DD3DKL :: Volume #15

#1428: Irresistible reconstruction

After Shrek Academy since by Kill the Gods Rank Fixed Installed Soul Guidance Artillery Shell Ruin, this Continent first Academy vanishes baseless. But according to the newest news that we obtain, initial Shrek Academy not completely Ruin, in that terrorist attack. Shrek Academy teachers, has protected the student with the oneself Life price, sends in them the refuge shelter. After countless tribulations, Shrek must reconstruct finally. ” 史莱克学院自从被弑神级定装魂导炮弹毁灭之后,这座大陆第一学院凭空消失。但根据我们得到的最新消息,当初的史莱克学院并没有全部毁灭,在那场恐怖袭击之中。史莱克学院老师们,用自己生命的代价保护了学员,将他们送入避难所之中。经过无数磨难,史莱克终于要重建了。” This Continent first Academy, is sacred place in innumerable Soul Master heart, its reconstruction, means that Continent Soul Master World will also welcome this Academy. Why initially will have Kill the Gods Rank Fixed Installed Soul Guidance Artillery Shell to shell Shrek City is a riddle. But this riddle, the Federation government until now was unable to explain. Does not know whether the Shrek Academy survivors know more things.” “这座大陆第一学院,是无数魂师心中的圣地,它的重建,意味着大陆魂师界又将迎回这所学院。当初为什么会有弑神级定装魂导炮弹轰击史莱克城一直是一个谜。而这个谜团,联邦政府直到现在都还没能解答。不知道史莱克学院的幸存者们是否知道更多的东西。” However in just some time ago, the reconstruction of Shrek Academy actually met scolded.” “而就在刚刚不久前,史莱克学院的重建却遇到了责难。” The picture changes, the ear-piercing siren resounds, several police vehicles enter the work site clearly, sounds|voices that Captain (military) clamored spread through the screen. 画面一变,刺耳的警笛声响起,十几辆警车开入工地,上尉叫嚣的声音清晰的通过屏幕传出。 Captain (military) sits side Lieutenant Colonel (military) at this time, complexion immediately becomes a paleness. 上尉此时就坐在中校身边,脸色顿时变得一片惨白。 One hour, this one hour passes! 一个小时,这才一个小时过去啊! Is Lieutenant Colonel (military) a brain blank, the Control public opinion of reaching an agreement? What's the matter? What's all this about? 中校更是大脑一片空白,说好的控制舆论呢?怎么回事?这是怎么回事? Why does a public security officer of Captain (military) military rank have the right to question the reconstruction of Shrek? We must put a big question mark. Shrek City autonomous, this is since the ancient times tradition. Now the Shrek reconstruction, doesn't this tradition have? Then, we must ask that who this Captain (military) is appoints, why they must aim at Shrek Academy. We do not have the evidence to prove anything, perhaps but this is one finds the clue of that disaster.” “一名上尉军衔的治安官为什么有权质疑史莱克的重建呢?我们都要划上一个大大的问号。史莱克城自治,这是自古以来的传统。现在史莱克重建,难道这份传统就没有了?那么,我们要问问,这位上尉是谁指派来的,他们为什么要针对史莱克学院。我们没有证据证明什么,但或许这是一条追寻那场灾难的线索。” During this reportage, had not said that by mentioning names they are the murderers, may actually be the character character such as the blade! 这新闻报道之中,没有指名道姓的说他们就是凶手,可却是字字如刀啊! Captain (military) complexion was difficult to see Peak, he is unable to imagine, goes back later oneself to be going to face what kind of aspect. The Shrek Academy influence is huge, but his Captain (military), a small person thing! 上尉脸色已经难看到了极致,他无法想像,回去之后自己将要面对怎样的局面。史莱克学院的影响力何等巨大,而他一个上尉,一个小人物啊! Shortly after Captain (military) leaves, came Lieutenant Colonel (military).” “在上尉离开不久,又来了一位中校。” commentator sounds|voices is ordinary just like Giant Hammer(s), numerous pounding in Lieutenant Colonel (military) heart, he only thought that at this moment oneself was unable to breathe. 解说声音宛如巨锤一般,重重的砸在中校心头,这一刻他只觉得自己已经无法呼吸。 This was also too quick, but is less than ten minutes of Time. Is this television station inadequate in the live broadcast? 这也太快了,不过是十分钟不到的时间。难道说,这个电视台在现场直播不成? Then he clear seeing, in oneself hand title deed combustion, and said that did not have now the appearance proudly. 然后他就清楚的看到,自己手中地契燃烧,并且傲然说出那句现在没有了的样子。 Captain (military) also clamored, but he has actually burnt the Shrek Academy title deed! 上尉还只是叫嚣,可他却烧了史莱克学院的地契啊! Ended, complete. 完了、全完了。 