DD3DKL :: Volume #15

#1409: When I come back

Father.” Tang Wulin good to cry out to make noise, but he actually anything does not do now. He noticed that only then the father genial and is full of the smile of attachment. “父亲。”唐舞麟好想呐喊出声,可他现在却偏偏什么都做不了。他看到的,只有父亲和煦而又充满眷恋的微笑。 Tang San moved, Golden Trident in hand wields gently, as if a piece of feather draws the elegant arc in his hands. 唐三动了,手中的黄金三叉戟轻轻挥动,仿佛一片羽毛般在他手中划出优美的弧线。 golden-colored ring of light bloom outward, the big snare small circle, is overlapping and close. 金色光环一圈圈向外绽放,大圈套小圈,层层叠叠、细细密密。 When this golden-colored ring of light appear(ance), surroundings all become quiet, thunderbolt starts to collect, the sea mighty waves are also as if peaceful. That golden-colored ring of light easy includes in which surroundings purple-gold thunderbolt, as if in that ring of light, itself covers and is restraining Lesser World. 而当这金色光环出现的时候,周围的所有一切都随之变得静谧起来,雷霆开始收束,大海的波涛仿佛也安静下来。那一圈圈的金色光环轻而易举的将周围紫金色雷霆都囊括其中,仿佛在那光环之中,本身就笼罩和约束着一个个小世界 The fluctuation of spatial becomes fierce, spatial itself as if in struggling of going all out, but it in process of struggling, actually nature, but however and that golden-colored ring of light take shape a marvelous tacit understanding. 空间的波动变得剧烈起来,空间本身仿佛在拼命的挣扎,但它在挣扎的过程中,却自然而然的和那金色光环形成了一种奇妙的默契。 Then wild purple-gold thunderbolt, observed Order in this restraint, starts such as the silk such as a wisp of condensation, changes into purple-gold ray of light to integrate in Tang Wulin Thunder Hell Prison Vine. 那么狂暴紫金色雷霆,就在这种约束中遵守了秩序,开始如丝如缕的凝聚,化为一道道紫金色光芒融入到唐舞麟雷鸣阎狱藤之中。 Makes Tang Wulin feel what strange is, this time, does not have the feeling of puffiness, in that Thunder Hell Prison Vine surface, left golden-colored ring of light, he can feel clearly, in these golden-colored ring of light, is containing enormous thunder and lightning energy, but these thunder and lightning energy are actually not able from runs out. 更让唐舞麟感到奇异的是,这一次,并没有胀满的感觉,在那雷鸣阎狱藤表面,多出了一圈圈金色光环,他能清楚的感受到,在那些金色光环之中,蕴含着庞大雷电能量,但这些雷电能量却就是无法从其中冲出。 Seal, spatial Seal, this as if Golden Dragon King Seal of oneself within the body has the wonder of equally good results from different methods. 封印,空间封印,这似乎和自己体内的金龙王封印有着异曲同工之妙。 To the application of strength of spatial, can only with as wonderful describe as the summit that in this flickers, Tang Wulin only thought that oneself spiritual sea seemed penetrated by a lightning generally, one type unprecedented to the sensibility dark brand mark of Heaven and Earth highest good. 空间之力的应用,只能用妙到毫颠来形容,在这一瞬,唐舞麟只觉得自己精神之海仿佛被一道闪电击穿了一般,一种前所未有对天地至理的感悟冥冥中烙印。 surroundings thunderbolt quietly vanished in that golden-colored ring of light, form of that desalination. 周围雷霆就在那一圈圈金色光环中悄然消失了,还有那淡化的身影。 Son, when I come back.” “儿子,等我回来。” light shadow vanishes without the trace, shining Golden Trident changes into streams of light, integrates in the Tang Wulin forehead to vanish does not see. 光影消失无踪,金灿灿的黄金三叉戟重新化为一道流光,融入到唐舞麟的眉心之中消失不见。 