DD3DKL :: Volume #20

#1977: Not regret!( Has recollection, big chapter)

Thought Embodiment Form? 思维具象化 That is Tang Wulin of diminished version, childhood he, the eye was big, seemed fills spiritual brightly, was only this time some are not well-dressed. 那是一个缩小版的唐舞麟,小时候的他,眼睛大大的,看上去明亮而充满精神,只是此时却有些衣着不整。 In picture, Tang Wulin travel-worn runs. 画面中,唐舞麟风尘仆仆的跑来。 His time appearance, somewhat made the person not dare to think highly , the hair was dishevelled, complexion appeared some pale white, aura of whole person seemed is very unstable. 他此时的样子,着实有些令人不敢恭维,头发乱蓬蓬的,脸色显得有些苍白,整个人的气息看上去都很不稳定。 Which you ran went, how to come now?” Similarly is diminished version, or is Xie Xie ill-humored asking of childhood version. “你跑哪去了,怎么现在才来?”同样是缩小版,或者说是幼年版的谢邂没好气的问道。 The Tang Wulin forced smile said: Is a long story, first competition said again. Teacher Wu, I can go to battle.” 唐舞麟苦笑道:“一言难尽,先比赛再说吧。舞老师,我可以出战。” That time Wu Zhangkong, in Wu Zhangkong anything too big difference with frozen, has not looked at Tang Wulin that he unemotionally, has selected, then said to then guidance Director Long Hengxu: Our class goes to battle with three people.” 那时的舞长空,和冰封之中的舞长空并没有什么太大的区别,他面无表情的看着唐舞麟,点了下头,然后才向当时的教导主任龙恒旭说道:“我们班出战三人。” Long Hengxu said: First Grade Class 1 also please go to battle with three people.” 龙恒旭道:“一年级一班也请出战三人。” Both sides participating students enter the stadium.” “双方参赛学员入场。” Gu Yue gathers side Tang Wulin, asked in a low voice: „Are you good the Ah? body to have matter?” She could see that the present Tang Wulin some are not as if right, aura that but, his body sends out makes her feel somewhat strangely. 古月凑到唐舞麟身边,低声问道:“你行不行啊?身体有没有事?”她看得出,现在的唐舞麟似乎有些不对,但是,他身上散发出的气息又让她觉得有些怪异。 That time Gu Yue and present Gu Yuena have the enormous difference, only then genuine was familiar with them, knows that their passing people, know this had delicate features has not actually arrived at the beautiful young girl, was Silver Dragon Princess at this moment. 那时的古月和现在的古月娜有着极大的差别,只有真正熟悉他们,知道他们过往的人,才知道这个眉目清秀却远没有到绝美的少女,就是此时此刻的银龙公主 I do not have the issue.” Tang Wulin returns by a self-confident smile. “我没问题。”唐舞麟回以一个自信的微笑。 Gu Yue nods, our together keep it up.” 古月点点头,“我们一起加油。” Tang Wulin walks as in central, Xie Xie and Gu Yue follow in him behind, three people have stepped onto Competition Platform together. 唐舞麟依旧走在中央,谢邂古月跟在他身后,三人一起走上了比赛台 Another side, the First Grade Class 1 three students also walked. 另一边,一年级一班的三名学员也走了上来。 I called Zhang Yangzi.” Central calm youth tranquil saying. “我叫张扬子。”中央的沉稳少年平静的说道。 Wei Xiaofeng, we already knew.” Wei Xiaofeng extends the right hand, raises up the thumb, then slowly revolving wrist|skill, thumb downward, makes a provocative the movement. 韦小枫,我们早就认识了。”韦小枫伸出右手,竖起大拇指,然后再缓缓旋转手腕,大拇指向下,作出一个挑衅的动作。 You!” Xie Xie is angry, impulsive comes up on strategic place, was held the shoulder pulling back by Tang Wulin. “你!”谢邂大怒,冲动的就要冲上去,却被唐舞麟一把抓住肩膀给拉了回来。 Xie Xie somewhat surprisedly looked at his one eyes, this fellow, the strength as if became bigger! 谢邂有些惊讶的看了他一眼,这家伙,力气似乎变得更大了啊! Wang Jingxi.” Class 1 that thin student said indifferently. 王金玺。”一班那名骨瘦如柴的学员淡然说道。 Tang Wulin said: First Grade Class 5, Tang Wulin.” 唐舞麟道:“一年级五班,唐舞麟。” Gu Yue.” 古月。” Xie Xie!” 谢邂!” ...... …… seven-colored light shadow restraining, the body of Tang Wulin was shot to fly, actually during that waves rippled in front of the picture to stop. 七彩光影收敛,唐舞麟的身体被弹飞而出,却就是在那片水波荡漾之中的画面前停了下来。 When the picture, is immature Tang Wulin, Xie Xie and Gu Yue, are fighting vigorously compared with they match. 画面之中,幼小时的唐舞麟谢邂古月,正在力战比他们更强一些的对手。 silver light restraining, Gu Yuena restores the person, looks at Thought Embodiment Form before body, her look also somewhat stagnated. However, she has not stopped, next one flickers, grasps Golden Dragon Spear, throws once more to Tang Wulin. 银光收敛,古月娜恢复人身,看着身前的思维具象化,她的眼神也不禁有些凝滞了。但是,她并没有停顿,下一瞬,手持黄金龙枪,再次向唐舞麟扑来。 At this time, Tang Wulin Golden Dragon Yue Talk Battle Armor has covered light seven-colored halo. He looks at the look actually not in part of ones duty gentleness of Gu Yuena. Can appear(ance) Thought Embodiment Form, nature mean that his mood at this moment, immersed at initial that time! 此时,唐舞麟身上的金龙月语斗铠已经覆盖上了一层淡淡的七彩光晕。他看着古月娜的眼神却份外的温柔。能够出现思维具象化,自然就意味着,他此时此刻的情绪,正是沉浸在当初的那个时候啊! That is their childhoods, is they are entering the Shrek Academy beforehand childhood. Also at that time, they walked in the same place, being very close favorable impression gradually lives. 那是他们的童年,是他们在进入史莱克学院之前的童年。也正是在那个时候,他们就已经走在一起,耳鬓厮磨好感渐生。 Golden Dragon Spear makes a circle, day profound circle once more appear(ance), swings Gu Yuena that powerful matchless Element(s) attack. Tang Wulin personal appearance retreat, seems is fending, but his back Thought Embodiment Form actually already once more appear(ance) Transformation. 黄金龙枪画圆,天之玄圆再次出现,荡开古月娜那一道道强势无比元素攻击唐舞麟身形后退,似乎是在闪避,而他背后的思维具象化却已经再次出现变化 They in picture, have as if grown up. 画面之中的他们,似乎长大了一些。 ...... …… In the room sits four people, does not have Teacher Wu, a strange white hair female. 房间里足足坐着四个人,没有舞老师,还有一名陌生的白发女子。 You awoke finally.” A Xie Xie arrow step leapt up. “你终于醒了。”谢邂一个箭步就蹿了过来。 What kind, awaking prompt.” “怎么样,醒的及时吧。” Xie Xie ill-humored [say / way]: What to be prompt? We already late.” 谢邂没好气的道:“及时什么?我们已经晚了。” Ah? Tang Wulin was startled. 啊?唐舞麟吃了一惊。 Walks.” Shen Yi stands up, eye including profound meaning looked at Tang Wulin one, turns around to walk outward. “走吧。”沈熠站起身,眼含深意的看了唐舞麟一眼,转身向外走去。 Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan have also stood, Xu Xiaoyan smiles to Tang Wulin, although Gu Yue unemotionally, but looks how his look clearly likely is inquires his present condition. 古月许小言也站了起来,许小言唐舞麟嫣然一笑,古月虽然面无表情,但看着他的眼神却分明像是询问他现在的状态如何。 Tang Wulin nodded to them, then asked to Xie Xie in a low voice: This is?” 唐舞麟向他们点了点头,然后低声向谢邂问道:“这位是?” Xie Xie said: Shrek Academy person. Teacher Wu friend. Now we already late three hours, Teacher Wu dredges the relations that side Academy for us, we must quickly pass, should can also take the test.” 谢邂道:“史莱克学院的人。舞老师的朋友。现在咱们已经迟了三个多小时了,舞老师学院那边为咱们疏通关系,咱们要赶快过去,应该还可以参加考试。” Sorry, is I am not good.” “对不起,都是我不好。” Xie Xie he he smiles, said that these do do? Before you kept off for us in front, when have we said Xie Word to you? Is your physical condition what kind of? How in this time depth meditation Ah? 谢邂呵呵一笑,“说这些干嘛?以前你为我们挡在前面的时候,我们什么时候跟你说过谢字了?你身体状况怎么样?怎么在这个时候深度冥想啊? The Tang Wulin forced smile said: I do not know that my condition is actually good.” The Seal matter he truly does not have the means to say. He besides the hunger, other felt at this time is really very good. Within the body as if filled strength, Soul Power obviously has also promoted. As for promoting many him does not know that also has the distance from 30th Rank in any case, wants to come should is 27, 8th Rank appearances. Previous time breaks through Seal not to have enhancement too many Soul Power, exaggeration that too this time will not promote obviously. 唐舞麟苦笑道:“我也不知道,我状态倒是挺好的。”封印的事情他确实是没办法说出来。他此时除了饥饿之外,其他感觉到真的都是很不错的。体内仿佛充满了力量,魂力也明显有所提升了。至于提升了多少他不知道,反正距离三十级还有距离,想来应该是27、八级的样子。上次突破封印就没有提高太多的魂力,这次显然也不会提升的太夸张。 The hunger somewhat affects his judgment, but he thought that oneself strength at least also the integral lifting over one-third, by his formerly base number, having promoted three points of strength is very extraordinary. 饥饿有些影响他的判断,但他觉得,自己力量至少也又整体提升了1以上,以他先前的基数,提升三分之一力量就已经很了不得了。 „Does your have to eat?” Tang Wulin asked to Xie Xie in a low voice. “你那有没有吃的?”唐舞麟低声向谢邂问道。 Xie Xie shakes the head at a loss. 谢邂茫然摇头。 In this time, taking the lead Gu Yue is handing instead over one package of things to the Tang Wulin hand. 正在这时,走在前面的古月反手递来一包东西到唐舞麟手中。 Tang Wulin received, pinches with the hand knows that was anything, steamed bun and meat. Although does not calculate specially, but always compares no good! 唐舞麟接过,用手一捏就知道里面是什么了,馒头和肉。虽然不算特别多,但总比没有的好啊! Three steamed buns, one package of soy-sauce cooked pork. 三个馒头,一包酱肉。 ...... …… Gu Yuena attack had launched once more, but when she just act, actually just saw in picture. 古月娜攻击本已再次展开,但当她刚刚出手的时候,却刚好看到了画面中的这一幕。 When her of course remembered at that time. That initially they together was admitted to the Shrek Academy time, at that time, Tang Wulin because of breaking through Golden Dragon King Second Seal delayed assess(ment). Everybody in he, when he wakes. 当然记得那时什么时候。那是当初他们一起考取史莱克学院的时刻,在那个时候,唐舞麟因为突破金龙王二道封印而耽误了考核。大家都在等他,等他醒过来。 Luckily, his prompt awaking revolutions, although late. Eventually has actually caught up with the test. 幸好,他及时醒转,虽然晚了一些。却终究还是赶上了考试。 Picture once more appear(ance) Transformation time, they in picture, before arrived at Shrek Academy. 画面再次出现变化的时候,画面中的他们,已经来到了史莱克学院前。 When sees Shrek City in that picture, when sees that Once Shrek Academy, receives assault, not only Gu Yuena, the Light and Dark Douluo Long Yeyue also body shivers. That is Once Shrek! Shrek Academy Twenty-thousand Years honor in! 当看到那画面中的史莱克城,看到那座曾经史莱克学院时,受到冲击的不只是古月娜,光暗斗罗龙夜月也不禁身体颤抖。那是曾经史莱克啊!