DKOAD :: Volume #19 五维天地

#2470: Reason of strengthen

Inside the heavenly palace, the Saint strength is thicker, vast boundless, however, among is actually blood everywhere, many places became broken, just like has experienced great war, but, these also did not have any corpse. 天宫内里,圣力气更浓,浩瀚无垠,然而,其内却是血水遍地,许多地方都变得残破了,俨然是经历过一场大战,但是,这其中却又没有任何一具的尸体。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Lin Tian knits the brows. 林天皱眉。 Ten Fang Shenyu, he knows, only has Spiritual God, even other Monster Beast do not have continually, in a genuine world only then a clan, but this clan, to his knowledge from not having civil strife, here, this Spiritual God Lineage core heavenly palace, was actually to become now broken, blood, was this everywhere possible? What exactly had? 十方神域,就他所知,只存有神灵,甚至于连其它的妖兽都没有,真真正正的一个天地内只有一族,而这一族,据他所知也从没有内乱,这里,这神灵一脉的核心天宫,如今却是变得残破了,遍地血水,这怎么可能?到底发生了什么? paused, he goes toward this Spiritual God heavenly palace center. 顿了顿,他朝着这神灵天宫中心处而去。 Along with his place visited, in this piece of Spiritual God heavenly palace, the majority of garret immortal palace was broken, every other distance then can see many blood, the fishy smell is very strong. 随着他所过之处,这片神灵天宫内,大部分的阁楼仙殿都已经残破了,每隔一段距离便是能看到不少的血水,腥味很浓。 Quick, he walked the entire Spiritual God heavenly palace, among has discovered many storehouse treasure ancient Ge as well as Buddhist scriptures ancient Ge, but inside is spatial, the valuable thing disappears completely, was given to take by force likely. 很快,他将整个神灵天宫走了一遍,其内发现了很多藏宝的古阁以及藏经的古阁,但内里却都是空的,有价值的东西全部都不见了,像是被人给打劫了般。 This made him even more think strangely, ten big god Monarch under ten Fang Zu god, three sacred criteria Monarch were also living, in the beforehand years should be are guarding the Spiritual God heavenly palace. Has three sacred criteria Monarch to guard, why will here turn into this? 这使得他越发的觉得古怪了,十方祖神之下的十大神君,第三神君还活着,之前的岁月里应该是在镇守神灵天宫。有第三神君镇守,这里为何会变成这样? Is......” “难道是……” His pupil concentrates, in the eye has a different color break-up of faint trace. 他眸子微凝,眼中有一丝丝的异光闪过。 Is here, three sacred criteria Monarch creates? 这里,是第三神君造成? He has such a guess, then even more thought that had the possibility very much, the opposite party strength was too big in the information difference in fifth god Monarch's Knowledge Sea seeking with him, this place changed makes this, three sacred criteria Monarch should be surely knows that the possibility that did not know basically was zero. But in knowing in situation, before, the opposite party with he fought, has not actually revealed slightly worries the color, obviously was not cares a whoop to here matter, then, was the possibility of opposite party behavior nearly is 100%. 他生出这么一个猜测,而后越发觉得很有可能,对方的实力与他在第五神君的识海中寻到的信息出入太大了,且,这个地方变作这样,第三神君必定应该是知道的,不知道的可能性基本上为零。而在知道的情况下,之前,对方与他一战的时候,却并没有露出丝毫愁色,显然是对这里的事毫不在意,那么,是对方所为的可能性近乎是100。 What does he want to make?” “他想做什么?” He knits the brows. 他皱眉。 Suddenly, from the instinct, he has not a good feeling. 一时间,从本能里,他生出一股不好的感觉。 The Spiritual God heavenly palace appears very vast, he went all over the entire heavenly palace, has not sought any equally valuable thing, but, actually as before is temporary kept in this piece of heavenly palace, cultivates in this piece of heavenly palace. 神灵天宫显得非常辽阔,他走遍了整个天宫,并没有寻到任何一样有价值的东西,不过,却依旧是暂时性的留在了这片天宫之内,就在这片天宫之内修炼。 The position that because, this side Spiritual God heavenly palace saves, Saint Spirit Qi thick fearful, cultivates here naturally is extremely good. 因为,这方神灵天宫所存的位置,圣灵气浓的慑人,在这里修炼自然是极好。 In this piece of heavenly palace, he has chosen Saint Spirit Qi richest ancient Ge, then closes up in inside. 在这片天宫内,他选择了一处圣灵气最为浓郁的古阁,而后在内里闭关。 Samsara Heart Sutra revolves on own initiative, suddenly, in this piece of Spiritual God heavenly palace, billowing Saint Spirit Qi surges immediately, but, nearly changes in this side heavenly palace ancient pavilion for liquid, gives to wrap his whole person completely. 