,从而让我能够真正的忘掉你,或者是伤害你,让你远离我。可是,你来了。而我自己,又何尝能够忘得了你呢?除了你之外,就算是一根手指,我也不愿意让别人碰触,又怎么可能真的嫁给他人?唯有你的戒指,才能戴在我手上。” „After Martial Arts Selecting Husband General Meeting, I lost heart finally. I know that I am unable to defeat the destiny eventually. Such being the case, I can only walk according to destiny. Starting from that time, had the present plan.” 比武招亲大会之后,我终于死心了。我知道,我终究还是无法战胜命运。既然如此,我只能按照命运走下去。从那时候开始,就有了眼前的计划。” Here, in her eyes also had the appearance. 说到这里,她的双眸之中又重新有了神彩。 I do not have your father such wisdom, can plan Ten-thousand Years, strives to turn the tide. However, I have also found out one, does not injure you as far as possible, even no longer deepens the hatred with Humanity, can make my clansmen have the plan of procreation living opportunity.” “我没有你父亲那样的睿智,能够计划万年,力挽狂澜。但是,我也想出了一个,尽量不伤害你,甚至是不再与人类加深仇恨,又能让我的族人们有繁衍生息机会的计划。” Past passed, how regardless of we retaliate Humanity again, even if kills off now all Humanity, the clansmen who we are unable dead again resurrect. But initially, I, when the incarnation is Humanity, to integrate you, understands you, thus subverts you.” “过去的都已经过去了,无论我们再怎么报复人类,就算是杀光现在所有的人类,我们也无法再将死去的族人们复活。而当初,我在化身为人类的时候,就是为了融入你们、了解你们,从而颠覆你们。” „If no me, how Spirit Transferring Pagoda can be so easy to study Ten-thousand Years Soul Spirit. But in Ten-thousand Years Soul Spirit, already had actually joined my spiritual Seed, because of so, me was using very long Time to restore power. Later I relied on Dragon God Nucleus to discover Myriad Beast Platform this Lesser World exist(ence). Titan Giant Ape and Sky Blue Bull Python save Soul Beast with another way (of life). They collect Soul Beast Seed, procreation in that side Lesser World lives. But, Myriad Beast Platform is too eventually small, is unable genuine to maintain by their strength. Therefore, I and they discussed that takes Dragon God Nucleus as Myriad Beast Platform Nucleus, but needs them to support me to retaliate Humanity. Then had later Myriad Beast Platform.” “如果没有我,传灵塔又怎能那么容易研究出万年魂灵。而在万年魂灵之中,却早已加入了我的精神种子,也正因如此,我才用了很长时间才能恢复实力。之后我又凭借着龙神核心发现了万兽台这个小世界存在泰坦巨猿天青牛蟒是用另一种方式来拯救魂兽。他们收集魂兽种子,在那一方小世界之中繁衍生息。可是,万兽台终究太小,以他们的力量也是无法真正维持。为此,我与他们商量,以龙神核心万兽台核心,但需要他们支持我来报复人类。这才有了之后的万兽台。” Relies on Ten-thousand Years Soul Spirit to add on the function of Myriad Beast Platform, we have controlled most High Rank Soul Master, from your Humanity perspective, from that time, our plots comprehensively has launched. For this time counter-attack.” “凭借着万年魂灵加上万兽台的作用,我们掌控了绝大多数的高阶魂师,从你们人类的角度来看,从那时候,我们的阴谋就已经全面展开了。就是为了今时今日的反击。” What is only we have not thought that Holy Spirit Cult can you cooperate with Abyss Plane unexpectedly, but that Abyss Sacred Monarch in order to Devour Douluo Continent plane will not hesitate all coming fusions unexpectedly. But that Time, in my heart is not depressing. Because we can fight side-by-side. Joined the final result is we lost, at least I can justifiable lived and died together with you, by Abyss Plane Devour Douluo Continent plane, regarding Humanity, was regarding our Soul Beast, was devastating. That is also first time, we share a common hatred is fighting together. What you have not discovered that all our can incarnation human form Soul Beast, put into during that fight, is playing the role in the battlefield.” “只是我们也没想到的是,圣灵教竟然会与深渊位面你合作,而那深渊圣君为了能够吞噬斗罗大陆位面居然会不惜一切的过来融合。但那段时间,我心中却并无压抑。因为我们又能并肩作战了。加入最终的结局是我们输了,至少我可以名正言顺的与你同生共死,被深渊位面吞噬斗罗大陆位面,无论是对于人类来说,还是对于我们魂兽来说,都是毁灭性的。那也是第一次,我们同仇敌忾的在一起战斗。你们并没有发现的是,我们所有能够化身人形魂兽,都投入到了那场战斗之中,在战场上发挥着作用。” When Abyss Sacred Monarch arrives, I actually once felt us irresistibly. After all he depends on plane strength, at that time only a possibility, was I your Devour, our incarnation Dragon God, was aloof in Douluo Continent plane, had the possibility to rout it. However, I am not willing to do, that is not I wants. I rather died in battle with you. Also is not willing to injure you, to betray you.” “当深渊圣君降临,我却是曾感受到我们无法抵抗。毕竟他依托于一个位面力量,那时候唯有一种可能,就是我将你吞噬,我们化身龙神,超脱于斗罗大陆位面,方有可能将它击溃。但是,我不愿意那么做,那并不是我想要的。我宁可和你一起战死。也不愿意伤害你、背叛你。” today, is working as all your Humanity Elite, is working as my deployment, I can say one, since my rebirth, but also never kills one should not killing Humanity. Therefore, Wulin, your wife is pure, never has the half minute pollution.” 今天,当着你们所有人类强者,也当着我的部署们,我可以说一句,自从我重生以来,还从未杀过一个不该杀的人类。所以,舞麟,你的妻子是纯净的,从未有过半分污染。” Here, her winning smile was sweet, was, in her eyes, actually full is clear. 说到这里,她巧笑嫣然,可是,在她的双眸之中,却已经满是晶莹。 Sea God appear(ance), making the result that I thought have the change. Thinks the plan that cannot use had the opportunity once more. Sea God departs, Planar Lord deep sleep, eternal tree evolution. This all gave me to plan fabrication the opportunity, I am unable to reject the urging of subordinates, but I planned, arrived must carry out.” 海神出现,让我原本认为的结局发生了改变。原本以为根本用不到的计划再次有了机会。海神离去,位面之主沉睡,永恒之树进化。这所有的一切都给我原本的计划制造了机会,我根本无法拒绝部属们的催促,而我原本的计划,也到了必须要执行的时候。” When you proposed, you may know that I felt as if a knife were piercing heart. My obviously hopes that can accept your ring, even I good to want, in you have not proposed before me to you shouted that I want. But, I cannot, I think that you for all that I make, actually can only shed tears in the heart. For all this, I actually as before could not bear accept your ring, because only had so, can let my genuine thinks that I was your wife.” “当你来求婚的时候,你可知道,我心如刀割。我明明是那么希望能够接受你的戒指,甚至我好想在你还没有向我求婚之前就对你大喊‘我愿意’。可是,我不能,我看着你为我所做的一切,却只能在心中垂泪。尽管如此,我却依旧忍不住接受了你的戒指,因为唯有如此,才能让我真正的认为我是你的妻子。” I launch this war, does not want Ruin Humanity. Because that cannot take to us the benefit, we will cause the ecology like your Ruin unbalancedly, our Ruin will you, what have finally also differently? Let alone, I do not think us to be able really Ruin you. Planar Lord of deep sleep has the possibility of waking up as before, but I can defeat him, takes destroying entire plane as foundation surely, therefore, fight in which both sides perish cannot take.” “我发动这场战争,并不是真的要毁灭人类。因为那并不能带给我们利益,就像你们毁灭我们会导致生态失衡一样,我们毁灭你们,结果又会有什么不同呢?更何况,我并不认为我们真的能够毁灭你们。沉睡的位面之主依旧有醒来的可能,而我就算能够战胜他,也必定是以破坏整个位面基础的,所以,鱼死网破绝不可取。” But, this disaster actually as before must make you feel, must start as before. Because I must make you know that does the wrong thing to take the consequence. Also must make you know that our Soul Beast has the ability revolt.” “但是,这场灾难却依旧要让你们感受到,依旧要发动。因为我要让你们知道,做错事是要承担后果的。也要让你们知道,我们魂兽是有能力反抗的。” Here, her sounds|voices was gradually resounding, in the a pair of beautiful pupil the impressive and dignified manner revealed completely, „, even if were I died, spiritual Seed also as before exist(ence) that I left behind. Dragon God Nucleus I will keep in Myriad Beast Platform, as Myriad Beast Platform Nucleus, can similarly once more Control these spiritual Seed. But I under these Seed through Dragon God Nucleus plant(ing), even if were your Humanity Soul Master has the descendant also to meet inheritance to get down, only if you killed off all by Control Soul Master, otherwise, these Seed continuously. So long as you attempt Ruin our Soul Beast, tries to injure us. Then, through Dragon God Nucleus, can Control you, again let be able the destruction your war to arrive again. But this Control, at least needs Ten-thousand Years Time to vanish.” 