DD3DKL :: Volume #17

#1673: Deals quick-wittedly

That Captain (military) curled the lip, what kind of? Don't you report the father? You looked that the father currently does have the matter. Knows the limitation, kowtows to apologize to father, then pays indemnity for my damage. We. Otherwise, later sees you one time to punch your one time, making you unable to mix in Central Corps!” 上尉撇了撇嘴,“怎么样?你不是检举老子吗?你看老子现在有没有事。识相的,给老子磕头赔罪,然后赔偿我的损失。咱们就算了。不然的话,以后见你一次揍你一次,让你在中央军团混不下去!” In Tang Wulin heart secret unstated criticism, didn't say Central Corps elite? Has such army riffraff exist(ence). 唐舞麟心中暗暗腹诽,不是说中央军团都是精锐么?怎么也有这样的兵痞存在 Depends on you?” Curling the lip of disdains, Tang Wulin lifts hand, has cancelled finger to him, is the man, on (to) choose/fight a duel. You have won as you like, you lost, gets the hell out to me!” “就凭你?”不屑的撇了撇嘴,唐舞麟抬起手,向他勾了勾手指,“是男人,就单挑。你赢了随你,你输了,给我滚蛋!” He after is person who Once has become a soldier, he is very clear, in the army how should to handle such matter. The army most respects Elite, to respect power. (to) choose/fight a duel solves the contradiction simplest means. 他毕竟是曾经当过兵的人,他很清楚,在军队之中应该怎么处理这样的事情。军队最尊重强者、尊重实力单挑是解决矛盾最简单的办法。 Initially he in Blood God Corps, hit to take Jiang Wuyue (Fifth Month). 当初他在血神军团的时候,就是打服了江五月的。 Dares?” Tang Wulin somewhat arrogant raising chin. “敢不敢?”唐舞麟有些高傲的扬起下巴。 (to) choose/fight a duel, (to) choose/fight a duel and (to) choose/fight a duel!” Really, surroundings has immediately is not afraid of getting into trouble the big soldiers to start to create a disturbance. 单挑单挑单挑!”果然,周围立刻就有不怕事大的士兵们开始起哄了。 In the army is really too bored, comparing notes of this individual power can always attract many attention. 在军队中实在是太无聊,这种个人实力的切磋总是能够吸引更多的注意力。 You dare with my (to) choose/fight a duel! Good! Looked that father everywhere punches you to look for the tooth!” At the same time was saying, a that Captain (military) arrow step arrived in front of Tang Wulin, a fist directly soars him face to face. “你敢跟我单挑!好啊!看老子揍得你满地找牙!”一边说着,那上尉一个箭步就到了唐舞麟面前,一拳直奔他当面而来。 Feels the arrival of this fist, Tang Wulin slightly surprisedly, he must withdraw the beforehand words, this fist the effort or speed, are quite considerable. At least is not the ordinary soldier can hit. In Fist even also has Soul Power. 感受到这一拳的到来,唐舞麟不禁微微惊讶,他要收回之前的话了,这一拳无论是力度还是速度,都相当可观。至少绝不是普通士兵能够打出来的。拳头中甚至还带有魂力 „!” Tang Wulin lifts the hand, a palm of the hand pulls out strikes on opposite party Fist. Although he desirably Control effort, but actually pulls out opposite party one that strikes to stagger. “啪!”唐舞麟一抬手,一巴掌抽击在对方的拳头上。他虽然刻意控制了力度,但却还是抽击的对方一个趔趄。 Lifts a foot, directly soars the opposite party, when the chest tramples. Simple direct! 抬起一脚,直奔对方当胸踹去。简单直接! Bang!” Captain (military) was trampled to depart five and six meters far directly. “砰!”上尉直接被踹飞出五、六米远。 Immediately, an audience peace. 顿时,全场一片安静。 Simple direct collision most warm-blooded. Captain (military) power of that provocation is good, no one has thought that he such will quickly lose to Huang Zeran this usually not to reveal the mountain non- dew unexpectedly Captain (military). 简单直接的碰撞最为热血。只是,那挑衅的上尉实力不俗,谁也没想到他竟然这么快就会败给“黄泽然”这平时不显山不露水的上尉 Bastard!” Falling to the ground Captain (military) cursed angrily one, the instantaneous body, ray of light raised from the under foot, had Four Soul Rings unexpectedly. “混蛋!”倒地的上尉怒骂一声,瞬间弹身而起,一圈圈光芒从脚下升起,竟有四个魂环之多。 Three Yellow One purple, Soul Ring halo transformation. 黄一紫,魂环光晕变换。 His both arms swell obviously, particularly a pair of Fist, the surface has covered iron ash-grey. 他的双臂明显胀大,尤其是一双拳头,表面都蒙上了一层铁灰色 This Captain (military) named Deng Shun, Martial Soul is Fist, but has not arrived at Innate Body Martial Soul that stage, but in the army, at least on this military rank stage, power is quite formidable, usually in the unusual match, nature has also fostered several points of wildly arrogant air/Qi. 