DD3DKL :: Volume #16

#1533: Disappearance Tang Sect

Qiangu Dongfeng said: Does not dare to say assuring. After all, since is competition, all have the possibility. However, Zhangting this child truly is very diligently, these years started to help me share many business. At present is also received the tower high-level unanimous favoring, this time is to also hope him can about one step discipline through competition, is sooner mature.” 千古东风道:“不敢说把握性。毕竟,既然是比赛,就一切皆有可能。不过,丈亭这孩子确实是非常努力,这些年已经开始帮我分担许多事务了。目前也是受到塔内高层的一致看好,这次也是希望他能够通过比赛近一步磨练,早些成熟起来。” Um, yes! The young people need to discipline. Right, I heard that you did invite Vast Sea Your Excellency in Martial Arts Selecting Husband General Meeting finally on that day? Did he comply?” “嗯,是啊!年轻人就是需要磨练。对了,我听说你在比武招亲大会最后那天请了瀚海冕下?他答应了吗?” Qiangu Dongfeng says with a smile painstakingly: Has not complied. Since this time goes to battle with the return, Brother Chen not has been happy, although we were also many years of old friend, but did not feel better in harassing him.” 千古东风苦笑着道:“还没答应。自从这次出战回归之后,陈兄的情绪就一直都不太好,虽然我们也是多年的老朋友了,但也不好过于骚扰他。” In the Vice Speaker eye ray of light dodges, said: Yes! This time goes to battle has not thought that will come across these many issues, Tang Sect also really can do the matter. Right, has that Tang Sect Sect Master news? Your isn't Spirit Transferring Pagoda most well-informed?” 副议长眼中光芒一闪,道:“是啊!这次出征没想到会遇到这么多问题,唐门也真是能搞事情。对了,有没有那个唐门门主的消息?你们传灵塔不是最消息灵通么?” Qiangu Dongfeng brows slightly knitted, did not have.” 千古东风眉头微蹙,“还没有。” He believes that since Tang Wulin initially and Gu Yuena had an contact to experience, should met appear(ance) on this Martial Arts Selecting Husband General Meeting, but so far as before did not have any news. Tang Sect looked like went into hiding. 原本他认为,唐舞麟既然当初和古月娜有过一段交往经历,应该出现在这次比武招亲大会上,但直到目前为止却依旧没有任何消息。唐门就像是真的销声匿迹了似的。 Since Shrek City was razed by 12th Rank Fixed Installed Soul Guidance Artillery Shell, Tang Sect appears very low-key, all Tang Sect organizations large scale restrain, before being announced into the treason organization already few appear(ance). 自从史莱克城十二级定装魂导炮弹夷为平地之后,唐门就一直显得非常低调,所有唐门机构都大幅度收敛,在被宣布成为叛国组织之前就已经很少出现了。 This makes the people also good, is other major organizations, has neglected gradually Tang Sect exist(ence). Only then these genuine understood that Tang Sect background person, understands that this is Sect that cannot neglect absolutely. 这使得民众也好,还是其他各大组织也罢,渐渐都忽略了唐门存在。只有那些真正了解唐门底蕴的人,才明白这是一个绝对不能忽视的宗门 Tang Sect does power come from what? Comes from before Twenty-thousand Years Tang Sect ancestor Tang San inheritance! 唐门实力源自于什么?源自于两万年唐门先祖唐三传承啊! Really, no one has thought that Tang Sect anything has not done on Douluo Continent, bearing patiently repeatedly, suddenly appear(ance) in Star Luo Continent, Tang Sect Sect Master has actually come up in Star Luo Continent any Decision of Five Gods, publicity that makes, Spirit Transferring Pagoda also wanted through exposing this matter suppresses the Tang Sect prestige, who knows that Decision of Five Gods Tang Sect that matchless young Sect Master actually obtained the huge popularity. 