DD3DKL :: Volume #20

#1975: God war

The content of third strip is, Humanity all science and technology must Ruin, have all material completely Ruin about Soul Guidance weapon completely particularly, dismantle all Soul Guidance equipment, making the Humanity world return primitive. Meanwhile, ruins all and Soul Guidance Technology related goods, making the Humanity society back up. 第三条的内容是,人类所有科技必须全部毁灭,尤其是有关于魂导武器的一切资料全部毁灭,拆除所有魂导装置,让人类世界回归原始。同时,毁掉一切和魂导科技相关的物品,让人类社会倒退。 It can be said that this is during five requests that Gu Yuena formerly set most important, is most Nucleus one. To the Humanity influence is also biggest. 可以说,这一条才是古月娜先前提出的五条要求之中最为重要、也是最核心的一条。对人类影响也是最大的。 The soul extinguishes all Soul Guidance Technology, this is makes the Humanity world back up the most ruthless method. Cancels this, almost means that Soul Beast is as before impossible to suppress Humanity. 魂灭所有魂导科技,这才是让人类世界倒退最狠的手段。取消这一条,几乎就意味着,魂兽依旧不可能压制人类 Therefore, after speaking these words, Tang Wulin on vision brilliant looks to Gu Yuena, is waiting for her reaction. 所以,在说完这句话之后,唐舞麟就目光灼灼的看向古月娜,等待着她的反应 Gu Yuena flew from this slowly. That flash when she departs, the atmosphere in entire battlefield suddenly becomes tight. 古月娜缓缓从本阵之中飞了出来。当她飞出的那一瞬间,整个战场上的气氛骤然变得紧张起来。 At this time, even if mood of the general publics is very anxious. 此时,哪怕是普通民众们的心情都是十分紧张的。 Because all people know that Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin are present age most Elite, their Once fought shoulder to shoulder, has routed Abyss Plane. Meanwhile, they is a pair of lover. 因为所有人都知道,古月娜唐舞麟是当世最强者,他们曾经并肩战斗,击溃了深渊位面。同时,他们更是一对情侣。 In Martial Arts Selecting Husband General Meeting, Tang Wulin defeats many colleagues on Once, finally woos to Gu Yuena. Was actually rejected by Gu Yuena. 早在比武招亲大会的时候,唐舞麟曾经战胜群伦,最终向古月娜求爱。却被古月娜所拒绝。 But was routed when Abyss Plane, seemed Continent entered the prosperous period of development. When Tang Wulin arrives at Spirit Transferring Pagoda before the satellite live transmission, proposed to Gu Yuena with that romantic all. Again was actually rejected by her, and there are this is considered as regarding entire Continent at present on is great Great Tribulation difficult situation appear(ance). 而就在深渊位面被击溃,看上去大陆已经进入了欣欣向荣的发展时期时。当唐舞麟在卫星直播时来到传灵塔前,用那么浪漫的一切向古月娜求婚的时候。却再次被她拒绝,并且有了眼前这场对于全大陆来说都算得上是巨大劫难的情况出现 Among them relations so complex, obviously each other fell in love with, obviously once is a lover. May actually have to stand in the opposite at this moment. 他们之间的关系是如此的复杂,明明彼此相爱、明明曾是情侣。可此时此刻却不得不站在对立面。 Some radical people in cursing angrily Gu Yuena, but also some sane person analysis Dragon Emperor Douluo and relations between Silver Dragon Princess. 有一些激进的人们在怒骂着古月娜,但也有一些理智的人分析龙皇斗罗银龙公主之间的关系。 They, separately are representing Humanity and Soul Beast. When Gu Yuena revealed oneself status that moment, has almost meant that they were impossible to arrive at the same place. 他们,分别代表着人类魂兽。当古月娜揭示出了自己身份的那一刻,几乎就已经意味着他们不可能走到一起。 Humanity regarding Soul Beast Ruin, such hatred, is not their Love can level. For strives for enough survival spatial to the oneself subjects, Gu Yuena is impossible to compromise. 