DD3DKL :: Volume #13

#1300: What a pity

The Hu Jie brow is tight, „do you want to accept this gambling to make really? By Star Luo Empire way (of life), they will certainly inform widely, making this competition publicity, loses competition not to be fearful at your age, but I feared that this time losing will cast the shadow in your heart, will promote to have the influence to you in the future, such words may on the gain does not equal the loss.” 胡杰眉头紧蹙,“你真的要接受这场赌约?以星罗帝国方式,他们一定会广而告之,让这场比试变得人尽皆知,以你的年龄输掉比赛并不可怕,但我怕这次的输会在你心中留下阴影,对你未来提升产生影响,那样的话可就得不偿失了。” Tang Wulin earnest looks at Smiley Face Douluo, said: In me tenth that year, I accumulated with great difficulty enough has bought the first Soul Spirit money, finally cultivate to 10th Rank Soul Power. That time I, at all was not the talent, only then most common Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul. But I as before have actually been full of hope.” 唐舞麟认真的看着笑面斗罗,道:“在我十岁那年,我好不容易攒够了买第一魂灵的钱,终于修炼到了十级魂力。那时候的我,根本不是什么天才,只有最普通不过的蓝银草武魂。但我却依旧充满了希望。” Later, I arrived at Spirit Transferring Pagoda to purchase Soul Spirit, was informed my money only to carry on an extraction. I do not have the heaven defying luck, or my luck missed the extreme, I pulled out, was defective product(s) Soul Spirit, even might unable to take to me Soul Skill. Even if, I insisted has completed the fusion in that case with it. Persisting in continuing cultivate. That time I, cultivate speed was slower than anybody, can only carefully continue to forge ahead. Can be admitted to Shrek Academy, I make the effort that the average man was unable to imagine, has arrived at today.” “之后,我到了传灵塔购买魂灵,被告知我的钱只能够进行一次抽取。我没有逆天的运气,或者说,我的运气差到了极点,我抽到的,是一个残次品魂灵,甚至有可能无法带给我魂技。哪怕在那样的情况下,我都坚持与它完成了融合。坚持继续修炼。那时候的我,修炼速度比任何人都要慢,只能一步一个脚印的继续向前迈进。能够考入史莱克学院,我付出了常人无法想像的努力,一直走到今天。” Therefore, for me, the failure can never be the setback, can only be supervises me to continue power forward. Decision of Five Gods, these four characters make me have the feeling of blood boiling. I must try this gambling to make, even if loses, I must complete it. I believe that this is on my progress together the important stepping-stone.” “所以,对我来说,失败永远都不会是挫折,只会是督促我继续向前的动力。五神之决,这四个字让我有种热血沸腾的感觉。我一定要尝试这场赌约,哪怕输掉,我也要将它完成。我相信,这将会是我前进道路上一块重要的垫脚石。” Is listening to narration of Tang Wulin, all people were peaceful, Hu Jie vision brilliant looks at Tang Wulin, what sees is his confident vision. In his look deep place, some are only blazing! Regarding blazing of fight hope! 听着唐舞麟的讲述,所有人都安静了下来,胡杰目光灼灼的看着唐舞麟,看到的是他坦然的目光。在他那眼神深处,有的只是炽热!对于战斗渴望的炽热! Good. But this matter I will definitely notify Excessive Love (passionate) Your Excellency. Also asked Sect Master to remember that you are representing Tang Sect now.” The Smiley Face Douluo facial color sinks saying that concentrates. “好吧。但这件事我肯定会通报多情冕下。也请门主记得,您现在代表着唐门。”笑面斗罗面色沉凝的说道。 Tang Wulin said: Can representative Tang Sect, be my pride. You felt relieved, I with oneself all guards the Tang Sect glory.” 唐舞麟道:“能够代表唐门,是我的骄傲。您放心吧,我会用自己的一切来捍卫唐门的荣耀。” The oneself father is the Tang Sect founder, the oneself goal, can pursue his footsteps, can find God Realm in the near future. Possibility that although this competition has almost not won, but Tang Wulin actually believes that oneself can certainly the [say / way] usually cultivate from such competition unable the thing of [say / way]. 自己的亲生父亲是唐门的创始人,自己的目标,是能够追逐他的脚步,能够在不久的将来找到神界。这一场比试虽然几乎没有获胜的可能,但唐舞麟却相信,自己一定能够从这样的比试之中的道很多平时修炼所无法的道的东西。 When they leave Imperial Palace, when with coming compares grandly appears somewhat lonely. Crown Prince has not seen off, obviously is to Tang Wulin to Dai Yun'er refused to be full of the anger. 当他们离开皇宫的时候,和来时的隆重相比显得有些冷清。就连太子也未曾相送,显然是对唐舞麟戴云儿的拒绝充满了愤怒。 Returned to General Headquarters, Shrek Seven Monsters and the others to rest, Hu Jie went to the Tang Sect General Headquarters information transmission center, has dialed oversea Soul Guide Communicator. 回到总部,史莱克七怪等人都去休息了,胡杰来到唐门总部信息传输中心,拨通了越洋魂导通讯 Old Hu? Any matter.” The communication connection, another side transmits Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo slightly somewhat languid sounds|voices. 老胡?什么事。”通讯接通,另一边传来多情斗罗略有些懒洋洋的声音 Vice Hall Master, Star Luo here had a condition.” After Hu Jie narrated Tang Wulin and the others arrived at all sorts of situations simply. 副殿主,星罗这边出了点状况。”胡杰唐舞麟等人到来之后的种种情况简单的讲述了一遍。 Zang Xin has not broken him, has made him say that was a pity.” 臧鑫没有打断他,一直让他说完,“可惜了。” Was a pity? This matter cannot blame Sect Master actually, no one can think that meets appear(ance) such situation, sentimental matter cannot force after all. Let alone Sect Master is younger, full of vigor, the matter that recognizes is very difficult to change, does not have the means empty with the winding, that is to Star Luo Imperial Family does not respect.” Hu Jie somewhat sighed was saying. “可惜?这件事其实也不能怪门主,谁也想不到会出现这样的情况,感情这种事毕竟是不能勉强的。更何况门主年轻,血气方刚,认定的事情很难改变啊,也没办法虚与委蛇,那是对星罗皇室的不尊敬。”胡杰有些叹息着说道。 Communication another side Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo loses says with a smile: Old Hu, are you in Sect Master argue? This not like you! I think that you do not have are so easy to approve Sect Master.” 通讯另一边的多情斗罗失笑道:“老胡,你这是在为门主辩解么?这可不像你啊!我原本以为,你可没那么容易认可门主的。” Hu Jie said: That is because of power and his performance in the Dou Ling Empire. I already wished one could maliciously trampled the buttocks of Spirit Transferring Pagoda, Sect Master achieves. Also has ruined them in Dou Ling Empire Branch Department, is really exciting. Therefore, this Star Luo Empire is quite troublesome, what reserve plan Hall Master do you have?” 胡杰道:“那是因为实力和他在斗灵帝国的表现。我早就恨不得狠狠的踹传灵塔的屁股,门主做到了。还毁掉了他们在斗灵帝国分部,真是大快人心。所以,这次星罗帝国这边比较麻烦,殿主您有什么后备方案么?” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo said: Has Sect Master, what follow-up program is also he decided that you also with asking me?” 多情斗罗道:“有门主在,什么后续方案也是他决定的,你还用问我?” Ah? Hu Jie has gawked, he is Li Yunzhe, the Solidization thought that that is Tang Wulin so is young is promoted to the Sect Master position, what fact genuine is in power is two Douluo Hall Hall Master is right. They push up the top digit him for earlier training Tang Wulin. 啊?胡杰愣了一下,无论是他还是李云喆,都有一个固化思维,那就是唐舞麟如此年轻被提升到门主的位置,事实真正掌权的还是两位斗罗殿殿主才对。他们只是为了更早的培养唐舞麟才将他推上高位。 