说到这里,她的声音渐渐高亢起来,一双美眸之中威仪毕露,“哪怕是我死了,我留下的精神种子也依旧存在龙神核心我会留在万兽台之中,作为万兽台核心,也同样可以再次控制这些精神种子。而我通过龙神核心种植下的这些种子,哪怕是你们人类魂师有了后代也一直会传承下去,除非你们杀光所有被控制魂师,否则,这些种子就会一直都在。只要你们试图毁灭我们魂兽,试图伤害我们。那么,通过龙神核心,就可以再次控制你们,再次让能够覆灭你们的战争降临。而这份控制,至少需要万年时间方能消失。” Said these, her pupil light falls above the face of Tang Wulin, becomes gentle, this is my plan, all these that I make, to let our Soul Beast and your Humanity can the peaceful coexistence. However, I such do, means that I do not have completion of genuine to be all that Soul Beast King must make, stood in your opposite eventually. But as Humanity you of king of Hero and Humanity, possibly marries this kind of me? Even if you compromise finally, we will also walk away. But as can Control situation I, will certainly become exist(ence) that you most dread. Perhaps, you can throw actually to arrive at side me, is, in your heart so many hobbling, you never will be happy. But in fact, you impossible, in I had in such status situation with me in together, we can only be hostile.” 说完这些,她的眸光重新落在唐舞麟的面庞之上,又重新变得温柔起来,“这就是我的计划,我所做的这一切,都是为了让我们魂兽与你们人类能够和平共处。但是,我这么做,也意味着,我并没有真正的完成身为魂兽之王要做的一切,终究站在了你们的对立面。而作为人类英雄人类之王的你,又怎么可能娶这样一个我呢?就算你们最终妥协,我们也将走远。而身为能够控制大势的我,必将成为你们最为忌惮的存在。或许,你可以抛却一切来到我身边,可是,在你心中会有那么多的牵绊,你永远都不会开心。而事实上,你也不可能在我拥有这样身份的情况下和我在一起了,我们只能是敌对。” Our Soul Beast has strong power, similarly is not I desired, is imbalanced means the ambition appear(ance). Therefore, I have also left behind the limit on Dragon God Nucleus, non- to a time of Soul Beast lineage/vein Life and Death life or death, this Spiritual Control cannot appear(ance).” “我们魂兽拥有过强实力,同样不是我希望看到的,不均衡就意味着野心的出现。所以,我也在龙神核心上留下了限制,非是到魂兽一脉生死存亡的时刻,这份精神控制就不会出现。” This is my plan, only has me dead, can relieve Soul Beast lineage/vein the ambition, only has this war appear(ance), can make your Humanity alert. Wulin, I hope, after I die, you can restrain Humanity, leaves our Soul Beast lineage/vein survival spatial. Completes our agreements and commitments, at least keeps Star Dou Forest to us. Has Da Ming and Er Ming, I believe that they will also restrain Soul Beast, will not injure Humanity again. But your Humanity has studied Ten-thousand Years Soul Spirit, does not need to hunt and kill Soul Beast, lets our two big races, the peaceful coexistence. Ok?” “这就是我的计划,唯有我死,才能解除魂兽一脉的野心,也唯有这场战争出现,才能让你们人类警醒。舞麟,我只是希望,在我死之后,你能约束人类,留给我们魂兽一脉生存空间。完成我们的约定与承诺,至少留一个星斗大森林给我们。有大明二明在,我相信他们也会约束魂兽,不会再去伤害人类。而你们人类已经研究出了万年魂灵,再不需要猎杀魂兽,就让我们两大种族,和平共处吧。好吗?” halo restraining, formerly anchorage Tang Wulin Dragon God Nucleus soared, invests goes into airborne Myriad Beast Platform. Tang Wulin restored motion ability. 光晕收敛,先前定住唐舞麟龙神核心已经飞腾而起,投入到空中的万兽台之中而去。唐舞麟又重新恢复了行动的能力 Why? Why can you like this? Why you did not tell me all these earlier. Certainly has other means that certainly will have other means!” Tang Wulin loosens Golden Dragon Spear, moved sideways to arrive at side Gu Yuena, hugged her in the oneself bosom. “为什么?你为什么要这样?你为什么不早点将这一切告诉我。一定有别的办法的,一定会有别的办法的啊!”唐舞麟松开黄金龙枪,一闪身就到了古月娜身边,将她搂在自己怀中。 But this time Gu Yuena, body vitality were getting fewer and fewer, pretty face has revealed the color of pale white gradually, but her both hands as before tight holds Golden Dragon Spear, does not make Tang Wulin pull out it, to Golden Dragon Spear Devour oneself Life Force. 而此时的古月娜,身上生机已经越来越少,俏脸渐渐露出了苍白之色,但她的双手依旧紧紧的抓住黄金龙枪,不让唐舞麟将它拔出去,任由黄金龙枪吞噬自己生命力 As Silver Dragon King, her own Life Energy quantity was really too strong, even if were Golden Dragon Spear, is unable to want her life in a short time. 身为银龙王,她自身的生命能量实在是太强了,哪怕是黄金龙枪,也在一时半刻之间无法要了她的性命。 Gu Yuena vision gentle visits him, this is the best result, best extrication. I am quite tired, asking me to leave. You are living well, you must wait for your father and mother to come back to look for you. Ok?” 古月娜目光温柔的看着他,“这是最好的结果,最好的解脱。我好累,让我走吧。你好好的活着,你还要等着你的爸爸、妈妈回来找你。好吗?” „Not good and not good......” Tang Wulin already to have tears streaming down the face, he firmly grabs the hand of Gu Yuena, wants to pull open her hand, but Gu Yuena final strength can it be that so is also easy to resist, how regardless of he makes an effort, is unable to move away her hand. “不好、不好……”唐舞麟早已是泪流满面,他紧紧的抓住古月娜的手,想要将她的手拉开,可古月娜最后的力量又岂是那么容易对抗的,无论他如何用力,也无法将她的手拿开。 Gu Yue, you know that I cannot lose you. Can you be so cruel? How you are cruel enough to leave behind me.” 古月,你知道的,我不能失去你。你怎么能如此残忍?你怎么忍心留下我一个人。” Gu Yuena shaking the head of gently, among us, is representing Humanity and Soul Beast. Only the person can live. I already saw that you have set firm resolve, must make that leaves. But do I give up? You do not have me to be intelligent eventually, you eventually are only my fool.” 古月娜轻轻的摇了摇头,“我们之间,代表着人类魂兽。唯有一人能够活下来。我早就看出,你已经下定决心,要做离开的那一个。可我又怎么舍得?你终究还是没我聪明,你终究只是我的傻瓜。” Life will soon move toward the end, but this time she, actually smiles very sweetly, as if no pain and regret of least bit. 生命即将走向尽头,可此时的她,却笑得很甜,似乎没有半点的痛苦和遗憾。 Said that you love me.” She was saying supply. “说你爱我。”她柔柔的说着。 I love you.” Tang Wulin nearly is exhausts All-Out to roar. “我爱你。”唐舞麟近乎是用尽全力在怒吼着。 Husband, I also loves you.” Gu Yuena loosened finally has gripped both hands of Golden Dragon Spear, because in this moment, the appearance of her whole person became gloomy, was irreversible. “老公,我也爱你。”古月娜终于松开了握住黄金龙枪的双手,因为在这一刻,她整个人的神彩已经变得暗淡,再不可逆。 Her that became does not have the slender palm of half minute blood-colored, caressing gently on his face, her stature gloomy silver eyes, does not abandon and attachment completely. 她那已经变得没有半分血色的纤细手掌,轻轻的抚在他的面庞上,她那身材暗淡的银色双眸,满是不舍与眷恋。 Suddenly, her eye stares suddenly in a big way. 突然间,她的眼睛猛然瞪大。 “噗” Golden Dragon Spear another end, pierced his chest, almost in an instant, him entered in her body tight hugging the oneself bosom, makes no distinctions again, cannot because of the impediment of that rifle stock, but is unable the so close contact. 黄金龙枪的另一端,刺穿了他的胸膛,几乎是在刹那间,他已经将她的身体紧紧的搂入自己怀中,再无分彼此,再不能因为那枪杆的阻隔而无法如此紧密的接触。 Does not want......” her sounds|voices already extremely weakly, is, at this time, she was impossible all that prevents him to make. “不要啊……”她的声音已经极其微弱,可是,在这个时候,她已经根本不可能阻止他所作的一切。 The pain on Tang Wulin face vanished, he smiles visits her, original Heart was pierced is such feeling, only then some icy cold, is not pain. Can you abandon me to go? You is a my wife, I have said that you where, I where, you must leave, how I can alone stay behind.” 唐舞麟脸上的痛苦消失了,他微笑的看着她,“原来心脏被刺穿是这样的感觉,只有一些冰凉,并不怎么疼。你怎么能舍我而去呢?你是我的妻子,我说过的,你在哪里,我就在哪里,你要离开,我怎么能独自留下。” Her both hands support on his chest, tries to shove open from Golden Dragon Spear him, but this time she, where also has the strength? 她的双手撑在他的胸膛上,试图将他从黄金龙枪上推开,可此时的她,却哪里还有力气? Tang Wulin tight is hugging her, she does not have the means to work loose. 唐舞麟紧紧的搂着她,她根本没办法挣脱。 Wulin, you have father and mother, you have promised them, you want they to come back!” 舞麟,你还有爸爸、妈妈,你答应过他们的,你要等他们回来啊!” Tang Wulin shaking the head gently, side father and mother have Elder Sister. But, you only then I.” 唐舞麟轻轻的摇着头,“爸爸、妈妈身边还有姐姐。可是,你只有我。” Wulin......” the Gu Yuena tears gush out finally, she cannot attend to all again, exhausts oneself final strength, closely holds in the arms him. But her aura, starts to fall in torrents in this moment. 舞麟……”古月娜的泪水终于喷薄而出,她再也顾不得一切,用尽自己最后的力量,紧紧的搂住他。而她的气息,也在这一刻开始倾泻而出。 