果然,谁也没想到,唐门斗罗大陆上什么都没做,一再的隐忍,却突然出现在了星罗大陆,唐门门主更是在星罗大陆上来了一场什么五神之决,弄的人尽皆知,原本传灵塔还想要通过曝光这件事来打压唐门的声望,可谁知道,五神之决唐门无比年轻的门主却获得了巨大的人气。 Federation Fleet arrives, although the evidence is not very ample, but the discerning people can look, Star Luo Empire these Super Rank do weapon come? Why Dou Ling Empire can with Star Luo Empire mutual attention, and has formidable weapon? Without a doubt, this gathers Tang Sect to be related! 紧接着,联邦舰队抵达,尽管证据不够充分,但明眼人都看得出来,星罗帝国那些超级武器是怎么来的?斗灵帝国为什么能够和星罗帝国守望相助,并且也具备强大的武器?毫无疑问,这都合唐门有关啊! Then with the efforts of Spirit Transferring Pagoda, announced into the treason organization Tang Sect. This has caused on the political arena not small opposition sounds|voices. After all, Tang Sect has made the outstanding contribution for Continent, with great difficulty these pressures. But Tang Sect oneself likely is anything has not actually occurred, went into hiding. Initially went to Star Luo Empire Tang Sect new Sect Master even not to know that did not have. 这才在传灵塔的努力下,把唐门宣布成为叛国组织。这引起了政坛上不小的反对声音。毕竟,唐门是为大陆做出过卓越贡献的,好不容易才把这些压下去。而唐门自己却像是什么都没有发生过似的,就那么销声匿迹了。当初前往星罗帝国唐门新任门主甚至不知道回来没有。 This Martial Arts Selecting Husband General Meeting also planned directs him, hides the match in hidden place is most formidabe, had not actually discovered that Tang Wulin trail. 这次比武招亲大会本来也是打算将他引出来,潜藏在暗处的对手才是最难对付的,却一直都没有发现那个唐舞麟的踪迹。 At this time listens to Vice Speaker to mention that related Tang Wulin matter, the smiling face on Qiangu Dongfeng face cannot help but has also restrained. News that passes on looking from Star Luo Empire, this young people quite extraordinary, and has established the quite close relationship with Star Luo Empire and Dou Ling Empire. Made Spirit Transferring Pagoda have the feeling of being hard to start in these two Great Empire(s), the influence big shrinkage. 此时听副议长提到有关唐舞麟的事情,千古东风脸上的笑容也不由得收敛了许多。从星罗帝国那边传回来的消息看,这个年轻人相当的了不得,而且已经和星罗帝国斗灵帝国建立了相当密切的关系。令传灵塔在这两大帝国有种举步维艰的感觉,势力大大的缩水。 So young can achieve this point, once in the future grows, inevitably is the trusted friend big trouble! He does not hope that appear(ance) Continent first person a like Sky Raising Douluo comes out again. 如此年轻就能做到这一点,未来一旦成长起来,必然就是心腹大患啊!他可不希望再出现一个像擎天斗罗那样的大陆第一人出来。 „The official present doesn't have what news?” Qiangu Dongfeng asked. “官方现在没有什么消息么?”千古东风问道。 Vice Speaker shook the head, what exist(ence) Tang Sect is, Brother Qiangu should is clear. Like nobody knows that your Spirit Transferring Pagoda background has how deeply, from nobody knows how Tang Sect background can be the degree. Said honestly that I too did not approve makes into the treason organization Tang Sect, is not because I sympathize with them, because, Tang Sect under this situation completely will hide in now in secret, instead will not be better to cope. Now various types of intelligence services seek in All-Out, a news does not have . Moreover, does not know that you do have a feeling.” 副议长摇了摇头,“唐门是什么样的存在,千古兄应该再清楚不过。就像没有人知道你们传灵塔底蕴有多么深厚一样,也从没有人知道唐门底蕴能够达到怎样程度。坦白说,我个人本来也是不太赞成将唐门打成叛国组织的,并不是因为我同情他们,而是因为,现在这种情况下的唐门将完全隐藏于暗中,反而会更不好对付。