DD3DKL :: Volume #20

#1911: Bans the vault of heaven and Dragon Emperor to fall

Sea God Trident first encircled ring of light to encircle the Tiansheng crack deep pool, two big Ultra Divine Tool collided, simultaneously expressed buzz the cry. After Tang Wulin upper body, supine. Flies to add on fending of oneself with the aid of selecting of Sea God Trident finally, has shunted that together purple glow completely. Otherwise, was cut the consequence to link his oneself to be also unforeseen. 海神三叉戟第一光环就圈住了天圣裂渊,两大超神器碰撞,同时发出嗡鸣。唐舞麟上身后仰。总算是借助海神三叉戟的挑飞加上自己的闪避,完全躲开了那一道紫芒。否则的话,被斩中的后果连他自己也无法预料。 Too fearful! Rapidness that too all these have, all was too fearful. Is slow a racket, or is does not have Ultra Divine Tool. Other cuts the result to have one directly, the death! 太可怕了!这一切发生的太快,所有的一切都太可怕了。再慢一拍,或者是自身没有超神器。别正面斩中的结果只有一个,死! Tang Wulin self-recovery ability is strong, if body by clean break , is very similarly difficult to live! 唐舞麟的自愈能力再强,如果身体被一刀两断的话,也同样很难活下来啊! However, was opening Tiansheng crack deep pool next one flickered, the potential of fit and unfit quality reversed. 不过,在挑开天圣裂渊的下一瞬,优劣之势就随之逆转。 Sea God secret arts, Formless Wave! 海神绝学,无定风波 With the father in the process that in Sea God Nine Trials compares notes, Tang Wulin uses many, facing most, is this type divine skill. 在与父亲于海神九考内切磋的过程之中,唐舞麟使用最多、面对最多的,都是这一式神技 Even if until finally, him also can never work loose from father's Formless Wave. It can be imagined, the function of this divine skill is huge. 哪怕是直到最后,他也从未能够从父亲的无定风波之中挣脱出来过。可想而知,这神技的作用是何等巨大。 golden-colored ring of light fall in torrents one after another unceasingly, has tied up a solidity the fierce emperor. When the pain when fierce emperor tenacious spiritual assault brings, wants to wield the oneself Tiansheng crack deep pool once more, had actually discovered that the body of oneself is unable to move. 一圈圈金色光环左一圈、右一圈不断倾泻而下,将烈帝绑了个结结实实。当烈帝强韧精神冲击带来的痛苦,想要再次挥动自己的天圣裂渊时,却已经发现自己的身体无法移动了。 Also at this moment, the Gu Yuena ear has resounded Tang Wulin sounds|voices, ties down Demon Emperor!” 也就在这时,古月娜耳边响起了唐舞麟声音,“缠住魔皇!” silver ray of light bursts out, in the Gu Yuena hand Silver Dragon Spear blooms suddenly, sees only her to swing the body in a flash, changes into huge silver Mighty Dragon instantaneously. 银色光芒迸发,古月娜手中白银龙枪突然绽放,只见她摇身一晃,瞬间化为一头巨大的银色巨龙 Mighty Dragon height about 30 meters, but when its appear(ance) that flash, entire Sky became has constrained suddenly, what was more fearful, in the midair, restored the daytime because of the dark night that Radiant Starry Sky Domain turned into unexpectedly. In restoring in process, in Sky appear(ance) the seven-colored light clouds suddenly. 巨龙身长不过30米左右,但当它出现的那一瞬间,整个天空突然变得压抑了,更可怕的是,半空之中,原本因为璀璨星空领域而变成的黑夜居然重新恢复到了白昼。只是在恢复的过程之中,天空中突然出现了朵朵七彩光云。 The low and deep thunderous sound resounds intermittently. Lightnings drill the line in the clouds, as if may fall anytime. 低沉的雷鸣声阵阵响起。一道道闪电在云朵之间钻行,仿佛随时都有可能落下似的。 The Silver Dragon personal appearance is too not big, each scales presents for the circular, but when its appear(ance), Gu Yuena aura immediately suddenly to increase. Almost in promoted not to be inferior in an instant in Demon Emperor exist(ence). 银龙身形不算太大,每一块鳞片都呈献为圆形,但当它出现的时候,古月娜气息顿时暴增。几乎是在刹那间就提升到了不逊色于魔皇存在 dragon mouth opens, a Can silver spitting breath emits, has emitted to Demon Emperor that the wound has not healed completely. 龙口张开,一口灿银色的吐息喷吐而出,向伤口还没有完全愈合的魔皇喷吐了过去。 In this flickers, Demon Emperor only thought that opposite party aura has achieved was not inferior in her, even must dominate above her the terrifying region. When that spits the breath to spurt to her, she can rely on the spiritual stage clear feeling of Divine Origin Realm, in process that as if entire Sky broken up. Spits the breath place visited, all Element(s) for it to shatter and peeling. 