DDTR :: Volume #8

#742: Conflict

....... se .......穯 I did not agree!” “我不同意!” Such remarks, everyone heard that the prestige goes. 此话一出,所有人都闻声望去。 Said the person of these words, was nearby Ning Rongrong. 说出这句话的人,正是一旁的宁荣荣 What different view you have, Rongrong?” “你有什么不一样的看法吗,荣荣?” A Yu Xiaogang brow wrinkle, looks at Ning Rongrong to ask. 玉小刚眉头一皱,看着宁荣荣问道。 Ning Rongrong complexion somewhat ugly/difficult to look at stood, the pupil light took a fast look around here everyone, finally the vision falls on wearing poisonous douluo of dark green clothes robe. 宁荣荣脸色有些难看的站了出来,眸光扫视了这里所有人,最后目光落在身穿墨绿色衣袍的毒斗罗身上。 She said desolately: You want the war, I did not oppose.” se 她冷淡道:“你们要战争,我不反对。”穯 But, with attacks this method poisonously, extremely didn't have the human nature?” “但是,用毒攻这种手段,是不是太过没有人性了?” Jialing closes the garrison troops to have 1 million, after the pass/test, is occupied by several million common people.” “嘉陵关守军有百万,关后更是居住着数百万的平民百姓。” Once wide scope with the poison, decides however will close the environment to Jialing, the water source, the land resource causes the disaster that is inconceivable.” “一旦大范围的用毒,定然会对嘉陵关周围环境,水源,土地资源造成难以想象的灾难。” Not is only only the ordinary soldier who Jialing closes, after pass/test, these several million common people will be involved, that will be scenery of the human purgatory!” “不仅仅只是嘉陵关上的普通士兵,就连关后那些数百万平民百姓都会受到牵连,那将会是一副人间炼狱之景!” Even so, are you also aloof?” “即使这样,你们也无动于衷吗?” But this is the war!” Yu Xiaogang faint brutal say/way. “但这是战争!”玉小刚淡漠无情道。 „If not do this, how we do defeat Martial Soul Empire? Now when is borders on the perishing country.” se “若是不这样做,我们怎么打败武魂帝国?现在已经是濒临亡国之际。”穯 Yu Xiaogang is saying, the mood also becomes excited. 玉小刚说着,情绪也变得激动起来。 Martial Soul Empire the imposing manner has become, in addition family by hatred of demise, even if in shameless, in cruel, even inhuman method. 武魂帝国已经气势已成,加上家族被灭亡的仇恨,哪怕是在无耻,在残忍,甚至灭绝人性的手段。 So long as can revenge, overthrows Martial Soul Empire, he will not use resourcefully. 只要能够报仇,推翻武魂帝国,他都不会不择手段的使用。 When this family/home country life or death, even if discards all, wants for the final victory paves the way!” “在这种家国存亡之际,哪怕舍弃一切,都要为了最终的胜利铺路!” Let alone, that is the Martial Soul Empire soldier, the Martial Soul Empire people, what matters closes our?” “更何况,那是武魂帝国的军人,武魂帝国的子民,关我们什么事?” Initially they betrayed the empire, turns to Martial Soul Empire time, should expect this result!” “当初他们背叛帝国,投靠武魂帝国的时候,就应该预料到这种结局!” Hears Yu Xiaogang this saying, looks at him who Ning Rongrong some cannot believe that she is unable to believe, this words are actually in the learned Grandmaster mouth that she has respected say. se 听到玉小刚这话,宁荣荣有些不敢相信的看着他,她无法相信,这种话竟然是她一直尊敬的博学大师口中说出来。穯 Hehe ~, do you also think like this? Dean Flender? Teacher Liu Erlong?” “呵呵~,你们也都是这样认为吗?弗兰德院长?柳二龙老师?” Rongrong, frequently, needs to use the extremity......” 荣荣,非常时刻,需要用非常手段......” Facing the Ning Rongrong vision, Flender some do not dare to look straight ahead, the eye looks to elsewhere. 面对宁荣荣的目光,弗兰德有些不敢直视,眼睛望向别处。 Hears this reply, Ning Rongrong smiles grieved, in the eye pupil full is the disappointed color. 听到这个回答,宁荣荣惨然一笑,眼眸中满是失望之色。 In order to win to resort to all means that even if to not having small weapon, does not have any common people of resistance, must make them be buried along with the dead for this war. 为了胜利而不择手段,哪怕是对毫无寸铁,没有任何反抗的平民百姓,也要让他们为这一场战争陪葬。 Initially, the north had the soul beast riot time, Heaven Dou Empire rather discarded all defense, actually in several million civilian dying a tragic death soul beast mouths, the northern 24 cities changed to the human purgatory. 当初,北方发生魂兽暴乱的时候,天斗帝国就宁愿舍弃一切防守,倒是数百万的平民惨死魂兽口中,北方二十四城化作了人间炼狱。 That pitiful scene, Ning Rongrong is unable to forget now. se 那幅悲惨的景象,宁荣荣现在都无法忘记。穯 But now, they also want to put up similarly initially the human calamity of scene unexpectedly. 