DD3DKL :: Volume #18

#1794: Blood River moves

Quick, on the screen switch has become that side the General Commander unit, has revealed the serious Yu Guanzhi appearance. 很快,屏幕上切换成了总指挥部那边,露出了一脸严肃的余冠志模样。 „The 1st Rank warning, the army prepares. Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array moved. Prepares to meet the enemy!” Such remarks, the people on the scene are all tense. Gu Yuena that closed both eyes have maintained mental tranquility also along with it standing up, in the eye ray of light blooms, swift and fierce aura also bursts out from her along with it. 一级警报,全军备战。血河弑神大阵动了。准备迎敌!”此言一出,在场众人无不紧张起来。就连一直闭合双目养神的古月娜也随之站起身来,眼中光芒绽放,一股凌厉的气息也随之从她身上迸发而出。 Qiangu Dongfeng also stands up, both eyes narrow the eyes, can come? Federation estimated that cannot hesitate. Two General, making our armies more careful. The Eternal Kingdom of Heaven might is it is said out of the ordinary, ten million do not approach, otherwise, once were affected, perhaps will lose seriously.” 千古东风也站起身,双眼微眯,“要来了吗?联邦估计不能再犹豫了。两位将军,让我们的军队小心一些。永恒天国据说威力非同凡响,千万不要过于靠近,否则的话,一旦被波及,恐怕会损失惨重。” Dong Zi'an brow tight wrinkle, I understand.” 董子安眉头紧皱,“我明白。” Yes, Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array moved. Although its motion speed is not quick, but from the satellite monitoring can actually the clear distinguish. 是的,血河弑神大阵动了。它的移动速度虽然不快,但从卫星监控却能清晰的分辩出来。 What is more fearful, migration, not only Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array, following Abyss passageway unexpectedly also follows is moving together. In other words, under the protection of Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array, entire Abyss passageway, moreover in the direction of Federation army. 更可怕的是,移动的不只是血河弑神大阵,就连下面的深渊通道居然也跟随着一起在移动。也就是说,在血河弑神大阵的守护下,整个深渊通道都在动,而且正是朝着联邦大军的方向而来。 How? Sect Master Tang did your side prepare?” sounds|voices of Yu Guanzhi in Soul Guide Communicator has filled anxiously. “怎么样了?唐门主你们那边准备好了吗?”余冠志魂导通讯中的声音充满了急切。 Did not have, but also in anxious manufacture, but looked at present that should can be successful. General Commander, I can with Tang Sect and Shrek Academy numerous (representatives) Your Excellency same place, helping you prevent Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array to go forward.” “还没有,还在紧张的制作之中,但目前看,应该是能够成功的。总指挥,我会与唐门史莱克学院众位冕下一起,帮你们阻挡血河弑神大阵前进。” Good. Had the work you.” Yu Guanzhi hangs up the communication, takes a deep breath, he knows that the crucial time must approach. “好。有劳你们了。”余冠志挂断通讯,深吸口气,他知道,关键的时刻就要来临了。 Certainly cannot make Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array come here front close, the Abyss army looks like in their shipping, once enters in the front to be released, really had in a big way troubles. 一定不能让血河弑神大阵接近到这边的战线,深渊大军就像是在它们的运送之中,一旦进入战线内被释放出来,那么,就真的是有大麻烦了。 Order! Sea God Corps, North Sea Corps and Eastsea Corps, All-Out opens fire, must constrain the Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array advance speed. Central Corps, Western Corps and North-West Corps all heavy weapon prepare launch. Wait command.” “命令!海神军团北海军团东海军团,全力开火,务必要拖住血河弑神大阵前进的速度中央军团西方军团西北军团所有重型武器做好发射准备。等待命令。” Rumble, Rumble and Rumble!” Resounding through of crowded artillery barrage sound madness in entire Extreme Northern Lands. 轰隆隆轰隆隆轰隆隆!”密集的炮火疯狂的响彻在整个极北之地 Not only the rug bombardment in view of Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array, aims at the necessary circuit of its front, is, all these as if regarding the Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array too tremendous influence, that huge purple-black light have not covered as before slow forwarding. When bombs will stop specially fiercely. 地毯式轰击不只是针对血河弑神大阵,同时也针对其前方的必要通路,可是,这一切似乎对于血河弑神大阵都没有太大的影响,那巨大的紫黑色光罩依旧缓慢的向前。只有在轰炸特别剧烈的时候才会停顿一下。 