Zang Xin sinking sound track: Old Hu, you, no matter, must maintain the necessary respect to Sect Master. His words, are Tang Sect willpower, this is I and Cao Dezhi jointly decides. Even if we, will not violate his order. He is not we elects, altitude that Sect Master that but the heaven chooses, in the future, he can reach, very possible is we are unable to imagine. Must participate in Decision of Five Gods as for Sect Master, of course participates. Being a pity that I said that was a pity that oneself cannot see this showdown personally. Believes our Sect Master, how even if lost? Who haven't you and I lost in fight? You did not think that the Lord of our Tang Sect has this courage to participate to resist Decision of Five Gods of country, our is should proud for him? Must know that this is the summit that between the country and country can carry on top the showdown, can determine a national destiny in far ancient era. Star Luo Empire proposed Decision of Five Gods, was in itself to one approval of our Tang Sect, regarded nearly equal status to regard us. From this angle, is the good deed.” 臧鑫沉声道:“老胡,你记着,无论什么时候,对门主必须要保持必要的尊敬。他的话,就是唐门意志,这是我和曹德志共同决定的。哪怕是我们,也不会违背他的命令。他不是我们选出来的,而是上天选出来的门主,未来,他能够达到的高度,很可能是我们所无法想像的。至于门主要参加五神之决,当然就参加。我说的可惜,是可惜自己没能亲自看到这一场对决。相信我们的门主,就算输了又如何?你和我谁没有在战斗中输掉过呢?你难道不觉得,我们唐门之主有这个勇气参加对抗一个国家的五神之决,我们应该为他感到骄傲吗?要知道,这可是国家与国家之间才会进行的巅顶对决,在远古时代是能够决定一个国家命运的。星罗帝国提出五神之决,本身就是对我们唐门的一种认可,把我们当成了近乎同等地位来看待。从这个角度来看,也是好事。” Here, he has stopped, continued saying: Moreover, our bottom lines in fact can give up these provisions. These weapon may the reverse war in the present stage, but also is only this war, is the consumables, and being insufficient enables Star Luo Empire to counter-attack Federation. Reason that we must restrict, what are more is to indicate the manner. This point Sect Master also knows. Therefore, making him do independently. Decision of Five Gods! Ha Ha, even if were initial Sky Raising Douluo, never had such magnificent feat. Lost normally, if in five won 1-2, that was our Tang Sect glory.” 说到这里,他停顿了一下,继续道:“而且,我们的底线实际上是可以放弃那些条款的。这些武器在现阶段有可能扭转战局,但也只是这一场战争而已,都是消耗品,并不足以让星罗帝国就能反攻联邦。我们之所以要制约,更多的是为了表明态度。这一点门主也是知道的。所以,让他放手去干吧。五神之决啊!哈哈,就算是当初的擎天斗罗,也从未有过这样的壮举。输了正常,万一五场之中赢得一两场,那就是我们唐门的荣耀了。” The Smiley Face Douluo hear Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo these words, in the heart suddenly see the light immediately, I understand that your meaning, in this case, I felt relieved. But in fact, I think that Sect Master wins 1-2 to have the possibility, coordinates that move of Time kind of divine skill attack by his Time Reverse Spiritual Domain, even if En Ci (kindness) also wants to dread, after all, he was experienced such, if reduced several years of life, he estimated does not give up, Ha Ha.” 笑面斗罗听完多情斗罗这番话,心中顿时豁然开朗,“我明白你的意思了,这样的话,我就放心了。而事实上,我认为门主赢上一两场是非常有可能的,以他的时间回溯精神领域配合那一招时间神技攻击,就算是恩慈也要有所忌惮,毕竟,他都老成那样了,要是减少几年寿命的话,他估计也舍不得,哈哈。” Wait / Etc., what Time Reverse Domain?” Asking of Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo surprise. “等等,什么时间回溯领域?”多情斗罗诧异的问道。 Ah? don't you know?” Smiley Face Douluo surprised [say / way]: Is Sect Master that Spiritual Domain! Has not thought really that this grade of age has succeeded Spiritual Domain cultivate unexpectedly, I was really Bai Huo these many years, until now, my Spiritual Domain has not condensed, because of so, me throughout is unable to tread finally that step.” 啊?你不知道?”笑面斗罗惊讶的道:“就是门主的那个精神领域啊!真没想到,他这等年纪竟然就将精神领域修炼成功了,我真是白活了这么多年,直到现在,我的精神领域还没有凝聚呢,也正因如此,我始终无法踏出最后那一步。” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo was silent. 多情斗罗沉默了。 How Hall Master? What has not to be right?” Hu Jie asked. “怎么了殿主?有什么不对?”胡杰问道。 Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo then ease saying: Tells you to attack your self-confident situation. Sect Master enters Spirit Domain Realm probably to have more than one year of Time. But leaves Douluo Continent in him, goes to Dou Ling Continent time, has not practiced Spiritual Domain. Time Reverse, Ha Ha, good Time Reverse.” 多情斗罗这才悠悠然的说道:“告诉你个有可能会打击到你自信的情况。门主进入灵域境大约只有一年多的时间。而在他离开斗罗大陆,前往斗灵大陆的时候,还没有练成精神领域时间回溯,哈哈,好一个时间回溯。” Smiley Face Douluo could not smile, the corners of the mouth twitched, where you from have discovered such freak! Did this also make other Soul Master live?” 笑面斗罗笑不出来了,嘴角抽搐了一下,“你们两个到底是从什么地方找出了这么个怪胎啊!这还让不让别的魂师活了?” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo laughs, this called the mental perception to know the bead, now you understand why we will resist opposition setting firm resolve to make him take over Tang Sect now. Must know that Sky Raising Douluo before had determined passed to him at the point of death Sea God Pavilion Pavilion Master, if we did not act quickly, that really not our anything matter. If not the Shrek Academy reconstruction must depend upon some of our Tang Sect strength, perhaps Light and Dark Douluo will not agree. Can have this Sect Master, in fact, what we are more is should rejoice.” 多情斗罗哈哈一笑,“这叫慧眼识珠,现在你明白为什么我们会力排众议下定决心让他现在就接掌唐门了吧。要知道,擎天斗罗在临死之前就已经确定将海神阁阁主传给他了,我们要是不动作快一点,那就真的没我们什么事了。若非史莱克学院重建也要依靠一些我们唐门力量,恐怕光暗斗罗都不会同意呢。能够有这位门主,事实上,我们更多的是该庆幸的。” Hu Jie blinked, smiling face again appear(ance) on face, good, I was clear. You could rest assured that I will protect Sect Master well, certainly safely sends back him. Sect Master this in the future, is really limitless! Develops according to his present situation, in the future will inevitably be Sky Raising Douluo that stage exist(ence). However, this received the girl to welcome the degree is not inferior in the past Sky Raising Douluo.” 胡杰眨了眨眼睛,笑容重新出现在面庞上,“好,我都清楚了。你放心,我会好好保护门主的,一定将他平安送回去。门主这未来,真是不可限量啊!按他现在的情况发展下去,未来必然又是一个擎天斗罗那个层次存在。不过,他这受女孩子欢迎程度也是丝毫不逊色于当年的擎天斗罗。” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo somewhat helpless [say / way]: Man was too outstanding, is this. This does not have the matter of means. Not to mention Sky Raising Douluo. Now one of the Holy Spirit Cult Darkness Four Heavenly Kings, was initially because of liking living to hate the blackening to him, did you still remember the initial Phoenix sisters?” 多情斗罗有些无奈的道:“男人太出色了,就是这样。这是没办法的事情。别提擎天斗罗了。现在圣灵教黑暗四天王之一,就是当初对他因爱生恨才黑化的,你还记得当初的凤凰姐妹么?” -------------------- -------------------- The Hu Jie brow is tight, „do you want to accept this gambling to make really? By Star Luo Empire way (of life), they will certainly inform widely, making this competition publicity, loses competition not to be fearful at your age, but I feared that this time losing will cast the shadow in your heart, will promote to have the influence to you in the future, such words may on the gain does not equal the loss.” 