史莱克学院两万年的荣光都在其中啊! Sufficed!” Gu Yuena gives a loud shout suddenly, in the hand Silver Dragon Spear ray of light rises suddenly, seven-colored ray of light just like rainbow generally to the Tang Wulin outwash. “够了!”古月娜突然大喝一声,手中白银龙枪光芒暴涨,七彩光芒宛如彩虹一般向唐舞麟刷去。 But her drinks greatly, as if also awakens from the train of thought Tang Wulin, the back picture comes to naught to vanish. His look also becomes bright. 而她的一声大喝,似乎也将唐舞麟从思绪中惊醒,背后的画面化为泡影消失。他的眼神也重新变得明亮起来。 The glorious memory relieved the pain of his at this moment innermost feelings, in the hand Golden Dragon Spear suddenly stabbed out, the unprecedented imposing manner erupts instantaneously. Forbidding Sanity and Dragon Emperor Charge! 美好的回忆减轻了他此时此刻内心的痛苦,手中黄金龙枪骤然刺出,一往无前的气势瞬间爆发开来。禁平凡龙皇冲 Powerful Golden Dragon King Blood Energy hits in together, halo with that seven-colored ray of light scatters in all directions immediately, Heaven and Earth look changes. 强盛的金龙王气血与那七彩光芒撞击在一起,顿时光晕四散,天地色变 The distance of both sides is getting more and more near, eyes of Tang Wulin that golden-colored halo circulation, looks steadily at Gu Yuena not to have the evasion of half minute. 双方的距离越来越近,唐舞麟金色光晕流转的双眸,盯视着古月娜没有半分的回避。 From his look, Gu Yuena as if saw his interrogation. Once all, have you forgotten? 从他的眼神中,古月娜仿佛看到了他的质问。曾经的一切,你都已经忘了吗? Forgot? Does she possibly dismiss from mind? 忘了么?她怎么可能忘怀? Shrek Academy that period of lovely time, it can be said that she after changing body adult most unforgettable! 史莱克学院的那段美好时光,可以说是她在变身成人之后最最难忘的啊! Bang “轰” They dashed finally in one, but in this flash, entire vault of heaven distortion, Transformation occurrence, more formidable Thought Embodiment Form appear(ance). 两人终于冲撞在了一起,而就在这一刹那,整个天穹扭曲,变化发生,更加强大的思维具象化出现了。 In front of that dozens li (0.5km) huge picture, as if the looks like produces an inverted image general, presents in Once Shrek Academy the lines of sight of all people. 那面前数十里的巨大画面,仿佛像倒映一般,将曾经史莱克学院呈现在所有人的视线之中。 That grand Shrek City, that green and luxuriant Shrek Academy, that deep blue Sea God Lake, all that familiar, that remote. 那雄伟的史莱克城,那郁郁葱葱的史莱克学院,还有那碧蓝的海神湖,无不是那么的熟悉,又那么的遥远。 But above this picture, the ray is actually darkness. Thought centralism and enlargement. What enlargement is that piece of deep blue Sea God Lake. In the enlargement of embellishment and under overall picture of light, letting the person can see all on that lake surface clearly. 而在这幅画面之上,光线却是黑暗的。思维集中、放大。放大的是那一片碧蓝的海神湖。在灯光的点缀和整体画面的放大下,让人能够清楚的看到那湖面上的一切。 At this moment, above the Sea God Lake lake surface, is standing two groups of people, they separately in both sides. 此时此刻,海神湖湖面之上,站着两拨人,他们分别在两侧。 This is...... 这是…… This is Sea God Fated Blind Date General Meeting! Once Shrek Academy, most noticeable internal Blind Date General Meeting. It can be said that was this Sea God Fated Blind Date General Meeting, the achievement the innumerable deity family companion. Initial Ice Spirit Douluo Huo Yuhao and Dragon-Butterfly Douluo Tang Wutong walked on this Sea God Fated Blind Date General Meeting in the same place. Later Huo Yuhao established Spirit Transferring Pagoda. 这是海神缘相亲大会啊!曾经史莱克学院,最为引人瞩目的内部相亲大会。可以说,正是这海神缘相亲大会,成就了无数神仙眷侣。当初的灵冰斗罗霍雨浩龙蝶斗罗唐舞桐就是在这海神缘相亲大会上走在一起。之后霍雨浩创立了传灵塔 But at this moment, this Sea God Fated Blind Date General Meeting, of course is belongs to that to fight Battle Member Golden Dragon Yue Talk and Silver Dragon Wu Lin in the midair. This is their. Also remembers in them the deep place most profound recollection. 而此时此刻,这份海神缘相亲大会,当然是属于那正在半空之中战斗者金龙月语银龙舞麟。这是属于他们的那一届。也是在他们记忆深处最深刻的回忆。 When on vault of heaven this giant picture scroll appear(ance), that two forms all disappeared unexpectedly, looked like they integrated in this recollection completely. 当天穹上这幅巨大画卷出现的时候,那两道身影竟然全都消失了,就像是他们已经完全融入到了这份回忆中似的。 ...... …… A Second Look to Fall in Love segment continues, next was......” Tang Yinmeng has stopped, then her vision fell on Tang Wulin, 51 st. Invited.” 二见钟情环节继续,下一位是……”唐音梦停顿了一下,然后她的目光就落在了唐舞麟身上,“51号。有请。” The under foot lotus leaf flutters, Tang Wulin heartbeat also accelerates. Three years, entire more than three years of Time, more than 1000 day and night distinctions, have met finally once more. 脚下荷叶飘动,唐舞麟心跳也随之加速。三年了,整整三年多的时间了,1000多个日日夜夜的分别,终于再次相见。 She has grown up, oneself also grew up. 她长大了,自己也长大了。 We finally no longer are the children, we have grown up. 我们终于不再是孩子,我们已经成年。 More than 1000 days and nights, in that each busy and arid day, I early saw clearly the oneself innermost feelings, more than 1000 days and nights, in your heart, may once recall to mind me. 1000多个日日夜夜,在那每一个忙碌而枯燥的日子,我早已经看清楚了自己的内心,1000多个日日夜夜,在你心中,可曾记起我。 You have not shone light for me , because you have put behind me? May so, I not give up, does not give up! 你没有为我亮起灯光,是因为你已经将我忘却吗?可就算如此,我也不会放弃,决不放弃! Opposite, the a pair of double wonderful eye looks steadily on him, looks at this audience handsomest youth. 对面,一双双妙目盯视在他身上,看着这全场最为英俊的青年 The 18 th vision is gazing, was also on the rise on the 17 th. Excitedly Dai Yun'er jumps for joy as if momentarily wants to run out from that lotus leaf, Yuanen Yehui and Ye Xinglan, they are also seeing his form. 18号的目光在注视,17号也在不知不觉间抬起头来。戴云儿兴奋雀跃的似乎随时都想要从那荷叶上冲出,还有原恩夜辉叶星澜、她们也都在看着他的身影。 Everyone is anticipating, he is going to say anything. 每个人都在期待着,他将要说些什么。 Because of some reasons, I left for three years. In more than 1000 days and nights, I am constantly not thinking of Academy. Because since Parents departs suddenly, here is my family|home. today I came back, happens to present, just catches up with Sea God Fated Blind Date General Meeting. I not hesitant, I arrived here directly. Because I feared to miss, feared that you have fallen in love with others.” “因为一些原因,我离开了三年。1000多个日日夜夜中,我无时无刻不在想念着学院。因为自从父母突然离去之后,这里就已经是我的家。今天我回来了,适逢其会,刚好赶上海神缘相亲大会。我没有犹豫,我直接来到了这里。因为我怕错过了,更怕你已经爱上别人。” „Before more than three years, I have asked you, are you because my bloodline approaches me. Afterward in that arid days, I have thought that I thought that at that time asked your this question quite silly. I should not inquire. You have given my affirmative answer, making me very sad, even the past years know oneself is waste Martial Soul also had defective product(s) Soul Spirit the time is sad. But, I actually cannot display, because I am Captain, I cannot make everybody see my spiritless side.” “三年多前,我问过你,你是不是因为我的血脉才接近我。后来在那段枯燥的日子里,我想了很多,我觉得那时候问你这个问题真的好傻。我根本就不该去询问。你给了我肯定的答案,让我很伤心,甚至要比当年知道自己是废武魂并且拥有了一个残次品魂灵的时候还要伤心。可是,我却不能表现出来,因为我是队长,我不能让大家看到我懦弱的一面。” I have suppressed the pain of innermost feelings to lead to participate, achieved the final success to us. But, I actually as before do not know how at that time should come facing you. Or faces my oneself.” “我一直强忍着内心的痛苦带队参赛,一直到我们获得了最终的胜利。可是,那时候我却依旧不知道该如何来面对你。或者说是面对我自己。” „More than three years passed, in more than 1000 days and nights, I have thought are many and many. Before many , not clear matters, I thought through. Likes a person why caring are too many? Regardless of you because of anything, but is acquainted with me, since I like on you, I am willing to accept all your. If you also like me, we in same place. If you do not like me, I exhaust to make you like me diligently, we as in the same place. Therefore, in any event, regarding this sentiment, I do not give up! From now henceforth, I was your person, you must be responsible for me.” “三年多过去了,在这1000多个日日夜夜中,我想过很多、很多。很多以前不明白的事情,我都想通了。喜欢一个人何必在乎的太多?无论你是因为什么而与我相识,既然我喜欢上你,我就愿意接受你的一切。如果你也喜欢我,我们就在一起。如果你并不喜欢我,那我就用尽一切努力让你喜欢我,我们依旧在一起。所以,无论如何,对于这份感情,我决不放弃!从今以后,我是你的人了,你必须要对我负责。” ...... …… Picture unreal once more congealing reality. 画面虚幻又再次凝实。 ...... …… Tang Yinmeng said: On Sea God Lake the Sea God reason, Blind Date General Meeting carried on this time, already more than half. But what I must say, the genuine high tide actually at this moment starts from the present match. All male students, you can pray, following fourth segment, arbiter you whether has the return carrying a beauty opportunity.” 唐音梦道:“海神湖海神缘,相亲大会进行到了这个时候,已经过半。但我必须要说的是,真正的高潮却从现在赛这一刻才开始。所有的男生们,你们可以祈祷了,接下来的第四环节,将决定者你们是否有抱得美人归的机会。” Lan Muzi nodded, „, horse General (military) must start, is on all previous Sea God Fated Blind Date General Meeting the most exciting moment, fourth segment, three live to be predestined friends. The final result, will at least decide to surpass 70% in this segment. Therefore, I must remind Sea God fairy maiden, you must cautiously choose, once because has chosen, but cannot replace again. Therefore, sees clearly your oneself innermost feelings, do not make to let the matter that oneself will regret in the future.” 蓝木子点了点头,“是的,马上将要开始的,就是历届海神缘相亲大会上最为激动人心的时刻,第四环节,三生有缘。最终的结局,在这个环节之中至少会决定超过70。所以,我要提醒诸位海神仙子,你们都要慎重选择,因为一旦选择了,可就不能再更换。所以,看清你们自己的内心,不要做出让自己未来后悔的事情。” The female students expression varies, but look actually becomes dedicated. 女生们表情不一,但眼神却都变得专注起来。 Lan Muzi looked that to has not taken off 17 of bamboo hat and No. 18 female student, the sinking sound track: So far, only then two bamboo hat veils still, then, now you must first choose whether takes off the veils on your face. If there is not taken off at this time, later you will again not have taken off the opportunity of bamboo hat veil. Therefore, please cautiously choose. Before because you, to outstanding that own veil protects, in this fourth segment, after taking off the veil, you can first carry on fourth segment three to live to be predestined friends. Now gives you one minute of consideration Time.” 