DD3DKL :: Volume #18

#1796: It is not good

golden light avatar of big piece from the sky is defeated and dispersed. Archangel's Holy Spirit Dance also finished. Ya Li complexion pale white, under return Tang Wulin supports by the arm can stabilize lives in the body. 大片的金色光影在空中溃散。大天使的圣灵之舞也随之结束。雅莉脸色苍白,在回归的唐舞麟搀扶下才能稳定住身体。 She fills helpless shaking the head, is not good, the energy intensity differs were too many. They have concentrated the strength of too many resentful spirit(s). Thickly to Peak. By Sacred energy, can only weaken merely, is actually not able genuine killing. Only if my Holy Spirit Dance can achieve God Rank stage.” 她充满无奈的摇了摇头,“不行,能量强度相差的太多了。他们集中了太多的怨灵之力。浓厚到了极致。仅仅凭借神圣能量,只能削弱,却无法真正杀伤。除非我的圣灵之舞能够达到神级层次。” Luckily, Archangel's Holy Spirit Dance does not have the function, Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array stops same place in has not continued again. 幸好,大天使的圣灵之舞也不是全无作用的,血河弑神大阵停顿在原地没有再继续前行。 The distant place, in the General Commander unit nature also saw such picture, immediately becomes solemnly silent. 远处,总指挥部内自然也看到了这样的景象,顿时变得一片肃静。 Ten minutes, ten after merely minutes. Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array leads the way once more. Slowly toward the Western Corps being stationed place to migration. 十分钟,仅仅十分钟之后。血河弑神大阵再次前行。缓缓的朝着西方军团的驻扎地方向移动。 Tang Wulin they have tried one after another attack, attempted including War God Temple Elite. But they can achieve, delays the advance of Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array merely. 唐舞麟他们又尝试了轮番攻击,包括战神殿强者们也尝试了。但他们所能做到的,也仅仅是延缓血河弑神大阵的前进而已。 Prevented to the evening. Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array is away from the Western Corps front, only remaining final 100 kilometers. Looks into the distance from the garrison troops location summit, can clear saw this Great Array appearance. 阻挡一直到了傍晚。血河弑神大阵距离西方军团前线,仅剩下最后的100公里。从守军所在的山顶眺望,已经能够清晰的看到这座大阵的样子了。 heart of everyone becomes exceptionally is heavy. How does such match resist? But, such match , if not carry on to resist. The following situation can be imagined. 每个人的心头都变得异常沉重起来。这样的对手如何抵挡?可是,这样的对手如果不进行抵挡的话。接下来的情况可想而知。 All garrisons defend stubbornly in the oneself position, blocks to Continent internal passageway, therefore, other corps do not have the means to shift the rescue now. The key is, even if shifts not to have what function. 所有的驻军都是固守在自己的位置的,封锁所有通往大陆内部的通道,所以,现在其他军团也没办法转移过来救援。关键是,就算转移过来也没有什么作用。 According to present Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array advance speed, most until tomorrow's Ling Chen, it will move to the Western Corps base. 按照现在血河弑神大阵前进的速度,最多到明天凌晨,它就将移动到西方军团驻扎地。 Dong Zi'an had urged innumerable. But, transformation Eternal Kingdom of Heaven has not completed, but also continuation carries on. 董子安已经无数次的催促过了。可是,改造的永恒天国还没有完成,还在继续的进行。 Western Corps headquarters. 西方军团指挥部。 Certainly is intentionally! Shrek Academy and Tang Sect they deliberately delay certainly Time. Must seize the chance to weaken our strength.” Dong Zi'an in headquarters breathless is roaring. “一定是故意的!史莱克学院唐门他们一定是故意拖延时间的。就是要趁机削弱我们的力量。”董子安在指挥部内气急败坏的怒吼着。 At this time, in this Western Corps headquarters, besides him, Spirit Transferring Pagoda Pagoda Master Qiangu Dongfeng and numerous Spirit Transferring Pagoda high levels also. 此时,在这西方军团指挥部之中,除了他之外,还有传灵塔塔主千古东风和众多传灵塔的高层也在。 Is hanging the military officer anxious [say / way] of Lieutenant General (military) military rank: Corps Head, you must early make the decision! That Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array is not we can resist. If the brothers keep off only to be Sacrifice in vain!” 一名挂着中将军衔的军官急切的道:“军团长,您要早作决定啊!那血河弑神大阵绝不是我们能够抵挡的。兄弟们如果挡上去只会是白白的牺牲啊!” The breath of Dong Zi'an is somewhat serious, shuts up, haven't I known? Pagoda Master Qiangu, what means your does here have?” 董子安的呼吸有些沉重,“闭嘴,难道我还不知道吗?