胡杰眉头紧蹙,“你真的要接受这场赌约?以星罗帝国方式,他们一定会广而告之,让这场比试变得人尽皆知,以你的年龄输掉比赛并不可怕,但我怕这次的输会在你心中留下阴影,对你未来提升产生影响,那样的话可就得不偿失了。” Tang Wulin earnest looks at Smiley Face Douluo, said: In me tenth that year, I accumulated with great difficulty enough has bought the first Soul Spirit money, finally cultivate to 10th Rank Soul Power. That time I, at all was not the talent, only then most common Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul. But I as before have actually been full of hope.” 唐舞麟认真的看着笑面斗罗,道:“在我十岁那年,我好不容易攒够了买第一魂灵的钱,终于修炼到了十级魂力。那时候的我,根本不是什么天才,只有最普通不过的蓝银草武魂。但我却依旧充满了希望。” Later, I arrived at Spirit Transferring Pagoda to purchase Soul Spirit, was informed my money only to carry on an extraction. I do not have the heaven defying luck, or my luck missed the extreme, I pulled out, was defective product(s) Soul Spirit, even might unable to take to me Soul Skill. Even if, I insisted has completed the fusion in that case with it. Persisting in continuing cultivate. That time I, cultivate speed was slower than anybody, can only carefully continue to forge ahead. Can be admitted to Shrek Academy, I make the effort that the average man was unable to imagine, has arrived at today.” “之后,我到了传灵塔购买魂灵,被告知我的钱只能够进行一次抽取。我没有逆天的运气,或者说,我的运气差到了极点,我抽到的,是一个残次品魂灵,甚至有可能无法带给我魂技。哪怕在那样的情况下,我都坚持与它完成了融合。坚持继续修炼。那时候的我,修炼速度比任何人都要慢,只能一步一个脚印的继续向前迈进。能够考入史莱克学院,我付出了常人无法想像的努力,一直走到今天。” Therefore, for me, the failure can never be the setback, can only be supervises me to continue power forward. Decision of Five Gods, these four characters make me have the feeling of blood boiling. I must try this gambling to make, even if loses, I must complete it. I believe that this is on my progress together the important stepping-stone.” “所以,对我来说,失败永远都不会是挫折,只会是督促我继续向前的动力。五神之决,这四个字让我有种热血沸腾的感觉。我一定要尝试这场赌约,哪怕输掉,我也要将它完成。我相信,这将会是我前进道路上一块重要的垫脚石。” Is listening to narration of Tang Wulin, all people were peaceful, Hu Jie vision brilliant looks at Tang Wulin, what sees is his confident vision. In his look deep place, some are only blazing! Regarding blazing of fight hope! 听着唐舞麟的讲述,所有人都安静了下来,胡杰目光灼灼的看着唐舞麟,看到的是他坦然的目光。在他那眼神深处,有的只是炽热!对于战斗渴望的炽热! Good. But this matter I will definitely notify Excessive Love (passionate) Your Excellency. Also asked Sect Master to remember that you are representing Tang Sect now.” The Smiley Face Douluo facial color sinks saying that concentrates. “好吧。但这件事我肯定会通报多情冕下。也请门主记得,您现在代表着唐门。”笑面斗罗面色沉凝的说道。 Tang Wulin said: Can representative Tang Sect, be my pride. You felt relieved, I with oneself all guards the Tang Sect glory.” 唐舞麟道:“能够代表唐门,是我的骄傲。您放心吧,我会用自己的一切来捍卫唐门的荣耀。” The oneself father is the Tang Sect founder, the oneself goal, can pursue his footsteps, can find God Realm in the near future. Possibility that although this competition has almost not won, but Tang Wulin actually believes that oneself can certainly the [say / way] usually cultivate from such competition unable the thing of [say / way]. 自己的亲生父亲是唐门的创始人,自己的目标,是能够追逐他的脚步,能够在不久的将来找到神界。这一场比试虽然几乎没有获胜的可能,但唐舞麟却相信,自己一定能够从这样的比试之中的道很多平时修炼所无法的道的东西。 When they leave Imperial Palace, when with coming compares grandly appears somewhat lonely. Crown Prince has not seen off, obviously is to Tang Wulin to Dai Yun'er refused to be full of the anger. 当他们离开皇宫的时候,和来时的隆重相比显得有些冷清。就连太子也未曾相送,显然是对唐舞麟戴云儿的拒绝充满了愤怒。 Returned to General Headquarters, Shrek Seven Monsters and the others to rest, Hu Jie went to the Tang Sect General Headquarters information transmission center, has dialed oversea Soul Guide Communicator. 回到总部,史莱克七怪等人都去休息了,胡杰来到唐门总部信息传输中心,拨通了越洋魂导通讯 Old Hu? Any matter.” The communication connection, another side transmits Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo slightly somewhat languid sounds|voices. 老胡?什么事。”通讯接通,另一边传来多情斗罗略有些懒洋洋的声音 Vice Hall Master, Star Luo here had a condition.” After Hu Jie narrated Tang Wulin and the others arrived at all sorts of situations simply. 副殿主,星罗这边出了点状况。”胡杰唐舞麟等人到来之后的种种情况简单的讲述了一遍。 Zang Xin has not broken him, has made him say that was a pity.” 臧鑫没有打断他,一直让他说完,“可惜了。” Was a pity? This matter cannot blame Sect Master actually, no one can think that meets appear(ance) such situation, sentimental matter cannot force after all. Let alone Sect Master is younger, full of vigor, the matter that recognizes is very difficult to change, does not have the means empty with the winding, that is to Star Luo Imperial Family does not respect.” Hu Jie somewhat sighed was saying. “可惜?这件事其实也不能怪门主,谁也想不到会出现这样的情况,感情这种事毕竟是不能勉强的。更何况门主年轻,血气方刚,认定的事情很难改变啊,也没办法虚与委蛇,那是对星罗皇室的不尊敬。”胡杰有些叹息着说道。 Communication another side Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo loses says with a smile: Old Hu, are you in Sect Master argue? This not like you! I think that you do not have are so easy to approve Sect Master.” 通讯另一边的多情斗罗失笑道:“老胡,你这是在为门主辩解么?这可不像你啊!我原本以为,你可没那么容易认可门主的。” Hu Jie said: That is because of power and his performance in the Dou Ling Empire. I already wished one could maliciously trampled the buttocks of Spirit Transferring Pagoda, Sect Master achieves. Also has ruined them in Dou Ling Empire Branch Department, is really exciting. Therefore, this Star Luo Empire is quite troublesome, what reserve plan Hall Master do you have?” 胡杰道:“那是因为实力和他在斗灵帝国的表现。我早就恨不得狠狠的踹传灵塔的屁股,门主做到了。还毁掉了他们在斗灵帝国分部,真是大快人心。所以,这次星罗帝国这边比较麻烦,殿主您有什么后备方案么?” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo said: Has Sect Master, what follow-up program is also he decided that you also with asking me?” 多情斗罗道:“有门主在,什么后续方案也是他决定的,你还用问我?” Ah? Hu Jie has gawked, he is Li Yunzhe, the Solidization thought that that is Tang Wulin so is young is promoted to the Sect Master position, what fact genuine is in power is two Douluo Hall Hall Master is right. They push up the top digit him for earlier training Tang Wulin. 啊?胡杰愣了一下,无论是他还是李云喆,都有一个固化思维,那就是唐舞麟如此年轻被提升到门主的位置,事实真正掌权的还是两位斗罗殿殿主才对。他们只是为了更早的培养唐舞麟才将他推上高位。 