DD3DKL :: Volume #17

#1666: Arrives in Bright Capital City

Ling Zichen does not even have cosmetics, radically is true colors appear(ance). In fact does not need, she is Tang Sect top secret exist(ence), usually has not beamed with joy, therefore, at the strong request of her oneself, does not have the disguise to change costume. 凌梓晨甚至都没有化妆,根本就是本色出现。事实上也不需要,她一直是唐门内部的最高机密存在,平时就根本没怎么露过脸,所以,在她自己的强烈要求下,就没有乔装改扮。 But was being pulled by her, that of course others, have not been Tang Wulin. 而被她挽着的,那当然没有别人,正是唐舞麟 Tang Wulin continued three days of Time to sober in depth meditation of Sea God Lake place, later has improved the plan of this motion, rapid set off. 唐舞麟海神湖地的深度冥想足足持续了三天的时间才清醒过来,之后又完善了一下本次行动的计划,迅速出发 Now Sea God Corps went to the Northern Sea Fleet location place, is carrying out the pre-war preparatory work aggressively, the reassignment army is initiating an expedition to need many Time. The preparations of various types of logistics supplies, in addition the personnel movement, exercises. Overall assigning, needs Time to complete. 现在海神军团已经到了北海舰队所在的地方,正在紧锣密鼓的进行着战前准备工作,调动军队发起一场远征还是需要不少时间的。各种后勤补给的准备,再加上人员调动、演习。整体的调派,都需要时间来完成。 Therefore, according to the computation in Tang Sect aspect, this Time probably takes three months, even if all conform to simplicity, all speed up, takes two months short. 所以,根据唐门方面的计算,这个时间大约需要三个月,就算一切从简,一切加快,最短也需要两个月。 But regarding Tang Sect and Shrek cannot, not attain Eternal Kingdom of Heaven, then, regarding the war regarding just reconstruction Shrek, was the huge threats. Moreover, an earlier motion has the leeway to adjust on exceed. 但对于唐门史莱克来说不能等,没有拿到永恒天国,那么,无论是对于战争还是对于刚刚重建的史莱克来说,都是巨大的威胁。而且,越早行动就越有余地来进行调整。 Therefore, their group in this case, being quietly arrived at Bright Capital City, arrived here through various status and cosmetics. 所以,他们一行人就在这种情况下,悄无声息的来到了明都,通过各种身份和化妆来到了这里。 This time comes the Bright Capital City population not to be many, Shrek Seven Monsters whole staff, Ling Zichen, in addition Crazed Wind Blade Demon Sima Jinchi and Vigorous God A'Ruheng. Just right ten people. 这次前来明都的人数并不多,史莱克七怪全员,凌梓晨,再加上狂风刀魔司马金驰大力神阿如恒。正好十个人。 They are the main force of this motion. 他们就是这次行动的主力。 The people output separately, looked like does not know to be the same, rides the different transportation vehicles to leave the Soul Guidance High Speed Rail Train station. 众人分别出站,就像是都不认识一样,乘坐着不同的交通工具离开了魂导高铁列车站。 Tang Wulin with Ling Zichen on Car Rental. 唐舞麟凌梓晨上了一辆出租车 Sect Master.” The front driver has not turned head, but called one respectfully, obviously, he already arranged to wait for Tang Wulin here they. 门主。”前面的司机没有回头,但却恭敬的称呼了一声,显然,他是早就安排在这里等待唐舞麟他们的。 Walks.” Tang Wulin nodded. “走吧。”唐舞麟点了点头。 Ling Zichen loosened to pull his arm at this time, anything had not said that but on the face no longer has the smile, becomes icy. 凌梓晨此时已经松开了挽住他的手臂,什么也没说,只是脸上不再有微笑,变得冷冰冰的。 Tang Wulin does not know how this was. Since was attacked by Underworld King Douluo Ha Luosa after on that day, when he restores to return to Academy from meditation, Ling Zichen sees him is this, can not speak in a moment, before the relations as if become might as well. 唐舞麟也不知道这位是怎么了。自从那天被冥王斗罗哈洛萨袭击之后,等他从冥想中恢复过来返回学院,凌梓晨见到他就是这样,能不说话就不说话,关系似乎变得还不如以前了。 Tang Wulin does not know that actually oneself where offended this great-aunt, but he many did not ask. Since already like this, that first this. Although simply, Ling Zichen slights to him, but coordinates regarding all of this motion. And explained several times to have science and technology as well as War God Temple the Defense System series about Eternal Kingdom of Heaven for everybody personally. 唐舞麟也并不知道自己究竟是在什么地方得罪了这位姑奶奶,但他也不好多问。既然已经这样了,那就先这样吧。索性,凌梓晨虽然对他冷淡,但对于这次行动的一切都非常配合。并且亲自为大家讲解了几次有关于永恒天国科技以及战神殿防御系统。 The people are almost adopt unanimously, this motion needs the participation of this scientist. 