轮回心经主动运转起来,一时间,这片神灵天宫之内,滚滚的圣灵气当即涌动而至,在这方天宫古阁之内近乎化作为液态,将他整个人完全给包裹在其中。 Suddenly, his vigor along with faint trace promotion continuously, cultivating is, along with the gradually strengthen. 一时间,他的精气神随着丝丝缕缕的提升,修为,也是随着渐渐的变强。 cultivation does not have the end, the world is supreme, although is on the cultivation road a final big boundary, but this big boundary, simply does not have the pinnacle, he just stepped into this boundary, cultivates to naturally is can also continually promote. 修行无尽头,天地至尊虽然已经是修行路上最后的一个大境界,但是这个大境界,却根本没有极致,他才刚刚踏入这个境界,修为自然是还可以不断提升。 Buzz!” “嗡!” As he cultivates, the faint trace Saint splendor continuously interweaves in his body surface, gorgeous extraordinary. 随着他修炼,丝丝缕缕的圣辉交织在他体表,绚丽奇伟。 Meanwhile, he spreads out source Divine Sense, starts to comprehend besides to seal/confer Tianhe cuts other ten principles beyond. 与此同时,他将本源神念摊开,开始领悟除了封天和斩道外的其它十维法则。 The time, passing fast, in an instant, six months passes. 时间,飞快的流逝,转眼间,足足半年的时间过去。 Six months, he controls ten days all dimension principles completely, and nine principle same places that controlled together with before, integrated in the three dimensional world in within the body completely, making three dimensional world another secondary leave the big transformation. But cultivating of his oneself body is, has promoted naturally also much, strength compared with six months at least ten times. 半年的时间,他将十维天的所有维度法则完全掌控,且连同之前掌控的九维法则一起,全部融入到体内的三维天地之内,使得三维天地又一次生出大蜕变。而他己身的修为,自然而然也是提升了不少,战力比半年前强了至少十倍。 Bang! 轰隆! Also is six months this day, the ruinous brilliance falls from the vault of heaven pressure, breaks to pieces ancient Gehong who he closes up. 也是半年后的这一天,毁灭性的光辉自苍穹压落,生生将他闭关的古阁轰碎。 Came back to seek something, does not think, you unexpectedly here! Omitted this Monarch to seek for your time!” “本只是回来寻些东西,不想,你居然在这里!省去了本君寻找你的时间!” Sneers to spread. 冷笑传出。 Three sacred criteria Monarch till setting up the vault of heaven, overlooks Lin Tian, compels to kill directly. 第三神君迄立苍穹,俯视林天,直接逼杀而来。 Lin Tian sets out, has the accident regarding the appearance of opposite party slightly, but does not have any to dread, counting on the fingers light shell. 林天起身,对于对方的出现稍有意外,不过却是没有任何忌惮,屈指轻弹。 Of clang, swift and fierce sword glow strikes together horizontally on, the speed arrives at the extreme quickly, presses toward three sacred criteria Mr. 铿的一声,一道凌厉的剑芒横击而上,速度快到极点,朝着第三神君压上。 Three sacred criteria Monarch lifts the hand, a palm of the hand crushes this sword glow, the boundless Spiritual God aura seals all around complete town. 第三神君抬手,一巴掌将这道剑芒粉碎,磅礴的神灵气息将四周全部镇封。 In outside the body, enough six ten principles interweave together. 其体外,足足六种十维法则一起交织而出。 Time passes, this Monarch unceasingly unique! Crushes all!” His coldly said: Hands over the samsara!” “时间流逝,本君将不断超脱!压倒一切!”他冷冰冰的道:“将轮回交出来!” Six ten principles, the aura turbulent rushing, is the lonesome day, stops the day, to break the day, to cut separately and cuts the soul. 六种十维法则,气息汹涌滂湃,分别是寂天、湮天、断天、斩道和斩魂。 The Lin Tian pupil concentrates, this person were too more than six months, unexpectedly has simultaneously controlled six ten principles. 林天眸子微凝,这人比半年前强了太多,居然同时掌控了六种十维法则。 You are somewhat strange!” “你有些古怪!” His indifferently said. 冷漠道 As the words fall, bang, a greatly strengthened power and influence runs out from his within the body, shakes the three sacred criteria Monarch's six ten principles, after accomplishment Samsara Chart own, enormous and powerful, straight depresses toward three sacred criteria Mr. 随着话落,轰的一声,一股极强的威势从他体内冲出,生生震开第三神君的六种十维法则,大成的轮回图自身后冲起,浩浩荡荡,笔直的朝着第三神君压下。 