DDTR :: Volume #8

#746: mountain-protecting god beast?

Ceng Yi news? Hasn't the father you deceived me?” 曾易的消息?爸爸你没骗我吧?” Ning Rongrong was startled in a big way stares the eye, closely examined hastily. 宁荣荣惊得瞪大了眼睛,连忙追问。 Ceng Yi has what news, told me a bit faster!” 曾易有什么消息,快点告诉我!” The Ning Rongrong mood somewhat runs up to front of the father excitedly, draws his arm to sway the inquiry. 宁荣荣情绪有些激动的跑到自己爸爸面前,拉着他的手臂摇晃询问。 Her so attitude makes Ning Fengzhi somewhat helpless actually. 她这般态度倒是让宁风致有些无奈。 Rongrong should not be first excited.” 荣荣你先别激动。” Ning Fengzhi coughed lightly, after calming down, said to Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two females: Actually the news about Ceng Yi, I was also again about several days obtains.” 宁风致轻咳了一声,整理了情绪后,对着宁荣荣朱竹清两女说得:“其实关于曾易的消息,我也是再近几日得到了。” Several days ago has a mysterious person to arrive at Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, she said that came by the Ceng Yi instruction, moreover in his hand truly takes the Ceng Yi sect token.” “几天前有一位神秘人来到七宝琉璃宗,她说是受曾易指示前来的,而且其手中确实拿着曾易宗门令牌。” If she, where should know now Ceng Yi.” “若是她的话,应该知晓现在曾易在什么地方。” Hears Ning Fengzhi this saying, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two females immediately eye pupil one bright, the whole person was energetic. 听到宁风致这话,宁荣荣朱竹清两女顿时眼眸一亮,整个人都精神了许多。 That person where? Leads us to see her quickly!” “那人在哪里?快带我们去见她!” Ning Rongrong urged hastily. 宁荣荣连忙催促。 She in sect back side of the mountain, I led you to seek her in the past.” “她就在宗门后山处,我带你们过去寻她。” Sees the daughter to hear the Ceng Yi news to turn into this appearance, the Ning Fengzhi helpless forced smile. 见女儿一听到曾易的消息就变成这个样子,宁风致无奈的苦笑。 Quick, several people arrived at sect back side of the mountain. 很快,几人就来到了宗门后山处。 Very powerful big aura!” “好强大的气息!” After Ning Fengzhi brings several people are arriving here, cultivates for strongest Sword Douluo Chen Xin knits the brows, the vision is gazing at present the mountain peak of not far away swiftly and fiercely. 宁风致带着几人来到这边后,修为最强的剑斗罗尘心就不由皱了皱眉,凌厉地目光注视着眼前不远处的一座山峰。 He can feel clearly, on this mountain peak has extremely powerful existence. 他能够清楚的感受到,这山峰上有一尊极为强大的存在。 That aura, his 97 levels of Titled Douluo, can feel the extremely powerful oppression. 那股气息,就连他这位九十七级的封号斗罗,都能够感受到极为强大的压迫。 In this aura, contains very terrifying evil energy!” Sword Douluo knits the brows to say. “这个气息中,蕴含着很恐怖的邪恶能量!”剑斗罗皱眉道。 Heard Chen Xin these words, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing are surprised, then looks to nearby sovereign Ning Fengzhi. 听到了尘心这句话,宁荣荣朱竹清都非常惊讶,然后看向一旁的宗主宁风致 Facing several people of lines of sight, Ning Fengzhi also understands their meanings. 面对几人的视线,宁风致也理解他们的意思。 Nothing but why will allow such dangerous fellow to enter sect. 无非就是为什么会让这么危险的家伙进入宗门 Initially, Ning Fengzhi looking like did not allow this mysterious person to enter sect. 当初,宁风致也不太像让这神秘人进入宗门的。 But the opposite party said that she is Ceng Yi calls, must enter the entrance. 可是对方说了她是曾易叫过来的,一定要进入山门。 Therefore, guarded sect Bone Douluo also to fight one with this mysterious person. 为此,驻守宗门骨斗罗还和这神秘人打了一架。 The result is not an opponent. 结果不是对手。 Also this mysterious person because of the relations of Ceng Yi, kept the hand luckily. 也幸好这神秘人因为曾易的关系,留手了。 Otherwise, Bone Douluo feared that has the danger of life. 要不然,骨斗罗怕是有性命之危。 Also because of this, Ning Fengzhi sees this mysterious person to intend also to restrain, in addition grasps the Ceng Yi sect token, believes the opposite party, put her to enter in the entrance. 