DD3DKL :: Volume #14

#1365: Does not want

Tang Wulin turns head to look that sees only the Gu Yuena pear flower belt rain to stand in corner. 唐舞麟回头看去,只见古月娜梨花带雨般的站在角落处。 Sees her, the Tang Wulin also mood surges, one step went forward to arrive in front of her. close-range visits her, looks at that oneself Once steadily red lips, has held body, some for a moment sentiments are difficult to control self. May think of Soul in this body belongs to Na'er, his many are somewhat cramped. 看到她,唐舞麟也不禁心情激荡,一步上前就来到了她面前。近距离的看着她,看着那自己曾经稳过的红唇,抱过的身体,一时间不禁有些情难自禁。可一想到这身体中的灵魂是属于娜儿的,他多少还是有些局促。 You like her.” Some Gu Yuena hidden bitterness looks at Tang Wulin to say. “你还是更喜欢她。”古月娜有些幽怨的看着唐舞麟说道。 Tang Wulin coughs, you here? You with Star Luo Continent that I do come?” 唐舞麟咳嗽一声,“你怎么在这里?你是跟着我来的星罗大陆?” Gu Yuena said: I come on behalf of Spirit Transferring Pagoda, not with you, but I also know that you came to here. Therefore......” 古月娜道:“我是代表传灵塔来的,并不是跟着你,但我也知道你是来了这里。所以才……” Teacher's Wife she broke through finally. Really was good.” Gu Yuena eye socket micro red, obviously just had cried. 师母她总算突破了。真的是太好了。”古月娜眼圈微红,显然是刚刚哭过的。 Tang Wulin heart is low-spirited, she has been thinking you.” 唐舞麟心头黯然,“她一直都想着你呢。” Gu Yuena sighed one lightly, I have deceived her and Teacher(s) after all, I have not said goodbye her courage, does not know that should see her with any status. Just your words I heard, Teacher's Wife is really in this world the best person. Why you recognized her to do are really good. She is longing for has the oneself child.” 古月娜轻叹一声,“我毕竟骗了她和老师,我没有再见她的勇气,更不知道该用什么身份去见她。刚刚你们的话我听到了,师母真的是这个世界上最好的人。你认她做干嘛真的是太好了。她一直都渴望着有个自己的孩子呢。” Tang Wulin nod of gently, replied Gu Yuena beforehand issue, outside person are too many, walks to be easy to expose with everybody, therefore, I oneself walk.” 唐舞麟轻轻的点了点头,回答了古月娜之前的问题,“外面人太多,和大家一起走容易暴露,所以,我才自己走的。” Gu Yuena said in a soft voice: I see you, must remind you to be careful. If possible, and everybody walks together is quite good. You made Zhang Geyang Soul Spirit, he will not give up. Moreover, Spirit Transferring Pagoda Pagoda Master Qiangu Dongfeng also noted you. Because knows before , you and Gu Yue are classmate(s), but also asked about my your specific situation specially. When you return to Federation, must be more careful.” 古月娜轻声道:“我来见你,就是要提醒你小心。如果可能的话,还是和大家一起走比较好。你弄走了张戈洋魂灵,他不会善罢甘休的。而且,传灵塔塔主千古东风也注意到你了。因为知道以前你和古月同学,还特意询问了我你的具体情况。等你返回联邦,也要更加小心。” In the Tang Wulin heart moves, „was Spirit Transferring Pagoda and Holy Spirit Cult cooperates really comprehensively?” 唐舞麟心中一动,“传灵塔真的是和圣灵教全面合作了?” Gu Yuena shakes the head, I do not know, only then the subordinate of Qiangu Dongfeng and his most trusted subordinate knows this matter. But I believe that you see is real. As for their goals, as well as cooperates any degree I unclear. On outwardly, nature is Holy Spirit Cult not any relations.” 古月娜摇摇头,“我不知道,只有千古东风和他最亲信的手下才知道这件事。但我相信,你看到的都是真实的。至于他们的目的,以及合作到什么程度我不清楚。明面上,自然是和圣灵教没有任何关系的。” The influence that that side Federation, public opinion Spirit Transferring Pagoda comes under is very big. On the contrary is you performance on Decision of Five Gods, had not been repelled by the Federation people, instead has not the small help to your prestige.” 联邦那边,舆论方面传灵塔受到的影响很大。反倒是你在五神之决上的表现,并没有被联邦民众排斥,反而对你的声望有不小的帮助。” Tang Wulin heart moves slightly, nod of gently, „does Nana, know military that side situation? When does Federation plan to dispatch troops?” 唐舞麟心头微动,轻轻的点了点头,“娜娜,知道军方那边的情况吗?联邦打算什么时候出兵?” This I am not clear. Federation has carried on the strict blockade to this matter, now the entire Eastsea sea area blocks. Perhaps Qiangu Dongfeng does not know when the military starts. But, this strict blockade, means that Federation did take an action? Therefore, after here matter ended, you go back earlier. If the war occurred, try not to curl go. I listened to Qiangu Dongfeng saying that Federation this determination was very big. resources seriously affected the Soul Guidance Technology development deficiently, if this time cannot harvest, perhaps Federation will not give up.” “这个我也不清楚。