Zang Xin sinking sound track: Old Hu, you, no matter, must maintain the necessary respect to Sect Master. His words, are Tang Sect willpower, this is I and Cao Dezhi jointly decides. Even if we, will not violate his order. He is not we elects, altitude that Sect Master that but the heaven chooses, in the future, he can reach, very possible is we are unable to imagine. Must participate in Decision of Five Gods as for Sect Master, of course participates. Being a pity that I said that was a pity that oneself cannot see this showdown personally. Believes our Sect Master, how even if lost? Who haven't you and I lost in fight? You did not think that the Lord of our Tang Sect has this courage to participate to resist Decision of Five Gods of country, our is should proud for him? Must know that this is the summit that between the country and country can carry on top the showdown, can determine a national destiny in far ancient era. Star Luo Empire proposed Decision of Five Gods, was in itself to one approval of our Tang Sect, regarded nearly equal status to regard us. From this angle, is the good deed.” 臧鑫沉声道:“老胡,你记着,无论什么时候,对门主必须要保持必要的尊敬。他的话,就是唐门意志,这是我和曹德志共同决定的。哪怕是我们,也不会违背他的命令。他不是我们选出来的,而是上天选出来的门主,未来,他能够达到的高度,很可能是我们所无法想像的。至于门主要参加五神之决,当然就参加。我说的可惜,是可惜自己没能亲自看到这一场对决。相信我们的门主,就算输了又如何?你和我谁没有在战斗中输掉过呢?你难道不觉得,我们唐门之主有这个勇气参加对抗一个国家的五神之决,我们应该为他感到骄傲吗?要知道,这可是国家与国家之间才会进行的巅顶对决,在远古时代是能够决定一个国家命运的。星罗帝国提出五神之决,本身就是对我们唐门的一种认可,把我们当成了近乎同等地位来看待。从这个角度来看,也是好事。” Here, he has stopped, continued saying: Moreover, our bottom lines in fact can give up these provisions. These weapon may the reverse war in the present stage, but also is only this war, is the consumables, and being insufficient enables Star Luo Empire to counter-attack Federation. Reason that we must restrict, what are more is to indicate the manner. This point Sect Master also knows. Therefore, making him do independently. Decision of Five Gods! Ha Ha, even if were initial Sky Raising Douluo, never had such magnificent feat. Lost normally, if in five won 1-2, that was our Tang Sect glory.” 说到这里,他停顿了一下,继续道:“而且,我们的底线实际上是可以放弃那些条款的。这些武器在现阶段有可能扭转战局,但也只是这一场战争而已,都是消耗品,并不足以让星罗帝国就能反攻联邦。我们之所以要制约,更多的是为了表明态度。这一点门主也是知道的。所以,让他放手去干吧。五神之决啊!哈哈,就算是当初的擎天斗罗,也从未有过这样的壮举。输了正常,万一五场之中赢得一两场,那就是我们唐门的荣耀了。” The Smiley Face Douluo hear Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo these words, in the heart suddenly see the light immediately, I understand that your meaning, in this case, I felt relieved. But in fact, I think that Sect Master wins 1-2 to have the possibility, coordinates that move of Time kind of divine skill attack by his Time Reverse Spiritual Domain, even if En Ci (kindness) also wants to dread, after all, he was experienced such, if reduced several years of life, he estimated does not give up, Ha Ha.” 笑面斗罗听完多情斗罗这番话,心中顿时豁然开朗,“我明白你的意思了,这样的话,我就放心了。而事实上,我认为门主赢上一两场是非常有可能的,以他的时间回溯精神领域配合那一招时间神技攻击,就算是恩慈也要有所忌惮,毕竟,他都老成那样了,要是减少几年寿命的话,他估计也舍不得,哈哈。” Wait / Etc., what Time Reverse Domain?” Asking of Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo surprise. “等等,什么时间回溯领域?”多情斗罗诧异的问道。 Ah? don't you know?” Smiley Face Douluo surprised [say / way]: Is Sect Master that Spiritual Domain! Has not thought really that this grade of age has succeeded Spiritual Domain cultivate unexpectedly, I was really Bai Huo these many years, until now, my Spiritual Domain has not condensed, because of so, me throughout is unable to tread finally that step.” 啊?你不知道?”笑面斗罗惊讶的道:“就是门主的那个精神领域啊!真没想到,他这等年纪竟然就将精神领域修炼成功了,我真是白活了这么多年,直到现在,我的精神领域还没有凝聚呢,也正因如此,我始终无法踏出最后那一步。” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo was silent. 多情斗罗沉默了。 How Hall Master? What has not to be right?” Hu Jie asked. “怎么了殿主?有什么不对?”胡杰问道。 Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo then ease saying: Tells you to attack your self-confident situation. Sect Master enters Spirit Domain Realm probably to have more than one year of Time. But leaves Douluo Continent in him, goes to Dou Ling Continent time, has not practiced Spiritual Domain. Time Reverse, Ha Ha, good Time Reverse.” 多情斗罗这才悠悠然的说道:“告诉你个有可能会打击到你自信的情况。门主进入灵域境大约只有一年多的时间。而在他离开斗罗大陆,前往斗灵大陆的时候,还没有练成精神领域时间回溯,哈哈,好一个时间回溯。” Smiley Face Douluo could not smile, the corners of the mouth twitched, where you from have discovered such freak! Did this also make other Soul Master live?” 笑面斗罗笑不出来了,嘴角抽搐了一下,“你们两个到底是从什么地方找出了这么个怪胎啊!这还让不让别的魂师活了?” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo laughs, this called the mental perception to know the bead, now you understand why we will resist opposition setting firm resolve to make him take over Tang Sect now. Must know that Sky Raising Douluo before had determined passed to him at the point of death Sea God Pavilion Pavilion Master, if we did not act quickly, that really not our anything matter. If not the Shrek Academy reconstruction must depend upon some of our Tang Sect strength, perhaps Light and Dark Douluo will not agree. Can have this Sect Master, in fact, what we are more is should rejoice.” 多情斗罗哈哈一笑,“这叫慧眼识珠,现在你明白为什么我们会力排众议下定决心让他现在就接掌唐门了吧。要知道,擎天斗罗在临死之前就已经确定将海神阁阁主传给他了,我们要是不动作快一点,那就真的没我们什么事了。若非史莱克学院重建也要依靠一些我们唐门力量,恐怕光暗斗罗都不会同意呢。能够有这位门主,事实上,我们更多的是该庆幸的。” Hu Jie blinked, smiling face again appear(ance) on face, good, I was clear. You could rest assured that I will protect Sect Master well, certainly safely sends back him. Sect Master this in the future, is really limitless! Develops according to his present situation, in the future will inevitably be Sky Raising Douluo that stage exist(ence). However, this received the girl to welcome the degree is not inferior in the past Sky Raising Douluo.” 胡杰眨了眨眼睛,笑容重新出现在面庞上,“好,我都清楚了。你放心,我会好好保护门主的,一定将他平安送回去。门主这未来,真是不可限量啊!按他现在的情况发展下去,未来必然又是一个擎天斗罗那个层次存在。不过,他这受女孩子欢迎程度也是丝毫不逊色于当年的擎天斗罗。” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo somewhat helpless [say / way]: Man was too outstanding, is this. This does not have the matter of means. Not to mention Sky Raising Douluo. Now one of the Holy Spirit Cult Darkness Four Heavenly Kings, was initially because of liking living to hate the blackening to him, did you still remember the initial Phoenix sisters?” 多情斗罗有些无奈的道:“男人太出色了,就是这样。这是没办法的事情。别提擎天斗罗了。现在圣灵教黑暗四天王之一,就是当初对他因爱生恨才黑化的,你还记得当初的凤凰姐妹么?” -------------- -------------- The Hu Jie brow is tight, „do you want to accept this gambling to make really? By Star Luo Empire way (of life), they will certainly inform widely, making this competition publicity, loses competition not to be fearful at your age, but I feared that this time losing will cast the shadow in your heart, will promote to have the influence to you in the future, such words may on the gain does not equal the loss.” 胡杰眉头紧蹙,“你真的要接受这场赌约?