Tang Wulin is leading numerous (representatives) Shrek Academy and Tang Sect Elite this time already float in the midair, is looking into that Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array. complexion of everyone ten segregate heavily. 唐舞麟带领着众位史莱克学院唐门强者们此时已经悬浮在半空之中,眺望着那血河弑神大阵。每个人的脸色都十分凝重。 Now not only this Great Array is in itself hard to contend, what is more important, no one knew Abyss life form in Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array already formidable to any degree. Actually many Elite arrive. 现在不只是这大阵本身难以抗衡,更重要的是,谁也不知道血河弑神大阵内的深渊生物已经强大到了什么程度。究竟有多少强者到来。 In war that Federation continuously extremely self-confident Soul Guidance weapon in this likely concerns the Humanity Life and Death life or death, the effect that at present can play is minimal. This makes several big corps morales of troops vacillate. 联邦一直极度自信的魂导武器在这场很可能关乎人类生死存亡的战争中,目前所能起到的效果微乎其微。这让几大军团不禁军心动摇。 Before even if was Northern Corps facing the Abyss army time, at least can also strike to kill and repel the Abyss army. But this Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array take shape has not actually been able the protection of breaking open. 之前哪怕是北方军团面对深渊大军的时候,都至少还能将深渊大军击杀、击退。但这血河弑神大阵形成了根本无法破开的防护。 Holy Spirit Cult counts the accumulation and preparation of Thousand Years, blooms completely in this moment. All, in view in weapon that Federation currently has. 圣灵教千年的积累与准备,在这一刻完全绽放出来。所有的一切,都是针对于联邦目前所拥有的武器 Central Corps air force first division all Soul Guidance Fighter take-off, Heavy Ion Beam non- difference attack starts.” Yu Guanzhi was almost clenches teeth to issue this order. 中央军团空军一师全体魂导战机升空,重离子射线无差别攻击开始。”余冠志几乎是咬着牙下达了这条命令。 Chen Xinjie opens oneself Soul Guide Communication Device, Sea God Corps sea gull master take-off, Heavy Ion Beam non- difference attack. Starts.” 陈新杰开启自己魂导通讯器,“海神军团海鸥师升空,重离子射线无差别攻击。开始。” It is not Yu Guanzhi does not want to transfer other corps air forces, but is other corps air forces has not provided the Heavy Ion weapon equipment. Only then Sea God Corps of Federation most formidable army Central Corps as well as navy has the equipment. 并不是余冠志不想调动其他军团的空军,而是其他军团的空军都还没有配备重离子武器装备。只有联邦最强大的陆军中央军团以及海军的海神军团才有配备。 Currently speaking, only has Heavy Ion Beam to injure in Abyss life form to screen reluctantly. Even but if, struck to kill Abyss life form, in fact also made Abyss energy return. The function will not be big, may at this time, what also means there is? 目前来看,也唯有重离子射线才能勉强伤害到护罩内的深渊生物。可是,就算击杀了深渊生物,实际上也只是让深渊能量回归而已。作用并不会太大,可在这个时候,又有什么办法呢? Soul Guidance Fighter howl, invisible Heavy Ion Beam unceasingly from distant place bang to Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array. 一架架魂导战机呼啸而过,无形的重离子射线不断从远处轰向血河弑神大阵 Very intensive Heavy Ion Beam has certain function, can see clearly, some Abyss life form bodies in screen blast out, change into the gray-black air current to go to Abyss passageway. 高强度的重离子射线还是有一定作用的,能够清楚地看到,护罩内的一些深渊生物身体炸开,化为灰黑色气流向深渊通道而去。 However, Heavy Ion Beam total quantity that many, the air force does not dare to be close. Entire Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array by approximately per second ten meters speed slow vanguard. 但是,重离子射线的总量也就那么多,空军又不敢过于接近。整个血河弑神大阵还是以大约每秒十米的速度缓慢前行。 It seems this speed is not quick, but one hour can also go forward dozens kilometers, many day of Time, they will arrive in the front battlefield. 看上去这个速度不快,但一个小时也能前进几十公里,最多一天的时间,他们就将降临在前线战场上。 Fang Kuanghong explodes randomly, a side standing one's ground steadfastly slow vanguard. A rarely seen war continues. 一方狂轰乱炸,一方岿然不动缓慢前行。一场奇葩的战争持续。 The direction that the Abyss army goes forward gradually has as if made some changes, on the same day right in the middle time, observes the path through the satellite, direction impressively Western Corps and North-West Corps that defense position they go forward. 