And, destiny eye and samsara eye same place opens, he uses directly fully, offers a sacrifice to samsara Milky Way to cover the opposite party, ten ten principles along with offer a sacrifice to together, heartless cuts toward the opposite party. 且,命运眼和轮回眼一起睁开,他直接动用全力,祭轮回天河将对方笼罩,十种十维法则随着一起祭出,无情的朝着对方斩下。 You......” “你……” Three sacred criteria Monarch changes countenance. 第三神君动容。 Compared six months, he was more formidable, enough the control six ten principles, after the sensation to the Lin Tian aura, thought this time, when may under the suppression Lin Tian, actually not think that Lin Tian were more than him, six months, unexpectedly control all ten principles, and cultivation boundary obviously has also promoted. 相比半年前,他强大了很多,足足掌控下了六种十维法则,在感知到林天的气息后,觉得这一次,当可镇压下林天了,却不想,林天比他强了更多,短短的半年时间里,竟然掌控下了所有的十维法则,且修行境界也明显是提升了很多。 Is having the startled color, he begins once more, the direct sacrifice welcomed fully to Lin Tian. 带着惊色,他再次动手,直接祭全力迎向林天 Actually is useless, the technique that he offers a sacrifice, then can under the principle crush in the Lin Tian Saint in an instant. 只是,却是无用,他所祭出的术,转眼间便是在林天的圣能法则之下粉碎。 Bang!” “砰!” A dull thumping sound, three sacred criteria Monarch at the scene shaken horizontal flies. 一声闷响,第三神君当场被震的横飞。 Lin Tian compels toward the opposite party, the left eye destiny right eye samsara, appears the mysterious and honored, indifferent say/way: „Is this piece of Spiritual God heavenly palace you destroys? These were Spiritual God, killed by you? What idea are you having?” 林天朝对方逼去,左眼命运右眼轮回,显得神秘和尊贵,冷漠的道:“这片神灵天宫是你破坏的?这其中的那些神灵,都被你杀死了?你在打什么主意?” Three sacred criteria Monarch pupil moves slightly, reveals the dense sinister smile. 第三神君眸子微动,露出森森的阴笑。 This Monarch is Ruler, this Monarch matches to call God King!” “本君才是主宰,本君才配称神王!” He sneers, a palm racket to Lin Tian, vast palm strength just like vast desert, heartless takes away as many things as possible toward Lin Tian. 他冷笑,一掌拍向林天,浩瀚掌力宛若汪洋瀚海,无情的朝林天席卷而去。 Immediately, he has not stayed, turns around directly walks. 随即,他没有停留,直接掉头就走。 Lin Tian breaks the opposite party palm strength, the destiny eye moves, the sacrifice flickers to move to the ability, overtakes the opposite party. 林天震碎对方的掌力,命运眼一动,祭瞬移能力,生生追上对方。 Clang!” “铿!” The sword roar gratingly, the samsara sword runs out from his within the body, his use this source Divine Weapon, first erupts scary to extreme sword might, the space within ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) the surrounding area blocks completely, a sword cuts toward three sacred criteria Mr. 剑啸刺耳,轮回剑自他体内冲出,他久违的动用这宗本源神兵,第一时间爆发出骇人到极点的剑威,将方圆万丈内的空间完全封锁,一剑朝第三神君斩下。 !” “噗!” blood spatters in all directions, three sacred criteria Monarch blasts out, but, actually gradually under the nose of Lin Tian diverges. 血水迸溅,第三神君生生炸开,不过,却是在林天的眼皮底下渐渐的散去。 Samsara is my! Has remembered humanity!” “轮回是我的!记住了人类!” Far transmits spatially sneers. 远空传来冷笑。 The Lin Tian leaning head, the strength of three dimensional world also along with interweaving, to wield a sword in that direction directly. 林天偏头,三维天地之力也随着交织而出,朝着那个方向直接挥出一剑。 , There transmits from afar stuffily, has blood to splash, then fast has dispersed. 远远的,那里传来闷哼,有血水溅开,而后飞快的散了去。 Looks at that direction, the Lin Tian brow deep wrinkle. 看着那个方向,林天眉头深深的皱起。 He thought that this three sacred criteria Monarch is strange, gives him not a very good feeling, therefore, in a moment ago, him had used completely fully, the three dimensional world, the samsara eye and samsara sword have used completely, is thinking in the shortest time strikes to kill the opposite party, however, in such a case, the opposite party as before escaped, has not died under his sword. 他觉得这个第三神君非常古怪,给他一种非常不好的感觉,所以,在刚才,他已经是完完全全动用了全力,三维天地、轮回眼和轮回剑全部都用了,想着在最短的时间内将对方击杀,然而,在这样的情况下,对方依旧是逃脱了,未曾死在他的剑下。 