也是因为这样,宁风致见这神秘人出手也克制,加上手持曾易宗门令牌,也就相信对方,放她进入了山门内。 Senior! Boy Ning Fengzhi has the matter to seek an interview!” “前辈!小子宁风致有事求见!” Ning Fengzhi stands at the foot of the hill, shouts one toward the mountain on respectfully. 宁风致站在山脚下,朝着山上恭敬地大喊一声。 Quick, a powerful constriction arrives in several people. 很快,一阵强大的压迫感就降临在几人身上。 Little fellow, the main body has not said that is all right do not disturb me?” “小家伙,本尊不是说过,没事不要来打扰吾?” Is full of the darkness together, the sound of ice-cold aura reverberates in the space. 一道充满着黑暗,冰冷气息的声音在空间中回响。 As gale heads on, the intense looseness makes several people be hard to open the eye suddenly. 随着一阵大风扑面而来,强烈的风流使得几人一时间难以睁开眼睛。 After the wind passes, several people lifted the eye. 风过之后,几人抬起了眼。 The discovery, front not far away, does not know when has one person to stand in that. 发现,前方不远处,不知何时有着一人站立在那。 Dark phoenix vision somewhat bad is staring at present Ning Fengzhi, said coldly: What matter do you look for the main body to have?” 暗黑凤凰目光有些不善的盯着眼前的宁风致,冷言道:“你找本尊有何事?” Facing at present this big buddha, even if Ning Fengzhi as a lord, but before the opposite party, he could not mention dignifiedly. 面对眼前这尊大佛,哪怕宁风致身为一宗之主,但在对方面前,他却提不起一点威严。 After all, this person of cultivating was is really terrifying, Bone Douluo was not his opponent. 毕竟,这人的修为实在是太恐怖了,就连骨斗罗都不是其对手。 Moreover, it besides having cultivating of terrifying, imposing manner also very intense, dark, ice-cold, as well as Yin evil blazing, in that pair just like Mang Huangxiong beast the gaze of eye pupil, as if will be burnt through including the soul. 而且,其除了拥有恐怖的修为之外,身上的气势也非常的强烈,黑暗,冰冷,以及阴邪的炽热,在那双宛若莽荒凶兽的眼眸的注视下,仿佛连灵魂都会被燃尽。 Senior, this time comes , because my daughter wants to inquire the news about Ceng Yi to you.” Ning Fengzhi very respectful saying. “前辈,此次前来,是因为我的女儿想要向你询问关于曾易的消息。”宁风致很恭敬的说道。 Dark phoenix hears word, looks to Ning Fengzhi behind several people. 暗黑凤凰闻言,不由看向宁风致身后的几人。 But Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people, but also shocks in the appearance of dark phoenix, for a very long time cannot get back one's composure. 宁荣荣朱竹清两人,还震惊于暗黑凤凰的外貌,久久不能回神。 Is your woman! You how in Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect!” “是你这个女人!你怎么会在七宝琉璃宗!” After Ning Rongrong has gotten back one's composure, 宁荣荣回过神后, The eye anger is staring the dark phoenix interrogation. Hears Ning Rongrong these words, the dark phoenix focuses on the body of Ning Rongrong. 眼睛怒瞪着暗黑凤凰质问。听到宁荣荣这句话,暗黑凤凰不由把目光放在宁荣荣的身上。 That pair of ominous pupil narrows the eyes, next quarter aggressive, the blazing aura erupts to her on, forces to go toward Ning Rongrong. 那双凶眸微眯,下一刻一股凶悍,炽热的气息冲她身上爆发而出,向着宁荣荣逼迫而去。 Be careful!” “小心!” Nearby Zhu Zhuqing and Chen Xin two people see that moved sideways hastily in front of Ning Rongrong, raised her to keep off this imposing manner to attack. 一旁的朱竹清尘心两人见状,连忙闪身到了宁荣荣面前,提她挡下这股气势冲击。 Senior appeases anger! The daughter was only the admitting mistakes person, not the meaning of dashing, but also asked the senior do not care.” Ning Fengzhi apologized hastily. “前辈息怒!小女只是认错人了,并无冲撞之意,还请前辈不要放在心上。”宁风致连忙赔罪道。 Snort ~, cannot have again next time!” “哼~,不可再有下次!” Dark phoenix cold snort/hum. 暗黑凤凰冷哼一声。 Although she in front of Ceng Yi, same was acted bashful like the chicken young at will. 虽然她在曾易面前,就如同小鸡仔一样被随意拿捏。 