众人几乎是一致通过,这次的行动需要这位科学家的参与。 Bright Capital City is Capital City, the development of Soul Guide Steam Vehicle is worthily quick, now on the street meets appear(ance) to be crowd frequently. 明都不愧是首都,魂导汽车的发展非常快,现在街道上经常会出现拥堵。 Opened quick one hour, had Car Rental to deliver to Bright Capital City suburb house them. 足足开了快一个小时,出租车才将他们送到了明都郊外的一栋房子处。 This house is situated in the Western Mountain under foot, from Western Mountain , is less than 20 kilometers. Because side has a very clear lake water only, therefore, here was developed into the rich person area. The house that they arrive, is a villa in rich person area. 这片房子就坐落在西山脚下,距离西山只有不到20公里。因为旁边有一片非常澄净的湖水,所以,这里被开发成为富人区。他们来到的这栋房子,就是富人区之中的一栋别墅。 The villa is the palace architecure, main building has Third Layer, the multipurpose vice- buildings in side also supplementary facilities, inside has dining room, gym and other facilities. 别墅是宫廷式建筑,主楼有三层,旁边还有一个配套设施的多功能副楼,里面有餐厅、健身房等设施。 The entire villa belongs to Tang Sect, the semblance seems, here is luxurious, may in fact, in the villa provide now the numerous highest science and technology achievement on Douluo Continent. Only interior various survey Soul Guidance Device to achieve in the degree that ten kilometers within reach any formidable energy appear(ance) discovers immediately. 整栋别墅都是属于唐门的,外表看上去,这里只有豪华,可实际上,别墅内配备了当今斗罗大陆上的众多最高科技成果。单是内部的各种探测魂导器就能够做到在十公里范围内任何强大能量出现都会立刻发现的程度。 The person who this villa knows are extremely few, has the genuine high level to be clear, is Bright Capital City Tang Sect Research and Development Center. 这栋别墅知道的人极少,只有真正高层才清楚,也是明都这边唐门的一个研发中心 Ling Zichen is not first time arrived here obviously, the person enters the villa in the presence of everyone time, Tang Sect Disciples in villa do not even know Tang Wulin, actually to this research institute Institute Director extremely warm feelings. 凌梓晨显然不是第一次来到这里的,当众人走进别墅的时候,别墅内的唐门弟子们甚至不认识唐舞麟,却对这位研究所所长极为热络。 The villa is very big, the main building and vice- building add to have about 3000 square meters fully, this is also only the area in surface, in the courtyard, a swimming pool of rectangle is increasing several points of moistness for here. 别墅很大,主楼、副楼加起来足有3000平米开外,这还只是表面上的面积,院子里,一个长方形的游泳池为这里增添着几分湿润。 From here to Bright Capital City Western Mountain, only then a half hour of driving distance, because the path in suburb is unobstructed , will not traffic jams. 从这里到明都西山,只有半个小时的车程,因为郊外的道路通畅而且不会堵车。 Assigned the moving in room, Tang Wulin lived as Tang Sect Sect Master nature in the topmost level, looked into the distance from terrace, just can see their trip of destinations. 分配了入住的房间,唐舞麟作为唐门门主自然住在最高层,从天台眺望出去,刚好能看到他们此行的目的地。 Bright Capital City Western Mountain, Once is the strategic location, Once is the Bright Capital City important protective screen. Until afterward, after Federation series Continent, its this barrier action no longer that obvious that's all. 明都西山,曾经是兵家必争之地,也曾经明都的重要屏障。直到后来,联邦一统大陆之后,它这个屏障作用才不再那么明显罢了 Tang Wulin stands on terrace looks into the Bright Capital City direction, actually can only see about the halfway up the mountainside, even if Purple Demon Eyes does not have the means penetration fog. mountain summit of Western Mountain high point above the fog, various War God Temple itself formidable disturbs Soul Guidance Device in addition, wanted through searching to observe to feel all of that side is extremely difficulties. 唐舞麟站在天台上眺望明都方向,其实只能看到半山腰左右,哪怕是紫极魔瞳也没办法穿透云雾。西山最高峰的山巅在云雾之上,加上战神殿本身强大的各种干扰魂导器,想要通过探察感受到那边的一切还是太过困难了。 Central Corps is stationed in the Western Mountain under foot, but many Central Corps critical facilities in Western Mountain, it can be imagined here defense are all stern. 中央军团就驻扎在西山脚下,而很多中央军团的重要设施全都在西山之中,可想而知这里的防御有多么森严。 