现在各种情报部门都在全力寻找,却一点消息都没有,而且,不知道你有没有一种感觉。” What?” Saying of Qiangu Dongfeng doubts. “什么?”千古东风疑惑的说道。 Vice Speaker sinking sound track: Impedes. The motion that any we cope with Tang Sect, can encounter in many levels to impeding. This makes our searching to Tang Sect have to plant to fall into the mire feeling. Difficult, is hard Control.” 副议长沉声道:“掣肘。凡是我们对付唐门的行动,在很多层面都会遭遇到掣肘。这就让我们对唐门的寻觅有种陷入泥潭般的感觉。寸步难行,也个更加难以控制。” Qiangu Dongfeng said: You do not need extremely to be worried that hides is no doubt troublesome in the hidden place, but this similarly will also lose people's support, without the popular sentiment, Tang Sect can only hide in the mouse of hidden place, can never arrive at Sunlight to get down, continuously for a long time hence, they will degenerate into are similar to Holy Spirit Cult general exist(ence).” 千古东风道:“您也不用太过担心,隐藏在暗处固然麻烦,但这也同样会失去民众们的支持,没有民心,唐门只能是藏在暗处的老鼠,永远也不能走到阳光下来,长此以往,他们就会沦为如同圣灵教一般的存在。” Vice Speaker deep looked at his one eyes, said: Hope so!” 副议长深深的看了他一眼,道:“希望如此吧!” Hand signal that Qiangu Dongfeng has made invitation, please sit down, looks at competition.” 千古东风做了一个请的手势,“请坐,看比赛吧。” Gu Yuena has been watching critically, has not interrupted throughout, but looks at all these silently, feeling that he can be clear about, when Vice Speaker mentioned Tang Sect, the Qiangu Dongfeng mood came under not the small influence, was very obvious, he did not care , the polarity, he cared actually very much. 古月娜一直在冷眼旁观,也始终没有插言,只是默默地看着这一切,他能够明确的感觉到,当副议长提到唐门的时候,千古东风的情绪还是受到了不小的影响的,很显然,他并不是真的不在意,正相反,他其实很在意。 Tang Sect and Shrek brothers, why Once must be apprehensive to them including the Federation government, was too formidable because of their overall power, Shrek City exist(ence), looks like an independent kingdom in Federation. No doubt he is neutral, may regarding the rulers, everyone not hope appear(ance) this kind of place. 唐门史莱克同气连枝,为什么曾经联邦政府都要对他们忌惮三分,就是因为他们的整体实力太强大了,史莱克城存在,就像是在联邦中的一个独立王国。固然他是中立的,可对于统治者们来说,谁也不希望出现这样一个地方。 This is genuine causes Shrek City by Ruin root location. 这才是真正导致史莱克城毁灭的根源所在 However, the matter developed now, as if actually not like initially the imagination, resurging of Shrek Academy, lit many things. These things come from Shrek Academy and Tang Sect background! That is genuine formidable background. 但是,事情发展到现在,似乎却不像当初想象的那样,史莱克学院的死灰复燃,也点燃了许多东西。这些东西都来自于史莱克学院唐门底蕴!那是真正强大的底蕴 Auditorium front, in common can actually see in the corner of competition location very much clearly, wears the sportswear, seems 20-year-old youth, be with smile on the face, said to companion: today these really very much has the anticipation, I estimated that Qiangu Dongfeng pressing the bottom thing has given his grandson.” 观众席前排,在一个不起眼却能很清楚看到比赛场地的角落之中,一名身穿运动装,看上去20多岁的青年,面带微笑,向身边的同伴道:“今天这一场确实很有看点,我估计,千古东风把压箱底的东西都给了他那孙子吧。” His sounds|voices is gentle , is not very low, but sits nearby other audiences actually like cannot hear, only then his side that look ordinary young girl nodded slowly, „how? Regardless of Qiangu Dongfeng is what kind, I have the absolute confidence to Wulin.” 