蓝木子看向尚未摘下斗笠的17号和18号女生,沉声道:“目前为止,只有二位的斗笠面纱还在,那么,现在你们首先要选择的就是是否摘下你们脸上的面纱。如果在这个时候还不摘下的话,那么,之后你们将没有再摘下斗笠面纱的机会。因此,请你们慎重选择。而因为你们之前对自身面纱保护的优异,在这第四环节,摘下面纱之后,你们可以优先进行第四环节三生有缘。现在给你们一分钟考虑的时间。” I pick.” Clear delightful, spreads over entire Sea God Lake surface sounds|voices clearly along with it resounding. The speech, is No. 18 female student. “我摘。”一个清脆悦耳,清晰传遍整个海神湖面的声音随之响起。说话的,正是18号女生。 Sees only her to lift the hand, has taken off the bamboo hat veil of oneself top of the head, has revealed outstandingly beautiful tender face. 只见她一抬手,就摘下了自己头顶的斗笠面纱,露出了一张绝色娇颜 The silver long hair hangs loose, eye pupil as if purple crystal of a pair of purple crystal version is ordinary, silver-haired purple eyes, even if the light of stars and moon, when she reveals the original look changes colors. 银色长发披散,一双水晶版的眼眸仿佛紫水晶一般,银发紫眸,就算是星月之光在她露出本来相貌的时候都不禁为之失色。 In the Sea God Lake surface, all halo instant as if became her contrast in this. All vision fell on her body instantaneously. 海神湖面上,所有的光晕在这刹那仿佛都成为了她的衬托。所有目光瞬间都落在了她的身上。 Dragon Spear Goddess!” Does not know that was who has called out in alarm one first, in a flash, the shore is screams resounds. 龙枪女神!”不知道是谁先惊呼了一声,转瞬间,岸边就已经是一片惊呼声响起。 ...... …… Dragon Spear Goddess in picture is not just the present Silver Dragon Princess appearance, may regarding not see the primary field surface people, their some feelings of doubts, this Dragon Spear Goddess, as if not completely is the same to Silver Dragon Princess at this time. That is a feeling of not being able to say. 画面中的龙枪女神可不正是现在银龙公主的模样,可对于并未见过一次场面的人们来说,他们却有些疑惑的感觉到,此时这位龙枪女神,似乎与银龙公主并不完全一样。那是一种说不出的感觉。 That of course is not Gu Yuena, that is Na'er. 当然不是古月娜,那是娜儿 ...... …… Lan Muzi said: For regarding fair of other female students in order, since Na'er Junior Sister you had admired the object, then, this fourth segment three live to be predestined friends might as well the object who is chosen to admire by you first. We want to know very much that is actually which lucky fellow, can make our Dragon Spear Goddess see.” 蓝木子道:“为了对于其他女生的公平起见,既然娜儿学妹你已经有了心仪对象,那么,这第四环节三生有缘不如就由你先来选择心仪的对象吧。我们都很想知道,究竟是哪位幸运儿,能让我们的龙枪女神看到。” Na'er nods, good! I come first.” 娜儿点点头,“好啊!那我先来。” Hand signal that Lan Muzi makes invitation, good, then, please 18 th Na'er Junior Sister, to that person side that you admire. Does not know that our male students do have the feeling that heartbeat accelerates.” 蓝木子作出一个请的手势,“好,那么,就请18号的娜儿学妹,到你心仪的那个人身边去吧。不知道我们的男生们有没有心跳加速的感觉。” Na'er shows a faint smile, how also does not see him to strike an attitude, body silver light dodges, the under foot lotus leaf light drifting about, has drawn together the water line on the water surface, directly soars the opposite male student camp to go. 娜儿微微一笑,也不见他如何作势,身上银光一闪,脚下荷叶已经轻飘飘的漂荡而出,在水面上划出一道水线,直奔对面的男生阵营而去。 Tang Wulin can clear hearing, become in oneself breathing rapid, intense heart beating. Without a doubt, male students this time is in the extremely stimulated condition. 唐舞麟能够清楚的听到,在自己身边的呼吸声都变得急促起来了,还有激烈的心跳声。毫无疑问,男生们此时都处于极度亢奋的状态之中。 The lotus leaf drifts about, was getting more and more near, on Na'er pretty face is having the light smile throughout, the distance is nearer, exceed can feel shock that her beautiful woman brings outstandingly beautiful, even if these Inner Court male students strength in meditation are extraordinary, at this time also dazzling and intoxicating. Results in wife so husband duplicate what Qiu! 荷叶漂荡,越来越近了,娜儿俏脸上始终带着淡淡的微笑,距离越近,越能感受到她那倾城绝色带来的震撼,哪怕这些内院男生们定力非凡,此时也不禁一个个目眩神迷。得妻如此夫复何求啊! Elects me, to elect me! Almost every person was crying out in the oneself heart. 选我、选我!几乎每个人都在自己心中呐喊着。 Near, near! 近了、近了! 100 meters, 80 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters! 100米,80米,50米,30米! The beautiful women were near at hand, the breath of all people even more are rapid. A male student could not bear release oneself Martial Soul directly, dazzling Soul Ring from the under foot ascension, were showing own power. Almost is the next flash, on over half male students, Soul Ring ray of light has all shone, in just a moment, colorful that on the Sea God Lake lake surface shines upon. 佳人已经近在咫尺,所有人的呼吸不禁越发急促起来。一名男生忍不住直接释放出了自己武魂,一圈圈炫目的魂环从脚下升腾而起,展现着自身实力。几乎是下一瞬间,超过半数的男生身上,魂环光芒全都亮了起来,一时间,将海神湖湖面上映照的五彩斑斓。 Ten meters! On difference final ten meters. 十米!就差最后的十米了。 Stared in a big way the eye from a Na'er recent male student excitedly. Helplessly looks that rare beauty comes to oneself, this feeling was really too exciting. 距离娜儿最近的一名男生已经兴奋的瞪大了眼睛。眼睁睁的看着那绝色佳人向自己而来,这种感觉实在是太刺激了。 In the Tang Wulin look murderous aura four shot, looks steadily at that male student, both hands has been gripping tightened Fist. 唐舞麟眼神中杀气四射,盯视着那名男生,双手已经攥紧了拳头 At this moment, the lotus leaf of Na'er under foot draws an arc on the water surface suddenly, the elegant arc deflects quietly, directly soars Tang Wulin here direction. 就在这时,娜儿脚下的荷叶突然在水面上划出一道弧线,优美的弧线悄然偏转,直奔唐舞麟这边的方向而来。 No, said accurately, should in the Long Yue (Dragon Leap) direction. 不,准确的说,应该是朝着龙跃的方向。 Na'er has been away from him to be getting more and more near. Even is near at hand. 娜儿已经距离他越来越近了。甚至是近在咫尺。 Tang Wulin stared in a big way the eye, no, Na'er, you cannot elect him! He is Star Luo Empire. He...... 唐舞麟瞪大了眼睛,不,娜儿,你可不能选他啊!他可是星罗帝国的。他…… Tang Wulin wishes one could to take to pinch dead Long Yue (Dragon Leap) now. 唐舞麟现在恨不得要一把捏死龙跃 On the shore, Outer Court disciple are also in an uproar, many people could not bear call. If their Dragon Spear Goddess finally chose an exchange from Star Luo Empire to live to take the companion, this was all people are unable to accept absolutely. 岸边上,外院弟子们也都是一片哗然,很多人都忍不住已经叫了起来。如果他们的龙枪女神最终选择了一名来自星罗帝国的交流生作为伴侣,这绝对是所有人都无法接受的。 The lotus leaf of Na'er under foot fluttered speed slowly several points, she shot a look at Tang Wulin one, looks that Tang Wulin both hands gripped the fist, stared in a big way the eye to look at oneself, then when then looked at Long Yue (Dragon Leap) the appearance of eyes torching, could not bear obstructs the fragrant lip lightly, has smiled. 娜儿脚下的荷叶飘动速度慢了几分,她瞥了唐舞麟一眼,看着唐舞麟双手攥拳,瞪大了眼睛看着自己,然后再看龙跃双眸喷火的样子,忍不住轻遮芳唇,“噗哧”一声笑了出来。 silver light dodges slightly, the lotus leaf accelerates once more, shortly from Long Yue (Dragon Leap) a glide that be only three meters, have actually been quietly, has together the small arc once more, floating arrives at side Tang Wulin. The lotus leaf touches lightly on the lotus leaf of Tang Wulin, gains ground, cunning spits the tongue to him. 银光微微一闪,荷叶再次加速,眼看着距离龙跃就只有三米了,却悄无声息的一个滑动,再次带起一道小弧线,飘然来到唐舞麟身边。荷叶轻触在唐舞麟的荷叶上,抬起头,狡黠的向他吐了吐舌头。 Long Yue (Dragon Leap) has tarried, the male students have tarried, Tang Wulin oneself also dumbfounded. 龙跃呆住了,男生们呆住了,唐舞麟自己也呆住了。 That time he, was Na'er Elder Brother! 那时候的他,还是娜儿哥哥啊! Has not cast off No. the 17 female student body of bamboo hat to shake shaking, but also quickly returned to normal. In just one minute of casting off bamboo hat Time, she always does not have the least bit sound, is so far, only has not cast off the person of bamboo hat. 没有摘掉斗笠的17号女生身体震了震,但也很快恢复了正常。在刚刚一分钟的摘掉斗笠时间内,她始终没有半点动静,也是目前为止,唯一一名没有摘掉斗笠的人。 Looks at the Na'er cunning smiling face, Tang Wulin cannot bear lift the hand to rub rubbing in her head, your this girl.” 看着娜儿狡黠的笑容,唐舞麟忍不住抬手在她头上揉了揉,“你这丫头。” Hee hee.” Na'er smiles, spits tongue to him. “嘻嘻。”娜儿嫣然一笑,向他吐了吐舌头。 In his eye full is favors to drown, her smile fills happily. in just a moment, oppressive dog oppressive gloom! That Inner Court male student(s) Soul Ring ray of light obviously became intense. If no on the distant place large ship numerous Ancient to bring up the rear, segment that perhaps they cannot help performing carrying off a girl to be one's wife now. 他的眼中满是宠溺,她的微笑充满甜蜜。一时间,虐狗虐的天昏地暗!那一位位内院男学员身上的魂环光芒明显变得强烈了。如果不是有远处楼船上众多宿老们压阵,恐怕他们现在就忍不住要上演一幕抢亲的环节了。 Tang Wulin said in a low voice: Intentionally what disturbs is.” 唐舞麟低声道:“故意捣乱的是吧。” Na'er digs red lips, how I intentionally disturbed. Do I elect the elder brother not to be good? Do you want to make me classify person?” 娜儿撅起红唇,“我怎么就故意捣乱了。我选哥不行吗?还是你想让我选别人?” Tang Wulin snort|hum, after and other congresses had ended, tidies up you again. Your this girl.” 唐舞麟哼了一声,“等这大会结束之后再收拾你。你这丫头。” Tang Yinmeng said with a smile: Was good, we continue this segment. Below, the ballot chooses. Meanwhile, before the choice, female student can the male student who oneself must elect propose that an issue or is the request. Chooses according to male student's reply again. Na'er Junior Sister, had you just forgotten this point?” 唐音梦微笑道:“好了,我们继续本环节。下面,抽签进行选择。同时,在选择之前,女生可以向自己要选的男生提出一个问题或者是要求哦。根据男生的回答再进行选择。娜儿学妹,你刚刚是不是忘记了这一点呢?” Na'er actually beckoned with the hand to her, winning smile sweet [say / way]: I do not need, I think that in this world has not understood his person compared with me.” 