以星罗帝国方式,他们一定会广而告之,让这场比试变得人尽皆知,以你的年龄输掉比赛并不可怕,但我怕这次的输会在你心中留下阴影,对你未来提升产生影响,那样的话可就得不偿失了。” Tang Wulin earnest looks at Smiley Face Douluo, said: In me tenth that year, I accumulated with great difficulty enough has bought the first Soul Spirit money, finally cultivate to 10th Rank Soul Power. That time I, at all was not the talent, only then most common Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul. But I as before have actually been full of hope.” 唐舞麟认真的看着笑面斗罗,道:“在我十岁那年,我好不容易攒够了买第一魂灵的钱,终于修炼到了十级魂力。那时候的我,根本不是什么天才,只有最普通不过的蓝银草武魂。但我却依旧充满了希望。” Later, I arrived at Spirit Transferring Pagoda to purchase Soul Spirit, was informed my money only to carry on an extraction. I do not have the heaven defying luck, or my luck missed the extreme, I pulled out, was defective product(s) Soul Spirit, even might unable to take to me Soul Skill. Even if, I insisted has completed the fusion in that case with it. Persisting in continuing cultivate. That time I, cultivate speed was slower than anybody, can only carefully continue to forge ahead. Can be admitted to Shrek Academy, I make the effort that the average man was unable to imagine, has arrived at today.” “之后,我到了传灵塔购买魂灵,被告知我的钱只能够进行一次抽取。我没有逆天的运气,或者说,我的运气差到了极点,我抽到的,是一个残次品魂灵,甚至有可能无法带给我魂技。哪怕在那样的情况下,我都坚持与它完成了融合。坚持继续修炼。那时候的我,修炼速度比任何人都要慢,只能一步一个脚印的继续向前迈进。能够考入史莱克学院,我付出了常人无法想像的努力,一直走到今天。” Therefore, for me, the failure can never be the setback, can only be supervises me to continue power forward. Decision of Five Gods, these four characters make me have the feeling of blood boiling. I must try this gambling to make, even if loses, I must complete it. I believe that this is on my progress together the important stepping-stone.” “所以,对我来说,失败永远都不会是挫折,只会是督促我继续向前的动力。五神之决,这四个字让我有种热血沸腾的感觉。我一定要尝试这场赌约,哪怕输掉,我也要将它完成。我相信,这将会是我前进道路上一块重要的垫脚石。” Is listening to narration of Tang Wulin, all people were peaceful, Hu Jie vision brilliant looks at Tang Wulin, what sees is his confident vision. In his look deep place, some are only blazing! Regarding blazing of fight hope! 听着唐舞麟的讲述,所有人都安静了下来,胡杰目光灼灼的看着唐舞麟,看到的是他坦然的目光。在他那眼神深处,有的只是炽热!对于战斗渴望的炽热! Good. But this matter I will definitely notify Excessive Love (passionate) Your Excellency. Also asked Sect Master to remember that you are representing Tang Sect now.” The Smiley Face Douluo facial color sinks saying that concentrates. “好吧。但这件事我肯定会通报多情冕下。也请门主记得,您现在代表着唐门。”笑面斗罗面色沉凝的说道。 Tang Wulin said: Can representative Tang Sect, be my pride. You felt relieved, I with oneself all guards the Tang Sect glory.” 唐舞麟道:“能够代表唐门,是我的骄傲。您放心吧,我会用自己的一切来捍卫唐门的荣耀。” The oneself father is the Tang Sect founder, the oneself goal, can pursue his footsteps, can find God Realm in the near future. Possibility that although this competition has almost not won, but Tang Wulin actually believes that oneself can certainly the [say / way] usually cultivate from such competition unable the thing of [say / way]. 自己的亲生父亲是唐门的创始人,自己的目标,是能够追逐他的脚步,能够在不久的将来找到神界。这一场比试虽然几乎没有获胜的可能,但唐舞麟却相信,自己一定能够从这样的比试之中的道很多平时修炼所无法的道的东西。 When they leave Imperial Palace, when with coming compares grandly appears somewhat lonely. Crown Prince has not seen off, obviously is to Tang Wulin to Dai Yun'er refused to be full of the anger. 当他们离开皇宫的时候,和来时的隆重相比显得有些冷清。就连太子也未曾相送,显然是对唐舞麟戴云儿的拒绝充满了愤怒。 Returned to General Headquarters, Shrek Seven Monsters and the others to rest, Hu Jie went to the Tang Sect General Headquarters information transmission center, has dialed oversea Soul Guide Communicator. 回到总部,史莱克七怪等人都去休息了,胡杰来到唐门总部信息传输中心,拨通了越洋魂导通讯 Old Hu? Any matter.” The communication connection, another side transmits Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo slightly somewhat languid sounds|voices. 老胡?什么事。”通讯接通,另一边传来多情斗罗略有些懒洋洋的声音 Vice Hall Master, Star Luo here had a condition.” After Hu Jie narrated Tang Wulin and the others arrived at all sorts of situations simply. 副殿主,星罗这边出了点状况。”胡杰唐舞麟等人到来之后的种种情况简单的讲述了一遍。 Zang Xin has not broken him, has made him say that was a pity.” 臧鑫没有打断他,一直让他说完,“可惜了。” Was a pity? This matter cannot blame Sect Master actually, no one can think that meets appear(ance) such situation, sentimental matter cannot force after all. Let alone Sect Master is younger, full of vigor, the matter that recognizes is very difficult to change, does not have the means empty with the winding, that is to Star Luo Imperial Family does not respect.” Hu Jie somewhat sighed was saying. “可惜?这件事其实也不能怪门主,谁也想不到会出现这样的情况,感情这种事毕竟是不能勉强的。更何况门主年轻,血气方刚,认定的事情很难改变啊,也没办法虚与委蛇,那是对星罗皇室的不尊敬。”胡杰有些叹息着说道。 Communication another side Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo loses says with a smile: Old Hu, are you in Sect Master argue? This not like you! I think that you do not have are so easy to approve Sect Master.” 通讯另一边的多情斗罗失笑道:“老胡,你这是在为门主辩解么?这可不像你啊!我原本以为,你可没那么容易认可门主的。” Hu Jie said: That is because of power and his performance in the Dou Ling Empire. I already wished one could maliciously trampled the buttocks of Spirit Transferring Pagoda, Sect Master achieves. Also has ruined them in Dou Ling Empire Branch Department, is really exciting. Therefore, this Star Luo Empire is quite troublesome, what reserve plan Hall Master do you have?” 胡杰道:“那是因为实力和他在斗灵帝国的表现。我早就恨不得狠狠的踹传灵塔的屁股,门主做到了。还毁掉了他们在斗灵帝国分部,真是大快人心。所以,这次星罗帝国这边比较麻烦,殿主您有什么后备方案么?” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo said: Has Sect Master, what follow-up program is also he decided that you also with asking me?” 多情斗罗道:“有门主在,什么后续方案也是他决定的,你还用问我?” Ah? Hu Jie has gawked, he is Li Yunzhe, the Solidization thought that that is Tang Wulin so is young is promoted to the Sect Master position, what fact genuine is in power is two Douluo Hall Hall Master is right. They push up the top digit him for earlier training Tang Wulin. 啊?胡杰愣了一下,无论是他还是李云喆,都有一个固化思维,那就是唐舞麟如此年轻被提升到门主的位置,事实真正掌权的还是两位斗罗殿殿主才对。他们只是为了更早的培养唐舞麟才将他推上高位。 Zang Xin sinking sound track: Old Hu, you, no matter, must maintain the necessary respect to Sect Master. His words, are Tang Sect willpower, this is I and Cao Dezhi jointly decides. Even if we, will not violate his order. He is not we elects, altitude that Sect Master that but the heaven chooses, in the future, he can reach, very possible is we are unable to imagine. Must participate in Decision of Five Gods as for Sect Master, of course participates. Being a pity that I said that was a pity that oneself cannot see this showdown personally. Believes our Sect Master, how even if lost? Who haven't you and I lost in fight? You did not think that the Lord of our Tang Sect has this courage to participate to resist Decision of Five Gods of country, our is should proud for him? Must know that this is the summit that between the country and country can carry on top the showdown, can determine a national destiny in far ancient era. Star Luo Empire proposed Decision of Five Gods, was in itself to one approval of our Tang Sect, regarded nearly equal status to regard us. From this angle, is the good deed.” 