DD3DKL :: Volume #20

#1918: Finished all these?

Tang Wulin the whole body changed into nine at this time completely colored, Dragon God aura fills the air in the whole body, in an instant, changes into together nine color flowing light, directly soars Abyss Sacred Monarch to go. 唐舞麟此时全身已经完全化为九彩色,龙神气息在全身弥漫,刹那间,化为一道九彩流光,直奔深渊圣君而去。 Abyss Sacred Monarch gives a calm smile, finished all these.” At the same time was saying, the Tiansheng crack deep pool in his hand to front one finger. Immediately, all Abyss life form are ordinary just like mountain crying out and sea howling immediately, madness clashes toward Humanity. 深渊圣君淡然一笑,“结束这一切吧。”一边说着,他手中的天圣裂渊向前方一指。顿时,所有的深渊生物顿时宛如山呼海啸一般,疯狂的朝着人类这边冲来。 Firing off!” In Divine Brush Douluo Yu Guanzhi of General Commander unit almost to issue the order with sounds|voices of hysteria. “开炮!”身在总指挥部的神笔斗罗余冠志几乎是用歇斯底里的声音下达着命令。 All transformations was really too quick, when Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena used Dragon God Transformation, when all people think the general situation has decided that actually appear(ance) such subversive Transformation. 所有的一切转变的实在是太快了,当唐舞麟古月娜用出龙神变,当所有人都认为大局已定的时候,却出现了这样颠覆性的变化 All efforts as if had come to naught in that flash. But they are going to face, is terrifying and immeasurably deep exist(ence). 所有的努力在那一瞬间似乎都已经化为了泡影。而他们将要面对的,是一个更加恐怖、深不可测的存在 Perhaps, this campaign they did not have too many opportunities, such that but said like Tang Wulin, they to protect Douluo will make the oneself complete contribution. 或许,这场战役他们已经没有了太多的机会,但就像唐舞麟所说的那样,他们将为守护斗罗作出自己全部的贡献。 The distant place, Three Great Fleet artillery barrage erupts once more, in the position, including airborne Soul Guidance Fighter and infrasonic wave aircraft as well as Blood God Corps Elite, shortly will invest into the battlefield above. 远方,三大舰队炮火再次爆发,阵地上,包括空中的魂导战机、次声波飞机以及血神军团强者们,都在顷刻之间投入到战场之上。 This is war of the Life and Death, this is also war of the race, only then a side can laugh last. 这是一场生死之战,这也是一场种族之战,只有一方能够笑到最后。 Nine color flowing light from the sky change into together the startled day rainbow, almost arrived in front of Abyss Sacred Monarch instantaneously. In the Tang Wulin hand Sea God Trident stabbed out, myriad ray of light collect, changes into the most radiant brilliance, A Thousand Fingers Condemn. 九彩流光在空中化为一道惊天长虹,几乎是瞬间就到了深渊圣君面前。唐舞麟手中海神三叉戟刺出,万千道光芒收束,化为最璀璨的光彩,千夫所指 Abyss Sacred Monarch stands there, left hand back in oneself behind, but swept away with the Tiansheng crack deep pool of right hand, simple movement, but when his act, actually Heaven and Earth I for feeling of control. 深渊圣君只是站在那里,左手背在自己身后,只是用右手的天圣裂渊横扫而出,再简单不过的动作,可在他出手的时候,却有一种天地我为主宰的感觉。 Dāng! in fierce bellow, Tang Wulin that has achieved God Rank realm absolutely, actually did not have the strength of resisting in front of the Tiansheng crack deep pool. Whole person swept flies horizontally. 当!”剧烈的轰鸣声中,唐舞麟那已经绝对达到神级境界,在天圣裂渊面前竟然毫无抵挡之力。整个人被扫的横飞而出。 What is more fearful, on him had been exaggerated nine colored Four Word Battle Armor Golden Dragon Yue Talk by Dragon God Transformation, the chest place is ripped open a huge tone. fresh blood also along with it from gushes out. 更可怕的是,他身上已经被龙神变渲染成了九彩色的四字斗铠金龙月语,胸口处被撕开了一个巨大的口气。鲜血也随之从其中喷薄而出。 Only the Tiansheng crack deep pool in Abyss Sacred Monarch hand, was genuine Ultra Divine Tool! Even if Sea God Trident, is unable to block its to disregard defense properties. 只有在深渊圣君手中的天圣裂渊,才是真正超神器啊!哪怕是海神三叉戟,都无法挡住它那无视防御特性 This was the Tiansheng crack deep pool genuine terrifying place, had close-combat, close-combat was invincible! 这就是天圣裂渊真正恐怖的地方,只有近战,近战无敌! If the Ultra Divine Tool list, then, the Tiansheng crack deep pool will certainly become in this list the close-combat weapon first position. 