他的声音平和,也不算很低,但坐在附近的其他观众却像是都听不到一样,只有他身边那名相貌普通的少女缓缓点了点头,“那又如何?无论千古东风怎样,我都对舞麟有绝对的信心。” youth he he smiles, this is nature. Wulin progressive speed also has been above my imagination, although I was not convinced to Cao Dezhi that fellow, but this time actually has to acknowledge that he is right. If only I, my not being able to decide makes that young Wulin undertake so the heavy burden. Now looks like, Old Cao is right.” 青年呵呵一笑,“这是自然舞麟进步的速度也超乎了我的想象,虽然对曹德志那家伙我一直都很不服气,但这次却不得不承认他是对的。如果只是我的话,我真的下不了决心让那么年轻的舞麟就承担如此重担。现在看来,老曹还是对的。” This youth is not others, is Tang Sect Douluo Hall Vice Hall Master, one generation of Limit, Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo Zang Xin. 青年不是别人,正是唐门斗罗殿副殿主,一代极限,多情斗罗臧鑫 But side him, nature Tang Wulin godmother, cosmetics later Holy Spirit Douluo Ya Li. 而在他身边的,自然正是唐舞麟的干妈,化妆之后的圣灵斗罗雅莉了。 Who can think that in such a common corner, unexpectedly will be sitting well two Limit Douluo stage Elite. And one is present age first Cure System Limit Douluo. 谁能想到,就在这么一个不起眼的角落之中,竟然会端坐着两名极限斗罗层次强者。其中一位更是当世第一治疗系极限斗罗 Ya Li shows a faint smile, said: This is you are insightful. Moreover starts enough quickly. If we, perhaps did not make Wulin make this Tang Sect Sect Master quickly. He has sufficed laboriously, you have also been cruel enough to give him to exert such big pressure. In Sea God Pavilion, will at least not have these many matters. Tang Sect is different from Shrek, we are only Academy, but the thing that Nion involves was too many, are too many.” 雅莉微微一笑,道:“这是你们有眼光。而且下手够快。要是我们更快一点,说不定就不让舞麟去做这个唐门门主了。他已经够辛苦的了,你们还忍心给他施加这么大的压力。在海神阁,至少不会有这么多事情。唐门史莱克毕竟不一样,我们只是一所学院,而尼恩涉及到的东西却是太多、太多了。” Zang Xin shows a faint smile, „since, Shrek has been genuine Nucleus, but Tang Sect is Shrek external. We are always relations of complementing one another, this can stand erect not but actually. Once when Tang Sect most is on the decline, was Shrek extended the helping hands, this Shrek reconstructed, we also believe that in less than long Time, Spirit Transferring Pagoda and these people with high aspirations will discover, their judgments were wrong. To have a look really very much, expression of Qiangu Dongfeng after several days.” 臧鑫微微一笑,“一直以来,史莱克才是真正核心,而唐门则是史莱克的外在。我们始终都是相辅相成的关系,这才能屹立不倒。曾经唐门最衰微的时候,就是史莱克伸出了援助之手,这次史莱克重建,我们也相信,用不了多长时间,传灵塔和那些有心人就会发现,他们的判断是错误的。真的很想看看,千古东风几天后的表情。” Ya Li loses says with a smile: Your how also likely young people, our such age.” 雅莉失笑道:“你怎么还像个年轻人似的,我们都这么一把年纪了。” Zang Xin laughs, said: Because I am Excessive Love (passionate) Seed.” 臧鑫哈哈一笑,道:“因为我是个多情种子嘛。” Ya Li somewhat helpless shaking the head, hopes that Qiangu Dongfeng will like us taking to his pleasantly surprised.” 雅莉有些无奈的摇摇头,“希望千古东风会喜欢我们带给他的这份惊喜吧。” The stand previous was already fully occupied at this time, the enthusiasm of audiences is very high, many scrolls write the Yu Longyue name, obviously was his supporting wholesale. 看台上此时早已是人满为患,观众们的热情很高,有不少条幅都写着玉龙月的名字,显然是他的拥趸了。 of course, is the Qiangu Dongfeng scroll more, here in some sense, after is his home game. 当然,属于千古东风的条幅更多,这里从某种意义上来说,毕竟是他的主场。
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