联邦对这件事进行了严密封锁,现在整个东海海域都是封锁住的。恐怕千古东风都不知道军方什么时候发动。可是,这种严密的封锁,是不是意味着联邦已经有所行动了?所以,这边事情结束之后,你早点回去吧。如果战争真的发生,你尽量不要卷进去。我听千古东风说过,联邦这次的决心很大。资源匮乏已经严重影响到魂导科技发展,这次如果不能有所收获,恐怕联邦是不会善罢甘休的。” Um.” Tang Wulin nodded. But in his heart actually understands, if the war occurred, oneself can stay out? This obviously is impossible. “嗯。”唐舞麟点了点头。但他心中却明白,如果战争真的发生了,自己能够置身事外么?这显然是不可能的。 I walked.” Gu Yuena looked up his one eyes. “我走了。”古月娜抬头看了他一眼。 Tang Wulin also visits her, starts to speak but hesitates. 唐舞麟也看着她,欲言又止。 Gu Yuena just about to turns around to leave, actually suddenly stops the footsteps, turns around to ask to Tang Wulin: If one day, I and Gu Yue real spiritual fused completely, is primarily her consciousness, the elder brother, you can think me?” 古月娜刚要转身离开,却又突然停下脚步,转身对唐舞麟问道:“如果有一天,我和古月真的精神完全融合了,以她的意识为主,哥,你会想我吗?” Does not want.” Tang Wulin almost blurted out. “不要。”唐舞麟几乎是脱口而出。 Gu Yuena has smiled immediately, she jumps into the Tang Wulin bosom fiercely, oneself soft tender body complete fitting on him, effort grasped him. 古月娜顿时笑了,她猛的扑入唐舞麟怀中,将自己柔软的娇躯完全贴合在他身上,用力的抱住了他。 Elder brother, has your words, Na'er is enough. How although I do not know finally, but you believe that no matter, Gu Yue, is Na'er, absolutely will not injure your.” “哥,有你这句话,娜儿就足够啦。虽然我不知道最后会如何,但你相信,无论什么时候,无论是古月,还是娜儿,都绝对不会伤害你的。” Said that this saying, Na'er shoves open him gently, the personal appearance dodges, vanishes in piece of silver light quietly. 说完这话,娜儿轻轻的推开他,身形一闪,悄然消失在一片银光之中。 Looks place that she vanishes, some Tang Wulin delay. He also wants to ask why Na'er is not willing to be separated from Spirit Transferring Pagoda. But did not have with enough time, she walked. 看着她消失的地方,唐舞麟不禁有些呆滞。他本来还想问问,娜儿为什么不肯脱离传灵塔。但还没来得及,她就已经走了。 Na'er, Gu Yue. Actually your this is...... 娜儿,古月。你们这究竟是…… Sees her again, knows that she unexpectedly also in Star Luo Continent, finally is the good matter. 再见到她,知道她竟然也在星罗大陆,总算是好事情吧。 Decision of Five Gods, four fight the total victory. Tang Sect Sect Master, wanted one against an empire to succeed. 五神之决,四战全胜。唐门门主,就要以一敌国成功了。 The Star Luo Empire major media reported that for a moment, extremely busy. Tang Wulin this name, became the well-known Hero character. 星罗帝国各大媒体争相报道,一时间,热闹非凡。唐舞麟这个名字,也成为了家喻户晓的英雄人物。 Many people until now, know that Tang Sect unexpectedly is so formidable. This new Tang Sect Sect Master, simply is one generation of supreme talent. 很多人直到现在,才知道唐门竟然是如此强大。这位新任唐门门主,简直就是一代天骄 But also because of the Tang Wulin four total victory, some unharmonious sounds|voices definitely meets appear(ance). What these sounds|voices are more is questioning the Empire official, questioned Imperial Family. 但也因为唐舞麟的四场全胜,一些不和谐的声音必然会出现。这些声音更多的是在质疑帝国官方,质疑皇室 The opposite party is 20-year-old young people, moreover power has not achieved that type to be able crush all degrees, why doesn't Empire have the strength of contending? 对方不过是一个20多岁的年轻人,而且实力也并没有达到那种能够碾压一切的程度,帝国为什么就没有抗衡之力呢? This way, entire Empire must lose to a person, matter that so loses face, who is responsible for? 继续这样下去,整个帝国都要输给一个人了,如此丢脸的事情,谁为之负责? Decision of Five Gods also remains last, if Empire also lost, means that supposed this was in the ancient times, Empire must pay the huge price? 五神之决还剩最后一场,如果帝国也输了,是不是意味着,假设这是在古代,帝国就要为之付出巨大的代价了? For many years, Empire has been creating the outstanding talent, to individual Heroism esteem. But, trained was so long, lost one game after another on Decision of Five Gods unexpectedly four. 多年来,帝国一直在培养优秀人才,对个人英雄主义推崇。可是,培养了这么久,竟然在五神之决上连输四场。 Monster Academy is trash, others Shrek Academy came 20-year-old young people, completely routed that entire Empire hits. If this Shrek Academy Elite? This disparity big? 怪物学院更是废柴,人家史莱克学院只是来了一个20多岁的年轻人,就把整个帝国都打的落花流水。这要是史莱克学院强者呢?