在这一瞬,魔皇只觉得对方的气息已经达到了不逊色于她,甚至还要凌驾在她之上的恐怖境地。当那一口吐息喷向她的时候,她能够凭借神元境精神层次清晰的感受到,仿佛整个天空都在崩解的过程中。吐息所过之处,一切元素为之破碎、剥离。 How dare she spat the breath to hit by such one directly! Immediately the incarnation to purple-gold ray of light suddenly to launch, run away to go toward the distant place together. 她怎敢被这样的一口吐息正面命中啊!顿时化身为一道紫金色光芒暴射而出,朝远方逃遁而去。 But that silver surprise attack actually generally pursues to go just like the cruise missile of fixed goal. 但那银色突袭却宛如锁定目标的巡航导弹一般直追而去。 But also while Gu Yuena spouts this spits the breath, in Sky just the appear(ance) seven-colored thunder clouds sent out fierce thundering, seven-colored thunderbolt falls together instantaneously, instant falls, in Gu Yuena melted on Silver Dragon. 而也就在古月娜喷出这一口吐息的同时,天空之中刚刚出现七彩雷云发出剧烈的轰鸣,一道七彩雷霆瞬间而落,就是刹那就落在了古月娜所化银龙身上。 Before it drops the flash, Gu Yuena has separated on own initiative with Shrek the Star-time Chains contact between Six Monsters as well as Sima Jinchi. Next flickers, she already under the electric light winds around drops from the clouds, to below fall/die. 在它落下前的一刹那,古月娜主动断开了与史莱克六怪以及司马金驰之间的星辰锁链联系。下一瞬,她已经在电光缭绕下从天而降,向下方陨落 This is...... 这是…… This in all observing eyes so inconceivable. In the fight of Soul Master world, how could appear(ance) such situation! 这一幕在所有观战者们眼中是如此的不可思议。在魂师世界的战斗中,何曾出现过这样的情况啊! The seven-colored thunder clouds, the people on the scene, genuine has seen perhaps has Tang Wulin one. He when sees this seven-colored thunder clouds, when he completes Heavenly Refinement is most in peak condition has possibility appear(ance) Element(s) Thunder Tribulation. 七彩雷云,在场众人之中,真正见过的恐怕只有唐舞麟一个而已。只是,他在见到这七彩雷云的时候,正是他将天锻完成到最巅峰状态时才有可能出现元素雷劫 But just that together exploded in Gu Yuena seven-colored thunderbolt , when compared with he completes most difficult Heavenly Refinement want intense ten times. That Element(s) Thunder Tribulation has to destroy the heavens and exterminate the land aura to be ordinary together simply! 而刚刚那一道炸在古月娜身上的七彩雷霆,要比他完成最难天锻时还要强烈十倍。那一道元素雷劫简直是拥有着毁天灭地气息一般啊! However, at this time, Tang Wulin could not attend to watching the Gu Yuena situation. He cannot make the Gu Yuena effort waste. 但是,在这个时候,唐舞麟根本顾不上去关注古月娜的情况。他不能让古月娜的努力白费。 Both eyes are suddenly profound, just like endless Starry Sky. The thunderbolt of seven-colored thunder clouds in Sky after erupting, vanishes with the Gu Yuena Silver Dragon body, restores human form, lost formerly God Rank stage aura to vanish. 双眼突然深邃,宛如无尽星空天空中的七彩雷云在爆发出雷霆之后,伴随着古月娜银龙身躯消失,重新恢复人形,也失去了先前神级层次气息而消失。 But, in the process that it vanishes, when vanishes to 50%, this seven-colored thunder clouds freeze, did not have half minute migration freeze suddenly again. Moreover, all in Sky, Abyss King or Shrek Six Monsters and the others. Everyone, instantaneously is stagnating. 可是,就在它消失的过程中,才只是消失到一半时,这七彩雷云突然凝固了,再没有半分移动的凝固了。不仅如此,所有在天空之中,无论是深渊王者还是史莱克六怪等人。每一个人,都在瞬间凝滞。 Observing both sides Elite as if saw dying out beyond description, that is came from Imprison of vault of heaven. 观战的双方强者们仿佛看到了一种难以形容的寂灭,那是来自于苍穹的禁锢 But also at this moment, resonant dragon roar resounds through entire Extreme Northern Lands each corner. 而也就在这时,一声嘹亮的龙吟响彻整个极北之地的每一个角落。 Huge golden-colored Mighty Dragon appears, went through by the Imprison vault of heaven under this. 巨大的金色巨龙横空出世,就在这被禁锢的苍穹下穿行。 golden-colored Mighty Dragon reduces in the process of going through, finally changes into the Tang Wulin Innate Body appearance, takes Sea God Trident as sharply, from the fierce emperor, passes! 金色巨龙在穿行的过程中缩小,最终化为唐舞麟本体模样,以海神三叉戟为锋锐,从烈帝身上,一透而过! Áng the endless dragon roar sound in this flickers from resounds in all directions, calls out in grief just like the group dragon. In that goes through, but on golden figure, frigid aura arrives just like the judgment day floods generally in each corner. “昂”无尽的龙吟声在这一瞬从四面八方响起,宛如群龙悲鸣。在那穿行而过的金色身影上,惨烈的气息宛如世界末日降临一般充斥在每一个角落之中。 