DDTR :: Volume #8

#739: Ending of old time!

........ ........ Fights! Deep sea demon whale king! „ “来战吧!深海魔鲸王!“ Above the sea, Tang San flies high in the sea level, grasps the sea god trident, nine red 100,000 years of Spirit Ring bloomed the incomparably dazzling brilliance in his side. 大海之上,唐三凌空在海平面上,手持海神三叉戟,九个红色的十万年魂环在他身旁绽放出了无比耀眼的光辉。 The invisible terrifying power, is centered on Tang San, toward spreads in all directions. 无形的恐怖力量,以唐三为中心,向着四面八方扩散。 The sea god trident in Tang San hand refers to the sea level slantingly, in the eye is flooding the aggression of being insufferably arrogant. Sends blue flutters with the wind. 唐三手中的海神三叉戟斜指海面,眼中充斥着不可一世的霸气。一头蓝发随风飘扬。 But the mighty waves get angry under the howling sea, then just like the islands terrifying shadow, as far as eyes can reach, is similar to the desperate abyss. 而波澜怒嚎的大海之下,那宛若岛屿般的恐怖黑影,一眼望去,就如同令人绝望的深渊。 Wū wū ~ 呜呜~ A profound and angry whale roar, resounds from the sea deep place. 一道深邃而又愤怒的鲸吼,从大海深处响起。 Mighty waves proliferated in the sea level, formed the terrifying large-scale tsunami. 一道道波澜在海面上扩散,形成了恐怖的大型海啸。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The next quarter, dozens giant water columns ran out of the sea level, is the same just like heavenly pillar, stands erect in the sea level. 下一刻,数十道巨大的水柱冲出了海面,宛若天柱一样,矗立在海平面上。 This time deep sea demon whale king did not have thoroughly appears the true body, but the imposing manner of its release, made Tang San feel the infinite pressure. 此时的深海魔鲸王还没有彻底的显出真身,但其释放的气势,就让唐三感受到了无穷的压力。 May know from this imposing manner, the strength of this sea overlord, not weakly in initially before Jialing closed/pass Qian Renxue. 从这气势可知,这头大海霸主的实力,也不会弱于当初在嘉陵关前的千仞雪 Endures the ratio 99 levels of Peerless Douluo peak strengths. 堪比九十九级绝世斗罗的巅峰力量。 The previous time, Tang San relied on the strength of partner, used it as one fusion technique, fights to a draw with Qian Renxue. 上一次,唐三可是借助了诸位伙伴的力量,使用了其为一体融合技,才堪堪与千仞雪打成平手。 But this time, he must face a strength is not weak in the Qian Renxue opponent alone, this sea overlord, 1 million years of soul beast, deep sea demon whale king! 而这一次,他要单独面对一个实力不弱于千仞雪的对手,这头大海霸主,百万年魂兽,深海魔鲸王! However, this Tang San not does not have any preparation. 不过,这一次唐三并未没有任何准备。 He in embarking before this deep sea demon whale king, his second Martial Soul, the sky hammer has added enclosed eight Spirit Ring. 他在出发面对这头深海魔鲸王之前,已经把他的第二武魂,昊天锤已经加附上了八个魂环 And, has four red 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, other are over 50,000 years black ten thousand years of Spirit Ring! 其中,有着四个红色的十万年魂环,其余都是五万年以上的黑色万年魂环 But cultivating of Tang San is, upgraded the Super Douluo level, 96 levels of Spirit Power! 唐三的修为,也提升到了超级斗罗层次,九十六级的魂力 By oneself numerous methods and cards in a hand, Tang San is self-confident, even if with being equal to 99 levels of Peerless Douluo fights with this 1 million years of soul beast deep sea demon whale kings, definitely has the confidence to cut to kill the opposite party! 在凭借自身众多手段与底牌,唐三自信,即使与这头同等于九十九级绝世斗罗的百万年魂兽深海魔鲸王一战,绝对有信心斩杀对方! Moreover, he must win, only needs successfully cannot be defeated. 而且,他一定要胜利,只需成功不需失败。 