这差距又有多大? The question sounds in various aspects without doubt pushed up the keenest struggle Imperial Family and Monster Academy, this also means that if last, Empire lost again. Even will affect the Emperor prestige. 各方面的质疑声无疑将皇室怪物学院推上了风口浪尖,这也意味着,如果最后一场,帝国再输掉了。甚至会影响到皇帝的声望。 Dai Tianling is somewhat agitated, he has not thought that will make into this. Is a matter of answering multiple purpose, actually evolved this degree. 戴天灵有些烦躁,他也没想到会弄成这样。本来是一举多得的一件事,却演化到了这种程度。 Early knows that this Tang Wulin is so fierce, might as well makes the younger generation go to battle. At least such lost is not ugly. Said at most is the contest of younger generation. 早知道这唐舞麟如此厉害,还不如让年轻一代出战。至少那样输了也没那么难看。顶多说是年轻一代的较量。 But now, he must not have the escape route. 而现在,他已经要没有退路了。 This Tang Wulin, but also is makes man-made difficult really! Seemed he has eaten young owing, but whose to become Xiang, to finally, suffering a loss of instead was oneself. Also achievement this new Tang Sect Sect Master prestige. 这个唐舞麟,还真的是让人为难啊!看上去他是吃了年轻的亏,可谁成想,到了最后,吃了大亏的反而是自己。同时也成就了他这位新任唐门门主的声威。 Tomorrow can only be Saint Dragon(s) Douluo goes to battle. May win, in honor is unattractive! 明天只能是圣龙斗罗出战了。可就算是赢了,脸面上也不好看啊! Your Majesty.” In this time, familiar sounds|voices is resounding. 陛下。”正在这时,熟悉的声音响起。 En Ci (kindness) has the freedom to pass and out the Imperial Palace authority, at this time, he already appear(ance) in front of Dai Tianling. 恩慈是有自由进出皇宫权力的,此时,他已经出现戴天灵面前。 „Does Teacher(s), what matter have?” Dai Tianling this little while is not happy, saw that En Ci (kindness) is unable to change his present mood condition. 老师,有什么事么?”戴天灵这会儿心情正不好,看到恩慈也无法改变他现在的心情状态。 En Ci (kindness) sinking sound track: Perhaps something we must consider that more is good. After you walk, Shrek Academy Cure System Super Rank Douluo that and Tang Wulin comes together, just promoted Limit.” 恩慈沉声道:“有些事情我们恐怕必须要考虑更多才行。就在您走后,那位和唐舞麟同来的史莱克学院治疗系超级斗罗,刚刚晋升极限了。” What?” Dai Tianling loses one's voice to call out in alarm, fierce has stood from the seat, on the face does not dare to believe the color completely. “什么?”戴天灵失声惊呼,猛的从座位上站了起来,脸上满是不敢置信之色。 Limit Douluo that is any exist(ence), in his heart, that is stage that in the life little can hear. Since he has been respectable to En Ci (kindness) , because this Teacher(s) is Limit Douluo stage Elite! 极限斗罗那是什么存在,在他心中,那是一生中都很少能够听到的层次。一直以来,他对恩慈推崇备至,就是因为这位老师极限斗罗层次强者啊! But, in this short two days of Time, really also has new two Limit Douluo appear(ance) in his field of vision, was this world? 可是,就在这短短两天时间内,竟然又有新的两位极限斗罗出现在他的视野中,这个世界是怎么了? ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Carried on with game Company discussed difficultly that finally strove for a big wave to suit the welfare activities of our reading public. 跟游戏公司进行了艰难地讨论,终于争取来了一大波适合咱们广大读者的福利活动。 First said the lucky turntable, the value that not only this time draws drastically promotes, but can also gain everybody continuously anticipation ssr Soul Master fragment(s). Then buys the physical strength, this time was really the welfare of micro krypton party. That time limit pulls out the card finally, no longer is krypton [gold/metal] Chouka, but is the actual benefit big broadcast of genuine( particularly 100 accumulated points that treasure boxes). 先说幸运转盘,这次不光抽奖的价值大幅提升,还能获取大家都一直期待的ssr魂师碎片。然后就是买体力,这次就真的是微氪党的福利了。还有最后那个限时抽卡,不再是氪金抽卡,而是真正的实惠大放送(尤其是100积分那个宝箱)。 Couple of days ago has not caught up pulled out card activity within a limited time should not be annoyed, later the activity pulled out the card like couple of days ago time limit, was not distracted sadly! 没赶上前两天限时抽卡活动的别懊恼,以后咱们的活动都像前两天的限时抽卡一样,走心不伤心! Welcome everybody to arrive at lw.0708. com, or searching Dragon King legend tour official site downloads, Tang Jia San Shao in may also download in micro letter public number. 欢迎大家到lw.0708.com、或搜索龙王传说手游官网”进行下载,在微信公众号“唐家三少”内也可下载。
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