The Tang Wulin both feet catches up, they soar under piercing of this Golden Dragon Spear, fly upwards to the midair . His hand is hugging Gu Yuena, another hand to airborne wields. 唐舞麟双脚发力,两人就在这黄金龙枪的刺穿之下腾空而起,飞升到半空之中。他一只手搂着古月娜,另一只手向空中挥动。 Immediately, formerly freeze space and time to shatter, all people became can move. 顿时,先前凝固时空破碎,所有人都变得能够移动了。 Wulin innumerable sad cry sounds , under resounds. All people look up in Sky this to so falls in love, lover who actually ultimately moves toward the tragedy. 舞麟”无数悲呼声在下方响起。所有人都抬头看着天空中这对如此相爱,却最终走向悲剧的情侣。 The Tang Wulin vision is very tranquil, perhaps actually, today's all, had finished before this war arrival last. Originally, I want to use oneself Life to be the price, awakens her, making her leave Humanity a slim chance of survival. But I also eventually can not by this pain. Has not actually thought that she will plan so. She said a moment ago you also heard. Humanity and Soul Beast, only have the peaceful coexistence, can make our Douluo Continent world continue. I hope that with our departures, can awaken you, making you throw actually obsession in heart.” 唐舞麟的目光十分平静,“其实,今日的一切,早在这最后一战到来之前或许就已经结束。原本,我是想用自己生命为代价,唤醒她,让她留给人类一线生机。而我也终究能不受这份痛苦。却没想到她会如此计划。她刚才所说你们也都听到了。人类魂兽,唯有和平共处,才能让我们斗罗大陆的世界延续下去。我希望,用我们的离开,能够唤醒你们,让你们抛却心中的执念。” Since Continent has had the life, Humanity and Soul Beast, already, because each other has too many Life to lose. We hope that by our deaths, marks the period for all these. This is final request that I leave behind. Sister Mo Lan, Shrek Academy and Tang Sect. Definitely you, for this reason promote. Da Ming and Er Ming, two uncles. If my Parents came back, please say one for Wulin, I was unfilial. I cannot wait till them to come back, I, am really good to think them. Said one for me to them, father, mother and Elder Sister, sorry.’ “自从大陆有生灵以来,人类魂兽,都已经因为彼此有了太多的生命丧失。希望以我们的死,为这一切画上句号。这是我留下的最后请求。墨蓝姐史莱克学院唐门的诸位。肯定你们,为此而推动。大明二明,两位叔叔。如果我父母回来了,请替舞麟说一声,恕我不孝了。我没能等到他们回来,我、真的好想他们。替我向他们说一声,‘爸爸、妈妈、姐姐,对不起了。’” Wulin!” 舞麟!” Da Ming and two Bright Capital City already red eye, wants to fly. But, in Sky as if has invisible strength Imprison all, anybody is unable to fly. 大明和二明都已经红了眼睛,就想要飞起来。可是,天空之中却仿佛有着一股无形的力量禁锢着一切,任何人都无法飞起。 Tang Wulin shook the head to them, nobody can prevent us in the same place. Did not have again. All responsibility and burdens, starting from this moment, again have nothing to do with us. We only belong each other. My all, only belong to my wife Gu Yuena.” 唐舞麟向他们摇了摇头,“没有人能阻止我们在一起了。再也没有了。所有的责任、负担,从这一刻开始,都再与我们无关。我们只属于彼此。我的一切,都只属于我的妻子古月娜。” At the same time was saying, Tang Wulin lifts hand to search in the front, a glittering and translucent carving bead fell into him to hold, in the meantime, in his eyes divine light dodges. Formerly fell that handle Silver Dragon Spear in ground changes into ray of light suddenly, flew to shoot in front of Light and Dark Douluo Long Yeyue. 一边说着,唐舞麟抬手在胸前一探,一枚晶莹剔透的珠子已经落入他掌中,同时,他眼中神光一闪。先前落在地面上的那柄白银龙枪突然化为光芒,飞射到光暗斗罗龙夜月面前。 Soul Beast lineage/vein have Dragon God Nucleus to control spiritual Seed, this handle Silver Dragon Spear leaves Shrek to assume personal command. Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena, took one's leave.” 魂兽一脉有龙神核心掌控精神种子,这柄白银龙枪就留给史莱克坐镇。唐舞麟古月娜,拜别了。” At the same time was saying, his finger makes an effort, that Ice God Bead instantaneous to shatter, changes into the big piece rime fog spread to come. Him and Gu Yuena body Devour in. Incorruptible starts to condense on them obviously, the tender body that Gu Yuena started to wither stagnates immediately. 一边说着,他手指用力,那枚冰神珠瞬间破碎,化为大片的冰雾扩散开来。将他和古月娜的身体吞噬其中。一层冰霜明显开始在他们身上凝聚,古月娜原本已经开始枯萎的娇躯顿时凝滞。 Tang Wulin face upwards the long and loud cry, Golden Dragon Yue Talk Tang Wulin, Silver Dragon Wu Lin Gu Yuena! Left, Douluo!” 唐舞麟仰天长啸,“金龙月语唐舞麟,银龙舞麟古月娜!别了,斗罗!” Next flickers, they changed into one group of rime fog suddenly to launch, vanishes in the midair instantaneously. Flies to shoot to go to the north. 下一瞬,他们已经化为一团冰雾暴射而出,瞬间消失在半空之中。向北方飞射而去。 Presents all people dull to look in Sky this, Soul Beast or Humanity, the heart as if mountain is constraining generally. 在场所有人都呆呆的看着天空中这一幕,无论是魂兽还是人类,心头仿佛都有一座大山压抑着一般。 Silver Dragon Princess Gu Yuena, died! 银龙公主古月娜,卒! Dragon Emperor Douluo Tang Wulin, commits suicide together in the name of love to commit suicide! 龙皇斗罗唐舞麟,殉情自杀! ...... …… Extreme Northern Lands! 极北之地 Glittering and translucent carving ray of light drops from the clouds together. That is a giant ice piece, gold and silver double-colored enhances one another's beauty. 一道晶莹剔透的光芒从天而降。那是一块巨大的冰块,在其中,金银双色交相辉映。 Finally falls in the Extreme North Nucleus circle place, thunders with one, drills goes. Was bringing that has left behind indelible brilliance two in Humanity and Soul Beast history, thorough underground, ever-frost frozen! 最终在极北核心圈处落下,伴随着一声轰鸣,钻地而去。带着那在人类魂兽历史上留下了不可磨灭光辉的二位,深入地下,永冻冰封! ...... …… All by spiritual Seed Control Humanity Elite after Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena departed just like being like the first awakening after a dream restored the memory generally. Although they by Control, but actually clear remembers matter that all has. 所有被精神种子控制着的人类强者们在唐舞麟古月娜离去后一个个宛如大梦初醒一般恢复了记忆。他们虽然被控制,但却清楚的记得所有发生的事情。 Soul Beast withdraws in Myriad Beast Platform to rest and build up strength temporarily, both sides are scattered. 魂兽暂时撤回万兽台之中休养生息,双方分散。 Douluo Federation Speaker Mo Lan suppresses sorrowfully, with Humanity numerous (representatives) Top Rank Elite, holds the Continent joint conference including Shrek Academy, Tang Sect, War God Temple and Spirit Transferring Pagoda, jointly discussed issue between Humanity and Soul Beast. 斗罗联邦议长墨蓝强忍悲痛,与人类众位顶级强者,包括史莱克学院唐门战神殿传灵塔召开大陆联合会议,共同讨论人类魂兽之间的问题。 After January. 一月后。 Douluo Federation unites Star Luo Empire and Dou Ling Empire to announce the Soul Beast survival legalization. Will promote jointly the bill, gives Soul Beast survival spatial. 斗罗联邦联合星罗帝国斗灵帝国宣布魂兽生存合法化。将共同推动法案,给予魂兽生存空间 Douluo Continent, delimits ancient era Star Dou Forest belongs to the range gives Soul Beast, takes the greatly ominous place as Nucleus, reconstructs Star Dou Forest. 斗罗大陆,划出上古时代星斗大森林原属范围给予魂兽,以大凶之地为核心,重建星斗大森林 Humanity and Soul Beast signing mutual non-aggression agreement. Simultaneously gives the Soul Beast authentication. Any Soul Beast that has the authentication, is equal to Humanity, is the same to Humanity, has the legitimate right to subsistence. 人类魂兽签订互不侵犯协议。同时给予魂兽身份认证。凡是有身份认证的魂兽,等同于人类,与人类一样,有合法生存权力。 Soul Beast such as leaves Star Dou Forest, must undergo the relevant authority authorization and verification. 魂兽如离开星斗大森林,需经过相关部门批准、审核。 Soul Beast violates the law with the Humanity same crime. Without cultured, does not have Wisdom Soul Beast to forbid to leave Star Dou Forest. Once leaves, Humanity has to hunt and kill power. 魂兽犯法与人类同罪。未经开化、没有智慧魂兽禁止离开星斗大森林。一旦离开,人类有猎杀权。 Outside reconstruction Star Dou Forest, takes gold and silver Double Dragon as the mark, establishes Soul Beast and Humanity activity isolated plot. Simultaneously sets up Dragon Emperor Douluo Tang Wulin and Silver Dragon Princess Gu Yuena bronze statue, to think gratefully these two pays Life one generation of supreme talent for Humanity and Soul Beast peaceful coexistence. 重建的星斗大森林外,以金银双龙为标记,建立魂兽人类活动隔离区。