Shrek Academy work site. 史莱克学院工地。 Yue Zhengyu was sighing the [say / way]: I also want to install. Afterward thinks, considered as finished. I am such good person.” At the same time was saying, he fishes out a title deed from bosom, before exactly the same. This replica, each of them cherishes has 12. 乐正宇感叹着道:“本来我还想装一下的。后来想想,还是算了。我就是这么善良的人。”一边说着,他从怀中又摸出一份地契,和之前的一模一样。这种复制品,他们每个人怀中都有个12份。 For the reconstruction of Shrek, their preparations are very full. 为了史莱克的重建,他们的准备可是十分充分的。 Tang Wulin shows a faint smile, how long nobody has a look at this to dare to come.” 唐舞麟微微一笑,“看看这次多久没有人敢来。” Xie Xie laughs, is ready to cope with anything, resists by whatever means available. Let the storm come is more violent.” 谢邂哈哈一笑,“兵来将挡,水来土掩。让暴风雨来的更猛烈一些吧。” In Tang Wulin eye ray of light glittering, yes! Come, should come comes. But actually must have a look, who can vacillate the reconstruction of Shrek. 唐舞麟眼中光芒闪烁,是啊!来吧,该来的都来吧。倒要看看,谁能动摇史莱克的重建。 speed of public opinion news track report was really too quick, did not have to a Federation prohibition rule quickly with enough time , the news of Shrek reconstruction has spread over Continent. 舆论新闻跟踪报道的速度实在是太快了,快到联邦封禁令都还没来得及下,史莱克重建的消息就已经传遍大陆 Especially when that two public security military officer reconstruct awkward picture appear(ance) after Shrek successively, for a moment, the public sentiment is turbulent. 尤其是当那两名治安军官先后对史莱克重建为难的画面出现之后,一时间,群情汹涌。 First the appear(ance) issue, is the Federation military. 首先出现问题的,就是联邦军方内部。 The intermediate level is the high-level military officer sound, the deep question sound spreads rapidly. Shrek Academy was destroyed, sudden that too all have, elite that Shrek Academy graduates, radically without enough time reaction. 无论是中层还是高层的军官声,强烈的质疑声迅速蔓延。史莱克学院被毁的时候,一切都发生的太突然,以至于史莱克学院毕业的精英们,根本来不及反应 But now the Shrek reconstruction, can encounter to this non- fair play unexpectedly, has been rebuilt the news, the excited Shrek people, do not do. 而现在史莱克重建,竟然会遭遇到这种不公平待遇,原本得到重建消息,兴奋不已的史莱克人们,不干了。 for a moment, each department of Federation government receives the innumerable angry communications. The servicemen and political high levels, have voiced the deep question. 一时间,联邦政府的各个部门接到无数愤怒的通讯。军人、政界高层,都发出了强烈的质疑。 At this time, some talented people realized that the reconstruction of Shrek Academy, was very perhaps difficult to carry on to prevent from the authorities. 此时,有些人才意识到,史莱克学院的重建,恐怕很难从官面上进行阻止了。 Sudden that extremely all have, Shrek Academy in such almost impossible situation, starts to reconstruct! 一切都发生的太过突然,史莱克学院就是在这么几乎不可能的情况下,开始重建! In all pressure situation, the Federation government does not dare to prohibit the propaganda again, some report about Shrek Academy reconstruction, starts the wide scope spreads. 在各方压力的情况下,联邦政府也不敢再封禁宣传,有关于史莱克学院重建的报道,开始大范围的传扬开来。 But also some different sounds|voices, for example the Shrek Academy reconstruction by the ruins, there is devastating to radiate exist(ence), how can let the students in this place study? Safely will be threatening to Life. Moreover Shrek Academy Teacher(s) almost can fall/die completely, how also continue to carry on the teaching? 但也有一些不同的声音,譬如史莱克学院重建在废墟旁边,有毁灭性辐射存在,怎能让学员们在这种地方学习?会对生命安全有威胁。而且史莱克学院老师几乎陨落殆尽,如何还能继续进行教学? Some sounds|voices mentioned that present Shrek is not past Continent first Academy. That catastrophe, has ruined Shrek all wait / etc.. 更有一些声音提到,现在的史莱克已经不是过去的大陆第一学院了。那一场大灾难,毁掉了史莱克的一切等等。 While such question sound appear(ance), Sea God Lakeside, welcomed peak of a number of streams of people. 就是在这样的质疑声出现的同时,海神湖畔,却迎来了一批人流的高峰。 First arrived here, is resurrecting the family members of students. Nobody cares about the reconstruction of Shrek compared with them. Their children are also living, this is more important than anything. 首先来到这里的,就是“复活”学员们的家人们。没有人比他们更加关心史莱克的重建。他们孩子还活着,这比什么都更加重要。 