臧鑫沉声道:“老胡,你记着,无论什么时候,对门主必须要保持必要的尊敬。他的话,就是唐门意志,这是我和曹德志共同决定的。哪怕是我们,也不会违背他的命令。他不是我们选出来的,而是上天选出来的门主,未来,他能够达到的高度,很可能是我们所无法想像的。至于门主要参加五神之决,当然就参加。我说的可惜,是可惜自己没能亲自看到这一场对决。相信我们的门主,就算输了又如何?你和我谁没有在战斗中输掉过呢?你难道不觉得,我们唐门之主有这个勇气参加对抗一个国家的五神之决,我们应该为他感到骄傲吗?要知道,这可是国家与国家之间才会进行的巅顶对决,在远古时代是能够决定一个国家命运的。星罗帝国提出五神之决,本身就是对我们唐门的一种认可,把我们当成了近乎同等地位来看待。从这个角度来看,也是好事。” Here, he has stopped, continued saying: Moreover, our bottom lines in fact can give up these provisions. These weapon may the reverse war in the present stage, but also is only this war, is the consumables, and being insufficient enables Star Luo Empire to counter-attack Federation. Reason that we must restrict, what are more is to indicate the manner. This point Sect Master also knows. Therefore, making him do independently. Decision of Five Gods! Ha Ha, even if were initial Sky Raising Douluo, never had such magnificent feat. Lost normally, if in five won 1-2, that was our Tang Sect glory.” 说到这里,他停顿了一下,继续道:“而且,我们的底线实际上是可以放弃那些条款的。这些武器在现阶段有可能扭转战局,但也只是这一场战争而已,都是消耗品,并不足以让星罗帝国就能反攻联邦。我们之所以要制约,更多的是为了表明态度。这一点门主也是知道的。所以,让他放手去干吧。五神之决啊!哈哈,就算是当初的擎天斗罗,也从未有过这样的壮举。输了正常,万一五场之中赢得一两场,那就是我们唐门的荣耀了。” The Smiley Face Douluo hear Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo these words, in the heart suddenly see the light immediately, I understand that your meaning, in this case, I felt relieved. But in fact, I think that Sect Master wins 1-2 to have the possibility, coordinates that move of Time kind of divine skill attack by his Time Reverse Spiritual Domain, even if En Ci (kindness) also wants to dread, after all, he was experienced such, if reduced several years of life, he estimated does not give up, Ha Ha.” 笑面斗罗听完多情斗罗这番话,心中顿时豁然开朗,“我明白你的意思了,这样的话,我就放心了。而事实上,我认为门主赢上一两场是非常有可能的,以他的时间回溯精神领域配合那一招时间神技攻击,就算是恩慈也要有所忌惮,毕竟,他都老成那样了,要是减少几年寿命的话,他估计也舍不得,哈哈。” Wait / Etc., what Time Reverse Domain?” Asking of Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo surprise. “等等,什么时间回溯领域?”多情斗罗诧异的问道。 Ah? don't you know?” Smiley Face Douluo surprised [say / way]: Is Sect Master that Spiritual Domain! Has not thought really that this grade of age has succeeded Spiritual Domain cultivate unexpectedly, I was really Bai Huo these many years, until now, my Spiritual Domain has not condensed, because of so, me throughout is unable to tread finally that step.” 啊?你不知道?”笑面斗罗惊讶的道:“就是门主的那个精神领域啊!真没想到,他这等年纪竟然就将精神领域修炼成功了,我真是白活了这么多年,直到现在,我的精神领域还没有凝聚呢,也正因如此,我始终无法踏出最后那一步。” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo was silent. 多情斗罗沉默了。 How Hall Master? What has not to be right?” Hu Jie asked. “怎么了殿主?有什么不对?”胡杰问道。 Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo then ease saying: Tells you to attack your self-confident situation. Sect Master enters Spirit Domain Realm probably to have more than one year of Time. But leaves Douluo Continent in him, goes to Dou Ling Continent time, has not practiced Spiritual Domain. Time Reverse, Ha Ha, good Time Reverse.” 多情斗罗这才悠悠然的说道:“告诉你个有可能会打击到你自信的情况。门主进入灵域境大约只有一年多的时间。而在他离开斗罗大陆,前往斗灵大陆的时候,还没有练成精神领域时间回溯,哈哈,好一个时间回溯。” Smiley Face Douluo could not smile, the corners of the mouth twitched, where you from have discovered such freak! Did this also make other Soul Master live?” 笑面斗罗笑不出来了,嘴角抽搐了一下,“你们两个到底是从什么地方找出了这么个怪胎啊!这还让不让别的魂师活了?” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo laughs, this called the mental perception to know the bead, now you understand why we will resist opposition setting firm resolve to make him take over Tang Sect now. Must know that Sky Raising Douluo before had determined passed to him at the point of death Sea God Pavilion Pavilion Master, if we did not act quickly, that really not our anything matter. If not the Shrek Academy reconstruction must depend upon some of our Tang Sect strength, perhaps Light and Dark Douluo will not agree. Can have this Sect Master, in fact, what we are more is should rejoice.” 多情斗罗哈哈一笑,“这叫慧眼识珠,现在你明白为什么我们会力排众议下定决心让他现在就接掌唐门了吧。要知道,擎天斗罗在临死之前就已经确定将海神阁阁主传给他了,我们要是不动作快一点,那就真的没我们什么事了。若非史莱克学院重建也要依靠一些我们唐门力量,恐怕光暗斗罗都不会同意呢。能够有这位门主,事实上,我们更多的是该庆幸的。” Hu Jie blinked, smiling face again appear(ance) on face, good, I was clear. You could rest assured that I will protect Sect Master well, certainly safely sends back him. Sect Master this in the future, is really limitless! Develops according to his present situation, in the future will inevitably be Sky Raising Douluo that stage exist(ence). However, this received the girl to welcome the degree is not inferior in the past Sky Raising Douluo.” 胡杰眨了眨眼睛,笑容重新出现在面庞上,“好,我都清楚了。你放心,我会好好保护门主的,一定将他平安送回去。门主这未来,真是不可限量啊!按他现在的情况发展下去,未来必然又是一个擎天斗罗那个层次存在。不过,他这受女孩子欢迎程度也是丝毫不逊色于当年的擎天斗罗。” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo somewhat helpless [say / way]: Man was too outstanding, is this. This does not have the matter of means. Not to mention Sky Raising Douluo. Now one of the Holy Spirit Cult Darkness Four Heavenly Kings, was initially because of liking living to hate the blackening to him, did you still remember the initial Phoenix sisters?” 多情斗罗有些无奈的道:“男人太出色了,就是这样。这是没办法的事情。别提擎天斗罗了。现在圣灵教黑暗四天王之一,就是当初对他因爱生恨才黑化的,你还记得当初的凤凰姐妹么?” The Hu Jie brow is tight, „do you want to accept this gambling to make really? By Star Luo Empire way (of life), they will certainly inform widely, making this competition publicity, loses competition not to be fearful at your age, but I feared that this time losing will cast the shadow in your heart, will promote to have the influence to you in the future, such words may on the gain does not equal the loss.” 胡杰眉头紧蹙,“你真的要接受这场赌约?以星罗帝国方式,他们一定会广而告之,让这场比试变得人尽皆知,以你的年龄输掉比赛并不可怕,但我怕这次的输会在你心中留下阴影,对你未来提升产生影响,那样的话可就得不偿失了。” Tang Wulin earnest looks at Smiley Face Douluo, said: In me tenth that year, I accumulated with great difficulty enough has bought the first Soul Spirit money, finally cultivate to 10th Rank Soul Power. That time I, at all was not the talent, only then most common Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul. But I as before have actually been full of hope.” 