DD3DKL :: Volume #16

#1540: Sea God second tests

This time, in order to ensure victory of oneself, he borrowed this Absorbing Soul Tablet from ancestor there. The ancestor had urged him at that time, only if as a last resort, try not to use Absorbing Soul Tablet, uses one time, resources that needs to consume was really too enormous. 这次,为了能够确保自己的胜利,他从老祖宗那里将这块摄魂牌借了出来。老祖宗当时叮嘱过他,除非万不得已,尽量不要动用摄魂牌,动用一次,所需要消耗的资源实在是太庞大了。 If not Gu Yuena is quite important regarding present Spirit Transferring Pagoda, has the approval of Qiangu Dongfeng, his also at all impossible use Absorbing Soul Tablet. 若非古月娜对于现在的传灵塔来说极为重要,又有着千古东风的认可,他也根本不可能动用的了摄魂牌 Absorbing Soul Tablet, the opposite party must die without doubt. soul destroyed/terror-stricken! 摄魂牌一出,对方必死无疑。魂飞魄散 In Qiangu Family uses this Divine Tool historical has also never had the exception. 千古家使用这件神器的历史上还从来没有过例外。 That hundred meters Domain that Tang Wulin just displayed was really too fearful, although is not what kind of oneself finally, but in that flash, Qiangu Zhangting can definitely feel that was not absolutely inferior in Limit Douluo strength, in some sense, this came from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family fellow as if was unable genuine grasped it. 唐舞麟刚刚施展出的那个百米领域实在是太可怕了,虽然最终没有把自己怎么样,但在那一瞬间,千古丈亭已经完全能够感觉到,那是绝对不逊色于极限斗罗力量,从某种意义上来说,这个来自于蓝电霸王龙家族的家伙似乎还没能真正的掌握它。 Such threat, must strangle in the cradle, even if offended Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family also to refuse to balk. 这样的威胁,必须要扼杀在摇篮之中,哪怕是得罪了蓝电霸王龙家族也在所不惜。 Therefore, when Absorbing Soul Tablet uses, Qiangu Dongfeng stands on rostrum slightly wrinkled frown, although somewhat does not give up, but this kind of threat, good that removes. Otherwise, later likely is greatly troublesome. 所以,当摄魂牌用出的时候,就连千古东风站在主席台上都只是略微皱了皱眉,虽然有些舍不得,但这样一个威胁,还是去除掉的好。否则的话,以后很可能就是大麻烦。 Absorbing Soul Tablet leaves, the Gu Yuena pupil has also contracted, but is quick, her expression became normal, if in bystander opinion, present she, seems is somewhat indifferent. 摄魂牌出,古月娜瞳孔也是收缩了一下,但很快,她的表情就变得正常了,如果在外人看来,现在的她,看上去是有些冷漠的。 God of Evil? That is 3rd Rank Gods that's all. But Golden Dragon King is only Dragon God half, Tang Wulin also obtained part of Golden Dragon King bloodline, but that is also really genuine 1st Rank Gods. Even if relying on Absorbing Soul Tablet, Qiangu Zhangting can defeat Tang Wulin, is impossible to kill dies he. Which Golden Dragon King is strength so easy to shake? 罪恶之神吗?那不过是一个三级神诋罢了。而金龙王虽然只是龙神的一半,唐舞麟也只是得到了一部分金龙王血脉,但那也是真真正正的一级神诋。就算是凭借着摄魂牌,千古丈亭能够击败唐舞麟,也不可能杀得死他。金龙王力量哪是那么容易撼动的? If can kill Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King easily, initially God Realm gods also at all impossible in God Realm Golden Dragon King Seal, but Silver Dragon King ran away. 如果能够轻易的杀死金龙王银龙王,当初神界众神也根本不可能在神界金龙王封印,而银龙王更是逃走了。 But Tang Wulin at this moment, uncomfortable was insane. 而此时此刻的唐舞麟,难受的却已经要疯了。 He only thought oneself Soul bit by bit becomes must be stiff, entire spiritual sea as if is also becoming dry, dries up. When Soul Nucleus or Dragon Nucleus, had to plant at this time are petrified the general feeling. 他只觉得自己灵魂正在一点一点的变得僵硬,整个精神之海似乎也在变得干涸、枯竭。无论时魂核还是龙核,此时都有种被石化了一般的感觉。 This oppression strength he has not met, that is feeling from inside to outside, described with a simplest word that is, Collapsing! 这种压迫力他从来都没有遇到过,那是由内而外的感觉,用最简单的一个词来形容,就是,崩溃 Yes, that is one type the feeling of bordering on Collapsing. 是的,那是一种濒临崩溃的感受。 Regardless of him how diligently, is unable to work loose from that feeling, this was really too uncomfortable, uncomfortable he wanted to shout loudly, may unable to send out sounds|voices. 