DD3DKL :: Volume #20

#1915: terrifying arrives

How regardless of she is not willing to acknowledge, may since the conclusion of Martial Arts Selecting Husband General Meeting. Her surprised discovery, in the oneself mind makes the most deep impression no longer is Gu Yuena. Has thought since should that oneself likes is girl's she, suddenly discovered that a form deep brand mark of man in oneself heart. 无论她如何不愿意承认,可随着比武招亲大会的结束。她吃惊的发现,在自己脑海中留下最深刻印象的已经不再是古月娜。一直以来,都认为自己喜欢的应该是女孩子的她,突然发现,一个男人的身影深深的烙印在了自己心头 But, she actually cannot tell him, oneself origins. 可是,她却不能告诉他,自己出身 Because, she is the female of Holy Spirit Cult founder Demon Emperor, is Once by Deep Sea Demon Whale King and present Demon Emperor that only child Tang San kills! 因为,她正是圣灵教教主魔皇之女,也就是曾经唐三杀死的深海魔鲸王与眼前的魔皇唯一的孩子啊! Although origins in Holy Spirit Cult, but the Lan Fuzi mental disposition is good. She more than once has persuaded mother, but Demon Emperor actually already madness. She wants to be far away actually does not give up mother. In such condition, her day of as if made by heaven is long. Also looks at mother degeneration date depth. 虽然出身圣灵教,可蓝佛子秉性善良。她不止一次劝说过母亲,可魔皇却早已疯狂。她想要远离却又舍不得母亲。就是在这样的状态下,她一天天成长。也看着母亲堕落日深。 She is weak, degeneration of her very clear mother because of anything. She also similarly misses the father. Regardless of Deep Sea Demon Whale King is cruel, but she is extremely good to mother. 她是软弱的,她很清楚母亲的堕落是因为什么。她也同样思念父亲。无论深海魔鲸王有多么残暴,但对母亲和她却是极好的。 When Demon Emperor opens Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array, her also Once tries to prevent, even Once has rescued Tang Wulin in secret. But all these, are actually not she can change. 魔皇开启血河弑神大阵的时候,她也曾经试图阻止过,甚至曾经暗中去救援过唐舞麟。可这一切,却都不是她所能改变的。 She has been hiding in the Holy Spirit Cult crowd, her oneself is also very vacant, does not know that should not know what to do. When she heard Tang Wulin to say oneself unexpectedly was the child of Sea God Tang San, she was almost in deep sorrow. 她一直都在圣灵教的人群之中隐藏着,她自己也很茫然,不知道该如何是好。当她听到唐舞麟自己竟然是海神唐三之子的时候,她几乎痛不欲生。 She has not thought that oneself likes a man with great difficulty, unexpectedly is the son who oneself kills the father personal enemy. 她万万没想到,自己好不容易喜欢上一个男人,竟然是自己杀父仇人的儿子。 The vengefulness for father's murder altogether does not wear heavens! In that flickers, Lan Fuzi understands that oneself will never be possible and he in the same place. 杀父之仇不共戴天啊!在那一瞬,蓝佛子就明白,自己永远都不可能和他在一起了。 The final war approaches finally, but she is actually the heart like the dying embers. Side is the oneself mother, side is the man who oneself likes. She does not know how should pray. 最终的大战终于来临,而她却是心如死灰。一边是自己的母亲,一边是自己喜欢的男人。她都不知道该如何去祈祷。 She wants to prevent, but, that can it be that she can prevent? 她想要阻止,可是,那又岂是她能阻止的了的? When mother's aura starts to dissipate, in her who banning the entire world works loose with great difficulty, finally flushed reckless, rushes to front of Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena. 当母亲的气息开始消散,在禁寰宇中好不容易挣脱出来的她,终于不顾一切的冲了出来,冲到唐舞麟古月娜面前。 She is my mother.” Lan Fuzi anguished looks at Tang Wulin. At this moment, in her vision, only then he. “她是我妈妈。”蓝佛子苦涩的看着唐舞麟。此时此刻,她的目光之中只有他。 The Tang Wulin look concentrates, „are you female of Demon Emperor?” 唐舞麟眼神一凝,“你是魔皇之女?” Their Once is the Martial Arts Selecting Husband competitor, Once fights side-by-side in Myriad Beast Platform. Tang Wulin can it be that already had discovered Lan Fuzi is a woman, but her actually first time of female attire saw, therefore cannot recognize in immediately. 他们曾经比武招亲的竞争对手,也曾经万兽台之中并肩作战。唐舞麟岂是早就已经发现了蓝佛子是女人,可女装的她却还是第一次见到,所以没能在第一时间认出来。 Yes, I am. Has killed me, or makes me mother's body carry off.” The Lan Fuzi look is somewhat blurred. “是的,我是。