人类对于魂兽毁灭,这样的仇恨,并不是他们两个人的爱情就能够抹平。为了给自己的子民们争取足够的生存空间,古月娜根本不可能妥协。 But regarding Tang Wulin, is so? He is representing Humanity, he is the child of God King. Is Shrek Academy Sea God Pavilion Pavilion Master, is Tang Sect Sect Master. He is shouldering the huge responsibility, is most Elite in Humanity, is the mainstay of Humanity, is each god in Douluo Federation people mind. 而对于唐舞麟来说,又何尝不是如此呢?他代表着人类,他是神王之子。是史莱克学院海神阁阁主、是唐门门主。他肩负着巨大的责任,更是人类之中的最强者,是人类的中流砥柱、是每一个斗罗联邦民众们心目中的神。 Facing million Soul Beast armies, facing by Control Soul Master. If he retreats, then, Ruin is entire Humanity! 面对百万魂兽大军,面对被控制着的魂师们。他如果退却,那么,毁灭的就是整个人类啊! They separately are representing different interests, who is wrong to whom? 他们分别代表着不同的利益,谁对谁错? From their respective angles, not to wrong. 从他们各自的角度上,没有对错。 The good fortune makes the person. Their should is a pair of happy lover, may as a result of the status issue, make them have to stand on the opposite officially. This is what kind brutal! 正所谓造化弄人。他们原本应该是一对美满幸福的情侣,可正式由于身份的问题,却让他们不得不站在对立面上。这是何等的残酷啊! The Douluo Federation people, are worried really very much in the face of this huge pressure and pain, their Hero can for it Collapsing. 斗罗联邦的人们,真的很担心在这种巨大的压力和痛苦面前,他们的英雄会为之崩溃 But, Tang Wulin actually as before strong. He in facing the situation of strong opponent, consecutively two, have defeated entire Continent most apex 15 Elite, and completely has all caught them, has not injured their slightest. 可是,唐舞麟却依旧坚强。他在面对强大对手的情况下,连续两场,战胜了全大陆顶尖的15位强者,并且将他们全都完整的抓了回来,并没有伤害他们分毫。 He used oneself power to give all people with the confidence. As if is telling them, your protectors have not abandoned you. He, continuously. Also will certainly insist finally. 他用自己实力给予了所有民众们以信心。仿佛是在告诉着他们,你们的守护者从来都没有抛弃你们。他,一直都在。也一定会坚持到最后。 But, at this moment, when Golden Dragon Yue Talk genuine facing Silver Dragon Wu Lin. When this contains lover genuine of opposite party name each other to face in this battlefield to Battle Armor, and opposite party is the oneself final match time. Nobody can imagine their this time moods to be what kind. 可是,此时此刻,当金龙月语真正面对银龙舞麟的时候。当这对斗铠都包含着对方名字的情侣真正在这战场上彼此面对,并且对方都是自己最终对手的时候。没有人能够想象得到他们此时的心情会是怎样。 In this flickers, surroundings anybody, any Soul Beast, was unable to change the present aspect. Some of their waiting, were only waiting for this definitely will occur, will certainly be finally an arrival of war. 在这一瞬,周围的任何人、任何魂兽,都已经无法改变眼前的局面。他们唯有等待,等待着这必然会发生,也必将是最终一战的到来。 Good. The third strip, cancels.” Gu Yuena light saying. “好。第三条,取消。”古月娜淡淡的说道。 Such remarks, according to normally, Ferocious Beast is should had reaction. May at this moment, even if Beast God Di Tian keeps silent, does not dare to send out least bit sounds|voices. 此言一出,按照正常情况下,凶兽们本来是应该有所反应的。可在此时此刻,哪怕是兽神帝天都噤若寒蝉,不敢发出半点声音 Ferocious Beast can feel, under the Gu Yuena tranquil semblance, in the innermost feelings is actually similar to be possible the mood volcano of eruption anytime. But who must dare to raise the question at this time, without doubt instantaneously will touch the eruption of that volcano. 