Because, this is he becomes the eighth inspection of god trial. 因为,这是他成神试炼的第八次考核。 Only then through this inspection, he can go a step further. 只有通过这一次考核,他才能够更进一步。 Can a stronger strength, whereabouts Spirit Hall, the Martial Soul Empire revenge! 才能够得到更强的力量,去向武魂殿,武魂帝国复仇! Tiny human also dares to offend my dignity!” “渺小的人类也胆敢冒犯吾之威严!” Courts death!” “找死!” Together angry sound, just like startling thunderclap in the world crack! 一道愤怒的声音,宛若惊雷般在天地间炸响! Deep sea demon whale king innermost feelings exceedingly indignant, release oneself strongest imposing manner. 深海魔鲸王内心无比愤怒,释放出了自己最强的气势。 It is very at heart clear, decided the own final destiny the time approached. 它心里很清楚,决定自己最终命运的时刻来临了。 This time finds its troublesome person, is the sea god ordered by the emperor personally successor. 这一次来找它麻烦的人,是海神钦定的继承人。 Even deeply hides under in the sea kilometer, above the sensation that the deep sea demon whale king can still be clear about arrives at that human sea god aura. 即使深藏于大海千米之下,深海魔鲸王也能够清楚的感知到上面那个人类身上的海神气息。 The final trial came. 最后的试炼来了。 Before 20,000, it was unified the entire sea's sea god suppression. 两万前,它被统一了整个大海的海神镇压。 In such long time, it is unable to span that step, the breakthrough god boundary. 这么长的时间内,它始终无法跨越那一步,突破神境。 But now, it has by the sea god is regarded to whet the hone of person of its inheritance. 而如今,它有被海神当成磨砺其传承之人的磨刀石。 Is this what kind of humiliation? 这是何等的屈辱? It is unwilling degenerates into like this whets others' board game piece. 它不甘心就这样沦为磨砺别人的棋子。 So long as killed this sea god successor, swallows the essence of god his body contained. 只要杀了这位海神传人,吞噬了其身上蕴含的神之精华。 Could be trod that step by oneself thoroughly! 或许能够让自己彻底踏出那一步! Above the turbulent sea, under the domain of deep sea demon whale king, the innumerable water columns under its strength control, changes to fierce Water Dragons, goes toward Tang San killing. 汹涌的大海之上,在深海魔鲸王的领域下,无数的水柱在它力量操控下,化作一条条狰狞的水龙,向着唐三扑杀而去。 Facing the attack of deep sea demon whale king, Tang San does not fear, both hands are brandishing the divine tool sea god trident, battles with this sea overlord. 面对深海魔鲸王的攻击,唐三丝毫不惧,双手挥舞着神器海神三叉戟,与这位大海霸主交战。 Fights between two peerless powerhouses, the terrifying aura fills the air, making in the sea the innumerable sea soul beast flee this dangerous sea area in abundance. 两位绝世强者之间的战斗,恐怖的气息弥漫,使得大海中无数的海魂兽纷纷逃离这片危险的海域。 But great distance this sea area over a hundred kilometers place. 而相隔这片海域上百公里的地方。 The center of entire sea, sacred place in all sea popular sentiments, sea Shintoism/Divine Dao. 整个大海的中心,所有海民心中的圣地,海神道。 That stands tall and erect to post the clouds the sea god summit peak. 那高耸置入云霄的海神山顶峰。 In the broad sacred sea temple, wears the red to offer a sacrifice to the robe, the Sea God Island big priest of makings peerless grace and talent, Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi, is grasping the sea god scepter with total concentration, the pupil light is looking at front illusory light screen. 恢弘神圣的海神殿中,身穿红色祭袍,气质风华绝代的海神岛大祭司,海神斗罗波塞西,正一手持着海神权杖,眸光聚精会神的望着前方的一块虚幻光幕。 Picture that Tang San and deep sea that demon whale king in this light screen reflects fights! 