Every day almost can hear the weeping sound on the Shrek Academy reconstruction work site. But Shrek Academy used three days of Time, first large-scale to isolate screen to complete, screen has covered three classroom building location area, in can no longer the dressing exposure suit be able the normal life. 几乎每天都能够在史莱克学院重建的工地上听到哭声。而史莱克学院用了三天时间,第一个大型隔绝护罩完成,护罩覆盖了三座教学楼所在的面积,在其中可以不再穿戴防护服就能够正常生活了。 The wire netting is still continue expand , to continue the circle place. Meanwhile, Shrek Academy also announced that Shrek City original address all regions, are the Shrek Academy private property, in without the permission, anybody can not enter easily. 铁丝网还在继续扩张,继续圈地。同时,史莱克学院也宣布,史莱克城原址所有地域,属于史莱克学院的私有财产,未经许可,任何人不得轻易入内。 But follows closely second group of people who the students family member is coming, is gives the thing. 而紧随着学员们亲人而来的第二批人,是来送东西的。 Various types of commodities, no matter useful, useless, comes in swarms, emerges massively. The sources of these commodities, all come from the Shrek Academy graduates. 各种物资,不管是有用的、没用的,蜂拥而至,大量涌入。这些物资的来源,全都是来自于史莱克学院的毕业生们。 Moreover, the graduates have also formed a Shrek restructuring fund, every day many donations enter in this fund. The fund directly is used by Academy. 而且,毕业生们还组建了一支史莱克重建基金,每天都有许多捐款进入这支基金之中。基金由学院直接使用。 The function of calling from a high place appears initially. 登高一呼的作用初步显现出来。 Tang Wulin appoints Senior that Xu Xiaoyan and Tang Yinmeng are responsible for with these graduate to establish the relation relations, this kind of relationship network in Once Shrek is nonexistent. But regarding present Shrek Academy, is actually very important. 唐舞麟指派许小言唐音梦负责和这些已经毕业的学长们建立联系关系,这样一张关系网在曾经史莱克不存在的。但对于现在的史莱克学院来说,却是非常重要的。 All as scheduled prosperous development. 一切都按照原计划欣欣向荣的发展。 Those who made Tang Wulin and companion feels strange, has investigated besides the first day Spirit Transferring Pagoda person, again did not have any sound. Even has also sent the basket of flowers, expressed to the congratulation of Shrek reconstruction. Then that is all. Is again breathless. 唐舞麟伙伴们奇怪的是,除了第一传灵塔的人来探查过之外,就再没有了任何动静。甚至还送来了花篮,表示对史莱克重建的祝贺。然后就仅此而已。再无声息。 Several days, all entered one after another tranquilly, the media that visits became are also short. As if all people are waiting and seeing anything. But also has the feeling of blowing up for rain. 接连数天,一切都进入了平静,就连前来采访的媒体也变得少了。似乎所有人都在观望着什么。但又有种山雨欲来风满楼的感觉。 The Sea God Lake area was really too big, was equal to beforehand entire Shrek City. Half a month Time, the wire netting has also encircled about one-third perimeters. The implementation scheduling of Shrek Academy classroom building is actually very encouraging. After preliminary protection Soul Guidance Device arranges, the Shrek Academy students all invest into the auxiliary construction during. Mo Lan successively sends two groups of artisans, constructs speed according to this, about two months, Lou body can basically complete. Then is the interior decoration. 海神湖的面积实在是太大了,相当于之前的整座史莱克城。半个月的时间,铁丝网也只是圈了大约1的周长而已。史莱克学院教学楼的建设进度却是非常可喜的。在初步的防护魂导器布置完毕后,史莱克学院的学员们全都投入到辅助建设之中。墨蓝又先后送来两批工匠,按照这个建设速度,大约有两个月左右,楼体就能基本完成。然后就是内部装饰。 Arrangement of various Soul Guidance Device aggressively is carrying on, after the Guard Screen arrangement is completed, the large-scale Soul Guidance Device equipment of second arrangement is the disturbing wave. Can disturb the survey of radar as well as satellite. 各种魂导器的布置更是紧锣密鼓的进行着,在防护罩布置完成之后,第二个布置的大型魂导器设备就是干扰波。能够干扰雷达以及卫星的探测。 ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Finally started to reconstruct Shrek, regarding the reconstruction of Shrek, in my heart already had an overall plan, everybody looked slowly, in the future, will have pleasantly surprised. 终于开始重建史莱克了,对于史莱克的重建,我心中早就有了一个整体的规划,大家慢慢看吧,未来,会有惊喜哦。
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