唐舞麟认真的看着笑面斗罗,道:“在我十岁那年,我好不容易攒够了买第一魂灵的钱,终于修炼到了十级魂力。那时候的我,根本不是什么天才,只有最普通不过的蓝银草武魂。但我却依旧充满了希望。” Later, I arrived at Spirit Transferring Pagoda to purchase Soul Spirit, was informed my money only to carry on an extraction. I do not have the heaven defying luck, or my luck missed the extreme, I pulled out, was defective product(s) Soul Spirit, even might unable to take to me Soul Skill. Even if, I insisted has completed the fusion in that case with it. Persisting in continuing cultivate. That time I, cultivate speed was slower than anybody, can only carefully continue to forge ahead. Can be admitted to Shrek Academy, I make the effort that the average man was unable to imagine, has arrived at today.” “之后,我到了传灵塔购买魂灵,被告知我的钱只能够进行一次抽取。我没有逆天的运气,或者说,我的运气差到了极点,我抽到的,是一个残次品魂灵,甚至有可能无法带给我魂技。哪怕在那样的情况下,我都坚持与它完成了融合。坚持继续修炼。那时候的我,修炼速度比任何人都要慢,只能一步一个脚印的继续向前迈进。能够考入史莱克学院,我付出了常人无法想像的努力,一直走到今天。” Therefore, for me, the failure can never be the setback, can only be supervises me to continue power forward. Decision of Five Gods, these four characters make me have the feeling of blood boiling. I must try this gambling to make, even if loses, I must complete it. I believe that this is on my progress together the important stepping-stone.” “所以,对我来说,失败永远都不会是挫折,只会是督促我继续向前的动力。五神之决,这四个字让我有种热血沸腾的感觉。我一定要尝试这场赌约,哪怕输掉,我也要将它完成。我相信,这将会是我前进道路上一块重要的垫脚石。” Is listening to narration of Tang Wulin, all people were peaceful, Hu Jie vision brilliant looks at Tang Wulin, what sees is his confident vision. In his look deep place, some are only blazing! Regarding blazing of fight hope! 听着唐舞麟的讲述,所有人都安静了下来,胡杰目光灼灼的看着唐舞麟,看到的是他坦然的目光。在他那眼神深处,有的只是炽热!对于战斗渴望的炽热! Good. But this matter I will definitely notify Excessive Love (passionate) Your Excellency. Also asked Sect Master to remember that you are representing Tang Sect now.” The Smiley Face Douluo facial color sinks saying that concentrates. “好吧。但这件事我肯定会通报多情冕下。也请门主记得,您现在代表着唐门。”笑面斗罗面色沉凝的说道。 Tang Wulin said: Can representative Tang Sect, be my pride. You felt relieved, I with oneself all guards the Tang Sect glory.” 唐舞麟道:“能够代表唐门,是我的骄傲。您放心吧,我会用自己的一切来捍卫唐门的荣耀。” The oneself father is the Tang Sect founder, the oneself goal, can pursue his footsteps, can find God Realm in the near future. Possibility that although this competition has almost not won, but Tang Wulin actually believes that oneself can certainly the [say / way] usually cultivate from such competition unable the thing of [say / way]. 自己的亲生父亲是唐门的创始人,自己的目标,是能够追逐他的脚步,能够在不久的将来找到神界。这一场比试虽然几乎没有获胜的可能,但唐舞麟却相信,自己一定能够从这样的比试之中的道很多平时修炼所无法的道的东西。 When they leave Imperial Palace, when with coming compares grandly appears somewhat lonely. Crown Prince has not seen off, obviously is to Tang Wulin to Dai Yun'er refused to be full of the anger. 当他们离开皇宫的时候,和来时的隆重相比显得有些冷清。就连太子也未曾相送,显然是对唐舞麟戴云儿的拒绝充满了愤怒。 Returned to General Headquarters, Shrek Seven Monsters and the others to rest, Hu Jie went to the Tang Sect General Headquarters information transmission center, has dialed oversea Soul Guide Communicator. 回到总部,史莱克七怪等人都去休息了,胡杰来到唐门总部信息传输中心,拨通了越洋魂导通讯 Old Hu? Any matter.” The communication connection, another side transmits Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo slightly somewhat languid sounds|voices. 老胡?什么事。”通讯接通,另一边传来多情斗罗略有些懒洋洋的声音 Vice Hall Master, Star Luo here had a condition.” After Hu Jie narrated Tang Wulin and the others arrived at all sorts of situations simply. 副殿主,星罗这边出了点状况。”胡杰唐舞麟等人到来之后的种种情况简单的讲述了一遍。 Zang Xin has not broken him, has made him say that was a pity.” 臧鑫没有打断他,一直让他说完,“可惜了。” Was a pity? This matter cannot blame Sect Master actually, no one can think that meets appear(ance) such situation, sentimental matter cannot force after all. Let alone Sect Master is younger, full of vigor, the matter that recognizes is very difficult to change, does not have the means empty with the winding, that is to Star Luo Imperial Family does not respect.” Hu Jie somewhat sighed was saying. “可惜?这件事其实也不能怪门主,谁也想不到会出现这样的情况,感情这种事毕竟是不能勉强的。更何况门主年轻,血气方刚,认定的事情很难改变啊,也没办法虚与委蛇,那是对星罗皇室的不尊敬。”胡杰有些叹息着说道。 Communication another side Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo loses says with a smile: Old Hu, are you in Sect Master argue? This not like you! I think that you do not have are so easy to approve Sect Master.” 通讯另一边的多情斗罗失笑道:“老胡,你这是在为门主辩解么?这可不像你啊!我原本以为,你可没那么容易认可门主的。” Hu Jie said: That is because of power and his performance in the Dou Ling Empire. I already wished one could maliciously trampled the buttocks of Spirit Transferring Pagoda, Sect Master achieves. Also has ruined them in Dou Ling Empire Branch Department, is really exciting. Therefore, this Star Luo Empire is quite troublesome, what reserve plan Hall Master do you have?” 胡杰道:“那是因为实力和他在斗灵帝国的表现。我早就恨不得狠狠的踹传灵塔的屁股,门主做到了。还毁掉了他们在斗灵帝国分部,真是大快人心。所以,这次星罗帝国这边比较麻烦,殿主您有什么后备方案么?” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo said: Has Sect Master, what follow-up program is also he decided that you also with asking me?” 多情斗罗道:“有门主在,什么后续方案也是他决定的,你还用问我?” Ah? Hu Jie has gawked, he is Li Yunzhe, the Solidization thought that that is Tang Wulin so is young is promoted to the Sect Master position, what fact genuine is in power is two Douluo Hall Hall Master is right. They push up the top digit him for earlier training Tang Wulin. 啊?胡杰愣了一下,无论是他还是李云喆,都有一个固化思维,那就是唐舞麟如此年轻被提升到门主的位置,事实真正掌权的还是两位斗罗殿殿主才对。他们只是为了更早的培养唐舞麟才将他推上高位。 Zang Xin sinking sound track: Old Hu, you, no matter, must maintain the necessary respect to Sect Master. His words, are Tang Sect willpower, this is I and Cao Dezhi jointly decides. Even if we, will not violate his order. He is not we elects, altitude that Sect Master that but the heaven chooses, in the future, he can reach, very possible is we are unable to imagine. Must participate in Decision of Five Gods as for Sect Master, of course participates. Being a pity that I said that was a pity that oneself cannot see this showdown personally. Believes our Sect Master, how even if lost? Who haven't you and I lost in fight? You did not think that the Lord of our Tang Sect has this courage to participate to resist Decision of Five Gods of country, our is should proud for him? Must know that this is the summit that between the country and country can carry on top the showdown, can determine a national destiny in far ancient era. Star Luo Empire proposed Decision of Five Gods, was in itself to one approval of our Tang Sect, regarded nearly equal status to regard us. From this angle, is the good deed.” 