Wants infiltrating, needs may, not only power, what are more is must depend upon some Wisdom as well as luck. 想要潜入其中,需要的可不只是实力,更多的还是要依靠智慧以及一些运气。 They must first be able to enter to War God Temple are good, so long as can go, they have the opportunity of overcoming an obstacle, in comes under the influence of haven rules and regulations, Central Corps cannot enter makes an arrest. But now War God Temple Hall Master Vast Sea Douluo Chen Xinjie in War God Temple, does not overcome an obstacle difficulty level to lower without doubt a lot. 他们首先要能进入到战神殿才行,只要能进去,他们就有去闯关的机会,受到避风港规则的影响,中央军团是不能入内抓人的。而现在战神殿殿主瀚海斗罗陈新杰并不在战神殿内,闯关难度无疑就要低得多了。 In the mind recalled in heart to plan, Tang Wulin spiritual diverged gradually. 脑海中回忆了一下心中计划,唐舞麟精神渐渐发散起来。 What is she making? She also in Spirit Transferring Pagoda? 她在做什么呢?她还在传灵塔内吗? More separates, he more thinks her. 越是分开,他就越是想她。 „!” In this time, some people have been patting his shoulder suddenly, making Tang Wulin come from the train of thought soberly. “啪!”正在这时,突然有人拍了他肩膀一下,令唐舞麟从思绪之中清醒过来。 On your this vigilance, but also wants to lead everybody to achieve the great accomplishment?” Ling Zichen some saying of disdaining. “就你这警惕性,还想要带领大家做大事?”凌梓晨有些不屑的说道。 Tang Wulin smiles, has not explained anything. If she has threatening to him, he had already discovered in immediately, how to make her approach really? 唐舞麟只是笑笑,并没有解释什么。如果她对他有威胁性的话,他早就在第一时间发现了,怎会让她真的靠近? Is thinking the woman, is right?” Ling Zichen vision brilliant looks at Tang Wulin. “在想女人,对不对?”凌梓晨目光灼灼的看着唐舞麟 Tang Wulin looked at her one eyes, has not spoken as before. 唐舞麟看了她一眼,依旧没有说话。 Said, what is she long? Why not side you?” Ling Zichen pursues asks. “说说呗,她长什么样?为什么没有在你身边?”凌梓晨追问道。 Tang Wulin said: „The matter that should not inquire do not inquire.” 唐舞麟道:“不该打听的事情不要打听。” Ling Zichen both hands fork waist, your actually very arrogant and pampered! What mentioned listens to fear? Your that shameful?” 凌梓晨双手叉腰,“你倒是挺傲娇的啊!说来听听怕什么?难道你的那位见不得人?” Tang Wulin wrinkled frown, rests, our motions must start immediately.” 唐舞麟皱了皱眉,“去休息吧,我们的行动马上就要开始了。” You are really good not to have the meaning!” Ling Zichen snort|hum turned around to walk, but quick stopped the footsteps, you to the present had not narrated that the complete plan listens to me, said? Before moving, told everybody?” “你这人真是好没意思!”凌梓晨哼了一声转身要走,但很快又停下了脚步,“你到现在都还没有讲述完整的计划给我听,什么时候说?难道行动之前才告诉大家?” Tang Wulin light [say / way]: You know why other people didn't ask your such question?” 唐舞麟淡淡的道:“你知道为什么其他人都不问你这样的问题吗?” Why?” Ling Zichen asked. “为什么?”凌梓晨问道。 Tang Wulin said: Because they have the absolute trust to me.” 唐舞麟道:“因为他们对我有着绝对的信任。” Ling Zichen gets angry: I have not worked together as colleagues with you, why must trust you, did you say? I endured you to be very long.” 凌梓晨怒道:“我又没有跟你共事过,为什么要信任你,你说不说?我已经忍你很久了。” Tang Wulin sighed: I only think peaceful a while, tomorrow will say again Ok?” 唐舞麟叹了口气道:“我只想安静一会儿,明天再说行不行?” „It is not good, said on the present.” Ling Zichen clearly somewhat creates a scene, her oneself does not understand how oneself today this was, usual she at all was not this appearance. “不行,就现在说。”凌梓晨分明有些无理取闹,连她自己都不明白自己今天这是怎么了,平时的她根本不是这个样子的。 Tang Wulin deep looked at her one eyes, in the mind reappeared initially Holy Spirit Douluo to the words that he spoke, let oneself sounds|voices gentle saying as far as possible: Good, I said to you.” 唐舞麟深深的看了她一眼,脑海中不禁浮现出当初圣灵斗罗对他说的话,尽量让自己声音平和的说道:“好,那我给你讲。” ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Asked the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. Thank everybody's support. Yesterday our Douluo Continent animation measured second in Tencent video total list searching! Unprecedented! Has surmounted all soap operas. 求月票、推荐票。感谢大家的支持。昨天咱们斗罗大陆动画在腾讯视频总榜搜索第二哦!史无前例!超越了所有的电视剧。
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