DD3DKL :: Volume #16

#1586: The shelled peanuts cook the cooked rice

Qiangu Dongfeng brows slightly knitted, „the Martial Arts Selecting Husband last day, you did not think that the exchange of that Tang Wulin and Na'er were too many? Among them, should is not simple.” 千古东风眉头微蹙,“比武招亲最后一天,你不觉得那唐舞麟娜儿的交流太多了吗?他们之间,应该没那么简单。” Qiangu Zhangting has gawked, grandfather, what do you mean?” 千古丈亭愣了一下,“爷爷,您是什么意思?” Qiangu Dongfeng said: My meaning is, heart of Na'er, really on you?” 千古东风道:“我的意思是,娜儿的心,是不是真的在你身上?” of course. On that day didn't Na'er cause heavy losses to that fellow? Has not thought that Na'er power is so strong, therefore I must diligently! Grandfather, this is the big good deed, I looked that perhaps Na'er cultivation had the standard of close Limit Douluo. fighting strength was at least similar.” 当然了。那天娜儿不是重创了那个家伙么?没想到娜儿实力这么强,所以我才要更加努力啊!爷爷,这可是大好事,我看娜儿修为恐怕已经有接近极限斗罗的水准了吧。至少战斗力差不多了。” Qiangu Dongfeng sounds|voices has enforced several points slightly, „, must therefore pay attention to her control. Do you have confidence to control her heart really? Does she like you really? The grandfather is a seasoned person, on that day Tang Wulin looks that the Na'er vision may not be very different. If among them has not had anything, cannot such.” 千古东风声音略微严肃了几分,“所以才更要注意对她的掌控。你真的有把握能够掌控她的心?她是真的喜欢你?爷爷是过来人,那天唐舞麟看着娜儿的目光可很不一样。如果他们之间没有发生过什么,不会那样的。” [Say / Way] that Qiangu Zhangting disdains: That was only his wishful thinking that's all, Na'er was too outstanding, attracted other people is very normal. You had not looked that Na'er of that day is indifferent to him?” 千古丈亭不屑的道:“那只是他的一厢情愿罢了,娜儿太优秀了,吸引其他人也很正常。您没看那天娜儿对他多么冷漠吗?” Qiangu Dongfeng sighed one darkly, dumb kid, was because Na'er was extremely at that time indifferent and tranquil, made me suspect! Aren't you clear? You really care chaotically.” 千古东风暗叹一声,“傻小子,就是因为当时娜儿太过冷漠和平静,才让我怀疑啊!你怎么就不明白呢?你真是关心则乱。” Qiangu Zhangting anti- sound track: I looked what the care is chaotic is you, is Na'er good I not to know to me? Na'er told me, she only likes me, after having waited for this crest of wave, marries me. Do you have something to be worried?” 千古丈亭抗声道:“我看关心则乱的是您吧,难道娜儿对我好不好我还不知道吗?娜儿都跟我说了,她只喜欢我一个人,等过了这段风头之后,就跟我结婚。您还有什么可担心的?” Qiangu Dongfeng said: What degree you and were Na'er in? Has to take her? The men want to control a heart of woman, must first conquer her body to be good. If you had the reality of husband and wife first, even there is a child, the grandfather can feel relieved.” 千古东风道:“那你和娜儿到了什么程度了?有没有拿下她?男人想要掌控一个女人的心,首先要征服她的身体才行。你们如果先有了夫妻之实,甚至有了孩子,爷爷才能真的放心。” Qiangu Zhangting blushing face, grandfather, how you said this. I and Na'er are very chaste. Only then on the day of the marriage, we have met...” 千古丈亭脸一红,“爷爷,您怎么说这个。我和娜儿是很纯洁的。只有到了结婚那天,我们才会…” Your this fool.” Qiangu Dongfeng has patted the forehead, „were you brainwashed by that girl? The good miss, has not succeeded in obtaining is not your, aren't you clear? Moreover, does not have the occurrence of genuine the relations, how you know that she is chaste?” “你这个笨蛋。”千古东风拍了拍额头,“你是不是被那丫头洗脑了?再好的姑娘,没到手也不是你的,你怎么就不明白呢?而且,没有真正的发生过关系,你怎么知道她是不是纯洁的?” Surprised of Qiangu Zhangting face, grandfather, can you say Na'er? You before were not such!” 千古丈亭一脸的惊讶,“爷爷,您怎么能这么说娜儿?您以前可不是这样的啊!” Qiangu Dongfeng coldly snorted, that is because beforehand Na'er is also not enough to constitute anything to threaten, but present she is different. You have a look, the Na'er present prestige is higher than many you, even quickly surpassed me. Moreover, power that she shows formerly saw with us is different. The truth told you that Na'er really had Limit Douluo fighting strength, this is your great grandfathers acknowledges. Therefore, no matter how I you think that must take her as soon as possible, the shelled peanuts boiled to become Shufanzai saying that understood what is heard?” 