凶兽们都能感受到,古月娜平静的外表之下,内心之中却仿佛有一座随时都有可能爆发的情绪火山。而谁要胆敢在这个时候提出质疑,无疑就会瞬间触动那火山的爆发。 Has, regarding them, regarding Humanity, has. 只有等,对于他们、对于人类来说,都只有等。 outcome of this fight, will be deciding the entire Douluo Continent trend. 这一场战斗的胜负,将会决定着整个斗罗大陆的走向。 This fight outcome, will be deciding the final results of their this pair of lover. 这一场战斗的胜负,也将决定着他们这一对情侣的最终结局。 Perhaps, in them, only then a person can live. But living the person, very possible compared with of dying, is more painful. 或许,在他们之中,真的只有一个人能够活下来。而活着的人,很可能要比死去的那一个,更加痛苦。 But, at this time, they did not have the retreat possibility. They can only facing these fight a decisive battle finally, facing, each other! 可是,在这个时候,他们都已经没有了后退的可能。他们只能面对这一场最终决战,面对,彼此! Thank You (Xiexie).” Tang Wulin somewhat difficult nodded to Gu Yuena. But in his eyes, had the clear thing to reappear. 谢谢。”唐舞麟有些艰难的向古月娜点了点头。而在他的双眸之中,已经有晶莹的东西浮现而出。 In his front Gu Yuena, as if in reduction gradually, reduces to the initial time. Reduces to that innocence of childhood, first time meets. 在他面前的古月娜,仿佛是在渐渐的缩小,缩小到最初的时刻。缩小到那两小无猜,第一次见面的时候。 ...... …… The roadside is squatting a little girl, seems also wants the small appearance compared with Tang Wulin oneself, but she has a silver short hair, Sunlight shines on her rare hair color, but nature reflection however. 路边蹲着一个小女孩儿,看上去比唐舞麟自己还要小一些的样子,但她却有着一头银色短发,阳光照耀在她那罕见的发色上,自然而然的反光。 As if dark in has anything to tow each other, the little girl looks up to him, on her face dirty, in addition that somewhat worn-out clothes, see likely are the appearance of young beggar. But, she besides that silver short hair, but also has the out of the ordinary a pair of eye pupil. 似乎冥冥之中有什么牵引着彼此,小女孩儿抬头看向他,她脸上脏兮兮的,再加上那有些破旧的衣服,怎么看都像是个小乞丐的样子。可是,她除了那银色短发之外,还有着与众不同的一双眼眸。 Her eye is very big, eye pupil is common like two clear purple crystal, even if away from some distances, Tang Wulin also as if can see the oneself inverted image from her eye pupil. Upward upwarping of long eyelash nature. 她的眼睛很大,眼瞳就像两颗澄澈的紫水晶一般,哪怕隔着有一些距离,唐舞麟也似乎能够从她的眼瞳中看到自己的倒影。长长的睫毛自然的向上翘起。 The eye of Tang Wulin oneself is very attractive, regarding person of same age also nature of big eye, but however will have the favorable impression. He stopped the footsteps subconsciously. Four items of relative, that little girl has not fended his vision, in the attractive big eye is bringing several points of surprised. 唐舞麟自己的眼睛很好看,对于大眼睛的同龄人自然而然的就会产生好感。他下意识的停下了脚步。四目相对,那小女孩儿并没有闪避他的目光,漂亮的大眼睛中只是带着几分惊疑。 ...... …… That time she, was Na'er. That time she, seemed so no use. Tang Wulin also clear remembering, that time Na'er that attractive. silver-haired and purple eyes. first time brand mark in his mind deep place. After this, she is his Younger Sister. 那时候的她,还是娜儿。那时候的她,看上去是如此的无助。唐舞麟还清楚的记得,那时的娜儿是那么的漂亮。银发紫眸第一次烙印在他脑海深处。从此之后,她是他的妹妹 Gu Yuena is also looking at Tang Wulin, in her eyes, front this, is representing Shrek Academy and Tang Sect on behalf of Hero of entire Humanity world, represents the entire Humanity god also similarly to reduce. 古月娜也在看着唐舞麟,在她的眼中,面前这代表着整个人类世界的英雄、代表着史莱克学院唐门,代表着全人类的神也同样在缩小。 