Move beyond description also along with it appear(ance) in the Tang Wulin mind. three times, he said three times, he left behind three times to protect my ability in my within the body. 一种难以形容的感动也随之出现唐舞麟脑海之中。三次,他说三次,他在我体内留下了三次保护我的能力 Even if he in universe another side end, he also as before uses All-Out to protect me. 哪怕他在宇宙另一边的尽头,他也依旧倾尽全力要保护我。 Although Tang Wulin has not contacted oneself this father, but he actually has had at this moment tears streaming down the face. Because he can feel clearly, in his as if can in the producing an inverted image entire universe eye pupil, is flooding many love to oneself. 尽管唐舞麟从来没有真的接触过自己这位亲生父亲,但此时此刻他却已是泪流满面。因为他能够清楚的感受到,在他那仿佛能够倒映整个宇宙的眼眸之中,充斥着多少对自己的爱。 The father, I will certainly find your, he call of madness in heart. Tearsing well up. 爸爸,我一定会找到你的,他在心中疯狂的呐喊着。泪如泉涌。 golden-colored ring of light all integrate Tang Wulin within the body to vanish without the trace finally, but strange Soul Ring, along with it appear(ance) in his all Soul Ring ninth positions. 一圈圈金色光环最终全都融入到唐舞麟体内消失无踪,而一个奇异的魂环,也随之出现在了他身上所有魂环第九位。 That is one presents all over the body is purple-gold Soul Ring, in the purple-gold Soul Ring surface, but also has the golden-colored ring-like textures, has filled noble aura. 那是一个通体呈献为紫金色魂环,在紫金色魂环表面,还有着一个个金色环形纹理,充满了高贵的气息 Thunder Hell Prison Vine swarms to enter, already drilled into Tang Wulin within the body, has filled to his child Mu, does not have the least bit to be unfamiliar again. 雷鸣阎狱藤蜂拥而入,早已钻入到唐舞麟体内,充满了对他的孺慕,再没有半点生疏。 Hundred-thousand Years, Thunder Hell Prison Vine, the evolution is completed. But in Tang Wulin this Ninth Soul Ring surface, but also Seal magnanimous before did not have strength of the purest thunderbolt absorb finished. 十万年,雷鸣阎狱藤,进化完成。而在唐舞麟这个第九魂环表面,还封印了海量的之前没有吸收完毕的最精纯雷霆之力。 Strength of enough Thunder Hell Prison Vine these thunderbolt in the future unceasing digestion absorb, making it evolve continually, compared with the evolution of ordinary Soul Spirit quick non- several fold. 这些雷霆之力足够雷鸣阎狱藤未来不断的消化吸收,让它持续进化,比普通魂灵快无数倍的进化。 With disappearance of thunderbolt, Sky also gradually becomes sunny, the dark cloud diverges gradually, these has continued over seven hours of storm, finally must finish. 伴随着雷霆的消失,天空也渐渐变得晴朗,乌云渐渐散去,这一场足足持续了超过七个小时的暴风雨,终于就要结束了。 sea becomes tranquil, but in the sea level, came from Douluo Continent Three Great Fleet, at this time is actually the feelings of some sores alls over the eye. 大海重新变得平静,而海面上,来自于斗罗大陆三大舰队,此时却是有些满目疮痍的感觉。 All Guard Screen under formerly the irrigation of that Purple gold thunderbolt rain, almost Collapsing. Big of energy consumption, almost surpasses two-thirds energy to unravel Three Great Fleet completely. 所有的防护罩在先前那一片紫金雷霆雨的浇灌之下,都几乎崩溃能量消耗之大,几乎将三大舰队超过2的能量全部灰飞烟灭。 Under the explosive force function of that terrifying, Soul Guidance Device appear(ance) on middle-and-small ships breakage. If not Vast Sea Douluo Chen Xinjie reaction is fast enough, makes all ships release the maximum intensity in immediately Guard Screen, this Purple gold thunderbolt rain will possibly let Fleet for it destruction. 