这光幕中倒映的正是唐三与深海魔鲸王战斗的画面! Third Brother, you must win!” “三哥,你一定要赢啊!” Stands in Bo Saixi Xiao Wu, at this moment may on the cheek of person full be prettily worries about the color, both hands holds in the chest front, for the fighting Tang San pray. 站在波塞西身边的小舞,此刻俏丽可人的脸蛋上满是担忧之色,双手捧在胸前,为正在战斗的唐三祈祷。 Big priest, Third Brother , if not beat, you can make a move to save him?” “大祭司,三哥若是不敌,您能不能出手救救他?” Xiao Wu looks to Bo Saixi, requested. 小舞望向身边的波塞西,请求道。 Regarding Xiao Wu this request, in Bo Saixi that beautiful facial features does not have mighty waves, unemotional shaking the head , the peaceful desert said. 对于小舞这个请求,波塞西那绝美的面容上没有一丝的波澜,面无表情的摇了摇头,澹漠道。 You who had also attended the sea god trial should know, inspecting the content is brutal.” “曾经也参加过海神试炼的你应该知道,考核内容是有多么残酷。” Before, you can also help each other, solves the difficulty together.” “之前,你们还能够相互帮助,一起解决困难。” But you have completed the trial now, only then a Tang San person also has the final inspection.” “但现在你们都已经完成了试炼,只有唐三一人还有着最后的考核。” Regardless of the later trial is difficult , can only complete by him. Anybody is unable to provide any help, including is I.” “无论之后的试炼有多么艰难,也只能够由他一人完成。任何人都无法提供任何帮助,包括是我。” Saying, maintains composure shot a look at Xiao Wu one lightly, the undulating say/way: This is the sea god Sir gives his trial, passed, explained that he has the qualifications to accept the strength of sea god Sir . The failure, the only result died.” 说着,波塞席不动声色的轻瞥了小舞一眼,澹澹道:“这是海神大人给予他的试炼,通过了,就说明他有资格接受海神大人的力量,。失败,唯一的结果就是死亡。” This is also wants to obtain the strength the price!” “这也是想要获得力量的代价!” Hearing Bo Saixi was so indifferent the infinite words, Xiao Wu also wants to understand, the big priest was not possible to intervene this fight. 听到波塞西如此冷漠无穷的话,小舞也想明白了,大祭司是不可能干预这场战斗的。 After all, she is the surveillant of this trial, making a move that was equal to that helps Tang San cheat. 毕竟,她本身就是这场试炼的监督者,出手那就是等于帮助唐三作弊。 Now, Xiao Wu can only pray own Third Brother can pass through this pass/test safely. 现在,小舞只能祈祷自己三哥能够平安走过这一关了。 But Bo Saixi draws vision looks at the fight on light screen peacefully, but her the innermost feelings are not calm at this time. 波塞西澹地目光看着光幕上的战斗,可此时她的内心却并不平静。 She knows, Tang San through this inspection. 她知道,唐三会通过这一次的考核的。 As the Sea God Island big priest, present age sea god in the spokesman of the world. 作为海神岛的大祭司,当代海神在人间的代言人。 In Bo Saixi very clear sea the strength of this first 1 million years of soul beast deep sea demon whale king actually strong. 波塞西很清楚大海中这头百万年魂兽深海魔鲸王的实力究竟有多强。 If not for her Bo Saixi takes the big priest in sea temple, can transfer part of sea gods the power. 若不是她波塞西作为海神殿的大祭司,可以调动一部分海神的权能。 Relies on her strength merely, even if better than she so terrifying cultivating is, is unable to do to this first 1 million years of soul beast. 仅仅只是凭借她自身的力量,即使强如她这般恐怖的修为,也无法奈何得了这头百万年魂兽。 However, now the strength of this first 1 million years of soul beast, is not the most flourishing condition. 但是,现在这头百万年魂兽的实力,并不是全盛状态。 Because several years ago, this deep sea demon whale king by Ceng Yi to the severe wound, has not been fully restored now. 因为在几年前,这头深海魔鲸王就被曾易给重伤,现在都还没有完全恢复。 