What Tang Wulin does not know, at this time his front Gu Yuena, no longer is Gu Yue and Na'er. Because, has rejected her proposing on that day, actually the ring subordinate, never her who picks from oneself finger, already thorough fusion in this short several days Time. 唐舞麟并不知道的是,此时他面前的古月娜,已经不再是古月娜儿。因为,就在那天拒绝了她的求婚,却将指环手下,从未从自己手指上摘下来的她,已经在这短短的几天时间内彻底的融合。 She is Gu Yuena, is the perfect integration of Gu Yue and Na'er. In her heart, all memories have dissolved as one thoroughly. In her heart, he is Lover, is Elder Brother! 她是古月娜,是古月娜儿的完美融合。在她心中,所有的记忆已经彻底溶为一体。在她心中,他是爱人、是哥哥啊! ...... …… young miss, your guardian?” Rascally small youth similarly was also attracted by that silver-haired, has gathered side the little girl. “小姑娘,你家长呢?”流里流气的小青年也同样被那一头银发吸引了,凑到了小女孩儿身边。 The little girl actually does not visit them, lowered the head. 小女孩儿却不看他们,重新低下了头。 Several small youth look at each other one mutually, a [say / way]: This silver hair is really rare! Perhaps is came from outside to another two pieces of Continent alien race people. It is estimated that the underground black market will like this very much . Moreover, her eye is purple.” 几个小青年相互对视一眼,其中一个道:“这银色头发真是少见啊!说不定是来自于另外两片大陆的异族人。估计地下黑市会很喜欢她这样的,而且,她的眼睛是紫色的。” In several other small youth eyes revealed the color of greed(y) immediately, nodded mutually. 其他几个小青年眼中顿时流露出了贪婪之色,相互点了点头。 Small youth squatting down body that formerly spoke, fed, Little Sister. Your family member?” 先前说话的小青年蹲下身体,“喂,小妹妹。你家里人呢?” The little girl lowers the head, shook the head, did not speak. 小女孩儿低着头,摇了摇头,却不说话。 [Say / Way] that small youth smiles: „Are you hungry! Elder Brother leads you to eat delicious, what kind of?” 青年笑眯眯的道:“你饿不饿啊!哥哥带你去吃好吃的,怎么样?” The little girl shakes the head once more, this time became makes an effort. 小女孩儿再次摇头,这次就变得更加用力了。 Small youth signals with the eyes to the companion, puts out a hand, has held on the little girl's arm, has drawn from the ground her, several other people encircle in side, tunnels outside vision. 青年向同伴一使眼色,一伸手,就拉住了小女孩儿的手臂,将她从地上拉了起来,其他几人则是围在旁边,挡住外面的视线。 In the little girl's screams, that small youth has shouldered him on the shoulder. 在小女孩儿的惊呼声中,那小青年已经将他扛在肩膀上。 „Do you do?” In this time, a vocal cord childish shouted angrily to resound, frightens several small youth to jump. “你们干什么?”正在这时,一声带着童稚的怒喝响起,吓了几个小青年一跳。 When they turn head to look, actually reveals to shame the angry color, this station defends against injustice, unexpectedly is a tiny tot, a might as well their waist is high, actually very is long attractive young boy. 当他们回头看时,却不禁都流露出羞恼之色,这站出来打抱不平的,居然是个小不点,一个还不如他们腰高,长得却很漂亮的小男孩儿。 In a following youth eye reveals a mean color, lifts a foot to trample to Tang Wulin, kid, but also dares to mind others'business.” 后面的一名青年眼中流露出一丝阴狠之色,抬起一脚就向唐舞麟踹去,“小屁孩儿,还敢管闲事。” Tang Wulin was trampled a somersault by him, falls more than two meters, dirty that immediately falls. 唐舞麟被他踹了个跟头,跌出去两米多,顿时摔的灰头土脸。 Your these unprincipled people!” He swayed back and forth on the ground, immediately crawled, fires into that several small youth, has blocked their way. “你们这些坏人!”他在地上打了个滚,立刻又爬了起来,冲向那几个小青年,拦住了他们的去路。 