在那恐怖的爆炸力作用下,很多中小型舰船上的魂导器出现了破损。如果不是瀚海斗罗陈新杰反应足够快速,在第一时间让所有舰船释放出最高强度的防护罩,这一场紫金雷霆雨很可能就会让舰队为之覆灭。 The commanders of each naval vessel, in the heart do not have the fear at this time, only then shocks. Even if Chen Xinjie oneself, at this time also has the feeling of being survivor of disaster. 每一艘舰艇的指挥官们,此时心中没有恐惧,只有震撼。哪怕是陈新杰自己,此时也有种劫后余生的感觉。 This type of Purple gold thunderbolt rain, perhaps in entire Douluo Continent historical first time appear(ance). That was unable with simple described fearfully. Even if Kill the Gods Rank Fixed Installed Soul Guidance Artillery Shell is impossible to achieve so the terrifying destructive effect! 这种紫金雷霆雨,恐怕在整个斗罗大陆的历史上都还是第一次出现的。那已经不能用简单的可怕来形容了。哪怕是弑神级定装魂导炮弹也不可能达到如此恐怖的破坏效果啊! Three Great Fleet unites in together total energy, enough makes Bright Capital City such Continent first City use for 20 years. In just the defense process, many Soul Guidance energy battery appear(ance) breakage of excess load. 三大舰队联合在一起的总能量,足够让明都那样的大陆第一城市使用20年。在刚刚防御过程中,许多魂导能量电池组都出现了超负荷的破损。 This is hard to imagine simply. This degree of destructive power, has surmounted the historical cognition. 这简直难以想象。这种程度的破坏力,已经超越了历史上的认知。 Look, there has the person.” A staff officer sudden running together of two syllables in rapid speech shouted loudly. “看,那里有人。”一名参谋突然急声高呼。 Chen Xinjie moved sideways to arrive at the screen front. 陈新杰一闪身就到了屏幕前方。 The screen enlarged the airborne image under staff officer Control, he saw two people there clearly. 屏幕在参谋控制下放大了空中的图像,他清楚的看到了在那里的两个人。 They sit in a station. They unexpectedly in formerly the thunder clouds appear(ance) most Nucleus position. 两人一坐一站。他们竟然就在先前雷云出现的最核心的位置。 What sits cross-legged to sit there is youth, the whole body is sending out light purple-gold halo, these halo are restraining, but his arrangement in purple-gold ring of light of ninth position actually that conspicuous. 盘膝坐在那里的是一名青年,全身都散发着淡淡的紫金色光晕,这些光晕正在收敛,可他身上那排列在第九位的紫金色光环却是那么的显眼。 Stands side him, before is not, was surveyed that person who Soul Guidance Device catches? 站在他身边的,可不就是之前被探测魂导器捕捉到的那个人吗? That is... 那是… The pupil of Chen Xinjie contracts suddenly, that sits cross-legged to sit there youth, is not just that Blood Dragon Squad Captain? Moreover, spreads from Federation confirmed through the news as well as the image that he also has another status, Tang Sect Sect Master, Tang Wulin! 陈新杰的瞳孔骤然收缩,那个盘膝坐在那里的青年,可不正是那个血龙小队队长么?而且,通过从联邦传来的消息以及图像确认,他还有另一个身份,唐门门主,唐舞麟 Is he! 是他! How possibly is he? 怎么可能是他? In this flickers, in the Chen Xinjie heart has filled inconceivable. Regardless of how he does not think clearly, why Tang Wulin can have such terrifying power, can transfer the strength of sea. 在这一瞬,陈新杰心中是充满了不可思议的。他无论如何也想不明白,为什么唐舞麟能够拥有如此恐怖实力,更能调动大海之力。 Buzz resound, in the sea level has discovered Tang Wulin and Xie Xie naval vessel, not only Mothership, Soul Guidance Device that but can also use has locked to the midair. 