DSI :: Volume #11

#1009: Trades the wound by the wound

„Is this Great Dragon?” “这是巨龙?” Void Old Ancestor and Prison Ancestor stare the big eye, the Great Dragon legend, they have hearing, through the ages, has seen Great Dragon, although few, but the record about Great Dragon, spreads much. 虚空老祖狱祖瞪大眼睛,巨龙的传说,他们也有耳闻,古往今来,见过巨龙的虽然没有几个,但关于巨龙的记载,流传下来不少。 In legend, Great Dragon, once is grown, is Monster King, in them is smallest and weakest, compared with Life and Death boundary King formidable over ten times with realm, their strengths, be able to hit the flying stars, their Dragon Claw, endure compared with the god soldier sharp weapon, their Dragon Scales, are equal to top-grade defends Armor, their dragon's breath, have to destroy all might, but their dragon prestige, can make the enemy slow-acting, small and weak cannot even move. 传说中,巨龙一旦成年,就是妖王,他们中最弱小的,都要比同境界生死境王者强大十倍以上,他们的力量,可以撞飞星辰,他们的龙爪,堪比神兵利器,他们的龙鳞,相当于极品防御铠甲,他们的龙息,有着摧毁一切的威力,而他们的龙威,能让敌人行动迟缓,弱小者甚至不能动弹。 Great Dragon, is in the life chain most top layer lifeform, in the True Spirit World legend, only has to be able the phoenix of bath hot rebirth to compare favorably with Great Dragon, but by the strength, the phoenix is also inferior to Great Dragon. 巨龙,是处于生命链最顶层的生物,真灵世界的传说中,唯有能浴火重生的凤凰能与巨龙相媲美,而论力量,凤凰也不如巨龙 Void Old Ancestor and Prison Ancestor have not thought that True Spirit World will have living Great Dragon, moreover this Great Dragon, clearly achieved Monster King Level to leave. 虚空老祖狱祖万万没有想到,真灵世界会有活着的巨龙,而且这头巨龙,分明达到了妖王级别。 Finally came!” “终于来了!” Mysterious Queen has the feeling of feeling relieved, although the arrival of Xu Jing, does not represent them to turn defeat into victory, but were at least many a formidable new force. 玄后有种如释重负的感觉,虽然徐静的到来,不代表他们能反败为胜,但至少多了一个强大的生力军。 By the intuition of woman, Murong Qingcheng guessed correctly indistinctly, this sudden Golden Great Dragon, perhaps is Xu Jing that the element has not sought a meeting, Ye Chen in the Flowing Clouds Sect Senior Sister. 凭借女人的直觉,慕容倾城隐约猜到,这突如其来的黄金巨龙,恐怕就是素未谋面的徐静,叶尘流云宗的师姐。 Golden Great Dragon, but also is really an unusual status.” 黄金巨龙,还真是一个奇特的身份。” Murong Qingcheng takes back the vision, no longer diverts attention. 慕容倾城收回目光,不再分心。 Haha, Golden Great Dragon is us, this war, was hopeful.” “哈哈,黄金巨龙是我们这边的,这场战争,有希望了。” Ye Chen adds on Golden Great Dragon, the victory is us inevitably.” 叶尘加上黄金巨龙,胜利必然属于我们。” Joining of Xu Jing, making True Spirit World the morale rise sharply, all people like have hit the chicken blood, was very aggressive, many person even breakthrough own limit, make further progress went a step further. 徐静的加入,令真灵世界这边士气大涨,所有人都像是打了鸡血一样,无比生猛起来,不少人甚至突破了自己的极限,百尺竿头更进一步。 Senior Sister Xu Jing, you came finally!” Looks at that to know how things stand 1000 li (0.5km) long Golden Great Dragon fully, Ye Chen sucks the tongue, he has not thought, true Great Dragon, so will be huge, initially in Dragon Pond, Xu Jing also on ten several meter/rice nothing more, currently the eye of opposite party, has a mountain size. 徐静师姐,你总算来了!”