Carries on little girl's small youth face to reveal the ruthless severe color, here sound attracted the attention of some passers-by, here after all on avenue. 扛着小女孩儿的小青年脸上流露出狠厉之色,这边的动静已经吸引了一些路人的注意,这里毕竟是在大街上。 Wrist|Skill, a handle cold brightness glittering dagger arrived in the palm, is gesticulating to Tang Wulin, does not want dead quickly scram!” 手腕一番,一柄寒光闪烁的匕首已经到了掌心之中,向唐舞麟比划着,“不想死就赶快滚开!” A Tang Wulin face stubborn visits him, gets angry the sound track: Unprincipled person will not have the good end, I am Soul Master, I do not fear you. You let loose her!” 唐舞麟一脸倔强的看着他,怒声道:“坏人是不会有好下场的,我是魂师,我才不怕你。你放开她!” At the same time was saying, his right hand lifts, light blue halo glittering, Blue Silver Grass drilled from the palm, a light energy fluctuation also sends out. 一边说着,他右手抬起,淡蓝色光晕闪烁,蓝银草已经从掌心之中钻了出来,一股淡淡的能量波动也随之散发而出。 What 3rd Rank can Soul Power make? Nothing but is more formidable than person of same age, not having the support of Soul Spirit and Soul Ring, Martial Soul unable to play the fight role by far. Why this also wants cultivate to be able from lowest Soul Scholar to enter to 10th Rank Soul Power to the Soul Master realm reason. 三级魂力能做什么?无非是比同龄人强大一点,没有魂灵魂环的支持,武魂还远远无法起到战斗作用。这也是为什么一定要修炼十级魂力才能从最低的魂士进入到魂师境界的原因。 Small youth stayed, companion has drawn him. 青年呆了一下,身边的同伴拉了拉他。 If only an ordinary child, even if they have made anything, so long as shields appropriately, is not necessarily have the matter. However, has the Soul Power child not to be different. These children are the official specially will leave leeway the record, even has the registration in Spirit Transferring Pagoda. If such child had an accident, Federation government certainly working hard search reason, that may be big on the trouble. Let alone, they were seen by many people here. 如果只是一个普通的小孩儿,就算他们做了什么,只要掩护得当,未必就会有事。但是,一个拥有魂力的孩子却不一样。这些孩子都是官方会特别留有记录的,甚至在传灵塔都有登记。这样的孩子要是出了事,联邦政府一定会下大力度查找原因,那可就麻烦大了。何况,他们在这儿已经被不少人看到了。 Unlucky!” Is the small youth face unwilling anger of head snort|hum one, puts down the little girl on shoulder, bringing several companion dingy fast to run. “晦气!”为首的小青年一脸不甘的怒哼一声,放下肩膀上的小女孩儿,带着几个同伴灰溜溜的快速跑了。 Little girl staggers, sits to fall to the ground, Tang Wulin hurries to run, squats side her, do not fear that I am a man, I will protect your!” 小女孩儿一个趔趄,一屁股坐倒在地,唐舞麟赶忙跑过去,蹲在她身边,“你别怕,我是男子汉,我会保护你的!” The little girl looks up to him, to near, the big eye of that pair of purple appears attractive, on the eye pupil, as if also mist appears. 小女孩儿抬头看向他,离得近了,那双紫色的大眼睛更显得漂亮,眼瞳上,似乎还有一层水雾浮现出来。 Do not cry and not cry. The unprincipled people had been driven away by me. I called Tang Wulin, you named Ah? “别哭、别哭。坏人已经被我赶走了。我叫唐舞麟,你叫什么名字啊? The little girl stayed, finally the first time start to talk, I called Na'er.” 小女孩儿呆了呆,终于第一次开口,“我叫娜儿。” ...... …… That time he, was so small and weak, but obviously only then 3rd Rank Soul Power, obviously was only waste Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass Soul Master, has not made him timid, let his brave keeping off as in her front. Keeps out wind and rain for her. 那时候的他,还是如此的弱小,可明明只有三级魂力,明明只是废武魂蓝银草魂师,却没有让他怯懦,却依旧让他勇敢的挡在她的面前。为她遮风挡雨。 