千古塔主,你这边有没有什么办法?” Qiangu Dongfeng is smiling bitterly shaking the head, does not have the means. The overall energy intensity was too high, we do not have any means similarly. Now has Eternal Kingdom of Heaven to be hopeful. Has not thought really Holy Spirit Cult can cause so formidable exist(ence). General, we now perhaps only then withdraws is good.” 千古东风苦笑着摇了摇头,“没办法的。整体的能量强度太高了,我们也同样没有任何办法。现在只有永恒天国才有希望。真没想到圣灵教能够弄出如此强大的存在将军,我们现在恐怕只有后撤才行。” Withdraws?” Dong Zi'an one gripped tightened Fist. What withdraws to mean? Withdraws means that abandons the defense position originally. Constructs the defense position needs Time, dismantle also similar need. Now simply does not have Time to give them dismantle. In other words, once the position gives up defense, that was impossible to construct once more. Moreover, if their retreat, quite in giving the Abyss army opened passageway. Numerous Abyss life form likely Association President drives to enter. Penetrates into the Continent center. “后撤?”董子安一下就攥紧了拳头。后撤意味着什么?后撤就意味着放弃原本的防御阵地。构筑防御阵地是需要时间的,拆除也同样需要。现在根本没有时间给他们拆除。也就是说,阵地一旦放弃防御,那就不可能再次构筑回来了。而且,如果他们后退,就相当于给深渊大军开启了一条通道。众多深渊生物很可能就会长驱直入。深入到大陆腹地之中。 But if, does not withdraw, they will directly face Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array assault. This assault gives Western Corps to bring the disastrous result surely. 可是,如果不后撤,那么,他们就将直接面对血河弑神大阵冲击。这份冲击必定给西方军团带来灾难性的结果。 Cannot retreat, in that case, I be Federation sinner.” Dong Zi'an pain closing both eyes. “不能后退,那样的话,我就是联邦罪人。”董子安痛苦的闭上双眼。 Qiangu Dongfeng said: If we do feign retreat? I very much suspected now Shrek Academy and Tang Sect do not use Eternal Kingdom of Heaven intentionally. Wants , after Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array creates enormous killing, to us uses again, not only weakened us, and can kill the opposite party. Moreover the explosion of Eternal Kingdom of Heaven definitely will also affect us. Was inferior that we feign to withdraw, have a look at the General Commander unit and Tang Sect that side reaction.” 千古东风道:“如果我们只是佯装后退呢?我现在很怀疑史莱克学院唐门是故意不动用永恒天国的。就是要等到血河弑神大阵给我们造成极大杀伤之后再动用,既削弱了我们,又能对对方进行杀伤。而且永恒天国的爆炸也必然会波及到我们这边。不如我们佯装后撤,看看总指挥部和唐门那边的反应。” Dong Zi'an opens both eyes, glittering that in the eye ray of light keeps on vacillating. 董子安重新睁开双眼,眼中光芒游移不定的闪烁着。 Shrek Academy and Tang Sect cantonment area. 史莱克学院唐门驻扎营地。 Under the Life subtree, sits cross-legged to sit exhausted numerous (representatives) Elite. 生命子树下,盘膝坐着疲惫的众位强者 The people are exhaust All-Out, actually as before cannot prevent the advance of that Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array completely. After the consumption, always needs Time to restore. 众人都已经是竭尽全力了,却依旧没能完全阻止那血河弑神大阵的前进。消耗之后总需要时间来恢复。 Has the Life subtree luckily, making speed that they reply compared with the normal time quicker much. 幸好有生命子树在,让他们回复的速度比正常时候要快得多。 Tang Wulin in regards with rapt attention, is observing the oneself physical state. Actually he can feel, if oneself tries harder again, can perhaps pass through Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array, relies on Golden Dragon Spear to add on Golden Trident again, should can achieve. 唐舞麟凝神内视,观察着自己的身体情况。其实他能感觉到,如果自己再加把劲的话,说不定能够将血河弑神大阵贯穿,凭借着黄金龙枪再加上黄金三叉戟的话,应该是能够做到的。 Even but if, does he clash to be what kind of really? For those the dead pigeon. Again will not have time an opportunity of being separated. 可是,就算他真的冲进去又能怎样?冲进去才是瓮中之鳖。可不会再有一次脱离的机会了。 That Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array looks like a rubber ball, even if he clashes, has punctured, but this rubber ball voluntarily will also heal, but he must be closed in inside. 血河弑神大阵就像是个皮球,就算他冲进去,戳破了,但这皮球也会自行愈合,而他就要被关在里面了。 If she were good because of the side. 如果她在身边就好了。 When Tang Wulin recollection cannot help but oneself and Gu Yuena collaborate picture. They collaborate to display Dragon God Transformation. Their Once under Dragon God Transformation condition has even repelled Abyss Sacred Monarch. Present they and initially think that on power does not know wants formidable many. If may collaborate, has the opportunity! 