渐渐的,深渊大军前进的方向似乎是做出了一些改变,当日正当中的时候,通过卫星观察轨迹来看,他们前进的方向赫然正是西方军团西北军团防御的阵地。 This discovery, made Western Corps Corps Head Dong Zi'an in being surprised also cursed angrily makes noise. 这一发现,令西方军团军团长董子安在大吃一惊的同时也不禁怒骂出声。 The result that present Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array collides can be imagined. But the order of General Commander unit issuing is must block their advances not at any cost. 现在的血河弑神大阵碰撞上去的结果可想而知。而总指挥部下达的命令是不惜一切代价也要挡住他们的前进。 General Commander? Eternal Kingdom of Heaven? Eternal Kingdom of Heaven where? Now why hasn't launched attack?” Dong Zi'an almost roared is roaring to Yu Guanzhi. 总指挥永恒天国呢?永恒天国在什么地方?为什么现在还没有展开攻击?”董子安几乎是咆哮着向余冠志怒吼着。 After discovering Blood River Kill the Gods Great Array changed, his immediately arrived in front of Yu Guanzhi to send out to roar. 在发现了血河弑神大阵转向之后,他第一时间就来到了余冠志面前发出怒吼。 Yu Guanzhi sinking sound track: I do not know that you were saying anything, Eternal Kingdom of Heaven not here.” 余冠志沉声道:“我不知道你在说什么,永恒天国又不在我这里。” Dong Zi'an gets angry: When? Shrek and Tang Sect person? Called them! Without Eternal Kingdom of Heaven, breaks through the enemy lines with what?” 董子安怒道:“都什么时候了?史莱克唐门的人呢?把他们叫来啊!没有永恒天国,拿什么破阵?” Looks that he gets angry appearance that occurred simultaneously anxiously, in the Yu Guanzhi heart dark crisp, cold voice said: Super Rank weapon is still preparing. But before preparing, we must prevent the footsteps that the enemy goes forward not at any cost.” 看着他急怒交加的样子,余冠志不禁心中暗爽,冷声道:“超级武器还在准备。但在准备好之前,我们必须不惜一切代价阻挡住敌人前进的脚步。” Your farting. Now comes toward us. You as General Commander, do not have the words of way, we can only retreat. Otherwise brings death!” “你放屁。现在是朝着我们这边来了。你作为总指挥,没有应对办法的话,我们只能后退。否则就是送死!” You dare!” Yu Guanzhi has also gotten angry, Dong Zi'an, do you know that what you were saying? Flinches, I have the right to set at your Military Law Office.” “你敢!”余冠志也怒了,“董子安,你知不知道你在说什么?临阵退缩,我有权将你军法处置。” Dong Zi'an has stagnated stagnation, his of course knows what Yu Guanzhi said is right. He impossible to flinch at this time. 董子安滞了滞,他当然知道余冠志说的是对的。他也不可能在这个时候临阵退缩。 General Commander, hardly keeps off now can only bring death, according to present speed, most 12 hours, we will contact again. Please tell me, what means should we with prevent their advances? Federation all heavy weapon we have attempted at present, has any type to break that matter defense?” 总指挥,现在硬挡只能是送死,按照现在的速度,最多再有12个小时,我们就将接触。请你告诉我,我们该用什么办法来阻挡他们的前进?联邦所有的重型武器目前我们都已经尝试过了,有任何一种能够打破那层防御的吗?” The Yu Guanzhi brow is tight, sinking sound track: I understand your mood. But, we can only wait. I have reported to Federation, Eternal Kingdom of Heaven is not easy to use, must after the transformation, Federation also agree. Now during is transforming aggressively. Is when good I unclear, now we can only place hopes in can complete in 12 hours. I will transfer all military strength to help you resist together.” 余冠志眉头紧蹙,沉声道:“我理解你的心情。可是,我们只能等待。我已经向联邦汇报过了,永恒天国不是那么容易动用的,必须要经过改造,联邦也已经同意了。现在正在紧锣密鼓的改造之中。什么时候好我不清楚,现在我们只能寄希望于在12个小时之内能够完成。我会调动所有兵力帮助你们共同抵挡。” Dong Zi'an takes a deep breath, suppressed the oneself mood, General Commander, our individual gratitude and grudges do not raise. Is faced with an archenemy, I enlist in the military these many years, I do not fear death. My brother does not have a coward of fearing death. Inexplicableness that however we cannot die, cannot bring death. In any event, lets their transformation quick point, again quickly.” 董子安深吸口气,压制了一下自己的情绪,“总指挥,我们个人恩怨不提。大敌当前,我参军这么多年,我不怕死。我的弟兄也没有一个怕死的孬种。但是我们不能死的不明不白,不能去送死。无论如何,让他们的改造快一点、再快一点。” Spoke these words, this Western Corps Corps Head turning around stride goes. 说完这句话,这位西方军团军团长转身大步而去。
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