Her has eaten uncooked the sweetest thing, perhaps is at that time, he studies forging every day, that meagre incomes of earning for the candy that she buys. 她这一生吃过最甜的东西,或许就是在那个时候,他每天去学习锻造,赚取的那一点微薄收入给她买的糖果。 Na'er she, has known that his oneself always does not hate to eat. Sometimes looks she eats, he is swallowing actually still the saliva. 还是娜儿的她,一直都知道,他自己从来都不舍得吃。有的时候看她吃的时候,他其实还在吞口水。 He is good Elder Brother. 他是一个好哥哥 Also at that time, to integrate into the Humanity world, changes the body becomes the little girl, actually because of the issue of body carrying capacity temporarily Seal memory she, is Na'er, pure Na'er. Humanity little girl's Na'er. 也正是在那个时候,为了融入人类世界,变身成小女孩儿,却因为身体承受力的问题暂时封印了记忆的她,是娜儿,单纯的娜儿人类小女孩儿的娜儿 Good Elder Brother, in the pure Younger Sister heart, has left behind the indelible form. 善良的哥哥,在单纯的妹妹心中,留下了不可磨灭的身影。 At that time, she has learned Humanity one ability, is called: Liking. 在那个时候,她学会了人类的一种能力,叫做:喜欢。 But in the Tang Wulin heart, first time feels the pain, is actually departure of Na'er. Even if each Heavenly Refinement made so the laborious, small age body at that time receives such tempering, but he felt at that time, actually hopes. 而在唐舞麟心中,第一次感受到痛苦,却是娜儿的离开。哪怕那时每天锻造是如此的辛苦,小小年纪身体就受到那样的磨砺,可他在那时感受到的,却都是希望。 Looks that the savings of oneself gradually increases, that hope made him joyfully with joyful, because he can feel at that time, oneself was away from the Soul Master world to be nearer one step. 看着自己的积蓄逐渐增加,那份希望令他愉悦和快乐,因为那时他能感受到,自己距离魂师的世界更近了一步。 Only on the day has...... 唯有那一天…… ...... …… Linlin and Linlin!” The Lang Yue somewhat anxious summon sound transmits. 麟麟麟麟!”琅玥有些焦急的呼唤声传来。 Mom, I here.” Tang Wulin hurries to run the small garden. “妈妈,我在这儿。”唐舞麟赶忙跑出小花园。 „It is not good, Na'er and Na'er she......”, because runs, Lang Yue pants. “不好了,娜儿娜儿她……”因为奔跑,琅玥气喘吁吁的。 Na'er how?” Tang Wulin heart one tight. 娜儿怎么了?”唐舞麟心头一紧。 Lang Yue returned to normal slightly aura, urgently said: She walked, Na'er walked.” 琅玥略微平复了一下气息,急道:“她走了,娜儿走了。” Ah? Tang Wulin is surprised, hurries mother to run back in the home. 啊?唐舞麟大吃一惊,赶忙跟着妈妈跑回家中。 Yes, Na'er walked, keeps on her bed, has a paper. 是的,娜儿走了,留在她床上的,只有一张纸条。 Father, mother and Elder Brother, I walked. Particularly grateful you for these years attendance, but, who I remembered me am, my family member met me. I can only walk. With you in the together day, I am very happy and is very happy. I do not give up you. Memory that but, I gradually restore, told me, I must leave here, I had the matter that many many must handle. Elder Brother, I forever remember when you block the bastard appearance for me. Forever remembers that you for these delicious flavors that I buy. Na'er.” “爸爸、妈妈、哥哥,我走了。特别感谢你们这几年来的照顾,可是,我想起了我是谁,我的家人来接我了。我只能走了。和你们在一起的日子,我很开心、很开心。我也舍不得你们。可是,我逐渐恢复的记忆,却告诉我,我必须要离开这里了,我有好多好多要做的事情。哥哥,我永远都会记得你为我挡住坏蛋时的样子。永远都会记得你给我买的那些好吃的的味道。娜儿。” ...... …… Also on that day, she has learned similarly one type the mood of belonging to Humanity, is called, does not abandon. 也同样是在那一天,她又学会了一种属于人类的情绪,叫做,不舍。 ...... …… How, Na'er, can you such walk? How you can Ah? be you had found the family member, cannot such walk! You cannot walk.” “怎么可以,娜儿,你怎么可以就这么走了?