娜儿却向她摆了摆手,巧笑嫣然的道:“我不需要,我想,这个世界上没有比我更了解他的人了。” ...... …… That is Na'er, that is Gu Yuena part, that also Once is Tang Wulin Younger Sister, is Sky Raising Douluo Yun Ming only disciple. Once Shrek Academy Dragon Spear Goddess. 那是娜儿,那是古月娜的一部分,那也曾经唐舞麟妹妹,是擎天斗罗云冥的唯一弟子曾经史莱克学院龙枪女神 ...... …… According to rules and regulations, has not taken off the female student of bamboo hat, must be able to elect the person in this segment at the final moment. No. 17 female student, excuse me, you whether chooses to admire the male student.” “按照规则,没有摘下斗笠的女生,在这个环节要在最后时刻才能选人。17号女生,请问,你是否选择心仪男生。” The Tang Wulin vision surmounts hundred Myvatn surface, fell on that female student directly, the vision of all people also centralized on her, especially thoses had guessed correctly whose person she was, was so. 唐舞麟的目光跨越百米湖面,直接落在了那女生身上,所有人的目光也都集中在她身上,尤其是那些已经猜到了她是谁的人,更是如此。 Under the gazes of all people, No. after 17 female student silent moment, shaking the head of gently. 在所有人的注视下,17号女生沉默片刻后,轻轻的摇了摇头。 Her movement slight(ly), seems also is very very simple, but, actually the command stands Tang Wulin such as the falling ice hole on lotus leaf. 她的动作很轻微,看上去也很简单,可是,却令站在荷叶上的唐舞麟如坠冰窟。 She shook the head, she has not elected, yes, she has not chosen oneself. Even no one has elected, has not taken off the bamboo hat. 她摇头了,她没有选,是的,她没有选自己。甚至谁都没有选,更没有摘下斗笠。 Without a doubt, this means that she does not have the one's beloved, has no intention on this Blind Date General Meeting seeks for the oneself companion. 毫无疑问,这意味着她并没有心上人,也无意在本届相亲大会上寻找自己的伴侣。 Tang Wulin only thought that the heart of oneself as if had been grasped firmly by any thing, suddenly some are unable to breathe. 唐舞麟只觉得自己的心仿佛被什么东西一把攥住了似的,突然有些无法呼吸。 His eyes was somewhat dim, wipes light anguished to reappear from the corners of the mouth place. 他的双眸有些朦胧了,一抹淡淡的苦涩从嘴角处浮现而出。 Once all sorts, are in flood in the moral nature, why, don't you elect me? 曾经的种种,在心底泛滥,为什么,你不选我? ...... …… All meets, meet again after a long separation 所有的相遇,都是久别重逢 Was despised natural talent Lu Dun, admittance and roommate fight and divide into end Class 5, all are the destiny make it so. 被人轻视天资鲁钝、入学与室友打架、分入最末的五班,一切都是命运使然。 He once was also no use, confusedly, even if mental again firm, in darkness, is only a child. 他也曾无助、迷茫,哪怕心智再坚,黑暗中,也只是个孩子。 Dark, he has waited till a person. 冥冥之中,他等到了一个人。 On that day the glorious weather, in Sky had several wisps of light classes saying that in the breeze was the flower fragrance. 那天风和日丽,天空中只有几缕淡淡的流云,微风中是浅浅的花香。 On sweating profusely Drilling Grounds, he meets by chance with a pure white form, the delicate facial features, the black long hair, the black eye pupil, walks, as if has strange aura. 在大汗淋漓的操场上,他与一个纯白的身影不期而遇,清秀的面容,黑色长发,黑色眼眸,行走之间,似乎有一种奇异的气场 Why you are bringing iron chains Ah? “你为什么带着铁锁链啊? Exercises physique! Teacher(s) is stricter to my request, you are really fierce.” “锻炼体魄啊!老师对我的要求更严格一些吧,你真厉害。” At meal time, she specially had as if noticed his astonishing appetite, gives his oneself Steamed Stuffed Bun. 吃饭时,她似乎特意留意到了他惊人的食量,递给他自己包子 My eating, gives you.” “我的吃不了,也给你吧。” An action, has pulled closer each other distance, all are that smooth, like a concern of old friend. 一个举动,拉近了彼此的距离,一切是那么流畅,就像一位老友的关怀。 She called Gu Yue, seemed the deep deep pool of well, was containing the deep secret \; It seems broad cold Yue, clear his vision. 她叫古月,好似古井的深潭,蕴藏着深深的秘密\;好似溶溶的冷月,清亮了他的目光。 He is base and low Blue Silver Grass, she is the darling who Element(s) cares, afloat and on, an adverse current, in the rapid time, meets again after a long separation. 他是卑微的蓝银草,她是元素眷顾的宠儿,一个顺流而上,一个逆流而下,就在湍急的时光里,久别重逢。 ...... …… Regardless of stands in any standpoint, I am hugging you imperceptibly 无论站在什么立场,我都在无形中拥抱着你 The assistance of tacit understanding and Spirit Raising Platform of being promoted match, they become the friends in genuine significance. 升班赛的默契、升灵台的协助,他们成为真正意义上的朋友。 When he of barbecue taste comes back, she can realize vigilantly other he and female students has met \; When Crystallization he crashes from the midair, she catches with the body without hesitation does not let his crushing. 当一身烤肉味的他回来时,她能警惕地察觉到他和其他女生见过面\;当晶体化的他从半空中坠落,她不假思索地用身躯接住不让他粉碎 Is indifferent to other people, only exposes the smiling face for you. 对他人冷漠,只为你展露笑颜。 Facing whether joins the choice of Tang Sect, her answer is: No. 面对是否加入唐门的抉择,她的答案是:不。 He is afraid, is afraid person to follow to go, like initial Parents and Younger Sister. 他害怕,害怕身边的人一个一个接踵而去,就像当初的父母妹妹 Who said that I will leave.” “谁说我会离开了。” I choose do not join Tang Sect, do not leave Class 0. Where joins any organization not to affect.” “我只是选择不加入唐门,又不是要离开零班。加入什么组织并不影响在什么地方。” I will not leave, has been able with you in the same place. 我不会离开的,一直都会和你在一起。 ...... …… When young, trickle the pure running water, warmly walks arm in arm 年少时,涓涓清流、暖暖依偎 On Soul Guidance large bus, the east side is sea, blue limitlessly, a clear water and sky color. 魂导大巴上,东边是大海,蓝色得无边无际,清的水天一色。 He looks beautiful scene that out of the window passed over gently and swiftly unceasingly, hazy calls the Younger Sister name gently, the silver form dodges not to have in the mind. When opens eyes once more, is actually surprised she. 他看着窗外不断掠过的美景,迷蒙中轻轻唤出妹妹的名字,银色的身影在脑海里一闪而没。再次睁开眼时,却是惊讶的她。 She shows a faint smile, has handed over a drinking glass, inside is only the clear water, the temperature is suitable, is actually moistening his heart. 她微微一笑,递过一个水杯,里面只是清水,温度适宜,却滋润着他的心。 Sunlight sprinkles on her face, as if her skin becomes glittering and translucent carving, originally she is so attractive. 阳光洒落在她的脸上,仿佛她的皮肤都变得晶莹剔透,原来她这么好看。 The slightly drunk sunlight makes her rely on gently in his shoulder, the breath slowly becomes gentle. 微醺的日光让她轻轻倚在他的肩头,呼吸慢慢变得平和。 He also unknowingly closed the eyes, the body is warm, diverges in this moment warmth exhaustedly quietly. 他也不知不觉阖上了眼,身体暖洋洋的,疲惫在这一刻的温馨中悄然散去。 Excessively many spoken languages, this, has not resembled the years the black and white fragment. 没有过多的言语,这一幕,就好像岁月的黑白断片。 ...... …… For you, although refuses stubbornly sadly 为你,虽死不悲 On Skysea Alliance Great Competition, she encounters to attack, may actually without enough time reaction, only be able to tie up the hand to wait for death. 天海联盟大比上,她遭遇突击,可却来不及反应,只能缚手待毙。 Suddenly body one warm, he grasped her, with the back of oneself, withstood all. 忽然间身体一暖,他抱住了她,用自己的后背,承受了一切。 Bright red blood splashes bloom in her eyes, but on his face does not have to be sad and regrettable, only then light smile. 一朵朵鲜红的血花在她眼中绽放,而他的脸上没有悲伤和遗憾,只有淡淡的微笑。 Hopes that can pass through the future road with you, but I will not forget my original intention. Good wants to protect you like this, you who I attach great importance, but, perhaps this was the last time. 多么希望能和你一起走过今后的路,但我不会忘了我的初衷。好想一直这样守护你啊,我所重视的你,不过,也许这是最后一次了吧。 She is startled, does not hesitate to consume oneself Life Force, inspiring purest Life light, repairs body that he is damaged. 她惊慌,不惜消耗自己生命力,引动最纯净的生命光明,修复他受损的身体。 No matter she, she wants him to live well. 她不管,她要他好好活着。 You said that in this world does not have any contract, can surmount the junction of Life and Death. 你说,这个世界上没有任何一种契约,能超越生死之交。 ...... …… After growing up, you are you 长大之后,你还是你 Time flies, Sun-Moon like shuttle. 光阴似箭,日月如梭。 Three years pass by, why do not know, she has transformed to his manner, no longer looked like formerly was so intimate, instead somewhat became estranged. 三年过去,不知道为什么,她对他的态度有所转变,不再像从前那么亲近,反而有些疏远。 They arrive at highest palace assess(ment), has succeeded, but she actually does not want. 他们来到最高殿堂考核,成功了,可是她却不愿意。 Does not want.” “不愿意。” She hit you, I was unhappy.” “她打你了,我不开心。” She has turned the head to look straight ahead his eye, hesitates and yearns for without a point, so is light does not have the leeway to say the reason of oneself. 她转过头直视他的眼睛,没有一点犹疑和留恋,就这么平淡而没有余地的道出自己的理由。 Thank You (Xiexie), thank you that for you who I act boldly regardless of one's safety, originally all have not changed. 谢谢,谢谢你还是那个为我奋不顾身的你,原来一切都没有变。 ...... …… When I have ability obtains fairly, I again 当我有能力获得公平的时候,我会再来 She created obstacles, facing the Elder dignity, he has not dreaded slightly, neither arrogant nor servile standing in her side. 她被刁难,面对长老的威严,他丝毫没有畏惧,不卑不亢的站在她的身边。 Because, that created obstacles she, is person who he must protect. 因为,那个被刁难的她,是他要守护的人。 „, Can Shrek Academy, have fair?” “请问,史莱克学院,可有公平?” The answer renounces to be contemptuous. 答案决绝而轻蔑。 He feels to be incapable, facing absolute power, oneself linked companion unable to preserve really? 他感到无力,面对绝对的实力,自己真的连伙伴也保不住了么? He holds up the head. 他昂起头。 Three Elder, I gave up being admitted to the qualifications of Shrek Academy, one day, when I had ability obtained fairly, I will again come.” “三位长老,我放弃考入史莱克学院的资格,有一天,当我有能力获得公平的时候,我会再来。” For her, he must give up the oneself ideal. 为了她,他要放弃自己的理想。 Even if the world has abandoned you, I also walk side-by-side with you. 哪怕世界背弃了你,我也和你并肩而行。 ...... …… His night has not turned over, she waits speechless 他一夜未归,她无言等候 She by a big tree, is shutting both eyes, on the long eyelash is hanging several drops of tiny dewdrop, under shining of daybreak dawn, looks like a picture scroll. 她靠在一株大树上,闭着双眼,长长的睫毛上挂着几滴细小的露珠,在黎明晨光的照耀下,就像是一幅画卷。 