In addition on Tang San also contains some sea god aura, in the lifeform to in the sea, has the natural suppressed strength. 再加上唐三身上还蕴含着部分海神气息,对于大海中的生物,有着天然的压制力。 Therefore Bo Saixi is very clear, the inspection of Tang San, although looks very difficult, but not cannot complete. 所以波塞西很清楚,唐三的这一次考核,虽然看上去很艰难,但并非不能完成。 By the Tang San strength, the wisdom, its strong firm willpower, can definitely through this eighth inspection. 唐三的实力,智慧,还有其强大坚定的意志力,肯定能够通过这第八次考核。 If Tang San after this inspection, then the last trial, should be one's turn her. 若是唐三通过这一次考核后,那么最后一个试炼,就该轮到她了。 Thinks of this, in the Bo Saixi eye pupil flashes through wipes sad color. 一想到这,波塞西眼眸中闪过一抹悲色。 Has veteran late in life desolate sad intent. 有种老将迟暮的苍凉悲意。 This Tang San and Xiao Wu come Sea God Island to conduct the final trial, through the information that in two people mouths knows, Bo Saixi also knows the present mainland situation is also tense. 这次唐三小舞前来海神岛进行最后的试炼,通过两人的口中得知的信息,波塞西也知道了如今的大陆局势又多么紧张。 A year ago, past old friend, is the Tang San paternal great-grandfather, once shared the honor with her Bo Saixi is three sky douluo certainly, Tang Chen, comes Sea God Island to look for her. 早在一年前,当年的老友,也就是唐三的曾祖父,曾与她波塞西齐名为三绝之一的昊天斗罗,唐晨,前来海神岛找她。 According to Tang Chen said that he in the past to break through the god boundary, sought for the inheritance of god alone. 根据唐晨所说,他当年为了突破神境,独自去寻找神之传承。 He found Asura god the inheritance of god. 他是找到了来自神界的修罗神的传承。 But is accepting the last minute of inheritance, he by the evil thing attack, was corroded the intelligence, ignorant about hundred years of time. 可是在接受传承的最后一刻,他被邪物袭击,侵蚀了神智,浑浑噩噩了近乎百年的光阴。 Finally because of descendant Tang San, restored the intelligence. 最后因为自己后代唐三,才恢复了神智。 Tang Chen arrives at Sea God Island, chatted with Bo Saixi. 唐晨来到海神岛,与波塞西聊了很多。 But in a while, the internal injury of because in the past leaving behind, Tang Chen also first walks one step, the body falling say/way disappears. 可没过多久,因为当年留下的暗伤,唐晨也是先走一步,身陨道消。 But Tang San has also said that his enemy is also like him, has the inheritance of gods, is the god level Martial Soul six wing angels! 唐三也说过,他的敌人也与他一样,有着神明的传承,还是神级武魂六翼天使! Bo Saixi is very clear, has the people of six wing Gabriel Martial Soul, certainly is the Qian Family person. 波塞西很清楚,具有六翼武魂的人,一定是千家的人。 But the Tang San enemy, definitely is another old friend, the Qian Daoliu later generation. 唐三的敌人,肯定就是自己另一位老友,千道流的后辈。 Bo Saixi knows, Qian Daoliu same has the same mission with oneself. 波塞西知道,千道流与自己一样有着相同的使命。 Since his later generation, presented one to inherit the person of god position, then he will also be finally the same as himself, to believe in the gods offered all. 既然他的后辈中,出现了一位可以传承神位的人,那么他最终也会与自己一样,为了信奉的神明而奉献一切。 As if, this destiny was doomed to be the same probably. 仿佛,这命运好像是注定了一样。 Once three big Peerless Douluo, they of old time, will pass away reluctant to part. 曾经的三大绝世斗罗,旧时代的他们,都会依依逝去。 They, will become the nutrient to return nurturing to parents the later generation, founds a brand-new time! 他们这些人,将会成为养分反哺后辈,开创出一个全新的时代! ........ ........ Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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