望着那足有数千里长的黄金巨龙,叶尘一阵咂舌,他没想到,真正的巨龙,会如此庞大,当初在化龙池中,徐静也就十数米长而已,现在对方的一颗眼睛,都有一座山岳大小了。 Brother leaf, I have not thought that here situation is so bad, early knows, I should be ahead of time in Conghua Dragon Pond to come out.” The Xu Jing sound resounds in the Ye Chen mind directly. “叶师弟,我没想到这里的情况这么糟,早知道,我该提前从化龙池中出来。”徐静的声音直接在叶尘脑海里响起。 Mill knife does not harm the chopping firewood labor, now came, is not late, that several six star Demon King, gave you, has killed them, on hope many 20% that we won.” “磨刀不误砍柴工,现在来了,也不晚,那几个六星魔王,就交给你了,杀了他们,我们胜利的希望会多上一两成。” Now is not the idle talk time, Ye Chen said. 现在不是废话的时候,叶尘紧接着道。 Good.” “好。” The huge body walks randomly, Xu Jing flushes away to recent six star Demon King, on the way, solves Demon King that ten several have dodged without enough time while convenient. 庞大的身体游走,徐静向最近的一个六星魔王冲去,途中,顺便解决掉了十数个来不及闪躲的魔王 Manages you are Great Dragon, meets my spear/gun!” “管你是不是巨龙,接我一枪!” Has three meters to Xu Jing recent six star Demon King high, carries on the back steadily ten several along the spur that the vertebra grows, he sees Golden Great Dragon to hover, first is one startled, at once on the face reveals the fierce color/look that the startled anger occurred simultaneously, this fierce color/look extremely desirably, to the person a flavor/smell of outwardly strong but inwardly weak, was frightened obviously by the Golden Great Dragon status. 徐静最近的六星魔王高有三米,背上长着十数根沿脊椎生长的骨刺,他见黄金巨龙游动过来,先是一惊,旋即脸上露出惊怒交加的狰狞之色,这种狰狞之色太过刻意,给人一种外强中干的味道,显然是被黄金巨龙的身份吓到了。 ! 噗! Bang! 砰! The dark black spear/gun glow cuts expansive sky, pierced Golden Great Dragon Dragon Scales, immediately, has the golden blood to spatter in all directions from the wound place, just like golden rivers, at the same time, Golden Great Dragon Dragon Claw, flew to the racket the opposite party, spat 78 blood, the body is nearly hit to explode. 黑色的枪芒划破长空,刺穿了黄金巨龙身上的龙鳞,顿时,有金色的鲜血从伤口处迸溅出来,宛如一股股金色河流,与此同时,黄金巨龙龙爪,也把对方给拍飞了出去,一路吐了78口鲜血,身体险些被打爆。 Haha, so-called Great Dragon, mediocre.” “哈哈,所谓巨龙,不过如此。” Although injure heavily, but these six star Demon King actually laugh, the Dragon Scales defense of Golden Great Dragon, imagines without him is so high, cannot achieve top-grade to defend the Armor situation. 虽然自己伤得更重,但这六星魔王却大笑起来,黄金巨龙龙鳞防御,没有他想象中那么高,根本达不到极品防御铠甲的地步。 Right?” “是吗?” The rivers golden blood jumps to shoot, a Xu Jing point does not care, this blood, is regarding her counts the body of 1000 li (0.5km), but is a drop in the bucket, is nothing to speak , what can not not care, this huge body is used to cope with small and weak Demon King, indeed is easily accomplished, sweeps away all obstacles, may be used to cope with six star Demon King, was a little in the way, dodges not to be flexible, completely is the living target. 河流般的金色鲜血迸射出去,徐静一点不在意,这点鲜血,对于她那长达数千里的身体而言,不过是九牛一毛,不值一提,但不得不在意的是,这庞大的身体用来对付弱小的魔王,的确是摧枯拉朽,所向披靡,可用来对付六星魔王,就有点碍事了,闪避起来没那么灵活,完全是活靶子。 