杀了我吧,或者让我将妈妈的身体带走。”蓝佛子眼神有些迷离。 She is very clear, by Tang Wulin in Humanity allied armies here status, even if mother Soul died, he is impossible such to let off. Because of God Rank Demon Emperor, if there is possibility of resurrecting, that will be the disaster of entire world. 她很清楚,以唐舞麟人类联军这边的身份地位,哪怕母亲灵魂已死,他也不可能就这么放过。因为一个神级魔皇,如果真的有复活的可能,那将是整个世界的灾难。 Therefore, when she flushed has thought that since all are unable to change, then, only then accompanied mother to go. Can die, in oneself has liked only in male person hand, perhaps was the best conclusion. 所以,在她冲出来的时候就已经想好了,既然一切都无法改变,那么,就只有陪伴母亲而去。能死在自己唯一喜欢过的男人手中,或许就是最好的结束吧。 Tang Wulin brows slightly knitted, you make way.” 唐舞麟眉头微蹙,“你让开吧。” Because has contacted, he can feel, the goodness of Lan Fuzi conscience. She is not Evil Soul Master. This point Tang Wulin can definitely affirm. 正因为接触过,他才能够感受到,蓝佛子本心的善良。她不是邪魂师。这一点唐舞麟完全可以肯定。 Now he understands finally why initially Lan Fuzi somewhat was similar when ability that the fight used to sea strength. Originally, she is also a Deep Sea Demon Whale clan, last Deep Sea Demon Whale that even very possible to be a rear survival at present. 现在他终于明白为什么当初蓝佛子在战斗时使用的能力有些类似于大海力量了。原来,她也是深海魔鲸一族,甚至很可能是目前硕果仅存的最后一位深海魔鲸 Lan Fuzi shakes the head, traded is you, some people must kill your mother, can you shunt? I know that she has done many wrong things. That is you are unable to forgive. I do not have this extravagant demands. Has killed me, I only strove for being able to accompany my mother to go.” 蓝佛子摇摇头,“换了是你,有人要杀你妈妈,你会闪开吗?我知道,她做了许多错事。那是你们无法原谅的。我也没有这份奢求。杀了我吧,我只求能够陪伴我妈妈而去。” The Tang Wulin brow is tight, although he cannot judge Lan Fuzi is whether innocent, but, must kill her, oneself somewhat cannot start. 唐舞麟眉头紧蹙,他虽然不能判断蓝佛子是否无辜,可是,要杀她,自己真的有些下不了手。 Gu Yuena nature knows that his character, Silver Dragon Spear lifted slowly, Lan Fuzi, your should knows that this is a war that relates to the Continent life or death. We cannot......” 古月娜自然知道他的性格,白银龙枪缓缓抬了起来,“蓝佛子,你应该知道,这是关系到大陆存亡的一战。我们不能……” Lan Fuzi has not gone to visit her, looks at Tang Wulin as before, I only want to request you, making me die in your hands. Until now, some words some of my also finally opportunities said. Tang Wulin, although my oneself heart of hearts has been denying, but, I like you.” 蓝佛子没有去看她,依旧只是看着唐舞麟,“我只想请求你,让我死在你手里。时至今日,有些话我也终于有机会说了。唐舞麟,虽然我自己内心深处一直都在否认,可是,我真的喜欢你。” Such remarks, Tang Wulin one dull, nearby Gu Yuena has also gawked staring. 此言一出,唐舞麟一呆,旁边的古月娜也是愣了愣。 Tang Wulin recalls initially Holy Spirit Douluo Once to say immediately Lan Fuzi likes his words. That time he extremely has not cared. Has not actually thought that actually really by oneself godmother language to become Zhen. 唐舞麟立刻就回忆起来当初圣灵斗罗曾经说过蓝佛子喜欢他的话。那时候的他并没有太过在意。却没想到,却真的被自己的干妈一语成箴。 Under is a focus of public attention, Tang Wulin heaved a deep sigh, why bother was your this?” Sea God Trident in his hand lifts slowly. 万众瞩目之下,唐舞麟长叹一声,“你这又是何苦呢?”他手中的海神三叉戟缓缓抬起。 Cannot wait again, because, even if he, is unable to affirm that Demon Emperor also has the possibility of resurrecting. 不能再等下去了,因为,哪怕是他,也无法肯定魔皇是不是还有复活的可能。 Lan Muzi has reminded with Life, this very possible is a plot. Only has Demon Emperor kills, can perhaps let plot thorough Annihilation. He knows that oneself cannot be tenderhearted. Temporary tenderhearted likely casts blunder, is related to the entire Humanity Life and Death life or death! 蓝木子生命提醒过,这很可能是一场阴谋。唯有将魔皇杀死,或许才能让阴谋彻底破灭。他知道,自己不能心软。一时的心软很可能铸成大错,事关全人类生死存亡啊! But, his natural disposition so, in the hand Golden Dragon Spear actually cannot puncture. 可是,他的本性如此,手中黄金龙枪却是怎么也刺不出去。 