In half year time, the opposite party has stiffened, the Spiritual God aura that the body lends, does not know that compared with six months many times, nearly has had a huge qualitative change. If were not in his half year time has also had the huge change, placed six months, he perhaps is not present the match of the three sacred criteria Monarch's. 在这半年的时间里,对方变强了很多,身上散发出来的神灵气息,不知道比半年前强了多少倍,近乎是生出了一个巨大的质变。如果不是他这半年时间里也生出了巨大的变化,放在半年前,他或许已经不是如今的这个第三神君的对手。 What is he making?” “他在做什么?” His heart concentrates. 他心头微凝。 He looked that to direction that the opposite party flees, wants to pursue, but, the aura of opposite party was actually already thorough disappearance. 他看向对方遁走的方向,想去追,不过,对方的气息却是已经彻底的消失了。 Next time will say goodbye, must cut!” “下次再见,必须要斩掉!” He talked to oneself. 他自语。 This three sacred criteria Monarch is somewhat strange and monster is evil, making him feel that is not good. 这个第三神君有些诡异和妖邪,让他感觉非常不好。 Till standing on void, his paused, has swept the Spiritual God heavenly palace, then leaves here, moves toward the distant place. 迄立虚空上,他顿了顿,扫了眼神灵天宫,而后离开这里,走向远处。 In the Spiritual God heavenly palace has many special ancient Yu, Saint Spirit Qi will not compare Spiritual God heavenly palace weak many, possibly lives many ancient Baoxian treasure, he wants to go to several pieces of ancient Yu this god territory successively to walk, the promotion strength. 神灵天宫内有着不少特殊的古域,圣灵气不会比神灵天宫弱多少,且,其中可能生有诸多的古宝仙珍,他想去将这片神域的几片古域相继走一遍,提升实力。 His speed is quick, after this, quick is arrives at named proud Tianxia ancient Yunei, Saint Spirit Qi is boundless, lives various ancient immortal, but, in the air is actually filling the faint trace white fog continuously. 他速度很快,这之后,很快便是来到一处名为“傲天峡”的古域内,其中圣灵气磅礴,生有各种古老的仙株,不过,空气中却是弥漫着丝丝缕缕的白色雾霭。 This grade of fog is very thick, is having one share danger aura. 这等雾霭很浓,带着一股子危险的气息。 Land features situation.” “地脉大势。” In his pupil has the glimmer, gentle toward walks. 他眸子中生出微光,平缓的朝其中走去。 Ten Fang Shenyu, these ancient Yunei of this stretch of world, without any fearful ominous beast, are thinks that interweaves the special world situation to become famous. But Buried Dragon Scripture and earth that principle by chance, he controls, can effectively in view of various land features situations, therefore, regarding these ancient Yu slightly fearless. 十方神域,这片天地的这些古域内,没有任何的可怕凶兽,都是以为交织特殊的天地大势而成名。而恰巧,他掌控的葬龙经和大地法则,都能有效的针对各种地脉大势,所以,对于这些古域丝毫无惧。 He steps into this piece of proud Tianxia, in sought some special immortal treasures, directly in refine, stepped into proud Tianxia one month later, then walked toward other ancient Yu. 他踏入这片傲天峡,于其中寻到了一些特别的仙珍,直接于其中炼化,于一个月后踏入傲天峡,而后朝其它的古域走去。 So, in a flash, enough one year passes. 如此,一晃眼间,足足一年的时间过去。 One year, he has passed through ten Fang Shenyu majority of ancient Yu, cultivated for has promoted with the strength extremely numerous. 一年的时间,他走过了十方神域大部分的古域,修为和战力都提升了极多。 „!” “啊!” The pitiful yell sound gets up, in a not far away Holy Mountain transmits. 惨叫声响起,自不远处的一座圣山中传来。 The Lin Tian pupil concentrates, not because of this pitiful yell, because, he feels the familiar aura there. 林天眸子微凝,不是因为这道惨叫,而是因为,他在那里感觉到熟悉的气息。 Immediately, he takes a step, is treads to be very far instantaneously, appears in Holy Mountain. 当即,他迈步,瞬间便是踏出去很远,出现在圣山之内。 Front, the vigorous Saint light interweaves, Spiritual God of nine boundaries is wear a look of frightened and fears, was covered the package by the endless Saint splendor, integrates to a black clothes Spiritual God within the body, the aura in an instant is without a trace of disappearance. 前方,浑厚的圣光交织,一个九维境界的神灵面带惊悚和恐惧,被无尽的圣辉笼罩包裹,生生融入到一个黑衣神灵体内,气息转眼间便是消失的无影无踪。 Swallows the consanguinity, are you in this manner stiffen?” “吞噬同族,你就是以这种方式变强的?” Looks at black clothes Spiritual God, the Lin Tian faint say/way. 看着黑衣神灵,林天淡漠的道。 This black clothes Spiritual God, is three sacred criteria Mr. 这个黑衣神灵,正是第三神君。
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