That changes is small!” “那就变小吧!” The golden light concentration, the Xu Jing build, the fast reduction, from counting 1000 li (0.5km) is long, turned, only then dozens meters, originally big such as Dragon Scales of lake, reduces to the bowl mouth size, although the build was small, rays of light that but blooms, actually strong, is similar to the yellow golden brilliance. 金光浓缩,徐静的体型,快速缩小,从数千里长,变成了只有数十米长,原本大如湖泊的龙鳞,缩小到碗口大小,体型虽然小了,但绽放出来的光芒,却更加的浓烈,如同黄金色的光焰。 Kills!” “杀!” black light flashes, this demon is a spear/gun assassinates. 黑光一闪,此魔又是一枪刺杀过来。 Ding! 叮! Is entirely different from the previous time result, the dark black spear/gun glow, stays behind together the trace on Dragon Scales merely, cannot defense breaking, be as if smaller along with the body, the defense of Dragon Scales will be higher. 和上次的结果截然不同,暗黑色的枪芒,仅仅在龙鳞上留下一道浅浅的痕迹,根本没能破防,似乎随着身体越小,龙鳞的防御会越高。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” As if not believe oneself cannot break the defense of opposite party, this demon exhausts full power, is a bayonet, the sharp spear/gun glow, is common just like the cutter, cuts on yellow golden Dragon Scales. 似乎不相信自己没能破开对方的防御,此魔竭尽全力,又是一枪刺来,锋利的枪芒,宛如切割机一般,切割在黄金色的龙鳞上。 But the result is invariable, cannot as before defense breaking. 但结果不变,依旧没能破防 Now was one's turn me.” “现在轮到我了。” dragon mouth opens, Xu Jing spouts one group of dazzling golden light waves toward the opposite party. 龙嘴张开,徐静朝对方喷出一团耀眼的金色光波。 Bang! 轰! The glare erupts, the body of opposite party, was evaporated most probably, the critical moment, this demon spear/gun has cut open the golden light wave, merely by 50% golden light wave hit. 强光爆发,对方的身体,被蒸发了大半,关键时刻,此魔一枪切开了金色光波,仅仅被一半的金色光波命中。 Was too strong, runs away.” “太强了,逃。” The great strength of Xu Jing, making the opposite party heart live the fear, defends to endure compared with top-grade Low Tier Armor, the attack goes far beyond him, how this also hits, completely share. 徐静的强大,让对方心生恐惧,防御堪比极品低等铠甲,攻击远远超过他,这还怎么打,完全是被的份。 Snort, can escape?” “哼,逃得掉吗?” After the body changes small, although the Xu Jing speed reduces much, may quick terrifying, several breath overtake the opposite party as before, a tail has pulled out. 身体变小后,徐静的速度虽然降低不少,可依旧快的恐怖,几次呼吸就追上了对方,一尾巴抽了过去。 Bang! 砰! The speed that Dragon's Tail moves was too fast, this demon stiffly pulled out rupturing, changes into everywhere blood fog. 龙尾甩动的速度太快了,此魔硬生生被抽的爆裂开来,化为漫天的血雾 Meets again my body.” “重聚我身。” The angry roaring sound gets up, blood fog is condensing. 怒吼声响起,血雾在凝聚。 How Xu Jing will condense mortal body to the opposite party the opportunity, dragon mouth, the dazzling light wave has crashed in blood fog, bang, all blood fog evaporated cleanness, as if have not existed. 徐静岂会给对方凝聚肉身的机会,龙嘴一张,耀眼的光波冲进了血雾中,轰隆一声,所有的血雾被蒸发的干干净净,似乎从来没存在过。 Was too strong, this is the Great Dragon might.” “太强了,这就是巨龙的威力。” Many Demon King were shocked. 不少魔王都被震撼到。 In the record, Great Dragon does not have weakness, when is big, can destroy a mainland, the group kills the ability to be invincible, the hour, the Dragon Scales defense will reach the limit, endures defends Armor compared with top-grade, in addition, Great Dragon dragon's breath, the destructive power is very formidable, strength weak in Great Dragon, may be killed by the dragon's breath second very much. 