同时立龙皇斗罗唐舞麟银龙公主古月娜铜像,以感念这二位为了人类魂兽和平共处而付出生命的一代天骄 ...... …… Ten years later, the eternal Sky city initially completes, Shrek Academy reappears the peak picture, the Continent first Academy name will follow reality. The eternal Sky city also became all Soul Master sacred place, has substituted for Once Sea God Pavilion exist(ence). 十年后,永恒天空城初步建成,史莱克学院重现巅峰景象,大陆第一学院实至名归。永恒天空城也成为了所有魂师的圣地,取代了曾经海神阁存在 Shrek Academy in the eternal Sky urban construction establishing a reputation person hall, in the Hall of Fame, only three people of statues moves into. Separately is beginning generation of Shrek Seven Monsters, and has established Tang Sect, almost the by the strength of oneself reversal universe, destroys the Martial Soul Hall plot one generation of Sea God, Tang San! 史莱克学院在永恒天空城建立名人堂,名人堂内,唯有三人雕像入驻。分别是初代史莱克七怪、并且建立了唐门,几乎以一己之力逆转乾坤,破坏武魂殿阴谋的一代海神,唐三 Constructs Spirit Transferring Pagoda, resistance at the height of power Sun-Moon Empire, by own formidable power mechanical resistance Sun-Moon Empire series Continent, left behind a foundation to antiquity Douluo Continent inheritance Ice Spirit Douluo Huo Yuhao. 建设传灵塔,对抗如日中天的日月帝国,凭借自身强大的实力力阻日月帝国一统大陆,给上古斗罗大陆传承留下一份根基的灵冰斗罗霍雨浩 As well as last, met with the disaster in Shrek Academy, after Shrek City was blown up, after the tribulation the Ten-thousand Years important matter that coordinates Sea God Tang San to leave behind routs Abyss Plane, making Douluo Continent shine with the brilliance, and dies for by the body, solves the Soul Beast threat. Let Humanity and Soul Beast peaceful coexistence peeps the clue Dragon Emperor Douluo and Golden Dragon Yue Talk Tang Wulin. 以及最后一位,在史莱克学院遭逢大难,史莱克城被炸毁之后,历经磨难配合海神唐三留下的万年大计击溃深渊位面,让斗罗大陆重新焕发光彩,并以身相殉,解决魂兽威胁。让人类魂兽和平共处初现端倪的龙皇斗罗金龙月语唐舞麟 They, are in the Shrek Academy history the different time most important characters. 他们,都是史莱克学院历史上不同时代最重要的人物。 But in the eternal Sky city center, a statue, is honored as eternal Sky city first generation of City Lord. By the Golden Dragon Spear Devour Abyss Plane Life Energy quantity, helping Ancient Tree of Life evolve into Dragon Emperor Douluo Tang Wulin of eternal old tree. 而在永恒天空城的正中,还有一尊雕像,被尊为永恒天空第一城主。正是凭借黄金龙枪吞噬深渊位面生命能量,帮助生命古树进化成为永恒古树的龙皇斗罗唐舞麟 ...... …… Douluo Continent numerous (representatives) Limit Douluo with the evolution that plane influences subtly, energy stage promotion of entire Douluo Star. 斗罗大陆众位极限斗罗伴随着位面潜移默化的进化,整个斗罗星能量层次提升。 Sea God Douluo Chen Xinjie and Light and Dark Douluo Long Yeyue and Heartless Douluo Cao Dezhi and Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo Zang Xin, breaks through 100th Rank successively, is honored as really God Rank Elite. 海神斗罗陈新杰光暗斗罗龙夜月无情斗罗曹德智多情斗罗臧鑫,先后突破百级,被尊为真神级强者 Soul Master historical hence appear(ance) leaps, 100th Rank is not the Soul Master highest limit. As for can achieve what kind of stage, Limit Douluo of numerous (representatives) breakthrough is not clear. They similarly were also inquiring about. 魂师的历史至此出现飞跃,百级再不是魂师最高限制。至于能够达到怎样的层次,众位突破的极限斗罗也不清楚。他们也同样在探寻。 Breaks through 100th Rank numerous (representatives), because does not have God's Position, ultimate can not the immortal, but the age also promotes to 300 years old. 突破百级众位,因为没有神诋之位,终极不得长生,但寿数也随之提升到300岁。 Douluo Continent is evolving as before, what is the Soul Master end, at least before the evolution is completed, nobody can know. 斗罗大陆依旧在进化,何为魂师尽头,至少在进化完成之前,没有人能够得知。 ...... …… Extreme Northern Lands, ten thousand meters Abyss. 极北之地,万米深渊 Under the giant ice layer, two bodies closely support. 巨大的冰层之下,两具身体紧紧相拥。 Strange nine color ray of light, set partly visible in person of abdomen Placement, is shining upon their personal appearance, shines upon that to run throughout golden-colored long spear of their body! 奇异的九彩光芒,在一人腹部位置若隐若现,映照着他们的身形,也映照着那贯串他们身体的金色长枪 ( The book ends) (全书完) «Douluo Continent Four Ultimate Douluo» synopses: After Ten-thousand Years, the ice melted. 斗罗大陆四终极斗罗》简介:一万年后,冰化了。 Please read the postscript! 请阅后记! . Postscript. 后记。 The novel of 5 million characters had finished, had many and many words to say. Believes that each of you noticed in such ending heart has grieved. But in fact, in the heart most does not give up, grieved must be I. Therefore, if has leisure, might as well looks at this postscript. 5000000字的一本小说写完了,真的有很多、很多话想要对大家说。相信你们每个人看到这样的结尾心中都有酸楚。而事实上,心中最舍不得、最酸楚的就要算我了吧。所以,诸位如果有闲,不妨把这篇后记看完。 In fact, in the past more than two years of Time, some lot has wanted to tell you, actually feared that affected your reading experience, therefore has accumulated now, allows Little Tang to express, is Dragon King makes one to settle, will seek a hope to the future. 事实上,在过去两年多的时间里,一直有很多事情想要告诉你们,却又怕影响了你们的阅读体验,所以一直积累到现在,就容小唐抒发一番,也算为龙王做一份了结,给未来寻一份希望。 I am in 1981 the stranger, I say Little Tang for the modesty frequently, but, Little Tang is not really small, this year's I, am 37 years old. I have never thought that such morning that my mid-life crisis can come. 我是1981年生人,我经常为了自谦而自称小唐,可是,小唐真的不小了,今年的我,已经是37周岁。只是,我从未想到过,我的中年危机会来的如此之早。 If everybody has reads online, will discover that our dates renewed the quantity, from the daily 6000 characters, reduced the daily 5000 characters. Even links originally every week one three did not have. Some many book friends complained about me, to scold me, to taunt me, I know actually. 如果大家有在网上看书,就会发现,我们的日更新量,从每天6000字,减少到了每天5000字。甚至连原本每周一的三更也没有了。有很多书友们怨我、骂我、嘲讽我,我其实都知道。 I had not explained that what reason because of regardless, to you is actually the objective causes. Truly reduced the renewal, all calling to account, I accept, my withstanding silently. 我没有解释,因为无论什么样的理由,对你们来说其实都是客观原因。确实减少了更新,所有的责问,我接受,我默默的承受。 Writes a book from 2004 now, the entire 14 years, for 14 years, I renewed every day, will never break. My Once has thought that during future these years, I may meet various difficulties unceasingly, I also think that oneself is strong enough, can face all, is the capable person cannot, I am unceasingly. Mixes in the literary circle, my Little Tang is relying on reasonable Two Word! 从2004年写书到现在,整整14年了,14年来,我每天更新,从未断更。我曾经想到过,在未来这些不断更的岁月之中,我有可能会遇到各种艰难,我也认为自己足够坚强,能够面对一切,就是能人所不能,我就是不断更。在文学圈内混,我小唐就是凭借着靠谱二字 But, I have not actually thought that my this whole life can also come across such difficult matter unexpectedly. 可是,我却没想到,我这辈子竟然还能遇到这么难的事情。 The words that I have not remembered incorrectly, Dragon King starts from 2016 the beginning of the year. At that time, is actually the time that I just resurrected. Because, in 2015, my side had two to affect the giant matter for me. In October, my paternal grandmother pulmonary embolism transfers the brain stem, lost the consciousness, to lose ability of language from an astute old woman overnight suddenly, is paralyzed to lie down on the hospital bed. At the end of November, I deeply am loving wife, Muzi in «Child of Light», «, For Your I Am willing To deeply love Li Muzi in Entire world», finds out the breast cancer, moreover is the most serious three cloudy breast cancers. 我没记错的话,龙王是从2016年的年初开始的。那个时候,其实是我刚刚复活过来的时候。因为,在2015年,我身边发生了两件对我来说影响巨大的事情。十月,我奶奶肺栓塞转脑梗,从原本一个精明的老太太一夜之间突然失去了意识、失去了语言的能力,半身不遂躺在病床上。十一月底,我深爱着的妻子,《光之子》中的木子,《为了你我愿意热爱整个世界》中的李木子,查出乳腺癌,而且是最严重的三阴型乳腺癌。 