上尉名叫邓顺,武魂就是拳头,但还没到本体武魂那个层次,但在军队之中,至少在他这个军衔层次上,实力是相当强悍的,平日里少有对手,自然也就养成了几分骄狂之气。 He is because when the purchase commodity gathers the sales commission to be reported by Huang Zeran, although relies on the upper-level relations not to receive the too serious punishment, but also broke the source of income, nature was bears a grudge to Huang Zeran. today bumped into then erupted. 他是因为在购买物资的时候从中收取回扣而被黄泽然举报,虽然凭借着上层的关系没有受到太严重的处罚,但也算是断了财路,自然是对黄泽然怀恨在心。今天碰到了这才爆发。 In the Tang Wulin heart sighed darkly, this was really somewhat has also troubled, must fight a battle to force a quick decision is good. Because he, although has pretended to be the Huang Zeran status, actually does not know that actually Huang Zeran Martial Soul is anything. The cosmetics semblance is easy to do, but simulated Martial Soul to be possible is very troublesome. Especially is in front of these many people. What is most important, he worried that was discovered by Advanced military officer, once pesters, their motions must receive to block. 唐舞麟心中暗叹,这还真是有些麻烦了,必须要速战速决才行。因为他虽然冒充了黄泽然的身份,却不知道黄泽然武魂究竟是什么。化妆外表好办,但模拟武魂可就很是麻烦了。尤其是当着这么多人的面。最重要的是,他担心被高级军官发现,一旦纠缠起来,他们的行动就要收阻了。 Therefore, after the simple ponder, Tang Wulin without hesitation, rushed directly. 所以,在简单的思考之后,唐舞麟毫不犹豫,直接就冲了上去。 Deng Shun bears a grudge, right fist maliciously wields, the Fist surface covers steel and iron luster, Second Soul Skill, Iron Fist! 邓顺怀恨在心,右拳狠狠的挥出,拳头表面蒙上钢铁光泽,第二魂技,钢铁之拳 Saw that both sides arrived at the near, the Tang Wulin personal appearance dodged, avoid strike, at the same time, the right hand that this has exerted its utmost held the wrist|skill of opposite party like lightning, the left leg kicks on his shin, this time. He has used the art. Flung to fly Deng Shun directly. 眼看双方到了近前,唐舞麟身形一闪,避开了他这势在必得的一击,与此同时,右手闪电般抓住对方的手腕,左脚踢在他的迎面骨上,这一次。他是用了巧劲的。直接就把邓顺甩飞了出去。 Deng Shun falls seems luck is very bad, hit on nearby wall, immediately at present one black, has fainted. 邓顺落下的时候似乎是运气很差,一头撞在了旁边的墙壁上,顿时眼前一黑,晕了过去。 Tang Wulin has patted clapping, also fights me on this level? Also who?” 唐舞麟拍了拍手,“就这水平还跟我打?还有谁?” The soldiers look that his vision immediately changed. Without using Martial Soul has tidied up Deng Shun, moreover so simple direct, this was power shows absolutely. 士兵们看着他的目光顿时变了。在没有动用武魂的情况下就收拾了邓顺,而且还是如此的简单直接,这绝对是实力展现了。 Was good, delivers the medical office him.” Spoke these words, Tang Wulin arranges the audiences immediately, walked in the oneself established direction in big strides. “好了,把他送医务室吧。”说完这句话,唐舞麟立刻排众而出,大踏步朝着自己原本既定的方向走去。 Other people already separated at this time, similarly goes in that direction. 其他人此时早已分开,同样朝着那个方向而去。 wait a moment!” At this moment, sudden shouted at resounds. 等一下!”就在这时,突然一声断喝响起。 Tang Wulin stops the footsteps, turns head to look, that similarly is also Captain (military), at this time vision doubts visits him. 唐舞麟停下脚步,回头看去,那同样也是一名上尉,此时正目光疑惑的看着他。 You are not Huang Zeran! Before Huang Zeran, several days just fell ill, is weak. Moreover, he is Two Rings Soul Master, therefore in freight transportation team. Possibly how to be victorious Deng Shun. Who are you?” This Captain (military) said fierce. “你不是黄泽然黄泽然几天刚刚生病,身体虚弱。而且,他不过是一名两环魂师,所以才在货运队的。怎么可能打得过邓顺。你是谁?”这名上尉厉声说道。 Tang Wulin heart sighed darkly, came troublesome. Spiritual Power Transformation, after surroundings companion have given the message, the turning around stride toward Captain (military) of this speech walked. 唐舞麟心头暗叹,麻烦还是来了。精神力变化,向周围伙伴们传递了消息后,转身大步朝着这位说话的上尉走了过来。 Walks, he while light saying: Wanted to scoop up the light to raise dark, now looks like, does not show to select power is not good. Who told you me to have Two Rings? Who told you me is not Huang Zeran!” At the same time was saying, he has thrown oneself status nameplate. Meanwhile, a powerful imposing manner also bursts out from within the body along with it. 