唐舞麟不由自主的回想起自己古月娜联手时的景象。他们两人联手是能够施展龙神变的。龙神变状态下的他们甚至曾经击退过深渊圣君。现在的他们和当初想必实力上不知道要强大多少。如果真的有可能联手的话,是有机会的啊! But, is she willing to collaborate with oneself? 可是,她愿意和自己联手吗? Thinks of here, Tang Wulin opens both eyes slowly, the pupil light looks to the Western Corps direction. 想到这里,唐舞麟缓缓睁开双眼,眸光向西方军团的方向看去。 To critical moment, even if Spirit Transferring Pagoda cannot prevent. After all, Western Corps must face assault directly. 到了关键时刻,就算传灵塔也不能阻止吧。毕竟,西方军团已经要正面面对冲击了。 In this time, suddenly, Tang Wulin has been standing surprisedly. 正在这时,突然间,唐舞麟惊讶的站了起来。 Because their location the mountain peak is neighbor is highest, therefore the field of vision is open. He discovered with amazement that the Western Corps aspect, really has the trend of being ready to make trouble. Mecha take-off, then slowly the rearward moves, in ground, some numerous vehicles are starting to move slowly. 因为他们所在的这座山峰是附近最高的,所以视野非常开阔。他惊讶的发现,西方军团方面,竟然有蠢蠢欲动的趋势。一台台机甲升空,然后缓缓向后方移动,地面上,也有众多车辆正在开始缓缓移动。 Are they doing? Can they withdraw from the position to be inadequate unexpectedly? 他们在干什么?他们竟然是要退出阵地不成? Arrives from Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array, not short Time! Can they like this abandon position? 距离血河弑神大阵抵达,还有一段不短的时间啊!他们怎么能就这样放弃阵地? Tang Wulin hurries to dial Soul Guide Communication Device, relates the General Commander unit. 唐舞麟赶忙拨通魂导通讯器,联系总指挥部。 General Commander, that side Western Corps what's the matter? How to withdraw suddenly? Is you arranges?” The Tang Wulin continuous artillery was inquiring generally anxiously. 总指挥,西方军团那边怎么回事?怎么突然后撤了?是你安排的吗?”唐舞麟连珠炮一般急切的询问着。 The Yu Guanzhi mood also appears extremely angry, of course is not, how they can such abandon the position. Bastards, Western Corps that side communication temporary connection. I have sent . It is not good, I must personally go and take a look. Sect Master Tang is patient, I prevent them immediately.” 余冠志的情绪也显得极其愤怒,“当然不是,他们怎么能就这么放弃阵地。混蛋,西方军团那边的通讯暂时联系不上。我已经派人过去了。不行,我要亲自过去看看唐门主稍安勿躁,我立刻去阻止他们。” Yu Guanzhi must be wild with rage. Flinches, this wants on the court martial, moreover big crime that must be shot dead! He cannot think absolutely that Western Corps will plan to withdraw at this time unexpectedly. Moreover abandoned the position to build up behind position obviously. 余冠志都要气疯了。临阵退缩,这是要上军事法庭的,而且是要被枪毙的大罪啊!他万万想不到,西方军团居然会在这个时候打算后撤。而且已经明显放弃阵地在阵地后方集结了。 He and Chen Xinjie left the General Commander unit together, directly soars the Western Corps direction to go. 他和陈新杰一起出了总指挥部,直奔西方军团方向而去。 Dong Zi'an of military garb stands at this time is lifting on the blood Red Mecha shoulder of thick and heavy. This is his God Rank Mecha, the contour like the wolf, the onset and retreat like the wind. His according to oneself Martial Soul names, is called Ominous Wolf. 一身戎装的董子安此时就站在一抬厚重的血红色机甲肩膀上。这是他的神级机甲,外形如狼,进退如风。他就以自己武魂来命名,叫做凶狼 At this time stands in the Ominous Wolf Mecha shoulder, he gazes at Western Corps to be ready and waiting. On the face reveals a self-satisfied smiling face. 此时站在凶狼机甲肩头,他注视着西方军团正在整装待发。脸上流露出一丝得意的笑容。 Now Yu Guanzhi they certain were anxious, looked that they do use Eternal Kingdom of Heaven. 现在余冠志他们一定已经急了,看他们到底动不动用永恒天国 He is not the plan withdraws, his very clear military discipline is anything. Blood River Kill the Gods corps also has at least 67 hours of motion Time from him, he has enough Time to return to the defense position in continues defense. The present all according to such that Qiangu Dongfeng says, feigns to retreat, compels the palace. Forces Tang Sect and Shrek Academy uses Eternal Kingdom of Heaven as soon as possible. 他并不是打算真的后撤,他很清楚军规是什么。血河弑神军团距离他这边还有至少67个小时的移动时间,他有足够的时间重新回归到防御阵地上继续防御。现在的一切都是按照千古东风所说的那样,佯装撤退,逼宫。逼迫唐门史莱克学院尽快动用永恒天国
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