For me, this is the calamity is ordinary. I put together completely All-Out, makes oneself be able brave faces. Being paralyzed of paternal grandmother was irreversible, but in my impression, the breast cancer can cure. Is leading the wife, has undergone the surgery in Beijing best hospital immediately. Has excised the tumor. 对我来说,这是天塌地陷一般。我拼尽全力,才让自己能够勇敢的去面对。奶奶的半身不遂已经不可逆转,但在我的印象中,乳腺癌是可以治愈的。带着老婆,在北京最好的医院第一时间做了手术。切除了肿瘤。 That Time my life very darkness, consecutively for two weeks, every day thin one jin (0.5 kg). Fell 78 kilograms body weight from 85 kilograms. 那段时间我的生活很黑暗,连续两周,每天瘦一斤。从85公斤掉到了78公斤体重。 Until one day, when my both hands place on the keyboard, immerses in the world of story, can make me be separated from the pain temporarily. Also knew that time, I know that I such deeply loved the writing. 14 years of insistence, comes because of this deep love. 直到有一天,当我的双手放在键盘上,沉浸在故事的世界中,才能让我暂时脱离痛苦。也知道那时,我才知道,我是这么的热爱写作。14年的坚持,都是因为这份热爱而来。 The surgery is very successful, later the wife chemotherapy four times, all as if passed, but I also thought that I as if can extreme sorrow turns to joy. 16 at the beginning of the year, finally started the Dragon King legend. 手术很成功,之后妻子化疗四次,一切似乎都已经过去了,而我也觉得,我似乎可以否极泰来了。16年初,终于开始了龙王传说。 At that time, the ending that actually today you see, I have thought. 在那个时候,其实今天你们看到的这个结尾,我就已经想好了。 Final ever-frost frozen, after Douluo Continent four synopsis Ten-thousand Years, ice melted, at that time has formed in one's mind to complete. 无论是最后的永冻冰封,还是斗罗大陆四的简介一万年后、冰化了,都在那个时候就已经构思完成。 The story of writer, will certainly be lived on influence, I am also. Therefore had my second unit metropolis novel «Hug Rumor To hug Your» and Dragon King tragedy ending. 作家的故事,一定会受到生活上的影响,我也是。所以才有了我的第二部都市小说《拥抱谎言拥抱你》和龙王的悲剧结尾。 However, I believe after the wind and rain, certainly met with the rainbow, therefore, when my tragedy ended, I will leave leeway the hope, will come back this hope belt finally. «Where therefore has this year's forthcoming « Hug Rumor To hug Your» companion volume of Once Jiang Nan Now », will have future Douluo four. 但是,我相信风雨之后一定会见彩虹,所以,在我的悲剧结束时,我都会留有希望,也终将把这份希望带回来。所以才有了今年即将出版的《拥抱谎言拥抱你》姐妹篇《曾经江楠今安在》,才会有未来的斗罗四。 At that time, I have not thought really that my tribulation also just started unexpectedly. All had not finished. 只是,在那个时候,我真的万万没有想到,我的磨难竟然还只是刚刚开始。一切都还没有结束。 Said honestly that writes about here, I suddenly do not want to write, because I am not willing to recall all that in the two years experiences. But, after I have stopped for a long time, the decision writes. Because I want to tell you, I did not reduce the writing quantity because of the laziness, but, because, was too bitter, my heart was too bitter. Meanwhile I must therefore heartfeltly thanks you, if not because is worrying about you, let alone writes a book, perhaps when that is most painful, I have jumped down terrace. Is you make me have the courage to live, has the courage to continue to write, was you make me achieve has experienced the matter, marched forward courageously as before. Like Mo Lan to Tang Wulin said that brave! 坦白说,写到这里,我突然不想写下去了,因为我真的不愿意回忆这两年多来经历的一切。可是,我停顿了许久之后,还是决定写出来。因为我想告诉你们,我并不是因为懒惰而减少了写作量,而是真的因为,太苦了,我的心太苦了。同时我要因此而由衷的感谢你们,如果不是因为惦念着你们,别说写书,或许早在那最痛苦的时候,我已经跳下天台。是你们让我有勇气活下来,有勇气继续写下去,是你们让我做到了遇到事,依旧勇往直前。就像墨蓝唐舞麟说的,勇敢! Brave! How simple two characters! But, these two characters, I until 37 years old genuine understand is containing what kind of meaning, how formidable strength is also containing. 勇敢!多么简单的两个字啊!可是,这两个字,我直到37岁才真正明白其中蕴含着怎样的含义,又蕴含着怎样强大的力量 In 2016, I gradually slow, Dragon King achievement(s) was striking, has everybody's support, Glory has waved to me once more, such as reconstruction Shrek new town. 2016年,我渐渐缓了过来,龙王成绩斐然,得到了大家的支持,辉煌再次向我招手,亦如重建的史莱克新城。 My innermost feelings sharp whets, confident and forwards diligently. I am high-spirited, not only wants to be a writer, even ambitious wants into the listing Company boss. 我内心的锋锐重新磨砺而出,信心十足、努力向前。我意气风发,不只是想要做一名作家,甚至野心勃勃的想要成为上市公司的老板。 Over the past year, rises to challenges, marches forward courageously. All approach. 一年来,披荆斩棘,勇往直前。一切向好。 Until December, until that day. 直到十二月,直到那一天。 second time reexamination after Muzi surgery. 木子手术后的第二次复查。 Lymph multiple shift, breastbone shift and liver shift. 淋巴多发性转移、胸骨转移、肝转移。 Did I ask the doctor, the liver shift can govern? 我问医生,肝转移能治么? The doctor said that three cloudy breast cancers, do not have the target to the medicine, can only the chemotherapy, the liver shift, the average, one -and-a-half years...... 医生说,三阴乳腺癌,没有靶向药,只能化疗,肝转移,平均,一年半…… One -and-a-half years......, One -and-a-half years...... 一年半……、一年半…… Calamity! 天塌地陷! I realized that anything has been called to lie on the bed, tears crossflow. 我体会到了什么叫做躺在床上,泪水横流。 I am a Capricornus, innermost feelings and not strong big Capricornus, the semblance strong to conceal the frailty of innermost feelings. 我是一个摩羯座,内心并不强大的摩羯座,外表的坚强都是为了掩饰内心的脆弱。 I am a sentimental writer, I excel at the association and idea, excels at Creation and thinking. 我是一名多愁善感的作家,我擅长于联想与构思,擅长创造与思索。 But, in this moment, this all became my flaw, because, in that time and that quarter, in my innermost feelings associated, was if she left, I will be what kind. I discovered that if she leaves, I will not have my oneself. 可是,在这一刻,这所有的一切都成为了我的缺陷,因为,在那时、那刻,我内心中联想到的,都是如果她离开,我会怎样。我发现,如果她离开,我将没有我自己 Her 16 -year-old are my girlfriend, at that time, I am 18 years old. Walks, 20 years. I know that I am impossible again to loving her such fall in love with any woman again, because, I do not have the means heavy labor. Is impossible some people able again like her, accompanies me to pass through the youth, youth, middle age, in this life most important 20 years. 她16岁做我的女友,那时,我18岁。一路走来,20年了。我知道,我不可能再向爱她那样再爱上任何一个女人,因为,我没办法重活。不可能再有人能够像她那样,陪我走过少年、青年、中年,这人生中最重要的20年。 She is a little stupid, is a little silly, does not have any skill, even life ability not strong, left me, I thought that she has no way to survive in the society. 她有点笨,也有点傻,没什么本事,甚至生活能力不强,离了我,我都觉得她没法在社会上生存。 But I love her. Can pay Life like Tang Wulin for Gu Yuena, I also! If can trade with my life her, I want! 可我就是爱她。就像唐舞麟为了古月娜可以付出生命一样,我也可以!如果能用我的命换她的,我愿意啊! But, can the heaven give me such opportunity? We live eventually in the real world, but is not in the profound imaginary novel. I do not have the Ya Li iatrotechnics eventually, skill that also has not reactivated. 可是,上天能给我这样的机会么?我们终究生活在现实世界中,而不是玄幻小说里。我终究没有雅莉的治疗术,也没有复活的本事。 What to do should I? At that time I asked oneself, what to do I should. One -and-a-half years, leave my, likely were only one -and-a-half years of Time. 我该怎么办?那时候我就问自己,我该怎么办。一年半,留给我的,很可能只有一年半的时间了。 But at that time, the sugar sugar seven -and-a-halfyears old, Linlin is only four -and-a-halfyears old. 而在那个时候,糖糖七岁半,麟麟才只有四岁半。 My Once has written in a network renewal of chapter of Dragon King, for me, this Time was really too difficult. But I have not said because of anything, because I do not want also to take to you pain. I want to transmit through the novel for your am joyful, but is not the pain. 曾经在一章龙王的网络更新中写过,对我来说,这段时间真的是太难了。但我没有说是因为什么,因为我不想把痛苦也带给你们。我想要通过小说传递给你们的是快乐而不是痛苦。 At that time, what can I make? I can do, only then clenches the teeth, seeks to rescue her method! So long as can save her, even if loses everything I also to want. Therefore, I even stop at nothing. 在那时,我能做什么?我能做的,就只有咬紧牙关,寻找救她的方法啊!只要能救她,哪怕倾家荡产我也愿意。为此,我甚至无所不用其极。 