千古东风冷哼一声,“那是因为以前的娜儿还不足以构成什么威胁,但现在的她不一样了。你出去看看,娜儿现在的声望比你高多少,甚至都快超过我了。而且,她所展现出的实力和我们先前看到的不一样。实话跟你说,娜儿确实已经有了极限斗罗战斗力,这是你太爷爷都承认的。所以,我不管你怎么想的,必须要尽快拿下她,生米煮成熟饭再说,听明白没有?” Qiangu Zhangting somewhat resentful [say / way]: Understood. Do not be worried, actually I want, Na'er to my, me will certainly have this confidence.” 千古丈亭有些悻悻的道:“明白了。您就别担心了,其实我想要,娜儿一定会给我的,我有这个信心。” Really?” Some Qiangu Dongfeng doubts sees the grandson. “真的?”千古东风有些疑惑的看着孙子。 Qiangu Zhangting somewhat shames the angry [say / way]: „Doesn't my this assurance have? I turn head to show that looks to you and that's the end.” 千古丈亭有些羞恼的道:“难道我连这点把握都没有吗?我回头证明给您看就是了。” Good, this is my good grandson. Recently this Time, you continued to try hard cultivate, Shrek dare to give us on our Martial Arts Selecting Husband General Meeting the fabrication such big trouble, they do not recruit students? This time, must make them dirty surely.” “好,这才是我的好孙子。最近这段时间,你继续努力修炼,史莱克敢在我们比武招亲大会上给我们制造这么大的麻烦,他们不是要招生吗?这次,也定要让他们灰头土脸。” Qiangu Zhangting eye one bright, „will idea settle?” 千古丈亭眼睛一亮,“计将安出?” Qiangu Dongfeng ill-humored [say / way]: Your present task handles Na'er, other you do not need to manage first, when the time comes your nature knew.” 千古东风没好气的道:“你现在的任务就是搞定娜儿,其他的你先不用管,到时候你自然就知道了。” Qiangu Dongfeng walked, why does not know, grandfather's words have lingered in the Qiangu Zhangting mind. 千古东风走了,不知道为什么,爷爷的话一直萦绕在千古丈亭脑海之中。 Takes Na'er? Does Life cook the cooked rice? 拿下娜儿生命煮成熟饭? These thought appear(ance), look like immediately has the cat in heart flexure generally, making him palpitate with excitement. 这些念头一出现,顿时像是有猫在心头挠着一般,令他怦然心动。 Coveted the Na'er beauty is not a day two days, she was that beautiful, the stature was perfect. Since knew her, all being intimate in the Qiangu Zhangting eye did not have the flavor and attraction. 觊觎娜儿的美色也不是一天两天了,她是那么美,身材更是完美无缺。以至于自从认识了她之后,原本所有的相好在千古丈亭眼中都没了味道和吸引力。 Yes! In any case after her, must marry oneself, first wanted her not to have anything, but can also solve the suspicion of grandfather. 是啊!反正她以后也是要嫁给自己的,先要了她也没什么吧,还能解决爷爷的怀疑。 Thinks of here, the heart of Qiangu Zhangting is fiery immediately, on the day of waits, he also waits was too long. 想到这里,千古丈亭的心顿时火热起来,等这一天,他也等的太久了。 Takes up oneself Soul Guide Communication Device, has dialed that most familiar number. 拿起自己魂导通讯器,拨通了那个最熟悉的号码。 Na'er, where are you at?” Communication connection, Qiangu Zhangting somewhat impatient asking. 娜儿,你在哪呢?”通讯接通,千古丈亭有些迫不及待的问道。 My oneself! You? Isn't sounds|voices a little how right?” Another side transmits Gu Yuena delightful sounds|voices. “在我自己这边啊!你怎么了?声音怎么有点不对?”另一边传来古月娜悦耳的声音 Anything, has not been thinks you, I look for you.” Qiangu Zhangting is suppressing in scalding hot as well as the mind of innermost feelings starts appear(ance) various dirty pictures. “没什么,就是想你了,我去找你吧。”千古丈亭压制着内心的灼热以及脑海中开始出现的各种龌龊画面。 After Na'er has hesitated the moment, said: Ok, you come.” 娜儿迟疑了片刻后,道:“行,那你来吧。” Good, wait for me, I took a bath on the past.” Qiangu Zhangting such as presents the imperial decree. “好,等着我,我洗个澡就过去。”千古丈亭如奉纶音。 After having hung up the communication, he took a bath immediately, has changed the body clean clothes, illuminated in front of the mirror has illuminated, confirmed that oneself maintained after the optimum condition, this went out directly soars the Na'er dwelling to go. 