He is looking at her, this deeply brand mark in moral nature. 他怔怔地望着她,这一幕深深地烙印在心底。 You awoke.” “你醒了。” How do you rest in this?” “你怎么在这睡?” You very late had not gone back, I come out to look for you, looked that you have not disturbed you in meditation.” “你很晚了还没回去,我出来找你,看你还在冥想就没有打扰你。” She said is very light, probably said a not worthy of mentioning matter. 她说的很平淡,就好像说了一件微不足道的事情。 His corners of the mouth have one to wipe the happy expression, why does not know, looks at the present young girl, he does not want to say Thank You (Xiexie) to her Two Word. 他嘴角有一抹笑意,不知道为什么,看着眼前的少女,他并不想对她说出“谢谢二字 Perhaps the life, does not need imposing shocking, sometimes, light easy and comfortable and indifferent to fame or gain foot. 生活,也许并不需要轰轰烈烈的惊艳,有时,平平淡淡的安逸和恬淡足矣。 ...... …… Even if disbands, I will also be following you 就算散伙,我也会跟随着你 Their group has the difference, other people oppose his viewpoint completely. 他们小组发生分歧,其他人全部反对他的观点。 Spiritual Metal manufacture Battle Armor, regarding other people, extremely remote with like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies. 有灵金属制作斗铠,对于其他人来说,太过遥远和天马行空 But she actually entirely believes that stood this side him without hesitation. 可是她却完全相信,毫不犹豫地站在了他这一边。 Ok, truly was I indulges in fantasy.” “算了,确实是我异想天开了。” No, I must come manufacture with Spiritual Metal my One Word Battle Armor!” “不,我就要用有灵金属制作我的一字斗铠!” Her stubbornness and firmness that looks, at this moment, in his heart are full of the warm feeling. 看的她的倔强和坚决,这一刻,他心中充满暖意。 Has you, why not with the world is the enemy? 有你在,何妨与世界为敌? ...... …… The Martial Soul fusion, in you have me, in me has you 武魂融合,你中有我,我中有你 Facing the formidable match, he stands before her body as before, knows perfectly well to lose, actually not timid. 面对强大的对手,他依旧站在她的身前,明知必输,却没有怯懦。 For her, contains her arrogance and willful person. 一个为了她,包容她的高傲和任性的人。 Protects her, by person who life trades the life. 一个守护她,以命换命的人。 Her look is at a loss gradually, such stretches out the arms, deeply grasps him from the back. 她的眼神逐渐迷惘,就这么张开双臂,从背后深深地抱住他。 Not hesitant, only then the trust of total involvement, all as if revisit the young time. 没有犹豫,只有全身心的信任,一切仿佛重临年少时代。 At that time, he adored the Senior Sister young boy, little girl who she liked quarrelling. 那时,他还是倾慕学姐的小男孩,她还是爱吵嘴的小女孩。 The top of the head as if there is boundless vault, is witnessing this great ceremony. 头顶似乎有浩瀚的穹顶,见证着这伟大的仪式。 They have won, actually also stupor. But her hand probably was long on his body, could not separate, they by the posture of hug, have obtained the victory and glory. 他们赢了,却也昏迷。可她的手就好像长在了他的身上,怎么也分不开,他们就以拥抱的姿势,取得了胜利与荣耀。 Two people on path of contradicting, the fate will perhaps shut off, forever exist(ence) certainly is the fetters of Martial Soul and mind. Are they, the fetters of opposite party? 两个人在相悖的道路上,缘分也许会被切断,永远存在的一定是武魂和心灵的羁绊。他们,何尝不是对方的羁绊? ...... …… The airborne huge picture starts becomes chaotic, remembers that fragment(s) unceasing flashing before, made being dazzled that one looked, why did not know, one type beyond description sad actually lingered in each individual hearts. 空中的巨幅画面开始变得纷乱,记忆碎片不断的闪现,令人看的眼花缭乱,可不知道为什么,一种难以形容的悲伤却萦绕在每一个人心间。 When Spiritual Power as formidable as Divine Consciousness stage, already, not only touches, is the infection. That formidable Thought Embodiment Form, is in itself having the formidable power, infects is presenting the mood of everyone. 精神力强大到神识层次,已经不只是触动,更是感染。那强大的思维具象化,本身就带着强大的感染力,感染着在场每一个人的情绪。 The obviously picture is chaotic, may at this moment, the people heart actually flow the feeling of Tang Wulin Once, is following his sadness and sadness. 明明画面纷乱,可在此时此刻,众人心中却都流淌过唐舞麟曾经的感受,跟随着他的悲伤而悲伤。 But this time they, as if understand that Once shaking the head of gently, why can reject? For fears likely this time arrival of this day! For fears the obviously each other deep love, actually has to for this moment of enemy. 而此时的他们,似乎都已经明白,那曾经的轻轻摇头,是为什么要拒绝?为的,就是惧怕像今时今日这一天的到来啊!为的,是惧怕明明彼此深爱,却不得不为敌的这一刻。 ...... …… „, Last, is so invited our Dragon Spear Goddess. Na'er, this you.” “那么,最后一位,就有请我们的龙枪女神吧。娜儿,该你了。” Falls with the Tang Yinmeng voice, on the entire Sea God Lake lake surface also has in the lakeside, is peaceful. 伴随着唐音梦的话音一落,整个海神湖湖面上还有湖畔上,全都安静下来。 On Sky is the light of stars and moon, under Starry Sky is the wave light on Sea God Lake lake surface is clear, is shining upon her that silver-haired purple eyes beautiful form, arrives at side Dai Yun'er slowly. 天空上是星月之光,星空下是海神湖湖面上的波光粼粼,映照着她那银发紫眸的绝美身影,缓缓来到戴云儿身边。 Her look was somewhat crazy, her pupil light ripples. 她的眼神有些痴了,她的眸光荡漾。 She looks at his vision, is not Younger Sister looks to the elder brother. 她看着他的目光,再不是一个妹妹看向兄长。 Tang Wulin shakes slightly, he felt the difference of her vision. 唐舞麟微微一震,他感觉到了她目光的不同。 Elder Brother!” Na'er summoned one gently. “哥!”娜儿轻轻的呼唤了一声。 Na'er, you......” Tang Wulin brows slightly knitted. 娜儿,你……”唐舞麟眉头微蹙 Na'er shows a faint smile, „does elder brother, you know? When my three years old, you gave shelter to me in the past at that moment, I have liked on you. For me, you used and not strong strong body have blocked these unprincipled people. You are incessantly good, you are braver.” 娜儿微微一笑,“哥,你知道吗?在当年我三岁的时候,你收留我那一刻,我就已经喜欢上你了。为了我,你用并不强壮的身体挡住了那些坏人。你不止善良,你更勇敢。” You compare general person of same age to want strong many, six -year-old time, your Martial Soul Awakening, is Blue Silver Grass. Recognition waste Martial Soul, unfortunately lucky, you appear(ance) in Martial Soul Awakening Soul Power. Your ambition is becomes Soul Master, at that time you have not been able to think Battle Armor Master, therefore, you said that you want to control Mecha.” “你比一般的同龄人要坚强的多,六岁的时候,你的武魂觉醒了,是蓝银草。公认的废武魂,不幸中的万幸,你在武魂觉醒的时候出现魂力。你的志向是成为一名魂师,那时候你还不敢想斗铠师,所以,你说你想要操控机甲。” Na'er gentle looks at Tang Wulin, at this moment, in her eyes only then he, but, wanting into Soul Master to need Soul Spirit, needs to spend a lot of money. In our family|home is not wealthy, dad and mom has tried hard really very much. Therefore, you when were only six years old to choose have studied forging. I remember, just started very much clearly, after you are tired every day goes home, even including the expression cannot make. Collapses on the bed, even links me to ask you you unable to hear probably.” 娜儿温柔的看着唐舞麟,此时此刻,在她眼中只有他,“可是,想要成为魂师就需要魂灵,就需要花很多钱。我们家里并不富裕,爸爸妈妈真的已经很努力了。所以,你在只有六岁的时候就选择了学习锻造。我记得很清楚的,刚开始的时候,你每天累得回家后甚至连表情都做不出。瘫倒在床上,甚至连我叫你你好像都听不到。” But you have not given up, as before you insist practices. Whenever you took the wages time, besides leaving behind part saves, surplus buys the candy to eat for me. These candies, but may be sweet sweetly.” “可你没有放弃,你依旧坚持的去练习。每当你拿了工钱的时候,除了留下一部分存起来之外,剩余的都给我买糖果吃。那些糖果,可甜可甜了。” Still remembers? Days of I have asked you, if I walked, you can think me?” “还记得吗?有一天我问过你,如果我走了,你会想我吗?” Tang Wulin dull listened to Na'er saying that his mind as if returned for ten years ago, got that time home. 唐舞麟呆呆的听着娜儿说着,他的心神仿佛回到了十年前,回到了那时候的家。 ...... …… My ambition is, stars sea 我的志向是,星辰大海 He has the youth of black becoming dark pupil fair skin, steps Eastsea City solitarily, was surmising the dream steps in the unknown road ahead. 他是有着黑发黑眸白皙皮肤的少年,只身一人踏上东海城,怀揣着梦想涉足未知的前路。 Waste Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass, Innate Soul Power pitiful 3rd Rank. In big City, he is ordinary, even if is tiny the grass seed that such as flutters in all directions, has fulfilled the original intention. 武魂蓝银草,先天魂力可怜的三级。在偌大的城市里,他平凡,但哪怕渺小得如一颗四处飘荡的草籽,也一直履行初衷。 When other people are also bathing the inculcation of Parents, he did not have the family|home. 在其他人还沐浴着父母的谆谆教诲时,他没有了家。 That wipes warm bright silver, goes far away in the vision, in palm micro cool. 那一抹温暖的亮银色,也在目光中远去,在掌心里微凉。 If some day I left, you can think me?” “如果有一天我离开了,你会想我吗?” of course can think, especially and especially thinks.” 当然会想了,特别、特别想。” The moist night breeze is stroking gently the cheeks, the left atrium transmits the feeling of warming up, he smiles, not anguished, only then to past remembering fondly. 湿润的晚风摩挲着脸颊,左心房传来温热的感觉,他笑笑,并不苦涩,只有对往日的怀恋。 In his heart, that silver-haired girl never walks away, she lives in some corner/horn of recollection, under the setting sun, is calling Elder Brother sweetly. 在他心中,那个银发女孩从未走远,她还是还是住在回忆的某一角,在夕阳下,甜甜地唤着哥哥 I am Tang Wulin, my ambition is stars sea. 我是唐舞麟,我的志向是星辰大海 When the ordinary grass seed sprouts the luxuriant prairie, I can carry your having a heavy touch seriously before that piece of stars sea? 当平凡的草籽萌发成茂盛草原,我是否能重携你的手重临那片星辰大海前? ...... …… Elder Brother, I likes you, I love you. I am willing to accompany you with all Time of my future, accompanies side you. Let me love how are you? I am earnest.” The Na'er expression is very serious, Sky Raising Douluo Yun Ming that serious even/including Lou puts on somewhat is shocking at this time. “哥,我喜欢你,我爱你。我愿用我未来的所有时间来陪伴你,陪伴在你身边。让我爱你好吗?我是认真的。”娜儿的表情很严肃,严肃的连楼穿上的擎天斗罗云冥此时都有些震惊。 Tang Wulin originally dry lonesome, but Despair innermost feelings at this time flood intermittent ripples. Who if most important in the female in his heart, then, mother and Na'er and she, was in the unshakeable status. 