Starting from that time, I started to donate money to the temple in Tibet every day, did diligently date line one friendly these four characters. 从那时候开始,我开始每天给西藏的寺庙捐钱,努力去做“日行一善”这四个字。 Starting from that time, I started 1 st, 15 to be a vegetarian, start the lunar calendar 15 to set free a captured animal 20,000 Life every month. 从那时候开始,我开始初一、15吃素,开始每个月农历15放生20000条生命 For the poverty-stricken mountainous area, I have contributed ten ambulances. 为贫困山区,我捐了十辆救护车。 For the poverty-stricken mountainous area, I donate two schools. 为贫困山区,我捐助两所学校。 So long as in the friend circle saw that who needs to help, I donate money to contribute goods to charity immediately. 只要在朋友圈看到谁需要帮助,我都立刻捐款捐物。 I asked the living buddha to chant scripture to pray for her. I asked Shanghai Normal College for surpassing the feeling of being wronged creditor for her fire. 我请活佛为她念经祈福。我请上师为她火供超度冤情债主。 I cannot attend to asking that her treatment hospital, she such serious high-risk situation, a half year reexamines one time, the tumor hospital is three months reexamines, shifts the liver, why cannot attend to blaming her physician-in-charge her situation not to understand. 我顾不上去问问她的治疗医院,她这么严重的高危情况,半年才复查一次,肿瘤医院都是三个月就复查,以至于转移到肝脏,也顾不得去怪她的主治医生为什么连她的情况都不了解。 At that time, I hope that can find one to rescue her means. 那时候,我只是希望能够找到一个救她的办法。 That time I, the heart was chaotic, I have related the medium of US and Japan in immediately, tried to seek for the world best hospital to go to treat for her. But, asked one, this species, even if in the US and Japan, does not have a better medicine, can only the chemotherapy. 那时候的我,心已经乱了,我在第一时间联系了美国和日本的中介,试图寻找全世界最好的医院去为她治疗。可是,问了一圈下来,她这种类型,哪怕是在美国和日本,也没有更好的药物,只能化疗。 Japan is nearer, I led her. Japanese doctor said to me that this situation, can live on average for three years in Japan. 日本更近,我带她去了。日本医生对我说,她这种情况,在日本平均能活三年。 Three years compared with one -and-a-half years, many one -and-a-half years. Such simple mathematical at that time for me is actually a pleasant surprise. Even if lives for day, I am also willing to spare no efforts! 三年比一年半,多一年半。这样简单的数学在那个时候对我来说却是一份惊喜。哪怕是多活一天,我也愿意不辞辛劳啊! Therefore, in 17 years in January, I led her to travel to distant lands, went to Japan, started to treat in a hospital in Tokyo. 于是,在17年的一月,我带着她远渡重洋,去了日本,在东京的一家医院开始治疗。 Also starting from that time, I knows that the life biggest pain is the distinction. 也是从那个时候开始,我才知道,人生最大的痛苦是分别。 In the Japanese 20 days, returns to homeland for ten days. This was we in last year majority of Time life condition. 在日本20天,回国十天。这是我们在去年大部分时间的生活状态。 But, in this state, each time departure, must with the Parents distinction, probably distinguish with the children! 可是,在这种状态下,每一次的离开,都要和父母分别,都要和孩子们分别啊! Each time before leaving, mother -in-law hugs the appearance that we are choking with sobs, can I not feel as if a knife were piercing heart? 每次临走前,岳母搂着我们泣不成声的样子,我怎能不心如刀割? Linlin is small, is not quite sensible. But the sugar sugar was bigger, was clearer. 麟麟还小,还不太懂事。可糖糖已经大了些,已经明白了一些。 I clear remembering, once, we am going also to the eve of Japan, the sugar sugar said that anything is not willing to sleep. Some of my even offended, interrogated her, why isn't willing to rest? 我至今还清楚的记得,有一次,我们在去日本的前夜,糖糖说什么都不肯睡觉。我甚至有些生气,质问她,为什么不肯睡? Sugar sugar then a few words, remember until now, will make me have tears streaming down the face as before. She to me said that she feared the second day woke up in the morning cannot see mother. 糖糖当时的一句话,至今想起,依旧会让我泪流满面。她对我说她怕第二天早上醒来就见不到妈妈了。 That night, my wife and I, cried on each other's shoulders. 那一夜,我和老婆,抱头痛哭。 We comply with the sugar sugar, the second day in the morning, before on time the flight, certainly awakens her. But that Time, in 5 : 30. 我们答应糖糖,第二天早上,赶早班机之前,一定叫醒她。而那个时间,在五点半。 But the second day in the morning, sugar sugar both eyes are inflamed, 4 : 30 woke on oneself, has cried to deliver us to walk. 第二天早上,糖糖双眼红肿着,四点半就自己醒了过来,一直哭着送我们走。 This is the distinction, but such distinction, we experienced fully for ten months, experienced were innumerable. 这就是分别,而这样的分别,我们整整经历了十个月,经历了无数次。 But such I, can continue to let Dragon King unceasingly, I do not know how oneself comes...... 而这样的我,能继续让龙王不断更,我都不知道自己是怎么过来的…… Chemotherapy, taxol, three months, first time reexamination. On liver infection small 3/5, great news. I am overjoyed. Leads the wife to go to European traveling, that time I, but is thinking must little remain regrettably, so long as her physical condition permits, I bring she goes to these not to go to the place, gives all her is best. 化疗,紫杉醇,三个月,第一次复查。肝脏上病灶小了3,大好消息。我大喜过望。带老婆去欧洲旅游,那时候的我,只是想着要少留遗憾,只要她身体状况允许,我就带她去那些没去过的地方,给她一切都是最好的。 Chemotherapy, taxol, six months, drug-resistant. On the liver the infection turns into five from one. I stand in Japan rent the three 18 Layers balconies in apartment, first time want to jump down. 化疗,紫杉醇,六个月,耐药。肝上病灶从一个变成五个。我站在日本租住公寓的三十八层阳台,第一次想要一跃而下。 Lang Yongchun has said to me, Brother, we experience the matter, not to be afraid of getting into trouble. These words have given my greatest courage. But, in that moment, what I think is only the extrication. Is video that the sugar sugar hits, making me clench the teeth. 郎永淳对我说过,兄弟,咱们遇到事、不怕事。这句话给了我莫大的勇气。可是,在那一刻,我想到的只是解脱。是糖糖打来的视频,让我咬紧牙关走了回来。 In August, changed medicine date Breene, this medicine was very expensive, the home did not have. Two months reexamine, the majority of infections vanish once more, great happiness. Brought the wife and sugar sugar and Linlin went to Maldives. At that time, I do not know how in the future, only wants to lead her to be amusing. 八月份,换药艾日布林,这个药很贵,国内还没有。两个月复查,大部分病灶再次消失,大喜。带老婆和糖糖、麟麟去了马尔代夫。那时候,我也不知道未来会如何,只想带她好好玩玩。 In October, date Breene second time reexamination, drug-resistant, on the liver the proliferating infection large surface area covers, transaminase high ten times. The swelling liver withstands the stomach, making her have ill. 十月,艾日布林第二次复查,耐药,肝上弥漫性病灶大面积覆盖,转氨酶高十倍。肿胀的肝脏顶住胃部,让她有了不适。 My second time stood in three 18 Layers terrace, what at that time I felt, Despair! 第二次站在了三十八层天台,那时候我感到的是,绝望 Japanese doctor said to us that in Japan, is impossible to give us the field test medicine. Continues, possibly can only use the placebo. Few medicines have been able to use. Suggested that we return to homeland to treat. 日本医生对我们说,在日本,是不可能给我们使用试验药的。继续下去,可能只能用安慰剂。已经没有几种药物可以用了。建议我们回国去治疗。 Japan is a rigorous country, is it can be said that stodgy, we eventually are only the foreigners, eventually is the second-class citizen, no, we citizens are not. Has the bystander of ability payment cash. 日本是个严谨的国家,也可以说是死板,我们终究只是外国人,终究是二等公民,不,我们连公民都不是。只是有能力支付现金的外人。 Two roller coasters, making me be mentally and physically exhausted. When first time wants to jump down from terrace, on my arm steadily adipose tumor, second time time, the physical examination finds out the multiple gallbladder polyp, said the doubtful tumor greatly. Until had afterward made CT, said that should is not. 两次的过山车,让我心力交瘁。在第一次想从天台上跳下的时候,我的手臂上长了脂肪瘤,第二次的时候,体检查出多发性胆囊息肉,还有一个大一点的,说疑似肿瘤。直到后来做了CT,说应该不是。 Returning to homeland, I start to relate the US, bringing family to manage the visa of US. The US like Japan, it does not have most advanced science and technology, but also has the farthest distance. 回国,我开始联系美国,带着全家都办了美国的签证。美国不像日本,它有着最先进的科技,但也有着最远的距离。 At that time I do not know completely, if we went to the US, whether can also live coming back. 