臧鑫沉声道:“老胡,你记着,无论什么时候,对门主必须要保持必要的尊敬。他的话,就是唐门意志,这是我和曹德志共同决定的。哪怕是我们,也不会违背他的命令。他不是我们选出来的,而是上天选出来的门主,未来,他能够达到的高度,很可能是我们所无法想像的。至于门主要参加五神之决,当然就参加。我说的可惜,是可惜自己没能亲自看到这一场对决。相信我们的门主,就算输了又如何?你和我谁没有在战斗中输掉过呢?你难道不觉得,我们唐门之主有这个勇气参加对抗一个国家的五神之决,我们应该为他感到骄傲吗?要知道,这可是国家与国家之间才会进行的巅顶对决,在远古时代是能够决定一个国家命运的。星罗帝国提出五神之决,本身就是对我们唐门的一种认可,把我们当成了近乎同等地位来看待。从这个角度来看,也是好事。” Here, he has stopped, continued saying: Moreover, our bottom lines in fact can give up these provisions. These weapon may the reverse war in the present stage, but also is only this war, is the consumables, and being insufficient enables Star Luo Empire to counter-attack Federation. Reason that we must restrict, what are more is to indicate the manner. This point Sect Master also knows. Therefore, making him do independently. Decision of Five Gods! Ha Ha, even if were initial Sky Raising Douluo, never had such magnificent feat. Lost normally, if in five won 1-2, that was our Tang Sect glory.” 说到这里,他停顿了一下,继续道:“而且,我们的底线实际上是可以放弃那些条款的。这些武器在现阶段有可能扭转战局,但也只是这一场战争而已,都是消耗品,并不足以让星罗帝国就能反攻联邦。我们之所以要制约,更多的是为了表明态度。这一点门主也是知道的。所以,让他放手去干吧。五神之决啊!哈哈,就算是当初的擎天斗罗,也从未有过这样的壮举。输了正常,万一五场之中赢得一两场,那就是我们唐门的荣耀了。” The Smiley Face Douluo hear Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo these words, in the heart suddenly see the light immediately, I understand that your meaning, in this case, I felt relieved. But in fact, I think that Sect Master wins 1-2 to have the possibility, coordinates that move of Time kind of divine skill attack by his Time Reverse Spiritual Domain, even if En Ci (kindness) also wants to dread, after all, he was experienced such, if reduced several years of life, he estimated does not give up, Ha Ha.” 笑面斗罗听完多情斗罗这番话,心中顿时豁然开朗,“我明白你的意思了,这样的话,我就放心了。而事实上,我认为门主赢上一两场是非常有可能的,以他的时间回溯精神领域配合那一招时间神技攻击,就算是恩慈也要有所忌惮,毕竟,他都老成那样了,要是减少几年寿命的话,他估计也舍不得,哈哈。” Wait / Etc., what Time Reverse Domain?” Asking of Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo surprise. “等等,什么时间回溯领域?”多情斗罗诧异的问道。 Ah? don't you know?” Smiley Face Douluo surprised [say / way]: Is Sect Master that Spiritual Domain! Has not thought really that this grade of age has succeeded Spiritual Domain cultivate unexpectedly, I was really Bai Huo these many years, until now, my Spiritual Domain has not condensed, because of so, me throughout is unable to tread finally that step.” 啊?你不知道?”笑面斗罗惊讶的道:“就是门主的那个精神领域啊!真没想到,他这等年纪竟然就将精神领域修炼成功了,我真是白活了这么多年,直到现在,我的精神领域还没有凝聚呢,也正因如此,我始终无法踏出最后那一步。” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo was silent. 多情斗罗沉默了。 How Hall Master? What has not to be right?” Hu Jie asked. “怎么了殿主?有什么不对?”胡杰问道。 Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo then ease saying: Tells you to attack your self-confident situation. Sect Master enters Spirit Domain Realm probably to have more than one year of Time. But leaves Douluo Continent in him, goes to Dou Ling Continent time, has not practiced Spiritual Domain. Time Reverse, Ha Ha, good Time Reverse.” 多情斗罗这才悠悠然的说道:“告诉你个有可能会打击到你自信的情况。门主进入灵域境大约只有一年多的时间。而在他离开斗罗大陆,前往斗灵大陆的时候,还没有练成精神领域时间回溯,哈哈,好一个时间回溯。” Smiley Face Douluo could not smile, the corners of the mouth twitched, where you from have discovered such freak! Did this also make other Soul Master live?” 笑面斗罗笑不出来了,嘴角抽搐了一下,“你们两个到底是从什么地方找出了这么个怪胎啊!这还让不让别的魂师活了?” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo laughs, this called the mental perception to know the bead, now you understand why we will resist opposition setting firm resolve to make him take over Tang Sect now. Must know that Sky Raising Douluo before had determined passed to him at the point of death Sea God Pavilion Pavilion Master, if we did not act quickly, that really not our anything matter. If not the Shrek Academy reconstruction must depend upon some of our Tang Sect strength, perhaps Light and Dark Douluo will not agree. Can have this Sect Master, in fact, what we are more is should rejoice.” 多情斗罗哈哈一笑,“这叫慧眼识珠,现在你明白为什么我们会力排众议下定决心让他现在就接掌唐门了吧。要知道,擎天斗罗在临死之前就已经确定将海神阁阁主传给他了,我们要是不动作快一点,那就真的没我们什么事了。若非史莱克学院重建也要依靠一些我们唐门力量,恐怕光暗斗罗都不会同意呢。能够有这位门主,事实上,我们更多的是该庆幸的。” Hu Jie blinked, smiling face again appear(ance) on face, good, I was clear. You could rest assured that I will protect Sect Master well, certainly safely sends back him. Sect Master this in the future, is really limitless! Develops according to his present situation, in the future will inevitably be Sky Raising Douluo that stage exist(ence). However, this received the girl to welcome the degree is not inferior in the past Sky Raising Douluo.” 胡杰眨了眨眼睛,笑容重新出现在面庞上,“好,我都清楚了。你放心,我会好好保护门主的,一定将他平安送回去。门主这未来,真是不可限量啊!按他现在的情况发展下去,未来必然又是一个擎天斗罗那个层次存在。不过,他这受女孩子欢迎程度也是丝毫不逊色于当年的擎天斗罗。” Excessive Love (passionate) Douluo somewhat helpless [say / way]: Man was too outstanding, is this. This does not have the matter of means. Not to mention Sky Raising Douluo. Now one of the Holy Spirit Cult Darkness Four Heavenly Kings, was initially because of liking living to hate the blackening to him, did you still remember the initial Phoenix sisters?” 多情斗罗有些无奈的道:“男人太出色了,就是这样。这是没办法的事情。别提擎天斗罗了。现在圣灵教黑暗四天王之一,就是当初对他因爱生恨才黑化的,你还记得当初的凤凰姐妹么?” -------------------------- -------------------------- Finally can say that starts the countdown 7 days now, on the morning of September 26 10 : 00 am, our Dragon King hand tour gets online officially. This is one combs the hand tour that the game plot and manufacture trend inundate under my supervised manufacture personally. Complete story line will show through animation in hand You Li, I with everybody same that moment that anticipates to get online officially. Now will make an appointment will have game gift parcel to see off, in lw.0708. com or searching Dragon King legend tour official site, or Tang Jia San Shao will carry on the hand tour to make an appointment in our micro letter public number, on September 26, making us fight side-by-side! 终于可以说啦,现在开始倒计时7天,9月26日早上10点,咱们龙王的手游正式上线。这是一款在我亲自监制下梳理游戏剧情、制作动态漫的手游。完整的故事线会通过动画展现在了手游里,我和大家一样期待正式上线的那一刻。现在预约还会有游戏礼包相送,在lw.0708.com或搜索龙王传说手游官网”,或在咱们微信公众号“唐家三少”内进行手游预约都可以,9月26日,让我们并肩作战吧! This game manufacture lasted more than one year, has consumed we many and many energy 这款游戏制作历时一年多,真是消耗了我们很多、很多的精力
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