记载中,巨龙是没有弱点的,大时,能毁灭一片大陆,群杀能力无敌,小时,龙鳞防御将会达到极限,堪比极品防御铠甲,除此之外,巨龙龙息,破坏力十分强大,实力弱于巨龙的,很有可能被龙息秒杀。 Worthily is Great Dragon!” Ye Chen watches all these, exclaims in surprise the Great Dragon destructive power secretly. “不愧是巨龙!”叶尘把这一切看在眼里,暗自惊叹巨龙的破坏力。 A Huge Demon Emperor brow wrinkle, Soul Strength passes message to numerous Demon King said: Do not be frightened by her destructive power, her real Battle Strength, but 6-Star High level, encircles to me kills her.” 巨魔帝眉头一皱,灵魂力传音给众多魔王道:“不要被她的破坏力吓到,她的真实战力,不过六星高等,给我围杀她。” The Huge Demon Emperor eyesight is sinister, although Xu Jing easy striking has killed six star Demon King, but on behalf of strength really formidable to going against heaven's will level, the Great Dragon fierce place lies in the overwhelming, any strength is lower than her, will be solved with ease, in other words, a strength is higher than Great Dragon King, when striking to kill small and weak King, speed affirmation and not on Great Dragon, but if with the Great Dragon contest, Great Dragon decides however is not the match. 巨魔帝的眼力何等毒辣,徐静虽然轻而易举的击杀了一位六星魔王,但不代表实力真的强大到逆天的程度,巨龙厉害的地方在于压倒性,任何实力低于她的,都会被轻松解决,换句话说,一个实力高于巨龙王者,在击杀弱小王者时,速度肯定及不上巨龙,可如果和巨龙较量的话,巨龙定然不是对手。 Yes! How even if her defense endures compared with top-grade Armor, so long as we collaborate to attack, even if top-grade Armor, will be broken through.” “是啊!就算她的防御堪比极品铠甲又如何,只要我们联手攻击,哪怕是极品铠甲,也会被攻破。” Huge Demon Emperor after all is the demon Emperor Level character, he said that is certainly reasonable, after having been ordered, 3322 Demon King gather, the quantity has surpassed 30, is two people are two six star Demon King, before, in their hands dyed the blood of numerous True Spirit World King, now, they plan to catch dragon blood. 巨魔帝毕竟是魔帝级的人物,他说的,一定有道理,得到命令后,3322的魔王汇聚过来,数量超过了30,为首二人是两名六星魔王,之前,他们的手上染了众多真灵世界王者的鲜血,现在,他们打算染上龙血。 Kills!” “杀!” Without any spoken language, 30 Demon King collaborate to kill to Xu Jing, wild Qi Energy spreads across, has dozens meters dragon body to cover fully toward that. 没有任何言语,30名魔王联手杀向徐静,狂暴的气劲纵横交错,朝着那足有数十米长的龙躯笼罩过去。 Dodges all attacks without enough time, the body of Xu Jing, fire sparks in all directions, often has the golden blood bead to splutter, this is the Dragon Scales shatter phenomenon. 来不及闪躲所有的攻击,徐静的身上,火星四溅,不时有金色的血珠溅射出来,这是龙鳞破碎的现象。 A hammer pounds not the rotten stone, comes a hammer, perhaps the stone has broken to pieces, 30 Demon King collaborate to attack, even if Huge Demon Emperor and Ye Chen, must withdraw three chi (0.33 m), can only adopt the guerrilla warfare, or simply makes a getaway, although Great Dragon does not have the lifeform of weakness, may unable to support one crowd of Demon King. 一锤子砸不烂石头,多来一锤子,说不定石头就碎了,30名魔王联手攻击,哪怕是巨魔帝叶尘,都要退避三尺,只能采取游击战,或者干脆逃之夭夭,巨龙虽然是毫无弱点的生物,可也架不住一群魔王 You must fight, I accompany.” “你们要战,我奉陪。” In the Xu Jing eye burst out formidable battle intent, the dragon body starts to inflate unexpectedly, achieves formerly number 1000 li (0.5km) to be long, then did not give a thought to the attack of opposite party, a claw grasped to Demon King. 