当时我完全不知道,如果我们去了美国,是否还能活着回来。 But, Time does not wait for the person. 可是,时间不等人。 But at this time, in November, tangled up two years on sickbed, can only use the nasal tube for the fresh paternal grandmother, walked. 而就在这个时候,十一月,在病榻上缠绵两年,只能用鼻管为生的奶奶,走了。 As the eldest grandson, can I not deliver the paternal grandmother to depart? On that day of funeral, I think that the paternal grandmother prayed. The paternal grandmother you suffered hardships, but as grandson's I, because leads the wife to see a doctor externally, saw your number of times to be short, I was unfair to you. But, for your great-grandson and great-granddaughter, please bless your granddaughter-in-law, the child cannot do without mother. 身为长孙,我怎能不送奶奶离去?在送葬的那天,我想奶奶祈祷。奶奶您受苦了,而身为孙子的我,因为带妻子在国外看病,看望您的次数少了,我对不起您。可是,为了您的重孙子、重孙女,请保佑您的孙媳妇吧,孩子不能没有妈妈。 On the same day, received temporary good news, the chemotherapy medicine card that changed newly cultivated his shore to be effective, the wife situation lived metastable, the liver transaminase target dropped. Strove for Time to us. 当天,接到暂时的好消息,新换的化疗药卡培他滨有效,妻子情况暂时稳定住了,肝脏转氨酶指标下降了一些。给我们争取到了时间 But also at that time, making me run into the honored person in life, Dr. Y. 而也就在那个时候,让我遇到了人生中的贵人,Y博士。 He is an American scientist, Once makes the Asian region to research and develop the director in the US biggest pharmaceutical factory, he is in the person who I know, has the degree to be most. He is Chinese first publishes the paper in the worldwide basis authoritative journal of medicine. 他是一位美籍科学家,曾经在美国最大的药厂做亚洲区研发总监,他是我所认识的人之中,拥有学位最多的。他是中国第一个在世界性权威医学杂志发表论文的。 Was a good friend introduced he knew to me. Dr. Y is many years ago the cancer for our country returns to homeland. Comes back does the research, while is the professor in medical Academy, leads the graduate student. One cancer vaccine that he studies, is now in the world the most advanced novel oncology direction, the immunity class treatment. 是一位好朋友介绍了他给我认识。Y博士是多年前为了我国的癌症研究而回国的。回来一边做研究,一边在医学院当教授,带研究生。他研究的一种癌症疫苗,是当今世界上最先进的治疗肿瘤方向,免疫类治疗。 Then I, have turned to any doctor one can find when critically ill, so long as had the possibility to be effective, I wanted to lead the wife to try. 当时的我,已经是病急乱投医,只要是有可能有效的,我都想要带老婆试试。 Therefore, we had found him, after he asked about the situation, told me, his research was experimental. According to currently international most advanced idea, the immunotherapy has the opportunity. 于是,我们找到了他,他询问了情况之后,告诉我,他的研究是实验性的。按照目前国际最先进的理念,免疫疗法还是有机会的。 However, aims at in my wife's type, did not have any authorized immunity class medicine. 但是,针对于我老婆的类型,还没有任何被批准的免疫类药物。 Dr. Y helped my analysis some experimental medicines of US treat way (of life), was synthesizing the opinion situation that his opinion and US medium gave, we decided finally that kept the domestic treatment. Even if because goes to the US, does not have better method of treatment. But stays in the home, we can also use the medicine that purchases from the US. Moreover, at least does not need to distinguish again. Y博士帮我分析了美国的一些实验性药物治疗方式,在综合了他的意见和美国中介给予的意见情况,我们最终决定,留在国内治疗。因为哪怕去美国,也没有更好的治疗方法。而留在国内,我们也可以使用一些从美国采购回来的药物。而且,至少不用再分别。 We have chosen a private hospital, while Dr. C as mainly treating medical chemotherapy, has tried the immunity class treatment. 我们选了一家私立医院,在C博士作为主治医化疗的同时,尝试了免疫类治疗。 Two months reexamine, the infection reduces 90%. 两个月复查,病灶减少90。 At that time this result, thought including Dr. C who the private hospital mainly treated the medicine inconceivable, we also similarly so. 当时这个结果,连私立医院主治医的C博士都觉得不可思议,我们也同样如此。 But, has sat too many roller coasters, we have not been able to believe all these, lest the next reexamination makes same mistakes over again. 可是,坐过了太多的过山车,我们已经不敢相信这一切,唯恐下一次的复查就重蹈覆辙。 Also two months. The infection reduces 5% once more, the whole also only remaining comes back 5% of time from Japan. But, not like Dr. Y said that there is a possibility of cure. 又两个月。病灶再次减少5,整体也只剩下从日本回来时候的5。可是,并没有像Y博士说的那样,有治愈的可能。 Again two months, is this year's Wuyue (Fifth Month). third reexamination. On the liver the infection vanishes completely...... 再两个月,也就是今年的五月第三次复查。肝脏上病灶全部消失…… In that moment, I cannot bear throw, closely grasped my mother-in-law, cries on each other's shoulders. 在那一刻,我忍不住扑上去,紧紧的抱住了我的岳母,抱头痛哭。 On to the liver vanishes from the infection of recrudescence completely, experienced is one -and-a-half years, initially mainly treated average survival Time that the medicine said. 从复发到肝脏上病灶全部消失,经历了正好是一年半,也就是当初主治医说的平均存活时间 Although afterward found out the thoracic vertebra possibly also to have the infection, may at least on the liver the infection vanish. Means she can live is longer. 虽然后来查出胸椎可能还有病灶,可至少肝脏上病灶消失了。就意味着她能活的更久。 To us, the wife always lives for day is to gain, she that brave, even if mainly treated the medicine to say to her in Japan face to face, possibly next year today I will unable to see your time, she as before not timid. Only has, when will speak of the child to flow off the tears. 对我们来说,妻子每多活一天都是赚的,她是那么的勇敢,哪怕是在日本主治医当面对她说,可能明年的今天我就见不到你的时候,她依旧没有怯懦。唯有在提起孩子的时候才会流下泪水。 I simplify the matter that many this year half had. But in this year half, I travelled between the Japanese ten times, twice stands terrace, accompanied her to go to Japan, France, Switzerland, Maldives, Phuket, Hong Kong and Macao successively. 我简化了许多这一年半来发生的事情。而这一年半,我往返了日本十次,两次站上天台,陪她先后去了日本、法国、瑞士、马尔代夫、普吉岛、香港、澳门。 Also in this year half, I became national four a group of talented people who the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central evaluates, became the Chinese Writers Association chairman group committee member, became the network writer first national committee member. 也是在这一年半,我成为了中宣部评选出的全国四个一批人才,成为了中国作协主席团委员,成为了网络作家第一位全国政协委员。 In this year half, I had finished the Dragon King legend. Completely, 28 books. 更是在这一年半,我写完了龙王传说。全部,28本。 In that moment of completing draft, what I first wanted to say to you, I was very brave., I can say really finally that oneself was a brave man. 在完稿的那一刻,我首先想要对你们说的是,我很勇敢。真的,我终于可以说,自己是一个勇敢的男人了。 Since freely, one -and-a-half years, my two temples full are the white hair. 尽管,一年半以来,我的两鬓已经满是白发。 I grew, I to be also old. But I can say one proud, Tang Jia San Shao, has not broken as before. 我成长了、我也老了。但我可以骄傲的说一声,唐家三少,依旧没有断更。 In withstanding the situation of such multi- mid-life crisis, again the wife the situation of the death line at least temporarily pulling back, I have not broken. 在承受了如此之多中年危机的情况下,再把老婆从死亡线上至少是暂时拉回来的情况下,我还没断更。 Brave? No! What is more important is because of you. 只是勇敢么?不!更重要的是因为你们。 The wife is my family member, you are also. At that time, in the most difficult time, supported the power that I wrote, was because I think that I cannot give up the entire family for a family member. 妻子是我的家人,你们也是。那时候,在最艰难的时刻,支持我写下去的动力,就是因为我会想到,我不能为了一个家人而放弃了整个家庭。 Therefore, I shouldered. I deeply believed that so long as our Tang Sect has me, has the glory, has the honor. We are most formidable, we are first of entire network literary world! 所以,我扛过来了。我深信,咱们唐门只要有我,就有荣耀,就有光荣。我们就是最强大的,我们就是整个网络文学界的第一 So long as I am still writing, nobody can exceed us! 只要我还在写,就没有人能超越我们! Because there are you and I in, because you love me, therefore, I will write. Therefore, even if ever-frost frozen, cannot prevent extension of Douluo! 