Dragon Emperor Forbidding Techniques Sixth Style, bans the vault of heaven and Dragon Emperor to fall! 龙皇禁法第六式,禁苍穹、龙皇陨! Under Formless Wave Control, fierce emperor, even if wants to dodge is unable to achieve. Tang Wulin when uses Formless Wave, certainly decided that must not hesitate at all costs, must first this Abyss Emperor Grade Elite solution. 无定风波控制之下,烈帝哪怕是想要闪躲都无法做到。唐舞麟在用出无定风波的时候,就一定决定,要不惜一切代价,也要先把这位深渊帝级强者解决。 Purely from the lethality, the destructive power that in his hand that handle Tiansheng crack deep pool brings, even must surpass Demon Emperor! 单纯从杀伤力来看,他手中那柄天圣裂渊带来的破坏力,甚至还要超过魔皇啊! The fierce emperor moves at this time cannot move, when that golden figure assault before his body, what he feels is piece of Stillness. In his Spiritual World, appears, is a whole body has nine color scales Mighty Dragon, under besieging of numerous form, sends out the picture that roared unwillingly finally. 烈帝此时一动都不能动,当那金色身影冲击到他身前的时候,他感受到的是一片死寂。在他的精神世界中,浮现出的,是一头全身有着九彩鳞片巨龙,在众多身影的围攻下,最终发出不甘咆哮的画面。 Ten thousand dragons call out in grief! That heavy sad aura spread in his Spiritual World each corner. 万龙悲鸣!那沉重的悲伤气息蔓延在他精神世界的每一个角落之中。 But this infinite sadness integrates in that golden figure, is centralized to expose thoroughly. 而正是这无穷的悲伤融入到那金色身影之中,集中在一点穿透而过。 The vault of heaven cries! 苍穹落泪! This is Tang Wulin oneself in three years of Time, buries that sad condensation that thousand dragons feel in Dragon Clan Graveyard. 这是唐舞麟自己在三年时间里,在龙族墓地之中埋葬千龙所感受到的那份悲伤的凝聚。 Each dragon bone(s), each dragon soul, is flooding this sadness all. But this all mood, are to initiation and reassignment of his bloodline deep place energy. Makes his own sublimation Transformation. 每一具龙骨,每一朵龙魂,无不充斥着这份悲伤。而这所有的情绪,都是对他血脉深处能量的引发与调动。是令他自身升华的变化 Temporarily promotes oneself like Gu Yuena to God Rank stage, when vault of heaven by Imprison that flickers, Tang Wulin is also relying on the Sea God Trident amplification, making oneself achieve God Rank realm temporarily. The side had this instantaneous crossing over. 就像古月娜临时将自己提升到神级层次一样,当苍穹被禁锢的那一瞬,唐舞麟也凭借着海神三叉戟的增幅,让自己临时达到了神级境界。方有了这瞬间的穿越。 They promote and Sky Transcending Douluo maximum difference temporarily, lies in their own formidable bloodline and background. 他们临时提升与越天斗罗最大的不同,就在于他们自身的强大血脉底蕴 Sky Transcending Douluo takes Life as price receiving in exchange attack, no doubt receives the day to be jealous, but he has also paid the huge price. Therefore Thunder Tribulation has not arrived with enough time. The promotion of Demon Emperor, in Abyss passageway, was sheltered by Abyss Plane. 越天斗罗生命为代价换取的攻击,固然受到天妒,但他也付出了巨大的代价。所以雷劫并未来得及降临。魔皇的晋升,是在深渊通道之内,受到深渊位面的庇护。 But the temporary promotion of Gu Yuena, has brought in Element(s) Thunder Tribulation finally, but Tang Wulin relies on the asylum of Sea God Trident, the vault of heaven is banned, ban, not only the enemy, is the heaven. Letting Thunder Tribulation is unable to arrive. 古月娜的临时提升,终于引来了元素雷劫,而唐舞麟凭借着海神三叉戟的庇护,苍穹被禁,禁制的不只是敌人,同时也是苍天。让雷劫无法降临。 The body of fierce emperor has stagnated, stagnates in the midair. With body that ring of light gradually vanishes, his body also starts the appear(ance) disintegration. 烈帝的身体凝滞了,就那么凝滞在半空之中。伴随着身上那一圈圈光环逐渐消失的时候,他的身体也开始出现崩解。 armor piece, to shatter and collapses. Own aura rapidly is also withering away. 身上的铠甲,一块块破碎、崩坏。自身的气息也在飞速消亡着。 Only had that handle Tiansheng crack deep pool, dropped from the clouds, changes into together the blue-purple crash ground. That flash when it falls to the ground, the entire Abyss passageway direction, thunders fiercely! 唯有那柄天圣裂渊,从天而降,化为一道蓝紫色坠落地面。当它落地的那一瞬间,整个深渊通道方向,为之剧烈轰鸣! Abyss ten big Sovereign, fierce emperor, died! 深渊十大帝君,烈帝,卒! ------------------------- ------------------------- Asked the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. 求月票、推荐票。
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