如果有一个超神器榜单的话,那么,天圣裂渊必将成为这个榜单上近战武器第一位。 Sea God Trident ability lies in balanced, strength, attack and amplification, wait for all sorts is very strong. But was not single-minded like Tiansheng crack deep pool in the pure attack strength. 海神三叉戟能力在于均衡,无论是力量攻击、增幅,等种种都很强。但却不像天圣裂渊那么专一于纯粹攻击力。 Wound heals fast, Tang Wulin Golden Dragon King restoration ability also similarly strong. gold and silver Double Dragon combines and complements one another into Dragon God, nature makes his restoration ability about violent increase. 身上的伤口快速愈合,唐舞麟金龙王的恢复能力也同样是超强的。金银双龙合璧成为龙神,自然令他的恢复能力近一步暴增。 However, although the wound is healing, but he can actually feel clearly, in the body of oneself, matchless terrifying sharp aura is in Zuo Chongyou suddenly. The Dragon Nucleus fierce beat, spurts to be thin unceasingly warm-blooded, the body of firm this oneself, attempts to melting of this sharp air/Qi, actually can also its postponement. 但是,伤口虽然是在愈合之中,可他却能够清楚的感受到,在自己的身体里面,有一股无比恐怖的锋锐气息正在左冲右突。龙核剧烈跳动,不断喷薄出热血,坚固自己的身体,尝试对这股锋锐之气的化解,却也只是能够将其延缓而已。 Gu Yuena strength in his body as far as possible weakens through various Element(s) unceasingly, this made withstanding of Tang Wulin easy. 还是古月娜力量在他身体之中尽可能的不断通过各种元素去削弱,这才让唐舞麟的承受变得容易了一些。 hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” Low and deep bellows resound in Tang Wulin within the body, at this time, essential strength in his body started to have an effect. 一声声低沉的轰鸣声在唐舞麟体内响起,在这个时候,在他身体里一种关键的力量开始起作用了。 seven-colored ray of light glittering, spurts in the process of explosion outward thinly. Finally melts that sharp air/Qi. Tang Wulin implication in the oneself body, by Thunder Hell Prison Vine absorb Element(s) Thunder Tribulation. 七彩光芒闪烁,在爆炸的过程中向外喷薄。终于将那股锋锐之气化解。正是唐舞麟蕴含在自己身体之中,被雷鸣阎狱藤吸收元素雷劫 Element(s) Thunder Tribulation is Power of the Plane, at this time, Abyss Sacred Monarch quite therefore plane completely Seal of outside. Therefore cannot borrow Planar Lord strength. But, has stored up such strength in the Tang Wulin body. 元素雷劫乃是位面之力,此时,深渊圣君相当于是将外界的位面完全封印了。所以根本借用不到位面之主力量。可是,在唐舞麟身体之中就储存了这样的力量 Facing the great strength of another plane, only has plane Planar Lord to have the possibility of restraint. 面对另一个位面的强大,唯有本位面位面之主才有克制的可能。 Relies on bombing of Element(s) Thunder Tribulation, Tang Wulin is blocking complete strength that the Tiansheng crack deep pool this has struck finally reluctantly. 凭借着元素雷劫的轰炸,唐舞麟终于勉强挡住了天圣裂渊这一击的全部力量 Well? A little meaning.” Abyss Sacred Monarch shot a look at Tang Wulin one, the corners of the mouth place has revealed an interesting expression. At this time he gives the feeling of person, looks like the cat catch mouse is ordinary, does not worry, as if this in world all played with by him above the stock palm that's all. “咦?有点意思。”深渊圣君瞥了唐舞麟一眼,嘴角处流露出一丝有趣的表情。此时他给人的感觉,就像是猫捉老鼠一般,一点都不着急,仿佛这世间所有的一切都只是被他玩弄在股掌之上罢了 The Tang Wulin look stagnates, the left hand grasps void. Immediately, in Air filled depressing Abyss aura to be centered on his body, wide scope disintegration. 唐舞麟眼神凝滞,左手虚空抓出。顿时,空气中原本充满压抑的深渊气息以他的身体为中心,大范围崩解。 Forbidding Myriad Laws and Dragon Emperor Break! 禁万法龙皇破 As soon as he shakes in the hand Sea God Trident, frigid and was full of the proud imposing manner to erupt, he formidable extremely aura immediately generally jumped to shoot just like the blowout. 紧接着,他一震手中海神三叉戟,惨烈而又充满了骄傲的气势爆发开来,他原本就已经极其强大的气息顿时宛如井喷一般迸射而起。 Forbidding Heaven and Earth and Dragon Emperor Battle! 禁天地龙皇斗 On him nine color ray of light become even more is immediately radiant, Tang Wulin eyes changed into nine in this flash colored. Within the body final three Golden Dragon King Seal fierce is shivering, as if may anytime by breakthrough. But his own aura, selects for promotion once more. 他身上的九彩光芒顿时变得越发璀璨起来,唐舞麟双眸都在这一刹那化为了九彩色。