无论他多么努力,都无法从那种感觉中挣脱出来,这实在是太难受了,难受的他想要大喊大叫,可又偏偏发不出声音 At this moment, suddenly, in spiritual sea as if had any thing to be touched, next one flickered, golden-colored bloomed suddenly, all withered stiffly in is been warm by that golden-colored in an instant. 就在这时,突然间,精神之海内仿佛有什么东西被触动了,下一瞬,一点金色骤然绽放,所有的一切枯萎与僵硬都在刹那间被那金色温暖。 Tang Wulin spiritual was almost instantaneously was also returning to normal, he also saw that golden-colored. 唐舞麟精神也几乎是在瞬间恢复了正常,他也看到了那一点金色 Then in his mind is indistinct to reappear a few words, one seems the father sounds|voices words. 然后他脑海中隐约间浮现出一句话,一句似乎是父亲声音的话语。 Evil God's strength should not be detained the world.” 罪恶的神力不该滞留人间。” Next flickers, his whole person completely sobered. 下一瞬,他整个人就完全清醒了。 In the Qiangu Zhangting eye, the body of Tang Wulin under shining of Absorbing Soul Tablet, in little turning gray-black, Life Force is passing rapidly. 千古丈亭的眼中,唐舞麟的身体在摄魂牌的照耀下,正在一点点的变成灰黑色,生命力飞速流逝。 Records according to the history, by person who Absorbing Soul Tablet shines, in short Time the thorough truth, all Life Force completely will be eliminated, then changes into the powder powder, vanishes cleanly. 按照历史记载,被摄魂牌照耀的人,短时间之内就会彻底实话,所有生命力完全被剥夺,然后化为齑粉,消失得一干二净。 Death! Dares to be my love rival, dies! 死吧!敢做我的情敌,就去死吧! But at this moment, suddenly, Tang Wulin eyes has shone suddenly, counter- volume of gray-black air current from him, changes into a nihility the feminine head picture, even also exudes one to fill frightened sharp sounding. 但就在这时,突然间,唐舞麟双眸突然亮了起来,一蓬灰黑色气流从他身上反卷而出,化为一个虚无的女性头像,甚至还发出一声充满恐惧的尖利鸣叫。 Then he sees, in the Tang Wulin right hand, golden light (Jin Guang) blooms together, changes into huge golden-colored Trident. 然后他就看到,在唐舞麟右手之中,一道金光绽放,化为巨大的金色三叉戟 Tang Wulin became Pure Brightness eyes looks to complete delay Qiangu Zhangting, in the look was bringing teasing, Divine Tool, not only you have! My father is a god. 唐舞麟已经变得清明的双眸看向已经完全呆滞的千古丈亭,眼神中带着戏谑,神器,不只是你才有!我爹就是神。 Golden Trident delimits like lightning, in airborne brings together magnificent matchless golden-colored halo. 黄金三叉戟闪电般划出,在空中带起一道华丽无比金色光晕 Not —— “不—— Qiangu Dongfeng on Qiangu Zhangting and rostrum almost simultaneously yelled makes noise. However, at this time, no one is able to prevent all these occurrences. 千古丈亭主席台上的千古东风几乎是同时大叫出声。但是,在这个时候,谁也无法阻止这一切的发生了。 The Golden Trident giant halberd blade edge slightly crosses, airborne Absorbing Soul Tablet “BANG”, changes into innumerable fragment(s), golden-colored halo ripples, clean that all gray-black air currents in an instant are vanishing, has not left the least bit trace. 黄金三叉戟巨大的戟刃略过,空中的摄魂牌“轰”的一声,化为无数碎片,金色光晕荡漾,所有的灰黑色气流都在刹那间消失的一干二净,没有留下半点痕迹。 Bright golden-colored ray of light covers the whole body, but Tang Wulin also along with it dropping from the clouds. Falls in the ground. 灿烂的金色光芒笼罩全身,但唐舞麟也随之从天而降。落在地面上。 Suddenly, the eye is absent-minded a while ago, Tang Wulin only thought that oneself entered in a golden-colored world instant. 突然间,眼前一阵恍惚,唐舞麟只觉得自己刹那就进入到了一个金色的世界之中。 This is... 这是… surroundings is piece of golden-colored, resounds dignified sounds|voices in his mind, Sea God Second Trial, starts.” 周围都是一片金色,在他脑海中响起威严的声音,“海神第二考,开始。” Sea God Trident seemed stimulated by Absorbing Soul Tablet, makes Tang Wulin have the feeling of not knowing whether to laugh or cry in Second Trial that this time initiated. Because another side competition had not finished! If oneself such bewildered vanished, that Martial Arts Selecting Husband General Meeting what to do? Can oneself lose? Cannot lose! For Gu Yue, is for the plan of Tang Sect and Shrek, oneself cannot lose! 