你怎么可以啊?就算是你找到了家人,也不可以就这么走了啊!你不能走。” Na'er and Na'er have the shout of weeping voice to resound through the small town, Tang Wulin dash about wildly, are crying out. Is seeking for that silver-haired purple eyes young miss. 娜儿娜儿”带着哭腔的呼喊声响彻小城,唐舞麟狂奔着、呐喊着。寻找着那银发紫眸的小姑娘。 By the wall, the tears of big drop big drop falls following the face, Na'er tight is holding in the bosom that already somewhat obsolete, seems very rough cloth doll. 靠在墙上,大滴大滴的泪水顺着面庞滑落,娜儿紧紧的抱着怀中那个已经有些陈旧,看上去十分粗糙的布娃娃。 That was Tang Wulin makes first month of wages to buy for her. The eye of cloth doll is also purple, is just the same as her, the hair is silver that Tang Wulin oneself bought the dye dyeing. 那是唐舞麟赚了第一个月工钱给她买的。布娃娃的眼睛也是紫色的,和她一模一样,头发是唐舞麟自己买了染料给染成的银色 In her mind, reverberates unceasingly is belonging to his all. 在她脑海中,不断回荡着属于他的一切。 Only then she and he in the same place, he forever has been full of the smiling face, does everything possible to coax her to be happy. 只有她和他在一起的时候,他永远都充满了笑容,想尽办法哄她开心。 Some people must bully her time, he always meets immediately to keep off before her body. Even if the unprincipled person is formidable, in his look also is stubborn. 有人要欺负她的时候,他总是会第一时间挡在她身前。哪怕坏人再强大,他的眼神中也只有倔强。 Elder Brother and Elder Brother......” Na'er twittering, the tears like the pearl of line, floating were falling to the ground. 哥哥哥哥……”娜儿呢喃着,泪水就像断了线的珍珠,飘然落地。 ...... …… Perhaps is because has similar train of thought that perhaps is because they returned to the childhood in this flash, the tears are almost with in just a moment, flows from their eye pupils under. 或许是因为有着同样的思绪,或许是因为在这一刹那他们都回到了童年,泪水几乎是在同一时间,从他们的眼眸之中流淌而下。 Also in this with in just a moment, they simultaneously has stepped forward to the opposite party one step. 也是在这同一时间,他们同时向对方跨出了一步。 Bright silver and brilliant golden light (Jin Guang) also erupt. Golden Dragon Yue Talk Tang Wulin and Silver Dragon Wu Lin Gu Yuena finally a war, finally started! 灿烂的银色与绚烂的金光同时爆发。金龙月语唐舞麟银龙舞麟古月娜的最终一战,终于开始了! In the Silver Dragon Wu Lin Gu Yuena hand, as before is her handle Silver Dragon Spear, but this time Tang Wulin, has taken back his Sea God Trident, only has Golden Dragon Spear to grasp. 银龙舞麟古月娜手中,依旧是她那柄白银龙枪,而此时的唐舞麟,也已经收回了他的海神三叉戟,唯有黄金龙枪在掌握之中。 gold and silver double-colored ray of light from the sky interweaves. halo jump to shoot. 金银双色光芒在空中交织。一道道光晕迸射而出。 Gu Yuena eyes with tears, Silver Dragon Spear aims at Tang Wulin, immediately, Element(s) strength to rush. 古月娜双眸含泪,白银龙枪指向唐舞麟,顿时,一道道元素力量奔涌 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ This chapter of recollection are quite many, therefore the number of words are also more. When writes this chapter, I also once multiple tears. More than two years of Time, arrived at the final time finally, but this plot, I, when just wrote this book has thought. All! 这一章回忆比较多,所以字数也多一些。在写这章的时候,我也曾多次泪目。两年多的时间了,终于到了最后的时刻,而这一段情节,我在刚写这本书的时候就已经想好。一切都会好的! New book «Big Carapace Master» invited everybody generous support. Bai Qiu recommends the ticket. 新书《大龟甲师》请大家多多支持。拜求推荐票。
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