而如今,他们竟然还想才上演类似当初景象的人间惨剧。 Simply is impervious! 简直是不可理喻! Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other one mutually, two females as if are of one mind general, saw in the heart of opposite party thinks. 宁荣荣朱竹清相互对视了一眼,两女似乎心有灵犀一般,都看出了对方的心中所想。 The Ning Rongrong vision looks at these people disappointedly, these familiar people, now actually have become incomparably strange. 宁荣荣目光失望地看着这些人,那些熟悉的人,如今却已经变得无比陌生。 Such being the case, that this war, our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect does not participate.” “既然如此,那这场战争,我们七宝琉璃宗就不参与了。” „A difference, is not the stratagem!” “道不同,不相为谋!” This saying, just like startling thunderclap in people heart crack. se 这话一出,宛若惊雷般在众人心中炸响。穯 What!” “什么!” Yu Xiaogang sees Ning Rongrong to lead Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect to withdraw from this war, advises to say hastily. 玉小刚宁荣荣要带领七宝琉璃宗退出这场战争,连忙劝阻道。 Rongrong, you cannot be swayed by personal feelings!” 荣荣,你可不能意气用事啊!” I know that your heart is good, but this is the war! Cannot be softhearted to the enemy absolutely!” “我知道你心底善良,但这是战争!对敌人绝对不能心慈手软!” You must for Martial Soul Empire these soldiers, the common people abandon your partner!” “难道你要为了武魂帝国的那些军人,平民百姓而抛弃你的伙伴吗!” You must abandon Little San (three) Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai they do not attend to!” “你要弃小三小舞,戴沐白他们而不顾么!” Zhuqing, you urged Rongrong quickly she.” se 竹清,你快劝劝荣荣她。”穯 Yu Xiaogang the innermost feelings are very anxious at this time. 玉小刚此时内心很是焦急。 He cannot make Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect be separated from the camp absolutely. 他绝对不能让七宝琉璃宗脱离己方阵营。 Especially Ning Rongrong. 特别是宁荣荣 She is assistance Spirit Master of first under heaven, is very huge in the role that at the war plays. 她可是天下第一的辅助魂师,在战争上发挥的作用无比巨大。 It can be said that them, besides Tang San, function biggest was Ning Rongrong. 可以说,在他们这边,除了唐三之外,作用最大的就是宁荣荣了。 Has existence of Ning Rongrong, at least can make itself many six Titled Douluo ranks the strength! 宁荣荣的存在,至少能够让自己这边多出六位封号斗罗级别的战力! Once Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Ning Rongrong does not participate in this war. se 一旦七宝琉璃宗,宁荣荣不参与这一次战争。穯 Then the empire joint army here battle efficiency at least needs to drop 1/3! 那么帝国联合军这边的战斗力至少要下降三分之一啊! Yu Xiaogang wish makes Zhu Zhuqing persuade Ning Rongrong. 玉小刚想要让朱竹清来劝说宁荣荣 But Zhu Zhuqing actually shakes the head, looks very much disappointedly oneself once respectable Grandmaster, faint say/way: „The meaning of Rongrong is my meaning.” 朱竹清却摇了摇头,很是失望的看着自己曾经尊敬的大师,淡漠道:“荣荣的意思就是我的意思。” Your ideas, I beg to differ, because I am conscientious.” “你们的想法,我不敢苟同,因为我还有良心。” Since the difference, that separates to be better.” “既然道不同,那就分开好一些。” If dull here, I feared when the time comes will unable to restrain own mood, could not bear butcher him.” “若是呆在这里,我怕到时候会克制不住自己的情绪,忍不住宰了他。” Zhu Zhuqing shot a look at opposite poisonous douluo lightly alone this solitary one abundant, using the extremely light tone to say these words. se 朱竹清轻瞥了一眼对面的毒斗罗独孤博,用着极为平淡的语气说出这句话。穯 You......” “你......” Hears Zhu Zhuqing these words, alone this solitary one abundant is infuriated immediately, air/Qi for a while is at a loss for words. 听到朱竹清这一句话,独孤博立刻火冒三丈,气得一时语塞。 Wants initially, this young doll to be only small Spirit Expert, is similar to the ants to tremble in the face of own imposing manner. 想当初,这小女娃不过只是小小的魂尊而已,在自己的气势面前如同蝼蚁般颤栗。 Now dares to bluster, does not pay attention to oneself. 如今竟敢如此口出狂言,丝毫不把自己放在眼里。 Titled Douluo as older generation, alone this solitary one abundant wants to manifest suddenly at the scene, is looking angrily at Zhu Zhuqing, wants to teach well this junior. 身为老一辈的封号斗罗,独孤博当场就想要发作,怒视着朱竹清,想要好好教训一下这个小辈。 But to Zhu Zhuqing that ice-cold pupil light, untender ice-cold killed intent to raid, making the alone this solitary one abundant instantaneous human world sober. 