挂断了通讯之后,他立刻洗了个澡,换了身干净的衣服,在镜子面前照了又照,确认自己保持在最佳状态之后,这才出了门直奔娜儿的住处而去。 Na'er also has the oneself exclusive region in Spirit Transferring Pagoda General Headquarters, not only lives, the quarters, the cultivate area wait / etc., with Qiangu Zhangting is a stage treatment. 娜儿传灵塔总部也有自己专属的区域,不只是居住,还有生活区、修炼区等等,和千古丈亭是一个层次的待遇。 Na'er is waiting for him in the quarters, sees her, the Qiangu Zhangting look first was the delay, then immediately has innermost feelings were dissolved the feeling. 娜儿在生活区等着他,一看到她,千古丈亭的眼神先是呆滞了一下,然后立刻就有种内心被溶化了似的感觉。 today Na'er has worn a white jersey, although the jersey is loose, actually could not conceal her slim figure. 今天娜儿穿了一身白色练功服,练功服虽然宽松,却丝毫掩饰不了她修长的身材。 The silver long hair combed after the brain, makes the agile scorpion pigtail to hang the outstanding buttocks as before, as if in cultivate, on pretty face was also bringing a moment ago light blushing, the whole person was full of the youth vigor. 银色长发在脑后梳拢,编成了利落的蝎子辫依旧垂过翘臀,似乎是刚才在修炼,俏脸上还带着淡淡的红晕,整个人都洋溢着青春的活力。 Zhangting, you? What matter has?” Gu Yuena be with smile on the face asking. 丈亭,你怎么了?有什么事吗?”古月娜面带微笑的问道。 Qiangu Zhangting has swallowed saliva, arrived at her side to sit, before coming, he has thought many excuses actually, but saw Gu Yuena after , he actually discovered that oneself somewhat could not say. 千古丈亭吞咽了一口唾液,走到她身边坐了下来,来之前他其实已经想了很多说辞,可是真的见到古月娜之后,他却发现,自己却有些说不出来了。 In his heart, Gu Yuena is goddess! Moreover this feeling increases day by day, sees goddess, his first feeling does not endure to blaspheme. But at this time innermost feelings fiery got the winning side as before. 在他心中,古月娜就是女神啊!而且这种感觉与日俱增,见到女神,他的第一感觉就是不忍亵渎。但此时内心的火热依旧占据了上风。 Na'er, the grandfather looked for me a moment ago, he spoke the strange words to me.” Qiangu Zhangting said. 娜儿,刚才爷爷来找我了,他跟我说了很多奇怪的话。”千古丈亭说道。 What Oh? did Pagoda Master say?” Gu Yuena doubts visits him. 哦?塔主说了什么?”古月娜疑惑的看着他。 Qiangu Zhangting has rubbed rubbing hands, said: Grandfather is urging us to get married actually earlier.” 千古丈亭搓了搓手,道:“爷爷其实是在催我们早点完婚。” Gu Yuena said: But Martial Arts Selecting Husband General Meeting also just finished, at least in name, my should is Lan Fuzi girlfriend. Now we marry, will have very tremendous influence to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda reputation. Behind that Lan Fuzi should also has this not small influence, cannot act rashly!” 古月娜道:“但比武招亲大会还刚刚结束,至少在名义上,我应该蓝佛子女朋友。现在咱们结婚,对传灵塔的名声会有很大的影响。那个蓝佛子背后应该也有这不小的势力在,不能轻举妄动啊!” Qiangu Zhangting said scruple: Did not say that must marry, but grandfather's meaning is, whether we can have a child first.” Said these words time, he cannot help but has swallowed saliva, the vision also glanced glancing on Gu Yuena. 千古丈亭迟疑道:“也不是说一定要结婚,但爷爷的意思是,咱们是不是可以先有个孩子。”说出这句话的时候,他不由自主的吞咽了一口唾液,目光也在古月娜身上瞟了瞟。 The Gu Yuena eyeground cold brightness dodges not to have, on the mouth said: This is your grandfather's meaning, is your meaning? Zhangting, we reach an agreement, before genuine marries you, we cannot have that relations, you have also said that you will respect my.” 古月娜眼底寒光一闪而没,嘴上却说道:“这是你爷爷的意思,还是你的意思?丈亭,我们可是说好的,在真正嫁给你之前,我们不能发生那种关系,你也说过,你会尊重我的。” Is and is, I have said. This..., Na'er, your other offended. I also said. Moreover, I also thought that we in such long Time, have been possible I actually to link your hand not to draw together in fact, if this passes on, was really too disgraced. Whether I can be intimate with your some, I liked you, I a little could not bear.” “是、是,我说过。这个…,娜儿,你别生气哈。我也只是说说。而且,我也觉得,咱们在一起这么长时间了,可事实上我却连你的手都没拉过,这要是传出去,实在是太丢人了。我是不是可以亲近你一些,我真的是太喜欢你了,我有点忍不住了。”
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