海神三叉戟似乎是受到了摄魂牌的激发,在这个时候发起的第二考唐舞麟有种哭笑不得的感觉。因为另一边的比赛还没有结束啊!自己如果就这么莫名其妙的消失了,那比武招亲大会怎么办?自己岂不是要输了?不能输啊!无论是为了古月,还是为了唐门史莱克的计划,自己都不能输啊! But, he currently has unable to do very much, by pulling, was wanted to extricate is not that easy matter, only then through assess(ment), or cannot finish through assess(ment). 可是,他现在偏偏是有很么都做不了,已经被拉进来了,想要解脱出去可不是那么容易的事情,只有通过考核,或者不通过考核才能结束。 Forcibly takes a deep breath, suppresses the oneself anxious mood, the matter, since occurred, must face. Solves the problem as soon as possible is the correct principle. 用力的深吸口气,压制住自己焦躁的心情,事情既然已经发生了,就要面对。尽快解决问题才是正理。 Looks with rapt attention, surroundings piece of golden-colored, is stretching as far as eye can see golden-colored, anything does not have. Without any Transformation. 凝神看去,周围一片金色,都是一望无尽的金色,什么都没有。没有任何的变化 first time assess(ment), Test seems the oneself will, then, this second time assess(ment), what is also? 第一次考核,考验的似乎是自己的毅力,那么,这第二次考核,又是什么呢? Waited for quite a while, does not have the least bit sound, Tang Wulin to sit cross-legged to sit down as before simply, is feeling surroundings all silently. 等待了半天,依旧没有半点动静,唐舞麟索性盘膝坐下,默默的感受着周围的一切。 This time, his own all ability, not having the least bit to vanish. Is relying on the keen feeling, he believes that if has anything, he can certainly come in immediately reaction. 这一次,他自身的所有能力都在,没有半点消失。凭借着敏锐的感觉,他相信,如果真的发生什么,他一定能够在第一时间反应过来。 At this moment, flash does not have appear(ance) of omen together suddenly in his innermost feelings. Tang Wulin had a scare, thinks that must have anything, rapid body. 就在这时,一道强光突然毫无预兆的出现在他内心之中。唐舞麟吓了一跳,以为要发生什么,迅速弹身而起。 But a surroundings actually as before tranquility. Anything does not have. 周围却依旧一片平静。什么都没有。 Sits down once more. Static waiting. 再次坐下。静静等待。 His heart is not tranquil, but does not have sounds|voices in this, even does not have other places, his anything did not do. 他的心并不平静,可是在这没有声音,甚至没有其他一切的地方,他根本什么都做不了。 Time such one minute one second of passing. How long Tang Wulin oneself has not known, because his all Soul Guidance Device in this world are nonexistent, he looks like Soul enters here. Therefore, how long also simply did not have a timer to tell him him to come here. 时间就这样一分一秒的过去了。就连唐舞麟自己也不知道过了多久,因为他所有的魂导器在这个世界中都是不存在的,他就像是灵魂进入到这里。所以,也根本没有一个计时器来告诉他他来到了这里多久。 What to do? 怎么办? Does not have the means that can only wait. 没办法,只能等待。 At the beginning, Tang Wulin can also stabilize lives in the oneself mind, but, Time was getting more and more long, in this anything no place, he hungrily will not be sleepy, but, anything did not have really! cultivate is not good. He can transfer Soul Power, transfers Power of Blood Energy, is actually not able cultivate, unable to revolve they. 刚开始的时候,唐舞麟还能稳定住自己的心神,可是,时间越来越长,在这个什么都没有的地方,他不会饥饿也不会困倦,可是,真的什么都没有啊!就连修炼也不行。他能够调动魂力,调动气血之力,却无法修炼,无法运转它们。 Therefore, here his anything is undoable, only to be ponder silently. Even but if, there is a matter that may think again also to think clear time, may Time here as if not have the end. 所以,在这里他什么都不能做,只能是默默的思考。可是,就算有再多可想的事情也有想清楚的时候,可在这里的时间却仿佛没有尽头。 What is this Test outcome? 考验的究竟是什么? Time continues to pass, the Tang Wulin mentality also became more and more anxious, appear(ance) that various negative mood started to emerge one after another incessantly. He starts to indulge in flights of fancy, starts the mood to be despondent. 时间继续流逝,唐舞麟的心态也变得越来越焦躁了,各种负面情绪开始层出不穷的出现。他开始胡思乱想,开始心情抑郁。 But useless, radically useless. Even if he shouts loudly, cannot get a wee bit responses absolutely. All do not have, anything does not have. 可是没用,根本就没用。哪怕是他大喊大叫,也绝对得不到一丁点的回应。一切都没有,什么都没有。
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