体内最后三道金龙王封印剧烈的颤抖着,仿佛随时都有可能被突破似的。而他自身气息,再次拔升。 Dragon God Transformation, Second Transformation. Dragon God Zhentian! 龙神变,第二变龙神震天 Áng spirited dragon roar sound, acoustic shock four wild. terrifying, with resounding of this dragon roar. “昂”激昂的龙吟声,声震四野。更加恐怖的,是伴随着这一声龙吟的响起。 In the ground, a diameter surpasses three kilometers huge nine color ring of light along with it appear(ance). This ring of light pattern extremely complicated. Actually floods one type as if not to be the pride of this world. 地面上,一个直径超过三千米的巨大九彩光环随之出现。这光环的花纹极其繁复。却充斥着一种似乎不属于这个世界的骄傲。 That is Once stands in world most peak may have proud! 那是一种曾经站在世界最顶端才有可能拥有的骄傲啊! dragon roar along with it resounding, halo spread from Tang Wulin come. In range that in that nine color ring of light cover. The enormous forms raise and appear slowly. 紧接着,一声声龙吟随之响起,一圈光晕又是从唐舞麟身上扩散开来。就在那九彩光环笼罩的范围之中。一具具庞大的身影缓缓升起、浮现出来。 They only then sturdy skeleton, but actually under coverage of that nine color ray of light, gradually grew muscle and scales. Formidable matchless aura burst out in Air. 它们只有粗壮的骨骼,但却在那九彩光芒的覆盖下,渐渐生长出了肌肉鳞片。一个个强大无比气息空气中迸发。 Tang Wulin float sky over them, looks like their King is ordinary, is scrutinizing the oneself army. 唐舞麟悬浮在它们上空,就像是它们的君王一般,审阅着自己的军队。 Mighty Dragon, yes, that is leader Mighty Dragon. 巨龙,是的,那是一头头巨龙 What golden-colored is light Dragon Clan, what red is scarlet Dragon Clan, reminded enormous mountain Dragon Clan. Strength formidable darkness Dragon Clan. 金色的是光明龙族,红色的是赤龙族,还有提醒庞大的山龙族。战力强悍黑暗龙族 That Mighty Dragon is dissimilar in shape and form, is body enormous. Each, is having extremely formidable aura. 那一条条巨龙形态各异,无不是身体庞大。它们每一个,都拥有着极其强悍气息 Yes, before Humanity, in that even if the age that Douluo God Realm also was just born, they are this world genuine masters. At that time, never some people can surmount them. 是的,早在人类之前,早在那个哪怕是斗罗神界都还刚刚诞生的年代,它们才是这个世界真正的主人。在那个时候,从未有人能够超越它们。 Even, during that age, disappearance of entire Dragon Clan because they have joined God Realm under the leadership of Dragon God. Also because of their joining, God Realm strength of genuine. 甚至,在那个年代之中,整个龙族的消失都因为它们是在龙神的带领下加入了神界。也正是因为它们的加入,神界真正的壮大。 Because they extremely in great strength, had the conflict with God Realm Gods, proud Dragon Clan will not always lower the head. One involves entire God Realm, nearly made the God Realm Collapsing god fight that erupts. 只是,因为它们太过于强大,与神界神诋发生了冲突,骄傲的龙族从来都不会低头。一场涉及到整个神界,更险些令神界崩溃的神战就那么爆发了。 Finally, Dragon Clan suffers a defeat and flees, all Mighty Dragon for it fall/die. Dragon God final strength, can only be Dragon Clan establishes one to be the oneself world. Unstable Lesser World. 最终,龙族败亡,所有的巨龙都为之陨落龙神最后的力量,只能为龙族建立一个属于自己的世界。一个并不稳固的小世界 Is the arrival of Tang Wulin, making numerous Mighty Dragon skeletons be able to be buried for secure. But in today, Tang Wulin Summon(ing), first time lets his Divine Dragon corps appear(ance) finally before the common people. 唐舞麟的到来,令众多巨龙的尸骨能够入土为安。而就在今天,唐舞麟召唤,也终于第一次让他的神龙军团出现在世人面前。 Freely, they were not initially in God Realm Divine Beast(s). The skeleton corpse that freely, they survive, power is not as before. 尽管,它们已经不是当初在神界神兽。尽管,它们只是残存的骨骼尸体所化,实力大不如前。 However, when their genuine appear(ance), great strength of pride and Dragon Clan of Dragon Clan, actually as before exist(ence). 但是,当它们真正出现的时候,龙族的骄傲、龙族的强大,却依旧存在 thousand dragons dancing, Divine Dragon corps! 千龙起舞,神龙军团 Adds on Divine Dragon corps that initially faith token Summon(ing) came by Dragon God aura, tries Summon(ing) previous Tang Wulin is obviously more formidable. 龙神气息加上当初信物召唤而来的神龙军团,比上一次唐舞麟尝试召唤的明显更加强大。 ------------------------- ------------------------- Asked the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. 求月票、推荐票。
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