唐舞麟原本枯寂而绝望的内心此时不禁泛起阵阵涟漪。如果说,在他心中的女性中有谁最重要的话,那么,妈妈、娜儿和她,都占据了不可动摇的地位。 But he has not thought that in time that this is a focus of public attention, on this Sea God Fated Blind Date General Meeting, she actually will say such words to oneself. 可他万万没想到,在这万众瞩目的时刻,在这海神缘相亲大会上,她竟然会对自己说出这样一番话。 Na'er, you are my Younger Sister!” 娜儿,你是我妹妹啊!” No, I am not, I am only your Na'er, our any blood relationship, I have not been only your Na'er, I do not make your Younger Sister again, I only make your Na'er.” She was saying stubbornly. “不,我不是,我只是你的娜儿,我们并没有任何血缘关系,我只是你的娜儿,我不要再做你的妹妹,我只做你的娜儿。”她倔强的说着。 Tang Wulin body slight(ly) is shivering. 唐舞麟的身体轻微的颤抖着。 time arrived, Na'er, to be fair, I cannot make you say again.” Tang Yinmeng somewhat helpless saying. 时间到了,娜儿,为了公平,我不能让你再说下去了。”唐音梦有些无奈的说道。 Tang Wulin Once had pledged that does not make Na'er sob again, may actually not think that at present lets that person actually oneself that Na'er sobs. 唐舞麟曾经发过誓,决不让娜儿再哭泣,可却万万没想到,眼前让娜儿哭泣的那个人却正是自己 Na'er, you so are how silly! 娜儿,你怎么这么傻啊! But, why does not know, in his heart of hearts some feelings beyond description. Like such that Na'er said that they after all were not the biological brother and sister, Na'er are Younger Sister that he picked, is Younger Sister that he protected attentively. 可是,不知道为什么,在他内心深处又有些难以形容的感觉。就像娜儿说的那样,他们毕竟不是亲兄妹,娜儿是他捡回来的妹妹,是他用心呵护的妹妹 Na'er gains ground suddenly, vision brilliant looks to Tang Wulin, „, if initially I had not walked, in your heart will certainly not have others.” 娜儿突然抬起头,目光灼灼的看向唐舞麟,“如果当初我没走,你心中一定不会有别人。” Wulin Junior Brother, please choose.” Lan Muzi sounds|voices was urging low and deep. 舞麟学弟,请你选择。”蓝木子声音低沉的催促着。 takes a deep breath that Tang Wulin makes an effort, strength of whole body as if transferred in this moment. 唐舞麟用力的深吸口气,全身的力量仿佛都在这一刻调动起来了似的。 He engages in introspection, the answer is exceptionally clear. He is not willing to injure Na'er, but is actually not willing to deceive her. Let alone, all these are that complex, he does not want to let go this time opportunity, even if the opportunity seems very uncertain. 他扪心自问,答案异常清晰。他不愿意伤害娜儿,但却更不愿意骗她。更何况,这一切是那么的复杂,他更不想放弃这次的机会,哪怕机会看上去十分渺茫。 Sorry, Na'er. I elect No. 17 female student!” Tang Wulin said this simple several word-time, has almost exhausted own all strength. “对不起,娜儿。我选17号女生!”唐舞麟说出这简单的十几个字时,几乎用尽了自身所有的力量 ...... …… The airborne picture, in these time blasts out, such as initially that tender and delicate and caused heavy losses heart. 空中的画面,在这一次炸开,亦如当初那个娇嫩而被重创的心。 Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena form appears in the midair, is only Gu Yuena at this moment, has actually had tears streaming down the face. That is not the Gu Yue tears, but belongs to Na'er, that continuously in deep is loving Tang Wulin, wants completely to affect Gu Yue, letting her to injure his Na'er! 唐舞麟古月娜的身影重新显现在半空之中,只是此时此刻的古月娜,却已经是泪流满面。那不是属于古月的泪水,而是属于娜儿,那个一直都在深深的爱着唐舞麟,想尽一切去影响古月,让她不能伤害他的娜儿啊! Na'er......” Tang Wulin sounds|voices somewhat shivers, by he that formidable power, when his Thought Embodiment Form recollection returns at that moment. His heart also gets up along with it severe pain. 娜儿……”唐舞麟声音有些颤抖,以他那么强大的实力,当他的思维具象化回忆回到那一刻的时候。他的心也随之剧痛起来。 He is how is not willing to injure Na'er, is, at that time, he cannot violate the heart of oneself. 他是多么不愿意伤害娜儿,可是,在那个时候,他不能违背自己的心。 But that moment rejection, recalled until now also as before lets his painful penetrating heart. If he knows that rejection can make Na'er vanish thoroughly, perhaps, his rather oneself pain lifelong will not reject her. 但那一刻的拒绝,至今回想起来也依旧让他痛彻心扉。如果他知道那一次的拒绝会让娜儿彻底消失,或许,他宁可自己痛苦终身也不会去拒绝她。 ...... …… But in Tang Wulin said those words instant, on Na'er pretty face blood-colored shed completely, subconscious retreat one step, half foot stepped on into the water, the body shook shaking, Control lived in the personal appearance. 而在唐舞麟说出那句话的刹那,娜儿俏脸血色褪尽,下意识的后退了一步,半只脚都踩入了水中,身体晃了晃,才控制住身形。 Lan Muzi has swallowed saliva, looks to No. 17 female student, defers to rules and regulations, you must take off the oneself bamboo hat veil now. Then listens to his one minute to vindicate.” 蓝木子吞咽了一口唾液,看向17号女生,“按照规则,你现在必须要摘下自己的斗笠面纱了。然后听他一分钟表白。” No. 17 female student has stopped, then lifts both hands slowly, has picked head bamboo hat veil. 17号女生停顿了一下,然后才缓缓抬起双手,将头上的斗笠面纱摘了下来。 That is pale white pretty face, the black hair and black pupil. Compared with Dai Yun'er and Na'er, she is not outstanding, even completely by side two female ray of light conceal. 那是一张苍白俏脸,黑发、黑眸。和身边的戴云儿娜儿相比,她并不出众,甚至完全被身边二女的光芒掩盖 On her face, was already full is the tears, the tears that Control does not live. She visits him, her lip continuously in gently is shivering. 她的脸上,早已满是泪水,控制不住的泪水。她看着他,她的唇瓣一直在轻轻的颤抖着。 Tang Wulin has smiled, looks at the tears on her face, he has smiled, she to him, is not Heartless. Sees these tears, he suddenly thought that all were worth. 唐舞麟笑了,看着她脸上的泪水,他笑了,她对他,并非无情。只是看到那些泪水,他突然觉得,一切都值得了。 You should elect her.” Gu Yue should not be excessive, looks to the Na'er direction. “你该选她的。”古月别过头,看向娜儿的方向。 Na'er has not spoken. 娜儿没有吭声。 Gu Yue also said bewildered words, I do not want to win.” 古月又说了一句莫名其妙的话,“我不想赢。” Na'er has actually smiled, at this moment, on the face of her pale white, has covered entirely the light smile, she sticks out chest, suddenly somewhat arrogant looks to Gu Yue, „something, are actually beyond control you.” 娜儿却笑了,这一刻,她那苍白的面庞上,布满了淡淡的微笑,她挺起胸膛,突然有些高傲的看向古月,“有些事情,却由不得你。” Gu Yue closes both eyes, tears once more to rush, „, but you may know that in this case, he will pay the how big price? Future we, meets the what kind difficulty.” 古月闭上双眼,泪水再次奔涌而出,“但你可知道,这样的话,他会付出多么大的代价?未来的我们,又会何等的艰难。” Na'er firm [say / way]: I do not manage. I hope, can oneself complete gives him.” 娜儿坚定的道:“我不管。我只是希望,能把自己完完全全的都给他。” ...... …… This remembers that belongs to Gu Yuena, was Gu Yuena Thought Embodiment Form appear(ance). 这份记忆,属于古月娜,是古月娜思维具象化出现了。 When that: But you may know that in this case, he will pay the how big price? When appear(ance). Tang Wulin cannot bear the pain has closed both eyes. 当那一句:但你可知道,这样的话,他会付出多么大的代价?出现时。唐舞麟忍不住痛苦的闭上了双眼。 Yes, this price arrived finally, this time was arriving. This severe pain, is attacking his body and mind, this severe pain, is making him probably move toward Abyss. 是的,这份代价终于到来了,就在今时今日到来了。这份剧痛,正在侵袭着他的身体与心灵,这一份剧痛,正在让他要重新走向深渊 But also in that moment, he really genuine feeling, Gu Yue to his love. 而也正是在那一刻,他才真真正正的感受到,古月对他的爱。 ...... …… Wulin, this you, you had one minute of Time.” 舞麟,该你了,你有一分钟的时间。” Tang Wulin actually shook the head, then looks at Gu Yue, I do not take one minute, so long as I asked that her issue was enough.” 唐舞麟却摇了摇头,然后看着古月,“我不需要一分钟,我只要问她一个问题就足够了。” Gu Yue, in this world, I have only loved a female student, that is you. Do you love me?” 古月,在这个世界上,我只爱过一个女生,那就是你。你爱我吗?” He once some countless words wants to say to her , when he really facing, can say has these words. Also only then these words were enough, he needs, is an answer, can let his reckless answer, or makes him walk into another world the answer. 他曾有千言万语想对她说,可当他真的面对时,能说出的却只有这一句话。也只有这一句话就已足够,他需要的,是一个答案,一个可以让他不顾一切的答案,亦或是让他走入另一个世界的答案。 His right hand lifts, the palm turns out, shining scales the wrist|skill place that reveals from the clothes has spread to the entire palm, shining Sharp Claws appear(ance), the five fingers back off, Sharp Claws points to above the oneself top of the head. 他的右手抬起,手掌翻出,金灿灿的鳞片从衣服下露出的手腕处一直蔓延到整个手掌,金灿灿的利爪出现,五指倒扣,利爪直指自己头顶上方。 A strong courage vigor fluctuation beyond description bursts out from him suddenly, in that intense bloodline aura appear(ance) instant, presents all has Dragon-Type Martial Soul Soul Master to be all stuffy snort|hum, complexion pale white, even if Long Yue (Dragon Leap) is no exception. 一股难以形容的浓烈血气波动骤然从他身上迸发而出,在那强烈血脉气息出现的刹那,在场所有拥有龙类武魂魂师们无不闷哼一声,脸色苍白,哪怕是龙跃也不例外。 Elder Brother, does not want!” Na'er screamed one, but she actually does not dare to move. She can clear seeing, on that Golden Dragon Claw the gold glow(s) turnover, Tang Wulin only need the palm to fall to below slightly, can scratch and tear the head of oneself. “哥,不要!”娜儿尖叫一声,可她却一点也不敢动。她能清楚的看到,那金龙爪金芒吞吐,唐舞麟只需要手掌略微向下一落,就能抓破自己的头颅。 I only need to know the answer, that answer in your heart, clear answer. Do not deceive me, from your look, from your bloodline, I can feel you what whether said is the truth.” “我只需要知道答案,你心中的那个答案,真切的答案。不要骗我,从你的眼神中,从你的血脉中,我能够感受得到你是否说的是真话。” Gu Yue visits him dull, tears no longer flow. 古月呆呆的看着他,泪水不再流淌。 Suddenly, tears flood that nod that her whole person as if Collapsing, she has made an effort, just stopped, her whole person could not bear squat on the lotus leaf, she could not speak, was only the nod, was only nod of effort. 突然,她整个人仿佛都崩溃了似的,她用力的点着头,刚刚止住的泪水滂沱而下,她整个人都忍不住在荷叶上蹲了下去,她说不出话,只是点头,只是用力的点着头。 Tang Wulin has smiled, he has smiled proud, the right hand puts down, one step steps forward, he arrived in front of her. 唐舞麟笑了,他骄傲的笑了,右手放下,一步跨出,他就已经来到了她面前。 He has drawn from lotus leaf her, drags into the bosom of oneself. 他一把将她从荷叶上拉了起来,拉入自己的怀中。 ...... …… Tang Wulin always does not know, after joy that flickers, he is going to shoulder, will be at this moment, pain that this definitely is unable to undertake. He must face, is person who oneself most loves. 唐舞麟从来都不知道,那一瞬的快乐之后,他将要背负的,将会是此时此刻,这完全无法承担的痛苦。他必须要面对的,是自己最爱的人。 In front of this entire Humanity crisis, he even only then kills her, has the possibility thorough settlement present crisis. 在这一场全人类的危机面前,他甚至只有将她杀死,才有可能彻底解决眼前的危机。 But, that Once goes all out to nod, exhausts All-Out to love his girl, how he can being able to get down hand! 可是,那曾经拼命点着头,用尽全力去爱着他的女孩儿,他又怎么能下得去手啊! The strong mood, is affecting everyone, not only Humanity, similarly is also Soul Beast. 浓烈的情绪,影响着每一个人,不只是人类,同样也是魂兽 In numerous Ferocious Beast, Jade Swan already cried the tears person. Bear Ruler so is spirited grand formidable Soul Beast, at this time is also the body twitches. 众多凶兽之中,翡翠天鹅早已哭成了泪人。就连熊君那么昂扬雄伟的强大魂兽,此时也是身体抽搐。 Beast God Di Tian dull looks at this, he knows sentiment between Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin, but actually knows is far from being so profound, initial Shrek Academy had Sky Raising Douluo to assume personal command, does he dare to go in? Until now, he knows, originally at Sea God Fated Blind Date General Meeting that time, High Lord after Tang Wulin so profound sentiment. But this sentiment, keeping her throughout from starting to him. 兽神帝天呆呆的看着这一幕,他知道古月娜唐舞麟之间的感情,但却知道的远远没有这么深刻,当初的史莱克学院擎天斗罗坐镇,他怎么敢进去?直到现在,他才知道,原来早在海神缘相亲大会的那个时候,主上就与唐舞麟以后了如此深刻的感情。而正是这份感情,让她始终无法对他下手。 The Tang Wulin genuine pain perhaps only then five days, is, in these years, have known she and his impossible genuine in together High Lord, the pain in the innermost feelings bearing is what kind fierce! 唐舞麟真正的痛苦或许只有五天,可是,在这么多年来,一直都知道她和他不可能真正在一起的主上,内心之中承受的痛苦又是何等的剧烈啊! Suddenly, Gu Yuena has held up Silver Dragon Spear in oneself hand, holding up that has tears streaming down the face. 突然,古月娜举起了自己手中的白银龙枪,就那么泪流满面的举起。 Some matters, your should knew.” “有些事情,你应该知道了。” Thought Embodiment Form picture once more appear(ance), but this time, actually only then Tang Wulin oneself can see. 思维具象化的画面再次出现,但这一次,却只有唐舞麟自己才能看到。 ...... …… Early morning Sea God Lake, has the mysterious aesthetic sense, the mist fills the air, the ocean waves ripple. 清晨的海神湖,有着神秘的美感,水雾弥漫,碧波荡漾。 She stood in lakeside was very long, the shoulder was already moistened by the dew, did not have the meaning that the half minute must whisk off. 她站在湖边已经很久了,肩头早已被露水打湿,却没有半分要拂去的意思。 silver-haired ripples in early morning breeze, is staring at the pride of the morning of distant place, is ordinary just like the elf. 银发在清晨的微风中荡漾,凝望着远处的晨雾,宛如精灵一般。 The big eye of purple produces an inverted image lake water, the corners of the mouth place is bringing to wipe the light smile throughout. 紫色的大眼睛倒映着湖水,嘴角处始终带着一抹淡淡的微笑。 Another she comes quietly, arrives at her side to stand firm. She who the black hair flutters appears face glowing with health, on pretty face is bringing light blushing. 另一个她悄然而来,走到她身边站定。黑发飘扬的她显得容光焕发,俏脸上带着淡淡的红晕。 But when another she sees her, the smiling face on face actually vanished. 但当另一个她看到她的时候,脸上的笑容却随之消失了。 They stand shoulder to shoulder, similarly is staring at front the limpid lake water. 她们并肩而立,同样凝望着面前清澈的湖水。 You win!” Na'er in a soft voice and relaxed saying. “你赢啦!”娜儿轻声而又轻松的说道。 You hope probably very much I win.” The Gu Yue brow is tight. “你好像很希望我赢。”古月眉头紧蹙。 Na'er chuckle, „! I hope you to win actually very much, but I also already guessed correctly that you can win. Because I too understood his character. Do you believe? I as interlude, but exist(ence), I think his wooing, but in order to finds an appropriate departure excuse.” 娜儿轻笑一声,“是啊!我其实很希望你赢,而我也早就猜到你能赢。因为我太了解他的性格了。你信吗?我只是作为插曲而存在的,我想他的求爱,只是为了能够找一个合适的离开理由。” You walked, he will be sad.” Gu Yue said. “你走了,他会难过的。”古月说道。 Shaking the head of Na'er self-ridicules, I lost, can I not walk? However, from the beginning I know that I will certainly lose, must lose, otherwise, he really will die, I said that right?” 娜儿自嘲的摇了摇头,“我输了,我能不走吗?但是,从一开始我就知道,我一定会输,也必须要输,否则,他就真的会死,我说的,对吗?” Gu Yue was silent. 古月沉默了。 Na'er sighed one lightly, in the past, we made a bet, I chose with you resolutely bet, was because, I know that you wanted to look for a pretence to kill him, actually did not think the mind appear(ance) flaw. I have no alternative but to promise you, if I do not promise you, that time you, even if the mind has the flaw, without hesitation falls the homicide.” 娜儿轻叹一声,“当年,我们打赌的时候,我毅然决然的选择跟你赌,就是因为,我知道,你只是想要找个幌子杀了他,却又不想心灵出现破绽。我不能不答应你,因为如果我不答应你,那时候的你,就算心灵有破绽,也会毫不犹豫的将他杀掉。” „Do you regret now?” Na'er asked. “你现在是不是后悔了?”娜儿问道。 Gu Yue somewhat is in a daze, regret? I do not know.” She does not know really oneself regretted. 古月有些发呆,“后悔吗?我不知道。”她真的不知道自己是不是后悔了。 Na'er said: If you do not want all these, initially should not formulate to integrate the world way (of life). Facts showed that your such procedure is right, only then understands Humanity, can genuine find their Ruin way (of life). However, we in fact have actually discovered that Humanity does not have no merit to speak, at least, the Humanity rich emotion, is we completely does not have. Therefore had me, you of childhood time, in order to lets oneself really likely Humanity, has to Seal oneself. Good genuine fits into the Humanity society. But belonged to Humanity that some Soul born.” 娜儿道:“如果你不想发生这一切,当初就不该制定融入人间的方式。事实证明,你这样的做法是对的,只有更了解人类,才能真正找到将他们毁灭方式。但是,我们却实际上都发现了,人类并非一无是处,至少,人类丰富的情感,就是我们完全不具备的。所以才有了我,幼年时候的你,为了能让自己真的像个人类,不得不封印自己。才好真正的融入人类社会之中。而属于人类的那部分灵魂就随之诞生了。” When you discovered that the Humanity mood some have not been possible Control time, wants to remove me forcefully became impossible. Will be enormous because of such degree injury you. But all these, gather my brother to be related , because my brother takes to my warmth and love, making me understand anything was the Humanity emotion.” “当你发现,人类情绪已经有些不可控制的时候,想要强行将我去掉就已经变得不可能。因为那样会极大程度的伤害你。而这一切,都合我哥有关,是因为我哥带给我的温暖和爱,让我明白了什么是人类的情感。” But, you separate from the body me, a take shape independent individual, but is whatever, I am your part, we eventually is a body. Therefore you make a bet with me, betting my brother can like on you, can give up me because of you. If you have won, showed that the Humanity emotion is false, but my also nature however will integrate you. If you lost, at that time you what said that you lost have made me forever the individual. Right. What a pity, I have your Wisdom after all, but also has the Humanity emotion, less than several years I understand that radically is impossible. I occupied you 30% power. If I am independent finally, then, you were not you. Therefore, you are impossible to discard my, the difference is, does not have the next fusion, is bringing slight defect that's all. Therefore, if you lost, you will certainly massacre my brother, fuses me forcefully. Did I say may be right?” “无奈之下,你将我从身体里分离出来,形成一个独立的个体,但无论怎样,我都是你的一部分,我们终究是一体的。所以你跟我打赌,赌我哥会否喜欢上你,会否因为你而放弃我。如果你赢了,就证明人类的情感都是虚假的,我也自然而然会融入回你。如果你输了,当时你说的是,你输了就让我永远的成为个体。对吧。可惜,我毕竟有着你的智慧,还有着人类的情感,没过几年我就已经明白,那根本就是不可能的。我足足占据了你三成的实力。如果我最终独立出来,那么,你就不是你了。所以,你是不可能舍弃我的,区别只是在于,没有下次的融合回去,还是带着瑕疵罢了。因此,如果你输了,你一定会杀掉我哥,强行将我融合。我说得可对?” Gu Yue looks at Na'er, listening to her to speak with confidence, pretty face becomes slightly some pale white. 古月看着娜儿,听着她侃侃而谈,俏脸变得略微有些苍白 Gu Yue, do you know? Reason that I am willing to make a bet with you , because you do not understand the Humanity sentiment. Believes in you that I and my brother's sentiment was that you thought plants. In fact you have made a mistake, what we are more is the kinship, perhaps I to him not completely am, but at least he to me is. But he to you, is actually not the kinship, but is Love.” 古月,你知道吗?我之所以愿意和你打赌,就是因为你根本不了解人类的感情。在你认为,我和我哥的感情就是你认为的那种了。实际上你错了,我们更多的是亲情,或许我对他不完全是,但至少他对我是。而他对你,却不是亲情,而是爱情。” Love and kinship are entirely different. Therefore, he has not given up me, has not betrayed me. Although he has elected you. Therefore, I lost, but, you actually cannot obtain the result that you want. Therefore, was actually who to lose, did not say.” 爱情和亲情是截然不同的。所以,他从来都没有放弃过我,也没有背叛过我。尽管他选了你。因此,我输了,可是,你却并不能得到你想要的结果。所以,究竟是谁输了,真的不好说。” Gu Yue deep visits her, you think that I do not know these that really you plan?” 古月深深的看着她,“你认为我真的不知道你计划的这些吗?” Na'er has smiled, your of course knows that intelligent such as you, to be how possibly able to look? When you try to alienate my brother , because you felt that the oneself emotion was affected, what a pity, Love is influences subtly, when you realize the incorrect time, already late. Because, he has been admitted to you. Therefore, you diligently have gotten rid in attempt, the attempt suppresses. May more be Time grew, he actually more takes root to germinate in your heart.” 娜儿笑了,“你当然知道,聪明如你,怎么可能会看不出来呢?当你试图疏远我哥的时候,就是因为你已经感觉到了自己的情感受到了影响,可惜,爱情是潜移默化的,当你察觉到不对的时候,已经晚了。因为,他已经住进了你心里。所以,你一直都在努力的尝试摆脱,尝试压制。可越是时间长了,他却越是在你心中生根发芽。” Gu Yue, do you have the discovery, Soul Beast or Divine Beast(s), our natural dispositions were too pure. After once we contact the Humanity emotion, regardless of your energy is formidable, Spiritual Power has boundless how, is actually not able to prevent that sentimental attack. It invisible does not have the nature, actually real exist(ence).” 