因为有你们与我同在,因为你们爱我,所以,我会写下去。所以,哪怕是永冻冰封,也不能阻止斗罗的延续! Unknowingly has written these many. Your Little Tang and your Third Brother, experienced were really too many and were too many. 不知不觉写了这么多。你们的小唐、你们的三哥,真的经历了太多、太多。 Really quite difficult! 真的好难啊! Like the Gu Yuena pain, like the Tang Wulin pain. 就像古月娜的痛苦,就像唐舞麟的痛苦。 You see their pain, came from in my heart. 你们看到他们的苦,都来自于我心中。 I hope that will have extreme sorrow turns to joy. All sad will leave with the pain. Leaves our, is happy. 我只是希望,真的会有否极泰来。一切的悲伤与痛苦都会离开。留给我们的,只有美好。 Finally, said several important matters that then our Tang Sect will soon have. 最后,说说接下来我们唐门即将发生的几件大事。 first, the Douluo Continent animation first season in the Tencent video will broadcast that ended to Qiyue, the second season will broadcast on December 1 that we strive to achieve, gets down on a live transmission starting from the second season, every week a volume, until finishing. Did not do the lifetime series...... 第一,斗罗大陆动画第一季在腾讯视频将播出到七月结束,第二季将会在十二月一日播出,我们争取做到,从第二季开始就一直播下去,每周一集,直到结束。绝不做有生之年系列…… second, the Douluo Continent honorable person version soap opera will begin shooting this year, we will choose Super Rank Super Rank graceful Tang San! 第二,斗罗大陆真人版电视剧将会在今年开拍,我们会选一位超级超级帅的唐三哦! third, «, For Your I Am willing To deeply love the Entire world» soap opera, already and everybody meets in Aiqiyi. This story, writes is between I and Muzi, writes is the experience of my oneself. Luo Jinyan I, Zheng Shuangyan Muzi. I like them very much. 第三,《为了你我愿意热爱整个世界》的电视剧,已经在爱奇艺和大家见面。这个故事,写的就是我和木子之间的,写的就是我自己的经历。罗晋演我,郑爽演木子。我很喜欢他们。 fourth, after Dragon King, the new entertainers'guild that immediately and everybody meets is «Douluo Continent Unauthorized biography Tang Sect Hero Biography», will have the leads of my 12 works, will let you, hot! Blood! Boil! Leap! 第四,龙王之后,马上和大家见面的新书会是《斗罗大陆外传唐门英雄传》,会有我12部作品的主角,会让你们,热!血!沸!腾! fifth, the metropolis emotion series, «Where « Hug Rumor Hugs Your» companion volume of Once Jiang Nan Now » paper entertainers'guild met with everybody October about. 第五,都市情感系列,《拥抱谎言拥抱你》的姐妹篇《曾经江楠今安在》纸质书会在十月左右和大家见面。 The Super Rank world outlook that sixth, my brand-new Creation leaves, had also mentioned in Dragon King Falan World will promote, finally is named as «God Billows Wonderful Territory», this series, four has written after Douluo Continent, can be a ratio Douluo enormous series. First creates can be seven medium-length works, is the god billows strange Yu seven god bead series, the first unit is going and everybody meets this year, is called «God Billows strange Yu Not to have Pair of pearls». Still remembers? I have promised everybody in the micro blog, writes a double male Lord novel for everybody, this and that's the end. Unparalleled has , the non- pair of pearls of same level this life. The fairy not measured that six big territory and unfold on a magnificent scale seven colors sea, ten Three Great races will take to you are infinitely splendid and brilliant. It is expected that entire three volume! 第六,我全新创造出的超级世界观,在龙王之中也提到过的法蓝世界将会推出,最终定名为《神澜奇域》,这个系列,会在斗罗大陆四之后一直写下去,会是一个比斗罗更加庞大的系列。首先创作的会是七部中篇作品,也就是神澜奇域的七神珠系列,第一部将要在今年和大家见面的,就叫做《神澜奇域无双珠》。还记得吗?我在微博上答应过大家,为大家写一部双男主小说,这就是了。无双有对、同等本命的无双珠。神鬼莫测六大域、波澜壮阔七色海,十三大种族将带给你们的是无限精彩与绚烂。预计全三册! seventh, finally, «Douluo Continent Four Ultimate Douluo» most quickly by the end of this year and everybody meets. And accommodates me slow one slow, manages a principle mentality well. This is also last of our Douluo series! At least again writes 30 books for everybody! Sufficiently collects 100 to put in order our Douluo Continent series! I hope that in the future can surmount, only then my oneself «God Billows Wonderful Territory» series can surmount. Therefore, reminded everybody again, ten million do not miss «God Billows strange Yu Not to have Pair of pearls», that is the work that my All-Out to go, first of big series, was absolutely splendid! 第七,最后,《斗罗大陆四终极斗罗》最快将会在今年年底之前和大家见面。且容我缓一缓,好好理一理思路。这也将是我们斗罗系列的最后一部!至少为大家再写30本!将咱们斗罗大陆系列凑够100本整!我希望,未来就算能够超越,也只有我自己的《神澜奇域》系列才能超越。所以,再提醒大家一下,千万不要错过《神澜奇域无双珠》哦,那将会是我全力以赴的作品,大系列的第一个,绝对精彩! The postscript writes about here, should be the conclusion time, but I am somewhat do not give up, because Dragon King finished. This is the most difficult work that I historically write, is a time-consuming longest work. 后记写到这里,也该是结束的时候了,可我还是有些舍不得,因为龙王结束了。这是我历史上写的最艰难的一部作品,也是耗时最长的一部作品。 But must have the conclusion eventually, finished meaning the new start. Prayed the arrival of that extreme sorrow turns to joy. 但一切终究要有结束,结束意味着新的开始。祈祷那份否极泰来的到来。 «Big Carapace Master» truly was the entity book has published, the network compared with the entity late, I acknowledged. However, I did not have the means recently, because, Muzi has recurred, moreover is more serious than the previous recrudescence, on the liver has the majority of infections. I just looked for one clinical trial medicine to use to her from the US. Every day looks that the target on lab test report rises dramatically, every day was stimulated deeply. My recent condition unprecedented difference. I can only pray now that this time experimental medicine can be effective, can give me again a rebirth the opportunity. 《大龟甲师》确实是实体书已经出版了,网络比实体晚了,我承认。但是,我最近真的没办法,因为,木子又复发了,而且比上次复发更严重,肝脏上有大部分病灶。我刚刚从美国找了一种临床试验药在给她用。每天看着化验单上的指标飙升,每天深受刺激。我最近的状态前所未有的差。我现在只能祈祷,这次的试验药能有效,能再给我一次重生的机会。 Big carapace master plan can serialize three months of Time, then online serializes the Tang Sect Hero biography, again, is Douluo four. I do not know that Douluo four whether to open smoothly, because I do not know that at that time my Muzi was any condition. Next Monday, Muzi reexamines new medicine effect, today, I set free a captured animal 100,000 Life to pray for her. Asked everybody to give me to select Time, was too difficult, in the two years I crossed really not well. But I want to continue to write, writes down our Douluo Continent series last ultimate Douluo with the best condition. If, asking everybody to be Muzi prays. Only asked her to accompany my several years again. Has knelt down and thank, Tang Sect brothers and sisters. 大龟甲师计划会连载三个多月的时间,然后在网上连载唐门英雄传,再之后是斗罗四。我也不知道斗罗四能否顺利开启,因为我不知道那时候我的木子是什么状况。下周一,木子复查新药效果,今天,我放生100000条生命为她祈福。请大家给我点时间,真的太难了,这两年我真的过得不好。但我真的想要继续写下去,用最好的状态写下我们斗罗大陆系列最后一部终极斗罗。如果可以,请大家为木子祈祷吧。只求她再多陪我几年。跪谢了,唐门的兄弟姐妹们。 Final final, thanked everybody spare no effort to support again in the two years, thank everybody the deep affection to Little Tang, I also deep was loving you, was this loving, making me be able to insist. Invited everybody prayed for me and wife that I tried hard to write for you for several years, if possible, the hope was for a lifetime. 最后的最后,再次感谢这两年多来大家不遗余力的支持,感谢大家对小唐的厚爱,我也深深的爱着你们,是这份爱,让我能够坚持下来。请大家为我和妻子祈祷,我努力多为你们写几年,如果可能,希望是一辈子。 Final final final, said again, the Douluo Continent four ultimate Douluo synopses: After Ten-thousand Years, the ice melted. Adds one again, the lead will trade! Changes into one, the egg fresh child! But now, invites everybody generous support «Big Carapace Master». The soap opera of big carapace started to arrange, shortly after will meet with everybody. 最后的最后的最后,再说一遍,斗罗大陆四终极斗罗简介:一万年后,冰化了。再加一句,主角会换哦!换成一个,蛋生的孩子!而现在,请大家多多支持《大龟甲师》吧。大龟甲师的电视剧已经开始筹备,不久后将会和大家见面。
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