一边走,他一边淡淡的说道:“本来想要舀光养晦,现在看来,不展现点实力是不行了。谁告诉你我只有两环的?谁告诉你我不是黄泽然的!”一边说着,他把自己的身份铭牌就扔了过去。与此同时,一股强盛的气势也随之从体内迸发而出。 Two yellow, four purple, Six Soul Rings raises from the under foot, shows Soul Emperor stage cultivation. 两黄、四紫,六个魂环从脚下升起,展现出魂帝层次修为 Presents majority is the ordinary soldier, military officer does not have above the field grade, Six Rings stage, even if in Central Corps were also quite formidable exist(ence). 在场大多数都是普通士兵,军官也没有校级以上的,六环层次,哪怕是在中央军团也是相当强悍存在了。 Speech Captain (military) feels a formidable oppression strength to head on immediately. 说话的上尉顿时感受到一股强大的压迫力扑面而来。 Tang Wulin stops the footsteps beyond his front three, has given a hand signal to him, inspection. Is look my nameplate.” 唐舞麟在他面前三步外停下脚步,向他比了个手势,“检查吧。看看是不是我的铭牌。” That Captain (military) hurries to open oneself Soul Guide Communication Device, has inspected nameplate. Above identification authentication nature will not have any issue. 上尉赶忙打开自己魂导通讯器,检查了一下铭牌。上面的身份验证自然不会有任何问题。 Tang Wulin coldly snorted, changes the surroundings soldiers saying: I do not want to say. But looking back now, did not say that is not good. Deng Shun this fellow, takes substandard products as fine products to demand the sales commission in the process of purchase, by me was reported, bears a grudge. I do not know why above does not punish him. His today also looks for my trouble unexpectedly. He, they definitely are one group. Snake mouse nest that's all. This matter has not ended, I once more will certainly reflect to above. Must have a view surely!” 唐舞麟冷哼一声,转向周围士兵们道:“本来我不想说的。但现在看来,不说是不行了。邓顺这家伙,在采购的过程中以次充好索要回扣,被我举报后怀恨在心。我不知道上面为什么不严惩他。他今天竟然还来找我的麻烦。还有他,他们肯定都是一伙儿的。蛇鼠一窝罢了。这件事没完,我一定会向上面再次反映。定要有个说法!” If some people carefully look at the eye of Tang Wulin, will discover that at this time his eyes deep place purple aura abundant, but his front Captain (military), the look somewhat was at a loss. 如果有人仔细去看唐舞麟的眼睛,就会发现,此时他的双眸深处紫意盎然,而他面前的上尉,眼神已经有些迷惘了。 Relied on strong Spiritual Power, Tang Wulin has been reading this time memory forcefully. Must know that Tang Wulin present spiritual cultivation has been the Thought Embodiment Form degree, although was unable genuine to achieve to read other people's complete memory, but in cultivation differs in the so huge situation, but the read remembers that fragment(s) is without question. 凭借着超强的精神力,唐舞麟强行读取了他此时的记忆。要知道,唐舞麟现在的精神修为已经达到了思维具象化程度,虽然还不能真正做到读取他人的完整记忆,但在修为相差如此巨大的情况下,只是读取一些记忆碎片还是毫无问题的。 Some clues also sufficiently let the situation that he judged the matter. First he knew by the Captain (military) name that oneself knocks down, is the reason that both sides become enemies. But said these, nature enough proved his status. 一些蛛丝马迹也足以让他判断出事情的情况了。首先他就知道了被自己打晕的上尉名字,还有就是双方结仇的原因。而把这些说出来,自然就足够证明他的身份了。 Severe punishment! Request severe punishment!” In the crowd, drinks to resound greatly. Immediately, the public sentiment is roused to action. “严惩!请求严惩!”人群中,一声大喝响起。顿时,群情激奋。 I said the toilet paper that I usually buy is so hard, originally has this clothes eating insect in!” Also is sounds|voices resounds. “我说我平时买的卫生纸那么硬呢,原来是有这种蛀虫在!”又是一个声音响起。 Yes! The thing that our women use is the quality specially is also bad. Originally is this reason. This matter cannot such consider as finished. Reporting and our reporting!” “是啊!我们女人用的东西也是品质特别差。原来都是这种原因。这件事不能这么算了。举报、我们大家一起举报!” for a moment, the public sentiment is turbulent. The surroundings soldiers have welled up immediately. 一时间,群情汹涌。周围的士兵们顿时涌了上来。 Deng Shun that was held has not sobered to encircle on wrapped, just questioned that Tang Wulin that Captain (military) is also so. 本来已经被扶起来的邓顺还没清醒过来就被包围了,刚刚质疑唐舞麟的那名上尉也是如此。
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