But even so, she as before is an antiquity king of beasts who has the god beast bloodlines, cultivate/repair to immeasurably deep, endured to compare Peerless Douluo. 可即使如此,她依旧是一位拥有着神兽血脉的上古兽王,一身修为深不可测,堪比绝世斗罗 She looks like an obedient young in front of Ceng Yi, but this does not mean that her natural disposition is so. 她在曾易面前像一个乖乖仔,但这不意味着她本性就是如此。 After all, her main body is demon bird. 毕竟,她的本体可是一头魔禽。 The soul beast and human is the natural enemy, even because of the relations of Ceng Yi, she not under killer to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect person. 魂兽与人类本身就是天敌,即使因为曾易的关系,她不会对七宝琉璃宗的人下杀手。 But is not thinking she will not have the temperament. 但也不以为着她会没有脾气。 Zhu Zhuqing was saying to Ning Rongrong comforting: Rongrong do not impulse, she is not Qian Renxue.” 朱竹清对着宁荣荣安抚道:“荣荣你别冲动,她并不是千仞雪。” Heard this saying calmly, Ning Rongrong. 听闻这话,宁荣荣也冷静了下来。 It seems like this. 似乎是这样的。 Although the present woman is very long with Martial Soul Empire empress Qian Renxue looks like, but careful looks, two people are not the same people. 虽然眼前的这女人跟武魂帝国的女帝千仞雪长得很像,但仔细一看,两人并非是同一人。 After all Qian Renxue is golden hair, at present this person is a black hair. 毕竟千仞雪可是一头金发,眼前这人则是一头黑发。 Moreover two people makings are also different. 而且两人的气质也不一样。 On Qian Renxue is full of the noble, holy, elegant makings. 千仞雪身上充满着高贵,圣洁,典雅的气质。 But she, the whole body is filling the cruel, dark, ice-cold, Yin evil makings. 而她,浑身弥漫着暴戾,黑暗,冰冷,阴邪的气质。 Two people are completely opposite existences. 两人完全就是相反的存在。 Ning Rongrong even suspected, at present this woman, even is the Qian Renxue twin sisters. 宁荣荣甚至怀疑,眼前这个女人,甚至是千仞雪的孪生姐妹。 But dark phoenix long like this, is because she melts time, first sees your human female is Qian Renxue. 而暗黑凤凰之所以长这样,也是因为她化形的时候,第一眼见到你人类女性就是千仞雪 Therefore referred to the Qian Renxue look to melt the shape. 所以参考了千仞雪的相貌来化形。 Naturally, these have the meaning of disgusting Qian Renxue. 当然,这其中也有恶心千仞雪的意思。 Who makes Qian Renxue see she threatened must suppress her to come. 谁让千仞雪一见到她就扬言要镇压她来着。 About this matter, has Ceng Yi to hold on Qian Renxue in the one side luckily. 关于这件事,幸好有曾易在一旁拉住千仞雪 Otherwise, the dark phoenix must by Qian Renxue pull light bird wool. 要不然,暗黑凤凰得被千仞雪拔光一身鸟毛。 Actually are you who? What relations has with Ceng Yi?” Ning Rongrong asked. “你究竟是什么人?和曾易到底有什么关系?”宁荣荣问道。 Main body was the antiquity god beast, peerless demon bird dark phoenix! Is the mount of master.” The dark phoenix is very natural, very faint reply Ning Rongrong issue. “本尊乃是上古神兽,绝世魔禽之暗黑凤凰!是主人的坐骑。”暗黑凤凰很自然,很淡漠的回答宁荣荣的问题。 Although as the peerless king of beasts, becomes the mount of human is a very ignominious matter. 虽然作为绝世兽王,成为人类的坐骑是一件很可耻的事情。 But who this must divide the clear object is right! 但这也要分清楚对象是谁才对啊! The owner of her dark phoenix, but even the gods can cut the peerless ruthless person who kills! 她暗黑凤凰的主人,可是连神明都能够斩杀的绝世狠人! Presents such character is a lord, the dark phoenix indicated, this is her lifetime being honored. 奉这样的人物为主,暗黑凤凰表示,这是她一生的荣幸。 Perhaps later, because of the master, she can also peep at the boundary of god is not uncertain ~ 或许以后,因为主人,她也能够窥视神之境界也不一定呢~ What! You are the soul beast! Dark phoenix?” “什么!你是魂兽!暗黑凤凰?” Hears her these words, several people direct were scared. 听到她这句话,几人直接傻眼了。 Likes Ronin that starts from douluo asking everyone to collect:() Starts the Ronin writing literature refresh rate entire network that to be quickest from douluo. 喜欢从斗罗开始的浪人请大家收藏:()从斗罗开始的浪人笔下文学更新速度全网最快。
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