一声声嗡鸣响起,海面上发现了唐舞麟谢邂的舰艇不只是母舰这边,还能动用的魂导器已经纷纷锁定向半空之中。 But at this moment, float Tang Wulin in midair has opened eyes. 而就在这时,悬浮在半空中的唐舞麟睁开了双眸 His eyes was moist because of formerly bursting into tears, but in the eye pupil, was actually a piece of purple-gold brilliance sparkle. 他的双眸因为先前的流泪而湿润,但在眼眸之中,却是一片紫金色光辉闪耀。 Then under the gazes of all naval vessels, sees only his big hand to wield. 然后在所有舰艇的注视下,只见他大手一挥。 The sea level that was tranquil, surges suddenly matchless enormous giant ocean waves, raises the Three Great Fleet strategic maneuvering lineup. All locking were losing the goal instantaneously, next one flickers, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie in midair had been swept across by the mighty waves of shooting up to the sky, without a trace of disappearance. 原本已经平静下来的海面,突然涌起一股无比庞大的巨型海浪,将三大舰队的合纵连横阵型掀起。所有的锁定在瞬间失去了目标,下一瞬,半空中的唐舞麟谢邂已经被冲天而起的波涛席卷,消失的无影无踪。 In this flickers, does not know the looks of many people for it freeze, the Three Great Fleet captains all delay. 在这一瞬,不知道多少人的眼神为之凝固,三大舰队的舰长们无不呆滞。 Who is that person? Why can he appear(ance) in that place? Is that terrifying storm, he brings? Is that Purple gold thunderbolt rain, he? 那个人是谁?为什么他会出现在那个地方?那恐怖的暴风雨,是他带来的?还有那紫金雷霆雨,难道也是他? Chen Xinjie submits in person the water, simultaneously the intention phonograph, in this flickers, the lots start to run throughout in his mind. 陈新杰面陈似水,同时心念电转,在这一瞬,很多东西都在他脑海中开始贯串起来。 By Star Luo Empire Soul Guidance Technology, has change celestial phenomenon ability is almost impossible. However, they are not good, actually does not mean that others are not good. 星罗帝国魂导科技,拥有改变天象的能力几乎是不可能的。但是,他们不行,却并不意味着别人也不行。 As War God Temple Hall Master, present age greatly can one, he know Tang Sect background is deep. Must say that can contend in the Soul Guidance Technology aspect with Federation Soul Guidance branch Academy only, perhaps had Tang Sect. 作为战神殿殿主,当世大能之一,他一直都知道唐门底蕴有多么深厚。要说唯一能够和联邦魂导学院魂导科技方面抗衡的,恐怕就只有唐门了。 Tang Sect Sect Master, Blood Dragon Squad Captain? Is Tang Sect! 唐门门主,血龙小队队长?是唐门 takes a deep breath, in Chen Xinjie eyes ray of light rises suddenly, sinking sound track: Passes on me to order, to inspect all equipment, loss of compiling this storm. Attempts to connect the satellite system to carry on Localization, Three Great Fleet stands by and waits for orders, maintains the strategic maneuvering.” 深吸口气,陈新杰双眸之中光芒暴涨,沉声道:“传我命令,检查所有设备,汇总这次暴风雨的损失情况。尝试连接卫星系统进行定位,三大舰队原地待命,保持合纵连横。” ------------------------- ------------------------- Writes about the son, when I come back these words time, suddenly has tears streaming down the face. Some days, must lead the wife to leave the children . Moreover, this time does not know how long wants. Oh, wishing everybody pair 11 joyful, health. 写到儿子,等我回来这句话的时候,突然泪流满面。过些天,就又要带着老婆离开孩子们了,而且,这次不知道要多久。唉,祝大家双11快乐,身体健康。
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