古月,你有没有发现,无论是魂兽还是神兽,我们的本性都太单纯了。而一旦我们接触到人类的情感之后,无论你的能量有多么强大,精神力有多么浩瀚,却都无法阻挡那感情的攻击。它无形无质,却又真实存在。” Gu Yue anguished [say / way]: „Did you think this unable he? Do you think really like this?” 古月苦涩的道:“你以为这样就不会还是他了吗?你真的这样认为吗?” Na'er sighed one lightly, at least this can make his live was remote. So long as Time grew, when he has enough power, so long as you are unable to his act, I to believe that in the future nobody can kill he. Gu Yue, faces up to your oneself sentiment. The hatred will only make the person hoodwink both eyes.” 娜儿轻叹一声,“至少这样能让他活的更加久远。而只要时间长了,当他拥有足够实力的时候,只要你无法对他出手,我相信,未来没有人能杀的了他。古月,正视你自己的感情吧。仇恨只会让人蒙蔽了双眼。” Gu Yue suddenly angry tunnel: You really look like Humanity now.” 古月突然愤怒地道:“你现在真像个人类。” Na'er has smiled, I am Humanity! I have thought. Therefore, I do not want Ruin Humanity, what I am willing to see is the peaceful coexistence. I love my brother, I also love our dad and mom, I like the Humanity world. Humanity emotion. You have won, but, you also lost. But I am really good to hope that in the future you can have a good result, no, is you can have a good result.” 娜儿笑了,“我本来就是个人类啊!我一直都是这么认为的。所以,我并不愿意毁灭人类,我更愿意看到的是和平共处。我爱我哥,我也爱我们的爸爸妈妈,我喜欢人类的世界。人类的情感。你赢了,可是,你也输了。但我真的好希望,未来你能有个好结果,不,是你们能有个好结果。” The breath of Gu Yue becomes somewhat rapid, you think really I amn't able to firmly decide to kill him?” 古月的呼吸变得有些急促,“你真的认为我无法下狠心杀他吗?” Na'er shakes the head, your of course cannot. You cannot. Even if no me, you cannot. Otherwise, will you wait till the present? When murders such as you resolute, so hesitant? When your hesitant first time, perhaps you have the opportunity, but after your so hesitant three times, impossible to his act. This point I am clear, your oneself also certainly is very at heart clear. After you fuse me, you are I, I am you, you will only come under a more tremendous influence. But does not set firm resolve. Loves him well, my brother is very outstanding and is very outstanding. Although we do not know that his Golden Dragon King bloodline came from where, but has to acknowledge that in the Humanity world, can be joined to our only then he.” 娜儿摇摇头,“你当然不能。你本来就不能。就算没有我,你也不能。否则,你会等到现在?什么时候杀伐果决如你,如此的犹豫过了?当你犹豫第一次的时候,你或许还有机会,但当你如此犹豫三次之后,就再也不可能对他出手了。这一点我清楚,你自己心里也一定很清楚。而当你将我融合回去之后,你就是我,我就是你,你只会受到更大的影响。而不是下定决心。好好的爱他吧,我哥真的很优秀、很优秀。虽然我们都不知道他的金龙王血脉从何而来,但不得不承认,在人类世界中,能够配得上我们的就只有他。” On the Gu Yue face full is dejected, I decided wrongly was initially with your bet, or my should does not separate you. At least such words, I can also affect subtly.” 古月脸上满是颓然,“我最错误的决定就是当初和你的打赌,或者说,我根本就不应该把你分离出去。至少那样的话,我还可以潜移默化的影响回来。” You lost, I also lost. You said right, my not being able to get down hand, I did not have the means to kill him. Therefore I can only leave him, making Time and distance change pale our each other being in love, perhaps, only has this, some day I will kill him in the nonchalance. He grows enough quick, one day has killed me. You understand that among us the contradiction is irreconcilable, this is contradiction between Humanity and Soul Beast, is contradiction between Gods and Divine Beast(s). He is I, conflicts that is unable to solve.” “你输了,我也输了。你说的没错,我下不去手,我没办法杀了他。所以我只能离开他,让时间和距离把我们彼此的爱恋变淡,或许,唯有这样,有一天我才会在不经意中杀死他。或者他成长的足够快,有一天杀了我。你明白的,我们之间的矛盾是不可调和的,这是人类魂兽之间的矛盾,也是神诋神兽之间的矛盾。无论是他还是我,都无法化解的矛盾。” Na'er was silent, she somewhat is finally startled, „, but, I walked, you also walked, he will be sad.” 娜儿沉默了,她终于有些惊慌,“可是,我走了,你也走了,他会难过的。” The Gu Yue body trembled trembling, such also compared with me side him, but my these person Control do not live to kill his good again on own initiative. Present I, but also is far from all walking from Seal, Nucleus has awakened, but you know that our these under how formidable exist(ence). Even had already should become Divine Beast(s) Elite. Even if present I, impossible to suppress them completely. Therefore, I am doomed to walk.” 古月身体颤了颤,“那样也要比我在他身边,而我的那些人再也控制不住去主动杀死他的好。现在的我,还远远没有从封印中全部走出来,核心已经觉醒,但你知道的,我们的那些手下中有些多么强大的存在。甚至有早就该成为神兽强者。就算是现在的我,也不可能将他们完全压制。所以,我注定要走。” Na'er white teeth bites the lower lip lightly, perhaps you are right. Gu Yue, you really changed. You will have considered for other people, particularly for him. I understood, you must leave, to give he bigger cultivating potential. You are the hope, in the future some day he can unable to kill him to you formidable. But you know that is impossible, God Realm exist(ence), he is forever is no longer impossible to achieve your this realm.” 娜儿贝齿轻咬下唇,“或许你是对的。古月,你真的变了。你会为他人着想了,尤其是为了他。我明白了,你要离开,是为了给他更大的成长空间。你是希望,未来有一天他能够强大到你也无法杀死他。但你知道的,那是不可能的,神界已经不复存在,他是永远也不可能达到你这个境界的。” Gu Yue has smiled, you understand that but you do not understand. You do not know that actually he in my heart is what kind of status. You are not clear, actually some present my many to belong to Humanity. You said right, I regretted, why I regretted initially to issue to integrate the order of Humanity world. However, my mission I must do, but I am not willing to injure the person who does not want to injure. Therefore, such contradiction, makes me come alone to face. I do not know how should do, but must walk forward. Comes back Na'er. From today, I no longer am Gu Yue, my name can be complete finally. He does not know that I called Gu Yuena!” 古月笑了,“你明白的,但是你不懂的。你并不知道,他在我心中究竟是怎样的地位。你也不明白,现在的我究竟有多少是属于人类的。你说的没错,我后悔了,我后悔为什么当初要下达融入人类世界的命令。但是,我的使命我要去做,可我又不愿意去伤害不想伤害的人。所以,如此的矛盾,就让我来独自面对吧。我也不知道该怎么做,但总要向前走。回来吧娜儿。从今天开始,我不再是古月,我的名字终于可以完整了。只是他并不知道,我叫古月娜!” A flowing light sparkles, the body of Gu Yue suddenly became insightful, the insight of silvery-white, the six glow stars of under foot raised invisible knot, covered them. 点点流光闪耀,古月的身体突然变得通透了,银白色的通透,脚下的六芒星升起一层无形结界,将她们笼罩在内。 If some people will discover in neighbor that in that silvery-white world, does not have the half minute energy fluctuation to overflow. 如果有人在附近就会发现,在那银白色的世界中,并没有半分能量波动溢出。 The body of Na'er also became insightful, the insight of silvery-white, she gradually moved toward Gu Yue, has actually had tears streaming down the face. 娜儿的身体也变得通透了,银白色的通透,她一步步走向古月,却已是泪流满面。 I somewhat do not give up all these, does not give up person, does not give up Teacher(s), does not give up Elder Brother!” “我有些舍不得这一切,舍不得身边的人,舍不得老师,舍不得哥哥!” Gu Yue sighed, „, but you should know, many did not abandon, you did not have origin, you were doomed to come back. Otherwise can only vanish into thin air. You have said that after you return, you are I, I am you. I will let loose all, since the slight defect changed into the fissure, then, makes us accept this fissure together. Perhaps, all will be different.” 古月叹息一声,“但你该知道,再多的不舍,你没有本源,你注定是要回来的。否则只能烟消云散。你说过的,当你回归之后,你就是我,我就是你。我会放开一切,瑕疵既然已经化为裂痕,那么,就让我们一起来接受这个裂痕吧。或许,一切都会不同。” The silvery-white form overlaps, Na'er and Gu Yue open their both arms separately. Two forms start to fuse slowly, the Gu Yue black hair vanished, the black pupil turned into purple. The Na'er naivete vanished, she is growing up slowly. 银白色的身影重叠,娜儿古月分别张开她们的双臂。两道身影开始缓缓融合,古月的黑发消失了,黑眸变成了紫色娜儿的稚气消失了,她在缓缓长大。 When their appearances became exactly the same, when changes into grows up three -year-old Dragon Spear Goddess, silver light suddenly dodges, vanishes in silent Sea God Lakeside. 当两人的模样已经变得一模一样,化为长大三岁的龙枪女神时,银光忽然一闪,就那么消失在寂静的海神湖畔 ...... …… Na'er......” the eye pupil of Tang Wulin is dim. 娜儿……”唐舞麟的眼眸朦胧着。 If you initially did not compel me, perhaps so will not be painful. If you initially made me depart, perhaps, can face now calmly. Na'er will not leave you. At that time I had said that your should, elected her.” “如果你当初不逼我,或许不会如此痛苦。如果你当初让我离去,或许,现在就能从容面对。娜儿也不会离开你。那时候我就说过,你应该,选她的。” light shadow vanishes, at the same time, grasps Silver Dragon Spear Silver Dragon Princess as before, but grasps Golden Dragon Spear Tang Wulin, already was both eyes was blurred. 光影消失,一边,依旧是手持白银龙枪银龙公主,而手持黄金龙枪唐舞麟,却早已是双目迷离。 Originally, Once all unexpectedly are so, in order to helps oneself and Gu Yue, Na'er Sacrifice oneself. 原来,曾经的一切竟是如此,为了能够成全自己古月,娜儿牺牲自己 That gambling makes, actually to calculate that who wins regarding Tang Wulin actually loses. He perhaps is the only loser. 那场赌约,究竟算谁赢对于唐舞麟来说却都是输。他或许才是唯一的输家吧。 But if, gives the opportunity that he one time chooses again, how can he? 可是,如果再给他一次选择的机会,他会如何呢? He does not know that yes, his oneself does not know. 他不知道,是的,连他自己都不知道。 Perhaps, this recollection has brought back some things of his heart of hearts, he instead gradually calm. 可是,或许也正是这份回忆勾起了他内心深处的一些东西,他反而渐渐的冷静了下来。 I did not regret.” Tang Wulin said in a soft voice. “我不后悔。”唐舞麟轻声说道。 --------------------- --------------------- This chapter of I do not want to separate, one gave to issue to everybody to look. In writing, looks at these recollections, tears...... 这一章我不想断开,就一下都放给大家看了。在写的时候,看着这些回忆,泪目…… New book big carapace master has been renewing continually, Dragon King must finish immediately. Invited everybody generous support our big carapace master. Thank You (Xiexie). 新书大龟甲师一直在持续更新,龙王马上要结束了。请大家多多支持我们的大龟甲师吧。谢谢
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