Gu Yuena looks at Lan Fuzi, shaking the head of gently, appears in her mind the face of Qiangu Zhangting. Although her continuously very Loathing that fellow, but she also knows that Qiangu Zhangting likes oneself. Present doesn't Lan Fuzi look like Qiangu Zhangting? Even if clearly knows that is likes a moth to the flame does not refuse under any circumstances. 古月娜看着蓝佛子,轻轻的摇了摇头,在她脑海中也不禁浮现出千古丈亭的面庞。虽然她一直都很憎恶那个家伙,可她也知道,千古丈亭是真的喜欢自己。眼前的蓝佛子可不就像是千古丈亭么?哪怕明知道是飞蛾扑火也在所不辞。 Loves a person wrong not. 爱一个人并没有错。 sharp knife blade enters the meat sounds|voices to resound. “噗”利刃入肉的声音响起。 Mournful freeze on Lan Fuzi face, her Life aura almost shortly rapidly will have fallen suddenly in torrents. The expression on this time face has actually filled astonished. 蓝佛子脸上的凄然骤然凝固了,她的生命气息几乎是在顷刻之间迅速倾泻。只是,她此时脸上的表情却充满了惊愕。 Her lowering the head of slowly, does not dare to believe looks to the oneself front wound. 她缓缓的低下头,不敢置信的看向自己胸前的伤口。 A slender palm there. 一只纤细的手掌正在那里。 Yes, pierced her body, is not Sea God Trident in Tang Wulin hand, is not Silver Dragon Spear in Gu Yuena hand. But came from her. But at this moment, in her behind, has her mother, Holy Spirit Cult Demon Emperor! 是的,刺穿了她身体的,既不是唐舞麟手中的海神三叉戟,也不是古月娜手中的白银龙枪。而是来自于她的身后。而此时此刻,在她身后的,却只有她的母亲,圣灵教魔皇啊! Did not need to be so awkward. Time has sufficed. Must die in any case, early moment and late moment, what relations also there is?” Cold and gloomy sounds|voices, is bringing several points of strangeness. Cannot listen is male is female, is, when that sounds|voices appear(ance) flash. surroundings all had Transformation. “不用这么为难了。时间已经够了。反正都要死,早一刻、晚一刻,又有什么关系呢?”森冷的声音,带着几分诡异。听不出是男是女,可是,当那声音出现的一瞬间。周围的一切都发生了变化 Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena only thought that aura beyond description heads on. Tang Wulin subconscious keeping off before the Gu Yuena body, transmits vigorously, is leading their bodies not by flying upside down of Control. 唐舞麟古月娜只觉得一种难以形容的气息扑面而来。唐舞麟下意识的挡在古月娜身前,一股大力传来,带动着他们的身体不受控制的倒飞而出。 The Lan Fuzi pierced body withers slowly, changes into the Life Energy quantity by Devour and disappearance. But in her following Demon Emperor, on the face is actually revealing the strange expression. 蓝佛子被刺穿的身体缓缓枯萎,化为生命能量被吞噬、消失。而在她后面的魔皇,脸上却流露着诡异的表情。 Six-thousand Years. Finally made me succeed. Very good, this is full of the Life aura world, I came finally. This is the world that I want. Devour here, I am God King.” 六千年了。终于让我成功了。很好,这个充满生命气息的世界,我终于来了。这才是我想要的世界。吞噬了这里,我就是神王。” Demon Emperor white-haired starts Transformation, from formerly pale white, turned into glittering and translucent carving sparkling stone white, the body also started to raise gradually, turned into the man in the moment from the woman appearance unexpectedly. 魔皇的满头白发开始变化,从先前的苍白,变成了晶莹剔透的莹白色,身体也开始渐渐拔高,竟然在须臾之间从女人模样变成了男子。 The facial features are fair, the look is handsome, the eye pupil of a pair of black does not have the white of the eye, is only profound just like Abyss. 面容白皙,相貌英俊,一双黑色的眼眸没有白眼珠,只是深邃的宛如深渊 His finger is slender, Lan Fuzi blood that in the hand contaminates, vanished thoroughly, by clean of his skin absorb. A black long gown covers the whole body, the generous shoulder lead(er) opens to the both sides, the huge black cloak to behind is spreading. Actually as if endless. 他的手指修长,手上沾染的蓝佛子血液,已经彻底消失,被他的皮肤吸收的一干二净。一身黑色长袍覆盖全身,宽厚的肩领向两侧张开,连带着巨大的黑色披风向身后蔓延。却仿佛无尽。 He waves toward not far away, immediately, together blue-purple ray of light sparkle, but to, falls his grasps. After the first achievements of predecessors emperor died impressively, crashed into that handle Ultra Divine Tool Tiansheng crack deep pool of ground. 他朝着不远处一挥手,顿时,一道蓝紫色光芒闪耀而至,落入他的掌握之中。赫然正是先前烈帝死后,坠入地面的那柄超神器天圣裂渊。
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