但对上了朱竹清那冰冷的眸光,毫无感情的冰冷杀意袭来,让独孤博瞬间人间清醒。 In the eye this young girl is not the ordinary character. se 眼中这位少女可不是普通人物。穯 She is in history youngest Titled Douluo, a sword technique is superb, is honored as new generation Sword Douluo. 她可是史上最年轻的封号斗罗,一手剑术出神入化,更是被誉为新生代剑斗罗 Person who is most likely to inherit the Sword Douluo given name. 最有可能继承剑斗罗名号的人。 Initially, had to be known as that continually first under heaven sect Clear Sky Sect, the elder of Titled Douluo rank, defeated in her subordinate. 当初,连拥有号称天下第一宗门昊天宗,封号斗罗级别的长老,都败在她的手下。 Alone this solitary one abundant this strength at all not strong Titled Douluo, at all is not the Zhu Zhuqing opponent. 独孤博这一位战力根本不强的封号斗罗,根本不是朱竹清的对手。 Zhu Zhuqing must kill itself. 朱竹清要杀自己。 He thinks, oneself as if really did not have the strength to hit back. 他想了想,自己似乎还真没有还手之力。 Wants with the imposing manner crushes Zhu Zhuqing alone this solitary one abundant, discovered oneself were given the suppression by the imposing manner of opposite party. se 本想用气势压倒朱竹清的独孤博,发现自己倒被对方的气势给镇压了。穯 Immediately is honest, in the heart the resentment comes up in great numbers and from all sides. 顿时老实下来,心中怨气横生。 Snort ~, the old man does not lower oneself to the same level with your girl!” “哼~,老夫不跟你这女娃子一般见识!” One side the big hand that alone this solitary one is unbearably angry abundantly falls, turns around to pass through. 独孤博气不过的大手一摔,转身走过一边。 Ning Rongrong sees that also cups one hand in the other across the chest to the people, said lightly: Good luck, said goodbye!” 宁荣荣见状,也对众人一拱手,淡淡道:“祝你们好运,告辞!” Then, she must bring Zhu Zhuqing, silent Sword Douluo Chen Xin has left a moment ago. 说完,她就要带着朱竹清,还有刚才一直沉默不语的剑斗罗尘心离开。 ! 啪! You, when We to not have thing!” se “你们当朕为无物吗!”穯 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect you are really the good gallbladders! When really here is your sect native place? To come to come, wants to walk walks?” 七宝琉璃宗你们真是好胆!真当这里是你们宗门老家吗?想来就来,想走就走?” Emperor Heaven Duo the avalanche air/Qi results in the anger to pat the table powerful strength to shake the table directly crushes! 天斗皇帝雪崩气得怒拍桌子强大的力道直接把桌案震得粉碎! The avalanche stood, is looking angrily at the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect three people that wants to leave, both eyes are fierce, in the eye pupil is glittering the ominous severe blood glow. 雪崩站了起来,怒视着想要离开的七宝琉璃宗三人,双目狰狞无比,眼眸中闪烁着凶厉的血芒。 Comes the person, takes them to me!” “来人,给我拿下他们!” The response of avalanche, making people some not think, he so will be unexpectedly extreme. 雪崩的反应,让众人都有些没有想到,他竟然会如此过激。 Ning Rongrong some outside. 就连宁荣荣都有些以外。 She is not clear, the courage that this Emperor Heaven Duo, where comes, actually wants to detain them. se 她都不清楚,这位天斗皇帝,是哪里来的胆子,竟然想要强留他们。穯 Is Clear Sky Sect does not have this strength! 就是昊天宗都没有这个实力! Jie Jie ~, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, the war is urgent now, to avoid our tactical divulging, you treat here for several days, when waited for the war to end you to leave when leaves.” “桀桀~,七宝琉璃宗的诸位,如今战事紧急,为了避免我方的战术泄露,你们就在这里待上几天,等战争结束你们想什么时候离开就什么时候离开。” Speech has followed that blood wolf revering side avalanche. 说话的正是一直跟在雪崩身旁的那位血狼尊者。 His erupted the terrifying aura that was the Titled Douluo rank, the powerful Spirit Power oppression suppressed to go toward the Ning Rongrong three people. 他身上爆发出了属于封号斗罗级别的恐怖气息,强大的魂力压迫向着宁荣荣三人镇压而去。 At this moment, silent Sword Douluo could not bear. 这一刻,一直沉默的剑斗罗也忍不住了。 In a twinkling, swift and fierce tyrannical sword intent shoots up to the sky together, the wind and cloud surges, sword intent raging tide. 霎时间,一道凌厉强横的剑意冲天而起,风云涌动,剑意狂澜。 Whom old man must have a look at to dare but actually to move!” se “老夫倒要看看谁敢动!”穯 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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