徐静眼中迸发出强大的战意,龙躯居然开始膨胀,达到先前的数千里长,然后不顾对方的攻击,一爪抓向其中一名魔王 ! 啊! About this Demon King strength 4-Stars, was pressed firmly between the fingers by Dragon Claw, that two dragon finger/refer, is ordinary with the mountain, grinds the smashing him easily. 这名魔王的实力不过四星左右,被龙爪一把捏住,那两根龙指,和山岳一般,轻易把他碾成粉碎。 However body of Xu Jing, left the innumerable wounds, some wounds, the long several kilometers, the pale golden blood sprays, is similar to of backflow water Heavenly River. 不过徐静的身上,也多出了无数个创口,一些创口,长数千米,淡金色的血液喷洒出来,如同天河之水倒灌。 Next!” “下一个!” The Xu Jing look is callous, does not have a sentiment, reason that she increasing body, must trade the wound by the wound, with the opposite party bloody battle, with formerly compared with, the present Dragon Scales defense, although was weak, but the huge dragon body, has covered this shortcoming, she can definitely use the minor wound, received exchange for 30 Demon King lives. 徐静眼神冷酷,不带一丝感情,她之所以变大身体,就是要以伤换伤,和对方血战,和先前相比,现在的龙鳞防御虽然弱了,但庞大的龙躯,掩盖了这一缺点,她完全可以用轻伤,换取30名魔王的生命。 ! 噗! Another Demon King was run over and died. 又一名魔王被碾死。 I thought when you can support?” Six star Demon King find the accurate opportunity, toward the Great Dragon wound, threw into one to compress innumerable Demon Force light ball. “我看你能撑到何时?”一名六星魔王找准机会,朝着巨龙伤口中,扔进了一枚压缩了无数遍的魔力光球 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Demon Force light ball explodes, the destructive power that has in the interior, before is dozens times, originally only then several thousand meters wound, expands to dozens miles, saw including Dragon Bones. 魔力光球在内部爆炸,产生的破坏力,是之前的数十倍,原本只有数千米大小的伤口,扩大到数十里,连龙骨都看到了。 Ninth!” “第九个!” Tenth!” “第十个!” Xu Jing as if completely cannot feel the pain, the golden dragon's breath blowout, several Demon King were evaporated together the nihility. 徐静似乎完全感觉不到痛,一道金色的龙息喷出,数名魔王被蒸发成虚无。 Passes again 30.” At this moment, Huge Demon Emperor passes message to some Demon King. “再过去30个。”就在这时,巨魔帝传音给一些魔王 hearing this, 30 Demon King overtook. 闻言,30名魔王赶了过去。 „It is not good.” “不好。” The Ye Chen complexion changes, the Great Dragon might and does not have the weakness, can indeed be many by few enemies, so long as does not have the strength high her Demon Race to appear, but 50 Demon King collaborate, Xu Jing may be massacred , the dragon body is huge, although can turn into the small wound the severe wound, may also represent the living target. 叶尘脸色一变,巨龙的威力和毫无弱点,的确可以以少敌多,只要其中没有实力高过她的魔族出现,可是50名魔王联手,徐静真有可能被杀掉,龙躯庞大,虽然可以把重伤变成小伤,可也代表成了活靶子。 Senior Sister Xu Jing, comes toward here.” 徐静师姐,朝这边过来。” Ye Chen passes message hastily to Xu Jing. 叶尘连忙传音给徐静 Xu Jing does not doubt him, huge dragon body hard by innumerable attacks, walks randomly toward Ye Chen that side, sprinkles the innumerable golden dragon blood. 徐静不疑有他,庞大的龙躯硬挨着无数攻击,朝着叶尘那边游走过去,一路洒下无数金色的龙血。 ps: Overestimated itself, today two chapters, were too first tired, the efficiency was too bad. ( to be continued ) ps:呃,高估自己了,今天先两章,太累了,效率太差。(未完待续) () S ()s
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